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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Previous Thread: >>11210831
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>finally make a soulful set with unique prints
>it's not available for the public
LMAO bravo Lego
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you will never ever own this
Good because it sucks lmao
magic of play? more like tragic of gay(sex)
I don’t get the appeal of willa Castillo gormaknight, Johnny forest man bard, and ninjisto there.
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what's going on here?
The gun is actually a dildo
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Has anyone from this general actually bought it?
Curious how obsessed certain individuals seem to be with it, given that they allege no one bought it.
fuck no

t. zeldafan
>non GITD wand
It just seems like such a poor start for what could be such an amazing theme. I want Zelda to get the Animal Crossing/Sonic treatment
Total dogshit
Looks like a fucking joke
Breath of the Wild was a god damn mistake
>Breath of the Wild was a god damn mistake
It's just a less-unfinished version of Wind Waker. The cancer began on the Gamecube.
they need profits becuase they're a struggling startup
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I say we need Lego Panzer Dragoon

Who's with me?
botw link's minifig hair looks so stupid, is that a new or an existing mold?
I haven't played the game but that looks cool
they are both pirate figs, they arent supposed to be fighting each other
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Autumn is a great season to play with my Legos
Hey I haven't bought lego in 25 years but now I got kids the right age so here we are.
Why the fuck can't I buy stuff like pirates or castles without it being branded? Fuck I get why but still damn Lego has sold out. All this smooth edges like its afraid of being made of bricks.
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For me it's Dungeon & Dragons

Call me a licenseslopper all you want, it's still based.
>All this smooth edges like its afraid of being made of bricks.
this has nothing to do with it being "branded"

refer to the recent lion knights castle and medieval town square as they are just as fucking smooth and overdesigned
It wouldn’t be so bad if City didn’t suck. Although if your kid likes Minecraft the theme is pretty top tier variety wise and the nature of the theme means it’s kind of has to square and blocky.
Get the 3-1 castle it’s on sale right now and going to retire. I built it with my five year old a few months ago and we play with it all the time. But also the Harry Potter sets are unexpectedly fun and durable.
>lion knights castle
LOL $499
Come on man these are supposed to be kid's toys. What I'm saying as a total outsider to Lego fandom, its retarded that I can't just go to a store and buy Lego castles and pirates.
Thanks I will go back for a second look at the minecraft stuff. Or maybe check ebay for some old stuff from the 80s and 90s.
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9 dollars of it is just shipping so I’m trying to pad out the parts, I’m looking through the shop for more good pieces besides specifically these two (which cost only 8 cents in total), its coming from all the way in Singapore so thats why its so much. Found a few other cool pieces in there but I’m mainly after picrel
Thank you! That is exactly what I wanted. You saved some kid's birthday.
I took this today. Always happy to help another dadanon.
I bought the 3 in one creator dinosaur (the 2017 one) for a cousin this christmas
Also if pirates are your bag the pirate playground gwp is probably only like $25, the spooky pirate island is probably like $30, the pirate add on vip is only $10, and you can probably pick up the 3-1 pirate ship for $100 on sale somewhere.
Patrician taste anon.
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Yeah it sucks, it's because of branding deals successively killing core themes, pirates got killed by PotC, Castle got killed by LotR.
The only good sets left are usually in the 3in1 series. Even then basically everything is missing the small-medium sized sets that once made up the core of each theme. These days making your own figures and getting parts with PAB or bricklink is the best way to go often, but that's not what you want for a kid's toy.
What's worse is that despite the fact that lego actually is starting to get some decent competition now, they also focus on the autistic AFOL market with oversized expensive sets. Also, their figures look like shit near universally.

LEGO has fallen, it's over...
Pretty sure its one of the last ones on shelves in the nation, had to go to a closing fabric store for it because last time I went there it had two in the back, now there was only one which I bought. I want to give my family at least something good
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Still mad at the lack of a drow
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Is the one Anon who posts pics of his bricklink orders still here? Still want to talk to him on how to order. So far my route is somewhat the same as it is in person, shifting through random shit until I find something good. I do in person sifting much like this
Joanne’s is my secret man! I thought I was the only one who knew you could snag deals on old ass legos there! It’ll be sad when ours goes.
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top 10 photos taken before disaster
>Post the moc?
Extremely faithful recreation of the first fight between Batman and the Mutant Leader.
Lots of good suggestions. Thanks again, I am feeling a lot better about the world now. It felt like I was in a some shitty timeline walking down the aisle going
>where's the castle stuff
>ok lots of Marvel and Star Wars
>why no pirate ships
>......whats going on?
>Friends? Dreamzzzzz? wtf
The store I was in didn't have the 3in1 stuff but I can look around.
>everything is missing the small-medium sized sets that once made up the core of each theme
Yeah man, I couldn't get over how much Lego has changed. There used to be lots to choose from, little baggies with one dude and a simple thing to build.
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Yeah the whole things shutting down sadly, got it for normal price
>lego actually is starting to get some decent competition now
lol, no.
not that anon but that photo is really good
Castlefags can't catch a break
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3 in one creator stuff is still usually your best bet, going to walmart to pick up this beast is a good idea if its in your region. A ton of bricks and stuff for cheap and an easier way to get the 3 in one dino set
>literal Dreamzzz and Ninjago slop
Cope harder, brandcuck, it's true, you can actually get decent bricks from other manufacturers now.
Unfortunately, they still follow the afols
>There used to be lots to choose from, little baggies with one dude and a simple thing to build.
Yeah this is one of the worst losses. I had indulgent parents so I had some fairly large sets as a kid but pic related (and especially the advent calendars) were the absolute best, a few bits and pieces then you could build your own stuff out of generic bricks, or rework most sets.
Thanks, I've been meaning to take a picture of it for a while.
I need to get whatever people are using to scan QR and figure out who's who
Yeah these smaller sets need to return
The smaller sets in that image are basically just polybags, what’s the real loss are those no bullshit battlepacks. Genuinely I think they’d do better than the CMF series.
I want dwarves and shit back, but they have made minifigure to regular parts ratio too suckey for price
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blessed OP
It’d probably have to be a “premium” priced product, but reintroducing more generic armies would also promote getting bigger sets to put them in. I really don’t think it’d step on the toes of the CMF series as they could easily release leader figs through them. I think Legos current direction creatively is the only reason they aren’t.
We need a lot of parts pack
>The smaller sets in that image are basically just polybags
Except you don’t get polybags for themes like this anymore. With these old tiny sets and battlepacks you actually knew what you were getting, the CMFs are gachashit for the sake of getting kids to buy loads so that they can actually get the two or three they want from a series. Which is why they replaced them with the CMFs because it makes more
It’s a shame that the old fantasy castle dwarf parts are so expensive now but at least dwarves are relatively easy to do minifigs for, you just need some short legs and a beard piece.
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I own a lot of the 2007-2008 castle stuff, great shit. Its where I got my transparent green frog from
Castle stuff or pirates in that sort of deal would work well, its more evergreen of a deal than Star Wars currently is
It’s funny, I only had a few of the sets from that period, the dwarf mine, the village (which I rebuilt earlier this year, probably my favourite set of all time), and a couple of small ones like a tiny catapult and a skeleton horse, but because of advent calendars and minifg sets castle was always one of my favourites, and I’d make my own stuff out of normal bricks. I never owned an actual castle set for my castle theme I always built my own small forts or towers. Really I think the 3 in 1 castle is the only good set of a castle ever, the lion knight castle is cool but it’s massive and expensive, basically all the old ones were super expensive back then too and the designs were so flat, mocs really are the way to go
Maybe we’ll return to more souful generic themes and less licenslop someday but I don’t see it happening soon
Does a seller in your country have it at a higher price? May be better to pay a few cents more per piece if you can save a lot on shipping.
If you're buying from the Lego store you could also pick up a couple of extra knights through Pick a Brick since there's only 2 in the set.
I don't think there are knight parts in the minifig building stations now.
He might mean the website, while I don’t know the shipping speed, you can build generic figs there too if you know the part numbers and order directly.
They're still in stock online, though the shipping is slow for PaB. Part names for Dadanon since the search system sucks:
Mini upper part no. 5449 and no. 6230
Mini lower part no. 2022 and no. 2371
Other stuff is named appropriately like 'helmet', 'sword', 'shield', etc.
I am in the exact same boat and could not agree more. >>11212926




I apologize for the links. I’m retarded.
I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH if you don’t want to wait for literally months order only bestsellers.
This is the only one who has the eye pieces I’m looking for and with that specific type. Who gives pics anyways.
Castle from that era has great stuff, I just need to properly get the stuff, I just need to collect more random assorted pieces and practice making mocs again, I want to make a space train or a mining space train first lol
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Seems like he isn’t, anyways my cart is now 4 dollars 76 cents, shipping is now 9 dollars and 85 cents, from that singapore seller, it should work well enough for a first order so 14.61 is my total, dollar and 3 cents tax, is that a good cost?
Is it worth it to you?
I say yes, I think. I just need to get some practice on the online buying stuff
God, Imagine a Monster Fighters Invisible Man set, how would that even be done? Clear head with bandages printed around it? Obviously a fully clear minifigure would be him fully invis
Full clear head, ninja mask as removable bandages
Fully invisible head besides sunglasses fot maximum kino, and then the ninja hood, thats my optimal Invisible man build
There some companies that put out little stuff like this using Chinese supplied bricks and even got ip like GI Joe but the quality of the bricks is all over the place.
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They need to relaunch 80s/90s Castle and Space with lots of generic dudes. Adults will buy it for nostalgia. Kids will love the factions, that was part of the appeal back then too.
Mega-blocks biggest successes was with their dragon warriors setting and then when they had Halo and just put a million Spartan dudes with interchangeable parts.
>Fully invisible head besides sunglasses fot maximum kino, and then the ninja hood
This would be best.

Lego put out a Classic Space army pack in 2019, and the recent updated Galaxy Explorer comes with more Classic Space figs. It's not much, but at least their torso printing is identical to the originals.
Speaking of ideas, wonder what happened to that guy who said he was gonna follow through on my Spider-Knights idea
That shit would be good, also do you think the Skeletons or Goblins would come back first for an enemy faction?
Making a crew for Johnny Thunder, I need to get Johnny himself but Mike and Kilroy/Dr Lightning are coming in the mail, who else do I get?
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Or Him, these are the two best partners for Johnny that aren’t just an original creation, you should try experimenting with some classic faces
>>Soldier riding a shark
Well I'd prefer all the original bad guy factions like the Black Knigths, Bandits and Fright Knights before the 2007 ones came.
And no BullKnights correct? (knights kingdom 1)
I don't even remember them. I thought Knights Kindgom was just the Lion guys
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There was a whole previous style before the candy knights stuff in the early 2000’s, never had any but it looks interesting, and theres a lot more attacking sets and chrome vs knights kingdom 2 so thats fun
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I guess they go pretty well with the older ones. It should mostly focus on the factions anyway and maybe bringing back older parts like Castles bits and the ghost/skeletons/horse/dragon and stuff.
Just need to stay away from the stupid Fright Knight vehicles.
Hell yeah, he's coming in the mail
totally forgot about this indian dude, yeah, I'll grab him
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Try making a guy or two with random parts, goons are definitely doable with it
Yeah buildings and some siege weapons are the good shit, there was a dragon in it
Also theres a midget in the Bull Knights loadout, so thats something
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Didn’t notice that until you pointed it out, some adventure configs just are very effective
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>now I have 122 items in my cart from the one seller
Really trying to make that shipping fee hurt less, but what else can you do. At least I’m getting a ton of cool stuff besides the eyes
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The ears are part of the hair so they're all new.
what conditioner does link use?
Clearly a lack of female minifigs. I’m glad Lego group remedied this situation.
wouldn't it have been easier to post just the numbers then tell anon where to put them rather than posting those horrible links.
No. Also, I made no qualms about being a retard. Welcome to the club brother!
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AFOLs absolutely fucking HATE these space factions, though. They're only interested in "le epic classic spaceman XD" in different colors, despite that minifig being insanely boring and generic and lacking any kind of play value.
new lego bad
old lego good
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I'm almost 40, grew up with pirates, castle, and space, yet maintain that Ninjago is the most soulful theme to date
Anon! Be creative! Do it noooow.
where's the large clear piece from? vidiyo?
Is there anything more autistic than saying Lego should have less colors, if anything, Lego should have more colors. Bring back trans neon orange, trans neon green and sand purple, you faggots.
the typical lego autismo cannot handle more than a basic color palette
totally agree, i'd also like sand red, old purple, medium green, earth or medium orange, and all the chromes back
X-pods. Majizzto's x-cock is almost at full power.
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>last time we got a 100% villain set in ninjago was in crystalized 2022
Do villain sets really sell THAT bad?

Also in 2025 we get a lord ras jet, a dragonian village set and a evil dragon set

Dreamzzz has lots of evil sets
This unironically
Kino set, I wish I had it. Wolf Clan is a million times cooler than the faggy Wolf Pack.
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You could buy it.

I considered it but decided to focus on other sets

Monkie kid team truck will arrive this Tuesday, I'm very excited for my first ever MK set.

Then pause until black friday to get most sets and for christmas will be fortnite bus.
This looks like shit stop posting it every thread.
Mane n tail, same as his horsey.

There's a reason it's pronounced "awful"
Yes. Took turns putting it together with my girlfriend, it was fun.
Dragons Rising is a good show
Sell me on it
Gonna rewatch it again

Imagine a ninjago film with transformers one (best animated film in years) quality
The story was lame but the animation was very good. Possibly the best of the four.

My major complaint besides the story is how so much of the world is real-world objects like grass and rocks instead of being brickbuilt.
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What the f is this?
Some lego duplo piece?
its a rock, retard
Why is it in a 450 euro set?
Why would a Duplo piece have System-sized studs?
I remember the director said the choice was made because the film is like a kid playing with lego sets outside instead of a room
I understand the aesthetic choice, but it took a lot longer to get used to it than the wholly brickbuilt environment of the other LMs.
because it is a lego piece
Zora semen and Gerudo squirt
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Zane has the best sets out of all the ninja and it's not even close
>season 1 is warhammer sisters of battle led imperium hunting dragons
>season 2 is ninjas trying to stop blood moon apocalypse and the freeing of the forbidden 5 evil general demons that ruled ninja from their prison
>part 2 of season 2 is a tournament of elements but better, good guys become bad and bad guys become good. Evil 5 generals are free.
Fixed that for you
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Post gay lego characters
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Cole literally has the GOAT Ninjago set and he's also not gay, fucking reddit spreading gay shit about him
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Which set is better to buy, of course, on black friday!

I am interested in getting Beatrix, but want one of the 2 builds too, can't decide wich one. I also plan to buy Egalt dragon so not sure how many dragons I want to have...

Which one is better? This or...
Or this?

>includes only 1 minifig
>at that price
Sorry but no...
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He literally is
Haven't watched part 2 yet, didn't they free Kai from the nether space?
don't care for ninjago at all, but I want to mod that mech
Ninjago got some great location sets but prices are killers
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My favorite set from the film, a true homage to old ninja theme
I wish we had set pics for 2025 ninjago and dreamzzz sets :(
It's insane how beautiful this set is. Looks like a moc.
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Didnt see these! Got more???
zane isnt alive hes a robot
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literally who
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That's it so far i think
I'm a sucker for oversize doors
Got any dreamzzz? Or monkie kid?
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For monkie kid only 2 and dreamzzz polybag
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Local LGBTQ+ anon arrives
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/lg/ 2024
>literally just Ninjago but worse
What the fuck do people see in Monkey Kid?
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I see kino
I heard dreamzzz will continue in 2026 but as a lego shop exclusive theme like fortnite
>mfw I invested heavily in Dreamzzz
My Night Hunter minifigs alone are going to put my kids through college
Bro does not know
I see zero poop pieces fuckin fail.
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I disagree that it's more soulful but I have to admit out of all modern themes Ninjago is the best one.
Could be a lot worse.
Is Matteo black-coded?
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>bizzarro instructions
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nigga that's the 3D effect, you need the glasses
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Evaluate the themes of the Lego movies.

Specifically, I am referring to the assessment of all four Lego movie themes based on the quality of their respective sets: The Lego Movie 1, The Lego Movie 2, The Lego Batman Movie, and The Lego Ninjago Movie.

In my opinion, the ranking is as follows:

Lego Ninjago Movie > Lego Movie 1 > Lego Batman Movie > Lego Movie 2.
>Bro does not know
know what?
It's just 1 issue of some obscure magazine that is not even widely available.
(i got 3 of them and put in my stash lol)
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It's not mine (im the one who drew that old thing and i'm in the process - i will release the picture in November just like the old one)
It's fun to see what other people making tho
You only did one for 2017 and now 2024? Didn't you make one for 2018/2019 too?

I swear there was one with a lego movie 2 poster in background
how many legotubers will be in this years one?
So, what did you choose for autists? Nexo anon made it?
Will you include the mexicans, also the whole weird bricklink scandal thing was 2022 so none of that
90% of those fagsare now gone from here. Who knew the new gen would be worse

I blame you for this, you made autists a reward, to be featured on your wallpaper
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>Morro is back in season 3 of dragons rising
Peak incoming
I hope I'm on the new one.
Bionicle Movies > Clutch Powers > Lego Batman Movie > Lego Ninjago Movie > Lego Movie > Lego Movie 2
Which one are you?

Autists of nu /lg/:
>dreamzzz fagg
>communist kid shill
>wheelchair anon
>scat theory anon
Got more?
Why though? I can understand bringing back the elemental masters, even if they just recycled season 4. But isn't Morro dead dead?
I meant based on their sets quality not the film itself

Clutch Powers had no tie in sets
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I did but never finished
>Autists of nu /lg/:
>dreamzzz fagg

Hurr durr if you like ORIGINAL themes you are evil

When did /lg/ become so anti original themes and pro licenshit?

When did it succumb to darkness?
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what are some examples of sets that appreciated in value incredibly?
Worse than I thought
>Biofag contemplating the modern mech
It is based on the set quality and clutch powers featured lots of sets. Mainly the Thunder Driller and Galactic enforcer which are god tier sets which make it go extremely high up. The movie is not good quality and neither are the Bionicle movies, the sets are definitely better than the movies
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I’m the guy who loves raised baseplates and weird colors, and also buys a lot of dinosaurs, so just put me with an offcolor dino complaining or something
Would be really funny if hw came back just to die again
Triple ghost his ass
The one dnd color edit fried their brains irreperrably
I propose a theory that the themes of the Ninjago movie and the Lego Batman movie contributed to the decline of Nexo Knights.

Consider this: all three themes had significant set releases in 2017, with both Lego films featuring extensive lineups of sets, while Nexo Knights introduced a new villain faction, the Rock Storm Monsters, which was quite intriguing. However, the sets from Ninjago and Batman were perceived as more appealing. Had the sets from these films been postponed to 2018 or 2019, Nexo Knights might have remained a lasting theme, as it would not have faced such formidable competition.

This leads me to believe that Dreamzz has the potential to become a lasting theme as well, with sets likely to be produced well into 2026 and beyond. Ninjago, Dreamzz, and Monkie Kid represent the future of Lego.
Have been around since 2021 at least I think, maybe a bit before but I have seen a bit of stuff
Where all sets featured in clutch powers released in that timeframe?
Too bad she doesn’t have much art
New leaks for trash
Leaks for trash theme
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Red Hulk Ross
Only good ones are Spot and the Red Hulk who looks like Paul Blart Mall Cop
5971 Gold Heist (Cameo)
5973 Hyperspeed Pursuit
5974 Galactic Enforcer
7090 Crossbow Attack (Cameo)
7092 Skeletons' Prison Carriage (Cameo)
7641 City Corner (Cameo)
7744 Police Headquarters (Cameo)
7945 Fire Station (Cameo)
8630 Mission 3: Gold Hunt (Cameo)
8634 Mission 5: Turbocar Chase
8957 Mine Mech
8960 Thunder Driller
8962 Crystal King
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that car is really cool.
It's sad that red hulk is a minifigure.
Fucking why? hes so small!

Also torso...is this a ...FUCKING NEXO KNIGHTS 2025 CONFIRMED
Is that a new version of Spider-Man or am I tripping? It doesn't look like the usual one.
>Red hulk minifigure
>Spider-Verse set
Cool. Really wish it came with Peni Parker though.
Did you see ninjago 2025?

>all evil lego monsters/villains have abs in lego
Any good city sets I can repurpose for super hero play? thinking robbers/banks/etc.

Anything from last 15 years is fine if it isn't too expensive.
Minidoll fanfic anon seems cool.

There's a Red Hulk bigfig if you didn't already know.
You just need to buy some tommy guns for your goons
Kill yourself and yiff in hell, tourist.
It's also because nexo knights is a shit ugly theme. It combined the castle and space theme aesthetics but didn't have their soul or consistency. As far as lego's attempts at their own "licenses"/franchises go, ninjago is pretty good, I'm a boomer who prefers more generic themes but ninjago succeeds and nexo fails because nexo is extremely lame and ninjago is kind of cool. Monkie kid seems comparable to ninjago for me, Dreamzz is shit and a complete mess but some of it looks cool so it's still better than nexo.
castle cuckquean lorefags
the /lg/ complaining about these themes aren't identical to the /lg/ who like licenslop, in fact the reason that those themes are lame is because they're pseudolicenses that lack the aesthetic neutrality of the best classic themes that let more headcanon and play flow
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Only good thing about Dreemz and Vidyo were getting a bunch of pieces on clearance and the odd interesting prints like pic related that fit into other themes.
ive been here longer than you have, faggot
Only one I can think of a use for is that ghost one as a monitor on some sort of ghost-hunting device
Morro got a transition?
Oh I wasn't talking about the plates I meant the torso and head . Could be a witch in castle, and alien, a ghost for adventure or a a donutsteele ninjago villain.
Laserdisc jacket for a spooky movie
agree apart from about the minifig, its a good simple design for a good guy spaceman who can do pretty much anything and you can pretend the different colours are different ranks or jobs. Then for example Ice Planet has better figs imo but you cannot really use them for anything other than Ice Planet explorers.
The other two can be ads in a cyberpunk or even just modern city
That doesn't seem like a very spooky movie...
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>you cannot really use them for anything other than Ice Planet explorers.
I fail to see the problem with that
Too small and square to go on a billboard, need to be a bit bigger and rectangular
It's not a problem, they just have less adaptability than the classic spacemen
I was thinking more ground level like this, kind of like what you see in the subway.
I think that looks bad
I think you look bad
my mother said i'm handsome so your wrong
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This set is the most playable and fun official set I've ever messed with. So much fun shit
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>um...so...yeah. I defeated all nexo knights. Now what...
I thought that was a Mortal Kombat dragon logo for a minute
Reminds me of Dragon Fortress, it had some very similar features plus a play pattern of physically unlocking doors to reveal the dragon cave underneath
why is cole gay
why is jay evil
did sensei wu really died for real?
That makes Crotch Capers 3 look like "Naughty Nurses 2!"
Yeah, he is a ghost in the show (Wu)
Morro soul is in departed realm. Departed realm is now merged with ninjago.
That album looks like a super villain molesting a Pikachu that had make up applied against his will.
>That album looks like a super villain molesting a Pikachu that had make up applied against his will.
That's exactly what I thought too.
>heyyyyy pikahchu
>yuu wanna be famouws
>ill maike ya a starrr baaybayyy
I don't think it's from Vidiyo. Where is it from?
Looks like it's from a minidoll set.
If nexo anon or dreamzzz anon aren't there I will be dissapointed
This one is great
This one is shit as its litteraly a facade
>he buys sets for minifigs
No you
>Cut corners everywhere
>No places on floors to put figs
From Super Hero girls
they will command high prices in the secondhand market, and that's good for us investorfags
So the mom used to do porn and they found one of her old dvd’s? Am I reading this right?
it's art, you can read it however you want
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Be sure to throw in a tasteful memorial to Tie. Was his body ever recovered?
Guys I finally passed that pink lego brain but I didnt have it in me to clean it and resell it

Why was it inside me that long jfc
Leakers, pls post dreamzzz 2025 set pics! Please
I saw something like a z-blob race car here but it looked weird
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New Dreamzzz Leak from Nigo
Spider Mateo & Izzie vs Evil Mateo's Speedster, Golden Cooper vs Nightmare Cop Chase, Spider Zoey and Logan Spider Attack
Spider Mateo, Golden Cooper, Logan Spider
Evil Mateo Spider, Night Panther, Nightmare Creature
Spider Izzie, Nightmare Cop, Policeman
How is this about dreams anymore
Castle Sonic when?
It’s delicious tho right? Try one of those globe heads man they’re sweet.
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Will 2025 finally bring us the return of the king?
Yeah they are making minas tirit
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Does anyone know if it’s as easy to take the hook hand out of pieces like pic related as it is to take out the regular hands from arm pieces?
Taking even a regular hand out of a torso causes irreparable damage to the piece. Never do this.
its a bit stiffer but yeah its easy enough
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>noooo! you can't customise or play with your toys, you'll damage them and they'll lose their investment value!
shut the fuck up, dork faggot
If i'm going to be a manchild who buys toys I'm at least going to be a happy manchild who plays with them, not a sad collectorfag who just leaves them on a shelf
Ok cool, thanks
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Enjoy trying to play with your minifigs when their arms and legs are cracked and broken.
what are you gonna spend your 10 new VIP points on anon?
>oh no, this piece from a modular toy designed around creativity, customisability and interchangeability is broken, if only there were a way for me to order a replacement
except for the most brittle plastic colours (like red brown), you can change entire arms without cracking torsos, changing hands is extremely easy and I've never had cracks result from it, in fact the only cracks in arms i've had just happened while it was in a box because it was one of the shit colours
>Dragon Fortress
That's one of my white whale. It and Enchanted Island. So freaking cool and great use of baseplate
Most of mine are cracked anyway. Regardless of whether I customize them or not. It’s just something I live with now.
They'll never bring him back, he's too problematic
The islander ninjago sets are the closest you'll ever get
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The D&D set dragon is so peak
It's the worst part of the set by a pretty significant degree, and I strongly wish the brick count wasted on it was used for something else.
it's even worse than the retardragon from the 3 in 1 set
it does cause hairline cracks on the arms you might not notice at first but after a while they keep getting bigger as you swap the hands more
Those already develop by just rotating the hands.
You’re a retard. In before someone posts the same pic again.
>shield and a bow
retard fight
are there any 3rd party building block companies that make baseplates in weird sizes? I just want a 2 foot by 2 foot baseplate so I have lots of room to build my moc
Lego please stop releasing autistic afol sets with thousands of pieces. They're too big. Fuck off. I'd happily get a LOTR set but I don't have the space for fucking Rivendell. Give me The Prancing Pony not Barad Dur.
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>alive, but gay
Not yet, but sounds interesting
nice pic showing off how gay it looks
Just post pics of it and keep it in a jar, how bad was the printing damage kek
should I just combine several 16x16 plates to get the size I want?
Yeah, just it will be hard to transport, so be careful
I just buy multiple 32x32 plates and cut them to size with a sharp pair of scissors. 2 feet is less than two whole plates so you don't have to worry about leaving the proper sized spacing between studs. You can just place the uncut sides together.
You likely need something more precise than a pair of scissors, also what will you do with the strips?
I also use a thin pen and a long metal ruler to mark a line and a box cutter to shave down waves. It's certainly not a perfect method because even an acceptably straight cut is going to have white stress marks so I have the cuts facing away from the viewer. I've used this scissor method to cover an empty shelf in a wardrobe with baseplates. I just store the few cuttings.
Super Heroes is only a trash theme because they don't make an effort. As a comicsfag, I could do way better with only a modicum more effort designing new sets.

That and also the TLG designers clearly LOVE the MCU because Danish people have no taste.
This, practically every theme has sets that interest me, even if I utterly dislike the theme itself. There has never been a single Marvel or DC set I've been interested in. The word "slop" gets thrown around a lot, but these sets really are slop.
Lego dc has good sets lego marvel its ass since mostly copied from movies instead of original things like lego dc
No, I'd say the Spider-Man bridge battle and the Daily Planet kinda mog every DC set, at least if we're talking DC and not just Batman. The DC stuff that isn't just Batman has some alright stuff but is mostly forgettable.
Shit taste
Get fucking real
>Lego dc has good sets
name even fuckin one.
>The DC stuff that isn't just Batman
Literally nothing at all. Meds
Yeah, I know, there's very little of it, that is part of the problem.
You’re the expert.
Clownroller is pure kino
Dollar tree has $1.25 baseplates that you won’t feel guilty cutting apart.

humiliation ritual for castle fans
I already have a George Floyd memorial on my desk, don't need another.
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New thread?????????
what LEGO should do is RE-release some of those to drive the price down, especially shit like cafe corner
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it's all part of Lego's new conspiracy theory scam
step 1 - make [crazy expensive set] with exclusive minifigs
step 2 - hopefully [? lol how are people paying this much for plastic toys?] sell some of those crazy expensive sets - this is bonus money
step 3 - "leak" minifig parts out of Mexico Factory [oh, it's Mexico, people believe that, right? steps are being taken to stop this... blah blah it's really Lego all along]
step 4 - sell minifigs on Bricklink for $50+
step 5 - profit!

they thought $5 for blind bags were great money machines? looks like they figured out a way to sell Link & Zelda minifigs for FIFTY DOLLARS each, and we are HAPPY about it!

nah just kidding, there's probably sales data that says the big sets sell, legit, so they will continue to make them. I'm already doing my part, by refusing to spend hundreds of dollars on a set, but looks like I'm not doing it enough to make them realize nobody is buying them.
Castle and Space boomers vindicated they haven't bought anything in 25 years
They made more money from the DND CMF than all of the LotR sets + the mustache tree combined.
guys we hit bump limit. we need a new thread before we fall off the catalogue
page 2 on a slow board, newfag
Here you go.

I'll get it for the OoT version, but not at full price.
Is Jang ok? He is now reviewing knock-off chink shit and hating on LEGO. Will he ever recover or is this the final freefall of his youtube career?

TLG, do not attempt to bully JANG. I know you're mad because he called out your shit quality and the fact you don't make things for the customers, but trying to get us to hate him and love your TLG approve brickfluencers will never work.
i hope he starts an onlyfans to fund his lego reviews
>JANG attempts the F1NN5T3R and Just2good route
wtf what happened to him? last time I watched a few years ago he was a TLG believer
you can always push a man... too far
He died emotionally 12 years ago on that bloody road side staring into the abyss of human nature. He built his LEGO city to forgot and heal but alas now even that was faded away with entropy.
>blind lego review (literal)
For fucks sake
Yeah I noticed there was a weird fucking push for eye cripples ln lego youtube lately.
They should go back to bags for cmf so blind people can feel the bags to tell what's inside
or just print whatever figure is inside on the box and blind people can wear their glasses to see it
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Was thinking about them for a plot before the diversity push but thats not related to lego at all, anyways I have to figure out a good company to recreate this guy’s face as a minifigure head
I liked the cartoon.
Lego Berserk when?
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This is a cool idea
I don't think I really have an identity cause I rarely post
I'm most a Clone War Era chad, Some Minecraft and Nexo and other themes
I'm the Minecraft Pig Anon I guess
I am still trying to decide on my order, maybe tomorrow I will do the order from Singapore (now its 24 dollars)
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>Peely's forced transition
It's a solid black arm, Why not just remove and replace?
Or do you specifically want the Hook Hand to put it on another colored arm?
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shill me on this, I don't have any mechs
They say time heals all wounds… but not this one anon.
Fuckin Jang being based as fuck. Lego shills can eat shit. That bootlego looks good and I’m getting it.
>jangs the hero /lg/ needs
looks kinda cool but something that bukly surely can't have good articulation even in the limited joints that it does have
yeah it looks way too chunky in reviews, I'll probably get Surtur instead when it goes on sale
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Gonna open a lego set soon
Does anyone know the id on the red and white suit???
I decided I won't buy Monkie Kid sets, I will now on only collect ninjago and dreamzzz.

Am I based?
New thread

If you’re not a clumsy ogre it doesn’t. I have changes hundreds and never seen cracks apart from second hand old figs damaged from play.

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