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What's with the predacon toes
i hope this gets retooled to idw megatron
Those are new blast effects, right? While I'm all for effects that can be repurposed for various things (like how some of the bigger ones can be cannon fire, thrust effects or an explosion depending on where you attach them), I'm not sure how I feel about these super-specialized ones that only really can be used one way. They still look awesome on him, but they're not going to be very useful for much else.
Absolutely based. Chinks win again.
I don't think so here
IF is cool but engineering is not exactly their strong suit
>everyone's posting in his thread instead of mine. again
i give up.
maybe next time don’t spam images just to hit the image limit, gofag.
in case anyone is new, that guy is the actual 'goanon'
he's decided it's funny to call anyone else goanon because he's fucking mental
Here we go again
well at least this won't happen again, i'm not making any more new threads. I have tried every possible combination of when to post it, and it doesn't matter if it's an earlier thread, a later thread, on time, one image early, no matter what people always go to his thread. I guess they don't like 'editions' or the instruction to make a new thread on page 9 or 10. or maybe his autistic ass is just inventing people, we don't know thanks to the loss of the IP counter (what the fuck was that for)
see >>11220480
funny i don't remember that rule anywhere
gosh I wonder, I WONDER why someone might want to do that, to make a new thread when one is close to hitting the limit. Can't fucking imagine what would motivate that.
you’re the one who’s obsessed with putting the “you can only make a thread at the image limit” disclaimer yet you’re screeching when people point out that you spam images just to rush to make a new thread? lmao
He's so flat looking
still think this guy is just gonna be tarn on a leader budget
what do you mean??? there's zero similarities between the two beyond both turning into completely different tanks
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I know it was him but I had fanart of bearded optimus and it actually looks great
>i know it was him
wait who am I? I wanted to see the bearded optimus
it's fuckin great! look how regal that shit is. and he has a mouthplate moustache. I wasn't sure how that could be worked in. even his helmet's a bit longer, that's very cool
Ok but now transform him
Cool bootleg you retarded nigger
100% Reduced Acid Energon with Calcium & vitamins A & C.
I might get him on clearance. So annoyed they used rubber blast effects so you can't leave them on.
>rubber blast effects so you can't leave them on.
Why, what's wrong? Never heard of this before
I assume he's talking about the future when it starts degrading
If you leave them for too long they eat paint and in some cases can melt plastic.
It's genuinely over if this guy has hotrod shoulders
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for the anon hoping animated motormaster got an upgrade kit, here ya go
The wings look stupid on him, kinda wish they allowed them to fold back
Huh, yeah it is isnt it? Still really excited for this guy, gonna be awesome i think. Not really into the alt mode but i think tanks are kinda dull.
Thhhose are ... Interesting, thighs...
You’re never gonna beat someone who’s paid to make this thread
>Check in on the /tfg/
>Everyone is having a shitfit over nothing and accusing everyone else of being me
Ya love to see it.
The regular set is good but I think they really flopped with this one
In the original fig his trailer end was clearly supposed to be purple with silver striping, and they made it a black void with lime green as the accent color for some fucking reason
The gauntlets not matching his actual forearm color also really bothers me
The sword is cool I guess
I hate how good the head is because of how much I hate the rest of the toy. Fucking Animated Optimus, simplest mold to get right, and they still chunked it...
I need to get that Motormaster. He looks fantastic, I passed on Optimus just because of Prime fatigue but the mold itself looks great and the Motormaster version goes hard.
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>Eh, humans. There exists no more self righteous species in the entire universe. They call me a Terran..why, because they turned me back on? >They think they own me or somethin’?! Labeled me as “non-binary” cuz they’re too stupid to find mah junk.
>Foolhardy! I’ve seen more battles in one mega cycle than the entire history of their bloodline! The ones that call themselves “liberals”..hah! The worst of em all. Typically the least liberal and most shortsighted of the bunch.

>Well, anyway..the last thing I remember was getting into one of the Axalon’s escape pods and everything is pretty blurry after that..
>more appealing than Animated Sloptimus
>Legacy toy is such a chad it makes fags cry out
>own team hates him but they're all pussies
Based MotorMASTER
I dont know whether I want to go for the new constructicons or not. Hasbro always fucks something up.
Plus I have the UW one with the upgrade kit and love the sheer spectacle of this big boy. Pic is not mine, but pretty much what it looks like.
Might have wanted them for the loose robot modes, but they dont look that great either.
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>post-Transmetals “Agents”
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>can reach his weapons on his opposite shoulders
Yeah this figure is pretty sick
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Currently gleefully accepting funny Transformers art rn, recovering from some shit

Lol, also
>Lionel Stander was strongly left-wing and lost 25 years of his American film career for standing up to the House Committee on Un-American Activities, what a sick joke of a name. He was a founding member of SAG, a union man, a working actor.
I already love Kup, Stander being so based is energon icing on the quartz cake.
Well you can always keep him as Devastation Devastator with SS going for that game it might look really nice on display. And get SS86 for g1 display.
Or having him as retarded little brother.
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Kup rules
>Beast Wars Kup
>a wise old owl
Yeah, my head-cannon is unbeatable
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I’m enjoying the owl a lot. My only complaints are no waist swivel hurts it a lot and secondly many of his joints have no pins. They’re simple friction joints and 1/2 hour of posing and I’m frying them all.
And then there’s Grimlock.
>that hip to leg ratio
His hip joints don’t stand a fucking chance
stop being bigoted!!!
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Which makes you more angry that I just invented BW Kup or that YWNBAW?
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Beast Hunters rise up!
do you think removing the paint on the chin block/goatee can be done cleanly ? I can't find a crisp enough picture of the face to see if the geometry would allow it to look clean, as I do prefer this part in green like in the Takara version. I think I mostly prefer this variant overall, but the head is better on the takara one I feel, with a bit more paint on the sides of the eyes and the chin remaining unpainted.
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Funny, I was considering painting the top of his nose green to make it look like his brow slopes down further
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>cool bootleg
I have those too
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Wouldn't scraping the paint the way I proposed be more effective since you wouldn't have to color match ? It may be a bit more difficult since there aren't any lines to follow, but I think it would be worth a try. Having the entire nose green looks pretty nice too, here's a muckup with my very developped skills.
Thanks for the digibash bro! Looks pretty good, not sure if I’ll do it or not. I think you are right, it would be an easier to get the paint off. If I was gonna try it I would probably use sandpaper and then buff it
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The feet really bother the fuck out of me, they aren't evocative of either the animated prime or any other version of him, they're just some plonky looking blobs on an ankle tilt.
>all the Terrorcons are in Big Lots bootleg colors
a bit esoteric no?
Same disgusting foot shape as Legacy Elita-1. Stop this Hasbro.
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For those unaware, some Earthspark figures are showing up at Ross for 9.99
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>On the latest episode of ‘figure everyone shits on that is actually awesome’
Yup. He’s a few joints away from being phenomenal. He has some really great ankles, butterfly shoulders, and a faux ab crunch. I find myself pissed off that I have 5 of 7 figures from this series but only 2 of the BAF parts
Honestly I could believe it, I enjoyed the Deluxe Twitch (which I made into R63 Whirl) and this figure looks pretty fun. A shame they couldn't just make him a cool owl guy and had to make him some gender-offender thing for no reason. That said I kinda wanna get one and make him into a BW PrOwl.
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Cool bots to complete this team? First one to mind is the Stunticon truck
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I have no idea why they're like that, just artistic license or, longshot hypothesis, the artist grew up watching a TV with borked colors and that's how they remember the cartoon looking and they like that look. I remember TVs in the 80s varying wildly in color tone, especially older ones or those owned by folks who had no idea how to adjust the picture.

Inspired by this, my headcanon is that G2 Abominus's colors are:
>Green/purple Hun-Grr
>Metallic green/pink Rippersnapper
>Brown/gold Blot
>Orange/green Cutthroat
>Purple/blue Sinnertwin

He would look even more like an angry Mardi Gras parade, a reason I love G1 Abominus so much. He's an absolute explosion of colors, G2 just has to go even further beyond.
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That’s awesome. Love it.
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>$1 Micromaster Twitch
Ok, Ill take it. Neat alt mode for Shockwave
You rape kids ChungusPedo
That looks awesome
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Cool Pedophelia AthenaPedo, go molest kids somewhere else
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I like the robot toys what change to other thing.
Offroad? He's 10/10, best filler from CW.
Best one not named Rook that is
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Earthspark Grimlock, a mixed bag leaning toward bad. He has a few cool things going on but somewhat limited articulation. Unfortunately mine either has a warped part or this figure has an outright design flaw; his backpack will not stay tabbed in. The tab is too shallow. Also there are some dino-mode thrusters that end up inside his torso and if they arent perfectly straight the backpack wont even attempt to collapse. Also if the thrusters arent moved out of the way they collide with the waist by a fraction of a millimeter which is an oversight. My best idea for now is to remove the backpack. It comes off easily and the thrusters come up and look cool filling the vacant spot on his back
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>tfw QC issue unlocks awesome play feature
Unfortunately despite my best efforts I cant figure out a way to get it attached. The hinge for his dino claws is so close to the correct size but misses. Another oversight
Oh yeah Rook is pretty sweet too, I like him.
see i tend to think of that thing as a girl, but the face is just.. ugly no matter whose it is.
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Echo no! you said you wouldn't do it again!
what is this armor thing.. is this a prototype for the stuff we'd get in the RotB toyline
Got 86 prime in the mail today and now kinda regret getting it. Not because of the figure itself but paint is scratched in multiple spots, and it's probably because of the absolute doodoogarbo way hasbro likes to package these things... Something costing this much shouldnt be packed like this. I dont care how bad their phobia of plastic is. Fuck Hasbro.
Oops didnt mean to reply
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A extremely unique transformation and cool alt mode swoop in to save this figure from being shit.
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I was meaning to get Classics for my Pretender shelf but I think this scratched the itch

I never even watched Earthspark, does Soundwave's chest open to let his tapes out? Cuz if the toy doesn't, forget it.
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>let out
No, hop in!
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Slavery is dead in Transformers and all the tapes have been their own entities since at least Alternators. I thought we were progressive here
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>tfw it took me 40 years to realize big guys made as deluxes are actually just legends / micromaster scale
Transformers is so much more fun when you completely stop giving a fuck about scale
Cassetticons are tiny, vulnerable cybertronians. They partner up with larger bots for protection, and in return fight as a unit for their new commander. It's natural mutualism, symbiotic even.
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No, I mean those are literally Big Lots bootlegs colors, I used to own that Rippersnapper and the colors match. The "black" was actually a really dark green-blue
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>An easy fix! A simple twist-tie around the wrist!
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>tfw you spend your mornings selling Transformers without being an employee
Ok I’m done blogging
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You think you're a real fanatic?
That's cute.
Get on my level.
Anyone with 86 prime and know much about paints kno what little bit if Silver paint I can buy for the silver on the stomach? And what orange I could buy for the orange bits ontop of his chest? Out of the 4, two of them are completely scratched away, it's so dumb this can happen.

Oh and if by chance someone has Armada prime, anyone know what red pain I should get for the autobot symbol? That one's on me, I accidentally caused it to fall off and when it hit the ground it got scratched a little
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I'm sad yours is QC ridden, as it's probably one of my favorite purchases from last year, i do wish the arms were a bit better articulated, but overall it's so fun to mess with and switch between modes, and contrary to the Cybervers figure, he doesn't look like shit. Maybe try to exchange it for another one ? mine doesn't have any problem with the backpack, maybe I was lucky on the QC roulette for once.
If anyone still needs the Thundertron 3 pack, its on sale on Walmart's website for 45 bucks.
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>Got back into the TF collecting game after TFO came out
>Checking my purchase history for the last month and a half:
>SS Deluxe ONE Prime
>SS86 Optimus Prime
>SS86 Springer
>Netflix Bumblebee
>Siege Spinister
>Siege Crosshairs
>Legacy Pointblank
>Legacy Leader Soundwave
>Legacy Needlenose
>Legacy Shadowstriker
>Legacy Dinoking
>Legacy Bomb-Burst
>Legacy Skullgrin
>Legacy Cloudcover
>Legacy United Versus Pack
>The Bludgeon/Ruckus 2-pack
>The Breakdown/Windsweeper 2-pack
>Titans Returns Getaway (Used the head for the Cybertron Hot Shot repaint from the 2007 toyline)
>Titans Returns Nightbeat (Plan on painting it and the Getaway body into Siren)
>Titans Returns Krok
>PoTP Outback
>PoTP Windcharger
>Cybertron Smokescreen (as Actionmaster Rad)
>Armada Cyclonus
>Armada Demolishor
>4/6ths of Iron Factory's Liokaiser with the arms on preorder
>If you want to get technical, Marvel Legends Death's Head counts, yes?
>Also whatever PLA I had to buy to make Lugnut

Doing the math I spent roughly $1100 on all that shit in a 7 week period. Unless there's some real good Black Friday deals I think I'm done buying Transformers for the year.
cool. dino arm.
Mph, my fire-coated Fallen. No wonder the Dreamwave design still hits right in the feels.

Looking at this, I remember 86 Megatron's physical appearance is leaked, but unfortunately is the good ol' cheapo plastic era Tank Megatron all over again because of the gun laws (why not make the shoulder piece sticking out back orange? Many gunn not tankk purists are fine with an orange gun barrel). But if I were to change things on this guy, make him a secret triple changer as usual like Shockwave, by intentionally making some panels give off a "missssembled" vibe in tank mode and still allow you to reassemble the whole thing into a gun as intended. Sure, you could have an orange trident piece if it takes from the Siege mold, but reshell the whole thing to make the gun mode still work.
come to think of it
does cybertron even have an atmosphere? flame kinda requires that.
It has enough of an atmosphere for humans to breathe without assistance in several universes, but there are also probably just as many were there isn't. Dreamwave G1 is just one were there is enough oxygen for fire, at least before the ark is launched.
>Legacy Pointblank
Fucking why
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Because the guy who was selling Crosshairs was devious enough to put Crosshair's gun with Pointblank in a separate listing so I figured I'd just buy both and call it a day even though the Crosshairs listing came with his Targetmaster.
exobably an honest stnank. I've bought things like that. It's particularly satisfying getting two lots of broken parts that combine into someone complete.
They cucked us out of a proper Browning
what feet are those
Any ideas for a Berserk x Transformers crossover figure?
i don't know much about berserk except big sword guy..
what altmode can incorporate a big sword?
Tiny head
HUGE shoulder width
Small Forearms
his forearms and upper arms match relatively well, they are just tiny compared to that torso
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CW/UW at least has the right leg lenght, SS86 torso is too long, making his legs look short, like if they ended on his ankles and he had no feet.
>Green treads
1 that's a digibash
2 I'd prefer if their tread colours matched
>1 that's a digibash
obviously, that's why I criticised it
>2 I'd prefer if their tread colours matched
then make them both purple
I'd prefer that too
Yes. I just built my Transmetals Cheetor from two that combined into one minty copy. It’s no wonder that figure is always missing the arms, the joints chew themselves to dust
That red orb w a face thing into robotic armored Guts
and all that for a profoundly stupid transformation
they couldn't have some fists pop out of there? half-cat-head gauntlets instead of hands?
>Half he bought are total turds
The average slopper
>why is this deluxe voyager-priced?
>ratchets :^)
We really need a new Thunderwing, preferably something Voyager sized or above.
The fact that they actually worked people into referring to the commander set as "two voyagers" is pathetic.
I figured out what was wrong and fixed it. Had to shave a piece of plastic off the tab
Oh yeah and also I remember you posting this figure back when you got it and I have wanted it ever since. Funny, it never turned back up at retail until a week ago as it simultaneously lands at Ross. Hasbro distribution is as bad as ever
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Hmm... Say, can you tell me which of the two versions is the best Constructicon just to make the perfect Devastator? Say, list down the six and say the abbreviation after. And only between Combiner Wars and Unite Warriors.
Yeah that was a thing. Fun fact, the storyboard for SOS Dinobots has Grimlock blasting out of the cave they're in with his sword that shoots lasers. Final episode switches it to the gun.
either he's running transmetal technology, or Looney Tunes power of "if I don't know it should fail, it won't" on account of he's so dumb
Yeah distribution is weird here in France too, I think we did get everything from the first five wave here but you needed to check every kind of store brand if you wanted every figure. For example, I've never seen Nightshade (though I did order it because of you earlier from that fucker Bezos) in stores even though the figure is from the same wave as Grimlock. Stores don't stock "collector" lines for Transformers anymore here either, so it's been since Kingdom since I've seen Generations figures at retail apart from the odd one like the Wave 1 voyagers of Legacy Evolution that poped out from nowhere in our country first, IIRC.

tl;dr : Distribution fucking sucks.
Maybe it's 4k Ork logic, if he believes that's how it works, it works.
I have been waiting for a Fallen for a while but I'm not sure how I feel about this. The faceplate feels kind of weird.

Not go /pol/ but I think the committee didn't do a fraction of what it should have done.
He-Man does it too
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>which of the two versions is the best Constructicon

So far we've only seen 2 ss86 constructicons, Scrapper is a side move over the UW version while Bonecrusher is a clear downgrade, we need to see the other 4 to decide which set has better individual modes.

that said, ss86 Mixmaster most likely will be more accurate than the UW and Longhaul is hard to get worse.
Laser swords will become the norm years later on Victory.
I think I've figured out what looks weird about his face
there's indentations right at the eye level. That's not a good place for that.
yeahhh but his sword is explicitly magic and just looking at it it looks like a magic wand that happens to be good for stabbin'.
Link can shoot sword beams sometimes too. used to not even require a special sword, any one would do.
Bonecrusher heard all the complaints about his crotch separating so he reinforced it.
Yeah, that was the UW release, only the american version liked to spread it.
I don't understand how they got Bonecrusher so bad. The robot mode has the proportions of one of those bomb disposal outfits, and the vehicle mode has both a tiny cab and shovel. I expected one mode to be heavily compromised in service of the other, but here it looks like both modes were compromised. CW/UW was far from perfect, but it was still better than this, barring a couple articulation points.
>barring a couple articulation points
The SS literally has no articulation that the CW doesn't have.
Chill out, dude. He probably misunderstood you because no one else is so autistic that they've considered mixing and matching individual bots between CW and UW to make the "best" Devastator. UW had engineering improvements over CW, so everyone will just say that UW is better and leave it at that.
They're also not the same shade of green.

Thats a stupid question made by a stupid person.
I would've been sympathetic to you for having your question misunderstood, but then you just had to sperg out. Shut up and stop posting.
>Guts into black wolf
>Griffith into white hawk
Honestly it'd most likely be some kind of beast former, which works for me.
>Any of the evil characters from their human to demon form
>As the other Anon said, a behelit into a new transformer
I really think a modern take on Armada Dead End would be invaluable to the collaborative line. Use him for Star Wars planets, Pokeballs, Rock Lords, Bakugan, and any other number of round guys.
>Any ideas for a Berserk x Transformers crossover figure?
Giant moth into naked fairy loli; Rosine doesn't get enough love.
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Are you not aware of the RID15 testicularcons?
Why has there never been a steamroller TF?
I mean once we get a Jojo collab, what else would Dio turn into?
These are clearly bakugan
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Armada Scavenger turns into a weird half loader half roller.
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I've seen the fembot constructicon with the drum for titties concept like three separate times
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Anyone else like psychotic Transformers?
not really
There’s only a few designated psychos in my cannon; Bludgeon and BW Inferno. Overlord is pretty insane as well. I feel like I’m forgetting someone but they’re pretty rare and I’ve personally never found berserkers particularly cool. Are we doing your homework at hasbro btw?
Pharma is the only thing I like about Idw
I hope he gets a toy
I'll enjoy putting you in a gulag <3
Sunstorm based.
BW Rampage is my favourite TF psycho mainly cause despite being a psycho serial killer there was a bit of depth to him (as seen with his relationships with Transmutate and even Depth Charge).

I felt that IDW went too far in making every other antagonist a psycho. Overlord was okay. Pharma was stretching it (hell, he wasn't even a psycho in his first appearance). By the time they introduced the DJD, a whole team of psycho killers who get off on torture, it just became stale.
I was not aware of these. They're very cool.
What I really want is a deluxe/voyager planetformer, but these guys will do nicely.
It's ok, he has full hearts.
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Well let's be clear, are we talking psychotic as in experiencing psychosis, or colloquially as psychopaths?

Psychotic Transformers include:
>Spinister (paranoia)
>Red Alert (paranoia)
>Pyro (delusional/Primus apotheosis)
>Mindwipe (believes he can speak to the dead)
>Guzzle (putting him here because when he sees a Decepticon he sees a refreshing beverage and doesn't understand why others react in horror to him drinking energon straight out of dead bodies)

Psychopathy isn't a real diagnosis but we'll use it as a catch-all for extreme sadism, antisocial personality order, compulsion to kill, and inability to feel empathy
>Galvatron (also paranoid)
>Shockwave (also delusional/believes he is perfectly logical despite being clearly insane)
>Overlord (also delusional/experienced a psychological meltdown when he learned Megatron really didn't have a hard-on on to hunt him down/extreme narcissist)
>Sunstreaker (ASPD/BPD/low empathy)
>Slag (JFC this guy needs help)

While I love to hate the latter, the former are generally more interesting characters overall
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If the end justifie the means, is it that psycho?
why yes..
i will have a custom to show you soon
Just call them testiculons.
Anglicized version of their Jap name, Testicurons
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>though I did order it because of you
Fuckin based
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>Beast mask activate
>While I love to hate the latter, the former are generally more interesting characters overall
Being mentally ill is not a personality. Being a machiavellian bastard is. Post your tits.
that gun really works there..
and what'd you do to modify the face? looks like it's grimacing now.
wait what? that's just what it looks like when tilted? that's insane, looks like a totally different face. with proportions.
how much would you spend for the old animated voyager bulkhead shipping not included?
found one for really cheap but i see it's one of the least expensive animated toys
That head is Generations Kup. In the second pic that’s Nightshade’s mask copy/pasted on Kup’s face
oh phew.
so the heads were compatible? or was that a photobash
This will be my first 3p purchase since Hasbro hasn't made a new Rampage in years.
sweet purple pandas, that thing actually transforms?? doooo want.
You will be disappointed
>70-ish bucks
wow that's actually incredib-
>it's deluxe-sized
... fuck.
Agree with the DJD but it was obvious they wanted a big bad but they had a hard time trying to make 'em stick out. Pharma at least had the quirk of being a solo practitioner in a world known for group heroes.
Shockwave's a logic guy, he'd probably commit a hundred warcrimes that could horrify Megs if it still justified the means.
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Reminds me of the age old debate of whether Bay Prime was a psycho, to which the answer to that is - In a video game, he wouldn't be
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Speaking strictly on the size of the ball joint, The Generations head fits on the Nightshade body perfectly and is a perfect size. The color match is pretty damn close as well. This has to be one of my favorite kitbashes ever. Transforms fine with this head n everything. I only think he needs a scarf because this figure’s neck is ugly
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However, now that I’ve taken these pics I will probably revert back to the original head, knowing Kup’s head is (imaginarily) underneath
>matrix bullet dodge
Idk another tf that can pull off this pose lol
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as someone who hates 99% of american designs, man, i gotta say beast hunters shockwave is one of the coolest shockwaves, the prime aesthetic works so well for him
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>old colorscheme that wasn't used in Transformers originally is girl
i gotta say yeah this is.. looking neat.
see i feel like all this head needs is like, a shorter, girlier faceplate. or if you're keeping the lower part of the face and making it male, change the eyes and make the cranium less... bulbous and neotenous.
>You thrust your pelvis, HUNH! You thrust your pelvis, HUNH! You thrust your pelvis, HUNH!
>as someone who hates 99% of american designs
Where does that leave the UT?
Japanese thing GOOD.
What should I do about missing parts in new figures? I bought the G1 legacy optimus prime new and it was missing the matrix. I thought for a second some kid swiped it from the chest but watching some unboxing videos it looks like it came in this bag of accessories.
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I like combiners.
good because it would have been trash were he for megatron
SS86 megs needs to hide every god damn bit of treads or it has no reason to exist
cope, americans simply can't do robots. idw, dreamwave and bbm are outliers
but that's the thing, UT was American designs but engineered by Japan
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idw designs fucking suck though, they're chink mecha tier abominations with a bunch of random bullshit all over that barely look like they transform into anything
I swear the Metal Build Strike Freedom Gundam was a mistake. The chinks base all there mecha of it now & its getting annoying
no that's only hotrod and maybe a few others
didn't know or even notice the lead artist was american, but like idw he was trying to make them look the least american possible according to the wiki, so of course they ended up looking cool
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>nothing else planned in
uh huh
i think these all look great
The very beginning and end of IDW had nigger tier designs, but there was a midpoint where things were kino. Don Figueroa, Guido Guidi, and Nick Roche were standouts during the era.
I liked the DJD because of how extreme and over-the-top they were, it was silly. It's the same brand of self-aware edginess as Shadow the Hedgehog pumping an automatic rifle.
While I don't absolutely fucking despise the idea of Megatron defecting after the war, IDW did it in the stupidest way with one of the most ruthless Megatrons up to that point. Granted, everything that happened surrounding Dark Cybertron was retarded. GOD FUCK SHOCKWAVE'S PLAN WAS STUPID AS FUCK. RUINED HIS GODDAM FUCKING CHARACTER.
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Probably for the best. Someone on baidu made this mockup of a potential Megatron retool and I'm not a fan. Fallen's Dreamwave proportions don't suit Megatron.
They really need to make Megatron some kind of field gun. It's an alt mode which would keep the barrel but get rid of the treads
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I never finished IDW, but the introduction of Nickle and the soft side of the DJD absolutely ruined them for me. I don't want sympathetic villains. I want self-righteous evil retards like IDW Star Saber. Maybe they fucked his character too later in the run.
way too beefy. opposite problem the Tarn mold had
Ehh, with -ations and AHM era Megatron I can see it. He's portrayed as pretty cold there, but not sadistic. More than anything he honestly just looks tired. You can tell there's definitely something more to him under the surface, versus Dreamwave/MegOrigin Megs, who is very clearly just a crazed psycho murderer and nothing more.
Granted I haven't read the Costa run, so that might or might not contradict my view of him, but I do think his brief appearances in Last Stand and Spotlight Megatron also still line up. Agreed that the way he turned in Dark Cybertron was lame lol, but I like how they handled him in MTMTE well enough desu.
No IDW Star Saber stays evil and gets killed. Idk, I felt like they made me sympathize with Nickel for being naive, but I didn't with the DJD; they're shown with a goofier side, but they're still psycho killers, and they fittingly died like psycho killers should.
I'm just saying, maybe they shouldn't have laid down the 9/11 terrorist allegory so thick or made the Decepticon ideology the conduit for a nihilistic genocidal demon if they wanted Megatron to do a heel-face turn.
Would be great for a Devastation Megatron though
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The most bizarre part of this image is that the artist chose Thrust over Starscream.
My main issue with the DJD is that aside from Tarn, the rest of the members' personalities could be summed up as 'I love torture! I love killing!'. I mean these guys are the Decepticon Secret Police. Why not have some guy who's in it for the power and authority? One guy who only sees it as a regular job? Why was the best they could come up with is crazy psycho killers?

Compare this with how Furman did the Mayhems in Marvel UK. Snarler was the true believer in the Decepticon cause. Spinister was the professional soldier who just wanted to do his job then fuck off back home. Needlenose was the coward with the potential to be a good warrior. Bludgeon was the honorable warrior guy who wanted a good fight. Well, Octopunch and Stranglehold were just there, but still that's more character than most of the DJD.
IDW rule: Autobot symbol is the faction of evil bad guys, Decepticon symbol is the faction of noble heroes.
Thats because its for IDW megatron not g1
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Yeah, I never understood people who just wrote off any small toy of a traditionally bigger character. It can be really fun to shift the typical frame of scale.
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Beast Hunters rules. Massively underrated.
And vice versa!
Basically revolisim, subversion, and other such garbage, glad IDW and all its hack writers are going under
They're not, actually. They even posted a net profit last quarter.
I always wanted Beast Hunters Prime
It's interesting, while the left is a standard 90s-type mecha, the thing on the right is a mishmash of Eva, TTGL, Gundam Seed, Gundam IBO, and Kamen Riders Kuuga/Agito
I'm 90% sure this just means it was originally gamer edition devestation megatron, but they scrapped that when they decided to do a ss86 megatron and they just repurposed him.
He has megatron's gun barrel on his back for crying out loud

either that, or it WAS ss86 megatron, but they finally got permission to make him a turret instead of a tank so they jumped at the chance but didn't want to waste the existing design
Most gundams look like shit anyways
>cope to try and make people thing IDW will recover
I disagree, but even then, your average mobile suit is still far better than chinkslop garbage
i think they're both good in their ways, but I don't like mecha that have big ornate ridiculous wings that clearly don't do anything. Wing Zero movie version was special, and the wings had a purpose. so many since then...
>look it's like an angel, there's EIGHT wings!
yeah and no room left for them to move.
G1ers when factions are shown to have morally-gray characters (they can't comprehend things more complex than universal good vs evil):
HACKdw can’t write characters or plots for shit, if I wanted quality I would go to dreamwave fag
Love ya too, anon. Mwah
>Why are you guys so mad I made Space Hitler the captain of our ship?
>He SAID he was sorry!
>Um clearly YOU are the bad guys!
Which Transformer do you think has the most elegant robot mode?
>I made Space Hitler the captain of our ship?
Optimis did that, Rodimus just drank the koolaid
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>He has megatron's gun barrel on his back for crying out loud
So did Fallen. It's not as noticeable but it's there.
>missed galacy convoy + liger jack for aroind $100 because I got distracted by something
Pain.. How do I cope with this loss?

Oh nonono wrongbros how could this happen?!?!?!?! I thought it was "pretty obvious" he was a pretool?!?!!?
>I'll take you up on that bet. This shit is 100% a Megs pretool.
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You missed out imo
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Oh & giga max Galvatron is cool as well
i love gerwalk
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has anyone picked up the NOT!shatter (metagate G05 red fantasy)?

reviews say its good but I just wanna know directly from anyone here, if anyone has it
Glad I left these these on the shelf back in the day. Ugly robots.
Absolutely horrendous taste.
These guys are so fucking cool
True, but you can be more specfic and just say wömen were the worst thing to ever happen to transformers. IDW just happened to prioritize female degeneracy.
I get sad every time I see that arm mode and remember what we could have gotten.
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yeah thats the point
We have a separate thread for this stuff
You'll find more informed opinions there
oh there is? my bad
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I for one don’t mind 3p postings in here. TFW gave up on trying to enforce this ages ago because it’s literally retarded trying to pretend like they don’t exist. Besides, you have zero power to enforce anything other than being annoying about it. Just let it go.
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They are really cool
I've always thought it was a fun goofy thing to try and force out of figures. I'm not familiar with the lore of Macross at all, but I've always wondered what was the point of gerwalk modes were. What does that mode accomplish that can't be done in just the regular jet or full mech modes?
orbital combat for when you need to fight in space iirc
It's a compromise between maneuverability and aerodynamics. The robot modes don't fly as well in the atmosphere and the jet mode can't grab things or remain in a stable position like the robot.
The mode was created by accident when the legs of the demonstration model Kawamori was showing slipped down and they found the jet with legs thing cool. Since Kawamori is an engineering/aeronautics nerd he used it as a way to show the pros and cons of each form
I know it's really cool isn't it?
I almost passed up Classics Optimus back in the day because I felt Cybertron Optimus was the last Optimus I'd ever need. The definitive Optimus.
18 year later..I still mostly feel that He's the Optimus that leads my universe.
So why is the pedochungus furry replying to random posts that don't even have 3P toys in the image now?
I'm always surprised at how small those 3rd party are considering their price. Yeah yeah, more parts and more engineering, but still.
>Yeah yeah, more parts but still.

That means more time to get ensambled, higher risk of a part fetting fucked, lower production number per day and a lot other factors.

TLDR: more parts= more time= more money.
A jet with arms carring a gun has a lot more range to aim than just straight foward while being faster than the robot mode.
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You get the occasional instance where the 3P is cheaper though, Radiatron is overall cheaper than MPG Raiden and arguably better looking in the combined mode and individual robot modes, with MPG only winning out in the train department.
no, the fallen has a canon barrel
the new figure has a GUN barrel
it's got the spike for the sight alignment
evan lies a lot
At least in the Strike Freedom's defence, when animated properly the wings on it are perfectly reasonable; they fire off one at a time or in tandem for significantly increased space mobility. Is it kinda goofy that they all splay out and fire off against eachother during full blast mode? Yeah but it is cool looking.
I wish they reissued the old figures, racecar is the best alternate mode Megatron (Galvatron) has ever gotten
A bootleg of what?
You rape kids ChungusPedo SEArat
Its just the Singapore Monkey having a melty, report and hide it
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wtf I want to buy a Target Prime now?
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Should remove the target logo too
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I need an updated costco prime in my life
I don't get how we never got the old mold in those colors.
I'm surprised they haven't given a dozen repaints to commander class Optimus
Shame it wasn't Sludge as that would be in character
Commander class means he's expensive to manufacture. It took years for them to produce a repaint of Siege Jetfire. Motormaster's repaint was stuck in a special pack. And those are the only two commanders to even get one. History shows they're very hesitant to do commander class repaints. If we get a Prime repaint, it will probably be around the time Armada Jetfire is released, as that will reinvigorate interest in Armada Prime.
Hes like a big version of that Spychangers Optimus
I really have to wonder where Takara went wrong designing Raiden's torso.
They had two bots to work with, how did it end up so short and stumpy?
They hyper focused on train accuracy and the combiner suffered.
Hurts I'll never own these. I'm kicking myself for missing convoy.
Oh finally, Hasbro Pulse had Bonecrusher back at "Low Stock" so I could get the preorder in for him.
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Never say never. One day they'll be yours
the issue here is A) 3P stuff is NUMEROUS in transformers and B) the price and quality are all over the place, so those of us who flat-out cannot afford most 3Ps don't like our hopes getting up like "ooh is that a new quickstrike? it looks great!" and finding out yeah it'll be 70 bucks and it's MP scale
aww lil scorpion buddy
This set must be like 1500 USD right?
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>Ey, new arm huh?
>Nah, im only checkin’ if it’s good for parts, mah shoulder is killin me
>Wait, hey what happened to your beast mode?
>I can revert in and out of it..old trick of the trade, not like deTransmetalization…say, did I ever tell ya about the time I hunted down feral Transmetal Magnus?
>ya old Koot, yer brain must be backfirin’..I’m the reason he took that Transmetal form, yup..I remember it like it was yesterday..
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There I was..deep within Kingdom, all by mah lonesome..
>Magnus, come in…come in Magnus
>I secured the bag, the Autobot relic is with me
>I repeat I have found the WingBlade
The place was crawl in’ with Sharkticons, but I knew what had to be done
>Magnus come in, this thing is glowing with radiation...ey Magnus..you forgot to tell me what to do once I found this thing, it’s about to fry my circuits
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I knew the evac was gonna be slow. I knew what had to be done!
>so, I whapped em’
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>’an I smaked em’! Those Sharkticons didn’t stand a chance!
>I fought my way out of that cave!
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>Kingdom: codename for a secret, lawless, war-torn sector of Earth, unbeknownst to the humans.
>Much like the Bermuda Triangle, it remains shrouded in mystery, for now..
>Kingdom’s continued existence is a threat to the planet.
>We must take the fight to them! In order for us to enter Kingdom we must take on beast forms of our own!
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I hope that one guy obsessed with fat arcee is happy that his vision has been officially realized
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>oh, so that’s where he got that sword from, huh?
>YEAP! That was me!
>he cut my head off with that sword.
>Oh. Scrap….wait I thought you said you took him out
>c’mere Lemmie show you how I got the upper hand on him. I call it “checking the oil”

>the end
My favorite toy gimmick is spring loaded missiles and it can be really frustrating to buy a complete toy with late tax.
Too much nucleon.
Steonger, fatter, more alive!
So almost 10 years later are Combiner Wars combiners still any good?
Is that a t-rex optimus? Why does he become a t-rex?
Because dinosaurs are the most powerful Beast Wars alt modes
>buying 3 different leader classes to cobble together one mostly g1 colored g2 character
>still has the target symbol on
just learn to paint
it'll be cheaper.
Which Ultra Magnus are you using on the Night Glider ? That combo looks great, does it fit well ?
they weren't even good for the time, desu
Gimme a Fatcee toy Hasbro. It improves her appeal a lot.
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It’s Revoltech Ultra Magnus’ head. Unfortunately it doesn’t fit at all and partsforms. Theres a couple parts cobbled together inside the chest keeping it in place. I do love the look of it, I like the orange ad Optimus also turned orange when Transmetalized.
I thought Superion and Bruticus were fine
Ah, that's too bad, 'cause it does look awesome. Thanks for the precisions!
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Best Tarn deco
Tarn if he Jonkler
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>implying only one guy
Not with that waluigi stache.
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Yes, if you got their dlc.
Even with the extra parts they kept the scramble gimmick, so you have freedom to use the limbots in any configuration you want.
>flashback rattrap is the old toy
you madman. i forgot his forearms were so short. I guess I never had him but i had other basic flipchangers.
It's not one guy. Jeet is the visionary but he's enlightened many of us.
that shoulder bend...
The new dedicated limb combiners took this from you.
Tarn getting raped by autobot cops when?
Scrapper is back up on Amazon if anyone was still looking
Nothing of value was lost
BTFO by a legends lol. Can't wait for the Unicron version.
No. The novelty of combiners quickly wore. The line peaked with Superion. Every deluxe felt basically the same. Thighceps are the single ugliest design choice in the entire franchise. The only truly good thing to come out of it was the combination port. That was a clever piece of engineering and Hasbro were smart to continue using it.
>is that a heckin' obscure canon thing nobody gives two shits about?

Fuck non-dedicated limbs right in their noodlers. Fuck them HARD. NOBODY displays their figgers in inaccurate combinations.
i get the appeal of freedom and getting to do it your own way, but those should all be OCs each time they are introduced. in the same way that every video game, as you play it, your choices matter _now_ even if, two or three sequels down the line, they have decided which of your choices is canon. At least you should get your own first crack at it
but if it's a character from a show, keep it in one canon configuration (unless swapping is a thing he does, then make there a REASON for it)
dedicated limbs are always a better idea.
looks cool
Since hasbro is cringe and doing an OC "star convoy" that will be overpriced I kinda want the generation selects one, but it's kinda chonky. Is it a good figure?
CW was honestly pretty mid, but I think I chalk that up to combiners G1 just being fundamentally flawed at the conceptual level for adaptation into modern toys. You ALWAYS end up compromising somewhere, either the robots suck, the vehicles suck or the combined modes suck. Not to mention the cartoon models for the combiners were ugly as sin.
That said
>Thighceps are the single ugliest design choice in the entire franchise.
I don't get this complaint. Like, it functions well and I really can't be mad at a guy made of five smaller guys looking like he's made of smaller guys. It's like the people that get mad about visible vehicle parts on TFs. They're robots made of car parts, what did you expect?
help me out, thighceps? meaning the thighs are shaped like biceps? i don't follow
It's where a combined mode arm has the elbow and bicep joint made from the waist and thighs of the robot. FansProject started the trend way back in the day with the Energon Bruticus upgrade.
ahh yes yes, I hate those too. At least give him something that folds down and covers part of it.
>The vaguely Nazi inspired faction were the good guys the entire time
>Meanwhile the "heroic" faction based on democracy was completely corrupt, followed subverted religious leaders, and would rather side with primitives nons instead of their own people

I thought you guys said IDW was pozzed
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Yes, and for the sole reason that it gave us this guy.

As much as I like Superion and Bruticus, Computron is really the only combiner I'd immediately buy if they released a new version.
I don't think most G1 combiners are THAT bad at a conceptual level, it's mainly devastator that was a huge cheating piece of shit because his original toy wasn't scramble city and therefore had like 2x the extra parts. The design simply requires extra parts unless you're black magic wizard magicians with uncapped budget like Master Mind Creations
I need a doctor!
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Fuck no lol, get the scramble city stuff instead
>that little holo Ultra Magnus
This board does not even deserve you. Go post on TFW where at least you will get some likes.
as steven ger said the other day, people think the US is a democracy, but it's a republic. all the founding fathers wrote about how democracies always crumble. As soon as 51% of them realize they can fuck over the other 49%, it's donion rings. And the people insisting it IS a democracy are hoping they'll be in that larger group.
>Computron is really the only combiner I'd immediately buy if they released a new version.
Which they should, the odd release of CW/UW Computron means he never really had a definitive version. I hope a couple of years down the line we get dedicated Technobot molds.
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You ever take a few rando figures and make a team out of them?
I Myself like thighceps because I like how it makes it clear that the combiners are made of separate robots.
I snagged Warpath at a yard sale for 10 bucks, how'd I do?
He's one of the best
you want your combiner to look more.. combined, less like a cohesive guy? that's fair. I think I prefer the opposite.
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>Only 1 really good Torso (The Onslaught/Hotspot mold)
>Limbs are mostly okay with some exceptions (The Breakdown/Sunstreaker/Wheeljack mold comes to mind as being pretty bad)
>OCs meant people had to wait months/years for them to make the proper figure for the full team (Only exception is Rook, he's cool)
>Making Blast-Off an Aerialbot repaint without any retooling at first
>Hasbro's version of three whole teams were online exclusives (Not to mention how half-assed their version of Computron was)
>The swappable hand/foot gimmick meant that the hands were too big and the feet too small, leading everyone to go buy 3P hand/feet DLC
>lmao Devastator

Abominus is still the best of the Prime Wars combiners since he learned from the mistakes of Combiner Wars. Nautilator/King Poseidon would be the best if not for how overpriced he was/still is.
Got the legacy cybertron starscream thinking it'd be a dinky figure but it is actually prettt great, and looks even better in person. Honestly happy with it and now wish they did more cybertron figures beyond the few they did so far. I hope they do an actual Cybertron Optimus at some point. Whoever decided that siege one was a good idea is dumb to put it nicely.
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"Do you know me, follower of Primas?'
How many scourges should I have?
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Oh yeah, he's great
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U mad?
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Hell yeah brother
I need to get this crown
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>"How do you do, fellow Insecticons?"
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>"Day 20 since infiltration. the enemy suspects nothing."
actual posable insect legs? that is never a thing in REAL transformers...
they know, they just don't wanna say anything and make her leave.
Wow this photo is full of figures I want and havent gotten around to. Its not often someone hits this many in one shot. Nice team
He is sexy as fuck
Unicron, the Chaos Bringer
>Kingdom figure telling the story
>goes into the past
>uses the original rattrap figure
Details like this are lost on these trannies
i commented on it!!
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To an extent. I wouldn't want Interlink 6 abomniations, but I do like seeing some of the individual aspects of the robots. I dislike how modern Voltron figures often try hiding the lion limbs, for example.
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The new Cybertron figures are fun
Oh snap
I missed that
Super Robots are different for sure.. half the fun is seeing a folded up robot or triceratops or something is in there
but at the same time, usually some part of it is still a mystery. also what do you mean modern voltron figures, Legendary Defender didn't hide the lions.
>interlink 6
terrifying.. yet familiar?

Remember when there was a terrible lil dino combiner thing, or maybe dragons, whatever.. and then they redid the torso to make it a cool monster guy
You are the one who is now the tranny
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Stuff like the Blitzway or Threezero, rying to imitate how they disappear in the 80's show design.
You mean TF Prime Abominus? That was a novel atttempt
ohhhh that shit, yeah, i mean I appreciate them staying in a separate lane by doing things kinda differently, but.. Threezero's Zoids are just -weird-
yes, that was it. when he was changed to Infernocus
Sure, the torso guy had no separate altmode, but.. it's just so much better this way
Some are, some aren't. Menasor is trash, but I still really like my Bruticus and Superion. And their remolds as Defensor and Computron are also good. Oh, and Abominus too! Some might've benefited from having the torso bot be a slightly larger size class, and having better hands/feet, as well as misc tweaks, but overall I still enjoy now the ones I enjoyed back then.
Who's the black and maroon dude with the yellow stripes in the far back right?
What kind of republic is it, anon
What kind of republic
I think you need to look up the meaning of words within context anon
Botcon hoist
I hope they rerelease first edition Prime Starscream someday, I just saw an ebay auction for one of them start at 33 usd, then ended at 87 usd. there were 12 or 13 ebay watchers. people are thirsty for him
it's amazing they were able to pull this off.
>Got a SS86 Bee from a sale at Walmart.
>It came with 3 blasters.
Weird. Not even sure who I'll give that last blaster.
Did the Blasters come with Eject too?
>Only 1 really good Torso (The Onslaught/Hotspot mold)
I'd say the Silverbolt mold is a better torso
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It nearly killed the brand
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i wish they'd make more Blackjack repaints, it's a great troop-builder mold.
>omits all the Japanese decos
>excludes both countries release of Computron
>but includes the Japanese decos for the Legend class stuff
>NOBODY displays their figgers in inaccurate combinations
The guy I bought the Terrorcons from did, guess he didn't know that Blot and Rippersnapper specifically tend to have their 5mm ports crack when used as legs. (I have the feeling they were only ever used as arms through whatever meager stress testing the prototypes get, or not long enough as legs for any damage to appear.) They were a bargain, though, including upgrades, and I was able to repair them well enough.
For what it's worth it's more Rippersnapper than anyone else, the other toolings don't report that issue, including the Takara Legends release later.
Far from it, it helped the brand a ton, people bought full waves to complete teams.
No. I did this once and everyone made fun of me, so I stopped posting pics.
The first three waves people liked
We were still honeymooning with Menasor and even though Defensor was mostly repaints we expected that to be the case
Wave 4, the autobot filler wabe being 100% repaints and no new molds made people drop all good faith they may have had and Bruticus after that dis very little to recover any when the one new mold, Brawl, turned out to be shit
Not to mention complaints over the OC team members and not-shuttle Blastoff
These brainless retards are the sort who'd get a lego set and never build anything but the design on the front box. No imagination, choice is wasted on them.
>All of them sold
>nearly killed the brand
The only thing that could had killed the brand was the awful AoE toyline
>Wave 4, the autobot filler
People still bought that and the skylynx wave, it had been too long since universe, so those repaints were an ok option for people missing classic-universe sunstreaker, mirage, prowl, smokescreen, hound and Ironhide. It also gave us the 1st g1-ish deluxe Trailbreaker in 30 years.
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He remains the best Combiner in CW still
Terrible choice in gunpla
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>cover fire
>transformers one is just up on YouTube in its entirety and has been for hours
I guess if anyone hasnt seen it and wants to free, that's an option
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>Guy's I'm calling the election results now.
>Screenshot this for tonight when it turns out I'm right.

>Archaic Energon-guzzlers eat scrap and die!
>Preds BTFO!!!
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I hope gamer edition lasts long enough for a updated Shockwave to come out.
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>Heat blades
On one hand, free movie I guess,
on the other hand, I can't imagine that's going to help the Box-office numbers.

I hope the studio executives are still willing to invest in a sequel, or in any other type of animate TF movie for that matter.
I wonder how much worse he'll look compared to his original deluxe. They can't possibly screw up as badly as they did with Starscream again, surely?
Is that meant to be William Hartnell or John Pertwee?
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RossSpark Shockwave
is it weird that i still don't wanna watch
looks like Pertwee to me.
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He even has ‘extra evil’ mode with extra spikes for your extra spike enjoyment
We can only go up from the bottom
Literally the best fembot figures.
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The first Bay movie is still the best TF media we've ever gotten
Eh I don't know, this team is great at beating my expectations.
Going to the toy aisle during that era was an unforgettable experience
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They were toss in's from an order
I did Gold Marker the Yellow Parts on Lupus but ended up clearing them out not even a month later to some local buyer
Bring back good weapons
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those aren't his weapons right?
i'm tempted by this guy
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug
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No those are from NYCC Prime Arcee. This is his unicorn horn in Megatron’s eye
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>new head for faceless $1 thrift store Soundwave
I like it! I was going for a TFPrime vibe
what'st hat head from? this suits him..
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Bandai 30MM model kit
I'd argue Bumblebee was a better movie but '07 was still a hell of a lot of fun.
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i still hold that each bay movie did one thing the best, and one the worst. which is kind of impressive.
Tell that to geewunners
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>Ok, ok..so maybe I had a liiitle help
i like how originaltrap is constantly giving everyone on either side of him the double 'talk to the hand'
Yeah, serves you right LOSER!
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>Alright Quest Club, let’s do this!
>wait wait..Quest Club? Who authorized that? I’m not going out under that codename.
>That’s it, I’m calling Optimus.
>Guys, guys relax the big bot said it’s ok, I promise!
>Ok Adventure Club, Maximize!
>Hey I thought we were the Quest Club
>Uh, guys I can’t “Maximize”, in fact I am made of gears and pistons and can barely transform at all at this point
>Autobots and Maximals Roll Out!
>Ahem, excuse me you have to be authorized to give the command ‘Roll out’ or ‘Roll to the Rescue’….
rattrap would absolutely use kick some ass as his battle cry
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>Oh so I was there the entire time? On the cool kids club or whatever you called it?
>Hey, yeah I guess you were. Seems we’re both getting a bit older, aren’t we?
>uh, um..weren’t you just trying to check your shoulder, ya old koot?

>Seems we’re both getting a bit older, aren’t we?
Realizing Rattrap is a 30 year old character this almost brought a tear to my eye. Unironically better than IDW
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>$1 armless bin store gimmick Shockwave
He's not 30 years old yet.
technically we're within shitting distance of 2025, and Rattrap was PROBABLY developed in 1995, before the release in '96.
So he isn't thirty yet. Stop aging him up.
look don't worry, he's not a wizard. he's had a lot.
That’s lame, I love seeing custom teams and toyline mashups. Don’t let boring people get you down
I remember praising you for that.
so what do we do two images from now, go to >>11220447 ?
Yes. No point in cluttering up the board with mord threads - let's use up what's already here before making a new one.
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Yeah, I made up a bunch of Wreckers teams and enemies to fight against them. Lightly themed but still randos.
Supreme taste in 'bots, also that's a slick job on articulating the OG Armada Megatron's legs.
I posted the rest in the "new" thread. Look at the Hoist in there though
>he's not a wizard
He seems like the kind of guy who would have lost his robo-virginity with some whore he paid for.
And I'm sure he had a ton of pollinating after Beast Machines.
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aw that's kind of sad as a first time
I imagine a young Rattletrap banging a groupie while he's roadying for The AudioRecepticons. Of course the band got all the choice chicks, while he was left with a farmer's daughter...
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As a nice capstone to this thread, I finished my Sentinel Minor custom! Gotta wait for the paint to be 100% dry before I transform him but I'm super happy with what's really a very simple job. Many thanks to Mavs, whose upgrade kit I used for this.
Thanks goanon
Any time!

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