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>Previous thread

>Haslab Plasma Series 6" Ecto-1

>Haslab Tracking

>Mondo 6" Real Ghostbusters
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I just ordered the Mondo Peter and Samhain pack. Looking forward to it. Has Mondo ever done 1/12th figures before? Their 1/6th figures always looked awesome but I usually don't go for that scale.
Wait Hasbro is continuing the line?
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They were asked this directly on a podcast the other day.


The response was an uncomfortable amount of dead air and the worst non-answer I've ever heard. If you don't take this as proof that the line isn't continuing and that this is just a one-off thing you're delusional. I know they're not allowed to discuss future plans, but it would have violated nothing to say "If this is successful we're open to doing more Plasma Series in the future." The fact that they couldn't even say that is damning. They want people to invest $400 in a dead line with no future. It's no wonder the campaign has flatlined.
Sucks too, since it's Hasbro being the reason Mondo has to charge $100 per figure.
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They actually gave a direct answer for once. A Haslab Slime Blower will never happen. They costed it out.
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Good question. They said taller figures will fit in the Ecto. They cited G.I. Joe Classified specifically, but I imagine the Mondo RGB should also be good.
You can tell the team doesn't care about this line at all
I’ll be surprised if the mondo GBs can even properly sit down. I would not buy this car with the hopes of putting them in it for sure.
For $101 I would sure fucking hope they can sit down.
I mean, the Plasma Series figures suck, so that's no big loss. The car looks cool though.
same but going off their 1/6 stuff I don't expect them to be able to do much more than stand around and look good.
Their articulation looks basic as fuck. Single jointed knees and elbows is not good. Maybe their legs can go forward far enough, but their lack of articulation is a big turnoff. Sam Hain is like 2/3 the way to being a statue (not that you'd have him sitting in the car, just an observation.) I've been waiting for a good set of RGB figures pretty much my whole life, and not only are Mondo's figures a bit lacking to the point that it is hard to justify nearly $1000 for eight 1/12 scale figures, but these figures hit at basically the worst possible time for me since my job is closing for nearly 2 months and laying us all of until January, so there is no way I am buying these things.
If I paid $100+ for a figure, the last thing I want it do is sit in a vehicle when it's hardly seen.
The point is if a $101 figure can't do something as simple as move it's hips 90 degrees forward and knees 90 degrees back like a cheap 9poa Toybiz figure from the 90s, that's completely unacceptable.
It's a loss that we'll have a full set of GB2 Busters, a GB2 Louis, and a GB2 Ecto-1, but not a single GB2 ghost. It's a loss that we'll have no version of Janine, and I'd even settle for a Frozen Empire Melnitz in uniform at this point. On that note, not everyone loved Frozen Empire, but I consider it a loss to not have gotten a single figure from it. More ghosts are always welcome, so I'd have liked to have gotten Garraka and the sewer dragon at the very least, and on the subject of ghosts, we never got a Muncher from Afterlife either.

The biggest issue with the Plasma Series is that 90% of it is just Ghostbusters in Ghostbuster uniforms. It took until this Haslab to finally get a regular ghost. I think the Plasma Series would have been much better recieved if the human characters had been packed in with ghosts instead of build-a-figure parts. Especially since the same Terror Dog that was the BAF was sold in a Pulse exlusive two-pack with Vinz Clortho Louis. Zuul Dana should've been a two-pack with the other Terror Dog, and Janine should have taken her slot in the first wave. Give Janine Slimer to help her sell, Egon/Librarian, Ray/Monstrous Librarian, Venkman/taxi ghost, Winston/subway ghost, and you'd have a really solid GB1 collection.
The Plasma series figures weren't even really that bad. The real problems is that they were kinda undersized and the fact that, as mentioned, no ghosts made figures more redundant than anything since so many other companies have done the four GBs many, many times already.
Given they're one of the more competent toy companies around, anyone else think Spinmasters could've pulled off a better toyetic line?
No, I want good GB toys.
>kinda undersized
This I really don't understand. The adult male figures in the Plasma Series are even undersized compared to the women/children in the same line. The Mattel GB figures were on the small end of the 6" spectrum, and even those were taller than Hasbro's.
I'm just hoping the buster elbow range is better than 90. I don't need Spidey movement but I want them to grab for their gear or scratch their head.
Hasbro's all over that vaguely "6inch" scale we use here in the west. Venkman *should* right around 6", but instead he's 5.75" or some shit. At least he's taller than Luke.
Is Sigourney Weaver really that tall?
>Is Sigourney Weaver really that tall?
She was 5'11". Murray was 6'1", so no, she shouldn't be taller barefoot than he is wearing boots. Ernie was the shortest at 6'0", Dan was 6'1", Harold 6'2". So the adult male Plasma Series body is very undersized seeing as they're all 6 foot or taller and wearing boots which easily add another inch.
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It’s gonna fund.
It's flatlined since the earlybird period ended and lost pace with the Proton Pack. Everyone who wanted this went in early to get Tully. Expecting a big surge at the end when Hasbro front loaded this campaign with the earlybird is beyond optimistic.
Didn’t expect it to flatline this hard but it’s still likely going to fund in the last 2 days due to how these things work.
>it’s still likely going to fund in the last 2 days due to how these things work.
This isn't a typical Haslab since there was an earlybird incentivizing people to back within the first two weeks. The only other Haslab with an earlybird was the Ghostrider car, and as you can see it barely moved on the final day. I think people are really overestimating the likelihood this funds. It's a $400 vehicle for a line which has been dormant for 3 years and which Hasbro isn't even pretending has any future beyond this Haslab.
The ghost rider car failed for a multitude of reasons other than the early bird, it was clearly overpriced, had tiers full of characters that had nothing to do with it to try to get people who didn’t even want the car to back it and hasbro was telling people those characters would otherwise never be made (they have since made them and proven they were full of shit), perhaps most importantly the character was a not very popular DEI pick from modern comics. Every non-shill youtuber was calling hasbro out for what they were doing with the thing, which not only hurt its sales but actually put them into decline. It might not fund, who knows, but it’s not a great comparison.
That's not the point. The point is everyone who was going to back the thing did so within the earlybird period. There was no final days surge like typical Haslabs get. I don't know why people think this will be any different. The entire point of an earlybird incentive is push the fencesitters to frontload a campaign. There's not gonna be 3k people coming out of the woodwork to save this thing at the end. Everyone who wanted one wanted Tully and backed early.
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Memory failed me on this one, I would've sworn she was taller, at least as Zuul.
They need to extend the campaign another month. This is going to end in such a bad place.
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What difference is another month gonna make? People either want it or they don't. 45 days is plenty of time to decide.
with the way this thing an extra month would only add another 500 backers maybe
The O-Ring Busters have started shipping
From where? I ordered on Amazon and it says February.
bbts just shipped mine
>hotwheels terminator
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>9254 last night at 9pm
>9252 15 hours later
When will people acknowledge this thing is in serious trouble?
I feel like everyone is afraid to even talk about how poorly it is doing, because they know people may back out if they start talking doom. I haven’t even seen anyone acknowledging it.
Hasbro shot themselves in the foot by not having a super deluxe bundle with two car bodies (counted as two units sold). If you want an Ecto-1 and 1A you end up with duplicate Ecto-1 parts which have no resale value. You also end up with duplicate figures, which you'll be able to sell, but it's extra trouble to have to do so. A bundle with everything you need to make one of each car without duplicates of anything for less than the cost of a base and deluxe could have swayed people who couldn't justify $725 for two cars.
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This awkward video is a sorry attempt by Hasbro to create more hype for the Ecto.


It's also a huge whiff that they didn't use the updated contents images which show Tully is included in the bundles, nor did they verbally reiterate that Tully would be included despite the earlybird not being reached. I think a lot of people could be unaware of that.
I don't know anymore. I love the idea of this, but nobody in their right mind only wants one version of the Ecto-1. I guess some do, but I'd have to have both, because I love both looks. And I sure as fuck don't have $800 right now for a haslab and a bunch of lackluster figures.

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