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Previously: >>11226697

-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham announced

-SHF Across The Spider Verse Peter B. Parker and Mayday solicited

-SHF Venom The Last Dance Venom solicited

-Marvel Legends Dark Avengers Warbird solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Fabian Cortez announced

-Marvel Legends Powered Up Spot announced

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Captain America (Brave New World) announced

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Falcon (Brave New World) announced

-Marvel Legends Red Hulk (Brave New World) announced

-Mafex Jubilee solicited

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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You beat me to it anon, my next post was going to say that the Secret Wars wave seems to be hitting some Targets.
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Mondo Spider-Man Animated Series symbiote Spider-Man goes up for pre-order next week.
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Yep, here's the UPC for anyone wanting to hassle retard Christmas employees.
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No one cares about this here lol
And a reminder that you only have until 11-26 to pre-order the X-Men 97 Sentinel! It doesn't charge until it ships sometime next year, so order a dozen!
Glad I decided to skip this, this looks pretty bad imo. Opted for the CT Toys instead
Glad I decided to get this, this looks pretty great imo. I pity anyone buying the CT Toys instead.
Some do, no need to be weird about it.

Woof, glad I got the CT Wolverine.
Woof, glad I got this instead of the CT Wolverine.
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Popmart Deadpool blind box
No statues
They're not statues.
Anon, we don't care about this stuff, relax.
Are you literally at grandma's?
These might have been massively popular around 2010.
Dollar Tree exclusive?
These are really cool! I want Rexpool actually.
Ofc Deadpool fans would be into P. Diddy also. There's not a doubt in my mind that 90% of them also have cp.
I do. Got rid of all my Marvel Slopends and collect only Mondo 1:6 now.
Todd's claim to the Marvel license is pretty much gone. I see his statues on discount everywhere. Hasbro will get it again, MLs will keep on chugging.
As if there was any doubt
Oh yeah, the statues dropped like a lead balloon. No store even knew what the fuck to do with them. They just got moved around from toy aisles to electronics to wherever they had room. Big mess.
Remember when the statues first started hitting stores and the jackasses hear tried to claim they were the next best thing. I love how the faggots here need to be contrarians just for the sake of it.
Everyone should've known they'd fail as all mcfarlane's statues have been recently. The movie maniacs, the mcfarlane's dragons stuff, the blizzard stuff, it all hits clearance. there is no market for "cheap" statues anymore (and I use cheap loosely because 25-30 bucks for some of these is actually overpriced for their quality). There's only a market for expensive good statues from say Prime1 or Xplus, which mcfarlane can't do. If it's cheap, it needs to move.
Funkopops are not statues, they're funkopops.
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I need a better buck for Widow
CT toys SS is coming with 2 softgood hoodies. One which has the correct emblems on front and back.
are we ever going to get a wolverine without fucked up shoulders out of hasbro?
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You need to get your eyes checked. The ML proportions are insane.
Why? It looks terrible the proportions of this buck are so bad.
Not when retards will keep buying them up.
The proportions look just fine.
The CTs proportions are fine but he shoulders and neck of the ML as anything but fine. They look ridiculous. Keep coping.
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>>the proportions look just fine
I mean, considering it's an 8 year old buck at this point, it isn't the worst. Though they do need an update.
Wow it's fucking nothing!
>alchie Carol
Based comic accuracy
I can't do hand posing pics because I have Megan Fox thumbs :(
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>I pity anyone for paying less for a better figure
kek, keep your pitty nigga I feel sorry that you paid more for mid garbage but at least it came with a stupid shield. LMAO.
I hate this. They made a Wolverine buck for those shoulder pads so the shoulders are much smaller than they should be. Don't know why they don't made bigger shoulders for the non-padded uniforms which are most Wolverine figures.
Why's the Marvel Generals always just troll posts these days?
Like one guy being a sperg. This is his chosen haven.
This would look okay if not for the weird coloring.
The coloring is accurate
Not to mention it’s a decade old buck that he paid more for. Like how retarded do you have to be.
For those of you who got that bootleg Wolverine, did you know that bootlegs often cheap out on safety of their paint in order to save money? I wouldn't risk buying a bootleg even if it was half off the original. Who knows what kind of poisons its made of since they don't have to follow safety standards.
Man they are really getting desperate. She didn't sell too great as a Marvel Legend. Why make an import of her?
Different demographic. Coomers don't collect marvel legends.
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I think the original head... is bad looking!
I need to find something better... Any heads you don't like and replaced with something else
Why on earth would I buy figures of black women?
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>Secret Invasion was absolute shit, but got two boring Marvel Legends figures of guys in street clothes to go alongside the CIA agent from Black Panther as a trifecta of "most boring Marvel Legends figures"
>Moon Girl is a sleek, action packed cartoon that doesn't constantly gargle MCU balls, and is the first truly great Marvel cartoon since A:EMH
>Even takes an incredibly grating, annoying character from the comics and revamps her to be entertaining
>Only figures are Funkopops.
>No deluxe Devil Dinosaur set, no Lunella figure, no Laurence Fischburne Beyonder
>Not even some crappy kids figures with five POA or Happy Meal toys

>...and now, can't even post about the show without retarded culture wars being brought up because Disney somehow STILL doesn't understand the Streisand Effect

At this point, we just need the Spidey and his Amazing Friends Marvel Legends wave for the humilation ritual to be complete.
The cope is unreal lol
Cool, it's accurate to shit lol
Samefag troll
You're calling samefag on me replying to two different posts? lmao enjoy your gay little shield
Guess I'm just used to the darker coloring that gets used more.
She's an accessory to a Doctor Doom that's 75% off so I ended up with her
And you're trying to play dress up and buy her accessories? lol
Spider-Mans and Venoms are popular.
Since the only exposed skin is on her head, you could swap to a leftover white skin head.
Part of the appeal of classic Captain Monica is that she's Foxy Brown/Coffey Era Pam Grier. Replacing the head loses the entire appeal of the character.
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OK this weekend I got my first appearance Rogue/Destiny two pack in the mail and finally got around to taking some photos.

Sadly I don't have a Blob figure and my only Mystique is a crappy Toy Biz version I have no clue where she's at, at the moment. So here is my OG Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Mach 2 roster at the moment.
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Destiny's cape limits arm movement but not as badly as similar capes fucked up Astonishing X-Men Emma Frost and Movie Kang's arm articulation. Rogue's decent but her torso is one piece (no ab joint) and the lack of a heroic head is kind of a downer, as was the lack of unmasked head options for Destiny.
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Here is Destiny and Magneto, having words. X-Men 97 is great and it reminds me again, why the fuck is Hasbro so afraid to do a regular mass release of classic Magneto? The bs 10s era costumes don't really cut it against his classic magneta/purple outfit.
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Finally all Rogues. Sadly I'm missing X-Men Legacy Rogue, partly because I am sort of happy with my Toy Biz Pyro which she came with and because I have the ML Jim Lee Rogue, which the Legacy and AOA Rogues were a poor consolation prize for, compared to the Lee and Silvestri versions.
Assuming we get a second wave of Secret Wars figures, I would not be shocked if they recycle this Rogue with a more heroic head based off of the Paul Smith version of Rogue for that subline.

Regarding Blob, I should note that the late 2000s Hasbro Blob BAF is still affordable and worthwhile in terms of holding up (something the initial waves of Marvel Legends Hasbro figures rarely do).
In like a week you'll see a cloth cape for her on ebay if you really give a shit
It'd be like $22 though
Oh you're ESL and only understand half the words
Not doable as the cape is fused to the neck joint/ball joint so it can't come off at all.
>Assuming we get a second wave of Secret Wars figures, I would not be shocked if they recycle this Rogue with a more heroic head based off of the Paul Smith version of Rogue for that subline.
Either that or they're going to put her out in the next X-Men 97 wave and use her look from the last episode.
This version of Rogue looks like she's late 50s. What is her actual comic age supposed to be at this point?
Rogue's origin/backstory is one of those Schroedinger's Cat things due to Claremont repeatedly mixing up his original plans for her and Nightcrawler to the point that even he doesn't give a shit anymore as far as mixing up details with no fucks given if he contradicts himself publicly.

Rogue was originally supposed to be in her 40s and in one tale spun by Claremont, was suppose to be black and based off of Grace Jones until Michael Golden (who drew Rogue's first published appearance) pointed out that having a black super villainess permanently stealing the mind and memories and powers of a white blonde haired super-heroine in a story which was supposed to address that she was raped via mind control, wasn't exactly the best optics and defied Claremont by drawing Rogue as a white woman.

Claremont himself also went back and forth towards whether or not it was Nightcrawler or Rogue was also Mystique and Destiny's sodomy baby created when Mystique used her powers to turn herself into a man with a functioning penis/ball sack capable of producing viable cum that could get a woman pregnant. Her first published appearance (Rogue originally was supposed to debut in Ms Marvel and was drawn there to be younger than Carol/implied to be Mystique and Destiny's kid but the two issues featuring her were never published until 1991) didn't mention her being their kid, just that she was a new recruit to the Brotherhood and only in later appearances, most notably in Dazzler, that Rogue being their daughter came about. At which point, other artists started drawing Rogue as being younger but explicitly ugly/evil looking and it not being until she joined the X-Men and Smith/Romita started drawing Rogue, that they started making her look pretty per her new status as a heroine.
I doubt that. Secret Wars makes more sense as she's an easier sell there for those who want the Smith/Romita era X-Men team plus a super cheap retool that can fill a roster slot so they can use budget for a character needing unique tooling like say the Wrecking Crew members or Wasp or Volcana or a new Doctor Octopus mold.
>further proof that X-men is and always has been for homos and troons
Did Destiny and Magneto ever interact pre-Krakoa?
Eh... to be fair, Rogue as a sodomy baby is more of an AIDS metaphor/gay panic metaphor.

Also, a dirty secret about Claremont is that he originally intended Nightcrawler to be the son of Nightmare, a Dr Strange villain, per how Dave Cockrum (who created Nightcrawler for a rejected Legion of the Super-Hero project) originally intended Nightcrawler to be a demon but had to turn him into a mutant to get him made an X-Man and the Mystique connection only came about when he had to find a way to retrofit her into the X-Men lore.
Yes it can dummy.
The only two X-Men I can see joining brown suit Wolverine in the Secret War line would be Colossus and classic condom head Cyclops.
Yes please. I never got the ML Colossus since I already had the Marvel Select and the Juggs BaF, but I'd be willing to get a single carded version, also I need to update that old TRU Exclusive skull cap Cyke desperately.
Japan don't read shitty american comics, so who they are what they are in there don't matter. Spider-Gwen became popular from the movies, they already did her. Venom became popular from the movies, they did that, the red venom, and the deadpool venom(I know that's not what they are, I'm saying that's how they see them). So now we have Spider Gwen Venom. It's not that hard to follow. It's the same reasoning we got AY Batman Beyond, who's clearly a mix of Batman and Iron Man. It's just what visual sells.

This is also a result of many new films bombing and not making new impactful characters.
>Japan don't read shitty american comics
Except that they do.
This man is a known liar.
Imagine being so wrong
She was in that show, so even a Spidey wave has a chance.
>zoomies are so fucking brain melted they read absolutely insane lore about superheroes growing magic dicks to fuck and impregnate eachother with and their only reaction is to spout buzzwords
What a lame generation.
Why would Volcana need new tooling beyond a head? She's covered in energy and being fat is more a story thing with reuse of adult woman parts should work.
Because no fucking way would we get naked like fire Volcana. We'll probably get either SW2 Volcana in civilian garb with fire effects or a clothed version of volcanic rock Volcana from her 90s appearances.
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Heads up to Ollies fags. New shipment dropped for the Holiday!

>>The Marvels (Movie Carol, Nov-Ar/Marvel Boy, Commando Steve Rogers)
>>Disney+ (Agatha Harkness, Goliath, Talon, Kingpin)
>>And the biggest one: Track Suit fucking Mafia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus a restock of Silvestri Rogue, Kirby Iron Man (first appearance), and Captain Marvel/Doctor Doom

Picked up three of the Track Suit Mafia goons and will probably pick up some more in the coming weeks since my local Ollies had about three cases of them and me having some spare heads to create new members for fleshing out my goon squad. Might also look into getting a second Doom/Monica set plus an extra Everett Ross so I can make civilian Victor Von Doom.
My ollies takes forever to restock, haven't seen Quantamania wave yet apart from Ant-Man and last thing they got in was another Black Panther wave and some Joe Fixit's...
These figures have been at my Ollie's stores for the last month or so. I still need Movie Photon to finish building that Totally Awesome Hulk figure.
Who the fuck is the Track Suit Mafia and why should I care?
They are goons that Hawkeye fought in his Disney+ show. Hasbro put out a figure with three alternate heads for armybuilding and the figures sold out pretty quickly/were being scalped to hell and back when they came out, so a lot of people couldn't find them.
Politically correct white goons because we can never have non-white goons anymore. Even the Madipoorian goons from F&WS were white.
If they were black you'd bitch that they're supposed to be russian and not black you stupid little baby bitch.
Why are they called Mafia anyway? Isn't the Italian crime organization that seems to be everywhere in Marvel called Maggia? Seems weird to use the real-world version name as a nickname instead of who they actually should have fought before.
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AY really has no idea what they are doing with character selection sometimes. The logic is probably something along the lines of
>Spider-Gwen got popular after the Spider-Verse movies
>Venom is popular
>Therefore this somewhat obscure combination of the two will also be popular
Read a comic you casual
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I have no gotten an e-mail about my giant-man eyes, Ive tried contacting them, but no confirmation. What methods have people gone through and what have they heard back?
Call their customer support line. That's how I always deal with getting replacements from Hasbro. Hopefully you get Deanna, I've gotten her a few times now, she's always hooked me up.
I'm going to call until i get Deanna and tell her the guy she had talked to multiple times posted her name on 4Chan and then act like I'm having of into the phone to her.
By "having of", I of course mean jacking off. Thank you.
You'd be funnier if you didn't fuck up your gay joke.
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mafex tobey
They're just a bunch of bozos trying to climb up the New York criminal hierarchy. They're played as dumb goons.
The reason people collected them is because they make good enough generic bad guys.
Very strange set up on this pic.
>Modern Cap, Tony and Thor.
>Classic Hulk, Widow, Hawkeye, Panther, Giant Man.
>Ultimate Wasp.
With Marvel doing the Spiderverse figures and able to pretty much replicate a totally different art style, I wonder if they'd do legends style figures but with the more cartoony proportions?
Kinda reminds me of Marvel Ultimate Alliance's mix at least.
>Ult Thor, Classic Spider-Man, Modern pre-MCU Captain America, Casual Wolverine
They arent from the comic. They were invented for Disney+/MCU
pretty sure it was a joke. I do welcome the rise of random grunts like these, but it's funny to think about that someone out there is thinking "oh man, I need to get Marvel's Tracksuit Mafia!"
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Goddamn, you guys are so fucking casual it hurts. The Tracksuit Mafia first appeared in Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run with David Aja on art. They were introduced in the very first arc way back in 2012, just short of a decade before the MCU versions. Yes, the figures are based on the MCU versions, but the Tracksuit Mafia appeared in the comics first, over a decade ago.

You fuckers are an embarrassment.
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Limited to 1000 pieces.
fuck yes, finally a good one
One of the few good modern runs
That's been up for preorder for months
NTA, but I assume these are final product shots since the figure, as of now, is set to release this month.
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Dude, you can't seriously expect people who've spent hundreds of dollars on superhero action figures to actually be familiar with the source material, that's just crazy talk.
Lol they don't even spend that much. Come to find out most of the posters in these threads are bottom of the barrel Olliepops who only buy figures at sub $10. We only have like two or three people in this thread that actually buy toys.
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I'd hope so. Spider-Verse was pretty clearly a huge inspiration for the show.

It'd be neat if Lunella's goggles could be swapped out for various expressions, too.
I'm one of them but I still don't know the source material, I just buy random $25 figures because they look cool.
Real glad this woke tranny crap got cancelled.
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>bought bootleg mafex
>its actually VERY good
Shiet son.
the mask still looks off, like the eyes are just barely too far apart or possibly undersized
I know a lot of you will just talk shit. But I thought this was cool and ordered one for my graphic novel bookshelf display. Anyone own the other versions? Any feedback? Thanks in advance
CT Toys? I decided to try out their Wolverine and am patiently waiting for it.
Only casual hipster scum care about Fraction's abortion of a Hawkeye series. Hence why most comic fans only first heard of the TSM in the Hawkeye TV show.
Yup. Only issue I had were nubs on the weirdest places, like joints, and misaligned paint but the paint part im sure applies to real items too.
You can easily cut off the nubs with a knife sicne the plastic is soft.
Spoken like the faggot who doesn't have an Ollie's and overspends online for trashy basic bitch Jap shit of the same 3-4 characters. Kill yourself and do it in a blotched fashion so you suffer as you die slowly....
Lmao, they also get unreasonably upset when you call them out for their dumpster diving ways.
Keep being bitter useless faggots who overpay online and who has to be choked unconscious by mommy and daddy because you get psychotically violent because you don't have an Ollies nearby to get good deals at and your parents won't move to a town with one for you no matter how many times you temper tantrum demand they do so.
Before the anti-Ollies fag shits up this thread like he always does, let's talk about something else that has been touched on by another poster: What can we expect if the Secret Wars subline continues?

Molecule Man's already gotten a figure in the main line just recently, while Ultron was reissued in the Ant Man 3 wave. As was Doom and Captain Marvel and Magneto and Nightcrawler in X-Men 97 and Spider-Woman in the West Coast Avengers box set. So they are out of the question.

Volcana's a given.

So who else can we expect?

From the original Mattel line:

Already done for wave one: Iron Man, Captain America, brown suited Wolverine, and black costume Spider-Man.

MIA: Doom, Magneto, Doctor Octopus, Kang, and regular Spider-Man, plus Falcon, Iceman, Electro, Baron Zemo, and Hobgoblin.

Characters from Secret Wars that can be used: Hawkeye, Hulk, Storm, Xavier, Cyclops, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, She-Hulk, Thing, Mr Fantastic, Wasp Human Torch, Thor, Enchantress, Absorbing Man, Lizard, Klaw, Wrecker and the Wrecking Crew, Volcano, and if they go with spin-off material, Deadpool back when he was a handsome blonde mustachioed fuckboy assassin just starting out as a villain).

Potential Secret Wars 2 fodder (since they are using Beyonder's SW2 look for his figures):

Rachel Summers in her Art Adams designed Phoenix outfit

Armadillo (reissue of the BAF)

Nebula (classic original design)


Warlock (reissue of the BAF)

Iron Fist (red costume)

Zarathos (classic design)

Kurse (classic comic design)

Dazzler (civilian version)



Moondragon (Dragon of the Moon possessed version)


Silver Surfer

She-Hulk in FF uniform

Rogue (Romita version of the black bodysuit/green overclothes costume)

Kitty Pryde (soul armor/sword version)
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Absolutely disgusting
Decent fig, but that mask is so fucking ugly. I wish we had more options for a good tobey-man (not the ones from 20 years ago)
Same feel. I'm more irked by the mask. All I can think of seeing this is wondering if they even had the physical mask made for NWH. All the promo shots just showed them CGI'd in.
Calm down you fucking sperg.
Hasblo legends is slowly going out of business 2025 being their last year. I doubt there will be a secret wars wave 2 but I can assume we will see banshee classic colors as the final figure from this dogshit line.
Lol, lmao even. I know the more vocal jackasses in this general are anti Hasbro, so you knobcocks desperately want this, but it isn't going to happen. MLs have been selling just as much as normal. Yes, Target and Walmart have been skipping certain waves, but this is no different from them just outright not stocking certain waves in years past. This is nothing new. If anything, this kind of rhetoric just outs you as a newfag.
Jesus, nobody could make a decent Tobey figure, they all look disgusting.
Aren't Disney's licenses supposed to be renewed around these months? I don't think Hasbro's letting Marvel go, but I'd be glad if at least they lose the exclusivity. I'd like to see some other companies giving Marvel a shot.
We know it's you Dan
> but I'd be glad if at least they lose the exclusivity.
I don’t think that’s possible but would be a welcomed outcome. Although I don’t see any domestic brands producing anything better, aside from jada of course. Many assume that Jada is too small of a company to purchase a marvel vs capcom license, but that is just speculation considering there is no insider to validate that claim.

I remember watching an interview with Juhn (Jada) where he outright said that mortal kombat was not on the table because WB wasn’t licensing the ip out to any company. The idea that they attempted to make a deal with WB makes me believe they can negotiate a contract with disney.
>No argument
I'm getting tired of all the sub-80 IQ rejects in this thread.
>Jada Jada Jada
Stop it with this. If Jada were to get the Marvel or DC license, every other IP they have been working on would get shafted in favor of said larger IP. Marvel has plenty of companies that make 1:12 scale action figures of their characters, let Jada keep focusing on IPs that don't get as many toys. I think they've found a very nice niche with the IPs they produce and I will gladly buy fhise from them.
Oh sorry, didn't know it was you Shartimus
Yeah, it's more of an extreme scenario, but it'd be cool to see other companies trying.
It's just speculation, there's no harm in that.

I've been drooling for weeks over the idea of Storm Collectibles making a Hulk.
>MLfags in shambles
The thing is though, who would even take over the license? Jada is too small, and like I said, should really focus on these less popular IPs that don't get as many toys. McFarlane would just be Marvel Multiverse, with all the issues that come along with it, chase variants, shitty articulation, weird proportions, and a scale that goes with almost nothing else. Mattel is outright garbage so they're out. I don't see NECA dipping their toes in to it. Jakks Pacific are not quite ont he same level as Hasbro, and Spinmaster does baby toys.

Who would be a better domestic option for Marvel?
Hasbro fucking BUSTED for lying about how poorly their shit sells, it's fucking OVER LMAO!

Who's gonna pick up the Marvel license?
It's actually embarrassing now bro. Marvel Legends isn't going anywhere.
The absolute DEFINITION of a cope post lol, next time try reading the article ;)
Lmao, this is no different from when you retards kept trying to say Hasbro was dead earlier this year. Keep dreaming lol.
Isn't that site some comicsgater cuck shit?
They have no excuse not to get out a comic Ock with bendy tentacles. This is their time!
>found the tranny
There is none, which is exactly why hasbro will keep the license until its no longer profitable for them. That could be this renewal cycle or several down the road. It is clear that domestic action figures as a market are winding down however. All that's left are older collectors, very little new blood buys action figures, so there isnt much of a future to the market. If the tariffs on Chinese goods go through I wonder if many will bother relocating to vietnam if they have not already, and might just give up on action figures.
>It is clear that domestic action figures as a market are winding down
lol, lmao even. I really wonder what kind of world you guys live in.
The one where walmart and target pass on most ML waves and where the biggest domestic lines --outside of movie and game figures -- release characters and looks that only 30+ year old men remember.
Walmart and Target have outright skipped waves for years. The only difference now is, they are announcing which waves are being skipped by those retailers. Every other store that previously sold MLs still does. Hell, people are finding the Secret Wars wave in some Targets right fucking now. You're making mountains out of molehills.

>the biggest domestic lines --outside of movie and game figures -- release characters and looks that only 30+ year old men remember.
Well, if you're going to exclude toys that are tie ins to currently releasing media, what else are you left with from these franchises? Of course if you arbitrarily not count movie and game figures, these franchises are going to focus on their classic versions, what else do they have to go on?

I swear, some of you are too stupid to breathe.
They never skipped this many before 2020.

And the other options besides classic looks would be to cater to new modern looks, but the sales for those would be awful because few kids buy MLs or read comics. We saw what happened when mcfarlane tried figures based on modern comic storylines. They pegwarmed to the moon.
Are you new? They did all the time. Depending on how many shelfwarmers were sitting at your local store, they would sometimes skip two or three waves at a time. I've been collecting MLs for more than a decade now, and it was always a crapshoot as to whether or not Target and Walmart had the latest wave. Unless I found it on a random Target run, or saw that a figure was in stock via the website or BrickSeek or something along those lines, I got the figure online. I don't know what it's like in your area, but I live in one of the most populated cities in the US, and frequent one of the busiest Targets in that city and it's always a crapshoot if they have shit on the shelves.
>And the other options besides classic looks would be to cater to new modern looks
If you're talking about like modern looks that are out right now, they do that. You do realize it takes like two years for a figure to be produced from start to finish right? But, like you said the sales for those are awful, not just because kids don't read comics, but because those modern costumes tend to be the absolute shittiest designs. Like the new post House of X X-Men costumes are fucking terrible by trying to evoke the Jim Lee era looks. Just wear the Jim Lee era looks and be done with it, fuck. We got a bunch of House of X style X-Men a few years ago, this new stuff just released this year, I'm sure Hasbro will make figures based on those looks.

If you look at something like Astonishing Wolverine though, you can see he still sold quite well, despite not being a classic costume. It's just the Astonishing suit is actually good.
I told you mofos that SHF cant be beat with their tobey.
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oh yes because the shf is so better with its inaccurate inner/outter elbows that no other company cares to do except mafex.

Don’t forget how they skimp on accessories compared to 4 years ago
That only happened in specific stores, not across the board, anon
Still looks more accurate than mafex.
ok shill
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There's my answer, I guess.
Looks okay, but why is it 125 bucks? Other Mezcos at that price had way more bang for your buck.
Unlike the legends, this one has a more masculine body.
Do any of the Mezco superhero bucks even have that range of motion?
The Legends is more masculine than you
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Lots of CT Wolverine but did no one else get Agent Anti - Venom? This is honestly IMO better than their Mafex copies. It feels like legit Revoltech in hand and posing.
I've got both coming. Already have the black Venom and it's excellent, so I'm expecting Anti to be just as good. Seems like Wolvie is solid too. I'm still supporting the true lines with characters I want, but for a character like Agent Venom who I don't have a ton of love for, or a costume variation, these CT Toys versions are a great thing.
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Visited Ollie's today. Lots and lots and lots of Legends. I feel like there might be a theme in these...
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No surprise honestly. Marvel legends is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to collectable action figures.
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That isn't true, why say something so stupid?
yeah, kids don't buy toys anymore
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>says my claim is wrong while at the same time posts boatload of photos proving me right
they really couldn't give sleeveless options for wolverine? come on
Jada gets mentioned because of the quality of what they produce. As far as the $20-30 range goes nobody is as consistent as Jada. But I think Jada is benefiting a lot from being a small company with a modest range of lines with somewhat slow production. Even hypothetically suggesting they do more than they already are doesn't make much sense to me. Handing Marvel or Star Wars to Jada (or even more Capcom IPs) probably wouldn't go well.
It doesn't prove you right.
>no you
as one of your fellow low iq hastards would say, “you argue like shit.”
You don't seem to know what a "no you" is. Because that ain't it.
damn like 95% MCU stuff. wish theyd learn no one wants a fucking agatha or black panthers sister figure.
That's kind of the point of Ollie's anon. Taking the shit no one wants.
They expected Black Panther 2 to be a giant success. There was a whole thing with the first movie being successful and the toys supposedly selling so well they couldn't keep them in stock.

So they overcompensated this time.
anyone else been noticing these secret wars figures pegwarming?
They literally just came out. They cannot pegwarm by just being released.
They are
I can pick some up for anons if they don't have them locally, my shelves are clogged
I don't see the point in lying like that?
Offering to help anons that can't get stuff at retail is lying? This board used to help each other.
I still can't find bucky cap and future antmant to finish my giantess cassie. Has anyone spotted the gay kid omega at any discount store yet?
The Iron Man mk1 being there is sad. It's a great figure. You better have grabbed one.
Literally never, go back to your hecking wholesome reddit
>newfag doesn't know about secret santa
Not shocked.
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look at this edgelord
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Doesn't seem likely, as much as i like Mezco for what they are. they can't pose like that, unless they made a huge improvement that I didn't know about.
I Think that's some CGI BS.
Ham will never get a proper figure
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>grr im on 4chan so i have to be mean!

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