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Anime wehraboo edition

Previous thread: >>11208859

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except Hasegawa). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
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I've noticed I can still see a big cloud of vapor outside of the booth when using the air brush, and very little of it seems to actually be getting sucked into the filter and out the exhaust. Granted, I am a little heavy handed with the trigger and could absolutely learn how to ease up, but this still occurs even with a fresh brand new filter.
The fans on my cheap booth look like regular fans you'd find in a computer. Would trying to replace these with some better quality parts with a higher flow rate help at all or just be a waste of time? If so, do I need to look for a special type that can handle the paint dust or just send it and get whatever?
Fans of that type can absolutely haul ass, they are definitely fit for purpose. They are definitely not the inherent cause of this. How is your tubing/extraction actually running behind the cabin? Would there be any backpressure keeping the air from flowing freely?
Dude, keep your 3 year old out of your modelling room.
definitely prefer the toiletpaper&glue water effect over tinfoil. i'm having some trouble applying the small PE parts without leaving glue marks. the doors barely read as such due to the glue mess.
>i'm having some trouble applying the small PE parts without leaving glue marks.
Get some CA debonder. Makes it a breeze to clean up.
Do you know what the throughput of that thing is?
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I'm using the included exhaust tube, with the end attachment stuck into an open window when in use.
The tag on the booth claims 5.2 meters cubed per min.

It does move quite a bit of air, it just doesn't seem to create enough vacuum to bring all of the paint through. Another thing, is that I kind of spray at the edge of the booth (but still within) instead of deep inside.
thanks for the tip, will try
>mfw my room is constantly smelling like glue, nail polish remover and window cleaner
I don't even have a face for that
Got myself some 3 2 dollar airbrushes from aliexpress, I will see if they are about as good as the same ones going for 20 yurobux from local hobby shops
>2 dollar airbrushes
should be on a par with iwata desu
Been buying a pin vise myself that just arrived today from Aliexpress. I've had like 4 of varying types from European stores and none of them clamp evenly. The 2 euro one from aliexpress just werks (tm), don't understand how it can be so hard
Wake up babe, new plasmo.
I am always amazed by how steady his hands are.
I recently only did some aircraft wheels with the linkages and shit and my shaky hands fucked up like seven times until it was correct.
And this fucker here is stamping mirrors the size of a pinhead and gluing them to copper wires.
they look like this one, probably because they are made in the same factory, but the spread is incredibly tight with no overspray
for 10x less, it's a steal
>probably because they are made in the same factory
This is the same delusional cope I hear from "people" with fake Rolexes.
Won't be any kink shaming here, brother
abysmal comparison
What the fuck are on about retard
I compared a 20 dollar chinese airbrush to a 2 dollar chinese airbrush
>comparing mental masturbation with something that produces tangible results

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