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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

!!!BIG NEWS!!!

>4 new Lego "live action" movies announced at Universal Pictures, one of them will be a Ninjago movie with the original show's creators!



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I think Nexo Knights suck!
ok, why?
>No! That was taken out of context! I didn't mean it like that! I love Nexo Knights!
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Holy shit, I was just watching a video on Xalax racers last night. I'm surprised it took them this long to revive the concept, but this implementation does feel right.

Personally the piece for dollar value isn't there for me, but I'm guessing these are the consolation prize for kids who can't afford the full size models like this one. >>11240533
>we're not getting new D&D sets
Am i being gaslit?
The red dragon and cmf's sold insanely well, there's no way we're not getting an entire new set line.
Ita over bro
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>Cole's Titan Mech 25% off
Please don't say that!
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owari da...
what's that
more star wars?
Anybody got any black Friday hauls yet?
I bought the the Egg Driller for 20% off at Amazon, so my Sonic minifigure collection is complete (until next year).
It's not just about sales, the Lego x Hasbro collab contract probably just entailed the 50 anniversary celebration set coupled a cmf wave, it's not necessarily like suddenly Lego holds the DnD license and can do as they please based on sales figures.
Awesome I will definitely get that.
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>Cole's Titan Mech 30% off
I'll just wait until it's 40% off
Good, DnD is wokeshit for redditors.
Lego should use the Hasbro licence for Lego MLP.
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Nexo Knights
Is this set based or cringe? I legit can't tell, but it is ugly as shit.
Didn't ask
>New R5-D4
Fuck, I'm still pissed he didn't come in the play scale N-1. Might pick this up if it's around $20
Best set ever
>even gave it softs to match the livery
>Spider-Man can now turn into a Dinosaur
>don't take this opportunity to re-introduced Reptil.
>we're getting this wack racecar shit instead of more Dungeons and Dragons
are you fucking kidding me
F1 is the second worse race, no. 1 is ni-
If I post every F1 set for 2025, we hit image limit
Feels amazing to get secondhand stuff that's been kept good as new.
I've spent 25€ to worse things in my life.
>DnDers seething
What, I thought you people liked stupid things with wheels?
Haven't had that happen in a while. Go for it.
this looks like a very cute $10 set but the 4+ and the license tells me it'd gonna be like $35
no one gives a shit about formula 1, there won't be a license tax like it's disney or marvel or whatever. it's lego city first and foremost
Yeah I wouldn't mind spending a thread on announcements

I do it
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is this a trans thing or a coll retro sythnwave thing?
Will lego oversaturate the market with F1 sets?
>no bionicle
I actually like the little helmets. Could use some more character, but people like "realism." Any clue if they're minifig sized or bigger?
How much are these running?
>Lego's first set based specifically on a PS1 game
Lego's new thing is group theming. Space last year, F1 this year. God knows what's next.
I wish they made Sports sets with foltball teams.
Imagine the scalpers salivating at the thought of selling this entire collection to a Saudi prince 20 years from now.
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Unless it's an Icons Black Pearl or Flying Dutchman I don't give a fuck
Its lego one piece theme. 6 sets

Netflix one!

They are minifig size, the helmets, same mold for speed champions F1.
Its crazy speed champions continued for so long

I do think these set, since they are $26, I hope they use prints and no stickers! I do like the city F1 more...
it depresses me that all these cool dinosaur molds are ruined by atrocious color schemes(the printing is easily erased)
so this f1 stuff is online only, I assume? I can't see walmart or any physical store carrying this shit
>God knows what's next.

It's this, I made them the map:
>2024: Space Year
>2025: F1 Year
>2026: Castle Year
>2027: Sports Year
>2028: Pirates Year
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>Not even the good licenseshit
It's over...
All F1 sets will be released at retail in january, march, june, etc.
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This one doesnt disgust me as much as the rest of all the carshit
F1 will save /lg/
they might reuse them for a 4+ jurassic park wave with better colors. I don't see them creating such complex expensive molds for a one off spider man meme
So how exactly are they supposed to deal with the shark? Drive away from it?
Finally I can have a mech bay for all the stupid ass mechs they force on me.
I know what's certainly not next
Castle and Pirates.
Absolutely delusional.
run him over
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>f1 lego
>thinking this will be online only or wont sell
Lol, lmao
Cartists will get them
Euros will get them
Asians will get them
Sandpeople will get them and build irl tracks for them
Mexicans will go full aztec for them
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Hope they reduce the price and what a shame it is not the tummy ahsoka.
This place is beyond saving, but do carry on.
It's based but it's total shit
Good year for vehicles coming it seems
>amberlamps that has the unique shape and isnt a van
Praise be, fug
I just want a lego board

Horses got one ffs
Well that's a good competitor for the big black transcock.
Neat, any photos/renders of the midi acclamator yet?
New thread?
Not gonna buy even one but releasing 10 f1 cars the same years is a brass balls move. Chris Stamp gets his dick sucked for each release, btw
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They are trading this and Space for fucking cars. I hope you are happy
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Lego fortnite chads
it's gonna be an unbearably grim year. we didn't appreciate how good we had it
Sloptards of the coast btfo!
First off, the space and D&D sets were planned out years ahead, just like this F1 collaboration. They’ve got release schedules mapped out well in advance.

Secondly, even though Dungeons and Dragons LEGO is flying off the shelves, it’ll still take LEGO about two years to roll out a new theme. That’s because they need Hasbro to give the green light for contract license renewals, plus they have to design and test the sets.

The earliest we can expect Dungeons and Dragons sets is summer 2026. And just a heads up, 2026 is going to be a huge year for castles and fantasy stuff, with the new Netflix Narnia film, a fresh Lord of the Rings movie about hunting Gollum, the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie, and season 2 of the Netflix series, among other things.
I don't see how Lego can even make it to 2026 the way things are going. F1 will kill Lego. No one will buy this junk.
It also creeps into that fun niche that Hot Wheels/Matchbox fits, so you get your Lego pieces and race down the hallways at the same time. I remember having the blue underbite guy with the grey car, and it was probably my favorite set I had (sans Bionicles), despite only being four pieces.
Make it whatever you want and stop caring about opinions on the internet
anon they survived Vidiyo
They survived Bionicle
dont care at all for the ip, but the builds look fun and ill probably pick it up if its on offer. figs look like they can easily be changed into yellow
Anon are you high or just caught in a doom spiral? F1 is insanely popular and has a legion of consoooomers that will buy stuff with their team on it. Not to mention the kids, autists, car people and normies. The cmf is stupid and I dont think will do too well unless people just buy it for their kids, but the cars themselves will be some of the easiest money lego and f1 will ever make
I kinda like this but I wanna see more and a price first.

Set: 76453 - Malfoy Manor

• Includes 1601 pieces
• US $149.99 - DE/FR €TBA - UK £TBA
• Release: JANUARY 1ST 2025
Pollution induced habitat loss
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>F1 is insanely popular
It's a fucking wall. Even though x-mansion is incredibly gay at least it's got 4 walls.
Should I wait to see Wicked this Saturday before I buy pic related? I like Wizard of Oz but I think a big factor will be if I like this film..
Does this green (black) witch have a secret stash of fried chicken somewhere in the set? If yes absolutely buy it.
>tfw they actually brought back Lego f1 and made it a full Supertheme like they did with space this year
oh man that is actually tight I love the f1 truck
imagine being an adult and writing this post
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stfu about Dee-in-Dee, you shitpost about it in every thread, when everyone knows the fortnite battle bus set was the biggest set of the year
Just trying to fit in.
look at the difference in depth
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buy the set now
(maybe wait for an Xmas sale?)
wait to see the movie Wicked all together

you know it's "part 1" right?
it's not even the whole story

nowhere is the ad hype mentioning this half-movie nonsense

(the Mission Impossible movie bombed because it was hyped as a two-part epic, and nobody wanted to see only the first part)

gotta milk milk milk that money by splitting the movie into two parts!

if you can afford a trip to NYC and Broadway tickets, you can see the whole thing
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it's kinda funny Rastar did a better job with it than lego. also WTF is that color? the blue looks too light. reminds me of the 2010 car.
What was the best selling Lego set this year?
express train 60337. everytime it gets restocked on our local toy store, it goes out in less than a week!
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Any other answear is a lie
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>weird sci-fi looking cars travel the world to go vroom in front of huge crowds every year
>instantly recognizable brands and liveries
>ardent merchandise consoomer audience
>they're even slopifying it with movies and gay artificial drama shows for normies
>saudis and qataries convert huge swathes of land just to have vroom tracks
>even burgers who don't really have the audience interest for f1 went in for 2 new gps and circuits in the last few years, even defiling a shrine to handegg for one
sounds like the right level of popularity and marketability for a toy to me, anon. At the end of the day it's weird, cool cars going at silly speeds with the aspect of teams thrown ontop, that's going to sell just fine
it came out in october. even if it ends up being true in the long run it's nowhere near there yet
Stegosaurs I don’t feel so good…
they will use it as a jurassic baby calm down
finally an actually good City truck since 60025. took them 11 years to get it right again!
Still fucked up, hopefully the Gwen Ptero can be used in a JW set as a baby pterodactyl, because thats the best usage
It is, it's popular with the exact same people I know who watch normie shows. I agree that it makes no sense, it's horrendously dull
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We have stego
>WW3 has started
Oh well, nice knowing you all /lg/
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Silly anon
Did you forget?
Yes, I bought that one and need yhe classic stego
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Well, now I don't feel so bad buying so many D&D minifigs (and Space minifigs and Series 25 figs...). Between this and the CMF series devoted entirely to Spider-Man, I'm not going to be touching a whole lot of minifigs in 2025.
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>the CMF series devoted entirely to Spider-Man
dont forget the simpsons
Lego captures the shape of it significantly better imo. It's a lot curvier, more proportional and less stretched out. The color is absolutely fucked though
this is amazing. those alt builds look good
This is so shit, though. The droid minifigs are fucking garbage, do Star Wars fags actually like them? At least the clones are proper minifigs.
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dude lego city is actually looking good this year instead of all the neon bullshit finally
is this a joke? this looks like a gray turd
like something you built out of spare parts
Where are the 2025 Lego Police leaks? Who is going to keep these drag racing F1 cunts in line?
Lego City won't have police sets in 2025
there's a scrapyard set. use your imagination.
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these drivers look a bit sus
how is this sport so popular? you watch a bunch of samey looking cars drive in a circle
I got excited for a second and then realized that all these sets will have huge sheets of stickers. It's not that I hate stickers, but literally every other company can pad print all the bricks they need, it's just the TLG that refuses to do it.
Its like ancient colleseum fights, people die in this
Actually all F1 branded sets for this year use prints, was stated in press release. That's why F1 speed champs cars are $26 each.
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MAY get this
Prob won't

Man that's bad lmao

Wishing the Iron Man Figs were like the old style
I hate the Helmet designs on these

>More stiff awful Dinos now in worse Capeshit designs

Monster Fighter Chads win again

Speaking of Jurassic Park. Hey a ML320 future tease?

I really hope the Durr Burger isn't bad
>It's not that I hate stickers

why not.
Movie is a total bust man
If you buy the set, THEN see movie you'll hate it and regret the set
Unless you're turbo redit soi
-I- got the set and don't even think it's Set of the year
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What do we think it is?
>One Piece
>Classic Pirates
>Pirates of the Caribbean
>literally just this fucking minifig
Well, actually I'd rather Lego didn't have them, but I enjoy putting them on. I also enjoy putting water decals on models.
One Piece

Already been rumoured for a few months
How the fuck are they gonna do three sword style
New transparent neck piece to hold the sword?
Like a special head maybe?
This literally isn't even CLOSE to anybody in One Piece
You're not getting netflix slop
It's utter dogshit
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Theres also this that nobody has talked about. He was right about the April and September CMF, but wrong about the X-mansion GWP
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Yep, exactly as I thought. This shit is CONFIRMED CONFIRMED
>lego one piece is happening
What about dragon ball????
>lego one piece is real
Can't believe I see the day
>No Brundle™ gridwalk™ set
Yep. Lego One Piece is happening, this is what I was teasing, 7 sets are coming in July!

All based on the Netflix series.
Not the actual Kramer's trip but I still believe it
>all leaks about lego one piece were real
Cannot believe this was true

I do wonder...is dragon ball z leak real too?
The real Kramer can correct him if he wants.
We're waiting.
Not a weeb, so what is one piece? And why should I be happy as a pirate fan for this slop?
Well on marvel he said series 3 but we get a spider verse cmf.
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Pirate ships, fig parts, and weapons

Thats true but I feel like a third series based on Marvel can reasonably be called Marvel series 3
>massive spoiler
LOL retard
Never going to happen. We're not annoying enough outside of this board.
We should be

Pokemon has 2 boards ffs
/v/ is split in like 6 boards why not split lego and toy? Tfg too
Yo Kramer boy, bro. Is lego one piece or dragon ball happening? Just say yes or no.
Kramer said its too early to say, now he's not correcting the fake Kramer like he usually does. Read between the lines
He could just also not be here right now though
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Post One Piece characters you want as minifigures.
"Set's possible, No confirmation"
>Uses it as hard fact
You're retarded
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what is with all these shonenfags? go back to /a/ you favela monkies
I'm old enough to remember the OG racer and speed champion ferrari sets. I'm still sad I couldn't get any of those sets
Anon, I...
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100% its based on netflix. Lego wont touch the anime because pic related, they are afraid.
It's so utter dogshit
There is no fucking way they're doing this shit lmao
look at >>11240958
That could be about literally anything, I don't use trannycord but I guarantee that person has said more than that one message
Netflix one piece is their biggest hit next to stranger things and wednesday. And lego made sets for both now. Also, makes sense to release sets now with season 2 release in 2025 and season 3 greenlit internally.
I hope leakers confirm it soon or I swear lego one piece posting will be worse than nexo posting
Post anime you want lego to make sets of
Lego Shaman King
That doesn't prove a god damn thing

Cease speaking and fuck off back to your Redit soi cave
Holy fuck actually kill yourself
Anon, I hope you can understand how pathetic your seething makes you look. Facts don't care about your feelings.
45 euros for a set this tiny is fucking terrible, the disney price gouging needs to stop
All the f1 stuff looks like shit apart from this one, this is based
there's like 20(?) sets and a fake cmf line, that's way too many. like who the fuck is buying the apline and hass cars?
If they're anything like the mclaren f1 car they released before they'll have a ton of stickers.
Why should I care about or believe these people
Nobodies died for ages in a f1 race, it's surprisingly safe nowadays
trolls shitposting is not a rumour
Because One Piece is the 2nd biggest anime in the world and gets us 1 step closer to lego dragon ball z sets
You just gave me reasons why I should want it to be real, which isn't what I asked
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Kramer better reveal everything he knows before we die in ww3 by Christmas.
Same thing
>WW3 Anon
PLEASE fuck off back to >>>/pol/
Its happebing though
So this thread will believe any random saying shit if it aligns with the hivemind's wishlist?
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tax free lego in canada

And here in America we'll be paying a tarrif tax. THANKS TRUMP
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No the US factory is up and running now
"I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon" guy

Uh huh go ahead and ask Mexico how we'll their Lego factories do at lowering prices.
Do you even hear yourself?
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Molded plastic bricks are distinct from micro processors and aerospace components. I shouldn't have to explain this to you.
>do Star Wars fags actually like them?
I used to collect lego star wars. But Star Wars has been dead to me for a while now. I don't really speak for anyone other than myself. And I don't own the set. But nothing here is actually that new. Not even the unique elements.

Not especially.
Fine but it's the same droid speeder we've got a million times over and can be built with anyone's spare parts.
>Super battle Droids
Not really. I was kind of hoping for a real redesign and not just a structure improvement of the old one.
>tan battle droids
No. I remember being a small child in 1999 and being disappointed by these droids. I grew to like them over time. I like the heads but everything else is lacking. It dramatically needs to be redesigned.
No. I didn't like the helmets before lego started drilling holes in them. Clone collectors are rabid. Give them a dual molded helmet already
Cheap chink junk from Temu, shein, and Alibaba?
Anon, I want you to show me on a map where silicon and aluminum are mined, and where coffee beans and tomatoes are grown in the US. And when you find them I want you to ask yourself if you truly believe it's feasible for our internal production capacity to match what we're capable of producing today, without external inputs.
>Lego Nigel Mansell
I really need that.
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You gotta fuck off
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What happened I was busy outside, saw some well priced bootlego at least, and Vidyo at a Barnes and Nobles
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will you be paying 50 bucks for this? sounds like a great deal
Retards strung together a bunch of vague bullshit and decided it means One Piece is confirmed
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You like F1? That'll be $270 plus tip
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>design kind of sucks
I'm still getting this but I'll treat it as a parts pack.
Looks like a grumpy hobo who has to bring back someone's mentally retarded kid back to the asylum while an owl is shitting on the kid's head.
This is all I can see.
>Would be around $220 if they're retail $20
Why is it like $50 more?
Right, I think the F1 minis look nice and I’m reminded a bit of the Speed Racer sets for the larger stuff. Any good pistons or anything?
Is there any way to enable uniform lighting in stud.io? I'm working with a lot of black pieces and I can't see shit unless I rotate the entire goddamn model to make it face the only direction that provides a light source.
Maybe with a mod or something, haven’t played around much in there lately
>if they're retail $20
They're retail $27.
Out of their fucking mind
Holy shit
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klocki POOP researcher are you here?

can you tell me

the FUCK WERE THEY THINKING when they made picrelateD?

what the fuck is this garbage?????
>baby dragon mold in a new color
Very nice. Hopefully we'll get more.
Is that trans brown clear tiles bellow the poop or just an optical illusion
i didn't realise this was the micro processors and aerospace components general or /mpacg/
thank you. i knew it reminded me of something but I didn't know what. wtf is Lego doing?
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death to f1
clear orange, represents the poop is on fire
Colapinto F1 car comfirmed?
modified neck bracket with a clip on the front
would be very funny if they make the Usopp minifig black but they used the Pinocchio head to give him the classic nose
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Building some castle ruins for my forestmen, so they can ambush unsuspecting travelers and enemy knights
Jojo, just for the $660 D2C Duwang set
they could use minidolls for the women, half the cast would need to be done with bigfigs
It should be $10 at most
I love small builds like these.

Man I miss back when the box art was stylish and the backgrounds had a story to tell.
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Another fellow carrot enjoyer I see
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>3rd Party
>lego DB could be happening
Looks real nice anon. Be sure to keep us updated.
notice how the redbull teams are 18+? probably something to do with the drinks sponsorship not being appropriate for kids.
and you have to buy it twice, one for each driver
But Kick is okay LOL
forestmen aren't bandits they protect travelers.
Frankly a bit dissapointed that there were no malebero advertisements in there because that would have been funny as hell
Well they've milked that franchise for all they can. At this point it's either this or Harry Potter mech suits.
even the real Senna car is censored to hell, but yeah i rather the tobacco sponsorship than these soulless cryptoshit sponsors.
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She's real lego...
She's Richbrick's carrot...
Those brick built cars look so cool and cute, genuinely why are people seething about them?
I don't see why, kids drink red bull anyway and putting it in a black box isn't going to stop them buying it
this is somehow much better than the Senna F1 since they finally gave the car different tire widths
Because weird regulations, outdated ones
Tobacco would be more aesthetic and usable elsewhere vs cryptocrap, sad how its gone
Whats the best Tobacco racer
I really like this set because I've spent hours just having them right eachother and coming up with little battles for them, idk star wars much so I made my own fluffy up
the red car, of course!
unfortunately those are the standard speed champions prices
which of course keep going up each year
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>all these new f1 sets
jesus fuck lego, why not give them their own theme line instead of this shit, I wanted actual cars for speed champions
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I had one of these and liked it a lot even if it was incredibly basic. They had a lot of charm and character.
>LEGO inundated with boring car sets just as I'm returning to the hobby
Well... I guess I can save my cash for a bit at least
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Old speed champions F1 set for comparison m new suspension piece
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I still have this one buried in my parts bin. Don't have the launcher anymore though.
get the truck at least. it's one of the best modern trucks they made so far
Yeah I think Xalax did a great job at what it set out to do. Giving kids the sense of accomplishment for building the vehicle itself and what kid doesn't love little toy cars? The kit bashing possibilities are kino too.
>Lego's new thing is group theming
It's like the company loves money but hates consistent business practices and catering to the customers.
It used to be sensible:
>have some X sets available at all times for the kids who like X, rotate in new ones every couple of years to keep things fresh
where X is racing cars, space, trains, castle, Star Wars, pirates, fire, police, etc etc. Nothing too eventful, just a bit of something for everyone in sets of various sizes. A quality lineup to cater to a broad market.
Now they just want to shit out a fuckton of F1 sets once every ten years or whatever? How are huge companies this incompetent these days? It's like the organisation itself has ADHD.
I suspect their capitalizing on FOMO. Gotta buy everything you can now if you can never be sure of future waves. It's scummy but I'm sure it makes them lots of profit.
stratos wore it the best
I love cars but this f1 shit is the most retarded thing they could've done it's just the same looking car every set
I wanna use some of these things parts for an actual build but it will likely make me bleed money out of the ass, fun looking things
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there's marlboro sticker packs out there for the mp4/4
cant wait for the labatts + camel sticker packs to come out
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>Hey let's release basically the same Car design in 4 City sets in different colors!
>Hey you know those 10 Speed Champions sets we're releasing that I can't quote because it makes it think this post is spam? Let's sell them all together in a giant $200+ box!

I have no strong feelings for or against F1 racing, but releasing this many sets of the exact same car but in different coats of paint seems like a really dumb idea from a casual standpoint. Like at least with the Space thing this year City was doing different stuff from Techinic which was doing different stuff from Friends which was doing different stuff from Creator. This is just "Current day F1 car". Couldn't they at least do something like a "F1 through the years" bit for Speed Champions like have some 70s/80s/90s F1 racers? At least that would have more variety than "F1 but Black/Orange" and "F1 but Black/Green"
Yeah I would prefer F1 through the ages, hell some real early stuff would be cool
Oh right the other major racing thing is Le Mans, how have they been doing lately?
they will be printing money with the 10 speed champions sets

people love autistically collecting stuff in a completionist way

it's strictly a $$$$$$$$ decision

if you want SOVL get the icons mclaren / williams >>11241400>>11241404
>no green or blue (wet weather) tires
why even
I still want 70’s F1
lauda icons set would be cool
>we might finally hit image limit for once
I both hated and loved these. They were so lame but I had a blast playing with these with my siblings the driver ejection action was perfect, you could easily tell who won races across the room. We'd also send them under the kitchen table trying to avoid chair legs and try and hit each other from opposite directions.
Hagrid is actually fucking great.
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He could be a whole set.
why does he look like this
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>6 wheels
Wew mama
Japs can't into character design, and Oda is worse than most
Weebs don't care though, as long as thing:japanese it's enough for them
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Lore reason: He's a cyborg and added a bunch of extra shit to his robotics within a two-year timespan.
IRL Reason: Oda's gonna Oda.
What's stopping you from just building it
Do you have a pic of the giant onr?
they should release the Senna car with updated wheels and correct livery
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The dnd set is cool but honestly I kinda like the 3in1 castle set more
>lao-shan lung and chaotic gore magala
Jesus those cranes are GIANT
PiRatES aRe BAcK?!

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>micro cars with big headed drivers
close enough, welcome back lego racers
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the vintage ones aren't better really, 1996 also saw Town release an F1 subtheme where every race car looks the same
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much better actually, and Ferrari's actually more accomplished in WEC than F1 recently with them winning Le Mans 2 years in a row.
it's not the same exact car, look closer
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nta, but here
This place wasn’t built for someone so based.
Controversial opinion: it was fine then and it's fine now. F1 cars do basically look the same apart from colours. What's dumb is how many they're releasing plus the CMF1s.
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They had several of those race cars in different sets.
#1 and #3 were included in 6337.
#4 was its own set 6546.
#2, #5 and #6 came in 6335 >>11241627
The F1 sets should be free, imagine spending money to get stickers of a bunch of company logos
I think the city F1 sets are better than speed champions ones
are you sure these shelves can handle it
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I think there is hardly an F1 set that can top 6395 Victory Lap Raceway.
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Alert! Alert! We have reached the bump limit! This is NOT a drill! A new thread is required IMMEDIATELY!
No one posted this one
I don’t feel so good… no more bumps? How can I post? This thread is dead. I’m leaving
Do mixed gender pit crews actually exist?
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yeah they're supposedly strong enough
New thread

Thank goodness you were here to make us a new thread
big news for JP fans if those small raptor heads are a separate piece
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Toe beans erotic!

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