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Sorry to link reddit but there's way too many leaks at the same time for someone to be posting every single new set image individually itt. Just look around and repost pic on /lg/ of whatever you might wanna discuss:


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11248423
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New gimmick just dropped. Thoughts?
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Girlshit would have a lot more universal appeal if not for the horrendous color choices
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nice sideview of the the new wolf and fluffycat molds
The only good (by Dreamzzz standards) set this wave besides the polybag.
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It's supposed to be $25
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Trans sisters... this one is for us!
The colors are amazing and actually realistic, looks like Morroco or Peru.
Lego gives up on kids making their own creations

Lego makes sets that can be broken down into um... pieces?

hey kids, you know you can re-connect the pieces... like this!
The 90s called - they want their ideas back.
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dreamzzz too
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no turds? WHERE. ARE. THE. TURDS?

Also seems like a new skin disease just dropped. step aside vitiligo
reminds me of this
I had matchbox (?) toys like in the 90s. But they were matchboxsized. This here feels retarded. Too big and of course, IT'S ALREADY LEGO.
Jesus Christ, those dogs bit half of her face off...
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WHO IS THIS SHIT FOR? seems like the fucking pink wheeled shoe was a hit
Yeah, exactly. I had these. It would only make sense at that scale.
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criminal how many unique animal molds friends gets. what a waste that they are on the fucked up style
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jesus christ how many of these fucking rabbits are they gonna make
Paradisa bros like me
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lotta useful goodies for such a small set
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dont insult paradisa like that
You need to fuck off if all you're going to do is repost images from reddit and bitch and moan like a woman.
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Finally done with this moc, will probably break it down in a few days
Yes we established earlier in this thread that you are an insane troon obsessed autist. We dont need as much preparation as you to understand that.
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I think you should fucking kill yourself.
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Trump won, btw
Fucking obsessed brainrotted schizo go back
>30 dollars
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white and asian girl
latin and black boy

friends gets a lot of treehouses, I thought that was a male child thing and girls didnt care for them
I don't care I just want you to stop talking because you are a gigantic troon obsessed faggot redditor who is just kvetching like a woman and its annoying
So that's how she lost that hand...
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mech-chads whats the veredict?
Verdict is you should become an hero
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I wonder who could be behind all the random seething posts...
Matthew Ashton, I'd guess
Ugly and no knee/elbow joints in order to not frustrate the absolute windowlickers this is aimed at.
Its the fucking troons from the rr slugger discord. They're all raiding here after someone mentioned it in the last thread.
So, is this a roman or spartan?

Virus spartans?
Nexo Knights if good
Go go power rangers
did just2good troon out?
Makes sense, wouldn’t be surprised if the one NJ fag was also from that shitcord
X Wing
NJ? What does that stand for?

This is a great 4+ set!
Literally a nexo knights set
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New Jersey, one of the lolcows here is from there so I just call him NJ for short


Also a Warhammer 40k set!!! Aka Nexo Knights set!
Space lives on!
>classic space
Holy shit
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>sparta and spartacus computer viruses
>villains are virus spartans

And they get a castle in the summer wave!
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>they don't use the skull-face plate for the alternative build
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Most of the Ninjago and Dreamzzz stuff is unironically looking pretty good. >>11251222 is gonna be nice for the price.
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Reminds me of a thing I used to try decades ago. i was collecting City vehicles and wanted to make some sort of voltron-esque thing with them, where everything was connected by those ratchet-joint bricks. I just never finished it for some reason
Has it been 10 years since those Ninjago Moro sets? Makes me feel old...
Ninjago summer mold leaked for dragon knights
2015 summer was ghostswith Morro as villain
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Enough with the fucking mob houses!
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>even ninjago has F1 car
Only thing missing is F1 branding!
wonder how many disappointed kids try recreating minecraft sets in game
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They're usually not to scale, but not impossible to recreate.
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That looks nothing like a F1 car
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What is this aesthetic called?
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I just finished watching Season 3 and found it weird none of the characters acknowledged she was walking around with one of her nips out. I'm glad to see Zane finally has a happy expression in some of the new sets at least compared to the scowl he has in all the current ones, he deserves it
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They turned him into a transformer
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>gf comes back
Immidietly gets shirtless
Based zane
did you draw this?
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>Jay is evil
>Morro is good
What timeline is this?
I don't know why Anons are saying 2025 is filler years, when it looks like next year is popping off.
Ninjago, solid. Dreamzzz, awesome. Sonic, can't wait to collect the new minifigures. Star Wars, overrated, but has definitely been improved the past few years. City, incredible new sets, way better than it was 5 years ago. Superheroes, great minifigures, terrible sets, as always.
You are brainwashed
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Doomposters gonna doom, these are the same guys who would think the turtle van is a bad set even though it's total fucking kino
For the new pieces
That brain spider is cool
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>tfw I completely forgot that Kai was a freaking blacksmith despite that the first thing we see him doing in the fucking pilot
weird thing to forget about
>still uses space branding
Because it's a space set
Sure, but I thought the logo won't be used again for future sets
do people like these space pod things
I feel like I see them on every space set, with the same sizes even
Oh. Suddenly the set seems a lot more interesting
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>I feel like I see them on every space set, with the same sizes even
Anon that is literally the whole point, to swap them around at will
Best set of the line. And surprisingly "only" $80

I wanna see the pod and ship interior

Only disappointing this is they reused the dualmolded crystal rock of the previous city space line exactly as it was instead of changing the color of the transparent part to match the new crystals. They probably overproduced it and want to get rid of the stock
why don't they just drop the City branding?
City branding sells
> Dreamzzz, awesome
Lost me there lady.
I haven't really been paying attention to the color coding of the city spaceguys thinking it was kinda random just to tell them apart but now looking at this set and back at the other ones it seems like there is a logic to it:
Blue for pilots
Green for scientists
Yellow for mechanics/miners/construction
>cat 'lady' is blatant trans propaganda
Based anon operating at the intuition level of a toddler
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do capeshitters really?
insane thing is this is only about 70 pieces less than the original
and dont get me started on the fucking marvel logo
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>be playing Jedi fallen order
>realized we've never gotten sets for any of the inquisitors
>with the exception of a single Ship set from the rebels show containing the Grand Inquisitor
I'm surprised it took until the 25th anniversary Star Destroyer set to even get a fucking Cal Kestis minifig
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those are some pretty cute corgis
Isn't that just blacktrons gimmick?
>Kenobi TV show
Speaking of blacktron, any renegade reboot images now? Less than a month to supposed release
>Speaking of blacktron, any renegade reboot images now? Less than a month to supposed release
Geekin for it rn. It was my first set as a kid and I still have it.
Why not?
There's a black troon if you're interested >>11251183
Okay this is based. Making me want to get into this dying theme this late in its run
>December 2nd, I am forgotten
>anon in the toy store
>sees lego roller skate
>mind blown
>WTF is this fucking pink wheeled shoe?
>the roller skate is actually green
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Who's next?
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What is this aesthetic called?
2025 is gonna be so fucking bad it's not even funny
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2025... the Return of the King
What's the deal with the weird johnny thunder with the wrong hat and no gun
>A stereotypical Maori
>A character who's first name is a slur now
>Literal Nazi
>Coming back.
Nice joke, Anon. Lego isn't going to touch those problematic characters with a 10 foot pole.
Baron von Barron was the Adventurers hero to me, I loved him so much as a child.
Anyone opening their advent calendars?
Baron von Barron got a framed portrait in the Haunted House set in 2021 or whatever year it came out
I like the garage set, it can launch the cars
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friends did it first
Yeah, but the garage is portable, you can take it with you
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Bless you, this shit is awesome. Bros like you are why I keep popping back in here, even with all the literal crazy people and stupid shilling.

This right here isn't really a fun playset, but Dollar Tree has some great new Make-It Blocks architecture sets that make great parts packs and are perfect for my Godzilla action figure to smash. $3 gets you this set and it makes me question Lego's pricing all together
>$3 gets you this set and it makes me question Lego's pricing all together
Lmao isn't that Tokyo Tower literally the exact same build as the Architecture Tokyo Skyline set?
What was that rocket racer from?
>no complaining! Only LEGO group knob slobbin!
Get fucked, asshole. These look like shit. It's not even a reddit image it's a promo image. Just because it got leaked to reddit doesn't mean reddit made it, at you stupid? Do you think 4chan is a something awful website, too?
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>overly detailed
>no cutesy face shit
welcome back 90s minifigs
how do you know she is one?
or it's because of her satin colored hair?

>guess I'll be nabbing that piece in bricklink eventually
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What's the role on these guys? Are they aliens? Looks like ayys to me
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A bit disappointed with the steam punks guys hat, I wanted this piece but without the beard
When is it in the stores? I want to make sure no child gets wolfpack and I can make them stand somewhere and never play with them because I am an adult who's not at home most of the time.
Anything worth getting for the Cyber Monday deal?
I grabbed that endgame final battle set
It's nu-Friends - there isn't one normal person in those sets.
Define normal
>Does not use disabilities, mental illnesses as a part of their personality
>Takes full responsibility for their stupid actions
>Is not a communist
>Enjoys Lego castle, hates cutesy shit
able bodied
hates people from Montreal and California
So you are a mentally ill fascist

Most likely virgin too

I pity you
found the triggered tranny
Nice cope

I hit a nerve?
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>bro wtf we told you to wear black and pink
hit one with your dilator recently?
Dreamzzz villains are peak, imagine if most of them weren't pic related and were minifigs!
Because of that kind of attitude democrats lost.
what makes white "normal"?
What's the crown part called of the second minifig?
Thanks a lot, will use it on a necromancer
That prosthetic but in red will work great for Venom Snake custom Minifig.
I've had it with Lego's slavish pandering to children and their desires. Where are the themes that I, a grown-ass man, want to see, like Homosexo Knights, Wet Dreamzzz, and Pee Champions?
Anons have you noticed the schizo shitposter brainrot decline during past 2 weeks?

Now he's absolutely bonkers...
At least it's easy to spot him.
Normal in that they are capable of being a productive member or society. Contrast that with the dark ones…
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I would like to see someone try to make a Reincarnation Colosseum Lego set
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Don't forget your slenderman and Matt Walsh minifigs
crime is based
Shouldn't everyone be gay or have clubfoot or something?
>new molds for corgis, ferrets, and guniea pigs

I'm sold
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We already have all that [bait] you mentioned:
same-sex relationships in Ninjago children's cartoon
poop fetish in almost every set
race politics (exclusion of straight white people)

it's impossible to argue with a Conspiracy Theory
every point of truth is turned around with
"that's what they want you to think"

and even the fatigue of the argument itself is turned into victory, if you "give up" and stop arguing, you admit defeat in allowing the conspiracy to continue unopposed. encouraging the struggle itself.

there is no solution to the puzzle, it's a paradox. once the engine was started, we were all doomed, and it's too late now to stop it.

at the very least, with LEGO, you can take the pieces and build a better thing, however you want. in essence, LEGO defeats the argument entirely. who cares what the box shows? build whatever you want

oh, look, I guess I did solve the paradox
how the fuck does friends outsell almost every other theme?
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The star wars advent calendar has a no-frills 1x5 tile in grey
-girls are hard to shop for
-Lego is consistently been the "safe" toy to buy kids from clueless relatives,
-the sets might be "girly" yet the fact that it's science bricks makes it less of a derogatory Barbie Doll-ish gift (again, a factor of clueless gift-giver not wanting to offend with a too-girly gift)
-the sets are actually good, so neutral Lego fans accept buying them for the builds or parts or whatever

-probably some other stuff (politics? lol)
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>after months of being on backorder mode, the Battle bus is finally [spoiler]sold out.[/spoiler]
Lego needs to their shit together
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60361, a $100 set exclusive.
I enjoy that they gave the little alien a uniform.

kys mousecuck

God I hope it's Gypsy Moth.

This really is a very attractive set, I have to admit even as a non-Friends-buyer.

Hillary lost.
Kamala lost.
Biden lost (the election, the war and his marbles).

A what?

Spoilers don't work on /toy/, /vg/friend.
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it's honestly not a bad show. bits of cringe but the 2.5 hour fancut is great.
I didn't know Lego sponsors tubers to do first impressions. Who's ready for some #NOTSPONSORED first impressions?

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friends would be so kino with regular minifigs
Trannies love minidolls
okay this really tickled my pickle. really elevates the set
that guy works his funwholes.
What the other Anon said but also the general boy (and Afol) Lego market is split across a larger number of themes (Star Wars, Ninjago, etc) while the girl market is almost entirely Friends.
if i wanted to make a fed. agent minifig, do i have to wait until they make a shade-wearing hearing-aid head?
Just glowing in the dark parts.
>2.5 hour fancut
I beg your pardon?
This feels really dull
>mech articulation
>mech color scheme
>does it look fun to play with?
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I'm surprised all that chinese pandering gave fruits
That clear pink is clean
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>three Zane minifigs
we're so fucking back Zanechads
Drix as a bug guy probably from chima. We need more crawlers and bug villain
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Ninjago is having a way better wave then last year, like the only set I dont care for is the car.

Yea its probably a good set, will be good in city. The sets overall seem fine but I just don't like the theme
okay so it finally happenend, my 5 year nephew found put about Lego Ninjago and now wants some of that stuff for christmas

I have no fucking clue about that line of sets though, I checked out some sets but the cool mecha sets that he'd 100% love are 12+ and fucking expensive. And he's both an little shit that wants to build his sets alone but also gives up instantly once he fails to understand a step in the manual. He has no Ninjago sets so far, so I'd get him his first one, a beginner set with as many mini figures of the main characters would probably the best.
Any recommendations worth checking out?
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just give him this. its $15. Its a good set and its cheap
Any of these
are good or https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/arin-s-battle-mech-71804

4+ sets are probably a good call if he gives up easy
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crockett's theme
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I just made this scene whole idea is that she's an epic raper that lowkey doesn’t give a fuck

what should her name be?
JANG shitposting /lg/ in his cmf video https://youtu.be/bqQel2zUyRw?si=XUj92Dgol0gOQz1D&t=386
I have never heard this outside of /lg/ he definitely lurks right? https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/text/%22small%20family%22/
"Small family company please understand" is a variation of the meme "small indie company please understand" mocking pokemon fanboys defending gamefreak with how subpar the recent games are and the excuses the developers themselves make with "please understand" being an actual quote from one of the devs. It took off and has been appropriated to talk about any big studio putting something out lacking in quality despite the resources it has
Nigger faggot, in honour of you.
Who did she rape?
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I have that torso wtf
>15 years of display only shit and Lego cartoons taking over imagination building that they have to restort to this

Holy shit lmao.
Why would she be holding a balloon?
Not canon.
This was actually cool tho. Modern figs just look like shit and literally look like bootleg shit.
And non easter egg colors.

Seriously, I collected some friends sets like 10 years ago and they were so good while city shit was 99% "car and thing"
don't question the soibot
Hopefully that bug guy in top right is in a cheap set, removing the chinese hat and armour would make him a great alien for my space police to fight.
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>epic raper
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LEGO has really stopped caring and only uses badly doctored renders now?
Holy fuck this is kino. It might even be a day 1 buy for me. I love this aesthetic
I think they've used a mix of renders and photos. The box arts are hideous. Gotta be real with you guys. It was better when it was well lit photographs of a toy.
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>anon thinks THIS blurry shit looks better than a nice, sterile 3d render with a white background
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>I think they've used a mix of renders and photos
The tudor house, besides 3 photos on the shelf is 100% render. They didn't even bother to denoise those.
Take me back.
>I can see the polygons in the whip
LMAO how foul.
Ordered this little vroom vroom scumbag for
You realize this is CGI... right?
Fuck off fag
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Spotted this pile on my morning walk. They all look fake though. Taking them anyways.
Where the fuck do you find this shit?
He's in a 10 dollar set thankfully
what i really dont understand about this is since the bricklink purchase, stud.io has been pushed as legos official CAD program, and it has a fantastic built in renderer. you might still be able to tell theyre renders, but theyre a hell of a lot better than this absolute dogshit
Always by the public trash bins.
The little bomb drop play feature is fun.
Everyone knows legos should be build and displayed in warehouse apartments by mixed race afol couples.
There used to be photos of alt builds on the back too. No 3 in 1 creators back then, every set had it.
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The year 2024 is almost over.

Time to put your collection lists.
How much your collection costs anons?
I had no idea my HP and Nexo Knights grew so big in a short time...
(old origin - lego that i lfet at my parents place)
Hello people

The Wolf pack knight should have a Grey bird ,
There is something magical about the Wolf pack.
They are always accompanied by a Grey Bird

Those numbers must be complete bullshit.
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You mean mine? nowhere-it's hidden.
If you want to make yours-go to Rebrickable and start adding sets you have clicking on My Collection:

it's really fun to know how much your collection costs and just to track and remember all that stuff you have and sort it all by themes or other stuff
Don't mind me, I found it.
>Tommy Brickcetti. Huh! Shit. Didn't think they'd ever let that him out.
>captcha 2VGTA
holy shit what do you own? Probably afol sets?
It's just 122 sets yet it costs so much.
Mostly 90s vintage.
Oh...then it's very understandable.
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About €7378.95
This reminds me though I am a bit behind in my cataloging.
It's funny, no matter how big or different the collection, minifig count is 1% of parts count.
reminds me a lot of Matchbox's Connectables line. i used to have a set when i was a kid. it's a fun toy.
I have

29 figures
2909 parts


wow just wow , how did you know that
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LEGO Castle MiniFigures 6103 from 1988: Is it rare?

why do they keep insisting on using that V tail configuration on the new planes when none of the commercial planes have used that design?
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trying to make my blocks more dense
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that road is extremely claustrophobic... you can't ride any other car other than the tiny ones?
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that's kind of the point
Nice build and pretty realistic for Asian countries. You should work on your sticker placement skills though.
what set are these from
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stickers are gay as fuck
Billion dollar company can't have prints on their $400 sets?
>stickers are gay
Agreed, and that’s why I usually don’t apply them. But when you do use them put them on straight.
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I shouldn't have to fucking apply stickers, they go against every fucking thing lego stands for. I build my massive billboards out of bricks and shit, hell I use phones as billboards. Lego is so fucking lazy with their set designs. mad respect for minecraft and creator sets for not having stickers
>stickers are gay as fuck
>Agreed, and that’s why I usually don’t apply them.
Crybaby Stickerlets are fucking cringe.
Here's your permanently missable day 1 dlc
>sticker hating retard likes Monkeycraft sets
fucking LOL
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>148 pieces
>hmm perhaps this will be reasonably priced
>that'll be 39.99 plus tip
Also a degenerate.
like pottery
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>roblox tier porn
ok probably underage
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if i was underage i wouldnt be able to afford an entire city :^)
>mixing fleshies with yellow masterrace

Yep its an american lego city alright
Cool bionicle poster
>do capeshitters really?
No this set fucking blows
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Did you guys talk about this future set because it looks awesome.
>another gay dragon
it's pretty awesome, i wish i could've had it as a kid 800 years ago
I swear it looks like it was AI-generated....i dont know why.
something makes it look like it's AI-slop.

maybe lego designer literally just made an ai-slop and then made a dragon based on it...idk
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>aislop fag
>twitter post
fucking KEK
I don't like fake AI lego and that dragon doesn't look AI. basically stop obsessing over ai, stop looking at it
that background literally AI-generated you absolute fucking retard.

lego uses ai-backgrounds on boxes for a while already (that white italian lamborgini box is ai-gen)
>Can't find it anywhere anymore

Also what's the good app to scan blind box mini figures?
Somebody posted one a few threads ago and I can't find it
I can hear the music in my head
Also holy fuck what downgrades. every single one is worse
I'm probably gonna get the new modular, but I think I can wait until I can get it for cheap later or if there's a more appealing GWP later on. This one is nice but I don't really care about it.
curious why they haven't made a brickbuilt OG lego dragon at this point...
Got LKC bootleg for 140$, it even included blue sorting hat from Harry Potter for whatever reason and I'm not disappointed at all. I don't have to buy any more bricks except some small parts. I'll have some fun building dungeon moc.
Be sure to share your builds with us, looking forward to seeing them. It's always nice when someone ITT actually plays with lego instead of bitching about or shilling for whatever upcoming dustcollector activates them
Kek. I wouldn't say I literally play with them like roleplay which is what you'd do when you would be like five but I do enjoy posing the minifigs in battle and building dungeons or whatever. I'll be sure to post once I do something. Thanks a lot.
>I do enjoy posing the minifigs in battle and building dungeons or whatever.
anon, that sounds like you imagining roles for them in a specific scene and acting out a moment of it, building stuff and posing figures in it is a kind of play, they're toys, it's what they're for
I will now burn it all
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Omg bricks
are you watching jang's youtube livestream? he's at a whopping 75 viewers!

Fucking kill yourself
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>no one has clubfoot

I find this offensive!
>"limb difference"
You're fucking kidding me lmao
it's a medical term you moron
Thank you for the heckin' science lesson Doctor Retard, MD
you're hispanic
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vote for kirby please :)
Get me an Ado minifig in there and I'll give you my vote.
This is an extremely offensive term. Saying "Limb difference" implies that having all limbs is the norm, and these people are different from normal. Literally shaking rn.
>ask Marketplace seller for another photo of what's in the bucket
>"it's more Lego"
How do you respond without sounding mad?
last thing we need is another giant tree with a face
God I hate Koroks so much

You sound joyless. I almost pity you.
Fuck the little redit shits
Is it wrong if i want to buy that entire set just for the green slime?
>missed out on Basil the bat and rocket racer
Should i kill myself?
Just use bricklink anon, it's better than buying gacha boxes and a 100 dollar set just for 2 specific figs
This is how i found my very first green crystal piece.
I still have it in my stash.

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