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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11239274

Rishetta's Freesia Wear! PUNIMOFU Tu! Two great new kits have been released!

Rishetta, now in a sporty new set of clothes! What do you think? Does she hold up yo the original? Should Taisha and Luluce get updated versions? Do you even consider this kit an upgrade?

Tu, the second PUNIMOFU Megami Device! Do you want PUNIMOFU to continue? What animals would you like to see on the next pair? How is Mao so flat... and Tu even flatter?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Edelweiss Jaeger Repainted Color [Sep] [Kotoshop exclusive]
• BUSTER DOLL Knight Darkness Claw [Dec]
• BUSTER DOLL Tank Midnight Fang [Jan]
• Asra Nine-Tails Matsuri [Jan]
• Asra Tamamo-no-Mae Utage [Feb]
• Nodaka Takahata (Shimon) [Mar]
• Amaterasu Eclipse Regalia [Apr]
• SOL Raptor Beast Mode [Apr]

>Frame Arms Girl:
• Hand Scale Prime Body (Reissue)[Dec]
• Magatsuki (Cat Armor Ver.) [Jan]
• Izumo [Feb]
• Stylet (Swimsuit Ver.) [Apr]
• Gourai P3 [Apr]
• Grande Scale Gourai [Apr]

>Cross Frame Girl
• Gaofighgar [Dec]

>Fumikane ART WORKS
• Artinia [Jan]
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Op part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sister
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Mamimi Tanaka / Sakuya Shirase) [Dec]
• Option Parts Set 15 (Nightmare Costume) Color C [Dec]
• SIS-N00 Sourei (Color B)[Feb]
• Option Parts Set 16 (Fairy Costume) (Color B) [Feb]
• Option Face Parts Expression Set 7 (Color A)[Mar]
• Option Face Parts Expression Set 8 (Color B)[Mar]
• Option Hair Style Parts Vol.11 (4 Types)[Mar]
• Fuyuko Mayuzumi [Apr]
• SIS-Y00 Shuremi [Color B] [Jun]
• SIS-H00 Sestieh [Color C] [May]
• Option Hair Style Parts Vol.11 (4 Types) [Mar]
• Option Parts Set 17 (Aider Costume) [Color A] [Apr]
• Option Parts Set 18 (Sergeant Costume) [Color C] [May]
• Option Parts Set 19 (Dash Unit) [Color A] [May]
• Option Parts Set 20 (Float Unit) [Color B] [June]

>Dark Advent
• Rania Relax Ver. [Nov]

>Guilty Princess:
• GP-10 Dark Fairy Knight Grimlinde [Jan]

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]
• Rikka Takarada (Grid Tector Ver.) [May]

• I-hydra [Feb]

• VF-31J Siegfried Kaname Buccaneer [Dec]
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Op part 3-----

In development (now in development!)

>30 Minutes Sisters
BUNBUN Fighter

>Megami Device
Eva Unit 1
Ebikawa designed pair
Amaterasu AUV
Tsukuyomi Regalia
Face parts m.s.g. for Bullet Knights/SOL
Garden Spikes
Block 2 Armor sets/new series
B1R Chassis Kit M&L
Ame-no-Uzume Regalia

>Frame Arms Girl
Katsuguchi, Wilber-Nine, Shingen, Rayfalx, Gourai II, Hresvelgr Rufus Qipao version
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Wtf happend to my Mephisto...
>BUNBUN Fighter
>BUNBUN Cleric
anyone have a pic/link? never heard of these before
> Mephisto
> pregnant

Y'know this could all be resolved with just One More Day...
Hello anons. I'm new to this hobby. Which franchise has the best variety for third party coom extra parts?
only megami device even has extra parts
30ms doesnt at all for example
Like enhancement parts for legs and chest that might not be from the original company.
I see. I thought 30ms would have more third party extra parts.
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Whats the term in English? Aftermarket parts? Like the custom parts you buy for a car, but in this case for the model kit. Liked Pic rel >>11256794
how hard/easy is it to find pre owned kits in tokyo? i'm putting in an order on amiami but i'll probably be in tokyo next year and am thinking of buying the majority there. so, if there is some stock on amiami, will it be super easy to find the kits in stores in japan or is there a higher chance that amiami has better stocks than physical stores?
and any stores i should check out there in particular, other than the big, general anime goods stores?
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thats what i'll do mostly but i need to make a decision on the amiami order and i don't want to pay out the wazoo on shipping and taxes if the kits are readily available there
I still find it hilarious that they decide to give knight themed Sister pair of crocks.
Probably a dumb question, but is there a good way to get more of the little spacer rings that separate the thigh and arm sections for either MD or 30MS girls? I'm wanting to army build a little and want a bunch of those rings in specific colors
Oh, it was the artist name not the name of the models. I see.
>Megami Device and 30MS don't use those terms
third party is a frequently used phrase in the other plamo threads. everyone knows what you're talking about if you say you bought third party photoetch parts for your gundam.

you just dont seem to understand the words.
>a bunch of those rings in specific colors
just repaint them...
if you need more than the kits come with, you could try doing some home recasting
keep in mind that they aren't all the same size, different kits have different leg diameters and maybe arms too.
they should really just say bootleg.
ban evading again, are we?
I guess there's only one native English speaker in the transformers threads so he thinks anyone who knows the definitions of common phrases is that same guy.
You have no idea what that term means.
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Urania is a fun build. I like that she comes with an extra LED lamp and that her doll is has a teeny bit of articulation. What bugs me is that there aren't any face decals. I have no idea how I'm going to paint her with details like the teeth on one faceplate being so tiny.
What size/scale?
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They are "1/1 scale' but about the same size as other girlpla. Urania at least is a loli.
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Incorrect. A bootleg is a third party knock-off made with cheaper materials and being of overall inferior quality.
Considering most 3rd party Transformers these days tend to be made of better quality materials than Hasbro's, have a higher attention to detail than Hasbro's, tend to have better engineering than Hasbro's, and generally look and feel better than Hasbro's overall, you really can't define them as bootlegs; they're more like pic related - similar item, same (or better) quality as the big name brand, same taste - you're just not sucking the same corporate cock for the sake of brand loyalty, which means you're not getting all of those added preservatives they throw in there to keep their own costs down.
Be careful with her. Mine had several joints just fucking disintegrate while sitting around on the shelf which is an issue I have never had before.
...am I going to get Yufia's caster sister for the hat?
what the fuck
it's not a bootleg unless it's a COPY of an actual original product. if they're making their own new designs that's just trademark violation or some shit
That's more into the 1/18 realm than anything
I think she’s supposed to be a child.
She is. Chitocerium has other small characters like her. The rest is roughly Megami Device size.
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New anon here again. So what are the tools that I need to assemble ones of these kits? I just got one of these pliers. Is it going to be enough?
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Oh, god, she's precious.
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I knew she was cute from all the pics I've seen, but I wasn't prepared for the adorableness in-hand.
I'll end up finishing the rest of her armor later.
Considering they're all snap-together, that's pretty much it - though I suggest maybe a little fine-grained sandpaper to help with the nubs. You could also use a little paint for panel lining or small details, but it's not mandatory.
A pair of nippers, and some sandpaper of various grits/some modelling files are all you need. People like using knives or fancier glass files too. If you enjoy the hobby I suggest getting a nicer pair of nippers down the line too.
>Gimmie milk!
those will work fine just make sure to not cut the nub flush against the piece but instead leave a bit to sand or cut away with a hobby knife, also for any clear arts be careful their harder material and can break more fragile nippers while also requiring much higher grit to sand to a nice finish
Nippers+knife+glass file is all you need for a snapfit shitter like me.
I still never top being mad that Kotobukiya didn't include waterslides. The stickers look awful and I won't be using them on mine.

>Estimated delivery: Jan 6
Yeah, the stickers look so awful makes me wonder why they even bothered with it.
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She's here!
Middle face feels kinda off to be but I can't exactly tell why.
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Working on Nuke Matrix Wolf tonight
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I would recommend getting single-edged nipper at the very least, even a cheap $7-$10 one will do.
Also an art knife is going to be super handy.
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So many version of Susan and i have none.
Ame isn't Susanowo.
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Dat ass
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If you are going to build many kits I suggest you invest in the meme hand. You are going to save a lot of headaches and speed up the processing avoiding to adress all thuse nubs.
>meme hands

Truly a meme. Overpriced as hell and still leave leftovers for cleaning with knife or file. He could buy literally any other single blade ones for half that price or less. Diaspae, Ment, Trumpeter, Mr Hobby, U-Star, whatever.
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Just finished building and snapping some shots of the littlest of ladies. They're just as adorable as I imagined they would be. Koto outdid themselves.
A mandarin duck is still a duck.
I hope we get more Umamusume 30MS.
Where did you buy them from? Which one do you like better? Can you post profile chest comparison in 素体 mode?
I want more horses but from a line that isn't tiny. The current ones are what, barely 1/12th scale?
seconded. I bought meme hands and realized I'm just better off with my regular single bladed nippers.
I don't even have to be sweating over nicking muh nippon steel folded over thousand times because I cut something wrong or the material happened to be tougher than usual.
>Can you post profile chest comparison in 素体 mode?
Are they not both the exact same mold, just in different colors and with a few different accessories?
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Cute hat!
Big boots!
How well does raw regular plastic take in tamiya's panel liner?
I know that ABS absolutely hates the stuff, and I'm looking for a more value solution to panel lining than those pour type gundam panel liners.
I haven't had any PS parts break on me with those pens, but I'm extra cautious before I order a barrel of the stuff.

I'm well aware that I could probably make it at home, but acrylic/water based panel liner like that haven't worked very well for me and I'd rather not buy more paint (I'd also like to get the jar tamiya's stuff comes in!).
That's like saying Amaterasu and Susanowo are the same too. Ame-no-Uzume is a whole new character with many parts differences, she just shares the same hair parts, and that can be handwaved by saying that Amaterasu did her hair like she did Susanowo's.
>Sigma Sisters Paradox
Local shops are getting their stock. I'm not an iM@s fan but 30ms named it as Paradox 1. Does any one have any images of what future outfits may be like?
No. Tu is flatter than Mao. Just like how all the buster dolls have different chest sizes.
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He maybe referring to non-battle outfit, in which case they're both the same with different color.
Damn. I was worried this were the case. Looks like Tu pads her bra in her sotai mode and DFC is only available in battle mode.
>DFC is only available in battle mode
An effective strategy. I always lose to DFCs.
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If one is dedicated enough, they could probably sand them down to the "correct" size.
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I've accidently discovered that the phantasm idol costume has the same thigh diameter as Lirinel's (also Laranel's and Illshana's too).
If anyone wanna have a bayonetta bunny here you go.
Purple is flatter??
>flatter than flat
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Why the fuck is Tu so damn strong?
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Mad Wolf is almost done. Giving my fingers a break from this one. Lost of tiny needle sharp parts.
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And in the colors of Space Wolves no less, perfect.
Nuke Matrix really nails the value for your money with these kits. You get 2 full bodies, crazy accessories or transforming armor and sometimes softgoods and a bunch of decals for around 75 -100 dollars. I really like the aesthetic is if their faces and bodies too. Their knees are the one place I wish they would change.
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someone dumped all the Girls Plamo Style onto the panda. Nice~
They can call her whatever they want, it's the same body plan as Susan but with diferent skin color.
Got mine from HLJ. Each arrived a couple days after release, but I didn't get around to building them till now. Not sure which I like better. I might like Tu a smidge more just because of the color scheme. Mao is still a loveable head-empty retard all the same though. But yeah, as another anon pointed out their unarmored chests are the same size (Tu pads herself), whereas the armored form Tu is flat as a washboard.
Regular PS plastic takes Tamiya's panel liner just fine without a topcoat. You just have to make sure you avoid excessive pooling and clean it up quickly as that could potennnnnnntially lead to some cracking.
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>its the same body plan but a completely different character
Is this a Susanowo?
Really wish they would stop using the same base body though. Especially as other lines move away from the old md bootleg.
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Is it just an MD base body? I feel like they do shoulders and knees their own way. The torso and waists are same as older MDs? I like NM bodies although updates would be nice. I think NM bodies and faces just look good when complete. The knees are the only thing that looks weird when folded at 90 degrees tho IMO
They really perfected the legs on these. Wish Nuke Matrix would copy the Susan legs and knees.
Yeah, it's kind of incredible the changes are a bit subtle but man do they add up.
If they could do shoulders and knees they would have done long ago.
Their product gives me the impression of them being cheap, and has no innovation to try new things.
I just finished my Asra the other day and you are not wrong. I also built a Strarf right before that and though the bodies are different, they do a lot of great things.
The stomach parts are the same ones they have used since Tanya. If I'm remembering properly, it's just the 1.0 MD joint structure turned around in a more limiting position, but that could have also been A.T.K. Girls and Fantasy Forest could just be a strait copy.
>2 full bodies

What? I only have Fox girl from Nuke Matrix but she had one body with swappable legs, ATK Girl series had actual two bodies.
Are you using it right? It barely leaves anything to clean after I use it.
But sure, it is overpriced, I only got few years ago because it was on discount.
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The new Hexa Gear ladies are basically handscale Sousai ladies.
Considering that HEXA GEAR exists in their setting as a vidya, maybe it's their player characters when Emma-paisen introduced it to them?
I tried multiple brands of single blade nipper but at the end I went back to god hand, it's overpriced for sure but it's still overall the best
I'm get this if they prepaint the faces, or at least come with the water slide decal...
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Going by the blog they'll come with decals
What? No, why would it?
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oh boy. 1/24 eye decals sure are fun, haha!
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My hands are godawful with small decals, so my current plan for them is just to paint all the skin tone pieces a silver or something so they look like robots instead
>struggle to make them not look derpy at ~1/12 scale
Anything with Emma should probably be taken with a grain of salt. Girl is either schizophrenic, or possessed by magical entities.
She's just like me!
>schizophrenic, or possessed by magical entities
I vote both for her canon. I'll like her even more than I already do.
Could they make them busier looking? I can still tell they're human. Ish.
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This outfit feels like they pussied out on the limb asymmetry halfway through the concept, or rather just slapped it at the end to make it look "more unique" or "striking".
Really half-baked given the whole dress on itself is symmetrical.
I wish they'd make the translucent pieces more prominent too, because they're being shyly hidden away in the back.
Doesn't even come with any unique hands like the other one does.
>Is this a Susanowo?
No that's Amaterasu without the regalia.
Personally, I would love to be able to make symmetrical version, even if by buying two of them. Yes, I know, painting is an option. But joints are tricky in this matter and I hate painting them, especially light on dark and reverse.
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But what if Amaterasu is also Susanowo?
To be fair Ame no Uzume shares basically every pieces but the lower torso with Susanowo Regalia. Even the fucking hair pieces.
New anon here again. Just ordered Luluce as my first mecha musume girl (I liked the cool android factor over the coom aftermarket tits factor).
What do you think think of her?
Wish me luck.
now this is peak girlpla
should be obvious, but for some reason i feel like spoonfeeding today
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most 30MS girls are pretty barebones and don't come with too much in the box, with the idea that you'll add complexity by buying the separate option parts sets or by mix and matching with some 30MM parts. (they're cheap to match though, or at least supposed to be. lot of western stores jack up the prices way more than equivalent HGs)
otherwise what you have in your pic is basically everything you'll get
>I liked the cool android factor over the coom aftermarket tits factor
get arnval next
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I still think buster doll's armor look like shit though.
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I'm not in love with the armatures or swords, but the gun is neat.
Nice kit.
I dont agree. NM kits have improved from their original releases and their faces and their armors are a step above MS kits. For example their Mad Wolf is IMO a big step up from MS Wolf type kit. NM also has more lewd sculpting and faces. Their Cyberforest Centaur girl that transforms into a bike is such a creative and aesthetically pleasing kit.
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>up to 20% off
I cant see the discount during checkout, dont they usually show the orgiinal shipping price slashed out and the discount during checkout?
They're wings, anon. Splay them out a bit.
>dat wood grain
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Solid base that shines really well with her add-ons.
I still don't understand what the fuck are things on Gunner's back supposed to be.
Weapon rack/stabilizer pylon/whateverthefuck

Tank has them too. Hers are used to connect her muffler armor.
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In other news; motorized chainsaw for yous skankies
>Busou Shinki
Haha bussy shiny
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Why is Ema-senpai so strong?
No, the warehouse hoarders have broken HLJ into a bunch of baiters.
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>don't stop the beat!
>can't control my feet!
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And then there's this thing.
If it didn't say it's Miku I would've never guessed lol
I didn't either and i just posted it.
Not even sure why is this thing even marketed as Miku at this point.
I see. Do the 30ms come with these leg adapters for 30 minute missions kits or do these come in a different set?
These are present in optional armour sets, not in main girls packages. Bandai issued early Sisters only with most basic stuff.
Do they com'è on this set?
Kinda, you get a whole lower thigh, knee and shin with a foot. Modular so you can change the parts around.
The kits that come with the one you posted specifically are Speed Armor, Reaper Armor and Flight Armor.
Speed Armor has a different design to the other two.
Very useful information. Thank you!
>get arnval next
Didn't know about her. Thank you.
Be sure to check dalong.net before buying Arnval to see if you're willing to put in the extra work into her build.
Kotobukiya kits generally require a bunch of extra work compared to bandai ones - seamline removal, color correction, etc.
You can find her for cheap, but she comes in a big box that won't fit in the "small air packet" sizes, so shipping costs will probably be horrid.
Different anon but Suruga-ya is always an option with their frequent "free shipping" promos.
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really? guessing was quite easy for my enormous brain.
more pics here https://m.weibo.cn/status/5110050911425001
I want the bike
Yeah, this isn't the first sakura themed Migu. I am disappointed in the skinny thighs. The guy that designed the clearly superior 2023 racing Migu should be the only artist allowed to design her from now on. Migu needs that juicy Ryza thigh meat.
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very soon
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Great progress over the years
The proportions are actually human, now!

For all my love of BS, they were a bit too twiggy.
I just stumbled across this picture out of curiosity, and boy am I glad I subconsciously preordered both. Didn’t realize they were a color match.
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Fuck, forgot pic
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looks extremely similar to the older shimada humikane kit, "arsia"
is the difference just accessories and faceplate?
Pretty much, yeah. Just Koto's standard variant/sister kit process.
The one in the pic comes in the Rishetta cat upgrade parts, the Tiasha set also comes with similar adaptors
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They're doing a pre-built Stylet now
>pre-painted pre-assembled plamo
I believe that is called an action figure.
This takes away more than 3/4 of fun. What for?
They're still using the molds from the model kit
for fags with more money than time to build and paint girlpla.
Temporary I have more money than time and my collection of "waiting for assembly" girls is rather large but I would still prefer to build and paint them myself.
In the robot damashii general there are people literally can't build model kit so figure is the only choice for them. I collect both but for some of the koto kit I'd rather buy the pre-built than build it myself either for those older kits or recolor kit.
>literally can't build model kit
How? I find it hard to believe anyone is that ham-handed. Unless you've got a pretty serious medical condition. I'll admit to not being very good at it but I can still snapshit. The early FAGs definitely have some faults, the neck tech comes to mind, but they're not difficult. Maybe people can't into painting the missing colors especially around the waist and are too autistic to ignore it.
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Does anyone know if those effect parts fit into her armgun thing? So it looks like she is shooting water?
If it doesn't you can make it fit.
Right now in Japan there's a guy, and his dream has always been to break into the plamo industry. He thought he would make neat designs, or engineer a perfect elbow joint, or even lovingly check every sprue for defects,

Instead, he's in an assembly line snapping prepainted plastic titties on a kit with all the joy sucked out of it.
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Sty-ko has no tits!
If you think I am wrong about sakura themed Migu, see pic related.
If you think I am wrong about her needing more juicy thigh meat, I can't help that you have shit taste.
How would I do that?
Thick thighs are great but not every one needs them. She’s not 2b, she doesn’t need a cake. Miku has always been slimmer.
that was true until toridamono came along
She is getting older and her metabolism is slowing down a bit. I don't need her with a 2B ass, but the thighs were an improvement.
This anon knows what I am talking about.
there's a 3mm hole just before where the teeth start in the picture so if there's a right angle attachment it will work or use one of the 30ml joint parts to turn the top 3mm hole into a horizontal one
I mean, I build and paint all of my own kits; this is more for the casual crowd who wants something to display and show off without doing the work; it's a very particular subgroup of people, not Americans as a whole.
Also, about the tariffs - I always shop around for the cheapest price; I only use BBTS when I can't get an item anywhere else. Even if prices go up across the board, I'm pretty well-off financially (couldn't be in this hobby if I didn't have a good paying job), so while I may grumble a bit, it won't hurt me as much as it may some other individuals. Again, you'll lose the casual crowd, but the actual hobbyists aren't going anywhere.
I haven't been able to find the blonde in the usual import places but she is on BBTS. What is up with that?
Oh fuck that. I hate applying normal sized water slides. If I get these girls it is badly hand painted eyes or nothing.
These things aren't that cheap so I don't get why they can't just throw in a pre-decaled face.
Blonde one is a Koto store exclusive annoyingly.
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>She is apparently a main character in the lore
>Koto store exclusive
If I cared about the actual story of Hexa Gear that would really piss me off.
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I think that's just how Governor releases are going to be from now on, they're doing a Koto store version of the new 2.0 Pawn bodies as well. None of this would be an issue if it wasn't more of a pain for us not in Japan to get such releases. Thank god for Mandarake if nothing else.
oh no! they're slowly going the bandai way!
At first, eh, just some extra faceplates or an unpainted part. Maybe a small unique accessory.
Then, entire runners recolored as a bonus.
And now, a whole ass figure exclusive.

I guess I'll be waiting for second-hands with the bonus for 3/4ths of the pre-order price.
Who are those characters?
W.I.S.M. Sniper and BUSTER Dolls Gunner respectively.
is "pre-glued" a serious issue and not just a joke? I found a figurine I want for a great price and it's not a coomer fig although pretty much every female figure can be considered a coomer fig with the skintight clothing.
>preordered both. Didn’t realize they were a color match.
Whats the other figure?
30 Minutes Missions Acerby Type D
the fuck are you even babbling about schizo
If it's too tight shave off plastic until it fits, if it's too lose apply super glue until it fits (allow it to dry first of course).
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have you ever a tiny dress
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there's no forward facing peg hole, you'd have to scratchbuild a mount or just glue it in
How hard is it to plug Sousai or FAG upper bodies into the Archanadia Centaur lower body? I have some ideas but I am unsure how they would work out.
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Alright I don’t know where to ask but where do I get this absolute unit
In the shop. Jokes aside, it's wild game at this point - these guys just came out recently and are hot cakes for EU/US. Either wait for restock or hunt Mandarake or something.
Damn, that's pretty sick coloring job for Liber Knight. Anyway the subject is more suited for /mrg/ or /gunpla/.
I’ll go ask there
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>Been stuck in customs for 3 days
I hope Canada Customs doesn't think Mao is CP or try to charge me tax.
Does Canada post strike not affect shipment of your plastic toys?
Most of my Aliexpress shipments came through private delivery services (e.g. Apple Express, Uni uni). So I'm hoping my plastic toys will also be delivered by private services.

However, in my experience, higher value items usually get delivered by Canada Post so I'm probably shit out of luck.
I wouldn't be so much of a hoarder if they fucking put measures against bots. It's their punishment.
Is that Samuel L Jackson as Kamen Rider with a water gun?
I'm assuming all of these are customs/kitbashes, yes? Anybody knows what #79 is made of?
My photo gear from aliexpress sat at CDN customs for 5 days. It took them 3 extra days to deliver from their "local warehouse" after clearance.
#79 looks like has reaper parts, but dunno if it's spinatia or reaper option parts
the hair looks custom made
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So, finally finished Mao...or at least, that's what I'd like to say. I had hoped that, since she's such a simple kit and doesn't have much in the way of armor (or clothes in general) that I could skip panel lining her, but it seems that's not the case; there's a bunch of bits on her (particularly her tie and all of her cat faces) that are most definitely going to need some more work. I also wasn't aware that her clenched paws weren't going to include the claw inserts like her open versions and just have them molded on, so those are going to require paint...except I don't have that specific shade of pink on-hand, so it's going to have to wait until I can pick some up.
Totally worth it, though, and I can't wait for my Tu to show up so she has a buddy.
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early version of 765 trio 30ms shown in idolmaster expo today
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I didn't want to learn to spray paint or pay the start up cost so I bought a bunch of Dspiae markers.

I might just try to marker paint everything except the skin and clear parts.
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That looks like an absolutely absurd amount of parts and I feel like a large part of it could have been more easily scratch built.
>don't have that specific shade of pink on-hand, so it's going to have to wait until I can pick some up.
buy some primary color paints and learn to mix colors you need
Not telling me anything I don't already know; I just happen to be out of all of my whites, my flat red, and have no pink on hand other than neon, which... isn't going to be helpful without white. I've been putting off restocking my paints until after the holidays, as I usually get gift cards that I can use for them, but rest assured - I have a rather lengthy list of things I need to replace and refill.
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Got that 2nd idol costume done.
The design is much more nicer than the phantasm one, but the skirt is permanently affixed to the lower torso (you could actually remove it on the phantasm outfit and still have a coherent outfit).
The glittery veil does not articulate sadly, but the way it is constructed would allow you to detach it and easily put something else in between the skirt layers.

I honestly only got these kits to cannibalize them for parts, especially the limbs.
Phantasm idol legs are of the smaller illshana/bunny twins diameter, but you could use the thigh frill to attach them to a bigger thigh and it wouldn't look off. The blue sky one is of the "regular swimsuit" diameter.
Will Chihaya be the flattest 30MS?
For a Canadian, what are the best places to order girlpla from? The domestic stores have fuck-all in stock and are expensive.

I see Suruga-ya and Aliexpress seem to have good prices sometimes. Any other places I should keep an eye on? I have maybe 100-150 to spend on 30ms or md.

Isn't loli banned there?
My Canadian pal just does all of his POs through HLJ, extra goodies off of Booth, and then used stuff from Suruga-ya. Importing shit to Canada evidently sucks asshole no matter what you do though from what I hear.
Shipping for one box was like $45 cad. This is with their current 20% off. Seems a bit insane.
>my Mao has been stuck at custom clearance since the 10th
>sweating intensifies
Non-hentai loli is not banned. I'm just not sure how the aliexpress shipper is going to deal with customs declarations.
>Non-hentai loli is not banned
Have you seen what she's wearing (or, more accurately, what she isn't)? True, she and Tu aren't EXPLICITLY pornographic or completely nude, but any customs dude who's in a bad enough mood to want to make a case for it wouldn't have to work very hard - they're basically running around in their underwear no matter what configuration you have them in.
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I just use HLJ. Be sure they charge your card in yen, though, their in-house conversion rate is complete ass. For used you can sometimes find cheap FAGs on AmiAmi.
Not great, but you just pay sales tax plus a processing fee, not nothing like the US but Europe and South America apparently are way worse, Brazil charges up to 100%.
International shipping is expensive, period. That's not really within the shops control except how much padding they use, but HLJ is usually pretty minimal.
Mao is exactly as sexual as you imagine her to be.
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How do you stomach HLJ's shipping charge? Do you ship hundreds of dollars of stuff at a time?

Why not order from places with free or mostly free shipping?

Gundamit for example: https://gundamit.com/kotobukiya-1-1-kp741-megami-device-puni-mofu-to-model-kit_p5396.html
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the search at https://junkyardsl.com/ is pretty helpful, you can set it to canada stores in the top right
Not everyone is an americanoid, I can get stuff off HLJ for cheaper with shipping and months earlier than locally in Australia
>Do you ship hundreds of dollars of stuff at a time?
Yes. Consolidation is your friend. Plus I tend to whale it. Also, EMS is cheaper when Canada Post isn't on strike. Also also, is $54 really that much compared to the order value? I know Amazon has lots of people thinking that shipping is free, but it very much isn't. They'll build in that cost somewhere else, which is why the north American stores markups are so high. It would make sense if you're ordering 1 or 2 kits at a time, but otherwise it isn't really cheaper.
Oh boy. Another entirely new accent color that won't match anything they've already put out. I'd buy a lot more of these option kits if they expanded on existing colors instead. But no, we've got 4 different pinks, 3 different purples, 3 different yellows, randomly an orange that goes with nothing else. They're killing my enjoyment of the line with this. I don't want to be forced to paint a model, from a line whose entire premise is that they're meant to be easy to customize, just to have cohesive colors
fucking kek
paint issue
What do you mean? Is that a different color C?
No. The collar, rings on the thighs and arms, and the little clippy things on the waist are a new yellow. The problem with that is that you're basically locked into that outfit only because nothing else is going to match that yellow without painting it.
if you get serious into customizing you need to learn to paint anyway
even if it's just using paint markers
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Another Durga

Takes six months to release GFG without the armor lol, likely for scheduling.

The captcha stink.
that's a nice clear blue she comes with, but i already have a set of the twins to build.
Schwarzritter fucking when?
green? should've been red.
Yeah, I'm working on II and still have save the queen in my stash. Plus the cat armor proportions are whack. Wake me up when Kagutsuchi.
It looks like Rishetta's Freesia Wear light yellow, not that it helps. You can always mix with contrasting colors though.
I'm honestly all for yet another Durga - I have every version of her and two Magatsukis so far. I am a bit curious as to why they keep rehashing the original version for the variants instead of using the newer Durga II version, though.
But do you have an Ayatsuki yet?
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NM kits come with so many blank faces. I'm terrible at this but this is fun.
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The softgoods cape NM Mad Wolf comes with is also really nice.
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Back view of cape incase anyone was curious how the tail and backpack fit with it. They put some thought into it. There's a section/hole to plug the backpack in and a nice split for the tail.
Weather Master H is the set normally used for girlpla, right?

>My own clone!
calculated delay so the most impatient coomers will buy the more expensive kit first even if they don't care about the super robo parts
It's a maid. People could go gaga over maids. Then again, while 30MS and Shinkis beat this to the punch, it's nice to see this pretty design get its unarmored form as standalone. Then again, people might kitbash her with Baan Gaan this time after seeing how long it has been since we got mainline Braves compatible with FA Girls. Gotta revive that tradition.
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Oppai loli for $43 cad... I might have to.
Is that a custom or an actual retail kit??
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Retail. 30MS SIS-Tc20g
Oh. Cool.
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Oh, this reviewer.
>"Big Boobs"
>"A Loli's Cleavage"
Man knows what he likes.
I dunno, for a 30 MS isn't $43 kind of
Right. Nevermind.
All 4 regular Buster Dolls are back up for a reissue, April for Gunner and Knight, May for Tank and Taladin
Nice. One thing I don't like is that the 3mm holes are all over the place. But now I realized that they can be plugged.

30MS SIS-T00 リリネル[カラーA]
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She's alright.
Doesn't come with that basic stand like those other "big" 30MS' kits, but comes with a handful of usable leftover pieces.
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Why don't they do this for every kit?
They probably will with newer kits.
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She doesn't even have 3mm holes on her feet...
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Just snagged some suruga-ya restocks.
Arnval is excellent, especially for how cheap she's gotten.
Yeah, it's ridiculous how cheap she is. Her new version isn't that much better.
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I'm not sure why Fal-Farina is so cheap either. She comes with quite a lot of stuff.
That's about her retail price
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Well, retail is 3,300円(税10%込)and I'm happy with paying around retail + mostly free shipping even if it's an older kit. Plus I like the bird motif.

The other 30MS kits on Suruga-ya are quite a bit more. Even more expensive than local.
Are you going to fill her gaps with gooey stuff too?
And anyone knows what "tool cleaner" referenced actually is?
There's so many cool tutorials and little tricks stuck in the japsphere.
I wonder if the lip balm trick works on regular plastic cement.
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Can you believe CAD was on par with USD at some point?
EUR was worth significantly more than USD at one point too.
not merely birb but tengu
Still a birb. Apparently, she uses the same base body as Principal. Also, there's this part kit that includes all the Zekuu parts in Principal's colors, so you can have two birbs.
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A mantis.
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Transforming robo.
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not my pic.
>tool cleaner
it will literally say tool cleaner or airbrush cleaner on the bottle. it's just a very hot lacquer solvent, good at breaking up paint but also dissolving plastic (which is why they don't use it for their normal paint thinner)

tamiya's tool cleaner is reportedly the same chemicals as their plastic cement, a mix of acetone + butyl acetate. so clever modelers save money by buying this in big bottles and using it in place of where you would normally use extra thin cement
Also if you want an english language video on this, english modelers usually call it "sprue goo".
Here's a video from a boomer modeling magazine about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGYY7bTfFIE
Although they never touch on one of the main benefits which is that it is 100% perfectly color matched to the plastic you're gap-filling. After all that's only a benefit if you won't paint, and for most tank/vehicle models not painting isn't even an option.
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The video in >>11266944 mentioned model glue takes a whole day to dissolve the runners and that tool cleaners only takes 30 minutes. Does model glue not refer to plastic cement? Or is that something else entirely?
ID on the redhead?
its a bandai frs chinese only kit
there was a line of 3 kits
that one is ikawa sakura
i saw the kits on aliexpress a few months ago
Thank you
The reviewer I meant
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I have created...

A mess.
Chaotic evil
Oh, well. That's a shame.
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>didnt throw in og susanowo into the mix
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Today I got my entire virtual warehouse content from Hobby Frontline, including plastic girls. I honestly think I overdid it this time, especially since it takes a lot of time for me to finish single one, with painting and stuff. Still, I hope they will be good and fun kits.
>3 years of Arcanadea
feels like it's been longer, honestly
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Some FAG collab with a game, i assume it's a gacha because that's all they do nowadays it seems.
has bandai announced any plans to make 30msxidolmaster eye decals? i have a couple in my pile but i can't build them until i have decals because i'm too colourblind to match my paint colour to face plate plastic
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>those faces
I'm 90% sure it's korean, too.
These look like some uncanny ai-generated shit.
Just your average Korean female. Let me remind you that this country have insane amounts of plastic surgery among population. Scary.
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Reprint pre-orders are up...

Tank > Paladin > Gunner > Knight?
Paladin > Gunner > Tank > Knight
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I'd agree with you if we're talking about sotai mode only. But Tank's armor seems pretty cool.
With buster dolls getting a set of reprints already, I'm positively anticipating a reprint run of Mao (and Tu)
I'm surprised they didn't do a quick reprint of Mao, like they did with Gunner.
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Can you wait that long though? When she's in-stock now?
I want Mao specifically, I'm yropoor and I have yen exchanged from when it was at the lowest this year.
I ain't paying more than 6k yen for one either.
It's literally the same as extra thin according to the MSDS but one is 50:50 and one is 51:49 probably to get around laws of selling the exact same thing with different labels
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Best bang for buck, I guess. I just can't get over how ridiculous the collar armor thing is.
You're fine waiting. Mao and Tu are some of Koto's most popular girls yet (It's almost as if loli-style bodies are traditionally some of the most popular out there when it comes to otaku-centric merch or something...), so there's a 100% guarantee we'll see multiple reprints in the future. Just make sure you secure it right away next time.
Too early. We'll probably see proper reprints of them after their inevitable alt color kits per the usual.
>Gunner that high
A January reprint of Mao would have been the same length of time as between Gunner and it's first reprint.
She really needs a plate of some kind to hang down from that collar in armored mode. What kind of 'tank armor' covers your face, shoulders, arms, and legs...but leaves your vitals completely exposed?
I agree, but we both need to retake Female Fantasy Armor 101 again. Maybe if they gave her a colored stomach we could pretend there was a Muvluv situation going on. You could just paint, but then you'd have no delicious bare midriff.
for me it's gunner > tank > paladin > kn***ht
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Tank wins because you can turn her armor into a tank.
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Block 2L looks fat.
>fat girlpla
kagutsuchi incoming??`
Did you make sprue goo or just used cement?
I always worry that without goo, the lighter colour line would be noticible.
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really great custom work
a model kit before the game get released...
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Put together a 30MS. Just moved so I don't have access to all my materials right now, once I can figure out an airbrush setup I'm gonna repaint her hair and bikini and maybe give her some pastel shading and tattoos, but anyway. Pretty pleased for what's basically a snapjob with face decals.
I suggest you slightly trim the forearm side of the hand pegs.
They fit fine, but from ones I have it looks like the arm is going to split from the stress marks it caused.
Good games Anon.
Thanks, will probably do that. Some of the pegs are a bit tight.
Thank you! I do love the Gamecube, never had one as a kid but having one as an adult there's some fantastic games on it.
hyper body is a hybrid line
the girl is a preassembled action figure and then the accessories like guns and mecha legs come on sprues
but also, what game? the tweet says it's an original character
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Which girlpla has the smuggest face?
Oh, Cuckoo? I've had her on preorder for forever over on BBTS; according to them, she's slated for an April release. Wasn't aware that she belonged to a specific series - just that she was designed by Nitroplus' concept artist, Ota Yojo. I thought she looked neat; was wondering why I never saw her brought up here.
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Mao yelling/fighting face can be pretty smug with the right pose. Or Amaterasu Regalia.
30MS Ilshana. No contest.
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Also decaled the other faceplate. Shit photo so my apologies; went with an embarrassed/"Kyaaaa!" face. Definitely gonna topcoat the figure as even aside from pastel shading, it should blend the decals in a bit.
Speaking of decals, I need to order some nail art waterslides. They'd be perfect for tattoos. Cheap and plentiful and they have some unusual designs available.
I'm planning ahead custom project - anyone knows of some sort of comparison chart between each body option for 30MS kits?
Shield Liger?
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Is this 30ms hair available in dark brown or black?
Is there a wiki or website here I can search for all of the hairstyle optional sets?
There's the official customization summary
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Did she lose her hands somewhere?
Her megabusters ;_;
Sol Hornet has my vote
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are you going to watch the stream
I'll just wait for the summary.
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It looks like Rania Relax is finally being shipped.
Although the main body configuration is simple, it is a product with a wide range of playability.
We hope you will pick up a copy.

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That cinches it, Sophia Relax is next.
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To me, the Tamamonomae kits irradiate so much smug that I just can't bring myself to get her.
because these shoes have been specially designed to take that joint, you wouldn't want it on everything
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The 4 horsewomen of apocalypse.
I've been super lazy with building this year and too many boxes are taking over my house. So now that I've finished work for the year, I'm going to vow ITT that I'll build 2 kits before I go back to work in the new year.
Kinda hot desu
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>not Roadrunner
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Hnnnnnnng. Yes, more big tiddy angels please. Casual clothes Lumitea looks nice, too.
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New thread!

Thank you

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