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Is your body ready for the worst lego year?


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11253053
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this set reeks of white supremacy

there I said it
post hand
>this set reeks
I really like that top section.
Wouldn't it be cool if they made castle/space modulars?
Someone put William Furno on the Batpod, pretty please. I want to see.
Perhaps a looted store or burned down building or mud hut would be more your style.
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this set reeks of piss and shit

there I said it
Why not stringer
Or bulk
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Why does "insufferable cunt" as a personality and legotuber seem to cross over so much?
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this elder reeks of bitterness and resentment

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this set reeks of estrogen pills and unwashed dilators

there I said it
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>rotting away in the lego warehouse because neither you or everybody else bought it
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So is the Creator theme just totally done with minifig based sets now?
yellow supremacy.
I bought it.
everybody look and point at this post and laugh
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what's going on? why did the 4chan icon become an hourglass and everything is ridiculously slow to load now?
I got double vip points and a couple promos. Knocked about 50 dollars off when all is said and done. I'm also not poor.
>consoomers legit believe they "gain" something with a marketing strategy designed to trick you into consooming even more
lol. lmao even
I've been a Zelda fan for 20 years. I was going to buy the set anyway. You seem oddly bitter.
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I've been a Zelda fan for 20 years. I was going to buy the set anyway.
I didn't buy it but people honestly overreacted. There's nothing wrong with the set.
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Now that everything is said and done, cast your vote for the 2024 set of the year
Is it cheaper now
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/lg/ lied to me and said this was better than the 20 dollar spaceship.
No, and it never will be.
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brutal. hope this disaster isnt bad enough to stop a zelda theme from going forward
>/lg/ lied to me and said this was better than the 20 dollar spaceship.
it is infinitely better you dumb cunt
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Horsefuckerbros this one is for us
Yes, please.
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Show some respect.
He stopped on that killing ground. On that September morning . On that bloody verge off Highway 237 west. He had somewhere to go.
The only one. Nobody else stopped.That's all that matters. #calmadult
Good point but I'm still not buying it. I will buy the sign off Bricklink though to go with my medieval guarded inn.
>lego ideas
>licensed shit and dust collectors everywhere
>(((staff))) picks

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pic related

Here's hoping the haunted house is actually good, kinda like a spookified version of the 3 in 1 castle.
a graveyard alternate build would be cool
Maybe if you're 4 years old.
let me guess you just buy shit to put on a shelf
I know every single one of us here is autistic, but you don't actually use your little Lego guys and ships to act out scenes from your head and make sound effects? Right?
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D&D set was overpriced

like a big SLAP! in the face
what's a-matter? too poor to afford it?
SLAP! (hahahahahahahaha!)
sucks to be YOU!

oh, and if you can afford it?
eh, we only included a few minifigs, that's enough for you right?
you can buy more at $5 a piece if you want
you don't? I feel nothing but pity for you
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if you put it into perspective it's really not that bad. best value out of these monstrosities imo
Man I just don't get the hype of this set. There's no real focal point. None of the builds (besides maybe dragon) look very good, and they're all medium sized and smushed together.
For instance, the tavern looks like a $30 dollar set. The crumbling tower is another $30 or $40 dollar set. The set as a whole just feels like many decent smaller things that look okay at best combined.
You really aren't supposed to have everyone stop because that creates a crowd of pedestrians on the freeway which lends itself to more people getting run over. One or two cars should stop to help until ambulance/police arrives.
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>tfw own 4/6
This is one of the few times I actually agree with Jang's autistic and bitter rants.
Shouldn't have been that weird looking tree. They really should have just skipped the specific themes and gone with something collaborative like Super Smash Bros sets that give you different characters in different maps. I still wouldn't buy it but that's what people want from Lego Nintendo. They want minifigures.
Only thing I really want are those LOTR sets but not enough to spend 1000 dollars on 2 sets. That's just ridiculous.
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it's not that it's
based on
standard Lego prices

it's just that, as a fan of [something]
it's ridiculous that they make you PAY for it
(the Zelda tree was the same type of fan torture)

for example, the JAWS set is much less expensive, so if you are a fan of shark movies, it's not as much of a slap in the face to get it.
>Here's hoping the haunted house is actually good, kinda like a spookified version of the 3 in 1 castle.

Hope so, but for that price it's probably just a small facade.
I bought this
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My pick
that is literally part of the appeal. it's about giving you tons and tons of content in a condensed form instead of a single hyperdetailed needlessly large thing that looks good on a shelf and nothing else.

like what the fuck are you gonna do with rivendell by itself? larp about characters sitting around the table or arwen and aragorn making out? if you want the adventure you need the shire, you need bree, you need weathertop, you need the mines of moria...
the dnd set gives you all the juice in a single swipe, you have the inn, the forest, the mountain, the bridge, the dungeon, the tower, all the main races, all the main equipment, all the main classes, all the main monsters...

especially since its a single one off set it doesnt have the luxury of being part of a greater theme that will flesh things out further. they could have made a mega inn but it wouldnt encompass the complete dnd experience, they could have made a mega forest but it wouldnt encompass the complete dnd experience, they could have made a mega dungeon but it wouldnt encompass the complete dnd experience. this way it gives you just enough that that a dnd fan can be happy with it by itself.
Not representative of actual sales just more likely that dnd/castle fags are more autistic than zeldafags/“normies”.
not a real set, it's a bundle. pick one of the 3 or gtfo
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Okay. I never got into DnD, so I appreciate the insightful response. It makes more sense now.
Whoa... a $40 set is more popular than a $300 or $400 set... crazy....
Yeah that’s not exactly the gotcha you think it is.

The sad thing is you probably own ver few Legos and just come here to shit on people you’re jealous of.
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It would be even cooler if you made castle space modulars
In the period of martial law that followed the bears sacking Lego City for it's gold bars, all the fleshie citizens were removed to the IP camps. But is it a dystopian warning, or a path to the future?
The point is to show that brickset isnt some super hardcore community that wouldnt possibly care about "normieshit".
And lets not pretend zelda doesnt also have "castle/fantasy appeal".

I think you might just be coping at how poorly the zelda set did. I'm not saying brickset numbers are a perfect metric but to entirely disregard it with "people who bought it aren't on bricklink" is a bit silly. The youtube numbers of zelda are abysmal too but of course you would just be like "zelda fans don't have to look at reviews and just buy the set blind". If the sale numbers on lego.com were public you would be like "zeldafans dont buy things online they get it directly from a physical store".
Funny how none of that cope is reflected on the mario/animal crossing stuff that gets plenty of online attention.
what does lego friends piss smell like
abs plastic
why the fuck are plants growing in my typewriter
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will you get it?
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>inb4 haunted house isnt even minifig scale

but im very triggered that the rock geodes are not the right color of the crystals
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who's excited for batcave #169?
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Reminder of this $45 kino
Lego creeping the bar up
a few years ago and a $45 set woulda had a few more minifigures. maybe 4, maybe 5

now we get TWO in a $45 set?

(blah blah new molds whatever excuse they need, right? it's printing on a torso, people. re-use some pieces and get us a few more minifigures in these sets ugh)
But the press release for the film merch outright says they partnered with Lego.
city sets always get discounted so maybe then

not saying $80 is bad value but Im not in a rush to get so why not wait for the inevitable sale
In that case it would have been better as a wave of smaller sets which you could combine into a similar large model if you wanted a big cool display piece.
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the deal with hasbro was a single ideas set to commemorate the 50th anniversary

thank fuck it wasnt a fucking giant mimic or a dice tower
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>this set reeks of white supremacy

>there I said it
The figs are still crazy expensive on bricklink, I thought the prices were going to go down over time
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Mad comfy
Great detailing and style
Fun to build
Way modular if you wanna scoop the interior
Cheap price
but le wheelchair!!!1! it's ablebody genocide
>take minifig out of wheelchair and use them standing like normal
oh noooo
when does everything show up on lego .com so i can do my wishlist
The irritating thing is I actually really like the Jaws boat build. Really well designed. But it is overpriced for what it is. Glancing at it, I see like 60 or 70 dollars in value with that boat. And sure there's a shark too but it is actually too big for the size of the boat. And the build of the shark isn't anything special either. So the bulk of what you are paying for is an uninteresting shark design and a giant border and base. Even though 150 isn't absurd of a price for a lego set, it's still not worth it when it comes to what you are getting. Which sucks because it's a rare instance of an iconic ideas license that actually would make a good toy and not just a dust collector. At least not aside from the border.
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Any other clone niggas lock in their 5 copies of this set before it retires this month?
>20% off
>2x points
Feels good.
I think you’re talking out of your ass and don’t know jack shit about anything outside of your own very limited bubble. I doubt very highly you have any of those sets, or play with them, and definitely don’t have kids.
Oh no anon I might miss this basedwars garbage!
>my plastic building blocks are better than your plastic building blocks
I've never seen city sets getting discounts, maybe except in wal-marts but i only saw the school bus spaceship from Dreamzzz get a huge discount of 40 dollars.

you'll let us know when and where this will get a discount right anon? right?
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>you'll let us know when and where this will get a discount right anon? right?
huh, okay?
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>army building the ahsoka clones
Do you people have no standards?
Just emailed Lego and told them to stop sending me dented boxes.
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Zelda set if it was made in the style of the DnD one. Would it have been kino?
they counted the comic mech as a tie in
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anon when you flip something around the left and right get reversed
this is the type of autism I can get behind
Kek. Unironically yes something like that would have been 100x better than the giant tree
Lego doesn't make translucent neon green anymore anon.
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that has nothing to do with what I said. I meant I want the inside of the rock to be the color of the energy crystals they are mining, not this light blue that is just reused from the previous city space nasa line. it's stupid that it doesnt match
No. The Deku Tree is supposed to be grand and imposing, making him 5 or 6 inches tall would not cut it. Same with the castle.
Checked, damn they improved that boulder since rock raiders
Judge me. I only buy lego statueshit licensed themes. That's all I buy. Star wars helmets, the star wars midi scale line, occasionally a star wars set with minifigs like UCS. Harry potter castle midi scale, stuff like that. It's the only lego I buy anymore. Am I everything wrong with a lego autist these days? I just don't care for minifigs at all.
I'm just waiting for it go be discounted, that's all. I'll get it eventually. I don't ever buy lego sets at full price.
Why are you seeking validation from internet strangers?
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>expecting lego to be to scale
cringe. lego is an abstraction, a mere symbolic suggestion

I could tell you the deku interior being a dungeon should be grand and imposing, not this sad piece of crap
>Pozzed industry plant game
>"This kino"
Lmao even
Zelda is Nintendo's premium franchise, they won't let it get discounted.
if it's not selling it will be. many star wars sets don't sell and get discounted and it's legos biggest franchise.
Right. I can't prove it but I suspect Nintendo themselves wouldn't let it happen as per their licensing contract. But who knows.
actually yes this would be great if you can imagine it in brick form
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without a shred of doubt, irony, or sarcasm
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They are lazy, too bad since an amythest rock would be nice
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they probably overproduced it back then and are using it as a chance to cut on cost and get rid of stock
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This reminds me of that one story of s guy using the wheelchairs evenbthiugh his character was perfectly fit because they were OP
Latest Jang updates?
Same here and also with other sites.
Seems to be a Firefox issue.
Brickset recently reported that BlueBrixx no longer has the Star Trek license, and suggested that Lego might be interested in getting the IP as part of its 18+ range. Some big display models of the hero ships would be awesome, especially the original Enterprise, although my dream would be the space station Deep Space Nine with scaled versions of the Defiant, Enterprise-D & Voyager that could be posed either docked or flying nearby. Some smaller ship sets would be great, since the franchise has had so many iconic vessels over the decades, but I fear that Lego and/or Disney wouldn't want anything competing with their midi scale Star Wars ship sets (which is a pity, since a Klingon Bird-of-Prey at that scale would look beautiful).

Star Trek has never been a huge draw for merchandise sales, but Lego could definitely sell an occasional D2C display model and the like, so long as it doesn't step on the toes of Star Wars.
I hope you like midi scale slop :)
I saw a post about the rumors. I would like a series of sets similar to the star wars minifigure scale dioramas, but instead of only making one scene you can make scenes from different episodes using the same set of bricks.
Star Trek has a lot of potential, just getting random nonimportants likenesses is gonna be expensive considering the array of people they met throughout, also a Lot of potential Kirk faces, hell down to the final episode even with how impressive his acting plus that woman was at mimicking his mannerisms were
if all you want is Star Trek SHIPS then guess what? Lego has plenty of grey and white (and dark grey for DS9) bricks for you to build them yourself! all kinds of angles and curves, probably all you need.

even greens for the Klingon Bird of Prey, too!

If Lego makes any sets, the only purpose would be to make the minifigs

even a midi-scale Enterprise should include the little display stand with Kirk Spock and Bones (and Uhura for box-checking, of course)

it will never happen, of course, but it's nice to imagine
Big reveal Today...stay tuned.

All the questions you had for the past weeks will have an answear.

Really like how organized this guy is. I wouldn’t be caught dead in that LED-puke manchild cave, but it’s undeniably a nice setup.
Mario is the face of the fucking company lol, also wtf is a “premium” franchise? There is only how profitable it is.
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One Piece chads...it's time
Told you this will be a real set!

(Image from upcoming creator 3 in 1 dragon set)
why is the horse beautiful?
shut the fuck up troll, it's a cool little set.
Castle will be a downgrade like the creator trex more expensive remake
> 2025 creator dragon will cost 60 bucks
Wheelchair adventurers shouldn't be a thing in high fantasy settings. But if it's something futuristic you could argue that the guy is allegic to meds or augs so a hover/jetpack chair seems fine.
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Amazing set, 20 in 1!
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This looks cute
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>Holy shit, you could build CAR!
>or MECH!
>or JET!
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Probably the worst Cooper set ackshually. Croc car and the C-rex absolutely mog it.
is that... nexo knights... aahhh im going insane
Trans-coded af
This is nexo knights
Where's the "Village" in this?
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>haunted house
Will it have classic monsters?
New ghost mold?
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Are these wings new mold?
>The Creeper (NOT 18+)
Why are they so hesitant about making another giant MC set like Mountain Cave?
>these two sets are the same price
seems fair
I feel like this is the ultimate example of what Matao was thinking when he dreamed up Z-Blob. A versatile character that could fit into anything he could imagine.
based Dreamzzz lore appreciator
>First set based on a Disney channel show
>Mickey Mouse getting sets again
When are we getting Goof Troop sets? I'd kill for a Peg Pete minifigure.
Where are the Minecraft movie sets? I want a minifigure of Jack Black Steve.
why is disney pushing angel so fucking hard lately? I was obsessive about the movie and show as a kid and even I barely remembered she existed until last year when there was merch everywhere. she's in like two episodes.
Just a reminder he was originally named “Matt” in the concept art and had red hair before they had to raceswap and give him a skin disease… let’s make sure the loganchan character has two Jewish lesbian moms too for good measure.
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are there any sets that are good dark purple parts packs?
look at a lego catalog nigga
Raceswap from yelow to yellow?
>Hmm, Stitch is popular with childless adult women, how do we make him even more popular?
>Well sir, there's an pink female version from the old cartoon
Literally Stitch but girl, that's it.
Bowser car.
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What's in your pab order anon?
Why do you retards not understand trips
Tell me Kramer, is lego one piece legit?
You guys lied to me when you said Dreamzzz was dead.
thumbnail looks like a frozen pepperoni pizza.
I like Ninjago
They're probably gonna shoehorn her into the live action movie, that's my guess.
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I've got a bunch of minifig pieces coming in. I don't really moc but I like making custom figs.
I'm a huge Castle 2007 fan, so these are my dwarves I made most recently.
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Same, had a hankering for some Ninjago so I copped this sweet racecar on sale since I had no vehicle or mech for Zane yet. I like it a lot, ended up being way bigger than I was expecting, and the gimmick where the wheels can retract so the car can spin in circles on the weird blue spheres is hilariously stupid
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Zane has best sets and it's not even close
Zane bigfig when?
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>$250 main tower
Jesus how much is the whole system going to be?
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Why do "adult fans of lego" embrace the most dumb and infantile lingo for their hobby imaginable?
Funwhole compromised, He is a Xi Jinping asset now.
Is that a new blob version? i collect them.
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next CMF should be anime themed somewhat.
Give us a schoolgirl or non-ninjago ninja minifig, a mech minifigs, or a cmf series 20 sentai minifig
Genuinely fucking retarded
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My favourite guy ever.
God, I'd kill a baby to live in a world without allergies. (peanut, eggs, chicken, and slowly becoming lactose intolerant btw)
He was born with paper skin and glass bones?
snot, burp, and swooshable i 100% agree with, but sigfig? what would you replace that with?
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reminder the only solid colors lego needs are black, white, light and dark grey, red, blue, green, yellow and brown

also that the increase of color pallet is directly correlated to the downgrade of plastic quality
no contest
I genuinely don't understand the praise this set gets. I own it and it's easily one of the weakest City Space sets, especially compared to that equally priced spaceship. The crane sucks and the little console area is sorta lame. The small ship is cool, but it's just a lamer version of the bigger one.
>5 of the new crystals
>2 minifigs (3 including alien)
>more play options than the other 20$ set: you can do the same ship flying and canopy opening, and also crane, scan, and crack open boulders, use the science lab setup - the ship even has onboard crystal storage

basically it’s a better set for kids, or for anyone who want certain parts. The ship is “worse” in that it has less detail and functionality, but it’s also less than half of the overall package and is fine for play
$20 ship: 1 minifig, a jetpack drone thingy and 1 overdesigned ship that wastes half its pieces on a pointless gimmick

$20 4+: 2 minifigs, a ship with storage compartment, alien, 5 crystals and 2 boulders, crane and minining equipment, terrain with science tech

It basically encompasses almost all the core ideas of the entire theme in a single $20 set
- spaceflight: check
- encounters with alien life: check
- mining of crystals: check
- converting crystals into usable energy through science: check
- spaceman of different classes: check
- exchangeable modules: no

the $20 ship:
- spaceflight: check
- encounters with alien life: no
- mining of crystals: no
- converting crystals into usable energy through science: no
- spaceman of different classes: no
- exchangeable modules: no

are you that fucking stupid you cant tell which one is the better toy?
I just spend $600 CAD on a lot of Nexo Knights sets. This better be worth it.
its not but you should have realized that from looking at the sets so there's zero hope for you
Stop talking about trannies, you obsessed faggot.
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Day 8 of these abstractions, and for the first time im truly stumped as to what it is
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$500 + tip
The Star Wars one is going in release order, starting at 1999 for Day 1.
even if they were all the same price it would still be the best of the six
have you watched star wars?
What’s that piece at the front
aren't the sun screens supposed to be red?
yeah they're definitely a red-orange in the film.
GWP was a literal mimic though...
yea, i wish they'd bring back the copper color from exo force for the rocks.
The Harry Potter calendar is a lot more fun. Day 8 was holiday crackers and the whole things a huge feast in the grand hall by the end.
Why does Jang keep uploading to the channel that has a GLITCH?
Yeah yellow with vitiligo. God you shills sicken me. I’m pretty sure I’ve only ever seen on chick in real life with it… but then again I don’t associate with blacks.
Star Wars fans think the boat Boba Fett got tossed from is way more recognizable than it actually it.
The better question is why do you think we care about him, faggot? Kill yourself
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The copper mix from then is likely way out of stock sadly, Too bad since I wish there were more good metallic colors besides gold and silver, a proper iron or copper and bronze are a very good one to pick, maybe even bringing back some of the nicer metallics like blue would be sweet
Fuck off you faggot weeb larper
Planet logo on the tail should be blue
As the other anon said it's a great set for kids, it's not just some display piece. It's very reminiscent of classic space set design especially the Ice planet ones even if I don't like the colors or the new suits.
I also agree with the other anon that it’s the best “little taste” of the theme as a whole since it has an alien, crystals, two types of astronauts, and non-vehicle builds
So it's a bunch of shitty small things instead of one actual good thing, got it.
>De gustibus non est disputandum
but they serve different ends; if you want a more complete feeling/displayable ship then the Interstellar Explorer is obviously the better choice, where the 4+ set has more varied options for play than any of the sets at its price or cheaper. Kids don’t really care about things being super detailed with a bunch of little shitter 1x1s and tiny wedges - /lg/ is full of nostalgia for old set themes which were closer to the simplified, imagination-leveraging designs of 4+ sets than modern “price-per-piece”-maxxing micromodels.

I consider that specific 4+ set rare in that it feels fitting to its theme and not totally “juniorized” so I wouldn’t feel ashamed to display it alongside the rest of the cityspace sets, and kids can obviously still enjoy playing with the more elegantly designed explorer ship.

I don’t really think either set is “bad” then, just different, and while I own the Interstellar Explorer because im an AFOOL like yourself I still wouldn’t mind picking up the 4+ set because it expands on the same world in interesting ways. At least to me.
you cannot be reasonable in this thread, it's against the rules. stop it, stop it now.
Sorry, the real best set coming through
You're forgetting one core idea of the theme
>unique robot helper
That set, the polybag, and arguably the science lab are missing it
refer to >>11257471
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>add polybag scooter and a small mech
>somehow this doubles the price
Yeah the 3 creator sets in one being 20 makes it worth it since its an actual giant discount for all the pieces, the one 3 in kne city one is overpriced
The 3 in 1 Space City set is $20, not sure what you guys are talking about.
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I actually managed to build the helper robot from the Mobile Command Base from spare parts. Also with all the helper robots I upgraded them with the printed flat stud from five years ago.
Wait damn is that a giant 3d printed one?
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was scrolling through a supermarket brochure while making a grocery list and just saw this advertised on sale. Wow I didnt know it was a thing that girlshit has a bow that actually shoots. Do they use this on capeshit sets or anything else? I've completely missed it till now.
I have LITERALLY never seen those 2 pieces before so I guess we are stuck with the bow in just teal, which is bullshit but thats life
Oh, the only 2 sets that have it in a semi normal color is licensedshit (Avatar) and Dreamzzz, also the arrows are likely expensive to get
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It first came out in Avatar in this color. Zoey from Dreamzzz also uses it.
>Gappy Cockpits
>Those face details
This was $70+ I bet
The flag piece is new as well, and has quads
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Yeah. Just screen capped it from some website I didn't even bother to check the name. Just wanted an example of the piece I was talking about. And this is the one I built from spare parts. Trust me, that printed piece with the eyes adds so much personality to these guys.
Making something to 3d print the arrows yourself en masse in something like gray would likely be the best option
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>good nougat colored bow
>all the arrow color options are absolutely pig disgusting

they should have carried it over to this >>11257572 so we could get some regular arrows
>talks about pig disgusting
>posts image of Al*y
that is not a set
I got this on sale, the ship is excellent ofc but the polybag is cool too. the propulsors rotate so it can VTOL, such a nice little flyer
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hey guys this is my favorite set. if set bundles count than this does too :^)
zane bigfig is literally happening >>11258148
Not a retail set
dont care, still a set
If he's a Star Wars fan then he should know what that thing is; it's an OT vehicle, not prequelshit nor disneyslop
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it's the Khetanna
but nobody knows that

everybody calls it
Jabba's Sail Barge

the only Advent thing that stumped me was this Ewok Glider thing, I was trying to figure out what ship it was, turns out it's for the Ewok minifigure to hold on to
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Still waiting on a leak for those fortnite sets, hopefully sets that contain actual minifigs, and not just shitty statues
How heavy is that even
Bad news, Mecha Team Leader gets one.
The fuck??? I thought it's supposed to be a mynock, or whatever those things were called that latched onto the Falcon in that monster cave scene.
peely's camp is confirmed to be a minifig playset
Just bought Lion Knight for $300 with double Insider Points. Actually feels worth the money with 25% off. But then, that's most sets.

Jazzed for a new Creator set
I want LKC T_T
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All I care about is new waifigs.
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Gonna go tomorrow and see if I can get them, having to use ALL the ids just to see if any line up because they have WAY more than just US ID’s at the stores, at least I know not to get another 37
>titan mech vs a bust or some other afol garbage
And would it get eminem minifig? Just asking
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I'm connected to this channel and can suggest stuff for these guys to do. I'm thinking about grabbing some random sets for them to review cuz I don't care much for individual reviews of nothing sets.

But I've seen some of their unreleased Star Wars Lego reviews that are pretty funny but they're taking forever making their shit.
why are you like this
Reminder to report morons like these or else they will keep doing it
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Its all so tiring… this fag will never learn
which thread do I post in...
you're on it
This one. While I am a firm believer in creating a new thread at bump limit as is customary on all 4chan boards, creating one beforehand is extremely poor form. The janitor will likely punish one of those ne'er-do-wells and leave a single thread for us to use.
need one more thread
Thoughts on Jestro?
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Useless clown faggot from NEXO Knights. Supposed to be a villain but just fucks everything up.
and people wonder why nexo knights failed, lol. not even a single memorable villain compared to ninjago where EVERY villain is memorable and kino.
Every time I see this webm the meowth plush looks like a marge simpson real doll in the thumbnail
I don't think Zelda is a good pick for overpriced display piece sets. Like all this is ever going to be is big trees and cathedrals and houses.

I think a Zelda theme should have honestly leaned fully into being customizable playsets like the Mario theme. Like have little dungeon rooms or caverns or enemy encounters and let people link them up like a DnD campaign.
pomni sure has seen better days
Do you not have a smartphone or the ability to download the app? Are you just a masochist? OMGBRICKS on the app or play store should get you there fren.
Isn’t this from last year?
I'm a simple builder. I see a big modular spaceship, i buy. Its just missing a base plate but that can be easily bought aftermarked and decorated with leftovers.
Reminder… but you’d probably be better off just getting one second hand.
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hope its the storm king
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>halfway through Tournament of the Elements
this lego cartoon is extremely good
Can't they do Wayne Manor geez?
Storage low, don’t wanna bloat with an app so I will just read them manually
will we ever get a LoTR set that isnt a faggot afol dust collector and instead a playset like the old ones?
will lego ever be good again?
kinda looks soulless compared to the flagships of the previous dedicated Space themes
It’s like 20Mb my guy say maybe delete like 7 memes?
>actual good looking ship
>man its just kinda soulless y'know?
>shitty looking old space ship with big featureless plates as wings
>SOVL OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!1
Also we’re talking like $30-35 a TB now for external hard drives fella there’s no excuse for that kind of laziness. Get them now before the tariff war begins.
What is it with non-lego city police builds being better than city police?
They have to deal with all sorts of crime, not just bank robbers and jewel thieves
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There was absolutely nothing criminal going on in this set. Just three lads having a good time on the bayou.
Bros... it's about to... hit............... bump............. limit...................
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>installs a 20MB app on a 4TB external hard drive attached to his phone
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yeah i like the Galactic Enforcer and the Galactic Mediator
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If kai's upcoming knight mech is like this one but double the size then it'll easily be the best one
Either print all regions box codes or just delete VM cache or any apps
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It worked, no dragonborns (or black dwarves surprisingly) but I got my rats and bleeding skulls (and a giant baseplate and some doritos) so I can say I’m satisfied, I guess
Oh no!

To each there own I’m just glad you’re satisfied I didn’t want anyone missing out. We’re very unlikely to get another such set in a long time.
I was more thinking he could offload a bunch of photos or videos which is what’s bloating most phones storage… or delete Diablo and save like 20gb… that would work too. The files I wish I could get back because I was trying to save space on a 5gb hard drive back in ‘97… those were the days.
I have 35,000+ photos saved up so thats likely partially responsible
Sparkplug is confirmed
He doesn't even have a minifig in the videogame, you might as well just ask for a Leatherface or Doomguy minifig
My mom wants to build a lego set together, we're looking for something that'll take some time, preferably on the cheaper side. Does anyone have any suggestions on something that's a good value build that takes some time?

I was thinking maybe something in the botanicals, although my expensive option atm is Himeji Castle
That star wars swamp diorama will waste a lot of time but >starwars, technic stuff is complex bit may hurt fingers too much so beware
How olds your mom and is she single?
Ironically the Lego Family Tree, it's a bit more expensive than the Botanicals but is 1000 pieces and minifig scale. Otherwise you don't really find time consuming stuff until the corner buildings but those are more expensive.
I just want LKC bros…
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In Stacey's latest video, she greedily paws through an unwashed ~30 year old vintage bulk lot without wearing gloves or taking any other safety precautions. Hear her foolishly express confusion as to why old pieces made out of softer Lego plastic (such as the Rope Bridge part #2549) are almost always intact while parts made out of stiffer, harder plastic (such as Flag 6x5 part #2525) are frequently found damaged.
God I want one of those bridges.
To be fair groping a bunch of random old bricks sounds fun for a finger masochist like me, since I already sort through lego bricks for fun
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I like that we think alike! I have this lil fella working on the space port
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We need a new thread!!!

New thread
>creating a new thread at bump limit as is customary on all 4chan boards
fuck off retard
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Cool. I got the idea from this image to change up the feet too. Those mini skis are just too awkward for my tastes.
I hate that hes a wetback an not Italian

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