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So I opened this today. Mainly because one of the legs had fallen off in the box. The diorama scene inside the box was upside down.

Not sure if this was a QC fail figure, or if NECA figures are just shit. It’s a great sculpt, but super fragile & not confidence inspiring. But holy hell did they get her to look good..
Also fuck you iPhone for showing me a portrait photo & uploading a landscape photo.
Not my April.
Where did you order this from?
They’re readily available in Australia. EBay, local retailers, and AliExpress now have them very inexpensively. Again, not sure if they’re backdoors or what, but I highly doubt they’re KO because there’s just way too much tooling to reproduce for this figure
I wouldn’t trust stuff off AliExpress, it’s usually riddled with QC issues
Which one is your April?
Besides, she's not white, she's ginger.
>I lost all my April Neca edits
What does this mean
I had photoshop edits of the April Neca.
I no longer have those edits
I lost the edits

To edit something is to make a change to the original.
What a stupid thing to even bring up
Why is her neck so long?
The neck is long, but it’s something you only really notice when you remember that it’s a common criticism. It really doesn’t stand out at all. The sculpt is amazing.
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Ordered the Fire & Ice Frazetta Girls ‘Teegra’, hoping the neck peg is compatible.. stand by for results
The coomer thread has been ripping that apart. idk why, it it looks ok.
its a weeb thread is why. It has some lacking in paint, but that thread will praise bland sculpts or terrible hollow socket areas in shoulders and hips as long as it has a Japanese made anime face.
It’s not a statue of a little girl, it’s an action figure of a woman - probably why
Faces are tranny like, knees can't even get 90° and the seams are more obvious than $25 Hasbro.
Everyone that owns it wishes it was better, especially for the price. Trust me, there are plenty of us that want well made figures of non-weeb shit, but the companies making them always seem to miss the mark.
It's just not that good simple as that. I looked up a review of it on Youtube and the paint just doesn't look great and the articulation is lacking for the price. Shame because this animation was kino growing up.
Then your april is a fraud, an imposter. She is white, always was and always will be known as such.
It doesnt look okay to most anons though. You have a low standard.
It’s fine. The faces are fine.

But I’m gonna pop the April O’Neil head on it & see how that goes. Or try some others. Just a bit of fun, you know!
So what April is the best one available?
Definitely the Mutant Interest Story one that OP posted (animated); there’s a good likeness Judith Hoag one from the first TMNT film if that’s your jam.

Also an ugly fat one from the Seth Rogan film, if you’re into that.
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Hoag. There’s another one with shocking zero-effort knees, too.
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I would love to see the stats on how many of these sold
Maybe your standards are too high. Ever think that?
It is completely indefensible and ruins the entire figure.
It is easy to drill out the head socket a few mm so that she looks like sakuga April instead of "animators have a deadline April."
Technically, both are accurate to the cartoon, like Raphael with a bo staff, or multiple Leonardos on screen at once.
>Topic is Neca April
>Anon brings up something about Neca April
>'hurr durr, so stupid to bring it up'

April is a strong black woman.
So just like official neca product.
It is accurate and ugly.
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April was designed by Eastman after his then girlfriend (later wife), who was mixed race. This is what she looked like for the pretty much the entire Mirage run.
sorry bro.
What? The thing you made up to be mad about? Get a fucking life.

>comes with the blindfold but not the most important part
It’s an interesting perspective. I did a deep dive on it around the time the Rogan movie came out & concluded that April isn’t black or POC. It was name only. Curly hair, sure, but skin “colour” was H&M shading.

On that point though, so you consider the turtles mask colours to be non-canon as they were all red in the mirage comics?

In retrospect the casting of Judith Hoag for the movie was quietly brilliant: curly hair, also red. Nod to mirage & cartoon.

God, I hope you don't post any more of that
>Black April
My canon goddess.
27 BILLION units sold! We love black April!
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NECA is making a delicious mocha April just for you. I hope it's a Juneteenth exclusive.
It's really just the face that's off to me. McFarlanesque, but not in a good way.

The body is fantastic though. The muscle definition on her quads and knees is crazy.
The other turtle creator said she was white. They can never make up their mind what she is. She concretely became white though. She's an inherently white character now.
Why is Krang wearing a pimp hat?
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Remember this classic episode?
oooh I member
Wanting figures that can bend their limbs further than 90 degrees, especially for the price they're asking, isn't such a high bar. The company and you have low standards.
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>April was designed by Eastman after his then girlfriend (later wife)
That didn't happen until later in the original mirage run. In the begining, Kevin only named April after his girlfriend. Peter was the one who came up with the design for April, and just going by his sketches, her being white was already decided upon while they were trying to figure out her name. Ironically, Baxter was the one where they couldn't decide what race he was going to be at first.
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How about this one
>Faces are tranny like
It's an animated imitation of a Frazetta face, it looks harsher but it's fine.
Good God, the first animated April did things to me growing up. Irma was cute, too
She did things to all of us.
People here often value articulation over sculpt and seem to miss a lot of the appeal of the figure. I think it’s fine for what it’s trying to do. Their darkwolf similarly isn’t super articulated but it looks very good as a result.
I'm not even an articulation whore, but knees that can't even get 90° is pretty shit. I could probably forgive it if the sculpt impeded articulation, but it's a chick in a bikini, so the only thing stopping it is their inability to cut the articulation properly.

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