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-Reeve Superman and BVS figures starting to appear in stores
-Glow in the Dark Captain Carrot up for preorder on Amazon
-Kong vs Batman set up for preorder
-Dark Knight Returns Cover Recreation Gold Label up for preorder
-Wildcat and Orion coming to Target soon

Previous: >>11261910
I appreciate your service anon

Headsculpt seems great, but...Why do they and mafex make the joints at the elbows and knees look so weird and robotic rather than just having 3 pieces of plastic going together there? The mechanism is far more complicated, most likely unnecessarily so as the range is still the same as a Marvel Legend or McFarlane in those joints.
That thumb looked fucked, might want to see a dermatologist.
Seems so plain without his mechanism. I've gotta wonder...those better not be Superman cuffs on his wrists
Yeah it's the retooled page punchers buck made "blank" for Superman blue
>another ass thread by VF
This poster is unironically Jarrett aka valley forge aka hush faggot aka dog shit op aka power girl anon aka vine fag
>snydershit the week the new trailer is coming out companies need to let go already/
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They did interview with dude from Spinmaster. The target buyer is insanely based.
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Sounds like they are going to do more retro stuff. Hopes dreams?
I hope they do The Dark Knight Collection.
jesus yeah wtf is goin on there
Are you guys retarded? It looks like anon has Vitiligo
he should get that fixed.
I think batman Forever was the peak of sales for Kenner in the 90's according the Aaron Archer, so it's got a lot of nostalgia appeal.
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Trailer thursday
nobody cares
i do
Really not a fan of the kingdom come symbol. Staying optimistic though. Really hope this movie's good.
kingdom come symbol is peak design
Lynda Carter Wonder Woman when?
When Todd can be convinced it will sell
That would be completing a team (of sorts) so never.
Thursday? I thought it was today.
>If I don't care than NOBODY else should care otherwise I feel threatened

Grow a pair you fucking pussy.
No it isn't, it's a no diving sign
Are you actually a retard?
Many Dark Nights Death Metal teams were completed
leaked symbol for the finale costume
I think you might be gay and retarded
No wonder Target is going under
Why are they so oily?
Gotta get oiled up for the big action figure wrestling match
All McFarts are greasy. Wouldn't be surprised if the back half of the Reeve figure is unpainted
There are still boomers alive who give a shit about Adam West Batman?
>You had to be alive when something first came out to enjoy it
Imagine being so low IQ.
I'd be interested to know. The more I see obvious profit taking shit like that the more I check out.
Hot Toys Batman and Robin got revealed. I'm telling you guys, it's DC pulling the strings pushing Forever and Batman and Robin.
>still no Returns
It's the gay one! It's all a conspiracy!
The returns stuff probably comes next. People have rumored that McFarlane is working on Returns stuff.
7 inch was a mistake. It increases the ste3l tool size over 6 inch and thus leads to higher costs and less leeway on prices.
>more schizo conspiracy shit
Why do I even check this general
Careful, he's going to start replying to all of your posts with unhinged bullshit for the next two years.
The greasy duo
Because you're desperate to see when the next Ruby Golden Sunray Bronze edition is released.
Same reason as the rest of us: Power Girl going up for preorder so we can all be free. When she comes out and there's no reason to be here this general is going to turn into a wasteland of bitchy schizo faggots.
how is dc wanting toys made of their ip a schizo conspiracy? this is so stupid.
DC doesn't want toys of their IP. They barely even want their movies to succeed.
Anon keeps making it weird by posting about WB forcing toy companies to make products for specific movies from 20 years ago as if the entire industry isn't relying on Nostalgia to keep it alive right now
Is it relying on nostalgia and middle aged customers or is it a sinister plan designed by a shadowy cabal of incompetent suits telling companies to make more shit from the faggot Batman movies?
You're arguing with someone who legit has unmedicated schizophrenia. He's paranoid about posters teaming up to troll him, too.
In fact if you say anything he doesn't agree with you're a troll and he'll start pissing and shitting himself for hours.
I actually have schizophrenia and let me tell you it's getting worse everyday. I woke up and my trashcan was gone. Looked around and saw all my neighbors were still there. I was convinced my neighbor took it and had it in front of his yard full of trash. I walked in circles around my neighborhood for 2 hours scoping his house out occasionally ducking in to check the serial numbers on the trashcan. Once I was convinced without a doubt in my mind I walked over, flipped the trash out into his driveway while he looked on. Then I moved it to my yard, put my trash in and finally went inside. 10 minutes later my wife tells me the trash company made a mistake and took our trashcan early that morning. I don't fucking remember my neighbor have 3 trashcans and one recycling can but ok.
I still think it's my fucking trashcan and my neighbor someone called my wife. I do not talk to my neighbors and don't know how he would have her number unless they're fucking. So I'm going to lock her in the closet while I go through her phone later because I know that's my trash can and I pay the bill.
Well boys turns out she did call the trash company and had a 1 minute and 29 second phone call but that's after a 5 minute and 7 second phone call with a number that isn't saved in her phone. I keep calling and nobody is picking up.
I'm going to jail.
Can I get your toys when you leave
If they survive the fire
noooo dont do ittt
but if you do post pics
Finally. Maybe this place can get back to normal.
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thinking about the king again
sounds kinda gay
The NEW 52!
Needs a new chestpiece and head to work
What are you guy hope gets revealed today? For me it's DC retro super friends.
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>Superman cuffs on his wrists
>be me, buy McFarlane Demon Slayer Akaza
>it’s probably the sickest figure McFarlane has ever made, the articulation is actually great
>notice his wrists look weird
>notice his ankles
These cheap ass motherfuckers reused wrists from a figure with sleeves and the ankles from a figure with FUR. Lmfao this has to be the laziest parts reuse I have ever seen in my life.
I'm begging Todd to give these bodies more meat. They're so lanky.
Given the reference image this doesn't look accurate even on the new parts.
Semi toy related
Here's the teaser for the teaser trailer tomorrow
>nostalgia shit
Can't even get the S right. Hard pass.
I think I found my Daily Planet

Have a good disco ball christmas ornament and ordered some 1 inch letters

Soon I will have not only the best Justice League and Reign of the Supermen team but also the world's best Metropolis backdrop
Live now

Are we finally seeing the people who really run this show rather than Todd? Can I complain to them about inaccurate body buck reuse?
Oh boy they're using the word "piece" instead of "toy" or "statue"
Power Girl uses Wonder Woman's ugly knees
you all (and everyone else who isn't a LARP by this psycho) need to stop giving these shitty threads currency or responding to OO, his tripfag personality or his other numerous "sock puppets"
Swappable hair and heads
Single 89
Batman begins
fleischer superman
Accessories are sculpted in
Big HANDS to fill, big HANDS to fill, big HANDS to fill...
Headsculpt looks pretty old
To clarify the batarangs are sculpted in
If you go to a dermatologist for being black, they won’t accept you as a patient. Being black has not been a diagnosable skin disorder since 1962.
>No gold labels or platinum stickers
Thank fuck, hopefully these will be relatively easy to get a hold of. Power Girl might be the tricky one but I'm committed to moving mountains to get her.
This didn't need to be a collectors. The Batman and Ace pack has better value than this. She needed to come with at least another head, an angry one.
Should've come with some cold effects.
Terrible head sculpt. He also looks bloated. No constructs?
Really nice looking figure. But I think they over exaggerated with the hair.
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This will absolutely not scale with anything I have and I am getting it anyway because I am starving at this point.
The open hands will look great in flying poses. Just let your shelf become a Power Girl shrine.
We must resist todd's 7 inch temptation!
Her face sculpt isn't that good. It's resistable. If I don't get to the preorder on time I wouldn't pay over 30
>face sculpt isn't that good
It's fine. Stop being a fucking faggot. I agree it's not worth above retail tho.
It's "fine", or "passable" enough to buy, but not outstanding, spectacular, etc.
It's a domestic $30 figure.
No shit.
There are still Greatest Generation-ers who care about Batman? Who the fuck cares about some comic from 1939!

You see that? You see how you're a fucking moron, anon? Go back to the stupid corner. You shame as all.
Yeah well wake me up when Yamaguchi gets off his lazy ass so I can give him 4 times as much money.
There are headsculpts on 20-30 dollar figures that are outstanding/spectacular. This just isn't one of them. Sculpts generally aren't what costs the big bucks, it's the tooling and engineering.
i dont recall bale being so barrel chested
also seems way too softly sculpted. if you were just see his silhouette it;d just look like some pudgy guy
eeeey he can finally do the thing
too bad he used the inferior material again
Why can't all Batman toys have these large soft good capes?
its either basketball shorts or raincoats for capes.
Someone out there has to be selling sculpted replacement capes. There's no way people are actually displaying those capes made from scraps at the factory
Streaky looks like a fucking Playmobil toy
All you faggots do is bitch
So basically, it's like literally every other general on /toy/
>do not criticize, just consume product
Her face is damn fine... for a Mcfarlane figure. That said her head is pretty small.
>the only person having fun is the tripfag posting about Power Girl
I'm jealous of his happiness.
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Pretty nice, I like the accessories even if the cape is clearly too small. HOWEVER

where is my Returns figure Todd?
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She looks like a fucking Karen. Same pose as one too.
>SIR. SIR. I need to speak with your Manager!
It's no surprise to me, but it's still disappointing.
You should be preparing you anus and wallet, it’s obvious that’s going to be the Platinum
finally, a relatively normal superman i'll buy
looks absolutely fucking nothing like Keaton lol
>Only one face
>Huntress and other males in the same wave get three faces and multiple hair/mask parts
The cat really took the whole damn budget, huh?
How does Todd do it? That's the finest diaper on a female figure thus far. He really has a knack for this.
He has a diaper fetish
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>Power Girl figure reveal
>Superman trailer

It's a good Christmas to be a DC fan.
Well, should i even attempt to pre order or are they sold out already? The 89 batman would be sweet just to have, crappy body or not.
Judging by the diaper being so low this figure will likely have limited leg movement
Still not a fan of the red belt, but at least the sculpt does her some justice.
I don't care
It's 4chan. None if us have any joy left. If we did, we wouldn't be here.
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DC IS BACK BABY!!!!! Now if only a company can swoop in and start making 6 inch dc figs, i can die happy.
She looks like a bitch



JULY 11!

The daylight shots are blown the fuck out.
Reeves Superman back in stock at Gamestop. Let's see if I actually get my order this time.
Looks awful
Looks great
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Looks amazing

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Looks like he shit himself
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I got a preorder on bbts if thats an option for you, itll be the last supes i buy since it will be my 3rd one.
Yeah but i want to be happy man. I still enjoy my toys im just getting tired of collecting toys. Guess im getting tired of 4chan too really, ive been here a long time truth be told.
>the woman's face behind it
My sides
You're the target audience
He doesn't look phased
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>Introducing Todd's shARTS
Watching that trailer, and I feel like it's time for Hasbro to acquire the DC license for 6 inch figures. Todd can continue his collector 7in figs and Hasbro gets to make 6in toys meant for the kids like Marvel Legends. There should be a problem with that. Fortnite did it just fine. TMNT is also doing okay with multiple scale figures on shelves.
Ruby Edition Diarrhea
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>Powergirl looks like Jason Momoa
>Superman trailer sucks
I pity the DCfag. Also the suit looks just as bad in the trailer.
Hasbro is on the verge of collapse anon
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>can't get the shield right
>clark has a curly perm

that movie is gonna be so ass but maybe the toys will go to clearance quickly like blue beetle and black adam
>It's a good Christmas to be a DC fan.
Unironically especially with the release of the DC finest collections and compact editions
That Catwoman is tempting, I only have a handful of issues from the Balent run
I'm getting everything post crisis
They are making some of their best figures now though so oh well
No they aren't
They are actually.
Arent the compact editions supposed to be sold at walmart or did i misread something? Anyway, im waiting on kingdom come so if its cool then ill be all in one the compact line. I really liked the dc phone book style collections, obscure stuff for cheap.
Cool lie bro
>Arent the compact editions supposed to be sold at walmart or did i misread something?
Not sure. I just got my compact copy of hush today from Amazon. This form factor needs to be how all western comics are made going forward. It's like reading a large colored manga. Paper is exactly the same too.
Oh good it shipped. Sometimes nice things happen!
They were primarily made for big box stores like Walmart and Target where normal TPB's have no chance at competing for shelf space. That's why they're all greatest hits compilations, they're targeting non-comic readers.
Looks terrible.
Chances we get the sexy dragon from the trailer as a figure?
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Do glasses really work that way?
Arms are too long on the Reeve Supes figure.

No but otherwise it's a nice image of Hugo Strange.
maybe theres two batmen on fire.
>Arms are too long
Legs too. He's taller than earth 2
>We now continue our broadcast of 3 men and a little table
Oh yeah! Another Guy for my Gardner collection.
are Todd's sculptors literally retarded. how do you consistently fuck up like this
I think some anons found that it seems they sculpt without including the wrist and ankle joints which are added by the overall designer later, leading to lanky as hell figures if the sculpt is not adjusted for
many todd sculpers are bad at it even though you only need to see to fix it
top down
Renders never look like the final product, and renders are all the sculptors ever see. As we can tell from how many botches have been made (like the green lighted batmobile rather than blue), McFarlane does not go back and fix what they consider "minor" issues like wrong colors or out of scale/too tall figures. Companies like Jada do prototype and go back and fix things, accepting delays to 'get it right', which is why it takes eons for them to release stuff they show off many months ago.
Not feeling it at all. The supes actor seems miscast
The music sounds so bad and try-hard.
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Also, that opening... bruised Superman wheezing and spitting blood.
What does that even mean? That sounds like what a 13 year old would describe something as.
The biggest complaint from normies is that he is invulnerable and never gets hurt. The opening shot shows them "oh shit, he got his ass kicked".
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>updated version of pic never ;_;
You can buy 3d printed Power Girl kits on etsy with bigger busts and alternate belts scaled for McFarts.
Batman kicked his ass and Doomsday killed him in BvS.
Superman was hulding back against Batma n in that timeline. It's good the new one looks like Henry.
new movie - you gotta remind them.
You can watch it as being in the same canon if you want to.
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The Daily Planet is mostly put together I just have to paint it, fix the Christmas ornament onto it, and add the letters. Some of the background buildings are almost done. Added in a Lexcorp tower tonight.
Too bad it's ruined by the McFigures. Really should've stuck to the Mafex's.
Which Cyborg Superman is that?
The DC costume wave of Neca's Ben Cooper line is up for preorder on BBTS for those interested.
Now you just gotta learn to pose!
>spits ketchup
>Swallows cum
Thanks amazon, i was supposed to gwt kingdom come and the clock king on monday but now ill get it thursday at the earliest. Damn it, that was a big part of christmas man.
Don't wait until the last minute, stupid bitch.
Get fucked retard.
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the diaper is still too distracting and any idiot could easily do that cheap sticker shield, even the head sculpt isn't worth looking for this remaindered
the rest of this is hot plastic garbage
looks cool but get a better camera
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waiting for the official so i have limbs
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The prices are still risin' bros.
Man who the fuck wants this? Does anyone in this thread legitimately like figures like this?
Some fools must be buying them or they would've stopped by now. Who knows who though.
This thread is a poor example of DC toys collectors, let alone DC fans. But no, no one actually wants these kinds of figures. It's just Todd milking the mold reuse.
I mean this thread is at least 50% TDS posters who don't buy anything DC and are just here to seethe at McPukeshitfartlame
I assume some Mr Freeze super fan wished really hard and now he's making his ideal collection
We are lost as a society.
We live in a society.
You think that's bad?
Yes it's real
what the fuck is wrong with these people? written by a woman, too. i hate this "no kink shaming" culture. this shit should be shamed with extreme prejudice.
based power girl chads
Damn bad time to be a Joker fan but also racist
/co/ memed this into existence many years after they stopped posting about harley farting superbad
better Iceman than marvel legends has done
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Itll be here monday.
Same people who want or buy the vampires or jokerized figures i guess. The batzarro people.
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Is fondjoy good?
>it's not a sexy character like Orca or Captain Carrot or Weasel

Better than McFarlane but I think they're also slightly bigger.
This is actually pretty good, specially the face, it reminds me of Tea Leoni.
I saw a whole case of DC direct dceased batgirls at my Walmart. What in the absolute fuck is happening?
Someone at walmart finally did their job and filled the shelves.
I asked and they just got the case in along with fighting the frozen batgirls
Bigger Better Figgers
Because people like Mr Freeze?
I said that as a joke wishes don't work like that
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This Wonder Woman is one of the coolest figures Todd has ever made.

The thicker thighs on a larger figure this size look fantastic. Only needs a darker metal in the recesses around her bracelets and a darker red lipstick and she'll be perfect. Easily my favorite figure in the League besides AC1000 Supes.

If Power Girl reuses a lot of these parts I'll be extremely happy, this is objectively the best female figure Todd has made for the DC line.
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I smell the sarcasm.

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