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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Kikes Data

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11263508
its that time
>It's a nexo thread
Based Nexo Christmas
Blacktron Triforce Fighters
Detachable power cells
Landing gear!
lego is seriously missing out by not doing digital circus sets, they would make so much money
>Reddit the Youtube series
Nah we're good
hazbin hotel then
What if Link was a girl?
lego is seriously missing out by not doing [insert literally anything here] sets, they would make so much money

its true though
>a fucking minifig
>a fucking minifig with a dog
>a badly adapted building or scene with MINIFIGS
You have to be 18 to post here.
wrf it's already reviewed?
Hot take:
I really like the old classic 80s 90s sets and I still have some and I keep them assembled even though I never look at them or take them out of storage. But let's be honest, they are mostly lame and you could build a better set or improved versions of them with all the parts you have in collection and the designs don't even need to be tiled or polished or clean because the originals weren't. The remakes are overdesigned and pointless. I never had the Renegade. I could have built the Renegade with the parts I have but it's just a stupid toy with little storage space or functions. I could have built a better Renegade, but it wouldn't be the Renegade anymore.
You're trolling and retarded
What a gay fucking set
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You're a gay fucking set!
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When is Lego making skibidi toilet sets? It's the most sigma cartoon in Ohio. It would be bussin' on god, fr.

holy fuck!!!
Now THIS is a general
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I’m just tired man, I should search for my glow in the dark octopus
Reminder that with the confirmation of the Blacktron Renegade, it means that the One Piece and DBZ leak are real!
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Get your scummy butt out of here ChungusFurry
would have been a perfect set to introduce a trans yellow power crystal but nope, fuck you lego
They are going to try and find the most expensive set possible to include it in… only for it to end up on PaB
I just don't understand why they got rid of the cargo pod.
Fortress of Solitude
I like it, I don't get why people are mad about it, it just looks a really cool industrial spaceship and I don't even have nostalgia goggles because I wasn't even born when the original came out. Yellow and black is a goated scheme and it has actual play features.
Nostalgia fags just think in very simple terms.
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First thing i'm going to do.
It looks like double electric guitar or some futuristic double dildo, just take it slow and strech yourself beforehand anon.
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Space shib :D

I want to have Violet and Sand Red be brought back
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Waiting for Santa :D
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Been fiddling with new pieces from these polibags
i want DnD series continue in 2025!!!
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got the last few advent star wars thingies, and wtf are they
My guesses, l to r
>The craft they use to visit the gungans
>possibly another kind of submersible
>TIE variant, possibly a tank
>rebel alliance vehicles used once and never again
sorry to say anon but youre mostly wrong, good guess though. l to r its t6 jedi shuttle (the one lego recently made with ahsoka), mandalorian starfighter, yoda's shuttle, then the top rightmost is the phantom, rebels vehicle and the other one is the u wing, which im pretty sure is only in rouge one
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Me and who?????
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Until proven otherwise, I made the cutest necromancer.
Traveling companions: On the left is the first friend she ever made, and on the right is a she-beastman that she picked up on holiday.
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I can't wait to convert this to having cloth wings so it can look right next to the red dragon from the DnD set. Anyone have experience making custom lego cloth pieces like sails or wings or anything? Good material to use?
he sounded there like a guy who's nice to have at the parties. too much projection on why he "doesn't like" the set.
That orc needs to lay off crankin the ol knob
Reminder with the confirmation of the Blacktron Renegade also means the One Piece and DBZ leaks are real!
Can you spoonfeed me the source please?
there were a bunch of One Piece deniers at one of the previous threads that also claim the Blacktron Renegade is a hoax. now that's confirmed, pretty sure the One Piece and DBZ are too. [spoiler]everyone will hate it because it's going to be based on the Netflix series[/spoiler]
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He's 70% humanoid
Hmm. I was hoping there would be a source from a reputable leaker who mentioned those things. I can't consider this confirmation. I won't believe Lego will make OP or DBZ till I see it, but thanks.
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well, there's this too.
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whoa, that's exactly what I was hoping was out there thank you.
Latest Jang updates?
probably painting his fingernails and putting stickers on his face for some charity stream on twitch streaming to less than 100 people while literally going bankrupt and being raped by the Oakland real estate taxes like usual
Kill yourself
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I think I'm getting this when it's available
Can confirm he was sucking my dick a few hours ago
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WTF My picture didnt make it.
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I love them...
Make a stop-motion gif of that robot arm waving.
feeling like a #CalmAdult today
robo zane's cock is thicker than her leg
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Pokemon and Indiana Jones are coming too.
Are there any good classic/creator sets with the original colors? I'll bricklink them if necessary.

I'm so fucking tired of getting 100 hyperspecific 1x2 pieces in every new set. Also fuck pastel shit.
What's the cheapest set I can get this robo qt from? I need to pair her with my nurse droid.
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Had a great score on facebook today. $100 for some great 2000's themes. Absolute boat load of bricks too. The only issue is that a bunch are offbrand and megablox stuff is mixed in with it, but some of that is Halo which is cool too.

Fuck the new captcha system holy shit no wonder Inever post.
>one post denying blacktron
>vs everyone dunking on a shonenfag for thinking OP was going to be thing
the whole basis of that one anon's claim is a single lego fortnite leak containing untextured minifig models of Goku, the demogorgon from stranger things, and other licensed skins that lego would never do. basically one retarded autist from /a/ shitting up /lg/
Also that image has been floating around for almost a year now… maybe longer. I don’t dispute that OP might get sets but there’s no way DBZ gets made in official legoTM unless it’s in a video game… and they haven’t even done that despite having ample time and capabilities… almost like it isn’t going to happen.
Does anyone know what happened to lego marvel ? like genuinely the only lego set based on new mcu film that's going to come out this year is the big figure galactus for 60$
I guess the steel box they were selling in a magazine not that long ago
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I see Jang is on another bender of seething about modern Lego fans in the youtube posts again.
Now show the sales of the space and castle advent calendars
That image is from the Fortnite General on /vg/ and he's caught countless bans for spamming it
It has absolutely nothing to do with real Lego and is just an early teaser/build for showing they're making Lego Models for Fortnite's Lego Game mode
It's just them eventually making sure all the skins work as lego models in the game mode
This is sad because the disney one is trash. It has only one unique piece. like LITTERALY ONE.
The friends one has around 15
Congrats anon! Especialy on that giant troll! Its quite expensive!
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>fire knight mech 14+
It's a titan mech. Finally complete.
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>Minecraft Advent Calendar
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New theme, all 4+ and Duplo
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I'll have more for you guys on Christmas.
Yes, its Netflix.
Yes, its the 756xx numbers
75636 – 301 pieces - Around $30
75637 – 573 pieces - Around $50
76638 – 926 pieces - Around $80
75639 -1376 pieces - Around $100
75640 - 3402 pieces – (18+)
Oh yeah, and some Brickheadz.
Okay I'm dipping now, I'll be back on Christmas with bigger news
We don't talk about youtube fags in the nexo threads. Go elsewhere.
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MCU is basically over, Phase 4 has been nothing but endless trash
>four differnt post for something that could be put into one
>1376 pieces
>only around on $100 for a "licensed set"
this is getting pathetic
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>I'll be back on Christmas with bigger news
post Nexo Knights leaks
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>Ranking the Batman I sets!
>Batcave is number 1, every time
Is there anyone who doesn't consider that the best set in the first wave?
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Is there anyone LEGO related on X that is actually worth following? I'm only interested in MOCs, not leakfags, youtubefags or set (((reviewers)))

>pic related, looking for dudes documenting their builds
Lego Goons are underappreciated
I hate that they removed the asymmetry of the actual body and replaced it with that ugly 2-seater cockpit section. Also they bulked everything out but didn't extend the space between the body and wing sections to compensate making the whole thing look like one solid lump.
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He is putting #notsponsored on every video, even a five minute look at lego.com upcoming section.
Is this a gift with purchase(like last blacktron) or will you be able to buy it in store ?
Will the Xmas news be Castle related??
$99 in store
JANG is our Luigi.
You NEED to kill yourself
Holy fuck
jang will never be as based
Marvel is waning in popularity because there were 0 good movies in phase 4 and 1 good movie in phase 5 that had nothing to do with any movie since phase 3 and was made by a guy who doesn't work for Marvel anymore.
I like Slugger, but this video is virtually unwatchable. He opens the door and gushes about how cute it is, forced laughing, cringe AF. Had to turn it off
Hahahaha TLG shills mad
thankfully he always uploads proper pictures later, so you dont have to watch the vid
>Kramer finally confirms one piece
>nobody cares
Too little too late fag
maybe he's genuinely laughing or gushing, and it only seems "forced" to a jaded old incel who hardly lets himself feel anything anymore and can't imagine an alternative?
>"confirms" made up shit
Wow crazy
Legend of a score bro
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Chang's sack of bootlegos arrived
The sad thing is there's a 75% chance this person isn't trolling because RR Sluggers discords are full of literal tranny zoomer faggots with unhealthy parasocial attachments to him. I know some of them post because Ive seen the same pictures posted both places.
Oh and they were obsessed with Jang too. I saw them talk about how they were worried about Jang's depression. Im pretty sure all of toy got ruined by discord faggots and raids anyways from other people. Fucking christ.
>One Piece
>contains more than one piece

The vehicle goes in the center now instead. Which is cool but I wish they had both too.
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They're still doing this?
switching to fleshies was legos biggest mistake
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Does this arm stump have the same diameter as a bar?

>Dragon Ball Z is next
>Complete Netflix slop
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Yeah they could just make the vehicle slightly smaller and put it inside the pod. I always read the Renegade as being basically a smuggler's ship, Blacktron Millenium Falcon more or less. Without the cargo pod this thing doesn't hit my gay headcanon and doesn't trigger my nostalgia.
Skibidi Toilet is seeming more believable now...
DBZ is not happening. Never was.


>more schizoid theories
you're hopeless
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Just built this Five Below set. Hella sick for $5 with tons of great parts for MOCing a sick space ship
Never seen the bottom jaw’s second slope before, is that bootlego only type part?
I hope the big news on Christmas aren't Bluey becuase if thats big to you...lame

They better be worth it
What are you gonna do, stab me?
My kids watch bluey I'd be down with that
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Sure, if you're gay for girls
Fuck, it is fucking Bluey. Really? Lego Bluey is worth hyping up? Gay
No its not
I really like that classic shirt print of the guy with the coin sack I don't really know why. It's funny to me, reminds me of the old PC game Thief I guess.
Just spill the beans kramer, icons black pearl coming when?
Yeah I've never seen em before. Very cool pieces. Overall, I sat it's a winner of both a fun set and a great parts pack. The brick quality is pretty great too, everything snaps together spot on, but injection marks are on every piece. The golden pieces are brilliant
I sometimes buy bootlego bricks out of sorted bins because they are cool
Late next year
Nice, I'm guessing the price point will be around 400 bucks? Any idea on what minifigures it will come with?
>In the deep dark lair, of the Batman...
(Sorry I do not)
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For me it's the Crown Knights.
Same scale as the endurance no minifigs
tbf people look like that irl (not that ive ever seen one of those)
What percentage of people, vs the percentage of lego minifigs designed each year?
Why are you such a chud?
anon typing this like:
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Why aren't you getting hundreds of thousands of views showing off your mocs? You could be getting this instead of relying on the dopamine of a few (yous) here
Its the same with drawing/any kind of art, if you wanna get easy views/slobering crowd than do fanart (or 34). I didnt want to create any fanart/fanmoc in my live, even when I was a kid I view any form of it as unorginal, inferior creation to the full orginal ideas. I knew a number of people that are uncreative and untalented hacks that got some "background in art" that got some traction just because they focused on fanart while much more talanted people were left without any.
I recon if I tried, the hobby would quickly turn sour for me, because it should be mianly fulfilling my needs, not the need of some sweatbeard audience that want to see more mocs of their favorite game/anime/movie.
Also this general is alright in most of cases, especialy given how typical legofags are nowadays. Maybe its also because im introvert without the need of yt money/crowd and I prefer this board much more than any of yt channels or places like reddit.
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Get out ChungusFurry.
>lego netflix one piece
>lego wicked: for good sets
>lego potc black pearl icons
>lego bluey
And the theme Kramer teases for Christmas which he implies is BIG NEWS SO IT IS NUTS

I do bet he will announce that we get...a full Zelda theme.

Or is it Superman movie sets???

Oh, or Lego Magic the Gathering? Lego Power Rangers???


It is


So it will have a Jack minifig and be Endurance scale...huh

Monkey paw
>superman 2025 trailer is kino and a global hit giving hope to DC after a decade of shit
>only Superman movie tie in set is pic related
I hate Lego
eh, i only post to flickr. yt shorts is only gonna make mocs accessible to the general public, which if you care abt views is a good thing, but some of the questions ive seen under those videos hurt to read
You know you can make it into exactly what you want, right? This is Lego, not Hasbro. You can likely -very- easily modify it, and I really wouldn't be shocked if it already fits the pod that came with that GWP.
So, let's say I get this. What am I supposed to do with it?
TrikBrix is back! Finally someone else doing high effort reviews of older themes, aside from Slugger. I've missed this channel.
We are getting Lego Avatar Fire and Ash sets, Kramer?
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Well, I got One Piece right.

Is there something else from this list that is coming Kramer and is the bigger news you have in store for us on Christmas?
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>still samefagging this hard
don't have anything better to do other than spam up /lg/ with your shonenslop?
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I say its spongebob
We already had Spongebon since the 2000s...
So, uh... some news on the Batcave...

The set has 909 pieces (with a 100€ price) and it's releasing on August 1st.

The big thing though? Apparently it's based on Schumacher's Batman movies—one leaker has posted the above information with the Batman & Robin Batcave in the background, and another is saying that this image is very important to this particular set.
Uma Thurman Ivy is peak sexo so I'm fine with that
do you really blame them for wanting to play it safe after every DC movie in the last decade (except 2022 batman) has been a dismal failure either critically, commercially or both
I do like them but more as the essential default Castle Faction. it only works with the understanding that something with more flavor exists adjacent to it
No one cares about your gay autism crush. Fuck off and die.
I don't fucking get it why won't they release the goddamn manor. It's loaded with hidden walls, traps and batweapon caches.
/lg/ is the wild west of shitposting. Even ignoring these fags does fuck all.
It's not Marvel so it won't sell
Retard, it will definitely be a $500 set with a bunch of minifigs, flying dutchman will probably come in 2026. It will be similar to the LOTR strategy they got going on
Just like pic related
>one piece for kids and fans at fine price points
>potc for older fans at big price points
Not bad
So when are all these imaginary one piece sets meant to be coming out?
Two weeks after the Arcane sets come out
It’s really just embarrassing. I don’t know why that anon always does this
Put it on a shelf so you can buy more legos to put on a shelf. Gotta keep chasing that dragon.
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Blocks Your Path
Huw is such a faggot
I like Simon Pegg though
We are actually getting league of legends sets in 2025...
They are happening
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kino, can't wait. just wish they would release a kilmer minifig. that panther suit is the best batman suit ever put to film
wrong logo
Lego Dragon Ball Z sets are coming
>releasing another simpsons set a decade later
Its a Disney theme now
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What it could be?
Pixar sucks so not much that matters, Cars II did more good with keeping the machine gun mold alive vs anything else
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You raise a good point. This is because within their own theme, they're the only human faction. But it's both because of and in spite of this that makes the Crown Knights special: They are the only Castle faction that specializes in fighting monsters like undead zombies and orcs rather than other humans.
You are brown.
Brickset banned me after I simply commented the word "gay" after they published an article about teaming up with "Gayfols" and talked about what it means to be a gay Lego fan. Yes I'm serious.
>Brickset banned me
I believe it. Didn't read the rest.
bricklinks new update is shit, how do I see parts by color wtf
do kids even like license slop?
Hilarious, Jang literally just posted an answer to this exact question.

The children yearn for gray space boxes
another example
call me crazy but I don't think six year olds are known for writing amazon reviews
No one cares about your sperg crush. Kill yourself.
It's the sales numbers, not reviews
No one's calling you crazy but you are stupid as fuck. The photos are pointing out the amounts sold not reviews retard.
I always felt there was something sus with people who exclusively make fanart, say of game of thrones or something
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Those aren’t people, they’re advertising agencies
We are getting lego sets for star trek in 2025

Better be TOS, and season 2 because thats the best era (and best Uhura hair style), DS9 would be funny though
My kid loves license slop sand honestly all the license slop sets are pretty decent but I haven’t delved into soiwars more than the advent calendar last year. Harry Potter, Disney, Mario, and 3-1 creator are what go over well in our house.
>my wife got me this set
Dreamzzz was a huge flop though not even trolling.
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I doubt they'll give us the same range of sets that BlueBrixx gave us.
I'm about to ditch this hobby and go into anime waifu figure collecting.
Me into warhammer 40k
Where the fuck are the movie sets?
honestly this, I find painting is more rewarding than building
I refuse to believe this
in its entire history, Star Trek has never been less-popular than it is right now

if we get ONE "icons" set, it will guaranteed be a $600 Enterprise with NO minifigs and it will be as useless as if we did not get anything at all. (looking at you, Voltron)

the bricks exist now to make such a ship, lots of people have already done it.

the only reason for LEGO to make Star Trek is to include printed minifigures. which is a losing proposition, there's no way to make all the characters people would want, so again it's like it never happened at all, or worse since it will be proof that we only get the one set (oh well, if you liked DS9, you'll never get that Quark and Grilka set you wanted anyway)

remember how frustrated we all got at the one Legend of Zelda set? that's it! but the Star Trek version of that
There will be more Zelda sets
Yeah, just like the LotR "revival".
Zelda was a massive setup so they can sell minifigures on Bricklink for $50 each (you can bet Lego is making all that money, it's part of the plan to make it seem like they are not)

that's 10x more than the CMF boxes

they don't need "sets" anymore when they can sell the tiny minifigures for such a profit
this is exactly why i hated DnD series.
because it had the SHITTIEST dwarf ever

Excellent find dude. I literally only purchase lego through fb so I'm always psyched to see other anons get in on the party.
> 7 weeks and 5 days since my PaB order
>still in warehouse
You are a fucking schizo
Who is Kramer?
We used to have an actual leaker who would use a tripcode and said his name was Kramer. He left a month or two ago and hasn't come back. Every week or so some anon will throw on a trip to larp and no one bothers to check if it was the original so they believe him
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top comment
Bricktsar (member)
comment "loved" and replayed"
every single time
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Do you have any UFO references
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no just Futuron
I like the red green and black one, how much would he cost? Also any advice for buying minifigures on bricklink?
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On the top row the red torso is the only rare and 'expensive' one
the second row are dactha education line
the green one on third row is from a city set , he was in the window of a lego store
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>dactha education
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green guy is like 15 bucks (2015 set)
>8.30 for the cheapest one of the Dacta
Ouch, how much better is it to try and part it out just as a question?
red torso is the problem , the black torso should be easy to get it was used for space police as well
Problem is I prefer the red green and black mix vs just green and black or black alone, which is a big problem
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>see tons of posts about good fb marketplace finds
>too autistic and shy to meet someone irl over lego
Why did Lego stop making minifig based sets for the Creator 3 in 1 line?
The only one upset or doesn’t care is you, anon. One mention of YouTube and you start flipping tables and crying - it’s okay, they aren’t going to molest you. Your klocki is safe. I promise
hey does anybody have the North American code list for the series 27 CMF yet?

all googling is like "it's available in our AP!" but nobody is showing the NUMBERS

any help please?
Theyre autist (which isnt bad itself) and uncreative or hungry for money. Both are terrible combo, uncreative autist is usualy a fixated consumer/material collector, see chrischan, while money-hungry autist is always an arrogant and obnoxious asshat.
nevermind I found it
turns out I was using Bing
(which sucked)

Google found it right away
lmao at how much better it was
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>the One Piece leak is actually real
>it's based on the Netflix adaptation
fate works in cruel ways. if the dragonball leak is real too, it's going to be based on Evolution, so brace yourself!
I feel the same way about all the hobby activities I do. I would rather get three (You)s from other frogposting 35yos on a basketweaving forum than do what is necessary to get regular high viewcounts on youtube.
The leak always said its based on the live action version
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As someone in the server its pain incarnate. they banned pepe's
Meet at a police station. I found a white dragon feather in my most recent FB find. You'll probably find a good one every 3-5 months tho
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I've had some great scores this year. Probably averaged one major buy every 2-3 months. I actually think I need to slow down as I haven't had time to clean and sort most of it yet.

Just do it. They're the ones selling and if you aren't buying it someone else will. Just be clear in your messaging, be willing to walk away if you don't like their offer and be polite and punctual. They want to sell lego, you want to buy it, it's win-win.

Pic related is another buy that was only $20 aud I shit you not.
Best search term is 'legos', avoid any listings that have the word lot. You'll find Moms selling off toys their kids ignore and pickers cleaning out storage lockers and get real gems.

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