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Ignore, block, and report any post containing Nexo Knights, DnD, or One Piece "leaks"


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Kikes Data

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11258918
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Cringe. Revolting. Disgusting.

New LEGO Pharrell sets when?
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>juan piss
Most obvious part reuse
It'll be baffling if they won't
He's teasing one piece and pirates of the caribbean you weeb tard
Watch it be an afol disay piece like this
Uh oh
Kek wouldn't be surprised
Rivendell is on sale!

Cringe. Licenseslop. nuLEGO.
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>they never released the Gwen Stefani minifig
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There a place I can see a full list of these? Not interested in the current wave but curious what cars they've done.
Durr burger restaurant and krusty burger in the same year?
2024 was Year of City Space, 2025 is Year of Burger
Fake and gay just like you.
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I posted my comfy classic tavern MOC, here's a sample since it didn't bump the thread up.
My guy this place can’t handle this much fucking kino.
>the hero /lg/ needs
Good job on the build
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I came.
Is there a timeline of events with this guy or something?
I take a break from watching him for a couple years and when I see his channel again he's fucking trooned out.
nice tavern, feel like the floor could use more studs for posing but that's personal preference, very good moc and layout
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>nexo knights will not be tainted by slopjago
So, is it 18+ set or multiple playsets for kids? Both PotC and One Piece? I guess PotC gets 18+ set and One Piece gets a theme? Minidolls or no?
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>that "front-butt"
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did you get them all?
reminder they will soon be off the shelves
available on the second hand market for bajillions of dollars
No, and I don't care. This was a fade
Ive got the ones that i liked the most, 5 in total, with 4 adv from the dnd set its plenty to moc/play with. I dont like fleshies so I changed to yellow heads + got aracocra and will get dragonborn on christmass. The geith warlock is best because 2 yellow heads and overall look, i will do my own barbarian because cmf one looks like shit (black ginger barbarian, its sparkledog lvl of look), sorcrerer monk and maybe bard. I moced an artificier already so I would be more happy with more beast race/monsters.
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>bought five 6-packs from amazon
>5 liches
>5 mindflayers
>5 birdman rangers
>5 dwarves
>5 bards
>5 vampires
>zero of everyone else
>they don't even sell the 6-packs on amazon anymore so I'm totally fucked
anon you're supposed to scan them at the store instead of throwing away money leaving it up to chance
No one local sells them
I yet have to see Elf bard. It's the only minifiguree left. Funny enough I got 6 dragon born paladins.
go fuck yourself anon
Same here, you could buy them for like 80dol for all in on le pack or single packs from online scalpers.
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Lego should make more witches hecause GYATT DAMNNNN
>Lego should make more witches
Wait till you discover Harry Potter!

Got the final house statue for the advent calendar today!
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Had a hankerin' for some sweet Zane action so I picked up his motorcycle. 2025 can't come fast enough, Ninjagochads.
My main gripe with this is that that shade of blue is ugly as fuck when overused
why is the nexoposter false flagging as a fortniteposter
>kid grows up without father
>mom spoils him with legos
>likes computers so he makes a YouTube channel
>mom pats his head and thinks he’s the next bill gates
>likes computers as a teen so he inevitably gets addicted to porn
>kinda funny looking and sounding and overweight so he hides his face
>makes a discord server about child’s toy
>immediately the server gets targeted by groomers and drug dealers (how could this happen)
>falls for their memes because he has no positive male role model in his life
>anxiously reveals his face and people make fun of him for being funny looking
>gets addicted to drugs to cope with anxiety of being a somewhat public figure
>introduces his crossdressing boyfriend (probably also his dealer) as his girlfriend
>has nervous breakdown because he has no idea what a man is supposed to act like as he grew up with no positive male role models in his life
>trades illegal drug dealer for big pharma drug dealerand chemically castrates himself
insane how people will just make shit up
What? Fortnite poster hates nexo poster!
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familiabros... another epic win for us
Which part is made up?
all but the mistress of pain because im not interested in her

>le dward!!1!
has a kino axe piece
Yeah I purchased a case so 3x each. Only opened 1x each. Haven’t really decided if I’m selling the rest. Might give some to my niece and nephew for Christmas.
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Aren't these basically free money if you buy them right now? Even the less popular ones are pretty much guaranteed to at least double in value, right?
>Aren't these basically free money if you buy them right now?
that goes for most cmfs ever
Don't forget he's also a furry and a commie.
He literally says he's not a furry despite going to furry cons.
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it will totally be Suki & Pink car
the leak said "it will be a fan-favorite iconic car" and Letty has... what did she drive again? nobody remembers. But everybody knows this pink anime car

it checks a ton of [diversity!] boxes that Lego is fond of these days
[girly-version of a typically guy-thing!]
[OMG is that another pink & light blue minifigure we can make?! YES! that was IN the movie! from how long ago? seriously we didn't make it up, she's wearing light blue and pink! it might look like it's light purple, but we can make it light blue, nobody will notice...]
[she's asian so no boob-lines on her tank top will be respectful of her asian um... size?]

I personally won't mind if it's Suki and the pink car, but they better be damn sure to have that belly button. those cowards might not have boob lines but she NEEDS the belly button spot at least lol

also the leak said Walmart exclusive?
reel it back a bit there schizo
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we already got a Letty minifigure
she was in the Avatar set
she even has the F&F necklace! lol
sorry I was being snarky, I thought the Lego board loved that conspiracy junk
sorry I was being snarky
I thought the Lego board loved that conspiracy theory junk
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How do you do fellow autists?
I need to find the train
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This build is so festive. Here's the parts list of you wanna order them and build it yourself without getting the GWP

>report any post containing Nexo Knights, DnD
Report people who post Lego in the Lego General? Do you suffer from brain damage? Imagine being triggered by seeing Lego you don't like in a Lego thread. This general gets shittier with each new thread.
Absolutely not the case. There are maybe two schizos on here and no one else cares for their conspiracy theories.
>the only set that the trans neon orange 1x1 brick appears in is a 2005 star wars set, with only one
Suffering, at least theres more of rose pink bricks, surprised there is no 2x2 of Rose Pink though
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Sometimes resonable men must do unreasonable things.

Will do slight alterations in the future, but I'm happy with it for now.
>Ignore, block, and report any post containing Nexo Knights, DnD, or One Piece "leaks"
>Doesn't mention tranny tuber spam
>Immediately gets tranny tuber spam
Yup sitting this one out. Merry Christmas lads.
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Most of that timeline is pretty accurate
What people tend to forget is that he also has a brother which he has only mentioned once during a LEGO sonic review in which he said that his brother was always sonic and he had to be tails. I wonder if the brother went the dad route. He doesn't seem to act with him on any level, unlike his mom who even created a LEGO reviewing channel of her own and often appears (only as a voice) in Justin's LEGO video's.
Based. It’s perfect. Uncle ted moc next?
I’m convinced duckbricks groomed and trooned him out.
>Merry Christmas lads.
That's a week and a half away.
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I like a good conspiracy theory, but it must contain Legos in it somewhere, if I never have to read another post about trannies everywhere or retarded aimless speculation on someone's favorite whotuber I will be a happy man
It's been over since like 2017 retard
It never had a fucking chance
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>get hurt once
>gf turns you into a hulk-sized android that can combine into a megazord
Why does it have a bunker and side tanks AND a tender this is absurd
Bought this little set on a whim.
Didn't expect it to be so good, it feels complete, main build is perfect. How did they achieve this?

Also, post your favorite Creator 3in1 set.
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Well ackshually, you'll find it's not side tanks, but a saddle tank.
It's just that I didn't have another place to put the battery box, and I don't care that much.

It's something I built myself, a "My Own Creation" as the kids say.
Do you like the joints? Feel like the tiny claw pieces are prone to snapping.
One of the all time greats right there.
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Disagree that dude doesn’t stay together and >>11264692 is right they DO bust. Also the dragon alt is retarded. Also designed by James May a trooned out faggot who definitely helps shit up this board.

To answer your question though, 3-1 creator castle is my all time favorite. But this guy from like 2016 still lights up and I’m partial to him.
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Always liked this one. Felt adventurous to be flying this around, maybe exploring remote mountains or flying over dense jungle looking for ruins.
When are we getting new DnD sets?
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Just bought 3 Nexo Knights sets, going to settle this once and for all and determine if this theme is actually good or it's just some elaborate /lg/ meme. I've never bought used Lego so I guess I have to research how to thoroughly clean it since I can only assume every single piece has been up someone's rectum.
I've skipped Lady of pain and the fugly dwarf.
Got all the others.
Sold this one a while back, regretting it
>selling your lego
for what purpose?
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Holy shit I fucking called it. I've been memeing about a $1000 death star remake on /lg/ for years. The absolute state of Lego
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this is it!

will they PAY?
will they?
will they really pay... "ANYTHING"?

lmao that the free exclusive GWP is the garbage monster for maximum trolling of the [garbage] fans
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some of my posts
I hope it has stickers
More than a month's salary in my country
>Tfw we'd never get a Lego Sonic Death Egg
Why though? Who even buys those those overpriced oversized sets? Normies pretending to be manchildren and rubbing their wealth in children's faces?
In my country, this ball is nothing
Jang's gonna meltdown
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No you dumb fuck. He not a Megazord, hes a fuckin Brave. Like Exkaiser, J-Decker or Gaogaigar. Shit he is now even closer to Gridman
Actually he's a voltron
Enough with Star wars, please.
ENOUGH from the clown.
a car, a jet, a living dragon, and Zane, Nah bro its GaoGaiGar
Funny enough, the insistence on including dragons makes it look like a throwaway MOTW where they'd recycle a design from a previous year (or even a Transformers design) and throw bat wings on it to make it look evil.
they're not actually going to make zane permanently some bigfig freak are they

Soon, little anon, here, won’t be able to get a microfighter for his grandson
Which sets
He litterally has two other figures in the wave
This is only the first wave, and in terms of story the other two minifigs are either not-canon or are just him before Pixal turns him into her fetish. The next wave could be nothing but Zane bigfigs.
Ball chariot, some kind of mecha horse, and like... a flying crossbow or some shit. Just smaller 200 - 300 piece sets.
I remember the horse was kinda meh, that chariot is sweet, though. Unfortunately it probably was the set of choice to make Lavaria themed butt beads so you've got some scrubbing in your future for sure.
So what's the best Lego cleaning methods you lads have devised? Will filling my sink with water, mixing in a bunch of Dawn, and then just scrubbing with a toothbrush get the job done?
Yes and it takes too long. I put mine in an old sock that doesn’t have any holes, close up end with a rubber band, and put in the clothes washer. Use a warm water setting and lowest spin setting you have.
They sell laundry bags of a variety of sizes with small mesh for that anon you can save you cum socks and probably clean your legos better.
Do I get the DnD set because I kinda like it and it'll be worth quadruple the price in 5 years?
Or do I get the Batman TAS Skyline set because I like it more?
Buy neither and moc something. If you want to buy the DND castle just for it's prospective later value, why not get a job and net the equivalent profit in a week? Why do people even ask questions like this?
you obviously had inside information that lego was developing a $1000 death star. don't act like you 'called it' out of the blue.
Helen Keller could have seen this coming. I don't think op had info. Looking at UCS and other sets, lego is producing extremely expensive stuff. It was inevitable that a $1000 death star was coming out. Leo only like rich people now.
>artic explorer express train
Excuse me?
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at the very back of a standard Kroger aisle, still in the big package, behind all the other DnD slop figs i found all three of those dragon bois.

will be holding onto them for a while until DnD or castle fags get desperate
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Man I bought an extra one to use the parts for my Dwarf Paladin, didn't even open it up
The Winter Village Cottage is the best Lego Christmas set by far and most of the recent winter village sets fall flat on their face because they don't have the same aesthetic as it at all. Holiday main street was solid though.
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>Aren't these basically free money if you buy them right now? Even the less popular ones are pretty much guaranteed to at least double in value, right?
more than that

I'm 100% sure the dragonborn will be more than $50 in the future.
Some other Castle characters from previous CMF already selling for around $40.

Same about Wolfpack that will be released at January.
id say Wolfpack will be equally scalpable because at least dragonborn was a "random" character and Wolfpack is the "antihero" of Castle faction - literally everybody likes Wolfpack.

AND it comes with a fucking wolf figure
Damn i'm kind of stressed already.
I managed to find 6 dragonborns and 3 of them i got by being a total ass-hat-autismo opening the lower level of DnD case (the upper opened one didn't have any) and taking them... i felt bad after that.

And now there is another round with high demand minifigure that YOU NEED TO HAVE MORE THAN 2 because it's a PACK.
Haven’t mannaged to find a dragonborn yet but I got 2 sorcerers and 2 rats so I’m mostly content, if I casually find a dragonborn I’m gonna buy but if not, idk since I have the rest of my wants
King's Mech was a pretty fun set. You should look into that one if you like the others. I thought horse was kinda meh at first too, but it grew on me.
Add the tariffs and the price will jump from 999 to potentially 1200 or 1300
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They're arriving in a couple hours. We'll see if NEXO KNIGHTS lives up to the hype. Hopefully cleaning the blood, urine, and semen off the used bricks doesn't take too long.
It was a good set. Too bad it had a lot of brittle brown in it. Most of my parts have broken and have been replaced with better bricks and plates.
The mesh bags only seem to last a few washes before the edges of the plates cut a hole in them. I prefer the cum sock since it needed washing as well.
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Lasted about a week before the joint and clips were cracked and broken. I guess it would be good for a display piece or parts pack. This was my favorite 3 in 1 set.
Normal people do not go to the sink just to jerk off.
Jerking off into a sock sounds abnormal to me.
Seek medical and psychological treatment anon.
>not so hard daddy!
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Bros it just arrived! I'm so happy!
Does it come in hetero?
>Lasted about a week before the joint and clips were cracked and broken

I have literally never broken a mixel joint
Do you want a medal?

I built all three models. That gay voltron broke the third time I took it apart to make the original model again. Meanwhile >>11264816
the batteries in this nigger still work and not a crack in the plastic yet after 8 years of continued play.
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Lego quality control strikes again.
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I'll have to wash it, take it all apart, and confirm everything is there, but there was no overwhelming smell of bodily fluids when I opened the bag at least. Does soapy water fuck with stickers?
Dragonborn is for 9-10dol from sclapres, so its not so bad l, still it sucks that cmfs are sold directly to the kind of people, at least in my country. There seem to be many autist that sell dnd figures but theres no place to pick them yourself.
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How long until Hasbro give LEGO the license for the Power Rangers. I see those shitty bargain store sets and make me sad everytime. MEGA finally got the GI Joe one so im guessing that shitty company making those bargain store building sets lost the license.
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Just got 3 from CVS this morning.
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>available on the second hand market for bajillions of dollars
Or you can buy them on Aliexpress for 2$, just like any other series after 2019... because you know... CMFs are made in China...
Uh oh hot take… Inb4 someone starts asking about pronouns or posting YouTube garbage. Bootlego talk bring the shills out.
Pic related. Got it for $7 and it’s solid. The sails are paper and trash and the figures are useless but it’s a great little get for seven bucks.
Congratulations, now your sink is pregnant.
I recently watched

And it made me wonder:
What is /lg/'s top 10 sets of 2024?
No cvs and any sho0 that sells themin my ee country, despute living in 2mln pop city.
Idk but that thumbnail is enough to disgust me
>dude i like being a piece of shit scalper and destroying children's childhoods so i can make 50$ lmao
Good job?
How is this allowed?
Kids aren't interested in DND slop, lmao.
>Good job?
i'm interested in DnD and i need at least 3 dragonborns. I would be happy with at least 10 to make a huge clan though.
+5 leddit points were posted on your Plebbit account faggot
Says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
Does anyone have a mega link for Mocs? Specifically brickmania Mocs?
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I'll do you one better
Please speak a non-zoomer language. I'm having problems with buzzword talk.
-and I'll do it again with the Wolfpack guys!
those castlefags are salivating for more faction reps since that gigantic ass lion's castle anniversary set and they'll be desperate when they need just three more wolf guys for their schizo army builds.
>destroying children's childhoods
least i use the scanning apps unlike kids these day who just tear all the blind boxes apart and in some cases, stealing what's inside.

and like what the other anon said, kids don't care about DnD slop especially when the newer guide books encourage players to do "trigger signals" when something shatters their fragile brains. it's now catered to these sloppy adult libtarded softies that's gonna get slammed by reality real soon. so until then imma just exploit them a little by flipping these dragon pals.
>i mean they're already are anyways for these past few years.
that'll be a dream come true honestly.
but i doubt it'll be articulate as Cole's Titan Dragon mech or as detailed as pic related.
it'll end up being as stiff as the Voltron set from 2018
i just noticed maple is the only one with short legs
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Maple was in the polybag (?)

she might have been rushed through production before they finalized the short vs medium legs debate on the animals (if there was one?)

Marshall and Poppy also use the short legs, but are squirrels and should be smaller - they also have a tail piece that makes them slightly taller than Maple the bear lol
>2024 was Phantom Menace anniversary
>not enough sets
Should have released the MTT this year
>2025 is Revenge of the Sith anniversary
>not enough sets
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>shit faceprint
>cringe nuwolf design on the emblem
>everyone still cooms their pants over this
>dude, wolf pack guy howling is so cringe
Shut the fuck up and get bettee bait
In the game Maple is a cub which is distinct from bears. They're shorter than regular villagers and more cutesy :D
>Grey goat is $5 by itself on PaB
>get animal AND figure with cape with shield and sword for only $5...
it isn't rocket science.
I thought he was getting fucked pleasurably in the ass.
I bet he is anon.
People who look to invest 100s or even 1000s into lego are beyond me. Just throw that amount into a 10-12% ETF and you have guaranteed money and its doesn't take up physical space.
I legitimately own too much. Want to downsize the collection to only the things I really value
>shit faceprint
I swap heads so this is not important to me. I don't know why so many people don't just do this.
>cringe nuwolf design on the emblem
I prefer the original emblem but this is great.
>everyone still cooms their pants over this
I'm just glad to have more wolfpack. They aren't my favorite faction but they are definitely my favorite resurrected faction. My favorite knights were always Cedric and his gang.
who the fuck is buying fortnite sets?
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How would you improve this design?
are you the same guy that asked the exact same question about the amogus guy
tan bionicle ball for the nose
I got them all except peely bone
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these ones?
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yeah that one, maybe make the jumper plate white. now that I think of it though I don't think the ball comes in flesh color
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they don't, i'd have to conform with tan
I completely forgot about this guy and I loved Gamecube Animal Crossing. Nice job!
If it comes in hetro you don’t have to worry about it coming in you.
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New Wicked sets for Part 2
if they were smart they would name the sets after the songs.

"Defying Gravity" the Lego set would sell a ton more, just because the title

even if they had to pay extra to use it (would they tho?) it would be worth it
Got to love that subscription fee on bricksearch now. What a bunch of assholes.
I've been meaning to bring this up. Lately I've been messing around with Minifig Scan. It's in the play store. Don't know about iOS. It can scan multiple codes at a time and so far I haven't been limited in the number of scans.
use omgbricks
Local Sam's Club had Poinsettia 10370 for $26 and Harry Potter Mandrake 76433 for $23, about half off.
There were probably a hundred of each, I might check next week to see if they're discounted further.
I usually recommend omgbricks too but Minifig Scan has been less finicky. I spend less time finding the right angle.
What is the best website to track your lego collection value? I got two containers of sealed stuff acquired over 10+ years. i want to buy something and need to know how much and what of my collection i could sell to reach this goal.
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Blacktron 1 superior again. Blacktron 2 niggers keep coping and seething.
I'll have to look into that one. Brick search just turned out to be greedy assholes, so it's nice to see others stepping in and offering the same function.

The older versions of brick search were pretty annoying in that regard where I'd have to rotate a box sometimes before it would scan. I was pleased to find it performed better today, at least until I tried to scan the 13th box and the pop-up popped.
had this at the lego store i work at for about two weeks now, suprised it took this long to leak
congrats on not leaking it yourself you rule following boy scout
>that will be £250, sir
BT 1 and 2 have such distinct aesthetics, they should really be completely different factions
This doesn't look very swooshable...............
what are the january build a minifig parts
only noteable ones are a blue luchador guy, the realistic viking helmet and some bi printed tile like the present one from november but i don't remember the print
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I'm baffled that the Exploriens wing piece is STILL in production.
Literally a downgrade. Grim
I don't get it, where's the cargo capsule? Why is the nosecone just a flap? Why are the sponsons covered in weird raised triangles now? Where are the tubes? Triforcetron bros I don't feel so good, Future Generation chads are laughing at us...
so tired of star wars and the same old themes with these people
I was a space fanatic when I was a kid, iceplanet, exploriens, ufo, culminating in aquazone which was my shit.
I collected some pirates and medieval, but to smaller degree, dont know whatve happened but nu-classic-space sets dont pick my intrest at all, they are ok, but something is missing and I dont knkw what.
In comparison both nupirates and nucastle are more intresting and both are the only sets that I buy nowadays.
looks really cool. Reminds me of those retro ship stations of 80s like from Alien movies.
lmao this looks like garbage
>some bricks on top of plates
i understand it's for classicfags that are 40+ years old. yeah whatever
Whats the earliest lego store leak we’ve had?
What if Blacktron was named Whitetron instead?
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are there gonna be anymore creator leaks anytime soon?
Single parent space households and space AIDS rates would go down?
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>Remake of 6876 as an alternative build
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Why did bricklink have to change the layout? This sucks. Everything I needed used to be right on top. I’m blame STEM space trannys.
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So I need two of these, then...
GWP or actual set?
Don't worry, mousecucks will pay. They always pay.
Actual set
It’s cold outside there’s no kind of atmosphere. I’m all alone… more or less.
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I absolutely don't care about this but i can see how it can make an afol happy.

I personally would cum buckets if they will make my favorite set - picrelated. but i dont think they will
I sadly got this canopy in a recent FBM lot, but no other unique parts for this set. Not sure where the canopy would've come from or if he literally lost all the other parts over the years.
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tfdesigns on flickr made a rlly cool whitetron post, looks like this
This is racist.
That looks nothing like the Alienator. While the Alienator technically has two feet, it has 4 legs that connect to two plates. It also has a distinctive forward-sloping posture.
Whitetron was used as a name for Futuron in some internal documents before the finalized name.

It looks better here than the first picture posted. Having the rover stowed in makes the hull look more solid.
Whitetron's main goal?

Keep the Blacktron down.
I collect space themes and I get what you mean. I think the new space theme is fine, but mostly kind of uninspired. The designs are rather generic compared to the more imaginative vehicles from the classic themes, and the color scheme lacks a good highlight color. There were older space themes that had a mostly white color scheme inspired by real world space vehicles, like Futuron and Exploriens, but they used some brightly-colored transparent parts as spot colors (even then I consider them to have some of the least interesting color schemes among space themes). Replacing the trans-black windows with trans-blue (or one of the trans-neon colors if Lego still made them) would make the color scheme more eyecatching. Also, the theme lacked the big centerpiece spaceship until one was announced for next year.
That being said, I like the designs of both of the two rover sets. They are some of the best big ground vehicles among the space themes that aren't the Mega Core Magnetizer.
Seller sent me a lollypop with the order. Should I eat it?
wait, who the hell claimed the Blacktron Renegade leak was made up?
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it's Black Panther all over again
let's completely COVER UP THE FACE
so you can't tell it's a
person in the costume
if you can't "see it", does the [diversity] "count"?

(see also: Miles Morales Spider-Man, War Machine, Ironheart, they gave all those Wakanda women guards ironman suits, too)
the exposed technic pin on the wheels kinda bother me, as if the wheel looks incomplete because of the lack of a hub.
the box not being a retro yellow border like the Galaxy Explorer feels like a missed opportunity
Put it under a black light first then check the Lego as well.
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I find the lack of exposed studs disturbing
Man I was really excited for this set but based on the official photos from Lego, it seems that it contains some kind of dangerous radiation or something and turns you into a part nigger.
Is the same guy of the Indiana Jones temple?
Don’t you fucking tell me to do that I just might
I can’t believe it’s happening bros. I was the guy asking for leaked images every thread for the last two months. Stoked beyond belief. Instant buy for me on the first. This has got enough structural pieces where, once I inevitably get bored of cleaning dust, I can remake it into a proper depot with the transparent pieces in this and the galaxy explorer. I do wish they brought back those big quarter panels in transparent yellow into something but I know it will never ever happen
oh no poor guy, he went from classic space to blacktron and he's turning into a nigger
Galidor G2 confirmed
the fact that the Renegade was confirmed means the One Piece leak is real!
>no Friends
>no Fabuland
>no Scala
>no Belville
>no Jack Stone
>no Technic minifigs
>no Duplo minifigs
>no Basic people
it's over....
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>bionicle fans when their 25 year old series isn't mention in everything every 5 seconds
Meanwhile hero factory:
Hero Factory is just another planet a Great Being went to
This man doesn't seem happy to be playing with that Lego
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Why no love for Blackedtroon II?
>go from sleek cool mystery niggas to a bunch of faggot spacemen
what a blunder
I just made an order that includes some last parts for rebuilding this aquasharjs sub from my childhood, aquazone was amazing.
I maybe generalized, maybe its more than just nusets, because something like new eldorado fortress also felt a little bleak, but in the end current classic space is lacking some form of 'base'. Vehicles are cool, but they should at least incpude some kind of post, docking station or smth, a spaceship is fine but do some small living module/at least a hatch.
>I just made an order that includes some last parts for rebuilding this aquasharjs sub from my childhood, aquazone was amazing.
You are not welcomed here aquazone SCUM
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only thing i don't like about Blacktron 2 is the lack of a proper flagship. Aerial Intruder is too small to be one, but i like their base better
>called blacktron
>one of its main colours is white
gee i wonder
So what's the cost? I skipped Eldorado fort because it was a complete ripoff, is this another price bloated piece of shit?
Unfortunately that's what the people want. Smoothed over trash, they can't have a Lego set look like a Lego set
>1-2 people
I'm guessing one person makes the main ship and the other makes the vehicle and other bits?
From what I can gather one manual pertains to the frame and is best handled by an adult or more experienced kid and the modules are in the second manual.
I want the spear of longitus
$100 USD
>end current classic space is lacking some form of 'base'. Vehicles are cool, but they should at least incpude some kind of post, docking station or smth, a spaceship is fine but do some small living module/at least a hatch.
It has the launch base and science lab set, as well as the space station whose modules are also compatible with the two building sets so you could use them to build a base. Plus the new big spaceship has a rear section that can be detached to become a ground base.
Blacktron II has a nice color scheme, but it lacks the menacing look of the original. Plus the all black uniforms with opaque visors looks a lot cooler than the white and black uniform with a big log on the chest like some kind of football jersey.
Lego has done some minifigs that use Blacktron II inspired colors but have the Blacktron II logo, though, and the space CMF line did have the Blacktron II mutant, so they're not entirely forgotten.

What I'd like to see would be a reimagining of one of the Space Police I sets, since they'd pair well with the new Blacktrons as space-cops and -robbers.
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That looks more like an attempt to recreate the Mesage Intercept base B-model
>1100 parts
should 99 bucks
Huh, i didnt saw any of those sets, i mean current new blacktron, just the spaceship that was a prize for buying stuff at lego shop. Any pics of those stuff and the ship turned into base? Or it looks excetly the same, just with the landing gear?
I thought you meant the new (City) Space theme. The new Blacktron is just the Invader GWP and the new Renegade.
Is this black AND white tron?
So yeah, excatly, these releases seem a bit disjointed, but I guess theyre testing the grounds.its cool that they relese cheaper/smaller classic set tho, maybe it will lead to similar sets from other facrions, or even stuff like adventurers.
This looks like shit
What the fuck is this
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bros is this happening??
Just built pic related last night, so consider me hype
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>it's another AFOL set in an "oooh this is a serious adult collectible" black box
shit needs to end
>Skibidi Toilet gets sets
>but not Godzilla, Family Guy, Halloween, God of War, Halo, Alien, SnK
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This either confirms Skibidi Toilet sets or debunks Dragon Ball sets.
>wait it has been 45 days since my PaB order
>thought that it only takes 40
>check order status
>in warehouse
>"40 BUSINESS days"
Aha. Ha. Ha.
>not using the classic camera/bazooka piece for the head
snot sucks
blow your nose then
no it doesnt
The Battleship Requiem's going to war!

Frogposting needs to end
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Y'all ever do this?
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Fresh minifig haul
Fuuuuck, I just realized Luminara has the wrong head. Fuuuuck
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Only if I'm going to store the set or MOC I built for a long while, or if said built thing has lots of stickers because I live in a dusty-ass house and shit can go south fast IMO.

>Pic Unrelated; The year I can't go to the closest yearly Lego Convention around, people make crazy shit like this
he's saying do you ever build lego inside the bag

i haven't but it seems neat enough to try once
Oooooh... No, I haven't. Mainly because I generally don't build sets anymore, just MOCs.
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I mean they still list it as an ‘innapropriate’ IP
I kind of like how you worked the eccentric into the valve gear.
>Literally a downgrade. Grim
But enough about Lego as a whole, lets discuss how they specifically ruined this iconic set.
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Friendly reminder that the GWP Invader isn't even compatible with it because fuck you.
While I have my reservations about the new set, I sympathize with the designer over this. Should he make the ship smaller and with less detail just to be compatible with a set that you couldn't even buy and that probably 90% of Lego buyers don't even realize exists?
I owned both bases. The Blacktron 2 base is just a raised baseplate with these large panels. Not much opportunity for play. While the first base had that cool corridor, several workstations, the movable section and the canopy that opens. Lots of options to play attack and defense or even infiltration of the base.
This is a frog website anon, live with it.
all lego sets are compatible with each other
Is it possible to learn this power?
not from NuLego
and the problem is?
Thread stopped updating
and im sick of summer leacks
its CHRISTMAS for fucks sake

move: >>11268734
Kys. We used to have threads up for weeks and not that long ago too you fucking tourist.
Who's worse? The faggot who starts new threads or all the mindless queers who fallow without question?
I don't care. It's cringe. You're cringe.
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Did this ever get updated?
No, some troll/retard keeps saying that they're gonna do it but never actually does. I assume who ever used to make these left the general or gave up.

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