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>He doesnt care if you're naughty or nice

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread challenge
Have your glyos celebrate

>Previous Thread
>Orange man tariffs make glyos expensive
>Matt returns to the minimal paint. max accessories aesthetic
Based or cringe?
Def based, Matt is gonna keep on trucking, sadly most smaller creators won't be as lucky. It's gonna be a boring 4 years for the independent scene and everything will be getting another wave of price increases at retail
>Matt returns to the minimal paint. max accessories aesthetic
>Cost jumps anyway
Cringe either way
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Wanna play some glyos checkers?
>he doesn't look at the blog
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3.24 MB
3.24 MB JPG
>We need a bit more time - the store will go live at 9:45, but we'll keep Dillon's art coming
What do I read now genius?
33$ btw
>was interested but didn't buy the new Manglors
>don't care about Onell homage wave #389
Guys . . . I think I've lost my smile
>everything is still in stock
Glyos is kill

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