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Previous: >>11240467

Upcoming Releases

Takara Tomy
>BX-00 Croc Crunch 2-60Q
>BX-00 Draciel S 7-60D
>BX-00 Beyblade 25th Anniversary Set(March 21st, 2025)
>BX-00 Mammoth Tusk 2-80E(Metal Coat Black)
>UX-11 Impact Drake 9-60LR
>UX-12 Random Booster Vol. 5: Ghost Circle 0-80GB
>UX-00 Bey Kick Off Set(FC Barcelona Ver.)
>UX-00 Dran Buster 1-60A(FC Barcelona Ver.)
>UX-00 Dran Buster 1-60A Color Choice Booster

>Cowl Sphinx 9-80GN
>Vice Tiger 3-60U
>Shell Obsidian 4-60D
>Soar Phoenix 5-80H
>Horn Rhino 5-80Q
>Keel Shark 1-60Q
>Arrow Wizard 4-80GB
>Tiger/Ptera Dual Pack
>Tyranno/Triceratops Dual Pack
>Shell Obsidian/Hammer Incendio Dual Pack
>Wyvern/Tyranno Dual Pack
>Manhattan Beach/Marine Dual Pack
>Spring Stadium
>Stadium 25

New Releases

Takara Tomy
>BX-00 Cobalt Drake 4-60F(Clear Ver.)
>BX-00 Shinobi Knife 4-60LF
>BX-38 Crimson Garuda 4-70TP
>UX-09 Samurai Saber 2-70L
>UX-10 Customize Set U
>UX-00 Dran Deck Starter

>Beat Tyranno/Knife Shinobi Dual Pack
>Gale Wyvern/Sword Dran Dual Pack
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unrelated topic, episode 61 is crazy with the double ex-line
I doubted this thing. I thought it would be a massive gimmick (may still yet prove to be that) but it's shaping up to be a cool blade to experience.
I don't own it but is bursting a problem at all with Silver Wolf's gimmick?
GhostCircle video is out.
big part of me wants to just get the green ghost circle and replace the ratchet with the one from that claw, it'd even leave me with a spare elevate. I guess it's gonna depend on how those prices shake out on the aftermarket since fuck if I'm ever gonna gamble on random boosters instead of just paying directly for them.
I keep hearing bad things about Gear Ball. It's the only gear bit that I don't have, yet, but I'm wondering what's up with it. It's the stock bit for Ghost Circle, and I'm hoping to get the prize bey from the booster when I eventually grab one.

I think 70 height would be best. Tall enough that it's free-spinning layer can be used, but not too tall as to make it easy to wobble.
The reason other Ball bits are so good is because they have equal surface area all around the bit. This allows beys using them to maintain good stamina even when tilting heavily. To make sure GB would fit it's gimmick, they made it bigger with a wider bottom, greatly altering it's surface area and causing to lose even more stamina when it tilts, on top of the fact the added gear teeth just devour stamina once it reaches the point that it's tilting that hard.
Granted it does do it's job at being a ball bit that has an easier time at utilizing the extreme line, but as a tradeoff it was made pretty much inferior to every other ball bit in every other way.
Talk me out of this combo once LR releases:
>Dran Buster Stock
>Shark Edge 3-60LF
>Bite Croc 9-60LR
Like, just turn your brain off, counterpicking and stamina battles are for dummies, just rip and burst as much as possible. The equivalent of a Burn Deck/RDW in MtG.
then you can use yell kong's bit if you have it and get a clean look overall :D
1: what do you do if you self-KO too much? going that fast all the time might cause some issues
2: the shark mold isn't too strong at the moment, so you might want to try something else.

at the VERY least, I would probably suggest an anti-attack or heavy attack build, something like TyrannoBeat or UnicornSting on Taper or Unite.
replace buster with dagger but otherwise I like the unga idea
>what do you do if you self-KO too much
Same thing I do when I burnout quickly with Red Deck Wins. I have my lunch between rounds and/or go home early. Long-game attrition grinding is for sweaties; and a whole day of intensive skillful decision making is tiring. Burn them out fast, or burnout fast- you have more downtime between rounds that way.

I know Beyblade matches go faster than MtG ones but I'm gonna try the "Oops All OHKOs" lineup at a few weeklies and see how badly the gimmick goes.
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Hasbro carry stadium, release date unknown
>Solid plastic
>TT Shape
>4 pockets
I think if we can solve the issue of the lack of covering and extreme pocket, this could become the next best Stadium
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Well, that doesn't look TT sized at all to me. It's both smaller and the railing is very different. TT's isn't a perfect circle, it bows on the edges a bit. There's a different terminus on that rail end as well. Not to mention that in TT's stadium it's easier to save yourself from pockets by climbing out but it rarely happens on Hasbro's, and this one looks like it's impossible to unless you're high strength ripping a round bey to bounce off those walls. Hell's Hammer looks good in that arena, potentially.

This is almost a direct upgrade from the existing Hasbro one, but I'm still skeptical of the changes to the arena's zones and spacing.
Those are all good points, probably far too soon to call
though, while a cool comeback moment, I think the pockets should be much more definitive outs, and I prefer the Hasbro stadium more for that reason. The hasbro stadium is still very flawed, but I really hope TT releases a more definitive stadium with that fix.
Cool that they got the Predator to do a photoshoot for this.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm probably getting one of these at least to review, but between this and the bucket, hasbro really doesn't understand the reason for takara's pocket placement, do they?
I'm really wondering how this stadium will behave, the cut right down the middle might be shit for any sharp bits.
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I like this game plan, I also like red (and black) in mtg and would love to make a deck of 3 beys I can just rip hard on and not worry about strats.

But I don't have Dran Buster or LR, any suggestions? I've been messing around with Phoenix Wing, Tyranno Beat and Cobalt Dragoon but only because I can't seem to figure out how to win with Shark Edge
Honestly if Shark Edge would test badly my plan was to just swap Shark Edge and Croc Crunch with Tyranno Beat and Pheonix Wing. Possibly Knight Mail and maybe some kind of Dran. Same general idea, heavy uppercutter OHKOs on Low bits that lose the stamina battle quickly. Heck if Impact Drake weighs above 37.5g I might just run stock Impact Drake. Those are my testing plans.
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Ghost is dead sexy, but will it be enough to be playable? We'll have to see.
>Cobalt Dragoon 5-60 Elevate
>Dran Buster stock (1-60 accel)
>Gale Wyvern ??? ???
I need a third for my dragon deck. I want to use Wyvern since it'd be weird to stick Impact Dragoon in there since that'd be two of Khrome's beys. I don't want to get rid of dragoon because it's the closest thing to L-drago aside from the literal L-drago x over that got a little gimped because it can't really mode change.
>impact dragoon
*impact drake, obviously. The new rubber guy.
why not 9-60 (free) ball? I think it could work well.
Shit when is wave 3 hitting Canada? Missed beast tyranno on Amazon.com
eventually, I think?
have you tried other websites though? not just amaze-all that has bey pre-orders.
Any suggestions friend ? I enjoy Amazon free shipping and return policy.
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My locals is doing a silly tournament where we're only using Tusk Mammoth/Hell's Scythe. I need 3 combinations of ratchets and bits with no repeating parts.

Any suggestions? I've only used 4-60 on Ball before but haven't bothered to use it since.
470 high taper and tilt launch that bad boy. Gut ripper that one.
>launch something with needle
>"i'll show you the invisible X" and exits the stadium
>launch something with hexa
>"i'll show you the invisible X" and exits the stadium
>launch something with ball
>"i'll show you the invisible X" and exits the stadium
>launch something with spike
>"i'll show you the invisible X" and exits the stadium
What is happening?
Clean your bits/your arena? Maybe dust is collecting on the tips and giving them more friction than usual.
>though, while a cool comeback moment, I think the pockets should be much more definitive outs
I see where you're coming from but personally I think a "holy shit" moment trumps all. I know I had one round where my bey got flung out the top but landed on the rim of the cover and kept spinning, it eventually landed back in and was still fucking going while the other had spun out. we ultimately decided that if anime is gonna be real then we shouldn't get hung up on whether that technically counted as a ring out or not
I fell in love with my Tusk Mammoth combo last week on a tournament when it carried me through the first rounds, I still don't have a well defined deck, and it first tanked all three beys of my opponent and gave me my first win of the day by punching a Phoenix Wing combo into the Xtreme Zone with the last of its strength.

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