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Previously: >>11260015

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Carded wave solicited

-Marvel Legends Nemesis BaF Wave announced (to be solicited at a later date)

-Marvel Legends Nick Hammond Spider-Man announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Professor X announced (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Lizard (No Way Home) solicited (Amazon Exclusive)

-Mezco One:12 Deadpool and Wolverine Wolverine solicited

-Amazing Yamaguchi Gwenom Solicited

-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham announced

-SHF Across The Spider Verse Peter B. Parker and Mayday solicited

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist

As we approach the end of the year, what was the best Marvel toy you got all year? For me, I think it would have to be Mafex Daredevil. Mafex Cap certainly comes close, but DD edges out just slightly more for me.
Got my POL in so I finally got to mess with the Hulkbuster and Phoenix. Beautiful figures, it's crazy how good some of the Legends can be. Need more of this going forward.
I'm still waiting on BBTS to get my Wolverine from the movie in. I got Deadpool like over a month ago but Wolverine never showed up, a bunch of other people got theirs, I wonder what the deal is with it. I've got a bunch of other shit in there too that I want to ship, but I'm waiting until Wovlie comes in.
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Marvel slop
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vs. based marvel action figure
>$25 vs. $80
Gee I wonder which is better? This isn't think slam dunk you seem to think it is. Go do something more productive with your Saturday, it's nice outside.
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so no one is going to post/talk about the new Mafex NWH final suit??
That looks like complete garbage
Price is irrelevant. It doesn’t cost more to make an accurate strong superhero physique.
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oh yea because hasbro has put out the best figure of this suit…

fuck outta here. Hasbro’s final suit fig is long & lanky with no accessories. like WTF is this?? People actually think this is better than mafex or shf??
It’s just cope. Anyone with a brain understands that hasbro legend figures are utter garbage and cannot compete. I can never understand a shill’s mindset, they’re not being paid to lie to others and themselves so why bother defending the company that looks at you as a tolerant pay pig and nothing more.
Imma sell my ML one, though I don't particularly like the texture on this one, at least the hips look better than Figuarts
>Awesome BAF
>The only character I want is Marrow and she'll be hard to get
No wonder Hasbro is losing the license or whatever
No wonder none of that is happening.
>It doesn’t cost more to make an accurate strong superhero physique
Technically you're right, but the ML model is based on lots of re-use at the lower price so you can't fairly compare them to a line where a single figure is over 3x as much and each one is all new tooling
If you say so, I'd love that it did if they're still going to rip us off like this
The reputation of Tom Holland's portrayal has only gone down over the years, no one cares anymore
The future MAFEX version of this suit looks better than this even if the texture isn't the best.
I already have the SHF. Honestly the Mafex is nice and all, but it took too long for them to make him for me to care.
Yeah cost is the reason his shoulders are low and neck is long and head is big and legs are scrawny and and and and...
They're aiming to save on costs by reusing old, outdated molds. So yeah, cost does play a big factor into why they reuse 10 year old molds.
Ah, reruns again?
I guess we really don't have anything new to talk about!
Really? Marrow (and Ult. Wolverine) is the only character I don't care for in the bunch... I'm going to toss her in the trash. Garbage character.

Cortez and Husk are the only really good ones, Cyclops isn't necessary but I like that iteration of the suit. AoA Gambit needs some detail work but otherwise acceptable. Nightcrawler is just to complete the set.

Marrow... is just a forgotten loser, and thankfully I don't even need Wolvering for "Nemesis"
The whole wave is garbage, shitty sculpts and outdated articulation this whole wave will end up in ollies.
You're stupid
Except when they made that body it still sucked back then. Also, new bodies they make have similar issues. So if they're already making new bodies, why not make them good? Money isn't causing them to make heads too big or shoulders too low and small.
Hasbro doesn't cater to your specific opinions anon. Deal with it.
Nta, but those criticisms are valid. It’s not just his “opinion” when it’s 100% factual. I don’t understand why shills still defend hasslop, always finding an excuse no matter how thin it can be.
Because, at $25, I can't be assed to care about all these little nitpicks you guys whine about. If they cost what imports cost, I'd be more willing to whine about it, but even at $25 a pop, these things aren't a big enough deal to me. Glad I'm not poor enough or autistic enough to get so bent out of shape about domestic action figures of all things.
At $25 you could be getting a much better figure you low standard, no self respect, submissive hasbro’s pet. But hasbro refuses to change.
Once again, I'm sorry that you're poor, but that isn't my problem. Sorry that it gets your panties in a bunch that I don't despise MLs as much as you do. Deal with it.
>refusal to buy slop means I’m poor

From your logic I can conclude you only buy hasbro legends and never really seen anything else. Imports out of your price range chap? but hey maybe If hasbro fixes all their problems and that causes an increase in price I will for sure start collecting from them again, if it’s a quality product. The question is are you willing to buy a $50 single release legend or is it too much for you?
Lmao, believe whatever you want to believe to help you cope dude. I own probably more imports than you considering I collect imports primarily for things like DC, Dragon Ball, and most other franchises that offer them. I like MLs due to the amount of characters they offer, if DC had a line that offered the same amount of characters, but wasn't trash McF, I'd buy that too. But, because I don't like McFarlane, I get Mafex, and the occasional Revoltech. But sure, I'm a shill, and I don't collect imports, and I'm a big fat doo doo head, just because I don't hate MLs like you do.
>exopses poor legendshill
Your sperging doesn’t help your case. I find it funny that you find mcfartlands shit but not legends. Your refusal to admit legends are also crap just proves you’re a shill. They’re both around the same price range so why do you care about nitpicks right? If you care about character selection so much just buy superhero squad or something.
Lol tell yourself whatever you need to bro, if it helps you feel better. I don't like McFs style so I don't buy them. Deal with it babyman.
And I don’t like legends. Why don’t you deal with that
Can you spergs not go ten fucking minutes without some retarded argument holy shit.
It's gotten so ridiculously bad.
>hypocritical shill gets cornered (again)
>attempts to third party to save face (again)
>but those criticisms are valid.
lol no
I never said I can't. Where did I imply that? This whole back and forth started when you replied to my response about cost being a factor into why they reuse old molds. The post was originally meant to be a negative thing for Hasbro so I don't know why you're freaking out.
Why does the anti ML crowd get so bent out of shape when someone doesn't agree with them about MLs being terrible?
I'm a fucking casual. What is a good idea in terms of buying used ones? Some characters I like came out like 8+ years ago and seem to cost a lot.
Wait for a new version of it's 8 years old. What figures are they.
>guy who was also arguing
Okay. Not buying things is easy. Just inaction. Thanks.
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Anyone want comparison shots of the CT tiger stripe versus the ML 97? I'm goin to bed at the moment but won't have anything to do tomorrow afternoon so figured I'd ask as some anons may be curious. Yes I'm a poselette but taking shots will help me get better, right?

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