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>Upcoming Transformers
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nucombiners are so soulless

toonerfaggotry is ruining CHUG just like it ruined MPs
>New threads are made on page 9 or 10 or at image limit
It's awful looking, but I don't think I like Superion to begin with. No interest in CW version.
>16 seconds after the last picture in the last thread
Thread Possession Syndrome is crazy
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Its just Latent paranoia from the past
The head is kinda off... I'd have got this set if it werent for that. Maybe if some upgrade head gets made I'll get these then.
This is genuinely a step back from Combiner Wars.
Whenever it happens it's just a coincidence, especially when it keeps happening
Yep. I don't even mind the combiner skeleton, but the execution is just awful. Using the G1 Cartoon head for Superion is baffling, it looked awful in the show and even worse here. I don't love the Menasor cartoon head either, but Superion just looks like a ko with how bad it is.
>I don't even mind the combiner skeleton
I do, this superion is so ridiculous with it, I might a swell just print this actionmaster and slap the AOP jets to it.
did you actually like combiner wars superion?
>combiner that can pose without third party kits and won't fall over if you look at it wrong
>OMG this is so SOULLESS
>combiner that doesn’t actually combine
>OMG this is so SOULLESS
It does combine though.
It's a robot made from smaller robots is it not?
No. It’s a robot with smaller robots humping it.
You could reduce all 6 classic scramble city style combiners to this gay description (one big torso bot, 4 smaller limb bots)
Don't like it? Fine, don't buy it then, you just saved yourself some money so what are you complaining about?
Apparently, basic MP and G Ginrai have an issue with the pinned front skirt section. The two red bits on the pelvis that connect to the skirt seem to break off. At least two cases of this happening and several of that area developing stress marks.
No,you don't need the aerialbots for AoP Superion, its just Superion supermode, like Armada Prime.
>No,you don't need the aerialbots for AoP Superion,
You do if you want him to actually look good, scrawny Superion with hollow legs and spindly arms is not much of a "super mode", it's literally just a skeleton.
Why is he a skeleton you ask? Well think about what your own skeleton does and why have it, and you'll have the answer to your question.
>You do if you want him to actually look good
>Fat as calves and feet over fists.

Not by much, a real combiner needs to combine with its components, not just wear them as armor.
You just have autism and can't realize that when you look at a finished Superion, his whole arm is supposed to be Slingshot. The front of his shins is "really" supposed to be Air Raid.
You're literally being filtered here by a giant action figure because it's too abstract for you. Grim.
>You could reduce all 6 classic scramble city style combiners to this gay description
No, I actually couldn't. With the sovlful combiners they literally missing an entire leg or arm without one of their components instead of just having a robot humping their preexisting leg.
Again with the humping robots. Were you sexually assaulted by a robot as a child anon? Are you in a support group?
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>tfw picrelated Rattrap is with me for so many years
I would never think that he will be +THE+ transformer that will be my "Woody".
i kept him all the time with me and never left.
I moved to another country and left all my toys but i took him with me.
I don't know why. But he grew on me over years and now he just lives in my house like a rat - sitting here or there sometimes, switching places.

Anon do you have a transformer toy that is similar to my Rattrap "bro"-wise?
By the way it's still amazes me how COMPLICATED this toy is.

1) he has a gear in his neck that connects all the way to his tail. When you turn around his tail - his ears and his neck moves

2) his mouth opens

3) his tail has tons of points of articulation

4) his legs also have many points

5) his transformation is complicated

6) his plastic is amazing and he has transparent parts

7) lightpiping eyes

8) he looks like a cool mechanical rat on its own

What a great complicated toy...why they don't make them like that anymore?
OH yeah i forgot

9) his robot mode has another mode when his legs turn into wheels

10) if you dont' want to turn him into wheeled robot - his wheels (not visible in rat mode) will open revealing 3 transparent blades with cool effect
lmao i forgot another thing

11) when you open his robot mode motuh - his eyebrows move which looks like ":O" expression
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>can't realize that when you look at a finished Superion

The shins are so badly design, you can omit the back jets and most won't notice.3P has done frame combiners the right way, where the limbs bots are needed.Hasbro not only copied others ideas, they fucked up while doing so.
Nothing's more soulless than a combiner made up robots you could literally replace. That's why everyone's favorite combiners are the ones where each member is a dedicated place and being called a combiner limb is an insult.
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Could I live with myself if I don't order a Jhiaxus so my future Liege Maximo has his canon general to keep him company?
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Depth Charge was one of two toys I made sure survived through my parents divorce and through being forced to move twice. It's always been on display, and I'm glad to be able to have it on full display again.
There's also the Machine Wars Starscream my Grandma gave me when I was very young, which was rediscovered last year. That's the single most important transformer in my collection.

Your Beast Machines Rattrap looks to be in great nick, sounds like a fun toy.
The BM toys are wild, makes me wonder is it's worthwhile tracking some down.
only if you're fine with almost all of the white parts yellowing in record time
Is there an issue with the white parts for all Legacy figures? Because this isn't the first time I've seen someone say something about a white Transformers Legacy figure getting a tan.
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Actually been even longer, starting from siege something went wrong with hasbro plastic and now figures at random have a tendency to yellow in less than a year.
it's not just the white plastic, it just looks even worse on it.
MW Starscream frankly looks bizarre, but I like him, also lol at the tiny little fistholes
same old aggrument
just make the skeletonbot turn into something cool that fits with the team.
if you can't, then give up because combiners are hard and kind of stupid outside of silly super robot shows for little kids or really cool adults. having a full range of motion is tricksy as hell.
I don't exactly have a favorite like that but I really enjoyed primal, scorponok, and polar claw back in the day
the new toys are better, but they're so much less chunky and they all feel like they'll break if I transform them, so I mostly leave them on shelves.
wait a minute, if the skeleton is that thin, how is there a knee joint in it?
Not white parts specifically, it's almost exclusively with "unpaintable" nylon parts
Whatever they're doing, they keep fucking up the plastic mix and many batches end up rapidly discoloring.
And I really have to emphasize that it's the nylon, used in areas like joints and transformation hinges for extra strength. A figure having white plastic doesn't mean it's going to suddenly turn yellow all over.
I'm waiting to see how they do the toy version of Hotspot
The toon defensor is a little too boring, studio OX combiners all look way better
Not sure what what you can't see there, but there's two lock points for the leg bots
my only problem with the new superion is that he looks like he's made out of lego
Question about the leaks and rumors list; by "Cybertron Skywarp" do we know if this means a re-release of G1 Cybertronian mode, or if it means Cybertron as in the Unicron Trilogy?
There was a Cybertron Skywarp release all the way back then though it was an SDCC giveaway. And since we have the new Cybertron Starscream released last year I think it will most likely be a repaint of that toy.
that's not the point
i'm seeing what looks like a flat plate in back that leads to.. nothing. shouldn't it lead to a big chunky cylinder that comprises the knee joint? i also dont see any ankle joint, though it's all black plastic so it might be hidden in the void. maybe the joint is INSIDE the foot? weird.
but I mean, there's a car cylinder plugged into a whatever blue thigh, and there's no visible joint so I don't get how it could work.
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It wouldnt say Cybertron if it didnt mean the show I would think. Saw this on google. So could be this too
all that crap hanging out of the back of the boots
I've got that toy, kind of crap but I like his overall look. If only his mega arm tabbed into the rest of him better, on mine it barely hangs on by a thread.
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How can you not understand how it works?
There's a slot in joint at the knee and one at the ankle
the back piece is just to make it all in one with Hotspot, you can see the knee more clearly on the leg with Streetwise
Thanks, anons. I was hoping it would be the G1 version that I missed, but if it's going to be one of these I think the Starscream repaint would be better than the Thundercracker repaint.
>can see the knee more clearly
so it just fucking splits open? so a bent knee has a huge gap in it, like MP primal's elbows? and the actual joint itself is just a tiny thin pin in back?
>tiny thin pin
No, it's a decent sized ratchet joint, I'm really not sure how you're not seeing this
How long until SS86 Optimus gets redecoed into Nemesis Prime? We are long overdue after Hastak skipped ER for whatever reason.
well i literally can't see it. because the first picture, the angle is from above, so the thigh is blocking whatever is there
in this one, the parts are together, so again I can't see it clearly. but from what I can see, it looks like a bizarre design. like someone took two L shapes and decided to hinge them by their corners
Only Sleep Mode.
It's a C shape
The upper legs aren't a solid bit of plastic
ohhhhhh okay. the joint mechanism is up inside there. that makes a lot more sense.
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>hands are just big shitty fists with a tiny hole in the top

They know its 2025 now and not 1985, right?
let's be fair, in most regards, i'd rather go back there
Question: how big is this guy in robot mode? He's an Ultra class, right? So around Legacy Armada Prime's Super Mode height?
They want to stay consistent with Menasor I guess.
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I got Legacy Motormaster for Christmas, what the actual FUCK were they thinking making the leg robos be backwards? If I'm just displaying it like this why not just buy dead end and call it a day with him? Especially with the breakdown prices.
>what the actual FUCK were they thinking making the leg robos be backwards?
Cartoon accuracy; It's the same reason why Superion's head is fucked up. This is what happens when you try to translate a shittily-drawn cartoon model into 3D.
I think he's regularly on sale or clearance at deluxe prices, he looks yellowed under certain light but looks normal under others, so I couldn't tell you how he actually yellows, but it's just evil G2 dimension science, he's one of the few characters that yellowing wouldn't bother me too much about.
Let's be real here, the shin parts of Menasor were also supposed to be colored here, but not even the Pulse G1 toy style set pulled that off for some stupid reason. I mean, how hard is it to paint or mold those hatches to match Wild Rider's midnight green and Breakdown's blue?
Unpaintable plastic.
I get it, but gangmolding? Seriously?
I flip the legs on mine around and will probably do the same for Superion.
>the shin parts of Menasor were also supposed to be colored here,
No they're not, they represent the underside of the cars.
>Cartoon accuracy
That's what the toy looked like, dumbass.
Was it a cartoon or a toyline that got you collecting?
For me it was the siege toyline.
SS got me back, 07 Starscream and Blackout
>ironhide vs grindor
that literally never happened
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Blackout anon and it happened in 07 game.
The games arent canon, moron
Pleb taste
And the movies contradict themselves so it's not like the canon matters much anyways.
>what the actual FUCK were they thinking making the leg robos be backwards?
Why are you acting like this is news to you? Were you living under a rock or something?
First Transformer was Thunderclash when I was 6 years old, my parents bought me more transformers over the years and after getting many Beast Wars releases I started buying some RiD and Armada toys with my own money. I never stopped collecting.
But the head on the new superion isn't really all that accurate. If it was I'd have got it.
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You're talking about a company that upscaled a Legends class toy to Supreme Class and had to put washers in the hands to make the toy 5mm compatible rather than spend any real budget on it.
Ignore him, it's his new weird meme he's trying to push.
That's nonsense, G1 Fortress Maximus also has that and his weapons don't have standardized pegs. They just designed it that way to have a better grip in big hands that are made of two halves.
You know, I only got that Thundetron set because it was over 50% off, not because I particularly wanted it (which is not a good reason to get anything), but he's actually a really neat figure to mess around with. I had the original Prime Thundertron but never cared for it, this new one is a lot better.
How embarrassing...
I don’t read chink and I am not going to decipher images like Rain Man, qrd? Who stole what?
The comparisons for the head and moustache shape are meant to be evidence that Powermaster Prime fled to Japan and went about calling himself Ginrai
I'm more interested in the bearded Optimus recolor personally
I wish he was a bit more distinct than the original Legacy release, Go! Prime would have been a good choice
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The toy, in fact, did not look like that. They were actually composed out of the leg bots and therefore actually had colors and details, and the car bits and wheels were much more visible.
It's exclusively the cartoon that pasted the cars behind big, gray blocks to save on animation time. And it looks like dogshit.
>Wrist swivels
That's Grindor
Ok, but nice goalpost shift.
All that anon said was the legs were backwards on the toy, and you just proved it clear as day in your own pic.
They're complaining it isn' worth the price, I recognice that yen kanji.
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No, they're facing forward
My post also had a forcefield, so your response doesn't count
Those are from DNA kit for Bee, Sentinel and Blackout. Shame that they need to be removed for transformation but posable fingers make it worth. Also 2 wrist guns, one I gived to Starscream.
>using an almost 20-year old toy to justify a modern toy that costs almost twice as much as the old one
Wait, is the photo the toy you are talking about? Seems odd since he has things like elbows
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oh yeah? well, watch THIS
Anon is both retarded and doesn't know what he's talking about.
They upscaled a voyager, not a legends

Unless he was exaggerating for humor's sake, in which case haha good one
If I could read that I would be soooooo mad!

Not gonna lie tho, I am getting so tired of complaining about shit in this thread. I think I'm just going to start posting pictures with little lines all over a photo of a figure and saying shit like "I can't believe they did this lmfao" without context and see if I can rile people up.

Don't get me wrong, there are legitimate complaints here, obviously, but sometimes I actually cannot figure out what people are bitching about.
Ah yes, the ancient moon runes foretold his arrival.
Huh, no wonder they did the other way. That looks terrible.
FUCK this looks so much better
Can you really not figure out what that image is saying just from the picture....? Or just shitposting. If shitposting, carry on.
I can definitely relate to having some really hyper-specific, autistic nitpicks with certain figures, but never once have I felt motivated to break out the green and red highlighters and make one of those types of images. Because no matter what, they always look insane, even if they're 100% correct.
Beast Wars show and toyline simultaneously nabbed me and got their claws hooked in real good.
after that I got the occasional like, movie starscream or movie dinobots, a drift here and there, nothing special.. then Kingdom showed up and now i'm all hooked again.
i'm so tempted by him. all he needs is a significantly bigger beast mode head. it would work better in both modes.
It's not as if Combiner Wars was perfect, but it was much closer to it than whatever the fuck this and Legacy Menasor are. It shows how little playability and originality matters to nu-CHUG, which is MP for poor people now.
What I don't understand is why it's so hard for HasTak to find a middle ground, especially now that size classes aren't as strict as they were during Prime Wars. They could give each limb more attention but in a sensible way, not like Legacy Wildrider, but refuse to for some reason. They could use the room they didn't have on voyager class figures to use the commander/leader class torso members added room to look good and transform in a fun way, but they didn't.
What I liked about Scramble City style combiners was scrambling and using my imagination, but this shit is for people who buy a transformer, transform it once, and then abandon it in their less cluttered shelf for all eternity.
A box of G1 transformers got dumped in my lap in '91 or '92, I fell in love with those toys so my family started renting the cartoon from blockbuster for me. I got the movie on VHS a year or so later, I remember it was a big deal to me back then.
Even ignoring that image, it does have problems and they're all on Ginrai, not Super Ginrai:

-Lock mechanism meant to put the arm in the proper position stresses the hell out of the bicep.
-Smokestack tabs snapping off if not aligned properly, and/or not transforming it correctly. This one isn't too bad since they aren't that important since you can just align them properly and still get the super mode to work.
-Hinges connecting the front skirt to the pelvis can snap off.
some of them have me flummoxed but some make sense. the top right they're complaining about the straightness of his brow vs a tilted-down view where it has more of a downward brow, the bottom right he has the wrong chest detail, uhh i think i'd need better pictures to understand the rest.
What if a person considers the scramble gimmick a detriment to the toys playbility?
That person can be prescribed lithium and locked away from the rest of the healthy population.
That's like saying all the lights and guns on cybertron primus are a detriment to the toy's playability.
It's ass backwards, the combination is the gimmick and scramble city is a part of it.
If you can't figure out how to make it fun then don't bother making a combiner in the first place. Interesting how most official combiners that can't scramble ended up being garbage like FoC Bruticus or Energon Superion
I have transformed my legacy stunticons way more than many other transformers. Having a combiner that is both solid and posable is way more enjoyable to me than swapping limbs around.
The energon combiners scramble, what are you talking about?
i think it's okay to make scramble city combiners, but they shouldn't be the norm
the norm should be dedicated parts. and not always one guy per limb, sometimes one guy can be the whole legs or both arms or something.
Then that retard can go by a non-combiner figure.
You can technically scramble them but one leg would be longer or an arm shorter and the combiner would look malformed
People who are only into transformers can't understand that the number of combination methods are limitless.

Movie. I found a RotF Voyager Bludgeon and fell in love with it. Then once I got disposable income it was all over.
Meanwhile the combiners people actually praise and consider the best
>Rail Racer
Which Devastator?
None of those scramble so they aren't combiners.
People give a shit about rail racer?
I like Rail Racer.
nobody liked combiner wars devastator (the only official new mold since energon) and studio series doesn't look much different

If SS Dev has better stability (especially Scrapper's damn shovel never staying in place) it'll automatically be better.
Instead of those panels the cars and planes should just gone through it
yes yes but the limbs they turn into are the same whether they're arms or legs, so they're not really a very good example of either. they just attach a hand or a foot, which itself is kinda dumb
People hated POTP Predaking. What the fuck are you talking about?

Why did they, anyway? He was way better than Devastator. Only real downside was no sword.
IIRC the torso connection was kind of iffy and frail but this is the fandom that allowed literal gorillas like Peaugh premiere their figures through reviews.
Wasn't the waist made of thin panels and was hollow on the back? That looked like it was going to break, but no clue if it was solid enough.
Also, the huge backpacks on the legbots.
Stunticons are not the best at stimulating the imagination. They are just cars.

Quite solid. At least, mine has never had a problem, and I've kept it in combined mode for years.


Unfortunate, but not a dealbreaker. They look cooler in beast mode anyway.
I think you misunderstood that post. The point is that a combiner doesn't need to be the same "big guy with four smaller guys as limbs" to still be a combining robot. The mecha genre is way more creative than that, with endless combination methods.
OH yes sorry
i thought the point was scramble city guys have infinite combinations because they're interchangeable
nono yeah. I'm with you. you were agreeing with me that there are many options for combiners.
>stimulating the imagination
I guess I would have come up with ideas as a kid, like different combinations give the combiner different powers, but I don't give a shit about that as an adult. Now I like transforming my toys and posing them, and legacy Menasor is fun in both regards instead of being a wonky mess.

At the end of the day you guys are so narrow-minded about how a combiner must work that you don't feel value in anything else, even if the new thing actually improves on several crucial points. You don't like it? That's fine, but this is getting old.
I wanna see another bilateral combiner pair like Animated Safeguard.
>Transformers Go!
NO not like that, I mean GOOD
No weapons, shitty stickers, gigantic backpacks, awful proportions.
It was shit.
>no weapons
His fuck huge x-ray cannon doesn't count?
I like their original cartoon appearance where they were anti-gravity cars with incredible durability. They could do crazy airborne stunts on command, drive up cliffs with no issue, and ram through forests and buildings like there's nothing even there. They weren't just "the car decepticons", they were built for fucking shit up in alt mode.
An aspect of them that was of course, swiftly forgotten after one episode and abandoned in future iterations.
If I want a combiner that's a solid robot, a solid combiner, looks nice, and don't mind the half the vehicle mode of the torso being overalls for the combiner, I could go for the third party combiners but I don't like any of them.
I want something I can pose and play with, and it's a chore to do that when you have a literal pound of useless kibble to add in and take out every time.
>still no wild king news
Takara please....
I love predaking but some of the predacons did suffer a little bit.
Legacy Jhiaxus has been known to unyellow, anon will be ok if he gets one
Seems like it would limit articulation.
Maybe in your close friend group, but they're not really mainstream popular, you still can get the whole teams for relativelly cheap, compared to really popular combiners.
>Why did they, anyway?
He has a long journey ahead....
Rail Racer was a bigger deal back in the day. really impressive piece at the time, even with "I'm the legs" guy. The Car robots combiners were all fairly well regarded.
same case here. Back when we had few combiners, and barely any in new lines, those two were a bigger deal. Post CW, not so much.
they're awkward as fuck and we still love them anyway, that's how good they are.
a new version would be astounding.. if they didn't ruin it. which they would.
for a combiner i am okay with this. what's the altmode look like?
It's insane that a combiner where the robots actually become the limbs has become lost technology at this point. Even 3P toys that aren't Toon styled are doing it.
Do children actually like this Toon style shit? I get making MP like this for collectors but filling mainline with cheat parts and partsforming to match a cartoon they've never seen is retarded. I respect classics Superion more because at least it has an actual combination.
ugh. no, sorry. doesn't work.
>One of the best Combiner Optimus still hasn't gotten an update.
Bros when is he coming? I don't want to shell Masterpiece level money for the 3rd party one.
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in what way is this toon style
you mean the look of the g1 animated series? i wouldn't call that a 'toon' style.
more like 'we have anime at home'
Anon we both know adults are the ones buying these toys.
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After getting into collecting transformers in the last few months, I have come to find that this is not an enjoyable line. I love the toys, even with some of the worries and dread of QC issues and some plastic feeling a little dicey, but feeling like I have to buy if not pre-order at extortionate prices or risk never, ever having the chance to get a mainline store shelf release again. I don't know if it's their europe distribution or what, but I hate this feeling over what should be reasonably enough to obtain toys. Not to mention the absurd scalping and aftermarket prices.
>expecting nu-hasbro to top Archer era gimmick bricks
Titan class in two years and even then it'll be worse in every way besides articulation.
They are literally sold in toy aisles anon. Even stores with adult collectors areas like target still put them besides other children's toys.
The sharp price increases and toys getting sold out before I even see one are the number 1 and number 2 reasons I've largely stopped in the last year or two. If I see one I want in a store, I might bring it home, that's it. I'm just not that invested anymore in the race to get everything and fill every collection gap.
G1 cartoon style is colloquially referred to as "Toon"

I don't care how good the combined form is, Fatimus Prime is not worth redoing.
be patient. we have seen some great new innovations. we're just also circling the drain of a functioning economy. be patient and soon we'll either have better toys or we'll have nothing and then at least we didn't miss out.
by whom
i miss being a kid, and in addition to the kid-focused lines of superhero figures, there were also these cool mature ones based directly on the comics, with descriptions of crazy storylines on the back of the card.. I felt like those were for adults and I was really cool getting in on it.
By all MP TF collectors. Calling it G1 is too broad and consists of multiple styles.
Have you seen the Grand Scourge 3P one?
the big bonus of a new Magnaboss/Tripredacus is that they could just be three separate releases and not a single budgeted release.
>doing anything with Energon anything
very underrated designs held back by ancient engineering but stars aligned just right to even get that tiny Megatron
>They are literally sold in toy aisles anon
and adults are buying them for themselves.
none of those styles feel 'toon' though
you can say 'the cartoon' but i feel like, the abbreviation has a strong connotation of boingy rubber shit.
like technically a newspaper comic strip is also 'cartoon' but we don't use the word for that.
um... no. no, i want them together.
but maybe?
Armada Optimus is great though. I can expect something similar with Energon Optimus, especially when the dude doesn't have to do much but T-pose for his drones, he only needs his proportions redone to be less fat. It's the drones themselves that needs reworking.
Adults buy everything from the toy aisle nowadays, they still aren't the target demographic.
It's just the term they use. G1 isn't even that good of a phrase considering the debate over which series is considered G3 and beyond is never consistent.
Mostly just one redditor trying to force it as a term and hoping it will catch on.
I say the big bonus to a new Magnaboss is it wouldn't crumble to GPS
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they'll probably primal-prime-paw it by selling the limb drones separately
You think pulse streams and the like are targeted towards kids?
Which is why I think Titan Class is probably likely for someone like Energon OP to keep everything in one package and keep him as big as the original toy. At least I hope so, I wouldn't want base Energon OP to be Voyager sized because that would be too small, make him SS86 OP height.
And get PCC along for the update as well since they're similar combiners using drones as limbs. I'm not a fan of consolidating or homogenizing everything, however making both Energon OP and PCC cross compatible would be fun.
With the way the presenters talk, yes.
Then you're an idiot.
We literally had collectors Club for 12 years before this. Doesnt mean that children weren't the demographic that the molds were designed for.
Sure, you keep thinking that, despite all Hasbro's marketing being to the contrary.
>Toy designed around children's safety standards, at a complexity that children can understand, at a price point that children could afford, sold in the toy aisle.
>Take that toy, paint it blue, pack in a comic book and sell it online
>This means these toys are hardcore collectibles for adults now
Transfags are so fucking retarded holy shit
Anyone else get Missing Link Bumblebee and/or Cliffracer?

I got mine in yesterday and I find the build quality on them seems a little off compared to how solid Prime is, mainly with the arms being really fiddly. I think I might have felt like I wasn't getting my money's worth if I paid full price for them (I noticed I had a fuckton of loyalty points with a shop and redeemed a discount code that basically made them over half-off for me)

They're pretty cute aside from that, I just hope Sunstreaker feels more like Prime did though and not like these.

Where'd you order them from? I'm still waiting to get mine from Pulse.
Ages 3 and up, I guess they got them pretty quickly
you could buy the inevitable JP giftsets.
there was a g3?
naw in this case it has an existing meaning, i just think that isn't it. but it's at least close. adjacent.
i always loved this color scheme on this body. way better than orange and purple with dark blue.
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Mega class
yeah i suppose that's the best way no matter what
well japan will recolor them as their BW Neo colors right? which is different at least for tripredacus
beast machines toyline was so schizo
Some consider Beast Wars G3, but then that brings into question if machine wars, BW2, Neo, beast machines and even RID 01 should be separate generations or all apart of a "G3 era". By that line of thinking UT would be G4, but that theory kinda falls apart for G5 when 07, classics, animated and WFC are so different.
I always felt bad for kids in that time. They'd get a toy, flip over to the back, see "JOIN THE TRANSFORMERS COLLECTOR'S CLUB" and might think "oh I like transformers! I should join a club!" and then it's $40 a year for some comics and made up bios for stuff that's all about stuff from before you were even born.
the funny thing is BW was written as if it was many generations after G1, but it ended up only being 400 years. that's a brief sneeze in their history. it shouldn't be possible to keep something like the location of earth secret.
Was there a forum aspect to it or was it literally just the subscription? I was very disappointed when I found out it was mostly classics Seekers repaints. I don't even think they did MP repaints.
THAT's what that was?
i remember as a kid wanting to join the burger king kids' club. but like, i went up to order my food and .. in the process i did not join it, and i didn't know what else to do. raising new subjects with strangers was not a thing.
>but it ended up only being 400 years
It varies, really.
i mean yeah, BA said it was 400 years since the war ended, and who knows what year the war finally officially ended
but the fact remains, that war was fought on earth, at least partly. and fought by people who know where earth is. 400 years later is like "oh good we defeated the nazis, now we gotta keep the existence of jews a secret"
The writers never got around to putting it in the show, but by Beast Wars earth is off limits and its location is kept secret due to A) some catastrophe they never decided on and B) to keep time travelers like Megatron from fucking with history.
i dont recall a catastrophe, i thought it was purely B
and again my point is that shouldn't be possible. not the reasoning behind it.
>When Depth Charge first enters Earth's solar system, he is informed by his ship's navi-computer that the area was declared off-limits by order of the High Council. This particular bit of backstory was never fully explained on the show, but was spelled out by the story editors' posts on the Internet: Earth is off-limits because of some undecided-upon catastrophe, as well as to protect it from time-altering thieves like Megatron.
Its not that they don't know where it is, they just don't let anyone go there anymore.
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One more late Christmas present, thanks mom and dad
No one has ever called Beast Wars G3
Except for the hundreds of people that have.
Dozens even
It's crazy that it wasn't until those selects comics a few years back that they finally showed that catastrophe and tied it to BWII. It ties together very nicely.
>it's another UT is G3 fag
I'm convinced that Beast Machines' earnings were more affected by the toyline doing shit like deluxe optimus, mega rattrap, supreme cheetor, basic megatron and tankor than the cartoon being weird and character assassinating half of the cast.
Really? what was it?
G3 doesn't exist and G2 is literally just G1 toys recoloured
>G2 baby wants his gen to last forever
Is this that fucktard Athena
No one has ever said G3
Actually that's a lie, I think there was a 3P trailer for Classic Optimus that was called the G3
We are on G7 at the bare minimum.
Essentially, BWII had humanity left Earth after angolmois was found and caused things to spiral out of control, nearly destroying the planet and, they left Artemis and Moon on the moon to watch over Earth The comics revealed that this was a combination of Angolmois and the Quintesssons tapping into that energy that lead to world wide catastrophes that culminated in the evacuation of everyone. BW II also had the legend of a Green Lion who also helped saved Earth in the past and they revealed this was the time displaced Lio Convoy.

Lio Convoy showing up in the past is pretty sad, since Neo implied he was stuck in some realm out of time and space, but then this confirms he actually had to wait millions of years until the events of Neo happened (he got flung to some point from before the events of the G1 series).
Heh, thats cool. Gotta love Sakamato and his anal-retentive attention to detail and lore.
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I wonder how many kids completely skipped on the line cause they wanted to have a primal just like the one on TV only to find this on the shelves.
ah fair. i know they had to work a lot of this stuff out on forums
but I was thinking more BA's line. pretty sure she's the one who talks about records being sealed for 400 years, after the end of the great war.
it doesn't even make sense. beast wars is G1. it just has a fuzzy connection, like the G1 comics.
>it just has a fuzzy connection
Did you even watch the show?
i was so tempted by the giant cheetor. i had JUST good enough taste to realize it looks like shit, even if it is also objectively really cool. it looks like an ai-generated robot cheetah.
oh that kinda works.
if you liked the abominations on that show, surely you wouldn't mind the toy designs. they are exactly as warped as each other.
what I mean is, it clearly wants you to think of g1 as its backstory, but it also changes continuity. it's kind of a sub-continuity, where the broad strokes of G1 are still canon
>what I mean is
>it's kind of a sub-continuity
How do you think Optimal Optimus happened anon
okay I see we're having trouble communicating here
are you aware of the g1 comics and how they differ from the show?
Lore doesnt really matter, it's moreso to do with the year and the current designers and trends present. Binaltech and classics isn't G1 just because it's in the G1 universe because it was manufactured in the 2000s and shares design elements with other toys of its era. Horse show G6 is in the G4 universe but will be released 16 years later with new designs which justifies it being a new gen.
That one is pretty cool. If it was a mega it would be a solid BM Optimus.
Comics are a completely different continuity
BW is the same continuity of the original show
Technically BW is a mix of comic and cartoon so they didn't have to pigeonhole themselves.
Not really, it's just related to the original show
they're just loose with the lore because most people didn't care about that shit
my toys r us MP Skywarp decided that the plastic around the pin for the right arm wanst strong enough and just broke into a million pieces. He is forever stuck in jet mode now. How do I cope?
Buy a superior Henkei Skywarp instead.

No, its true. Like, Starscream's ghost is from the cartoon, but anytime we saw a G1 bot in flashbacks they used the Marvel colors. Meanwhile, they had vague plans for Tarantulas and the Predacon Council to be descendants of Jhiaxus from the Marvel G2 comic, but never got to add it.
Beast Machines figures not based on the cast were great. But then they had that whole dinosaur line which I don't remember if they even called it transformers.
You answered your own question
Skybound custom
Thank you for explaining it better than I could.

they're broad-strokes continuity. you can GENERALLY assume anybody and anything in one is in the other, but there will be details.
It was just Transformers: Dinobots.

Then they did it again a few years later.
pony is different, those are reboots. more akin to g1 vs animated vs prime.
early on they were trying to mostly keep things together, so
also what, there are six horse shows now? what happened to 5?
the beast head doesn't bother you?
Six generations of toylines. The one that spawned its own board was Gen 5, its currently on Gen 6, set centuries later.
That's it, thanks
the fuck
futureponies? do they have cyborg eyes and shit?
No, its just an excuse to reuse terms and ideas from G5 and not have the old cast around anymore. Its pretty much the same otherwise. Except not as good.
Tie in media is always an afterthought, just look at G2 TF.
It's so bizarre to think that, in 1999/2000, the 15th anniversary of the franchise, 4 years into a successful relaunch, if you wanted an "Optimus", this was the only one on the shelf.
Hasbro REALLY wanted Cheetor to be the face of the franchise. 15 years of unique package art for every main line release, broken so every package could have Cheetor's face.
I do like the blue on him though. But BM was SUCH a bizarre time overall.
JP Magnaboss has the weird Braveheart face colors
Give um a kiss for me
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I know its pure autism but the biggest hair in my ass is still that they made an MP figure in basically CHUG scale. I guess they want the figure to have wider appeal and not bother with making a proper CHUG PM Prime? To me aesthetically MPG Ginrai is incredible, it feels more accurate than both the KFC and FansHobby one, not to mention the cool accessories like the Chokon Lightning and the Headmaster Jrs figures that come with God Bomber, but it not being in scale will bother my autism for eternity if I placed it in my collection. I can only hope some third party decides to upscale the thing but that's very unlikely.
I might have different autism, but I'm glad I don't have major scale autism
I feel like HasTak would make an alternate face for Magnaboss and head for Lio Junior/Prowl because they are nearly identical otherwise. Heck, Prowl and Lio Convoy's heads are the exact same mold with different colors meaning they wouldn’t have to make a new mold just for it
I got the Doom 'N Destruction Ruckus/Bludgeon pack today (on heavy discount). Ruckus is awesome and the reason I got the pack, but I don't really care for the Bludgeon so I'm gonna sell him off.
>the beast head doesn't bother you?
It's X-Treme as fuck. I love it.
Let’s see
>BW(Machines, II, Neo, CR):G3
>Aligned (Pr, RID2015, WFC, Go, RB):G6
We are technically on G8, assuming RID is not considered its own generation, being an import of Car Robots. I’m not counting Generations since that tends to be remakes of older generations rather than its own thing. I also left out the movies since they also tend to be separate from everything else. Is there anything I missed?
Going to leave out Netflix?
I'm told some people watch those
yeah that works for me
i also really want them to be reworked completely.
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a skullish gorilla head is xtreme, but eyebrows that arch upward as they meet instead of downward, less so. ruins that awesome gorilla brow
>is there anything i missed?
Your stance on JP G1 and if you consider Euro G1 to be G1.5
I would but it’s a cartoon advertising Generations toys, which doesn’t count as a separate generation by my rules
Yeah, but that's mostly muscle and skin. That BM Optimus has a skull for a face in beast mode so the brow isn't really there.
but do you see how it kinda looks like the brows are there, they just don't stick the landing? should have left them off entirely
JG1 I would consider just G1 but Euro G1 is G1.5 to me since it introduced a bunch of gimmicks not present in G1 that would be reused for G2
Good, is Diaclone and the other source toylines G0?
Well, yeah, skulls kind of have that goofy (:^) expression to them. Maybe it's because I've been looking for a proper skull for a Golden Bat custom for quite a while only to find angry skulls, but I don't mind that.
"Robot" mode isn't too bad. That monke mode, tho - those broken knees and ghastly face are gonna haunt me.
I guess. I don’t really see them as part of Transformers but if you wanted to lump them all together, I could see them as G0
japan has a fucking knack for it, not sure why. since ancient times they have made the coolest fucking skeleton monsters
I feel like that's fair.
if Zoids were grouped by generation, "Mechabonica" would definitely be G0
i wuv starscamr and megatron togetr plesae wathc like eand subscrib https://youtu.be/tOPZ2ySmmSs
G1 is a trilogy formed by G1, BW and BM.
But what about Neo and BW2 and BW Special and Headmasters and Masterforce and Victory and Zone and Battlestars and
Depends on if you consider the JP shit as canon.
incredibly authentic
though people didn't say like and subscribe back then
Someone in this thread insists that it basically is MP scale, because Ginrai wasn't as large as Optimus.
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thoughts on skytread?
One of the greats
Not as fly as he used to be
Japanese canon is its own thing.
But not a separate generation
Thoughts on Hornets Agent? Will we get a Goldbug from SS86 Bumblebee's mold?
Love him. Wish they'd give Battletrap another go though, the POTP one looks off standing next to him.
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I don't see how anyone could get that whether it's from the show or official reference material. Some official reference figures actually list him as bigger than Prime (which also doesn't match what you see on-screen but probably it's why the KFC version of Ginrai is gigantic) and most angles you see the guy in Masterforce the guy is pretty much the same height as Optimus.
>they made an MP figure in basically CHUG scale
Hes too big for chug, is super mode is as big as Lg God Ginrai. CW Liokaiser and UW King Poseidon, he should need Godbomber to be as big as the combiners.
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Just had an idea. Who do you think the new "scramble city" combiner skeleton could work for that isn't a combiner?
Essentially the skeleton parts give the torso-bot a super-mode, so maybe Energon Optimus, but the trailer splits into 4 drone/ limbs and other parts?

Also I'd like to see a future G1 Metroplex be capable of wearing these new combiners as armor.
Great figure, and I love his backwards compatibility with Battletrap.
Only downside is the long gun and turret shells doesn't sit flush on the tank.
Terrible opinion, he has a hot dad bod, and I love him <3
If you’re not opposed there’s the plamo kit from takara and he has a BB gun, very cute, easy build :}
that could be pretty rad.
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>Also I'd like to see a future G1 Metroplex be capable of wearing these new combiners as armor.

That has been cpossible for 5 years, since potp combiners added a combiner plugg size port to the combiner hands included with the deluxes, just plug the hand to any 5 mm port and then plug the combiner deluxe to the hand. Thats how fun dumb shiot like this was possible.
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So this is a weird one because lol gimmicky kid's toy, but has anyone bought the Powerflip One Optimus want to share their experience?

The thing is on sale in a lot of places and on a surface look it honestly looks pretty cool for the reduced price. It looks like it has limited articulation and isn't really movie-accurate but it seems to have some pretty neat play value between its size, having so many modes (one of the only toys to have both Orion Pax and Optimus forms aside from the Takara Commander which I heard was severely overpriced for the quality), the flip gimmick and the extra weapons. The Prime Changer/Studio Series Optimus almost certainly look and pose better but this thing looks neat for what it is.
Huh I didn't even know this existed
kek, basquash
someone explained this to their kid as how puberty works. yeah your torso gets a little taller and you get a plate over your mouth..
Always cool to see some quality gimmick toys for kids outside of those dumb hollow plates that just wiggle back and forth or whatever. Reminds me of stuff like the Unicron Trilogy toys with all their lights and sounds and whatnot.
>yeah your torso gets a little taller and you get a plate over your mouth..
You make it sound like that didn't happen to you when you hit puberty.
...Uh, that DID happen to you, too, right? Right?
>he doesn't have faceplate genes
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That's God Ginrai, dumbass.
We already have a CHUG Ginrai to compare MPG to, how are people still doubting it's MP scaled?
The core Ginrai bot should be MP-44 sized
Flywheels is cooler
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Yes I know that's God Ginrai retard-kun. You do understand that in that image that he is significantly taller than Optimus Prime while in that form, which was the point? Use your brain.
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Official scale chart for core Ginrai Bot: 10 meters (taller than official Optimus heights)
Show size: lol G1 cartoon scales, but I'd be surprised if you can find any shots in Masterforce where Ginrai is not the same height or taller than Optimus relative to the humans etc
Ultimately if their goal was to capture the Ginrai character as he appeared in Masterforce it really makes no sense to have the core bot be the same size as a CHUG Optimus.
>scaling to humans
That's even more autistic than typical scale arguments.
The logic for Ginrai's size is simple.
>Ginrai is roughly the same size as the Headmaster Jrs
>the Headmaster Jrs are regular Autobt car sized, as per Minerva's cameo in Victory
>Therefore, the core bot should be no bigger than Wheeljack or Perceptor.
A CHUG Ginrai would be Deluxe sized. (And yes, Legacy Metalhawk is actually too big)
You also can't make Ginrai bigger because God Ginrai is roughly as tall as Star Saber. As it is, MPG Super Ginrai is only about a head shorter than MP Star Saber.
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>get lucky with procrastinating from buying Kingdom Galvatron
>able to get a discounted Legacy Galvatron instead, which I prefer because no battle damage
>one of the heel pieces for cannon mode fucking broke off at the hinge after one transformation
>now feel the need to buy Kingdom Galvatron anyway because if I’m going to buy a replacement to fix it I may as well get the one with a slightly different deco
You should just waited for the studio series 86, anon.
The SS86 is the worst looking one. Toonershit was a mistake.
It's the exact same sculpt in a different shade of purple, for fucks sake. Does anything that looks closer to the cartoon, even the most minor thing, always makes you mad? Must be tiring.
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If you’re against toon stuff, why are you getting him in toon purple and not the GS toy deco
and all the silver paint removed
and a worse looking opaque cannon because hasblow is allergic to translucent plastic now because they're retarded and interpret all the cartoon designs literally
that looks like shit, why is every attempt at MP Super Ginrai/PM Optimus look so awkward except the completely inaccurate fanshobby one?
You could probably get Hasbro to compensate you for this
Fanshobby looks awkward as fuck too.
He's as wide on his z axis as on his x axis. It's like fattimus only put his boots on
Good god he's so fucking hideous and dogshit looking
Imagine spending $300+ on this shit
>Ginrai is roughly the same size as the Headmaster Jrs
Any shots from the cartoon to corroborate this?
Getting the cab to look right while sitting in the chest is hard, it kind of seems too small in there, plus I get the impression that the MP was designed more with the God Ginrai combination in mind so they made it slimmer by itself than it really should have been.
I feel like some of you don't actually like transformers toys.
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>basing the height of Ginrai off how he scales from the cameo of one character who appears very briefly in a different show rather than official height numbers or how tall they consistently look for like 30+ episodes in their native show
>this is considered "more accurate" somehow
Ginrai is also consistently depicted to be taller than the Headmaster Jrs. so even if you want to argue he's not as tall as Optimus it doesn't really make sense to make him the exact height as the carbots. G1 scale is dumb as always but the MPG is not scaled properly to almost any way you try to look at it.
can only do so much to fix what was always a dumb looking design
Is the SS seeker mold any good? I saw Skywarp on sale
Anon, the one you have is literally toon, SS86 is just the movie version
You’ve really got to to stop saying dumb shit
>someone won a clear galaxy convoy box set not long ago
>same person turned out ans put it up on mercari for x3 the price they got it for
>a price no one would ever pay
And other people tend to do this a lot too. Why though? What's the logic? Mentally ill? Trying to flex they have it? Both? Because if they genuinely wanna turn around and sell it, that wont do it. Sucks when these type of people get a hold of hard to get stuff
>out ans
Dumb phone. *around

The lack of feet has always been the worst thing about this design to me. It just looks weird.
To add, if flexing. Then fair enough, I know some people do in fact do that. But if it's scalping, they gotta be the dumbest scalpers
This looks good tho
The MP looks so flat color and detail wise that it bugs me
Feet missing the details really hurts it too
No Shoulder decals or the details there and the head looks like every other "animation" Optimus ever

Honestly I really like them
Never got Thrust cause I dislike green Thrust
But I really like the other three. Missed Blitzwing and he'll be $100 for what's essentially just a slightly different coloring
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Give it time and they'll probably do a toy deco of the thing like they did with MP-44, though personally it just looked weirder the way they did it there because it feels inconsistent across the figure. Toy look worked on G1 because it was their way of adding detail across the figure back then, just having a few tiny stickers to recreate that look is weird when the modern figure is like twice as big.
I thought MP-60 was the toy version
This is the best I could find.
Bootlegers and PE itself should reissue "Jinrai", you still can get the KO Magnus variant on Aliexpress, but the red and black versions disappeaed from the web.
I always disliked him because he's just a derivative of convoy but they just gave him a beer gut and slapped kibble all over
It's a huge downgrade from powered convoy, who was the far cooler and more unique armored bot
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Any toy>>11286247
s anons want to show?
This looks so good to me
I went from hating MP-44 Prime cause the dog QC on release to loving him now that he's "fixed" and looks way better with a like 1.5 re release
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I want the Magnus one so god damn bad for my LG Magnus
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Anyone have a favorite character?

I want to cover Blackarachnia in my webbing
>Still cheats with the grill
>Still cheats with the windshield
>Still hides the leg wheels
>Still has the massive backpack
>Still has the square Toon gas tanks
>But it's slathered in silver so now it's "Toy style"
Correct. Cry more.
MP1 and 10 are more toy styled than 44.
kek.. ridiculous
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Does your Legacy Prime also has its crotch halves made out of different shades of blue?
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A new head fixes this guy somewhat
i used to like him a lot better than optimus
but like, the proportions are really weird, even in the anime.
Is a 4th party MPM Brawl a good stand in for the old '07 Leader class? Had one when I was a kid and the SS Brawl release looks dinky in comparison. Don't really mind it out-scaling SS Blackout on my chug shelf.
>you still can get the KO Magnus variant on Aliexpress
You got a link or store name? Been searching and nothing pops upkvvy0g
>4th party
You mean a bootleg?
Specifically a bootleg version of a 3rd party knockoff.
which one is that on the bottom right?
blackarachnia is pretty great. Tigatron is my fave, followed by Dinobot.
lil rough
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Reminds me of how I lost siege Prowl's lights so I gave him dramatic capture Prowl's because he ain't staying in vehicle mode.
I've heard exclusively good things about MPM brawl so it'd probably serve you well but... I'd be worried about the QC of a double KO
Why not just superglue it or use some Tamiya cement to fix it?

But at least if you think its unfixable Galvatron is one of those molds they reprinted like 4 fucking times so I wouldn't be surprised if you could find the thing for close to $20 at some point if you keep an eye on the listings. Even right now the toy deco one is going for like $30 on Amazon.
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After some hand time I have some thoughts on Sandstorm
>what you see is what you get
>I do like the cage, it's fun
>very weird that it's missing a little crank handle on the side
>transformations are largely the same as G1 Sandstorm
>some very tight tolerances, could close up the forearms after flipping away the hands because the fists were turned 1 degree
>the legs slide on regular sliders, not the a double hinge collapse move they've been using for years
>the cage is absolutely necessary for buggy mode. Never ever lose it
>the helicopter is probably the strongest of the three
>I can't get the chest to stay pegged in in robot mode
>oh my god leader class shrinkflation
>Siege/ER Megatron is leader class now for much much they've been putting in lately
it's so ironic
they chose gunrobo and battle convoy to be the leaders because they were the biggest toys
now they use their leader status as an excuse to mark the price up
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I like grimlock
>oh my god leader class shrinkflation
I understand how the budgets and part counts work but I would love to see the actual production sprues for some of these figures prior to assembly, like how a smaller leader like Springer or Sandstorm compares to a larger leader like Grimlock.
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Sandstorm is 198.6g and Grimlock is 321.3g, not counting Wheelie
Hoping for a release with the other head.
There are 3p options for toy and cartoon heads, no idea why hasbro mixed both disappointing both type of fans.
ok so what if
kotobukia bishojou
but they keep them robots with boobs instead of humans
and make them toys
I'll take my check japan
That defeats the point of what Kotobukiya is going for.
That doesn't match what the bishoujo line does.
Apparently there are rumors that it was chosen so it could be redecoed into a G1 version of Movie Blackout, but I have no idea how true it is
I just want their artists and koto money for my new cooler line, not the existing line's mission statement
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To balance it out some Tigerhawk is 285g
I agree with your idea, just think it would be labelled something different.
That's not what Bishoujo is, but I would absolutely buy R63 versions of some characters. Been saying for a while that a dedicated femseeker figure would make absolute bank
god, he really is almost good.
You getting the full MMC Ruination?
>releasing Galvatron before Megatron
Just fucking admit you're using the siege mold again, Hasbro. Just admit you're only adding length to the legs.
Ok I admit it
What happened to this? Any news on date of release?
Autism time.
How I’d write/depict several Transformer characters
>Ultra Magnus is a natural born leader whose sheer power and weaponry is nothing short of immense. Is leader of a small crew, believes in strength through unity and constantly works to improve everyone he works with in any way he can.
>Optimus isn’t exactly Prime yet. He’s a bit naive and has a long way to go before he’s remotely ready to be a leader, but his kindness, selflessness, and emotional awareness are unmatched. He’s just a member of a small skeleton crew of refugees, trying to transport the Matrix that he found, which eventually starts to bond with him more.
>Bumblebee is a mute, lonely depressive who lost everything in the blink of an eye. At his level of maturity, he has trouble coping with the shit he’s seen. Very reluctant to fight.
>Cliffjumper is the physical embodiment of “Fuck it we ball.” He has a pair the size of Cybertron itself, and the sheer guts on display with him is incredible to say the least. Is literally introduced jumping headlong into a Decepticon base during an electrical storm that’s literally ripping the landscape apart with zero hesitation. Fucking madlad
>Grimlock is just fucking Doomguy. Constantly wants to kill Decepticons, doesn’t care for much else, literally will hit people if they suggest otherwise.
>Megatron is terrifying. He’s Mao, Pol Pot, and Stalin combined in the scariest possible ways. He will eradicate dissidents and create a new order. Also really wants that Matrix
Just wanted to get that out of my skull
I noticed this on my second viewing.
Makes me feel nostalgic over the 86 movie.
Don't understand wtf they were thinking making those gaps on his wings so damn visible. I get having more of those on Deluxes or whatever but I'm not dropping $50+ for a waffletastic figure like that. And if I'm going to have to buy some overpriced upgrade kit to fix it I might as well wait for one of those 3P Tigerhawk projects to come along.
Grimlock rules. Grimlock King.
Oh shit. This must be Cyberworld, based on whatever leaks we got in the American side of things. This is not supposed to be revealed yet until Earthspark finishes airing, or waiting until NYTF.

Also, I have an interesting question to ask: What names do you prefer for the Brainmasters, the original Japanese or the Euro G1 names when they're rebranded as Motorvators, gutted off their combiner kibble?
It’s not, it says wild king
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my buddy tricked me into getting into Warhammer; I haven't bought robots in months. what's the good shit rn?
Wild King is the Japanese name for it, in America it would be Cyberworld.
I don't think so anon
Wild king will just be like Transformers Go!
And Cyberworld will be an American show
Does it come with a show? If has media they may be waiting for the current Shinkalion to finish before releasing it, which is around April.
The Infernac dudes have been pretty cool. They also knocked it out of the park with Magmatron.
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I'm pretty damn excited
>orange peel on cab

And people are justifying their purchases?
Was this Armada OP full GPS?
>another anon who doesn't despise the rock boys outright
there are dozens of us! dozens!
new leaked proto https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9393337874
Is this not third party? I don’t remember and beast wars stuff being leaked
they speculate it's "megan bull" from Cyberworld. It's the same leaker as AOTP Prima Prime & Red Alert.
Easy retool into Horri-bull/Bullhorn which we are missing from recent Headmaster Jr releases, so there's that.
I got one on a whim when it was at a deep discount and I quite like it, though I find the armorizer gimmick to be largely superfluous and just compromises the figure. Doesn't really fit with anything though I suppose you can just combine them together into some hulking monstrosity.
Neither of which are going to happen because this is part of those shitty jp-only toylines, tied to a tacky anime, that are somehow cursed with some of worst engineering in the entire franchise (See: transformers go)
Just look at it. Hollow as shit, no elbows, not even a swivel at the head. Your average core is better than this.
Me when I lie https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/transformers-cyberworld-listings.1267101/

It's American my guy, take all of your schizo rantings to yourself
aw, I was really hoping for a bulldozer
>it's clearly a shitty figure!
you're just making it more likely it's supposed to go with the recent Fangry/Squeezeplay
Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a mobile game tie in with kids controlling little transformer toys in the show
I mean, Gundam found a lot of success with the Build Fighters stuff so it's not like that'd be so bad if done right. Though I think with Transformers it makes more sense to do something like that with Transformers as digital characters, like Digimon or Gridman or whatever.
I'd like to get this, but I just don't have the room.
You think we'll get a toy color selects version of him. It's cool he's more toon accurate colors, but the toy version blue seems to pop out more.

Hey, I'm always game for more beasts.
I'd rather get razorclaw.
Ohh, I think I like him... Cool design, and he looks simple and fun, about the level of the rotb mainline stuff. I need to see how the line's gimmick actually looks before knowing if I fully want to get any, but the little basic beastformer guys look pretty solid on their own at least.
Another possibility is reboot style, the bots get new modes to fit the world of the week
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uhmmmm. How about we get a Universe Razorclaw first, okay?
Looks too small for that, the bull head looks closer to tamtrum, but I don't think that combines.
Hes missing toy only parts to make it razorclaw.
Like what, the helmet? Theres still space for it.
It's actually astounding how this fandom has the absolute worst taste on the planet. I'm not talking about you directly, but there are so many requests for this and Silverbolt's repaint colors and they are hideous at best.
there are slots of the same size on the tiger head and feathered tail that arent used by tigerhawk. highly likely that those are there to accomodate for a mask like the OG toy

So? He had a cool backstory.
are you telling me you dislike the Universe Razorclaw deco?

I don't believe you at all.
>this angry over superior japanese figures that haven't even been fully announced yet or been seen beyond a single catalogue image
>so angry he has to lie and claim this is that
Take your meds, little timmy. The wild king line is objectively better than your favorite transformers.
>Nostalgic for kino after watching total slop
Yea expected
>megatron as a bull
Kinda neat, I look forward to seeing more of these.
He looks like absolute shit it's wild

>ANOTHER fucking like of barely 5 POA type figures with hollow limbs
It's so over
Dead on arrival
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Obvious bait, no one hates black and purple decos.
Anybody seen Galvatron in SoCal yet?
will be fun for little kids but looks pretty dumb for us.
Well I got him for free, that greatly reduces whatever negatives I may have had

I'm 2 out of 5 so yeah probably
Be excited but still careful, anon.
current idea is "it only has to look good from one angle" and that's very sad.
but i'm more concerned with is body proportions in both modes. he looks like a Prime character and not in a good way.
normally i'd say that's a nitpick, but this isn't a retail release, right? this was a special kickstarter thing.
it's silly to despise them outright
they are just flawed and don't live up to their potential
whoa, i'm into it.
see this is how you do simple animal modes. is it perfect? fuck no. but it's good.
build fighters is creative and a celebration though and also it was 2d.
How it is even possible.
i'm seein knees and elbows. and only the inner thigh looks hollow.
yeah free is a great price.
jesus christ, this is not how this sort of thing usually works... what did they make the white parts out of styrene?
Gundam has cute girls to attract an audience.
>muh transluscent cannon
>Clear parts painted white


>leverage peace made out of clear plastic
Fucking Christ they're retarded.
Anon, new Prima will be worse, his arms will tear off after few transformations.
>soundwave sold out
>only really wanted buzzsaw and maybe rumble if I cant source an 86, which is also a challenge to find
I just want buzzsaw for the inevitable 86 soundwave to go with what I hope will be the lazerbeak that comes with him (and ravage) but seems the uk has been drained of its soundwave stock
I want leader Soundwave but he is being sold too pricey in my country
>toy has been out for two years
>one (1) person hamhands it
>bow it's bad and has always been bad
nigga clear plastic painted white, this isn't hamhands it's hasbrainrot
>clear plastic masked as opaque plastic on a leverage peace
That's called shit design
What are you guys surprised about? That part was clear plastic on Omega Supreme too.
All you have to do is not break your toys
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>stop painting half your nerf guns' logos and detailing because paint is expensive guise :(
>waste a bucket of paint so you can use WORSE plastic for the job on your transformers instead of just using the right plastic
guys I think I hate hasbro
That was such a shit move on Hasbro's part. If you want both Laserbeak and Buzzsaw you have to buy two Soundwaves.
I really with they would stop using clear plastic on shit. Just use solid for the windows. I don't give a shit. At least the fucker will hold together.
oh my god that IS clear isn't it.
use the GOOD clear plastic, that doesn't break
use it only for the pieces that need to be clear, then screw or glue them into the non-clear plastic
Hasbro don't use good plastic anymore. They're in cheapskate mode
Gotta pretend to be mad all the time.
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I'll be honest, this guy was low priority for me but I'm really digging his buff physique and huge wingspan
I hate his ugly wrong colors so much
I wish we'd get a Takara Beast Wars VS repaint already
I just like purple
So if given a choice between this and a more accurate blue version I'd still just pick this one
they're righter than the old toy, but still not quite right. the correct colors are in between the old one's cerulean and the current one's violet. but the goldish parts are right at least.
I like that he's different in color so he wouldn't be redundant with my original on the shelf, but he still has
>huge wide chest with the codpiece basically attached to his sternum
>skinny upper arms, tiny hands
>wings are lower in robot mode than usual I think?
>ugly, misproportioned beast mode (admittedly the original was flawed too, but not like this)
These are the colors we need.
>wrong colors
Which colours are wrong?
yknow it's funny, the new one isn't that different from the old one, yet it seems miles apart.. the old one had a huge broad chest too, and its hands weren't exactly huge. but somehow it works. and the codpiece is lower.
for me it was the deluxe armada optimus and hoist. theyre both complete w/ minicons, and when I rediscovered them 10 years later, I found myself impressed with their articulation (compared to the rest of the line). dude, they even had ankle tilts. when I sat down to watch the jap version of the show (legend of the microns), I felt like my life came full circle, somehow.
cheers anon, enjoy your time with rattrap.
The legs on the old toy and the new toy are facing the same direction. Legacy's legs are not backwards.
my collection goes way back so Im content with whatever shows up at ross lmao. if you got liquidation stores check them out at this time of year (november - january). you may not find what you want, but you may want what you find, and thats pretty fun.
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The bronze ugly brown is so bad to me
And I know people cope and go "Oh but it was like that in show"
Yea at night
Next to a lava scenery

Proper should have been more dark greyish
I just want proper coloring and some metallic in there
It's why I haven't picked him up yet
Hoping we get a Dinobot 2 or so and Beast Wars Vs set for that
then a Depthcharge and Rampage and BWVS set too
Finish up the full set

This would be kino
>Got him in a big bundle lot way back
>Missing left arm from elbow down
>Can't find that one piece anywhere
>The bronze ugly brown is so bad to me
>And I know people cope and go "Oh but it was like that in show"
I think you're confusing colour with finish, they just don't do metallic colours well any more
wait, his hip sockets were white on the show? alright then fuckit, they dun goofed.
also lest we forget, since the beginning of Kingdom, they have been misinterpreting Beast Wars screenshots leading to wrong colors. because there was a lot of intense lighting in there (if you have a CG show, it costs you very little to do that) and lots of weird different finishes, so cheetor might actually look fucking sky blue and lemon yellow if you didn't have the context of the lighting in the scene.
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I recently got these two. They're both awesome and I love them.
I like guys with guns on their shoulders I like guys with guns on their shoulders.
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>hide two guys behind regular legs
Cartoon accuracy gone mad.
Is this your first time arguing this topic? Can we please move on?
Menasor still needs them attached to become fully formed.
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Tried coming up with a Predacon themed capsule using pre existing molds. The bundles aren’t final and I was wondering if there were any characters I missed.
>If you keep pulling out the arms and flipping it around, you keep getting more heads and longer legs.
This would'nt have been as much of a problem if the underside of the cars was at least visible
Toy accuracy gone mad.
which is it?
I feel like I'm in some fucking bizzaro world
No, that is not fucking "good" thats literally below G1 quality beast mode. It's not "simple", it's not even fucking trying
The robot arms are just there, completely fucking unchanged. They dont even attempt to look like beast legs. There is no hind legs, fuck there isn't even a hind, it's just a blob of folded up robot parts. They figured this shit out FOURTY YEARS AGO
You fags really just eat up anything takara shits out
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>Emailed Toyhax a few weeks ago saying my order I placed back in October never arrived
>They sent out a replacement order and it arrived today
>They included a 20% off coupon code with it

Canadians can be alright sometimes.
Leakers say a Horri-bull is coming, retooled from Skullcruncher
you mean when she turned silver?
I feel like Buzzsaw kinda makes that redundant but I'm open to it
I'd still rather have Lazorbeak but I'm in
what? That's just BA's name in japan aint it?
>Double Punch
yes. very yes. but maybe remold a little so he's less lame. then you can sell that mold as scorponok again and people will buy it.
>Galva Convoy
oh hell yes. That is a beautiful color.
Would you say toyhax are worth the price? I've bought two used bots that had them applied already, and they really do make the toy POP.
It's both, Menasor and Superion had the leg bots facing their vehicle bits backwards on the shins and the cartoon models were based on that.
You could flip them around, but you weren't meant to.
anon that is the silliest idea i've heard all day and I want to be your friend.
yeah the fact that the cars actually CLOSE a door on the shins is kind of rubbing onions in the wound isn't it
So you think the g1 toy pictured... is better.
god bless canada. i think things are gonna turn around for them now that they ditched that fucking muffin they had in charge.

I have good news, BBTS is about to send my upgrade kit for Silverbolt.. which means I'll have the other half for Tigatron. Is there anyone here who really wants JUST the Tigatron half, and doesn't wanna buy the whole thing? Because maybe I could save you some bucks. I keep being tempted by new-TH but I just don't see it working out. the fucking loincloth is so high.
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Yes, it’s based off the name from the Kingdom cards
>Buzzbomb and Fractyl
I mostly did them to tie into Cryotek
Based on Horrorcon BA to match Skywasp and Nightprowler. Uses CC BA remold. Just gave her a random name
oh that was one of her Kingdom card things? neat
>random name
yeah I'd go with... Spinner or something. I am all for more spoodlerformers.
Is this not hasbro’s toy? Due to it being made for the upcoming kiddy show? Unlike wild king?
There's a lot more character they can redeco from current molds.
Packrat, Windrazor, Lazorbeak/Hydra, Bound Rogue, SG Waspinator/Mudfighter, Paralyzer, Storm Rider, Horrorcon Blackarachnia, probaly more I'm forgetting.
I mean isn't it core class?
man that gray tigatron prototype in the back looks great. I need to make one myself. gray tigers are so cool
I was going to save Packrat, Windrazor, and Bound Rogue for a Maximal themed capsule instead, though I’m not sure what to call it. I thought about including Lazorbeak/Hydra, but I already reused the BA mold so I didn’t want to repeat another mold. I could see him working in a 2 pack with a retooled Hardhead though.
I think the Studio OX designs of all the combiners is just better anyway

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