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guys, i can't stop buying vintage lego sets from my childhood
i make a good income (130k a year), but i'm pretty cheap, like i won't spend $25 on a steam game because it's too much
but $250 for a megacore magnetizer? zero problem at all, infact it seems perfectly reasonable
i do see an end in sight, simply because only a few themes appeal to me, and i'm only interested in sets from the mid 80's to early 90's
but if i'm being honest with myself, i think i'm actually buying them for my son, who doesn't yet exist...need to find a wife first
but i want him to have a good childhood, and i'm not sure that's possible with the toys that exist today
Physical > digital
Though you should pirate altogether you retarded steamie
Be careful. Lego collecting is addictive. I got back into Lego in 2019 after about a 30 year dark age and at first I was only going to part together the handful of sets that I still had some of the pieces for, which my mom had saved for me. Then I found Bricklink and realized I could buy the classic Castle sets my friend had when I was a kid but I never had. That led me into trying to get every single castle set from 1984 (Crusaders) to around 1993/1994 when Dragon Knights and Wolfpack concluded. As this went on I discovered kino themes that came out well after my dark age started, like Western and Adventurers and committed to collecting all those sets as well. Eventually I decided classic Pirates is kino as fuck and started collecting all those. I was never big on Space but I decided I wanted most of the large ships from Classic Space and the first several good subthemes. I also got into trains and monorail. All the while purchasing the good new sets related to these classic themes as well as the modulars, some Star Wars and Spider-Man, etc. It has become a straight up obsessions and it never ends.
how much did you spend on mtron?
Not much. I don't really care for M-Tron so I only have the larger ship #6956 Stellar Recon Voyager which I only parted together after finding it in a bulk lot. M-Tron feels like a ripoff with the biggest set being a ground vehicle and not an actual spaceship. Pretty gay.
Your first mistake is buying vintage sets straight up. If you still want your childhood, then you can just collect basic sets or go on Bricklink instead. Before that, you can look up the manuals to get the parts/colors you need. Remember that Lego is timeless and modular, so anything you could build in the 80's is still possible with today's parts
Today's parts have shit clutch power and inconsistent color ever since they switched from prepigmented ABS pellets in the mid 2000s.
The only thing that has improved apart from the parts catalog is that the hands and clips like the ones on flag pieces are slightly less brittle and don't snap as often, unless they are dark red or brown, but every piece in those colors is prone to cracking or exploding.
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Vintagecucks i swear...
>i'm actually buying them for my son, who doesn't yet exist...need to find a wife first
Dude what...what kind of logic is that?
If you will ever have a wife and trick her into getting pregnant by how it looks you will probably have a son in 2030-2040s. That's a shit ton of time holes.
The world of a future this far will be completely different which:
>but i want him to have a good childhood
And you proceed to buy shitty "LE VINTAGE :))" sets?
be honest - you buying them for yourslef not for your "son" that don't even exist.

Because if you actually cared about him (fuck it's weird because you don't even have a family and this conversation is useless) you would buy a modern set which is much more fun complicated and cool than any shitty vintage set.

For fucks sape vintagefaggots. I can't stand them.
I decided to collect at least one set from all the late 80s to 90s space themes that were treated in the catalogs as sharing the same setting (they also share the same style of box art with the grid background). Technically I'm still missing Unitron, but I think I'll just skip it since aside from the ridiculously expensive monorail set none of them were even released in Europe and because of that they're way more expensive than other sets of similar size. I have an Unitron minifig and that can count as my representive of the theme.
So far I've mostly just bought small or midsized sets since they're quite reasonably priced used on Bricklink and take up less space (I have a glass cabinet to display things in but it can't fit anything with a footprint much bigger than one baseplate), though I did end up collecting the entire Spyrius theme since that was one of the cheapest themes overall and the only one I actually owned one of the big sets as a kid. I'll probably still eventually get either the Mega Core Magnetizer or the big Ice Planet spaceship, as lookswise those are my favorite themes and I'd like to own one big "centerpiece" model from one of the two, but otherwise I'm happy with the smaller sets I have now.
>i make a good income (130k a year), but i'm pretty cheap, like i won't spend $25 on a steam game because it's too much
>but $250 for a megacore magnetizer? zero problem at all, infact it seems perfectly reasonable
This is eminently reasonable, Steam shit is mostly slop and constantly goes on sale while the Mega Core Magnetizer is peak kino that will never be reprinted and will only go up in price.
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It's fun.
I really hope series 28 has no "i must buy all of it because...!" figure, im sick of arriving at a fresh box and some nigga has taken them all allready, either storeworker or customer.
Clutch power is arbitrary, it's not like you're building something to construction code. Also old pieces are still susceptible to breakage because that's just how it is. Either way, you still have budget choices via briklink
no, you can see a zoomer here who was clearly impacted by the decline of lego...

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