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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Sets Data:

>General Resources:

Previously on lego:>>11287234
Nexo Knights sucks
I will never forgive Peter Jackson for turning wargs into fucking hyenas. So goddamn stupid
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Hey folks, looking for a bit of advice, I want to put purple pieces into pic related so it's similar to this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dK4sCqAw5BYwsTfhVDO55bjtvY2DeilK and it should be able to close, any suggestions?
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Damn didn't know we needed another one.
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With GoShart you can’t win
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Goanon Saga Continues
Link isn’t working
What's your favorite Lego color /lg/?

for me it's sand red
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most of those colors shouldn't exist
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the key to sovl

the colours most fun for me are all the mediums, sands and old grey/brown
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Post vehicles for Sonic you'd want as sets.
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Transparent Fluorescent Red
Kramer, when are we getting Sally Acorn?
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I finally got round to doing the corner noodle shop moc with the spare set I bought a year ago
Instead of incorporate a noodle stand in the build I'm making a separate one from my small collection of rando bits
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also a roof edit with a garden and johnny
here's a translated meme from some Russian Lego Telegram channel for you.
i'm tired of lego simps giving her shit
that's how she got the blacktron message intercept base and it pisses me off
I just really want the skateboard girl
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can't afford the millennium falcon? no problem
someone gave me the lego home alone set for christmas

I haven't bought any lego sets in awhile (many years) but I still played with my current ones

anyway I was surprised at how easy the thing was to build due to the number of bags + how they were distributed, I'm halfway through building the whole thing and I only had like 2 pieces that I had to spend more then 5 seconds looking for, also its coming with some random extra pieces for swag

the thing is also stupidly sturdy while building, its like quadruple reinforced and you can really pushdown on it while building it up as every part of it can be on a flat surface you can press hard as possible without worrying about fragility
yes the engineering in the sets is top notch. my nephew got that as a play set actually and it holds up well. you can tell the build difference between that and say some moc modulars
with all the Easter eggs it's a very fun build too
>six threads up
I see nothing has changed since I quit coming here.

Anyway. Can some anon explain to me whats up with BrickTsar? I've been watching his videos on and off since 2021 when I got back into LEGO. Is he just collecting? Everytime he unboxes something I feel like he isn't buying it for himself and obsesses over part out value and gets sets solely to part out for his BL store. But then he also does videos where he is really dedicated like all his Fabuland videos.
Don’t know, don’t watch him
Bump limits trigger autists.
>very fun too
yeah its got a lot going on and theres barely any repetition in the entire set, even with the just colors aspect let alone the building part
Latest Jang updates?
He’s balls deep in your mom right now.
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The town assembly so far
I got the camping set for 50% off today, how would you rate it?
It was my first one I got and it got me to get all the other ones
I just think it’s a really cute and fun theme to collect, I enjoy all the accessories and play opportunities and the camp set is a great example of everything good with the theme, same goes for the birthday party set too
So much fun packed in a cheap set
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I made this
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I hunt, therefore I am. Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb!
Someone should do a little dark age version of this
>that black female hairpiece
Wolfpack accepts trannies now?
It's weird. /toy/ is a slow moving board. It's not like the thread will close any time soon and this general is one of the most popular on this board. Having multiple open threads just hurts discussion in the long term.
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Bright is the moon, high in starlight.
Chill in the air, cold as steel tonight!
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Got the tie strung up. This one was more of a pain.
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Need to fill out the ot shelf
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I've made an upsie after reposting this.
anyone know of any good old gray mocs?
Flying Battery, Egg Carrier, some Sonic Racing stuff, the train from Mirage Saloon (and the Death Egg, if that counts)
is dreamzzz popular at all?
i was pretty happy to get one of these half off. i just like the way it looks.
No it’s a camel.

>lego and bbc
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>lego and bbc
Who bros...we are back
No anatomically correct Jenna Coleman that I can pose, no buy
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Behold a man
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Egg Dragoon
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wolfp- ACK
Bricktsar in the comment section, every single time. and she ALWAYS replies to him.
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Those who know, know.
>we was time lords and sheeyyyt!
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I'm a vegetarian, would it be hypocritical to buy this set?
Go back to r/legocirclejerk
I'm looking for advice
Are you the person who got banned from the circlejerl reddit/discord. I see you eris posting
Is it hypocritical or not
100% but they got banned for a reason (Also I like place because I can shit on penplays without getting everyone rightfully mad here for brining up YT drama)
>lego announces a gameboy set for October 2025
It's gonna be our first look at Lego Pokemon.

Mark my words. Screenshot this post.

Lego Pokemon is coming.

Why do you hate penplays?
There is a sports theme revival coming in August. 6-7 sets.
Why does lego announce june and now fall sets this early? What happened? Did Kramer make Lego kneel? He buck broke them?
Megabloks still have pokemon though
I havent seen any 2025 sets for mega bloks pokemon, how do we know they still have the license?
>He's a smug asshole that treats his fans like shit example is his livestreams
>Will say anything for views. Great Example is his "Lego has a minifig problem" and "Video game problem". Wave 1 of lego sonic and already complaining about green hills. Let it hit wave 2 you dumb fuck.
>Thinks because he worked at a lego store he is the smartest man ever.
>Believes beset he uses twitter he deserves to be in LAN
>Can’t take criticism

The list goes on really
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This set will obviously be a console you can hold in your hand and pretend it is a Gameboy
(like the Atari 2600 and NES/TV sets)

good luck to Lego trying to making it sell for hundreds of dollars over the real thing
(like the Atari and NES/TV sets)

Lego "Pokemon" will be a printed tile with a soupy green/yellow Pikachu on a Game Boy

it would be cool if the "screen" was a standard battle where you could swap the tiles to different Pokemon, they could include so many tiles and use -that- to "sell" the set(?)
He also shits on lego leakers a lot
Can somebody compile all the egg pieces and ones that could work in a frying pan? A lego frying pan that js
To be fair, He was right about the whole bionicle 2025 being leaked. I used to watch his live streams. Said it was fake, checked the twitter account it was from. All the most fake rumors possible about Ninjago 2023. Saying Bionicle 2025 was clearly to drum up hype for the account.

I hate pen, but he was right in that scenario
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The great debate that broke /lg/!
blacktron always superior
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Sonic theme

How many characters will they do?

And for how long do you think will the theme continue?
What sets should I buy to get all the characters?

you have to choose between her and legos

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I don’t like most Women anyways and I have 25-50k in Lego in my basement so my bricks
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What if she likes legos?
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My waifu
any woman who would give you such a stupid ultimatum isn't worth your time
Does lego overuse the color white? Tons of ninjago mechs, the new city space theme, dreams, monkey kid, it's like white is a central color of every vechicle
Get an asian wife bros

She is more likely to be into lego

And sex is kino and she would be loyal and fun

Recommend japanese (only females) but...I dated thai too (both female and shemale)
Yes considering it goes to shit no matter what you do lmao
Imagine all those clueless afols buying ecto 1, nasa space shuttle, star wars helmets and not knowing
this is also why I switched to modular buildings. At least then the yellow looks okay
And no this isn't just due to smoke or sun you can't do anything about legos plastic
Frankly they should put a warning on the box
My white pieces all looks good and I have sets from every year since 2013. I think you eat shit.
I'm happy for you cocksucker
Suck me faggot

Lego is never wrong

They are the best company in the world
But OP didn't post Nexo Knights. He posted kino castle
Joke's on you I'm gay
i kneel legosama...
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It's going to have Tetris onscreen if it's not Mario.

Considering the audience Lego aims for with these, even if they had the Pokemon license (Nintendo only owns the distribution rights to the games. It's its own company) they'd still pick Tetris.
I will eat my shoe if it's not Tetris
Yeah that's fact. It would be tetris even if they had pokemon
IIRC Tetris was one of the top sellers and a pack-in with the Gameboy for a while.

It's the Wii Sports of the GB, the thing's bread and butter
It will be pokemon
This is true, but its more than 7 sets.
you are a pussy for deleting the post
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Enjoy your play feature, either that or a vertical version of the NES's Mario screen
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Yea probably Tetris, But Pokemon is the best selling game on the console
All that and it's easy af to make lego version of
It was the best selling game of all time until San Andreas
It's been the best-selling game on every handheld they made.

TPCI/GameFreak/Creatures/etc still aren't going to cough up the license. Even the Smash Bros. devs had trouble getting Pokemon characters and art assets added to the games.
If Pokemon did get a Lego theme, it's accessory to the Gameboy set would be sold separately, in four parts, across multiple DtC sets for $200 each because they're the "premium" name
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Everything tandbricks teased became real. We have only indiana jones return and pokemon coming left.

I expect to hear news of a icons indy set soon.

As for pokemon? First tease for theme in game boy set and first pokemon sets in janaury 2026, since lego most likely got the license last summer and started working on it, meantime mega construx is ending their pokemon line.

Its gonna be pokemon. They wouldnt tease the set now, the lego group, if it wasnt something this big that will leak most likely soon.
Also, when he said endor is next mbs he said he meant the death star set for $1000
How would Lego even do Pokémon anyway? Would it involve a lot of new molds? Would they make make minifigures of trainers?
Who knows. They could even make a brick built Pikachu and a guarantee that it'd fly off the shelves.
You saw what Mega did? Thats what lego will do. Making new moulds and minifig sets would be too expensive
>Lego Bluey, Lego Pokémon, One Piece, Star Trek
>As well as the continuation of Ninjago, Sonic, Animal Crossing and and Mario
Is 2025 the year of the furry? Most of this year's themes involve anthro animals this year. Pretty fitting for year of the snussy
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No Chima revival, it's not 2013
>No Chima revival, it's not 2013
Eh, given that Lord Ras is from Chima. It might as well be a revival.
Any compilation of all new upcoming themes in 2025?
I find it super funny how certain autists in the chima fandom absolutely hate the idea of chima being brought back through ninjago
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We're not getting Pokemon lmfao.
What's the music in the Gameboy teaser? That's probably the game they're going to reference with it

>Chima fandom

All two of them?
>All two of them?

Yea pretty much. To obsess of a theme for a decade that died while wallowing in hatred for "Ninjago Killing Chima" is pretty autistic in my opinion

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