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>The World of BIONICLE
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with BIONICLE
Sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=S&catString=273
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2


Previous thread: >>11261806
>wake up
>still no Gen 3
I haven't kept up. Any good new parts for builds that have dropped in the last year? I feel like Lego's done an okay job still making bits that fit into constraction.
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Will be rare for a while but a very interesting mixel to technic connector was spotted in an upcoming set for March (Image is from applied patents by Lego, rest are coming down the line as well)
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>still no big tiddy rahkshi gf
How is Gen 3 going?
Oh FUCK that's a nice piece. Same with the 2L liftarm with axle, those are going to be game changers.
I think we've been bamboozled. Or it was scrapped. My hope is gone, so I'm going back to my old project: updating the Skull Fuckers
>randomly come across the mask of control just sitting in a draw of misc items
>get a strange desire to make a vaguely egyptian body for it

That lift arm with the perpendicular axle is very interesting.
is that guy a credible leaker? i'm not really in the lego loop anymore
we could still maybe be getting another gwp, and it got distorted through the grapevine.
exabricks was always reputable, but this was back in 2023 I think? There's not been a peep since. And I think the post was weird when it happened, like it either got deleted or it was passed off as a prank or something.
>we could still maybe be getting another gwp, and it got distorted through the grapevine.
Maybe it was some early plan about the 2023 GWP which got misunderstood by the leakers.
I believe it was posted well after the GWP set had been released.
Yeah, but it could still be something about the GWP that the leakers misunderstood.
I would really appreciate some kind of GWP one-off that's a technic-built figure instead of brickbuilt
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Curvy edition? AWOOGA

One thing about always being low on pieces and not willing to bet on Ebay lots is that I have to be more creative and flexible with my parts use and appreciate what I got more.
lmao, is this the "you forgot the moon and the stars nigga" meme?
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Thicc bonkle figures are a miracle of the universe
God imagine her letting out a 10-15 second brap. Straight beef stew smell filling the room.
Don't give up hope yet, lego sometimes announces new themes only a couple of months before release.
if (big if) Lego was smart they would hype up G3 for a whole year, they could release $30 canister sets and people would eat it up
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Give me six Toa or a greatest hits of characters like Roodaka or Brutaka, each in an adult oriented set like this meant to be displayed on a shelf. Surely that's not too autistic right? I miss these little polynesian fuckers like you wouldn't believe.
>not taking the characters as they are and modifying the shelf itself by adding trinkets and imagery to turn it into a miniature shrine/altar to pagan idols
I love rahkshe
>botch Gen 2 by watering down the story too much
>only other CCBS theme running is Star Wars
>also botch this by putting out too many ugly ass human characters that no one wanted because they looked too much like Galidor
>"welp, guess no one wants constraction figures anymore!"
Why is Lego like this
I don't know why why didn't just focus fully on droids. The fully armoured guys (various troopers and vader) were pretty good but the droids were fantastic.
Grievous was one of the best CCBS sets ever, but I guess we're doomed to gray triangles forever
Make a technic built animal and call it a rahi with the Bionicle logo. Use existing technic pieces and doesn't need a mask. People not into Bionicle will just see it as an animal with an action feature.
Not to mention they cancel it JUST before what would have been guaranteed best sellers would have dropped.
Granted considering how overpriced the Star Wars CCBS sets were (another mark against them), I can't imagine the Super Battle Droid or the 501st walker being reasonably priced.
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Oh yeah I forgot they were going to do a Super Battle Droid.
Looking at it, I don't think it would have been anymore expensive than the normal ones (does making a bespoke shell for the torso drive the price up?). I would have picked a couple of them up and given one the big fuckoff arm cannon they had in Republic Commando.
I'm just mad that CCBS pretty much exclusively existed while I was a high schooler (or at least Bionicle and Star Wars robots) and getting a job out of high school was impossible in my home town so I couldn't get any of the sets.
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Why must you hurt me.
Like it's incredible how good that walker looked. I don't even care about Star Wars that much, but for the parts and build alone, that would have been an all-timer.
>"hmm you know our system that is suited to building fully armored dudes and robots? let's just make a shitload of the human characters!"
Who's to blame for this, Lego or Disney?

I didn't even know a good picture of those 2 existed until I was going some googling an hour ago.
>Who's to blame for this, Lego or Disney?
Whoever keeps demanding these fucking things:
To be fair, I have a morbid interest in these fuckers. The Venom wasn't bad, and I want to pick up the Goblin at some point.
But any that has a human face is, once again, god-fucking-awful.
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I like the Batman one with the bike. The other buildable Batman looks like ass though.
>kill constraction
>make this shit a few years later
Captain America's hands are really weirding me the fuck out.
grievous is basically a bionicle if you think about it
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>mogs your line
They could be making Marvel Rivals buildable figures but they insist on making them both expensive and blandly designed. The future of constraction is not Lego.
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Hey guys quick question. Are there any known issues with Furno Bike? I'm not a bioncal guy but know hero factory is when a lot of the community feels like they fell off. Still I'm surprised how inexpensive these guys are now a days. It leads me to think there's issues with cracking or discoloration over time. Thanks in advance.
this could be cool with a brick built head
What is that? It looks retarded.
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me with a time machine in 2001.
no, im not stopping 9/11.
There are cracking issues with early Hero Factory sockets. But it's not based on plastic age, they were like that when the first came out.
I'm pretty sure his bike is fine though.
Made my first custom guy today had some parts limitations so I really couldn't be very creative.

The trident claws spin around and those shoulder pieces move around like a second pair of arms.
I know the picture is shitty I gotta take a new one.

I realized now the usefulness of technic pieces when creating moc bionicle, a lot of my technic sets that ended up on the part bin are rather small but really helped me parts wise to build this guy.
Any suggestions on recent small technic sets you guys found good parts wise?
just go on bricklink and get a bunch of pieces you might need
Limitations drive creativity. See what you can do within your collection.
Not like you could even stop it anyways, may as well fuck around and enjoy the toys or food
I'm not changing shit, I'm aquiring a manas crab army and doing the kaita fight at the end of mnog in reality.
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Tits > ass
Now we're fucking talking
I'd happily get a time machine to acquire a dozen manas sets.
Actually fuck it, the controllers and receivers can't be that expensive.
>buy a small lot of masks, including a few rarer recolors of turaga masks
Love when I can get a decent deal, though the collector's market still burns a bit.
I'm hoping we can get more custom masks in original colors. I'm craving for old purple in turaga masks.
I miss the days of people selling bionicle lots for cheap and discovering all sorts of goodies in them.
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You and I both. Granted I still hunt on occasion, but I'm happy I finished my set collection before things got too crazy. Now I just want a few odds and ends with masks, and otherwise I'm after old Technic no one else wants.
>tfw bought this for $20 ten years ago
Good ol' days.
I recently got a keetongu set for 25 with bag 2 and 3 sealed
Got the voporak without the box but all 3 bags sealed for 185
Gadunka sealed for 130
Did i get a good deal?
>Shitty G2 CCBS hits the shelves
>First wave sells
>Overpriced and fugly Disney Wars CCBS hits the shelves
>It doesn't sell
>Lego creates pieces that address many of the problems with CCBS but keeps them exclusive to SW CCBS sets
>Bionicle G2 still outsells it
>Lego cancels the heavily sabotaged G2 expecting fans will switch to SW CCBS to get their fix
>Constraction dies
Management must die.
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I started collecting them again about 6 months ago, and I have a respectable collection now, you just need to be patient and you'll find decent deals. But yeah, all that for 20$ is absurd.
Grievous was probably the best CCBS set but the rest were worse than the worst G2 Bionicle
The Rogue One droid was pretty good too. Torso was a custom build and had a gear function.
What the hell ever happened to Exota Forge?
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i'm not trying to stir the shitpot but I don't see what people love about the CCBS Grievous
the legs were creative and nice-ish for how shit of a building system the designers worked with but it still feels really lazy and uninspired
Same honestly. He's cool and rather large, but 90% of the build is just snapping bones and shells together.
And his arms are awkward when they aren't split into 4.
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I dont understand the creepy uncanny valley human heads. Looked like shit useless if you want to make anything else but a human. They couldve made droidekas, super battle droids and what not. Instead they choose to most safe, boring, lazily designed, eas to build ccbs version of inika builds.
Maul supposedly had a nice gear function for his arm swing. Otherwise I'm still mad I didn't grab the Scout Trooper and the Ranger Trooper, they had some nice parts.
I think a lot boils down to he looked great unlike every other CCBS Star Wars set at the time. Add that we hadn't had a set that really made CCBS work in quite some time, and there you have it.
Did you get this locally from a parent or something? Crazy anyone would go so low, like just common sense and the volume and size of the stuff there would make you ask for more.
Not him, but back then they were just regarded as old toys and parents or the now adult owners of them would just throw them up for "take this off my hands please for the love of god" prices.
Chungus post.
>got dragged to a garage sale in like 2012 or so
>mother tells me "you used to like bionicles they've got a bunch"
>bunch of the 2008-2010 stuff including toa mata nui
>recognised the mask from the baraki/mahri animations but didn't really care so i didn't buy him
I fell off of Bionicle in 2007 so I had no context about any of that. Was only a couple of years later when I started to get back into it with the G2 rumours that I realised what the fuck I saw.
>tfw missed out on this period of collecting
In hindsight I'm glad I focused on some of the top dollar items of the time because fuck buying any of that shit now. Still, getting to experience buying an entire collection from some mom who just wants it gone sounds nice.
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I live outdoor pictures of Lego. I used to play with so much Lego and Bionicke outside. I'm getting anxiety about Lewa falling to his death in this one though because of that guy who lost his Nendoroid to a hawk.
I can't stand how fucking greedy people are for everything we grew up with now.
Does anyone know anything about Kennie DIY masks on Aliexpress or that ZionTyrano guy? I just wish I knew why the new masks were so much more expensive but I guess that's just how it is. But what I really want to know is if they'll ever do old brown so I can have a full set of all the masks they make in OG Toa colors. They seem to have left out transparent colors too which is a bummer. And the original masks they did don't have new colors regular green and blue.
whatever happened to fat bionicles
Please don't summon fat bionicle I'm doing a no fap
You're already posting in the Curvy Edition of /biog/.
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I ordered those masks from him, they're pretty high quality, the white one glows in the dark.
Also ordered more of the new masks, but idk why he didn't make them in more colors, I'd love a mask of light that glows in the dark
Is there somewhere I can relearn about Bionicle lore that isn't 12 fucking hours long? I dropped off when they all mutated and became spiders.
First saga: The Toa show up on Mata Nui and fight animals, ball men, and Satan-spawn. A seventh Toa shows up and defeats Satan (or does he?)

Second saga: Prequel. The last Toa gets taken out by the deep state but a new team of Toa takes his place. The president turns out to be Satan so the Toa defeat him. But then a big titty bitch and her spider army shows up to save him.

Third saga: God is dying and Satan is back. The Toa go to a bunch of places to get the mask which can save him. Along the way they fight snake men, fish men, and bat men. In the end Satan boots God out of his own body and takes over.

Fourth saga: Gay Greg fanfiction.
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Thats right.
>see bionicle moc
>hero factory piece, hero factory piece, hero factory piece
>Third saga: God is dying and Satan is back. The Toa go to a bunch of places to get the mask which can save him. Along the way they fight snake men, fish men, and bat men. In the end Satan boots God out of his own body and takes over.

How did Takanuva and Matanui become those huge assed sets? And then regular again with the glatorian shit?
tiny 'kuta
Maybe thats the reason he only got 'sons' instead of daughters.
I wonder what compelled him to become like this
>How did Takanuva and Matanui become those huge assed sets?
For Takanuva something something light energies from Karda Nui made him grow giant because he's a toa of light.
Big Mata Nui doesn't exist in the story.
What am i looking at
fat, green ass cheeks
Well why is it green then
Has lewa been secretly packing some serious heat
Her husbando wears the same ring
round his dick
The bugspray accident.
What even are those green pieces, i've never seen that before
Hahli Mahri had some major cake to carry around after a run-in with a Boggarak.
Same parts on the back of the Rockoh and Ignika's hoverboard, just painted lime.
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Hi, non-gamer here. How in the fuck do I obtain sufficient APM for this shit? Every once in a while it somehow works, but then it goes back to not even getting close even though it doesn't feel like I'm beating up my mouse any less hard.
>Video games

Could be a bitrate thing. Plenty of old games weren't meant to run at high frame rates so any actions measured frames-per get wacked out. I'd have to know more about how it was programmed.
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Now that i think about it
This is just furry vezon
Right, I remember the original MNOG also had some issues with that
Chungus post
get a macro so you don't destroy your mouse
Making specialized molds for each single individual character is too costly for LEGO?
But imagine you are a company. And you can make a mold for each character. You make a profit.
But then you decide to one day make the same character in different colours or reuse old pieces. And you get almost the same money without as much investment.
So which one would you choose after that?
>want to get parts for the chroniclers company
>remember you can't get them color accurate
>sand blue komau
>lime mctoran feet
>light blue mctoran torso and arms
One day I hope someone will reproduce this stuff. Don't have very much hope though since shit like the mctoran torso is way more complicated in terms of a mold than masks.
you can use this as a torso
Still run into the issue of the arms and feet.

Just realised I had a brainfart >>11306792 and said light blue instead of teal.
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Heresy tiers, feel free to add/change
High: cutting masks, glueing parts together, using non lego parts (except for cloth)
Med: glueing axles/pins, painting parts, high stress illegal connections
Low: wedging parts, low stress illegal connections, cutting axles, using non technic/bionicle/hf parts
Meh: using non bionicle parts, cutting hoses, using rubber bands, dubious connections (used in official sets)
New Faber just dropped
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I replaced the neck axl with a wire to give head articulation to the toa mata, how much heretic am I?
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wrong picture...
>Rebel Nature

He's been developing this thing for like, 13 years now? I still have no idea what the fuck its supposed to be.
High tier heretic.
>using non-lego parts
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you can barely notice it though, if you put 3 it looks more accurate than using a lego tube
For this moc I painted bushings, mixed technic and hero factory, used stressed system lego whips, and was also using bootleg ccbs shells for the lower legs. Should I kill myself?
That's actually ingenious, I use tubes myself but that does look like an axle piece
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what if I had a broken piece, that was broken by the previous owner, and I manage to fit it in a moc? is it still haram to use broken pieces? it should be halal to find a use for a piece that you'd throw away otherwise
I agree it does not look bad at all. Great even. Maybe metal wire should get lowered to medium tier heresy.
Mixing technic/hf/bionicle is meh tier heresy. Thanks for reminding me about bootleg parts: Low tier heresy. Painting parts is medium tier heresy but i think painting a bushing is right on the border of low to medium.
Assesment: low-risk heretic, suicide not (yet) advised but you must not continue straying further into Shaitans whispers
This is permissable for you were not responsible for breaking the parts but it is very much makruh (disliked). These parts should be send back to Lego SWT for proper disposal.
>using non lego parts
>using non bionicle parts
Nooooo, you can only use le epic bonkle parts made by Legoâ„¢
>wedging parts
What do you mean by that?
>using non bionicle parts
Does this just mean system?
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If you can't handle her worst, you don't deserve her best
File deleted.
Deal with that shit once a month? Worth it.
Thats why its in meh tier. Nobody really cares if you mix bionicle with hf and use some parts from a technic car set.
Wedging parts is using friction between pieces to make them stay in place instead of a legal axle or pin connection
Lego bricks, hero factory shells, some technic pieces
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I don't mind.
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High heresy
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>Mixing technic/hf/bionicle
i get not liking hf, but technic?
you're not allwed to use technic parts on mocs??
the ones used in pretty much every titan set????
That one is subject to change.
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>don't you DARE build a muaka, CHUD
I mean, they do look hella different from the toa mata, bohrok, most if not all titans.
if lego was smart they would sell gray parts packs for modelers to paint and costumize
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>looks like a fag
>can't help but keep his face as the focus on a video that should be more of a technical breakdown/tutorial
>over 11 minutes, and the 3 second animation is at the end
The animation is aight, I'll give it that.
As a point of comparison, daily dose of internet is focused on short "funi" clips and somehow it can show the thumbnail clip as the first, this fag has no excuse
I love this 30cm hunk of poseable plastic
I wish it had that weird core actually inside, and that the legs were a bit more poseable, but its still great
oh yeah, this guy was also amazing
HMmm Rahkshi Cloaca (female)
They have mocginas silly anon.
I liked the kitbashed prototypes since there seems to be a theory to em, this just looks like a child threw shit together and called it a day.
Why even cut up the mctoran feet like that since you can make something that is roughly the same?
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Rahaga girls are better than the rahkshi ones.
Getting back into Bionicle, what type of wire? Does it feel loose?
I want to add more mobility to my base Toa Mata/Toa Nuva without changing the design too much (at the moment)
Does it also work for shoudler mobility?
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i just spent way too much money on roodaka
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It works kinda, but either they're not very flexible, or they're so flexible the gear function doesn't work as well.
I just got a spare copper wire from work, it was used as an antenna. You might find something that works if you dig in your old electronics, it just has to be thin enough to fit and sturdy enough to keep it straight.
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Does any Anon who walked the path of knock-offs know where, or even IF I can get this part?
2008/09 joints being reproduced in sturdier plastic would be the kind of salvation we've long needed. I'm surprised knock-offs haven't come along yet.
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stop liking evil women
there's this
rahkshi heads were a mistake
They are a god send.
what would mata nui think of this..
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>"I shouldn't have given my brother the power to create."
Have a modern lynna
cute tummy
Lynna and this blue one I like the most.
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>spend a couple weeks thinking thinking about bonkle, specifically gen 2
>try to think positively about it
>"the new limbs had some good things going with different ball/socket combinations on the ends," I say to myself, fool that I am
>ask brother if he'd part with the old family bonkle bin
>pull out g2 lewa
>instantly realize my folly
On paper it's not a terrible idea, but holy shit does it feel like such a step down. They're so lacking in style.
where is this image for?
are there more of them in high quality?
He has autism, please be patient.
Anyone remember these by that Ganto guy? Were the concept images all deleted by the creator or something? Cant seem to find them online at all
Oh I didn't know the creator of this was a fellow kraut. Asthetically she was always my favourite of the Rahkshi girls, yet I never recreated her.
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I just rebuilt Roodaka and I don't remember her being this leggy. Holy moly.
Unfortunately I had to switch out a few pieces for differently-colored ones, but it's nice to have arguably my first-ever waifu in physical form again.
Can I get a QRD on what's up with Masks of Power? I heard there was tranny drama or something holding up development.
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mine will be here in a week i can't fucking wait
She's a fun kit, I just wish I had all the right-colored parts. I've got a short shopping list, including one of the little hands for her eyes.
And I don't know if I'm having a schizo moment, but it feels like the thin silver 1x3s are extremely prone to cracking.
[spoiler]Looking back on the set and her movie appearance it's very clear where my awakenings began.[/spoiler]
>thin silver 1x3s are extremely prone to cracking
mine cracked too. my glow in the dark stud also broke, but that may be from me playing with it too much
Abridged lore by Essenger is funny and quick.
A beauty of german engineering.
>Fourth saga: Gay Greg fanfiction
Is the lore that came out after the end of the g1 sets even remotely salvageable? If by some miracle bionicle came back and they decide to continue G1's story that shit deserves to be retconned.
I'm frankly surprised that I was even able to find my glow in the dark stud. I fully anticipated that I'd need a substitute for it.
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Best and worst years/sets. List them (both bad/good guys optional)
>best line: barraki and metru
>worst line: piraka and toa mistika
>not bohrok-kal
Barraki were cool as fuck but I'm still mad about the snapping lime joints. Now that I think of it, most of the bad guy lines were cool as fuck.
>best line: Metru Nui or Mahri Nui (I only had the vahki as a kid but I always had the feeling that the toa were the perfect point with both gears and segmented limbs)
>worst line: glatorian (didn't like the agori, didn't like the fists and heads, and the lore was ass)
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Bohrok-kal were awsome even if they were clone sets.
>not liking the Piraka
you're nuts. really their only flaw is the gimpy left arm that can't even bend the right way. if they used a Metru shin piece or just another one of their own shins they'd be perfect
Any bonkle motorcycle builds? Need some ideas, could be any gen size, preferably a sport bike. Couldn't find any good MOCs.
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Indeed. Seeing as how the only Rahkshi girl I got is not my character either, maybe I could add my version of her to my collection. Is Zathina the name of the character? And who actually originally created it?

Metru 2004 for asthetics, but even with strong bias the Barraki and Mahri were cooler.
Glatorian, they didn't really catch me story wise.
Stars, 2015 Toa. Felt too cheap, too little substance.

And were a good enough visual upgrade to warrant their existance imo. I actually prefer them.
That blue and silver one was made by Nuparufan.
>the only Rahkshi girl I got
And you dont add a picture of the lady? I would like to see her.
>what's your type?
>d-don't have any
Where can I find the bonkle add-on for Studio?

What a boring, barebones, waterboiled Makuta design.
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>best line: rahkshi and mahri
>worst line: stars and glatorian
Glatorians had those weirdo clenched fist hands. Rest of the sets were very boring except for the weapon designs and the functional launcher.
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Thanks, Anon! Wasn't sure if the name of the filename was someone else making a version. Is it the same character as in >>11308864 then? Search engines don't get me far somehow.
Oh well, I posted her to insta, might as well post her here. I was in Norway around one and a half years ago and brought figures with me. Love taking pics outside and Norway's nature is stunning.
That BMW set 42063 can be rebuilt into a hoverbike, got it for that reason. A large Toa will fit nicely.
I wish they made enough pieces to make a full orange Bohrok
Oh she's absolutely gorgeous anon and a great place to photograph. Black and trans blue go so well together and dayum those legs. Great job taking the common rahkshi girl nuva tits combo and making a well built moc around it that isn't just tiddies. I wonder if you are able to use translucent exoforce clips or push in some barbs to give the glow in her eyes back. The creator of that blue and white moc is Vusstar on tumblr. I saw they posted a how-to as well.
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I impulsively bought some bionicles for the first time so I guess I belong here now. Hows it going and what do you guys usually do in these threads?
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welcome aboard, in here we post our bionicles, post our mocs, discuss the lore, simp for roodaka, pretend that g3 is coming (2 more weeks!) and post shitty memes
well yeah, it was a vehicle set
Oh I dig those thigh designs.
The lighting is weird, but those are flat silver kalmah armor bits right?
I wish G2's masks had a way to lock onto the head.
>there's no god but the Great Spirit and the Toa are his prophets
>get back into building
>figure I'll only bother building sets to put on a shelf and not touch MOCs
>give in
>eventually decide to build a toa of air with the mask of quick-travel, preferably without using G2 pieces
>find a good way to put toa nuva armor on a hordika torso
>time for the head
>everything I try looks like absolute shit
>head too far back, head too high up, head too far forward, head too down low, can't look up, can't look down, you name it
Am I SOL with the hordika bodies?
Have you tried different heads? Maybe you could make a custom built one, or switch gears and make something that isn't a Toa.
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That dudes mask designs are ass but I remodeled some of the parts to play around with them irl and they're really cool.
Yes sir you are correct.
The Hordika had lizard like necks, set way forward. I doubt you are able to use it unless you increase the size of your moc.
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I need a better camera.
That build from the Skrall prototype is cool, but I think they had to modify the piraka torso or something to get the mata foot to fit.
I ended up quitting on the hordika body and built a torso structure vaguely based off of Roodaka's. I think all have left to do is armor for the upper arms and back.
Meant for >>11316329
I need to try and scoop up bonkle lots to make MOCs with, that torso design is begging for added stability
Welcome brother. Feel free to question us about bionicle lore, building techniques and everything else. Share pictures of your bionicles and mocs too!
The pen heads are goofy looking, but not bad. I do like his part concepts, they feel like they'd be solid for smaller figures in a weird successor to Technic figs kind of way.
if lego doesn't want to make bionicle g3 because too many molds, they could at least release some new system sets like this, but of other eras, and with other bionicle minifigs.
imagine a system set of the villages and buildings of mata nui with matoran and toa minifigs like those hordika ones
Problem is you still need 6 new molds for the toa, 6 for their weapons. So thats 12 molds already. Every new wave.
>jala flips the gukko.jpg
Love me some high Jen Heresy.
You did watch it at least twice right anon?
Not that one, but I have watched the 13 hour one from a few months ago twice.
>the 13 hour one from a few months ago
I'm tempted to re-watch that one myself, this time to see at what point I think Bionicle's lore starts getting bad.
Brrrr... those uncanny faces.
NTA but
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>Uncanny Jen gives me a funny feeling in my tummy.
ME TOO! All Jen are best Jen. I wonder how great old bonkle would look with the Jen upgrade package... we may find out soon.
You have more pictures anon?
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I want to clean my parts, I've noticed a lot of them have yellow'ish residue which I think might be due to smoking but I also see some that have yellowed because of the sun. Do any of you have any experience cleaning parts especially in bulk? My plan was to first dump everything in my bathtub and use warm water with dawn dishsoap to soak everything. Then Im thinking about using Hydrogren peroxide to help clean as well but I'm wondering if I can use it for all colours of brick, I also read about people saying it gives them squeeky joints and or brittle pieces. Anybody got experience?
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When I clean bulk parts I use hot water, regular dish soap, and a very tiny amount of white vinegar. If I'm going to sun dry the parts I rinse with distilled water so it doesn't leave mineral spots. This is less if a problem if you're going to towel dry the parts.

I would simply accept whatever yellowing your pieces have undergone. Yellowing is an oxidization process, like rust. It relies on there being new material exposed to continue the process, so it will settle at a point and not continue unless you increase the sunlight/oxygen exposure or reveal new surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide re-opens all the microscopic pores in the material and - yes - whitens them, but it also reveals significantly more surface area on a microscopic level so the yellowing comes back SIGNIFICANTLY worse than if you left it alone.

I did an experiment a few years ago to prove this point. On the bottom brick, the LEFT side was treated with hydrogen peroxide until it was as white as the top brick. It was then left in the sunlight for approximately one year, and now you can see that despite sharing the same exact exposure level, the treated side yellowed FAR worse than if I didn't touch it. It sucks but you just gotta deal with it.
Thank you greatly anon. I'm going to scrap the entire peroxide plan now that I've seen the results. That's jarring.
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Honestly I think the takutanuva set is bad and am much more interested in cooking something up myself.

Where do you guys buy bionicles from? I got full takanuva and makuta sets for 200$ and i dont know if thats a great deal or terrible one, it seems good compared to the prices of other single sets.
I think the 2003 Makuta set is bad too.
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Bricklink and 2nd hand stores.
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I went to my grandmas.
I found my Bionicle.
Today was a good day.
finding a huge fucking box of bionicle is one of the finest pleasures in life
Axonn is back
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Turns out I really liked Bohrak. Theres at least 3-4 more in here. This is gonna be a great weekend.
Good stuff anon. Bohrok were awsome.
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Question for Anons in the know
I recently bought >>11311068 on bricklink because my mata nui is missing an arm. I know those pieces are fragile, especially after 15 years, and are rather scarce.
I was wandering if the piece comes unused in pristine state, should I make preemptive incisions shown or picrel to avoid risking breakage at the base of the socket?
It would be so fucking frustrating to wait for a week only for the piece to break right after receiving it, but at the same time despise the idea of commiting heresy.
Was anyone in similar situation?
Nah dont. Just build with it normally.
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jus preemptively incise u's foreskin insteed
>here's your Bionicle bro
if, hypothetically, any of you fucks manages to get a girl pregnant, would your let your kid play with your bionicles?
already do
how does it feel to be the end to your bloodline?
I'm already the cool uncle, my nieces and nephews fucking loved the rahi sets, especially the Manas.
When I adopt kids they'll have a whole bevy of toys to play with.
Gotta keep the autism going, anon.
Nah, fuck it. I'm autistic and I was diagnosed only at 22, a NEET loser to this day (age 29). And my dad's an undiagnosed autist. And I'm not gonna tell you my life story, but I'm convicted that autistic people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
Sorry, I'm a bit drunk rn
Yeah but not my mocs.
Of course, they can play with my rahkshi and ill help them build their own.
are those yours?
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No. Sauce in filename
Some Chinese dude really took a Rebrickable MOC and is selling it for cheap?
Fuck, that might be worth it. I wanted to build that GSR.
>BrickShelf is closing
No. Not from some autismal control over them, but because it's over 20 year old plastic that is no where as strong as it used to be.
aw, bummer
Surprised it lingered for so long. Mocpages died ages ago.
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Rip. Time to save some ladies.
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Damn it not even Flickr is safe from bionicle fans trooning out... it's not even a sexy futa thing what's the point lol
I know Bionicles aren't really giant robots but I built hanger bays and launching decks for them because I liked Gundam as a kid too.

I have a similar story but I got my mom into mom Lego recently and she really enjoys it lol.
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If you only look at the moc its quite nice, say what you want but the colour scheme goes pretty well and I like the use of the mindstorms piece for the head but the colour of that piece doesn't fit the build.
where can I find more of these mocs?
Takua, Jaller and Matoro but posed like the Pillar Men
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They had more buildable color combos available, why didn't they make use of them?
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Too expensive and it isn't all about Bionicle.
Luckily with more copycat parts coming out and in new colors, we have the potential to move beyond needless heresy.
>Too expensive and it isn't all about Bionicle.
Anon I'm not asking why they didn't make more Rahkshi parts in different colors.
I'm asking why there weren't more canon color combos with the parts that already existed.
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>Pet play
>High heels
you missed a few
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>skibidi vakama
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>Join us on OnlyBonkles!
Lego needs to come up with more towball socket pieces like socket to axle or pin. Would be great for moccing.
Lol, nice
There are many pieces that would be extremely useful
It still surprises me that there are no ball-jont-to-mixel-joint connections
But yeah LEGO kinda dropped the ball by not expanding their towball arsenal
I just got a big bulk of Bionicle pieces but they're covered in a layer of dust. What's the best way to clean them? Just put them in a big bin of dish soap and water and let them soak?
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It would make moccing on a smaller scale so much better.
I assume you'd want to clean them regardless, so why not just... try it first before asking here?
I found my mctoran recently and they were so covered in dust that Matoro was actually gray. I just put them in the sink with just water and a paintbrush to get into the grooves.
I'd only use dishsoap if they were grimey.
I saw someone ranting one day about dish soap ruining the plastic. But I see everyone saying they use dish soap so I just wanted to double check.

Oh yeah not a bad idea. Or maybe I can even use a soft bristle tooth brush
Warm water in a (bath)tub, not hot, dawn dish soap or a bit of white vinegar both are safe for lego parts but vinegar isnt really good for any rubber (barraki) parts. Dump all your parts in and stirr while taking apart as much as possible. Drain water and rinse well. If you have a salad spinner you can use that to remove as much water as possible before putting the parts on a towel to dry. Would recommend using a fan so the parts dry quicker, this will help stop any oders. Good luck anon.
Why is my dark gold avohkii peeling like an onion? The nuva armour, Lhikan and Iruni are all fine, just that one mask.
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>ball-jont-to-mixel-joint connections
Also /Toy/rone said your mom knows a lot about balls.
I think anon meant technic to mixel.
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I meant "Piece simultaneously having a bionicle/technic balljoint/socket and mixel/towball joint/socket(s)"
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>She can't put the pieces together...
When designers cut chop paint and glue pieces its fine but when I do it its 'heresy' baka
any OGs with binkmeister proto kanohi they'd trade for a light gold avohkii? picrel
i remember going thru customer reviews on the lego site and reading how a mom who bought roodaka for her son was surprised at her prominent tiddies once it was built
Unfortunately no but I am very jealous anon, very cool mask

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