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I hate the colors but I am glad others will get to enjoy the Spinister mold now
I repeat. FUCK shillbidders.
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>see, designer-anon? the helicopter gets a VERY chunky tail when you make it split into legs.
Not who you were talking to, but Classics Topspin's legs don't become his tail. They're the air intakes on either side of his hull; his helicopter tail remains unchanged and hangs off of his back in robot mode.
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Anyone with designing for 3D printing experience? I've got a printer but I'd like to make a sort of "lid" for Titans Return Megatron's Seatgun. Something rounded that can make it look more like his cannon. I can use CAD but I'm not sure the best way to go about making a piece to fit another piece like that.
Being a good shill is the lifestyle for me.
You have to take measurements and are probably gonna have to go thru some trial and error. I'm currently working on a minicon Ramjet for Tidal Wave right now just drawing up schematics and in the process I tried one that was already made and for sale and even that took a lot of tuning to get things to fit properly. Also depends on your materials.

Basically what I would do is make up a rough sketch and draw all the important measurements you would need to know before taking it to CAD. I think this is pretty obvious so my advice here might be a bit redundant or I'm just not understand quite what you're asking.
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I’ve been working on a rewrite of ROTB and have been taking suggestions for what can be improved story-wise. I’m trying to change it without needing to alter too much from the original, using the assets the original already had access to.
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Random forum-goer makes more sense than a multimillion dollar movie franchise while not making it overcomplicated.

I like it so far.
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I’m gonna have to do some soul searching about that that backpack before I pull the trigger. I know it’s impossibly shrunken in the show, but I wasn’t expecting the rat butt to extend lower than the robot’s knees…
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I was fine with the backpack in the initial image, where it appears wide but not so tall
I'm willing to give it a pass because of his scale really. It's hard to do what they did with their black magic that made Megatron's backpack fold basically perfectly into the silhouette shape of the show model. I have just been starving to get more BW MP figures and was getting nervous that the quality would change once they were under that MPG banner (which still doesn't make a lick of sense to me).
Wish they would show pics of the actual figure
Sir this is /toy/ I don't give a fuck about your fanfiction.
I would if it wasn't bayshit
>Trypticon is the old Titan Class price

Expected, but sad.
Shield can split into the gun and the kibble folds down
Here's a suggestion: Airazor doesn't fucking DIE this time around. Poor gal needs to get a happy ending in at least one universe.
It may not physically exist yet. Beyond a single prototype that they're probably still working the kinks out of, there most likely isn't anything to show beyond a proof of concept, hence why renders exist.
Got Trypticon, Scavenger, and Topspin/Spinster.
Why are they using SS86 Jazz's pics for Scavenger, though? Did someone goof?


I'd get Jazz if it wasn't still clear plastic.
Is shattered glass goldbug at risk of any of the issues gold plastic has had in the past? Want to store him in car mode but the way his rear cover pins into gold hands makes me worried if it's prone to stressing
Hasbro sucks at marketing so much, why didn't they show this initially???
Gold plastic hasn't been an issue in about a decade now.
That's good to know, I picked him up on sale purely for being a cool little guy with a huge cannon and he's turning into a favourite, such a cool little dude but the gold made me afraid. Thank you anon
And yet Tryp sold out already. Huh.
>I am supremely confident
Pretty sure that means it's going to be TFA Omega Supreme
The Wreck 'n Doom guys are almost sold out now as well. Just glad I was able to nab 'em both first try this time around - Trypticon in particular has been someone I've been after for a long time now.
This actually doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. The dark greyish/silver plastic is the worst part about it honestly. The figure's backpack isn't as bad as I initially thought it would look.
Can't be set in the Bayverse, though, because if Unicron is Earth, everyone does when he transforms (and just being a big, buried robot would be overwhelmingly shit). They already established in OG Beast Wars that the beast forms block energon radiation, though, so it'd still work outside of that one caveat.
Hoping he turns up at my local Gamestop. I'm still on the fence for him really.
That’s one of the changes, with the Maximals going back in time to prevent Unicron from Awakening, while the Predacons/Terrorcons go back to make sure he does
Anyone have the Amazon link for tryp?
Sell me on tryippycon
It’s weird that these figures can sell like hot cakes but yet Hasbro struggles to turn a profit. I blame stores never having stock and bad advertising to the general public
He's Mechagodzilla. And a playset.
Also, he can eat Headmasters/Titanmasters - there's a hatch on his belly that opens up so you can retrieve them.
Disney and Paramount are weighing them down but they refuse to cut them off
Either not up yet, won't be up, or sold out. All the other figures are up there.
If it's Lugnut Supreme they can have my money.

Not up yet for some reason.
>can eat hwadmasters
>hatch to retrieve them
Fug, that's actually tempting me ontop of the sheer size that would allow for absurdity like putting a hat or shirt on him
He’s basically Transformers's Godzilla, with his figure being more than a foot and a half tall. He also works great as a set backdrop for any Decepticons you already have, an even if you don’t, he comes with a regular sized figure as a bonus. Order now, because he’s going fast
You're in good company, plenty of people make space fillers for various figures these days. If nobody's made one for that Megatron's gun yet then be sure to share your design.
I have a mouse of him
While I'm not opposed to this, I feel like he's so similar in concept to The Ark figure that it would have to do something drastically different. Or am I retarded? It's been a while since I've seen animated, but he was the same idea right?

For what it's worth, I also took that "supremely" clue as some sort of Omega Supreme, so I don't think you're wrong.
It still puts Unicron in a position where anything he does has to be undone, which kills the threat he poses. It'd be best just to leave the Bayverse as it is, they kind of wrote themselves into an inescapable corner (without retconning their own story, at least) and improve the current one. The worst part of TLK, and RotB to a degree, is having Unicron show up as a set piece and contribute very little to the story past being a looming threat.

Basically all of that could still work for a sequel. Unicron has a reason to return, after being cucked out of an all-you-can-eat buffet, and he could even have some traitor Maximals that were turned like Galvatron. Optimus can realize that bringing the war to Earth is now inevitable, and can focus on bolstering it's defenses with his main men, and that trail, combined with the first movie, could even lead Megatron and the Decepticons back to Earth. Maybe he gets snagged by Unicron, too, but not until at least halfway through his screen time, gotta enjoy the Cybertronian design we never got the first time.
I feel the same way but I’m not sure what over version of Omega they would do. Energon and WFC feel too niche, G1 has a recent toy, and Animated is too close to the Ark. maybe it’s referring to a character that had a Supreme Class toy before, like Primus?

I don't see why Animated OS turning into the Ark is an issue. Most people would want him just to finally have a toy, not necessarily what he turns into.
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Maybe Supremely refers to Supreme Commander, meaning it would either be Ginrai or Dai Atlas
I don’t know, it just feels weird to have both OS and the Ark as Titans, then making the OS toy that becomes the Ark a Haslab
What does Evan like? He seemed too excited to even say anything really like he was afraid to accidentally spoil it.
Animated Omega was Animated's Ark, yeah, but most people would agree the Ark was a fairly unpopular titan, people were getting it to have An Ark but it lacked playfeatures in both modes.
Are Spinister and Topspin an Amazon set?
Yes, they’re part of the Wreck n Doom Amazon subline
>Supreme Class toy before, like Primus?
I can't believe how utterly fucking terrible devastation optimus looks

And its A Level. Whoopie.
I’m really curious how they’re going to handle Grimlock
Yet another redeco of the SS Leader.
Could also be a supreme commander but as long as it isn't Lio Kaiser or Gigatron/Devel Gigatron I'm passing(I hope)
I know it probably won't happen but it would cool if came with Prime Star Saber sword
He looks alright to me, given he's only Deluxe class.
Will tryp suffer from exploding knees like tidal wave or other unforseen downfalls? Really tempted to get it but also worried
His only problem was his knees being wobbly, and they said they fixed it this time.
I'd buy one at 2012 deluxe price, not for $25
>Bought Gamer Ratchet for the accesories.
>End up liking it so now I don't want to sell it.
Man, I just wanted the axe for Galvatron and the gun for Siege Ratchet...
Why the fuck have I preordered the 2-pack? I don't care about Diaclone Topspin, Spinister looks worse than Siege and the targetmasters are lazy repaints of Needlenose's.
You could get Ironhide. He should have the same stuff.
That's so cool...
Fear of missing out or completionism.
The main draw for it is Spnister for many. If you want him, you could pre order or hope it's still up for Prime Day. Twin Twist shelf warmed, so no clue how much demand there is for Topspin. I inly 2ant Topspin, so he's hopefully 25 or lower on ebay.

>so no clue how much demand there is for Topspin

They're only doing this to go with the Diaclone Twin Twist they made back in Legacy.
Almost, he trades the healing gun for a shotgun or something.
I know, the point is, there's no clue how many people actually want it. TT did poorly, but that could be due to not releasing his brother at that time, so Topspin could potentially go both ways, either relatively cheap in the aftermarket, or too expensive to buy outside the two pack.
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I kinda like him because he looks almost like a remake of the Robotmasters convoy figure, of all things, which is kind of weird and interesting.And it's kinda neat to see a toon-styled optimus that doesn't use a faux grill like every other one does.
Wouldn't pay full price, but if it goes on sale I might pick it up on impulse
>Will tryp suffer from exploding knees like tidal wave
He's more of a exploding hips kind of guy
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I GUESS that's the right scale..
but i'm 100% certain the show used camera tricks to make Rattrap look bigger when they interacted
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>hot rod shoulders
you couldn't convince me to pick this piece of shit up if it was free
What are some small decepticons I can put with tryp's city mode?
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case in point
is rattrap just like six feet closer to the camera?
then why is it so big and fat
a junk zoid cockpit would do the trick but then you'd be stealing the most irreplaceable part of a zoid, so shame on you.
it definitely could have been positioned better and I know at a larger scale it would have been able to collapse better...
but given the tininess here...
>His only problem was his knees being wobbly, and they said they fixed it this time.
They said hips, not knees. And they didn't say wobbly but finicky, because they just didn't want to outright say that the ratchets got fucked due to the strength of the springs.
funny how tech keeps making their job easier yet toys keep getting proportionately more expensive
What I don't get it's the upper arm detailing. Just look at that pic and then the MP, he's supposed to have the gold part with the lines on the outside, not the back.
I guess they used some picture were the model had the arms positioned wrong when designing this.
TF collectors:
>we hate Needlenose and Quake's shitty targetmasters with no articulation!
also TF collectors:
>oh my science, thank god Spinister finally has his targetmasters!
Did you get any of the Core Class toys?
Any core class. If you have Dinoking you can have him larp as a full size combiner when next to a legit citybot.
That's the thing, I have Siege Spinister, so I'd be buying a second, worse version.
I've figured it out anyway. I haven't handled my Spinister and Topspin in years, they're stored at my parents and I'd have to drive 250 miles to get them. Easier to buy new ones. I'll likely cancel them when I visit my folks in a few months.
>ss devastation prime sold out
how, are people that desperate?
Optimus Prime is the main character of the franchise.
I think it's time to be told that you are literally a minority opinion that shouts their grievances the loudest, anon. You are not the popular opinion in this fandom. Nothing you say will change the current combiner frames, the hollow limbs (which aren't even new), the scales, the "shitty" versions of figures you don't like. I think it's time you understood you're basically alone.
>Le bad things are.... le good!

classic marketing shill demotivation tactic
FUCK. I just cancelled my pre-order, thanks.
I never said that. I said you have a grossly inflated view of your own opinion.
>Original toy, Generations and Kingdom are all correct
>The MP of all things is wrong
What the fuck happened?

I also think the things on each side of his jaw are a tad too big and make the whole head look a bit off. Still ordering nonetheless, obviously, but the rest of the BW MPs are so ridiculously accurate that little inaccuracies like those stand out more.
>New threads are made on page 9 or 10 or at image limit
When is my omega prime getting shipped >:(
>at image limit
fuck me I forgot to even say it this time
at least he's still following it. if this is his petty little victory leaving the instruction out, fine. shit hasn't been this good in ages.
Never, it was all an illusion, don’t worry about it, you should focus on the next Haslab instead
They gave it to me instead, thank you for funding it for me
Haslab shouldn't be a thing.... Yes I'm mad I missed out on Omega Prime.
Why didn’t you support it, then?
Anon please…and least let me have the titan master..
That's true, I'm just wary of
>why did you make a new thread at page 5, it's not page 9-10 and it wasn't at image limit
>uhhh sweaty the threads have never been like that
>disclaimer though
>well it wasn't in the last OP (that I made)
happening yet again.
It’s weird they made a Titan Master for Brave Maximus part of the Haslab instead of just redecoing Fortress Maximus
I literally had Twin Twist in my Amazon cart and was going to order him this coming Friday and it had nothing to do with this upcoming twopack. I just wanted him and thought he looked cool, but couldn't afford him due to holiday stuff. First saw him in November but have been strapped for cash. This blows. He's shot up in price like crazy on Amazon and is sold out the other two places I know to check.

Am I screwed?
I was taking a little break from collecting at the time and the news it started just slipped by me
Probably, yeah
At this point he's from a two year old subline and has been on sale multiple times. You missed out.
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No, he's actually that tall. They just exaggerated the difference between him and Dinobot in some of their shots.
Damn, that rough, I’m hoping that they reissue some of the haslabs down the line. I wouldn’t mind it
I did not
Looks like core is the key
it's not like anything we do or don't do can stop that. maybe he's done. you'd have to have severe autism to stay obsessed that long. Like I did dumb shit when I was a kid too, and then i stopped.
>So you guys are both Deluxe class?
keep an eye on mercari, you might get one loose for cheap. granted, they'll ream you on the fees, but in total it might be... maybe just a little over retail price.
well shit, maybe core rattrap isn't that bad next to voyager choppaface then.
silly mainframe.. cheatin like that. havin rattrap stand up on the proverbial box.
>you'd have to have severe autism to stay obsessed that long
He's still responding to it if you bring it up, I'd like to expect the best but I don't really have my hopes up
They mostly did it because the toy is TM compatible, and the only upcoming release was squeezeplay in a four pack. A shame it wasn't AI.
yeah but that can be explained just with spite.
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Rattrap is standing on the ground, next to Cheetor. Core Rattrap is too small for Kingdom. He should be Minibot size like Huffer.
Is trypticon big enough to hug?
hmm i guess you're right
though your MP comparison doesn't jive with the screenshots. MP rattrap is slightly too tall there.
scale is confusing
Depends on how big you are
I'm 6 ft, and he's basically a similar size to a toddler, or miniature dog.
If you're 5' 8" he might be just right
Im a bit bigger than you so it'll be the sort of mock or overlapping hug. Still, that's pretty damn big for a toy
>camera tricks
Not camera tricks, they would just resize one or the other to make the shot look good
It's animation 101: don't let the model sheet prevent a good shot
Scorponok is even bigger
But I guess the difference is tryp has a big fat tail that's 1/3 of his body.
they never resized models. they did have characters float sometimes if their feet weren't visible, and used perspective tricks.
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It's pretty much what I was expecting honestly. Rattrap is a total shellformer and they never seem to give a shit about kibble being too big. Like maybe they could have spread some bulk into the legs like the T30 one did, but then you'd have inaccurate legs on a figure that still has to have a backpack anyway so why bother? Just slap a rat pelt on his back and make the actual robot as good as it possibly can be.
Scorp I was tempted by but the head ruins it for me, something about a regular humanoid head on a mega scorpion is so underwhelming but the rest of him looks cool. I watched a review of the genrations tryp I think it was, the direct precursor to this one and he is obscenely large, so scorp must be damm big
Yes. I hugged all my titans one time each, no joking. There's something endearing about them being so big that they're huggable.
Based and appreciating your toys pilled. It's crazy to me that a toy can be so big that isnt a model or lego or some crazy statue, I want it almost just for the ability to have it standing there as a permanent fixture with a hat or jersey or something
Why is bay shit so fucking ugly?
hugging things is a thing you're supposed to be doing all the time
we can't do it to people anymore, so we have to do it with toys.
actually lego has real limits on how big you can make a mech before stability becomes impossible since it's all slightly flexible, springy plastic that sorta bends under its own weight at a certain point.
facewise: because someone in the design team really liked ugly faces
bodywise: they are fucking cool in the movie but real hard to translate into a toy.
>if only you knew
I'm so happy they remembered Que's iconic metal stick, studio series would have been ruined forever if that was missing
If you're skinny enough they can even hug you back.
I've always liked the bay designs. Exclusively in the context of the movie. I've never been able to get myself into the toys for the movies except for maybe Bee.
Never understood the Que/Wheeljack name nonsense. Was there any decent explanation?
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exact same.
You need to be REALLY skinny if you want Trypticon to hug you, he has tiny T-Rex arms.
Probably a case of Bay wanting one name and Hasbro wanting another.
the two leader class starscreams are amazing.
some of the other bigger guys are at least good.
below a certain size, they have no fucking idea what to do. Like I love the Ravage toys, but their transformation is a joke.
I don't like the movie designs, but the '07 toys are an interesting mesh of pre-Bay design engineering trying to make the movie designs work in plastic. I still like '07 Bonecrusher, Brawl and Jazz.
I wish I had a Trypticon to try hugging, but it's already a pain trying to find places for Metroplex to go. Maybe I'll put him back in base mode for a while and use him as a shelf.
I think the idea was for him to be a reference to Q from James Bond, but Hasbro knew they couldn’t trademark a generic name like that, so they had him named Wheeljack in the credits since he was the inventor character
You guys think the reason why hasbro has been whoring out optimus these last 2 years is because the franchise is reclining hard?
that's how I feel about Animated. it's amazing they were able to make good toys out of them.
It's because he sells, a lot. Megatron, by comparison, doesn't sell as well.
they've been whoring out optimus for 40 years because they're morons
what a shock, the thing they make 100 times more of sells the most!
I think it boils down to the movies wanting designs that didn’t translate to toys very well, especially all the moving parts that definitely would never work on a toy scale or budget. It’s honestly one of the problems I believe modern Transformers designs suffer from, where they design the character and alt mode separately and then it’s up to the toy maker to design the in-between
Yeah but we never seen multiple optimuses in a single line this often though
as much as i defend the movies, they could have made a tiny tweak to be a tiny bit less complex and make the transformations make way more sense. and japan tried to tell them how to do that.
but the solutions they found are kind of amazing.
It’s also the 40th anniversary and Optimus is the “main” mascot of Transformers, for better or worse. Even Megatron has disappeared longer than Optimus has
Yeah, but I’m fine with that if it means we get stuff like deluxe toy Optimus and Star Convoy
we haven't?
Alright then you have a point.
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The nice thing about Animated is that almost all of their characters were designed with transformation in mind. Even characters like Cyclonus who didn’t have toys had transformation schemes made
Megatron goes on clearance plenty of times. You don't normally see that with Optimus. Just recently both Armada Mega and Galva went on clearance, and could be found cheap second hand. Dragon TM Megatron didn't do much better. Galvatron has from Legacy and Kingdom is still available for nearly half off.Meanwhile, Armada Optimus sold like hot cakes, came back the following year and sold out again. 86 Optimus practically flies off the shelves.

The only Prime toy that's done poorly in recent years is Laser Prime.
>especially all the moving parts that definitely would never work on a toy scale or budget
They tried with automorphing and "allspark blue", remember that shit? For a while the only movie Ironhide I had was dark blue with tons of light blue highlights. The baby blue paint was lame but I loved when certain bots had little wheels or gizmos simulating internal motion of parts.
All of the doritoscream toys are great. It's a surprisingly fun design in toy form.
i mean yeah but it makes no sense. the nosecone and wings just shrink up?
well they haven't made a proper megatron since the 80s, so that might be part of it.
the smaller ones never got the legs right, but they're still neat guys.
all because they set a limit for themselves and used it to curtail what they could do. pure scale. So if a jet is that big, you gotta give him short legs and spread his shoulders out so that his mass won't be outrageous.
I like him because he is ugly
i think i've figured out what bothers me about this
the elbow is bent, yet the forearm is almost completely horizontal... but it's not lined up with the elbow joint. it's like it bends up, then slightly down again.
>the nosecone and wings just shrink up?
Yeah they'd still bullshit things like that in animation for aesthetics sake, but the point is that they still seriously considered how the transformation would actually work and where the parts would go and come from, and the result is that most animated characters have at least one solid toy actually looked and transformer like the character on the show.
I hope you guys weren't expecting swapticons to be actual figures
yeah that's better than nothing
lol, the parts DRASTICALLY alter in scale as they transform. To make him into a real toy, the jet mode would have to be pretty different.
I didn't expect things aimed at older than 5 years old, but this mechanism is underwhelming.
of all the 'doesn't actually transform, made for little kids' this is the best. beats "robot printed on the bottom of a car"
Awh, I wasn't expecting anything, but I was hoping they'd at least be micromaster-level. Or have actual head sculpts
American toy makers really are out of touch and do nothing but regurgitate the same crap
this is perfect for ice cream Skids and Mudflap
They really were born too early
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Doritoscream is fascinating to me because he completely changed the paradigm of how jetformers were designed.
By Cybertron you could tell they were getting desperate trying to make jetformers look fresh and cool, so you get Thundercracker and his weird ass arm
Then Movie starscream is designed and is totally different from all the Japanese derived designs for the last 23 years. the early movie lines are full of things like that, completely rethinking how to make them transform
Thundercracker was mostly a failure to tie gimmicks and trying to do a modernized Cyberjet design, but I agree, Dorito changed the game.
Eh, it’s not as terrible as I was expecting, but this thing turning into a truck was always evil in design.
We will never again see a jetformer the likes of HFTD Terradive.
I love this fucker so much, I got him on a whim and I was blown away. Age is starting to damage him and I hope it gets a reissue at some point.
I love this guy but I'm afraid to check up on mine in storage. Isn't his weapon prone to breaking due to weak plastic or GPS?
as time goes on the only TF line Im really interested in anymore is blokees. the mainline hasbro stuff is overpriced and borderline impossible to find in store. blokees meanwhile has not only managed to capture the appeal of action masters and robot heroes, but improve on both concepts by adding more articulation to the mix. take the blokees pill bros.
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I don't care how many chinese companies make them, I am not buying transformers that don't transform
Nope, his trident breaks because the hinge plastic is pretty thin and cracks. I still have mine and I just don't transformers.
At some point I'll get an Inferno, and Blaster if there ever is one, but that is as far as Blokees will go for me.
Forgot to add, 8 don't insert it into the 5mm hands either, I just leave it resting near them and pose him accordingly, though recently I gave him TLK Leader Megatron's sword. That reminds me that I also love voyager TLK Megatron, horrible head but really fun jetformer.
Best Optimus characterization?
Personally I like him in the UT
The sheer confidence he had there was fucking legendary because while most other versions of the character are somewhat quiet or wise, this one legit just says "I'd wish you'd shut up" before hitting a guy with an axe twice the size of his own body.
If I ever see them in stores I'd buy them
For now I'm predicting loading up at TFCon and the hotel lobby turning into a mecca of swaps and trades
If they did Action Masters with better articulation at a decent price (Not $50 bullshit)
This guy, breakaway, mindwipe, highbrow, ransack, jetblade, sky stalker... love me bayverse jetformers
It's funny how the original design toys are better than the ones based on guys from the movies.
Because the toy makers had more freedom with the designs
Yeah, they were toys from the start, Hasbro and Takara had to figure out how to make the movie bots as toys when their transformations are nonsense.
We'll still be asking for these guys in 2030 and we'll still be getting shafted.
I just want Treadshot and Catgut dammit.
And they weren't good either. Pretty frustrating.
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Not really.
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You could try to track down this one
>Even with CGI Transformers still fucks with scale
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RID megs or Brave Max or I don't give a shit. Speaking of haslab when is Omega Prime dropping?
I’m surprised Treadshot hasn’t been remade from Kingdom Warpath especially with how good the last one was
RID Rail Racer is the one I really want that has no chance at retail. I don't know how big they'd want to make Megatron but I'd be ok with seeing him there too.
they're trying to take zero risks
the problem is, the "Safe" thing they're falling back on has been proven to DEFINITELY fail. just not fail as hard as other things, which have the potential to succeed, but also to fail way worse.
>rail racer
ooo forgot all about him.
It's been too long, I fear.
That's a good idea, they only used that mold once so far, right? Or did they make some obscure reference repaint that I've already forgotten about? I'd buy it again if it looked enough like Treadshot.
They did Kingdom Warpath and then last year they put it out as that green gobot and that's been it for that mold
Eh, close enough.
>green gobot
That was it, I thought I was forgetting one.
That depend on what they decided the alt head should be. Most of the time, it makes no sense, and their use can be random.

Still annoyed with how they handled Blaster, they used expressions the figure and then used the wrong one for both of them. The worst part is that Hasbro doesn't typically add a third alt head, and a new head would require a brand new mold for it, so Hasbro would either have to change on the toy to make it worth it, or tie the head to something else.
always a fan of a trident.
Didn’t Maher say they made a Marvel style head for Blaster they were going to use on Twincast or am I miss remembering
Just to remind everyone of the combinations

They'll all be blocky nothings of course, but I am curios how some of these will work
Gary Chalk as Optimus is underrated
i like how badass he was in the movies, I think the ideal Prime is somewhere in between that, and the version from ... the show Prime. which is such a bad title, so hard to bring up.. because Prime in Prime was a plank of wood. but I don't NEED my optimus to constantly rip off faces. just sometimes. That G1 scene where he calls Megatron junk is pretty perfect.
Don't remember well, I thought it was him acknowledging people wanted it and a Marvel Soundwave. Anyway, no version of the mold used it, so it's likely not part of the current molds. It's not even guaranteed for the comic line since they didn't add a toy/marvel head for Grimlock.
im surprised that maverick hasn't been retooled into cybertron thundercracker at this point.
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That might have been it. I always thought a Toaster or Micro Change redeco would have been great for it
I have lots of fun with mine paired up with core/legend/legion class figures alongside metroplex and fort max in city modes.
nope, im just here to laugh at the tfw2005 retards who expected this to be something big
Have we ever had a case where a Collaborative toy mold was used in the mainline. I know we’ve had the opposite
Just like Sinatra.
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I made a video about this huge ass Transformer I got for Christmas. It's so freaking cool. Guardian Robot turn into a battle base, rocket ship and tank. Perfect playset for all the cool tiny bots you might have. These huge Transformers are super tight. Makes me want another, but ai hardly have space for this one.

Honestly? I like these. I probably won't get any unless something looks REALLY cool but they are very cute and perfect if you want a neat little vehicle.
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Part of me thought it might have been like the old Ben 10 Haywire toys, where the characters swap color schemes but oh well
Not so far. Maverick wasn't so great either so I'd either want a heavy retool or brand new mold for C. Thundercracker or the Cyberjets.
If I'd known they were going to make this I'd have held off on buying Omega, but Titan repaints were unthinkable back in 2018.
I find it funny how Optimus Prime's suffering just keeps getting worse.
Looking at you, Skybound.
I feel the same way with mine too.
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We can see shockwave, hot rod and cheetor on the back of the packaging, which likely means all the second named are rear ends
My condolences to clenchbros
The only thing I don't like is that the tank turret can't rotate.
I feel like the Cyberjets would be retools of each other similar to Bombshell/Shrapnel/Chop Shop/Barrage
People shit on the IDW comics a lot around here but it honestly had some really great ideas. It's like any other comic book run really, you got some good ideas and a lot of really bad ones.

I like that one of the endings they had for Optimus was that after fighting for millions of years, he realized he had lost himself and made the selfish choice to preserve his own freedom and identity rather than endlessly work to improve Cybertron by passing the Matrix onto a new generation and flying off so he could finally just be himself again. Then they had to ruin that by having him come back because he's the main character so he has to come back.
this stinks
I liked the idea of the war mostly just petering out, and by the time the dust had settled after Dark Cybertron (gay event btw) everyone was just sort of tired of it, so they quit shooting one another. Then they had to figure out what else to do, since Transformers are pretty much made just to shoot each other. It was neat seeing postwar Cybertron try to turn back into an actual society, with an economy and politics and TV news, only a society made up entirely of PTSD mass murderers.
I mean technically this isn't any simpler than a G1 toy, and the vehicle mode looks fine. But those "robot" modes just look really dumb with those faces. Has Transformers ever found success trying to go for the Paw Patrol type audience?
Honestly, I believe IDW was best at introducing new characters and having them become mainstays. Drift, Rung, Lug, Anode, Nickle, Tarn, Stardrive, Centurion, the list keeps going
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They're pretty great centerpieces if you have the space for it
I like using weaponizer bits and other such accessories to give smaller figures places to attach and cling on to
Drift is the only one of these characters to have become a mainstay, Tarn the only other one to have appeared in other series and gotten a figure.
Rung got a figure in Siege and Nickel got a Super7 figure. I guess I should say they became mainstays within the fandom
I'd trade him for Nickle any day.
could not have posted a more confusing image
ooohhh i like this a lot.. i really like that cat.
I loved it then and I still love it now, minus the obviously rushed ending. It wasn't perfect, but what TF series has ever been?

as far as relevance is concerned, Drift, Windblade, Tarn were the only ones who remained in the limelight, and even then you can argue two of these were forced into it for years for appeal reasons.
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Honestly, he's not too bad. Problem is he's named Wheeljack and already shares the bald scientist head gag with a minicon in the movie.
it's not like other fiction introduced characters like Arcee, Elita-One, Alpha Trion, Unicron, The Quintessons...
Windblade was developed outside of IDW. She was a fan vote character
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Blokees are fun
Wasn't Drift one too?
Nah, Drift was wholly on IDW
I started with a couple and now have 24 of them... I legitimately don't know when I got so many of them...
He could've still come back just y'know, without the Matrix y'know
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I'm more for the comics introducing interesting new character personalities like with Barricade, Whirl, Pharma, the Wreckers, and the Starscream who "won". Thundercracker's one of the more famous fan favorites but he was already written as a doubter in the earlier generations and this was the first time (?) they leaned into this trait, story-wise. Only problem with him is that he only had a leader class toy that wasn't all that good to keep.
They really just tried to make them look too human. Facial hair, glasses, Hound smoking that cigar.
This guy looks like every sci-fi story where the robot posing as human gets their face damage and the uncanny robot face is underneath.
Just cursed looking.
I said that was the best thing about IDW, not that IDW was the best at it. Also, technically Arcee was created through the toyline, her toy was just cancelled
The only thing against that is the characters they butchered, like Star Saber. I also just remembered IDW also introduced Nautica, so add her to the list.
Oh yeah, they also butchered Prowl pretty badly too
"Wheeljack as Doc Brown style mad scientist" does make some sense, but yeah they should've cleaned up that design
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Every iteration is its own.
I detest Netflix's wfc Optimus Prime for being a useless indecisive bore.
Personally I call him Queue (Like a research/building queue in a 4x game) and think of him as Wheeljack's mentor.
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All the comic talk made me remember the line I fondly loved before the Combiner Wars era.


We didn't know how good we had it
Same even if doesn't matter anymore. He and Dino would have been better as OCs.
I got an LG convobat not long ago for around $100 and I don't know if I should be happy to finally have this or mad at myself for spending so much on a tiny little dude.
>Is trypticon big enough to hug?
Big enough to be the little spoon, at best. Still, dude genuinely needs a hug, considering what both sides did to him in the WFC game.
>Decepticons bring him to life only to do a piss-poor job of keeping the Autobots from invading him and disabling his cannon, then blame him as if he was the one who dropped the ball
>Autobots blast him out of orbit, letting the fall literally cripple him
>Autobots then hook up pumps to him and start syphoning his Energeon WHILE HE'S STILL ALIVE, literally bleeding him dry to fuel the Ark
>Decepticons 'save' him, only for Megatron to forcibly reformat his body into the Nemesis - again, while he's still alive, conscious, and paralyzed, meaning all he can do to object is groan in horror as his body is permanently altered into little more than a transport with no hope of reversing the process
Considering he was the only dude who was truly loyal until the end, the whole thing was just outright cruel.
Nickel deluxe pls
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I’m surprised HasTak has never tried to make a G1 Dino, but they’ve never tried to make a G1 Stinger either, so who knows
Maybe next cartoon that features Tarn. If there will be a next cartoon.
There will always be a next cartoon, whether any will feature Tarn is a different story
Not like they were fan faves to begin with. Dino's just notable because he's a Ferrari and the licensing/mattel competition meant Hasbro couldn't make a proper toy of him for years. Stinger's even worse because he's a red evil Bumblebee, though it could be argued that he can still resurface as a generic grunt with a name like that.
All the characters for TFTM were created for the movie first, then had toy designs based on those characters.
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Kids today will never know that thrill of seeing a whole filed toy aisle.
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I like Stinger since they’re basically Bumblebee's version of Nemesis Prime. Also, we have to repurpose G1 Red Bumblebee somehow
They should've used this deco for that Mirage repaint they sold with Aragon instead of making him clear
My point was that Arcee was still designed to eventually get a toy compared to others like Alpha Trion or Elita One
I refuse to blame this on Hasbro, this is 100% a result of brick and mortar stores not caring about stocking toys and Amazon killing any that do
>Arcee was still designed to eventually get a toy
So was Drift.
Really? I didn’t know that
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I want to go baaaaaack
Any chance for an Override reissue? There’s a bunch of figures I didn’t give a fuck about two years ago and now all of a sudden I genuinely want them.
I think kids who are into Bluey or Paw Patrol or whatever still get pretty decently stocked toys of their thing, but yeah I don't think there's been any "look kids collect em all" type franchises in a while that are dominant in the same way where it fills an entire aisle or whatever. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Arguably Lego I guess, Lego is pretty timeless. But that's not quite the same.
Yes, it was some kind of joint thing with IDW and Hasbro. That's how his toy came out so fast. It was on the drawing boards as they were rolling him out in AHM
>Core Rattrap is too small for Kingdom
Yep, that was discussed back when the core mouse was released. T30 rattrap is a better fit for the kingdom figures even when he seems bigger because of his huge backpack.
Not likely, but she’s one of the few that got regular stock, so she’s pretty cheap online
That mold is an awful Mirage, altmode-wise.
Check aliexpress, she was shelfwarming there.
I think it’s alright, I just don’t like the faux chest, but oh well
Alright, good to know, thank you.
Core Rattrap fits pretty well into a Legends-scale Beast Wars collection though, so there's that. Little bit too big for that but I think Core class is near the limit of how small a Transformer toy can be while still actually being decent.

There's not a lot of options for Beast Wars Legends scale yet but it's for those autists like me who like using them alongside MP G1 bots to recreate those scenes in Beast Wars.
ahhh rattrap, rhinox, and wazzzpinator.. i had to buy those online.
That's why I didn't want to have to buy a clear version of it just to get Aragon. The red deco could've, at least, been G1 Dino.
>There's not a lot of options for Beast Wars Legends scale yet
Got really disappointed when hasbro killed the core class, I was hoping for more beast machines figures to use with dragon megatron and t30 Tankors.
Rhinox was the rare one from where I'm from. Never saw the toy stores carry him and I only saw one at a collector's shop (immediately sold the week after I visited)
what's sad is, Core the same height as the old 'basic' rattrap. but a lot shrimpier bodily. because the toy was a lot stumpier in proportion... so if they had kept the old toy's girth, but extended its height, it would have been perfect. alas.
T30 is too big.. it's subtle but inescapable.
I’ll never understand why Hasbro killed core. It seemed to sell pretty well from what I could tell. It especially stings because certain characters like Bumper and Diver were clearly tied to it, meaning we aren’t getting new toys of them for a while
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You'd think with this much cruelty, there'd be more defections.
Fear is a powerful tool
I mean, a lot more people defect to the Autobots than the Decepticons. The only one I can think of is Armada Wheeljack
I’m fine with Core Rattrap. Is he the exact perfect size? No. Does he get the overall idea of the character's size? Yes
That's okay. they're gonna just shrink down the deluxes even more while still charging the high prices.
he's not awful or anything.
if they made a proper rattrap, if some chinaman scaled down the MP or fixed that one 3P one that I believe is MP scale or if not then it's core sized or smaller... i'd still keep kingdom Core on my shelf, just maybe repaint him.
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Finished my Megatron redesign. I'm not a good artist but I'm an okay-at-best designer IMO
I was hoping for arm articulation at least . . .
Kids these days will never know the excitement of heading to the toy store.
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Paramount and Michael Bay wants to hire you now
Hey, I tried with what I had. I just thought an apache was cool
Technically they still can since they\re too young to order online, but it's not as abundant as it used to be.
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Hey there's some third party Legends scale Beast Wars. They're honestly really nice, but of course they've only made the obvious characters so far. Until I see like, Airrazor or something I'm going to expect it to be like so many other third party lines where they just stop suddenly after they only make the same characters everyone has copies of already.
not bad, anon! this is a mecha I'd be happy to play with. Not sure what you were goin for with the head, but it sure isn't samey and predictable.
wait they can't both be legends scale can they
Gotta work a Fusion Cannon into there somehow - it's just not a Megatron without one.
The alt modes of these guys are pretty average
But the Cheetor looks great, so hopefully they go towards that more
Depends on how you want to define Legends scale I guess. That Primal is basically the same size as Core Beast Machines Cheetor, and the Megatron is obviously a fair bit bigger but it's actually accurate to the size difference between Primal and Megatron in the show (same size difference is there between the MP version of those 2).
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Updated Pastebins
>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors

Haven't heard any leaks or rumors lately so that list just keeps getting shorter
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This reminds me, I heard another Amazon pack was Carnivac and Ironfist. So we know which Hound mold they're using?
Even better: You get the option to choose between Omega Supreme and Lugnut Supreme. They're the exact same mold, you choose the color you like. Yes, buy the Lugnut Supremes!
I assume Earth Hound but I’m not sure. I’m curious if Carnivac is going to be a Headmaster if he’s a Weirdwolf partial
Who the fuck are Lug, Anode, Nickle, Stardrive, and Centurion?
Ok, the others I get but how do you know who Tarn is but not Nickel
Please, I don't want to pay all that money for the MMC one . . .
They angle his pose just right so you don't notice all that kibble in the back.

Honestly, they've figured out that nothing TF sells unless you put an Optimus Prime head on it.

I challenge someone to make a poster that has 3-5 different variations of the head over the past 4 decades!!

And don't be that Reddit-douche-asswipe to respond with a "wHy DoN't YoU dO iT?!?! Be ThE cHaNgE tHaT yOu WaNt To Be. Derp derp!!
I was going for the characterization I had in mind
>State of the art soldier, forged during the apex of a war
>Stationed in enemy territory fighting against invading aliens, Starship Troopers style
>Never gets any info from Cybertron about it's current state, just briefings on what he should do
>Eventually made his way back to Cybertron after hitching a ride on a ship, found out that the populace lives in relative safety and those "Invaders" were just a bunch of aggressive animals. Turns out he was activated long after the war was over, but they wanted to give him an enemy to fight so he feels like he has a purpose.
>Realizes his entire existence is pointless, just as they feared
>Snaps, goes on destructive rampage, frees entire incarcerated population , most of which join him
>If there's no war on Cybertron anymore, he's going to fucking make one
>The term "Autobot" is a slur he invented to deride the civilians and "Fake soldiers" (AKA soldiers who didn't make war their entire fucking identity)
Originally was gonna do that with the helicopter wings but realized it didn't work that well
Really hoping it's a Siege retool, Earth Hound doesn't work well for him. You'd only need to change the head and figure out how to change the top section so thr canopy is closed without completely changing the backpack, then just add his view finder weapon (use the kickstand to fill the hole in the alt mode?) and he's good.
honestly i could see that
"you fucking joiners. you're a.. just.. auto-bots."
then he calls his own guys decepticons and.. uh..
He’s just AM-levels of hatred.
Because imagine fighting for a population that you’re not even defending, and they don’t even know you exist nor do they care.
It is a crisis of hate
it's very obvious at this point
ShadowPanther/Ravage is just black Tigatron/Cheetor and NemesisPrime/Clench is just black Optimus/Ultra Magnus
I also kinda like how that's reverse Nadesico kinda
wait one cottonpickin minute
do cheetor and tigatron.. combine into one cat?
Yep, you can see Cheetor's butt connected to Optimus's front
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i love this spinny boy
>Originally was gonna do that with the helicopter wings but realized it didn't work that well
His rotor and blades
from copter mode, have them stick straight up, making a tube (the canon)
it might work better if you made his forarms be the top part of the helicopter, under/behind the rotor and then the helicopter wings would go on his back like TFanimated megatron.
where'd you buy from?
I meant the other wings
holy shit you can
this was a fucked up idea
>do cheetor and tigatron.. combine into one cat?
Starscream and thundercracker will combine into 1 jet, and Grimlock and Snarl will combine into one dino.

They're making color choices to make them look more cohesive. Hotrod has a yellow chassy, and red spoiler, instead of the other way around, so he looks good with bumblebee. Shockwave has mostly gray so he works well with Megatron.
Ultra Magnus is blue and white, which works with optimus already. Thundercracker and starscream share the same colors, just different amounts, same with the dinobots.

Nemesis Prime will likely be mostly black with red highlights, and clench will likely be dark green with yellow highlights, so the dark green sorta matches the black.
>I meant the other wings
there are only 1 set of wings on that helicopter.

There's rotor blades on top, and wings on the side.
I was saying "Yeah, I can see why the wings wouldn't work, you should consider the rotor/blades instead"
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My boy! I hope they don't just reuse Weirdwolf's TR mold and make him a Headmaster - he deserves his own mold.
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How many times has this been reissued?
now 2025?!?
I fashioned those into a cape
Is that brittle brown plastic
i wish i liked the robot modes more for this and the delorean one. i love nostalgia as much as the next guy
man wouldn't if be jawesome if we got some famous movie animals as beast guys? like american werewolf in london.. or uh.. a mogwaiformer. who wouldn't want that? Could even retool him into that tanuki dude.
Mogwai alt mode with Gremlin "Robot" mode?
Wasn't Tarn used in Cyberverse with a non shitty origin?

(The origin being that he's s prototype drone trooper who immediately decided, seconds after being brought online, that Megatron sucks and stages a coup against him and forces all of the other Cons to build mass produced clones of himself to serve as his new army leading to Prime and Megatron teaming up to kill him and his clones)
a surprisingly unterrible idea. but feels too Digimon. the limbs would just kind of unfold and become weird flat longer limbs.
at best, a slightly gremlin-inspired robot mode.
yeah, for all intents and purposes, Tarn is just "decepticon super soldier" and not "autobot with special powers that has an uncomfortable amount of hero worship of megatron" now
all I want is my titan class Nakitomi Plaza that transforms into a barefoot john mclane
is that so much to ask?
It's basically just Optimus Primal
It was always going to have a massive backpack because Rattrap cheated like a mother fucker even before Takara had to worry about fitting an underbelly on the rat for once.
so you imagine the gremlin body inside does not unfold and extend, but is rather always there and just the outer body parts move away
Or some mix of the two
The funny part is Wheeljack with fiberoptic cable "hair" that lights up is a good concept for reinventing his funny light up ears, it's just the movies did it in the most hideous way possible.
ah okay, fair. man I wanna see it, either way.
Personally, I’m just waiting for a new Pepsi Convoy out of the United toy mold. It just needs a new mold trailer
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Bot's got terrible luck that the movie folks got his look right in Bumblebee and fucked it up in ROTB.
With all the random 3d printed heads you find on eBay and Aliexpress I’m surprised nobody has recast the Twincast head in red or just 3d printed a new smiling head for Blaster.

I think it was Mark saying when they first revealed the comic line that they wanted to do purple Shockwave but other figures took priority, and rightly so IMO, and Evan mentioned in the Straxus reveal that they should probably do a Blaster at some point.
We can see what you did; what that anon is saying is what you SHOULD have done. As it stands, your dude looks more like Whirl than Megatron - changing elements of his design is fine, but you need to keep at least some of the character's defining elements of you want him to be recognizable as who you're saying he is, and in Megatron's case, that's his Fusion Cannon. Both of his modes are built around that thing no matter what universe he's in, and even as Galvatron he keeps it. If that's supposed to be Megatron, you've got to come up with some way to let him have his signature weapon, and the best way to do so short of awkwardly strapping the thing to the bottom of the helicopter mode is to make it so his rotor blades fold up into it in robot mode.
is everyone okay with Spinister using repainted Needelnose Targetmasters? I guess they look similar enough.
What were they thinking
Yeesh. Uhhhh
you should be thankful
it could have been worse.
Not really; with modern technology, there was never a reason for those things to exist to begin with - not without at least some sort of articulation. But given the rest of the figure is designed acceptably, they can be overlooked (and replaced with spare Battlemasters later).
wait, are those the two designs you mentioned? because they both suck, and they're the same.
Every single one of those designs is vastly superior than how Wheeljack ended up actually looking in RotB.
That's only his ROTB design. The Bumblebee movie design anon mentioned actually looked like Wheeljack and was great.
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They were just hell-bent on making hum Urkel-bot no matter what, weren't they?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the rumors are it is indeed the TR Weirdwolf mold they're using. No word yet as to whether or not it's going to feature any new tooling nor how extensive.
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Crossover Urkelbot transformer with his iconic car alt mode when?
Bitch that’s adorable
I don't have an issue with the headmaster gimmick, but Weirdwolf was one of the easy de-headmasterable molds, they just would've to remove the back "wall"of the wolfs neck, so the robot head could hide inside the wolf neck, or add a neck hinge so the head could store in the headmaster cockpit, but that requires more parts.
let's put it a different way
what is your motivation in making this Megatron? Just tryin to do something different with the name? because that's cool. I mean that name was used for a dinosaur once, anything's possible.
but if you've made up a pretty original design, you might as well call him something else.
Yeah nah, apart from the fifth one, they're better. But ONLY SLIGHTLY.
I feel like they have absolutely no idea what the different kinds of "liking something" are
Steve Urkel got ratings, so obviously he should be homaged in a movie about fighting robots.
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Bumblebee Wheeljack looks like this.
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>I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the rumors are it is indeed the TR Weirdwolf mold they're using.
There's still the possibility that they de-Headmastered him; one, Carnivac is not known to have ever been a Headmaster (so his head would have no previous identity to reference), and two, pic related exists despite being a barely-modified Mindwipe.
oh, got it.
you can see how I got confused, two designs are mentioned and then two images are shown.
My biggest concern with using the Weirdwolf mold isn't the Headmaster gimmick - it's that Weirdwolf 's entire midsection is made of that same soft plastic that Mindwipe 's wings are - you know, the stuff that everyone complained about having deteriorated over time? There's very little actually solid material holding his upper torso to his lower one, and his transformation requires you to collapse the entire lower section into the upper one to shorten his wolf torso, meaning it's going to quickly suffer from wear and tear. Dude is destined to rip in half if they don't use something sturdier this time around.
It might come off
No need to overthink it
High school nerds were like that in the 70s and 80s
That's when the execs were in high school
So they wanted something that looks nerdy to THEM
It's than likely it's the same mold, since I remember it was one of the rumored robots for one of the cancelled TR multi packs.
but wheeljack's entire thing is he's turbo cool to the point that if he didn't exist and you made him up, he'd be called a mary sue.
that's why he looks so much like Drift, who is a parody of those.
if Transformers has a nerd, it's, what, Bumblebee? but movie Bee was made too cool, so that won't work.
>it's that Weirdwolf 's entire midsection is made of that same soft plastic that Mindwipe 's wings are
I don't remember that being as rubbery, also different plastics would be expected on Carnivac.
First. If transformers has 1 guy more nerdy than wheeljack. It's preceptor
Two, wheeljack isn't a turbo cool guy
That's jazz, tracks, hotrod, etc
Wheeljack is a mechanic. A tinkerer.
That's it.
In TF prime they reimagined him as a warrior, maybe you have that confused?
G1 wheeljack wasn't just a nerd. He was a cool mad scientist uncle that made shit for kicks and likes stunt driving. He was among the few actual race car alt modes in G1. This is the same guy that engineered the dinobots because he thinks dinosaurs are cool and strong.

Every time they reinvent him they just make him lamer, the perfect character is already right there
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Is there a character more inconsistent than movie wheeljack?

Yeah no, that TF Prime Jack was the exception to the Wheeljack family, hes always an inventor/mechanic.
I was told tfprime's wheeljack was pure fanservice and that he was exactly the accurate depiction that g1 fans wanted because he's so badass and cool.
people are really gushing this hard over the nerdiest guy?
>I was told tfprime's wheeljack was pure fanservice
He was Drift in disguise.
Y'all clearly didn't live through g1 airing
"Wheeljack is cool" started with Armada
Which is also what tfprime took inspiration for his dual wielding swords.
oh thaaat's what they meant.
I did not, no. I mean it premiered exactly a year before my birth, and I always tried finding it in reruns as a kid but could not. Just tryin to piece things together from what fans tell me.
Wheel jack made the dinobots and is in SEGA rally
He’s cool enough for me
Besides, he just makes shit that shockwave wishes he could
So the Omega Prime unbox dropped at 3 in the morning, for some reason. The fact it's this far along means we should be getting it pretty soon, he'll they had this video shot like a month ago.

And where's the Super God Fire Convoy fan mode they promised?
>USD has been raising that the new generation select Trypticon is literally only $180 USD after conversion

I think I will be getting it

But are the hips and the tail issues fixed?
Since I can't sleep, I'll post the video info so you don't need to watch:
- big squre box, closer toUnicron than the previous Haslabs, with figures split between 4 boxes.
-Blue bolts comes with the stand
-Then there's the sword
-Optimus in vehicle mode
-Magnus in vehicle mode

Figured are sandwiched in plastic clamshells and they added many extra bits to protect the paint from rubbing off.
Here's the video in question for you guys lol, since it's unlisted for some reason atm.
They said in yesterday's stream that they fixed them and Implied some change was done.
>we should be getting it pretty soon
They said fall of 2025
No, I think wheeljack is legitimately a cool guy
He makes crazy things, has a cool alt mode of a cool car, has cool glowy horns when he talks. He made the fucking dinobots, cmon
TFP wheeljack would be cool if he were still a crazy inventor, unfortunately he's just a dull edgelord that grumbles about muh wreckers and being alone
No, it’s a meme batman.
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Surely it will be Siege Hound. I’ve seen enough customs to know how well that mold works for Ironfist.
Even when they said that for the first stream, most people assumed it was to cover their asses after what happened with Deathsaurer. The actual release for most of the world is probably around March/April, at the latest, May.
Amazon JP
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>The full colour instructions are a simple way to add that premium feel
>Matrix blade has metal rods in the hand for stability
>The secret super mode isn't in the instructions but is a purposefully built in feature
>Shipping in fall

Evan's Optimus missing his tires is kind of endearing
To be fair, I never had the siege Hound mold, so I have no idea how it transforms
What secret super mode?
Basically they probably found a way to put ALL of Fire Convoy's parts on the finished product so nothing is hanging around off to the side.

It's been a while but I think that the original GFC was able to do the same, I don't remember tho. Was fan-made.
Oh, is it this? Saw it recently when googling stuff.
these would almost be kinda neat if their heads weren't fucking Mighty Beanz
Yeah that's what I remember. But supposedly the designers made it work on the HasLab one but didn't put it in the instructions. Like there is specific engineering for it or something. I guess we have to see. I think in the original, people pegged in the ladder onto the forearm. I don't remember.

Here is one combo...(1/2)
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And here is another (2/2)
>>The full colour instructions are a simple way to add that premium feel
That one sort of stung because they also joke about how awkward the sheets are with how many instructions there are, and yet they couldn't spring for a booklet.
I'm sure they discussed at one point
If the two sheets were one piece I'm sure they'd have done a booklet like Unicron had
Apparently that yellow cat butt was tigatron
Have they done any legends scale transmetal characters?
I think they made a Megatron but he's complete shit. Sad because he is my favorite Transmetal design. I think there's an Optimal Optimus out there too. He looks good.
I had heard it's not actually dead, but they're just not gonna sell them separate anymore. That rumored Core Dinobot was still supposed to come out in the "last wave" of Legacy United that they tacked on at the end but I haven't heard or seen anything. This was from that reliable source too.
>chinky leaky implies another MPG trainbot is coming
>Get an e-mail saying the expected ship date is January 06, 2025
But today is the 15th. What is Hasbro playing at?
Do we know when these things are releasing? I kinda love them
Damn, arcee being his aunt makes so much sense now. The both transform the exact same way
Secret family art of impossible shrinking back kibble.
Should've been one character instead of two. Like, what if I want Ultra Magnus at the front instead of Optimus? I need to see more. Sound concept but most likely a terrible execution.
>implying Ultra Magnus will ever not be a bottom
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I feel like they make more sense when the back character is a follower/minion of the front one.
They never sold at that price. You can find them at toyshows for $25 now.
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Obvious shoulders in the rat's ass. It just feels like they could have hidden those but wanted to keep the beast mode robot kibble tradition.
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>completely black, dead eyes
why did we ever fall for the light piping meme
Both Cheetor and Tigatron benefit greatly from light piping, it really makes the eyes and mouth shine like in the show. They're just fucking it up now because the window on the top/back of the head is not big enough.

Then again these are just renders, we still don't know for sure if this is going to be another Rhinox. But better keep the expectations low.
That image is CG
i kinda dig the idea desu
it looks fun as a desk toy, but it seems like it's the kinda thing that you buy only one of.
They couldn't fold up that backpack a LITTLE more?
I can't find any, anywhere, but I'd like at least one. Why are these fun, but R.E.D. sucked? Is it the "build it yourself" assembly thing? Like Legos, Model Kits or old GIJoe vehicles?
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Are these good prices, or does this store suck?
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This Jetfire looked really cool, but sticker shock scared me away.

I was also tempted by Antagony
RED Aimed for Show accuracy when we had a lot of transforming options for it, while also not having enough paint or crisp sculpting to really make the lack of transforming not seem like a worthy tradeoff like the Flame toys kits or threezero(obviously it's cheaper but still). The blokees style is unique and charming and the scale doesn't feel like it's competing with anything
It's a mixed bag, but mostly they're overpriced.
Straxus is a leader class, and online only, so 55+ shipping. They might be making 5 bucks in profit on him, so it's probably worth it if you love the character.

That gamer edition starscream shelfwarmed hard, so 5 bucks upcharge means they just bought it in regular retail and are looking for a profit.

gamer edition optimus having a 25 dollar upcharge is pure insanity though.

the IDW girlbots are on amazon for 38 bucks. Also pure insanity

Antagony is only a 5 dollar upcharge.

Honestly, half or more you can just buy off amazon for cheaper.
Omega Prime is one of the weirdest things I swear
Prime arcee is sexo and the promo showed it
Jetfire is pretty cool - he's also huge. Still, looks like that's a $20 markup; he's still up at normal retail price over on BBTS, or for a $5 markup on Amazon.
Almost everything there is cheaper on amazon.
the claim is it's a hound partial
so probably the new one, but with a new backpack.
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how so? It's basically a riff on God Ginrai
I have spent way too much money on toys recently . . .
t. Onslaught
>It'll be another generic brown shipper box they don't pad and ship as is for the world to read the box and known contents inside
>God Ginrai
>Victory Saber
>Every single main Brave robot other than GGG
Not weird at all.
What'd you get anon
What is weird about it?
oh I see.
Is the meme placing two mirrored faces but one is 2d and one's 3d, or is it just kind of a meme of showing something like those expressions and mocking the ugliness or...
ooh that's pretty good painting.
just remembered how thirsty i am for a yellow haslab redeco (it will never happen)
If it wasn't for Energon Prime, Omega Prime would be the weakes modern Prime+1 combination, Cybertron/Galaxy Prime got it right.
But it's better than a majority of that image
TR Wolfwire has that issue of the hinge braking so that’s another reason for Carnivac to be a de-headmastered retool.
cybertron had missed potential with the wingsaber & leobreaker combinations not being compatible with each other unless you mod your optimus
plus the combiner arm tooling being ambidextrous but there's nothing else to combine with except another leobreaker
Only better than energon prime, tied with the corpse wearer on second place, you can't compare any on the lower row to the g1 toys, those are on their own league.
you have it literally backwards, energon is the best & RID is 2nd best
i'm a bit confused now. that was definitely a yellow cat butt, not off-white. but to look right, they can't color-match.
That issue could be solved using a slimmer pin, it really wasn't part of the headmaster gimmick, it was a transformation joint.
Cybertron one looks better and its the most stable, energon prime thinking cap and fat torso take a lot of points out, Omega has balance issues and his mid torso is a mess that only looks ok from the front view.

Except for Victory saber I've own all of them, I know what I'm talking about.
Wingsaber's wings looked WORSE and scrawnier than regular Supermode Optimus' wings though.Always hated that.
I think Energon Prime is better if you open his chest No idea why so few images online do that. Are people retarded?
I’m mad others will get to experience the spinister mold
He needed a dedicated supermode head and a way to remove the hip wheels.
Nta, but the Cybertron one doesn't even look like a power up, his regular super mode wings and guns are way cooler than the puny things Wingsaber gives him. Only thing that actually gives that classic super robot final combination vibes is the chest, but it still manages to look less powerful than his super mode nonetheless.

Omega Prime on the other hand really looks like a legit Brave descendant, even if the toy isn't not so stable. That's the reason I own both RiD Prime and Magnus but never cared to get a Sonic Bomber for my Galaxy Convoy.
Were you mad about Rotorstorm too?
I really should have bought this guy, still own my original G1 Rotorstorm.
It’s more about how it gets treated as a fucking godlike powerhouse even when there’s way more impressive Optimus combinations
>treated as a fucking godlike powerhouse
Well, his original name was God Fire Convoy, so yeah.
I don't get why they gave energon prime a helmet. Like.. just give it a face too. That couldnt have been hard.
I kind of wish they had waited until we got a new Whirl, he looks kind of off with three cockpits
woo, upgrade kit for Silverbolt is on its way.
an armored car isn't too bad but it's pretty generic cubevehicle
I remember there was a transformer, I want to say it was a leader class or something else big, who's crotch split apart during transformation.

Like an opposite of siege springer.

anyone remember what it was? I feel like maybe it was RID 2001 megatron, or Dragon Megatron, but maybe it was something from the Unicron Trilogy.
Uh, Armada Prime does it for his super mode.
so bombs yes, but flip-up forearm no. Okay, that's fair.
the empty elbows would bother me more if this wasn't such a small figure
in fairness they got the "just beore the tail" bulge perfect. people often exclude that on rats. it's very important and their balls are in that region.
Wait, the tail is hinged? i thought it was bendy wire.
lightpiping rules. it just needs to be done properly.
i think not for its size.. though for that price you would think.
those prices blow chunks
Either they do it on purpose or have an awful team communication, SG Megatron and Goldbug should've used the Galvatron and Hotshot molds too.
Because it makes his head bigger
where's the third one?
Implied on the chest.

Hes asking why they didn't gave it a bigger face too.
doesnt look like a cockpit to me but I guess it is silver and pink like the cockpits.
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Check out the awesome base Guardian Robot can be for smaller bots. I have it with my previous big base, the Botropolis Rescue Mission 6-Pack. Also have my Ark out, so it's a whole mission control for space operations. Legends/Core are a bit big, but I think it can still work. Turned the big Guardian Robot tank into a tower center.
that is a BIG rocket.
Pick up the Armada Space Minicon Team to go with your setup anon, they'd fit perfectly.
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>CW Pipes
Now that's a toy I haven't seen in a long time
>mfw my autobots are already vastly outnumbered, 'cons even have menasor
>thinking about tryp and already committed to devy this year
Having prime evens it out right? Leader and some trusty allies v an army of mooks
>so bombs yes, but flip-up forearm no.
Anon, look at the pic again.
Good, the Autobots SHOULD be outnumbered.
I had way more Autobots than Decepticons as a little kid, which made battles a foregone conclusion.
I love the colors, but I can't justify picking one up when I already have Omega.
ACKUALLY autobots outnumbered decepticons from day one
Saw someone is selling their superions on twitter,CW and UW, they also were selling the cool 3p ppc Fallen, whoever it is, its making a big mistake downgrading to the official fallen.
I know, that's why I had more of 'em. I want more bad guys, dammit.
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SG is in this weird place where a lot of the characters have molds they normally wouldn’t because those are the molds FunPub had access to. If it was created today, most of the characters would have their G1 bodies
His original toy has the cockpit in the chest, which the colors are trying to emulate
Maybe they'll make a simplified one at retail, like the marvel legends Sentinel got.
You could army build. Besides, most of the time the Decepticons are splintered anyways since none of them can get along
gasp! it's there!!!
oh that is great. i'm glad they could work that in.
That’s honestly a great idea
in that case that's hella stupid.
I mean, I don't think that's what I was thinking of, but that IS engineered pretty much the same way, so it'll work for my purposes, thanks
you mean like classic Inferno did? and classic dino megatron and kingdom dino megatron and... definitely a few other guys. splitting crotch is very popular.
So, anyone got their Ginrai's smokestack tabs broken? Of course, many people can somehow get a widened slots on the back of their figures' legs, which could be a useful design flaw to exploit.
>kingdom dino megatron
that was it! Thank you
Would tryp be a good leader for my 86/legacy/assorted other cool 'cons? King shit Scream is cool and all but he lacks gravitas and a multi-story imposition factor
He is really big at least.
Maybe if they have shitty parents.
i cant imagine anyone in a financially stable place right now
Unironically straxus fits in better
Just a reminder hasbro got scammed by 100 million by a chink
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Others will get to play with a cool toy and there's nothing you can do about it
They really should have had some well known competent developers make a game instead of what they went and did.
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should I watch this?
pulse or reliable third-party for tryp? I'd rather give a reliable retailer business than pulse directly if I can (plus a minor saving) but they've been super unreliable with supplying groups like star action and kapow lately so wondering if direct from the horse itself is the safest bet. Any other uk/eu 'nons gone in for it yet?
>Wannabe V-Tuber
implying you don't wanna be a vtuber.
it's the dream. someday we'll all have 'em. and it won't matter that we're old and busted.
Because i'm not a troon or a closet predator
you.. don't have to be an anime girl, anon. you could be just you. or anime you. or like a dog or something, whatever.
I'm doing up my first custom and I've quickly learned why everyone says brush painting sucks.
As someone who's made around 3 customs, I wholeheartedly agree.
it really does, but you can overcome it
1: use paint with a lot of surface tension like Vallejo
2: don't fuck with it once it's even a little bit dried. you see a mistake, leave it. let it dry, fill something in later. don't fuck with that semisolid surface or you'll kill the smoothness.
Nice set up! If you can get a SkyLynx it would really tie into your theme as well.

My set up is the G1 style Metroplex titan and Fort Max Titan in base mode forming a 90 degree angle together and SkyLynx at the corner where they meet. I also use the small scale figures with my Titans.
My biggest mistake was using some brush-on primer that I was told to "just glop on because it shrinks as it dries". It did shrink, but there's still very obvious gloppage and brush strokes. I'll probably just go for tamiya spraycans next time.
Not sure if anyone already posted it, but it looks like the Loli Prime model kit is officially up on both Kotobukiya's official site (JP version only, NOT KotoUS) and BigBad, for anyone who was interested in her. She's being listed as a Frame Arms Girl, so for those who aren't familiar with how they work, it means she's probably going to be compatible with other FA:Gs and FA kits' parts as well as all M.S.G. kits, so you'll be able to customize her pretty extensively.
I am very excited for this kit, she looks great
ahh yeah, primer is another story.
i never use it but there's more than a few times that I wish I had. again vallejo paints are helping a lot, I tend to need 2 coats max now without primer, but still. and if it's a material that doesn't bond well to the paint, you really need that primer, I'm told.
Who else deserves a super mode
Ultra Magnus
He's already one.
super super mode
In both ways.
>Is an Optimus Prime wearing armor
>Is something Optimus combines with
What else can he do? Wear Jetfire?
Soundwave SUPA MODO where he combines with all of his cassettes.
I mean I think the point is that "Super Mode" usually exists in a series where Optimus needs it to keep up. Cybertron Optimus flat-out couldn't face Megatron without it at times
But what if he was bigger?
>5 heads tall
>thighs each almost as wider as her waist
You're a fucking retard
Do Galvatron and Super Megatron count as Super Modes?
Arcee and Thunderwing.
brainrotted zoomer

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