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/trash/ - Off-Topic
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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Welcome to /trash/Your thread ended up here because it didn't belong on the board where you posted it. Don't complain if your thread got moved, instead read the rules to prevent this from happening in the future!

Not all off-topic threads end up here. Most are just going to get deleted as normal, and you may get banned as a consequence.

You can still post normally on /trash/ just like any other board. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 are enforced. The posting of loli or shota pornography is not permitted.

/npg/ - Nationplay/Countryplay General #102 (I think)
America edition #248

Patriotism, treason, conquest, surrender, stereotypes, any and all kinks and themes about nations and countries. Flag apparel especially welcome.

Flags limited to countries and groups of countries (i.e. NATO, UN, EU, etc.)

R*ceplay is only acceptable in the context of the countries involved. All other references to r*ceplay (tattoos, symbols, etc) is not allowed.

If someone posts nationplay content involving a country you don't like, ignore it and post content you do like. Don't be a bitch and cry about it.

Last thread >>67000605
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Gladly, id cum inside all the non american sluts also.
negev twerking for big american cock as thanks for all that money
What the hell's so great about America? Stupid overrated country, nothing but a bunch of-
>sees this poster
Happy ending for the Ironblood girls!
The true happy ending requires them in those same bikinis but also pregnant

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American Pekin Duck edition

PREVIOUS: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67101679

Thread-preferred Models:
SD1.5: EasyFluff, IndigoMix, QueasyFluff
SDXL: PonyDiffusionV6, SeaArt, CompassMix

>A1111 and Forge Installation Guides

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america ya :D
What character is that?
Gotta see that good ole Butt hole for America
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Happy 4th my fellow degenerates
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Happy 4th indeed

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4chan's collective RWBY AU! You're welcome to share your own OCs, lore, and AI generated images with us!

>1. Worship Scarlet
>2. Read the Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8MjgAFYQ
>3. Beware trolls, falseflaggers, and edgelords
>4. No bitching about other ships
>5. Regular RWBY discussion goes to RWBY/RT General
>6. Have fun!

General Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/923xfr3g94zeq/SV_Greens
GreentextAnon’s Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/na0b5f695k3og/Greens
Tiermakers: https://tiermaker.com/user/16270573

Active Scarletverse Fics:

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Going alright, gonna eat breakfast with family soon
He said yesterday the new chapter will probably be out next week, he probably just doesn’t have enough down to show us a preview yet
I think he has til the end of year 1 planned
Dude leave him alone, he can show us stuff whenever he’s ready
No problem man, like >>67116418 said I'm aiming for next week for a release, I've mostly been working on stuff that doesn't get shared like the outline but I'm hoping to get the first segment out either tomorrow or Saturday
Ficbro2 > Kerry and Eddy

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Cold one with the boys edition
Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66874942/

Episodes: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8ec614aed062146757e25a4479eadb7e52619cc2&dn=Bluey%20S01-03C%201080p%20v3%20%28uncensored%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Episodes in HEVC: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:768071281849411d4ed30817bef62a3d7217c7a3&dn=Bluey%20S01-03C%201080p%20x265%20v3%20%28uncensored%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Direct Link: https://mega.nz/folder/AdYSWRLZ#-CAJjPb72l24FZrIk39cOg

Chatroom: #Bluey on Rizon.net
IRC Quickstart Guide: https://ghostbin.me/6482565e4b257
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A happy 29th birthday to Porygon
An autist on DA; he makes damn good vectors that are almost identical to the show. His stuff shows up here semi-often
I love how anons on these threads slowly started to love porygon2z and his artwork.
Wonder if he knows about our existence or something.
>"Good girl!"
>"Ok now I've been a bad girl. Grab that newspaper and slap my bottom"

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Hitler Edition

OP Template
>What is Hazbin Hotel?

From the official website:
Hazbin Hotel is the story of Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. She opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be "checking out" into Heaven.

Hazbin Hotel Pilot/Pilot Download:
>What is Helluva Boss?

From the Youtube description:

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Can someone post that one webm of that deer sniffing food?
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This is kinda gross but I can't get the idea of her sinner form having those weird scent glands and doing that to Vox's pantsu whenever she smells them out of my head.
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Good morning hhg!
RAAAAH ITS JULY FIRST!! I made this gorgeous edit in celebration. Let's celebrate our freedom today!
You're all good people who deserve to have a great day!

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nice shot edition
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>imminent rape
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the correct response in this situation
why do people that aren't good enough decide to upload their shit

Advanced: Monster Hunter! Part #287

Discuss mounting monsters, talk about the games, etc.

Monster Hunter Doujin/Smut Index of Monster Pornography
Previous Threads
Steam Group

>For Rise/MHW, check the thread and see if there's any session IDs for your version (or use the Steam group)
>For other games, make inquiries and simply use /mhg/'s standard room setup if possible

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How is my husband so beautiful and perfect in everyway from every angle
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>a monster stalking a hunter stalking a monster
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Thanks for making such an amazing animation. I love you anon. I'll suck your dick

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Drunk Twinks Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66983579

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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>ywn lie on top of aa and hear his moans as you frot with him
why even live
can you people leave basil alone for one goddam minute?!?

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/flg/ - F-List General #5512

Beeg American Titties Edition

Previous thread: >>67108526

F-list is a website for people interested in erotic roleplaying, and creating character profiles to find like-minded partners with similar interests and fetishes to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying), group forums and more kinks and depravity than you can memorize.

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where roleplayers can freely share and advertise their profiles, solicit roleplay from anons, critique each others' characters, ask and give feedback, share their roleplay logs, discuss their kinks, gossip about site drama, and anything else related to F-List.

>The Site
>Login Stats
>Live Status Tracker

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Changeover day, make sure you know the date
After the 4th of July be careful what you say
Changeover day, for the Nazi USA
We all know that German is much better anyway!


I may be a Nazi but at least I'm not RUDE!
There's a specific sect of flg who hates when people reduce their characters for mass appeal for their own ego and numberwhoring over making actual characters for actual Roleplay
I hate wanting to play when none of my friends I want to play with are on. Finding new partners is an exercise in agony.

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/ftt/ - Fapping Together Thread
Post lewds and talk about fappin' and schlickin'

Breeding Protocol Edition!

Previous: >>67103534
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I definitely wouldn't mind, though its hard enough to focus as is..~
Very hot! I just do it secretly mostly, I wish I had a fap friend to jerk off and play games with though..
I'm sure you can do just fine while someone strokes you with a ona and kisses your balls~
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Do you want the papa play?
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I really don't think I could... I'd probably cum so fast just from how good it feels... <3
That sounds like a good thing. You'd be able to focus on the game right away~

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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Dragon Edition

Previous: >>67111099
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This is the mom
Well!?! What more
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Still me
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Looking for someone to milk who'll watch me play League while talking to me about how the games going, or play together with me. Can do light erp or make ai porn for you. Currently iron 4 with 20 ranked games, 127 normal

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ManaHub Edition

Previous thread: >>67061098

Booru Backup:

Carmillanon’s NTR captions:

DarkNation's NTR captions:

Succubus dating guide:

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That's not even considering fitness from the father's side.
>That cute quirky girl from class that you thought you had a chance with
>tfw hapa wifey got her asshole destroyed and pussy creampied today by a dozen cocks
Man, she might really end up pregnant when we go back to the states.
My bully's
Did someone say "POV?"


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/haha/ i hate myself

hell in a cell

last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67095199/
habits: https://mega.nz/#!14tzGArI!GJVpT9n0k7QzsFGSTvWNfG57LFEn2lJV7X6ydBvIen4/
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/haha,hahaihatemyself,posshouse/
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/posshouse/

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whoa… pbf visa to idaho… each thing has two meanings… enjoy the natural beauty and being able to yell about your constitutional rights!!! my favorites are the ninth and tenth bc they were pretty forward thinking for the time but its really funny to invoke the third at people who dont know we even have it.
Umm... the one about quartering soldiers?
forgot to finish my drink...
set it down to cool and then forgot and left....
its gonna be gross when i get back 12 hours from now....
i thought u were married so isn't it a ph visa?
pbf bounces off the tongue better

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/vrlg/ - Virtual Reality Lewd General #2037
"Virtual Reality, Real Ejaculate"™
Asshayo Gozaimasu Edition

>18+ Avatar Resources:
https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

>Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC

>OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)

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which A?
No, I'll correct your asshole with my fat cock!! You big dummy!!!
You're just jealous I'm sorry you don't have my charisma, maybe next life. For now you can be my simp.
You're better than this Allurein

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