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/bzzt/ - Bugs & Insects General
Sanguine Spider Edition

Post bugs and arthropods of all varieties.

Previous thread:

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Do you think bugs would have any special forms of art or other creative endeavors?
Also, new story from last thread
I hope this is a bug autism thread and not a thread for insect sex
There is a fair bit of bug autism in these threads, but you know where we are, the latter is far from nonexistent
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Maybe bugs that build things could be sculptors as a creative endeavour.
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Who is the opposing army anyways, wasps or something?
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A country no one bothered to find out who they really are and are just fighting a meaningless war. Probably wouldn't be all insects though. She lives in a world where all animals can be anthro... because it's funny.
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I made more art of my termite gal, more suggestive this time.
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I could see it, if they're not too preoccupied with architectural stuff
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>bug autism
what does that even mean?
which bug would give the best head
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Any of the ones with a proboscis
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yeah that makes sense
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sick ass wasp
sounds like a funny experience

shes going to drink more that blood if she does sting that
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cute bug friends
Spiders would obviously be tailors
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88s3PX4an4w is relevant to this thread
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I haven't been bitten by a mosquito once this year. I don't know if that means they like me or hate me
>added halteres
nice touch
Cute boy?
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Might just not have the genes that lead to attracting a lot of mosquitoes
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Why not both?
So is this.
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Such a great bee
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Can probably include some moths in that
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Thanks, glad you like her.
Is that centipede her pet or something?
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Former pet that is kept around after death since she couldn't bring herself to part with it according to the artist
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No one likes mosquitoes
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Well, mosquitoes only need the blood to help grow their eggs, so unless I'm the reason those eggs are fertilized, she is not getting a drop
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am under so much time pressure but almost finished my red eyes damselfly oc boy
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Love mosquitoes in 2d.
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There simply isn't enough damselfly stuff out there, hope to see it when it's done
Can I post some animations I made of my bug OCs here?
Go ahead
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They’re kids. My ant.
Cute, how come the frills on the clothing have those goo-like drips though?
It’s meant to be some kind of sap or fruit pulp. Originally it was just regular fluff but I realized it looked sticky and went with it.
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finished him today. I totally agree. I want to make a bunch of characters based on real life bugs. this one is based on Disparoneura apicalis. I went through so many insects one by one until I found some I really liked cause there's not a lot of visual galleries of all bugs. I fell in love with the wings. they remind me of those black tipped snow rabbit ears.
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Very nice, and yeah it does suck how there is not a lot of documentation or pictures for bugs that aren't one the few popular species
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they're very close male friends

like Frederick the Great and Has Hermann von Katte, or James Buchanan and William Rufus King
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Completely heterosexual activities between friends
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"Have you met our lord and savior, Beesus Christ?"
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>bug autism
Fake shit.
If you were really autistic about bugs you would go to /an/ if you wanted to draw bugs you would go to /i/. The fact that you're here on the garbage dump famous for it's porn just tells me you're a normie with puritanical ideals and a mild interest in bugs
If they wanted to see anthro bugs, lewd or not, this is the only board that doesn't ban furry stuff.
I honestly would not care if they just weren't such filthy bastards carrying deadly diseases.
Reality forces me to hate them, not them themselves.
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Long tongues like that just make me wonder how it would be to kiss them
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I need to stop announcing I feel like drawing, every time I do I lose momentum about 5 minutes later. istfg.
This isn't what I was planning to draw, just getting a feel for the character. Moth will be next.
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I forgot I even requested this from you, lmao. Thank you for actually drawing her even if this is a simple warm up. Feel like I should pay you back in some way.
How tall is she, while you're here
Never saw any sort of scale in the refs but she gives me 4'5" (or bugworld equivalent) supergremlin energy
I don't imagine any of my animal characters to be very tall so around 4'5" to 5'0"
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Drew the bug from that one show no one actually watched.
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Never understood the small bit of attention this character got, was always too cartoony of a design to me and, as you said, no one actually seemed to watch the show. Good art in any case though
I think she might just be forced. I think /co/ has threads of her like every Friday despite not having anything to talk about. Thanks for liking the art. I think I might be the first and only person to give her a bug abdomen and I don't know what do with this knowledge.
Definitely could be just a few dedicated autists. As for that design, adding the abdomen and the segementation to the arms does help make it a bit more tolerable, whether or not it's the first time it's been done, though I've certainly never seen it before
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This artist's stuff is great
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Wish that design was more bug-like, basically the only thing there that suggests bug is the antennae
Who's the artist for that?
Very cute, who is the artist?
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https://x.com/RedKiwi_469/status/1793087624825217315 though that seems to be the only bug thing they've done
What happened to her wings in the other three pics?
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Love the fluff
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She's a sorceress, she stores her wings away when not on use.
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impressive attention to detail on the anatomy gawdamn
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Kageyama is usually pretty good when it comes to that
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I remember watching a close up video of a bee queen being artificially insemenated and it making me hard. Bug puss intrigues me
I do have to wonder what exactly was the breaking point that got the comments on that video turned off
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she's so hot
He's probably talking about this one
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Someone get that bug some sunscreen
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extensive experience has taught me that oviposition is about to happen
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Or forced reverse rape/scissoring. I think all these bugs that get drawn by this circle of artists are female, but it's always lewd but never explicit.
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>bug yuri
there's potential
this pic got my dick hard years and years ago
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hnnnnnnnng mantis belly
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Filename reminded me that it's sort of disappointing the whole moon worship stuff hasn't really seen use in a long time
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infinite moskeeto
Infinite howso?
Just give me malaria
Where the subby mosquito boys at though?
Caught by spiders
Would you let a mosquito anthro suck your blood?
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If I was in a relationship with them then yeah
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