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Scaly Snake Soles Edition
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66069559
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Not sure if amyone is still keeping up with my story about bullying by paws, but a new chapter is out.

Ch. 4

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Nice and subtle.
Nta but my favorite foot or paw pics are almost always the ones that show them off but aren't exactly the main focus.
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very nice
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bitch wtf you mean no one's keeping up I came to the first 2 chapters and patiently await any and all subsequent
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pillow material
what are your thoughts on heel pads?
I prefer digitigrade but if you go plantigrade, heel pads are a must.
Personally don't prefer them but I'm not strongly opposed to them when I see one either.
Well, it looks like he finally deleted his account (for reals this time). I don't suppose anyone ever made a backup?
I did like 10 threads ago. Anything after that I hadn't saved tho
Search one of his usernames on the archive
>I did like 10 threads ago. Anything after that I hadn't saved tho
>Search one of his usernames on the archive
Are you talking about this link?
I already have that, but thank you.
what's wrong with more beans?
I wish all protogen sonas were this hot
I need more Marian paws
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Thanks. I prefer beans but this is fine too.
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>Thanks. I prefer beans but this is fine too.
How about these?
That's a classic. Busted many loads to that one years ago.
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Good stuff.
clean version
Hey /feetpaw/, I'm thinking about how my foot is fucking destroyed from work even though I was wearing proper footwear, and was wondering how the hell it would work for anthros.

I like digitigrade anthros, but I have no clue how steel/composite toes would work, and thinking of all those beautiful paws being smashed makes me sad.
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Worship your queen!
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Fifi feet
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Yes please~
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None of the Tiny Toons girls feet would do it at all. Fifi’s would smell rotten, Shirley’s would be wet and slimy, and Babs would keep shoving her’s in your face to the point you’re numb to them.
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feet and paws
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is the thread a fan of webbing?
webbed paws are nice
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We hoofin? Does any one have a pic wth camel toes with a camel toe or a moose knuckle with moose knuckles?
Love this and the storys its tied to
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Bridgette beans are absolutely poggers, did you find this in /hmofa/?
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delicious averi beans
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Bow skeet skeet skeet
post em
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when u watchin your friend stream live and he starts drawing the beanz
It took me a moment to realize what this meant, at first I thought it was a scenario about your anthro streamer friend putting his paws up during a livestream
yeah I couldn't really find a pic to match, wanted something smug
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fine by me lol
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"no sex" my fuckin ass. like bean licks won't make me cum hands free
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random ai slop found on /macro/
I get the feeling like there'd be a surprisingly large amount of overlapping between the two generals.
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Bump (bumps on paws (pawpads))
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No, I talked to Bridgette's creator and gave tiny financial donation to have that cute sketch made.
Also schizo seething over Bridgette's author and trying constantly to dox them is probably still monitoring /hmofa/ to this day, because they have both else to do.
Perfect situation
Love this
Well ain't she a pretty one.
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Averi my beloved
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have some pawzz
Those are some pretty pawzz. But do they measure up to the pawzz of the paw queen.
big beautiful pawzz
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The view
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one can only imagine how baked her beans are.
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a furry gf
with paws
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love that artist
>recording her human pet bf while he sniffs sweat her paws
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>while he sniffs sweat her paws
this boy is so paw drunk he can't even talk straight
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Something about those shoes makes her feet even sexier
no kidding? small world.
3 toes on human feet seem illegal
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loona beans
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Toe rings just look so much better on paws than feet.
She definitely deserves all the pampering on her feet
Nylon foot worship is so good
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So cute and sexy
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The queens paws require attendance.
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The best kind
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>4 toes on the left foot
>5 on the right
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with AI getting more popular I expect it won't be long before someone gets a fetish for it.
why can't feet be real
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>We hoofin?
A bit late to the party but sure.
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She knows
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of course she does
Yappy beandependence day /feetpaw/ :3
any reason why?
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