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Beautiful View Edition

OCs, fusions and fakemons (true fakemons, like clovermons) are welcome too.
Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a (embed)
•More resources if you need more help:
•You can also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress thread: >>>/trash/drawing
•Remember that you can always git more gud.
•When ask for requests, post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.

>What else should I know?
•AI deliveries are NOT allowed
•Do NOT respond to the spam. Just report ignore it and move on.

Our booru: http://trashdump.booru.org/
*Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
*Taggers needed too!

Previous Thread(s): https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66624485/
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Requesting a male Alolan Marowak and Sima having sex in this pose below.
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Requesting this Raboot getting fucked in the pussy and creampied by a male Servine.
Requesting a futanari Madafrost, give her a huge normal penis or a horse one any is fine
She is a fakemon
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Requesting Yoko Littener giving an anthro litten dude a titjob with cumshot similar to pic related, also make the cock big enough to where she's giving him a blowjob too please
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Requesting a female human worshipping Lugia's penis. Preferably Nessa, but any female is also fine.
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Requesting Incineroar seductively fingering and playing with his bellybutton like pic related, either as a tease or out of boredom

(Optional spitball idea: He’s magically synchronized to someone else like a voodoo doll with the other character able to feel what he’s doing)
requesting the brand new fakemon freazel getting throatfucked by anon
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Requesting this but as a male diggersby
Requesting a follow up to this pic where you're on the land and inside the mouth of the huge, 200km tall Glaceon before she closes it, looking down into her throat.


4chan wouldn't let me upload a file that big. xwx
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Requesting a shortstack Nidorina in a tenga-themed swimwear/bikini.
Requesting NSFW fanart of Melodra, a fusion of Meloetta and Goodra, from Pokemon Infinite Fusion please.
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Requesting the meowth getting fucked by two dudes like the reference
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Requesting this Bayleef getting creampied with heart pupils in her eyes.
>Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.
Nice try.
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Requesting this 10% Zygarde as a flat anthro girl with an ass still as gigantic, just that
Wrong thread
Requesting a female lucario and anubis giving the viewer a double assjob or titjob
>Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.
Notice how this was never needed until the one autist decided to shit up the entire thread about how much palworld triggers him
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Requesting a male Dragonite with a fat dick and balls like on the very left image but posed like any of the other images. Make it where you can clearly see his dick and balls.
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requesting hyper futa nurse or maid of either Meowscrada, Braixen, Zeraora, Roserade or Skitty, with a body similar to the ref but she can have either humanoid or equine cock.
There were complaints about this in prior threads.
Why is this rule an issue? Why do you need this to be in the Pokemon thread?
Reminiscent of Pokemon or not it’s a completely different franchise
I seriously doubt it was just one person, and it is a reasonable request.
Don't start with the arguing, please.
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Requesting Mega Swampert fucking May's pussy in the Full Nelson position while she's wearing a bikini.
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Req from last thread for nurse spreading decidueye cloaca
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Requesting milf Lugia giving a titjob under her sweater to a big cock as a visible semi-detailed bulge w/ a bit of cum at the tip, just like the ref.
Requesting this Ninetales as a female (wearing the clothes in the ref) having vaginal sex with a male Zebstrika or a male Umbreon.
Not OR but I’m glad to see it finally done.
Cute birdie with a cute pussy
Not OR but that's lewd AND funny, and that combination is a guilty pleasure of mine. Nice job.
>Why is this rule an issue?
Because it was such a non-issue until that one guy decided to shit up the thread, and bait out people doing palworld requests to spite him.

I genuinely think that because that one dazzi (or w/e it's called) request finally got filled after being constantly ignored it broke his brain.

You greatly underestimate how autistic people can be here. It's "reasonable" but it's only being implemented because of the shitstorm from the "people" getting mad about palworld, not because there's actually an influx of palworld requests here. A better rule (and just as unlikely to be enforced) would be to contain your autism.
>I added it to the OP so it must be true
and anyway it's a fakemon anon I don't know what a pal is
That pregnant Dazzi request was cancerous and I’m glad it was the last straw.
If I started requesting whatever off-topic bullshit I wanted, why would that be bad but Palworld should have a free pass?
Stop fucking arguing for the love of everything holy.
this is a draw thread
the people who draw do not have a problem seeing as they would rather draw pal requests than the thirty requests that have been repeated every thread for the past year
simple as
>Says this when the only delivery in this thread so far is an old Pokemon request

Fuck off
Requesting this, but with the Leafeon in place of the Glaceon taking it from an Umbreon, Flareon or some other canine Pokemon.
>fake denial
You're retarded.
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Requesting a BBW Raticate GILF.
Relevant e621 tags:
overweight, old, sagging breasts, veiny breasts, big areola, montgomery glands, cellulite, wrinkles, pubes
Some examples of pokegilfs:
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requesting chillet and furret sex, because the long bodies enable fun positions, some ideas include either
>coiling around each other
>penetrating each other at the same time, see my shitty picrel to show its possible
or anything else you can think of
I think the combination has potential but no one has ever drawn them fucking together
make love not war
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requesting penny in a form fitting eevee fursuit with a plush cookie attachment to the suit living out her fetish of being an eevee in heat being bred by her team
bonus for showing an ass to ass canine style knotting and penny finding out she was actually successfully bred
>still pushing paltard shit
go away.
It'd be reeeaaally funny if someone filled another Palworld request out of spite.
It’s a Pokemon request

>>66878140 Doesn’t bother me either when there’s Pokemon material present. It’s a crossover piece, thus it’s still on-topic
>Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.
Read the fucking OP you faggot.
Not him, but you're not the law.
holy shit you guys are stupid as fuck
this is really cute funny AND hot
good job!
>make next thread
>add a rule that you can only request and draw my favourite pokemon
ahhhhhhhh sorry guys looks like you have to do it
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Requesting a coomer trainer groping his slutty dragonite and fingering her cloaca from behind, preferably in front of some trainer/officer/random other person. Recreating the coming in the bottom, essentially, minus the ntr
>"I am a Palworld retard who thinks my crossover request counts"
You're genuinely retarded if you think your request is still allowed here. Fuck off to the general drawthread.
>Look for requests
>Wall to wall smegmaposting
Yeah I might go see if /aco/ needs more artists instead
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Requesting Dewgong getting cuddlefucked by her trainer and loving every minute of it
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Requesting a female Wixen and Delphox trying to entice the viewer into picking one of them over the other by flashing their "assets"
>Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.
Nice try faggot.
anon you're being autistic
OR here, thank you so much! It's everything I hoped for, love the nurse being an Audino!
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Requesting this scene from the Pokemon anime remade as the famous intro scene from The End of Evangelion: https://youtu.be/nn-x-UrRTt4?t=23

Oshawott as Shinji and Meloetta as Asuka, he rubs one out before staring at his cum-glazed nub/paw, admitting to himself “…I’m so fucked up”
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Req'ing male Keldeo (Absolute Form) dom fucking female Virizion, both anthro.
Size diff is a plus but optional.
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/r/ Candyevie or Luvie getting fucked by a Sylveon with huge balls while having an ahegao expression, impreg is a plus
>Thread-wide melty, followed by someone trying to split the thread
Same MO as always. Just ignore the fag.
Modus Operandi. In short, a particular way of doing things.
I see what you mean
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Requesting an anthro Latias wearing a sundress in a situation like the pic on the right: the wind blowing her dress up just enough to reveal she's not wearing any panties.
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Requesting shortstack maid Zangoose flashing her pussy to viewer, maybe with her embarrasingly looking (either away or at (you)) like a tsundere.
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np and glad you liked the audino decision, its much easier/ appealing than my shitty human drawing skills

please don't try and use my generosity to prove your point, especially when i don't agree with it. Ain't no reason we can't include 'rip-off mons' under the same umbrella as 'fake-mons'. The complaint that it takes up space is dumb af when we can just make infinite new threads. At this point the arguments about it are ruining threads worse than the requests, especially considering that they sometimes get fulfilled (aka contributing to the content)
Extremely based Nidorina, and equally based opinion. Good shit drawfriend!
Requesting this Farigiraf girl drunkenly flashing her tits at you
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Hell yeah this is fantastic! You went beyond with this one, thanks a bunch mate.

hearty kek
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Requesting this Kirlia getting used like an onahole by her trainer.
>"just include the rip-off mons"
Might as well call this thread the "mon thread" even though it never was. Good art, but shit opinion.
Requesting this Diancie having happy sex with (You)
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Requesting this Absol ranger stripping after a long day of work
Requesting a female Lucario and Cinderace pulling their shorts down and flashing the viewer. One of them is looking back sticking their tongue out, and the other is looking back visibly horny.

You can swap out either of the mons if necessary, just as long as they're bipedal/anthro, and have shorts/pants to pull down!
That's a nice hood she's rocking, really nice piece!
>Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.
OP gaped bloody bootyblasted
I would LOVE this with Tinkaton
>Fakemons okay
>Palmon isn't
It's the same fucking thing
>“My generosity”

Fuck off with your holier-than-thou rhetoric. That wasn’t the point
>Fuck off
true all artists should leave this thread
Talented spics are inherently more important to the world than normal people. This is why AI should replace them
The dude keeps seething about fakemons too
>more nonsensical whining
Just make requests, draw, or shut up lol
>Still mad
Not the screehing autist OP, you people really shouldn't let some harmless "rule" get to you desu. Someone can take it away in the later threads
Shut the fuck up you retarded niggers.
requesting https://randompokemon.com/ shutting anon up by sitting on their face or ramming their cock down their throat
>Palworld autists brigading the thread again
This has got to be one autist shitting up the thread by talking to himself and making up drama.
Hopefully he gets himself banned, that'd almost guarantee the thread would clear up. Besides, sounds like he could use a vacation.
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Requesting Primarina sucking the dick of a scuba diver underwater. They can be female, male or genderless/featureless.
>"everyone who disagrees with me is one guy!"
Sounds like all the Palworld faggots are the same poster too.
god damn that clit peek
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You are SO easy.
>posting from a different device
Nice try.
Screenshots are worthless currency in the current era. Anyone can be (You) if they have 4chanX installed.
Honestly fuck this guy. Multiple artfags have now said they're happy with pals.

So on that note, taking pal requests!
They’re also fine with piss drinking.
What’s your point?
Anon and Dazzi married
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Based af. Requesting something like this Midna/Link pic, but with Daedream, Direhowl, and excessive pussy juice
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heres all pal requests from the thread at the moment
>>66883135 (mine, though as long as its furret and chillet fucking Im not picky)
other anons
hope I didnt miss any

>piss drinking
okay and? thats hot? whats your point?
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anything with Fuddler and Sandshrew/Drilbur
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requesting a desperate female buizel in battle, trainer (out of frame if easier) asks her to use a water move like water gun but she instead lets loose and just pees right in battle.
See? I told everyone the Palfags would brigade the thread, now they have. Fuck all of you.
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Could I possibly request this Nidorina Or the Audino getting fucked by a Shroomish like in the image related? Hell, even the Decy Cloaca if you want that getting filled.
Cry Forever
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Beautiful work! Love the smug, sassy energy
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Requesting a buff Arceus and Giratina sitting on their trainer's dick and face respectively while arguing about who their trainer should spend more time with
>piss drinking
It's hilarious how many piss fags, like other toilet fetish fags, dip the fuck out as soon as they experience it IRL. Oh no, you've wasted how many years of your life being a reprobate? I will never not laugh.
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Requesting a buff male Gengar having a surprise and stealth sex with his trainer by riding his trainer's cock while the rest of the trainer's team sleeps around them. Also make the Gengar muffle the trainer's moans by forcing him to suck on one of his pecs along with making the Gengar look like the one in the image above. The Pokemon team sleeping around them can be any Pokemon
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requesting the guy to be trned into a Hypno, please and thank you.
References by the same artist:
>brigade the thread
lol, lmao even. your incessant moaning about the one palworld request getting done was essentially a massive "thread's open" sign for pal requests to spite you. had you done LITERALLY nothing at all, we wouldn't be here right now.

but hey champ, it's not too late to shut the fuck up. if you do it now, i'm sure people will get bored and things will revert to how they were a few threads ago.
NTA but I will attempt >>66883135 and maybe >>66877062 tomorrow, no promises on whether I get anything worth posting done tho, it'll be a one shot kinda process

signing up for a lot but I may do this one too. Do you care about it being that specific OC or do you just want the outfit? I generally prefer to avoid drawing OCs unless the owner asks just as a courtesy thing.
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Requesting a Nidorina like this wearing a bandana al a Mystery Dungeon, peeing in her poisoned partner's mouth. The partner can be any gender, any species that makes sense (pokemon from the EoS personality test for example). If you can have the Nidorina's pussy visible also, that would be a bonus, but not necessary.

The story is that the Nidorina has convinced her partner, who just stepped on a poison trap, that the bodily fluids of poison-type pokemon act like an antidote to poison. Whether this is true or not doesn't matter.

This request is dedicated to the anon in this thread who hates piss drinking. ;)
It's pretty clear you Palworld faggots would have done the same thing regardless of whether people complained. You didn't care about the thread before, you don't care about it now, it's all so you can pretend your requests belong here when they don't.
God, who hurt you?
please for the love of christ stop replying to him
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Requesting the bara Tyrantrum and Sultry/Slutty Blaziken in the sensual position examples below.
What's your gallery these are nice drawings.
not him, its
OR here, perfection, the ass is fat
Great work drawanon!
Background is sick af
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Something about Audino enthusiastically prattling on about that poor owl's junk is top tier. Wiki was just the cherry on top
That's a WOAH MAMA from me then, Anon. Seriously awesome work.
And same goes for this, best Nidorina girl I've seen in a LONG time.
I'm not OR for any of these, but just wanted to let you guys and all the artists from last thread know you're doing god's own work here.
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Requesting a female Lopunny in this outfit riding her male trainer's cock.
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Requesting this Arcanine officer girl 'interrogating' a Rocket Grunt.
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Requesting Felicia Hex Maniac getting fucked by a Houndoom or Zebstrika/Spectrier.
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Requesting a female Gothita being assfucker by her male trainer, please.
That last part of the name is a little gross.
Who drew that pic? Amazing.
thanks trips guy 'preciate that, most up to date gallery is twitter, I need to stop being a lazy fuck and upload to e6 and FA more often. Especially with how bad every site other than e6 compresses and kills image quality
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Requesting nadya from pokemon duel naked in a forest.
reference: https://img3.gelbooru.com/images/a1/0e/a10e591ec04b1bb02bec319f9740292f.jpeg (embed)
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Requesting the serperior riding a male similar to the ref
Saw this posted in a discord chat im in and recognized it from the request in this thread lol
Nice work. She looks very soft
Requesting Gardevoir going wild awooga over Jynx sexy body, similiar to the middle picture reference.
>my art is the thread picture
Didn't expect to see that when I came back to check here. Feels good.
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Requesting either Sneasel, Weavile, or Sneasler cosplaying in Gou Mang's outfit from Nine Sols
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/r/ on-model Hatterene getting lifted up and held in place while she struggles against a Ditto breeding her
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I'm not great with fluids so if you want a version without just ask
Dangerously based work.
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OR here, and INCREDIBLE work, anon! It's way more than I hoped for and I fucking love it. You even got post digits 69, that has to mean something. Also yeah, a version without Pal Fluids would be great too! Seriously, thanks so much!
>Especially with how bad every site other than e6 compresses and kills image quality
Look into Newgrounds. Had an artist catbox me a drawing once. They later uploaded the same pic to NG. I saved that and compared my catbox saved, exact same size numbers in the image properties, not a single thing was changed.
They did the webp shit too BUT you can easily change the image url back to what it was by simple retyping the file type. And it doesn't do it all the time either. I'm glad you're an artist that cares about compression.
FA has had a 1280p size limit for years, shitty outdated site. I know of the work around, but its still bullshit.
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Requesting a titfucking sequel with the hung Mew and busty Mewtwo.
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Requesting Alolan Rattata standing and presenting her pussy like this
I love this artist
Boris does great stuff, but I really love this style he did for Misty.
His newer stuffed veered away from it a bit too much for me, but I still love his work.
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so I'm realizing I kinda hate furret's head, it's far too round and I'm gonna need to change something there
Huh, I had a bunch of reservations about signing up for newgrounds on the assumption that they wouldn't want a (mostly) feral artist on their platform. But doing a cursory search and I see there's plenty of feral artwork up there now soooooo good idea I guess. Total 180 from when I used to use the site more often like 15 years ago.

e6 is still the king of not fucking with your files tho, doesn't change your res quality or file type. Only downside is the tedious uploading process and you sometimes need to be a little weary of the weird site politics
Not the OR but amazing delivery and good taste in requests.
You’re getting really good at shortstack anatomy
OR here, excellent job! Super cute when shes grumpy but is subtly into it, thanks!
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OR here, it looks nice so far! thanks for taking the pose suggestion. good idea with having furret upright, that gives it a more huggy feel I like that I didnt think of at first.
>furret's head, it's far too round
if you mean how the on model face is very flat-rounded originally in 3d, I dont mind either ways. your adaptation of it does look more workable for angles like this, and you wouldnt be the first to give it a bit of snout that makes it look better for a side view angle, so it makes sense, if thats what you meant.
upgrade to a personal website bro. no moderators. no hate mobs. no sudden changes in policy to get your whole gallery deleted.
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Requesting a big booty Lopunny getting rammed from behind by a Zebstrika.
hosting costs money, and if what you're posting is stuff similar to the stuff here, there's extremely little chance you'll get your stuff axed. hate mobs are largely a twitter thing, and twitter sucks ass so you really shouldn't rely on it anyway.
Requesting continuation of these two but in this position: https://files.catbox.moe/ak6qv3.jpg
i gladdly pay $10 a month to never have to worry about it.
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Requesting a male Garchomp fucking a female giratina like pic above. Make her with some scratch marks, one being a slightly bleeding heart and if possible, curl their tails.
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Requestin' an anthro/semi-anthro female 'mon (or Pal) of your choice lying around in nothing but a shirt while eating Sunchips.

>captcha: 0 STD 8
Not OR, but awesome! Do you post anywhere else?
Fixed a butt.

MDJ0e on twitter
Not OR, but I love this, and I don't even usually like anthrofied 'mons. You've got some real skill there.
This is so good!! You did a great job with this, thank you very much!!
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Requesting a blaziken dressed as rainbow mika and doing this pose.
Well next OP is sorted unless someone goes absolutely BONKERS on something else. Because this is fantASStic!

My vote for the next thread being named "FantASStic Edition".
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requesting a pregnant anthro deino shouting at her trainer for both leaving her pregnant and also toying with her pussy when he should be filling her instead
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Requesting this thicc Nier Glaceon as the loving cosplay wife of a big ugly bastard Snorlax nerd

Either romantic hand-holding, passionate, intimate sex, or afterglow cuddling
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requesting a bottom heavy mawile stimulating her clit and presetting her wet pussy
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Phox complains about the pace of One Piece
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requesting pheromosa with a venus like body pole dancing preferably while squatting like the bottom right reference
why doesn't she watch one pace is she stupid
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requesting an anthro shaymin sky surprised at the sheer size of the dick she is riding
>Phox complains about the pace of One Piece
>wHy ShE d0eSn't W4tCh 0n3 P13Ce
not everyone here is a retard like you
Pace, not Piece
You're my goddamn hero, Anon. This is more than what I could've asked for, and I fucking love it.
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Requesting a bikini-clad Samurott lady climbing out of a pool, only to realize her bikini bottom has fallen off!
Requesting pic related, but with a female Delphox and Braixen.
Neat! I wish she had some crotch fluff.
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Requesting an on-model Nidoqueen flashing her chest.
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requesting an off-model nidoqueen inviting to fuck like the bottom reference while milk drips from her massive tits (no problem if her tits are so big that you can't even see her head)
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requesting gothitelle restrained with her legs wide open and terrified that a slimy reuniclus is about to rape her
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requesting a shortstack glaceon with a bunny suit masturbating while with pregnant belly
requesting a female cinccino using her tail like a dildo to fuck herself
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/r/ pic rel with a Salazzle
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requesting a recreation of this scene with a tall female ceruledge, with busty boob window armour and thick thighs, standing next to anon.
skitty with equine cock.
ive ran out of "maid things" for them to do though.
That's okay.
Here are some options and of course they are optional, nurse (although I mentioned it and maybe you have no idea for it), a pet with a collar or making her look/act like a pet, basically looking submissive. All of those are optional if you got something of your own.
Requesting Espathra cloaca
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Requesting gardevoir gulping down a huge mouthful of cum after a blowjob
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Bump + Seconding
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Requesting an incredibly busty Hatterene having her tits sucked on while she has an expression of shock/arousal. You can have two Pokemon sucking on them, or two trainers, or a trainer and a Pokemon.
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requesting a busty whimsicott matting pressed by a transparent male (showing her ahegao)
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requesting a bottom-heavy tinkaton looking back while spreading her legs and pussy
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requesting an anthro dragonair making peace signs as she squirts from an anal penetration
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/r/ this Mew restrained and moaning in ecstasy from having her feet fervently tortmented by a wrapping and wriggling Greninja tongue
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Requesting this Meowscarada/Lopunny fusion fucking her male trainer in the amazon position.
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Requesting a female Blaziken or Salazzle in a skimpy American bikini sucking a popsicle
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Requesting an extremely slimy anthro goodra lady with a large, equally slimy, gaping vagina.
kinda like picrel but a goodra caked in goop instead of a dragonite.
It’s that time of year again /trash/ and I've been very good this year so I’m requesting my boy cinderace cooking hot dogs with his body. Cooking with butt or penis is vastly preferred but any fun things are very appreciated.
This one should also get deleted.
Was scared for a second this was another “Exodia the Forbidden One” but that’s a relief
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Requesting a shortstack X bara cobondage Situation of a himbo Incineroar embarassing a hardass Dewott girl in public while their pierced bellybuttons are chained together
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requesting tsareena restrained by tentacles like phoebe
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requesting this fusion of indeedee and eevee spreading her massive thighs like the reference
Palworld requests are better than this garbage
Requesting a continuation of this with anon eating out this sleeping Umbreon's pussy
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Seconding if followed by unaware sex
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this is hilarious, +1.
don't second your own request, that's pathetic.
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Seductive MILFmon sounds hot
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Requesting a pic like the left with Jirachi's cock and ass next to May's face
that's.. not my request, >>67072974 this one is my request .3.
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requesting an anthro reshiram on a bunny suit being matting pressed by her trainer
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requesting a chubby liepard begging to be breed
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Requesting Chikorita getting her butthole licked or probed with a tongue
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Extra doodles while I'm at it
Like always, I appreciate your quality and time spent drawing it but I think you got fed up with my maid requests but it was part of a dumb challenge I had with others about getting as many maids.
Hey thanks a lot dude, though I should had specified about the size of her boobs and giving her more smooth and humanoid ankles
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Requesting this zorua boy wearing an American flag themed thong for July 4th
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This is not only hot, it's freakin GORGEOUS, Anon! I love that reaction. Also checked.
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hope youre ok with a little extra gloss too
something about those couple drops of sweat got my neurons firing off today

Also hi Dodu
/r/ Greninja upset that his dad put his package that he ordered on Ebay in the kitchen where he just cut onions and contaminated the contents with their awful smell, now leading him down a spiraling depression and contemplation of suicide for having to live at home with a disgusting slob with complete apathy for his property, furthered by the contents being stored in the same drawer as his prized possessions that the onion residue will now spread to contaminate and further ruin his belongings until he has nothing left and not enough funds to move out and be happy away from boomer retards with no respect for his belongings.

Yes, I’m requesting my own vent art. Fuck onions and fuck my dad. I hate everyone and everything, but especially him
if i was fed up with them i wouldnt do it. i like the maids, and ive been drawing them all with he same uniform too cuz i imagine they all work at the same mansion owned by some mega roch trainer who likes hyper breastsed futa pokemon girls. i just couldnt rhink of new maid activeties. like i got them carrying trays of food, dusting, i made an animation of a dragonair one doing the laundry but never finished it. just needed some more ideas on something maidy for them to do.
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EXTREMELY fucking based! Thanks a million for this!
NTA (actually the rhino anon from a while back) but dang this is amazing, would love to see it fully finished.
Artist name?
Look at bottom left
Oh damn lol. It was blending in a bit. I loved their nidorina lately
Very late but I'd prefer it to be the OC if possible.
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Requesting the Bara Incineroar, the hot floatzel and mienshao babe in a threesom, in the same position as pictured above the refs.

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