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>Good Morning Everyone
>kek trash baggies

Previous Dumpster: >>66728109
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Stay comfy, comfy /GME/ frens!
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Thanks for the new bake, Aile :3
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Frankie Valli is nice.
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>Frankie Valli is nice.
Very much so. I don't think I've heard this song in full before.

Hard to get tired of listening to it. I think I had a clip somewhere or someone used a clip of Gura singing the song as an outro but I have no idea where it is.

... Oh wait no there it is.
> I don't think I've heard this song in full before
Really?! Wowow.
>Gura miku outro
She knows it by heart hehe.
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Nice. The original song glitches at 2:39.

>Really?! Wowow.
I'm pretty sure I've only ever heard fragments of it.
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Hell yeah its Weds!
We're soon at the price.
Only this week and 2 more until vacation time.
GME ppl and work work.
It sounds better with Miku singing it I think. I like english mmd covers in general.
>Hell yeah its Weds!
>We're soon at the price.
One day, some day, it will be interesting enough to catch everyone's attention.
Sleepy sleepy, time to sleep.
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goodnight fren :3
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>I like english mmd covers in general.
It's an interesting flavor of "Engrish" I say. G'night fren.
Fuck pixiv and their stupid shit guidelines.
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Their guidelines on what, censoring?
>It's an interesting flavor of "Engrish" I say.
It's just one of those things, strangely melodic.
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Friendly reminder to do a drink!

Fun cow fact of the day!

Interestingly, there's a phenomenon called the "Cattle Cycle" which suggests that the price cycles of cattle can sometimes serve as an indicator for broader economic trends. When cattle prices rise, it can indicate economic prosperity and increased consumer spending, while falling prices might suggest a downturn. This has led some analysts to humorously refer to cattle prices as a "moo-dicator" of economic sentiment.
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Check n nice

They made new guidelines, so now i cant link stuff in my profile or in posts.
Choccy milk check.
>i cant link stuff in my profile or in posts.
That's quite unfortunate then.
>>66922788 Checked

>>66919339 93 39
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GM frens :3
Heya A-kun, good afternoon!
Who wants a second cow fact of the day?
Oooh, we get a 2nd one today?
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Second Cow fact of the day!

Cows have best friends! Research has shown that cows can form close bonds with certain other cows, and when they are with their best friends, they experience less stress and even have lower heart rates!
>cows have friends
That is actually is quite fun.
>>66928509 09
>>66929099 099

But they'll get separated.
Katt <3
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I get that they're both capcom, but bof characters in particular remind of megaman.
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>BoF1: Artist(s) Keiji Inafune, Tatsuya Yoshikawa
>BoF3: Artist(s) Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Tōru Yamashita

Nina in particular maybe because of...?
Interesting, so there is some overlap. I just like RPG fantasy characters, have always had a soft spot for that aesthetic and breath of fire did it really well.
Vanillaware art and design must serve you pretty well.
Fantasy races (aka hot babes) and interesting monsters / villains are most of my fascination.
Can't say I've ever played any of their games unfortunately.
>Odin Sphere
Is that a recommendation I hear?
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>>66937500 Checked
I can only personally vouch for Muramasa as I've 100% completed the original release of that one and most of their library are/were not accessible to me. They are all very pretty.

>They are all very pretty.
Cinematic games are nice every once in a while.
Have you ever watched / read it? I mostly just liked it for the monster designs if I have to say, I like competent antagonists but I don't like when they literally have the villains win. It's devilman all over again.
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>Cinematic games are nice every once in a while.
Hmm. I'm not sure I'd describe them as cinematic.
>Have you ever watched / read it?
I have not.
>I mostly just liked it for the monster designs if I have to say, I like competent antagonists but I don't like when they literally have the villains win. It's devilman all over again.
Oh no. Spoilers.

>But humans were the villains allll alonnng.

>I have not.
Well you're not missing out haha. I run out of shows / manga every so often and have to resort to watching semi obscure older series on the high seas, most of them aren't particularly good.
Sleeping time, GN.
I have disregarded all of the words in this thread and only looked at the pictures. Good thread guys. Keep it up.
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late good morning

Based Neuron activation.
Totally horny.
Good morning friends
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Heya Eemji, good day today?
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Good day today!
And probably good day tomorrow too!
Friday after all!
Seems like GME is doing fine today too.
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Really nice rainy day today. Much needed.
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Friendly Reminder to stay hydrated!

Fun fact of the day!

Some dairy cows have been genetically engineered to produce human breast milk. Lactoferrin is naturally found in human milk and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Scientists have explored the possibility of using this genetically modified cow/human breast milk to potentially provide additional health benefits, such as enhanced immune support.
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The fuck did she do to her face?

>such as enhanced immune support.
Boobs are a miracle in their own right.
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It's ai generated anon, who knows
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>>66940202 02 02
>Well you're not missing out haha. I run out of shows / manga every so often
>most of them aren't particularly good.
I think this has happened at least three times now.

>2 weeks ago


>>66943332 1
No voice will ever sound right for him.


>Kaela G.S.H.jpg

Thursday RRP: 388.841B, 74P = 5.255B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 421.040B, 74P = 5.690B per (roughly)

Monday RRP: 435.916B, 71P = 6.140B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 466.310B, 74P = 6.301B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 490.156B, 87P = 5.634B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)

Last trading day of the month already tomorrow.
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150b in RRP over a week.

Is that a record?
>I think this has happened at least three times now.
Dejavu. In the future there will probably be a fourth.
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Nope. Like in 2021 June 16th was $520.942B then June 17th was $755.800B without even being an end of month spike.

Of course. It's not like you're going to stop watching right?
They go forever without need RRP then all of a sudden need an extra $100-200B at the end of every month for four years without exception. EOM clearing requirements or something?
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>already tomorrow.
wtf that means tomorrow is a friday!

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Stealing from the archive:
>It spikes because the total amount of financing available is less at the end of the month, moreso at the end of the year (which is also at the end of a month), so banks under Basel III turn to RRP. It reverts quickly.

>>66953234 2 3 4
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ai pics of real women are scary
Excellent taste, but Hydration cow I must say, you must not be well hydrated enough because you are always extremely thirsty. Hehe.
>Summer sale

>>66958741 741
Dog intrusive thoughts vs dolls?

Mococo's exploded Cup Noodle.

>What about Mococo?
>Dog intrusive thoughts vs dolls?
Fuwawa is obviously the evil twin. Mocosweet.
Maximum smug overdrive.

>>66962111 Checked
>Maximum smug overdrive.
Goodnight everyone.
GN cow-friend. Sleep time for me too.
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>Outfit switch



G'night frens.
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Friendly reminder to stay hydrated and stay comfy!


Cow fact of the day!

During periods of economic uncertainty, cows have been observed to exhibit a phenomenon known as 'moo-mentum trading.' Farmers believe that the frequency and intensity of cow mooing can predict shifts in the stock market. A prolonged session of loud mooing sounding like "ooooooOO" is said to signal a bullish trend, while subdued mooing suggests a bearish market ahead. Ergo sounding like "OOaaaaAaaaoooaaaa"

I have risen.
what a horrible working day.
GM friends
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Good Morning Everyone!

What happened Eemji?

checked and MOO
Happy Friday everyone
>suisei noises
Big check cowfriend.
Eemji fighting, hang in there!
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Good morning frens!
And happy Friday.
My weekend starts now.

>What happened Eemji?
>Eemji fighting, hang in there!
Bad and short sleep during the night due to weather and temperature.
My apartment is like a oven, insanely hot.
With that in mind, todays work was insanely weird.
Nothing was right, every piece of information was wrong.
Humidity in the air has today peaked at around 91%.
I have been sweating like a pig.

Soon Vacation.
Its sooooon here
Just two weeks.
Your weekend should be nice I hope
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Mahou shoujo Friday?
>A-chan leaving hololive
I wonder what she'll do.
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Monday RRP: 435.916B, 71P = 6.140B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 466.310B, 74P = 6.301B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 490.156B, 87P = 5.634B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)
End of June Friday RRP: 664.570B, 93P = 7.146B per (roughly)
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At least a horrible working Friday has the weekend. A horrible working Monday has nothing.

>>66971516 15 16

>Watashi ga kita


Wow. She's certainly earned the retirement from all the work she put in. Less or no Sora + Friend A now though...

>Magus Night. Is it night yet? It's always night somewhere I suppose.

Coincidence that you linked a Nodoka clip shortly beforehand?
Less or no Sora + Friend A now though...
I would be sad if Sora retired...
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>There's no such thing as enough in this day and age

>>66976177 Checked
No, please.

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Honk honk.
Enjoy the weekend.
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>Not Jakin Jakin, Yes Magical Wand.

>I :いろは


>Enjoy the weekend.
You too, fren.
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>ShishiLamy Macross cover
Cute. Macross truly was a strange anime. Enjoyable, but strange.
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>>66982311 Checked
It's another title in the eternal backlog.

>It's another title in the eternal backlog.
It's only the eternal if you aren't bored enough hehe
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>>66987171 71 71
That's the thing. There's never time to be bored.

>Onion brainrot
Checked. Is that a curse or a blessing?
>onion brainrot
>world is mine playing at the start of the clip
what a small world.
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Good morning friends
Cute catgirl Fubuki!
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>>66983766 Checked
>>66989211 Checked
>Is that a curse or a blessing?
Depends on what's eating up the time. For childhood days it'd be a curse I suppose.
>what a small world.
Funny right?

>Saturday instead of bad working day Friday.
Upside down phone?
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>>66996022 Checked
Hiyas fren.

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I like lemon.


I thought Yabaii Ch. was Yobai Ch.
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She can sing.

>We are the fuwamoco, surrender your sadness. We will add your distinctive smiles to the collective.

>Upside down phone?
I didnt notice


She cute!
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Do you collect pink (not a) cats?

>Do you collect pink (not a) cats?
No unfortunately not.
But i do like pink.
Her happiness is so strong it might even penetrate the deepest parts of my black core.

I need to turn on some sad songs to recover.
>Her happiness is so strong
>I like lemon
Lemon in water is fantastic
>I thought Yabaii Ch. was Yobai Ch.
That sounds like a more interesting channel hehe. I'd watch it.
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That sound is a requirement for doggo members.

It's hard for me to turn down some lemonade or lemon soda.

>That sounds like a more interesting channel hehe. I'd watch it.
>FUWAMOCO takes Koyori's bed.
>Koyori gets the floor futon.

>Bewilderment from boop
Authentic dog reaction.

It reminded me of the Pekora / Korone treasure hunt.
>FUWAMOCO takes Koyori's bed.
>Koyori gets the floor futon.
I love how they actually suggested that haha
>Authentic dog reaction.
We need to see a Gigi x Fuwamoco collab now.
>good bye, good bye, good bye
They say it so cheerfully hehe, them playing Sisyphus has been amazing.
Sleepy sleepy. Early bedtime for me.
Sleep well

Its over!
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Good morning friends. Bunday morning.
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Goood morning Boootan!
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GM frens
>Nene pestering, Towa exasperated
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>It reminded me of the Pekora / Korone treasure hunt.
Classic and rare stream combo.

>We need to see a Gigi x Fuwamoco collab now.
It's only a matter of time for the supercharged gremlin collabs.

>>67013100 Checked
Hiyas frens.
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>Nenene Towawa Nenene Towawa...

Nene Nendo includes one of her OBS drawings as an accessory.
>classic and rare stream combo
We need more koropek
>Aldenoah Zero ed
Hmmmm, something going on with the braincell sharing.
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Something to do with (finishing) watching the links too.
Did you like Aldenoah zero or is it just the music? Really strong start I thought, but it really did fizzle. I thought it was even floating at like a 9+ briefly on mal at the start.
It was funny the martians attacked New Orleans of all places first in the show.
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Some rain & thunder.

>>67028588 Checked

>Did you like Aldenoah zero or is it just the music?
I haven't watched it. My exposure was Sawano's music. I probably should check it out though since
>Gen Urobuchi.

>It was funny the martians attacked New Orleans of all places first in the show.

I wonder what happened to Mika Kobayashi.

>I probably should check it out though
I don't know if I'd go THAT far hehe, if you like gundam shounen drama then maybe. The music was good though.
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>I probably should check it out
dont, its mid at best
I wouldn't know without trying right? It's the backlog you see...
People got very upset about it falling flat when it aired. It was (over)hyped.
>falling flat
Appropriate image earlier then?
I suppose it is hehe.
And so ends the weekend... at least we get a Holiday this week.
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Best bodyguards.

>And so ends the weekend... at least we get a Holiday this week.
Goodbye June.

Leave the video playing on loop while sleeping. G'night fren.
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GM friends
Shilling my game here.
In this update, you get to see Bonka, the clown girl again.
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Tuesday RRP: 466.310B, 74P = 6.301B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 490.156B, 87P = 5.634B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)
End of June Friday RRP: 664.570B, 93P = 7.146B per (roughly)
Start of July Monday RRP: 451.783B, 67P = 6.743B per (roughly)
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Nice, not first time ive seen u here.
hows development?

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Hiyas frens.


I thought of
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Fair warning was given.

>I thought of

Did you enjoy the weekend?
Perfect BGM for daily activities.
I'm liking Raora a lot.
Nortubel is going fine.
The latest chapter means the game is at the middle and I've already have stuff set for later chapters like enemies, some objects, art for other characters and even a character exclusive to a level that's a third companion but easier to deal with than Stella.
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>Fair warning was given.
So grandiose.
It's been a few months huh?

>Did you enjoy the weekend?
Didn't get a few things done and juggled some time between family, friends, and plant pests. It was pretty good.

How about you?

>Perfect BGM for daily activities.
For ordinary days and occasionally something extraordinary in the daily activities.

>Fair warning was given.
I guess I'm just of the opinion that corporate action is not going to do anything. Too many companies out there facing the exact problem we have faced, solutions have been iterated over exhaustively and everything from the corporate perspective has pretty much been tried at this point. If a broker wants to fail a trade they'll fail that trade, from what I understand a group of brokers can circularly ex-clear a delivery obligation almost indefinitely between themselves, the biggest punishment that a board can exact is to improve the company's fundamentals and make uncleared trades weigh more heavily as time goes on.
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>So grandiose
Theatrical, even.

>It was pretty good.
Glad to hear it.

>How about you?
Yes, took an opportunity to get in some family time.

Correct. It shouldn't come as a surprise that a third party would exploit the situation when the others involved are either unwilling or unable to act.
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>>67049336 93 36
>Theatrical, even.
>Correct. It shouldn't come as a surprise that a third party would exploit the situation when the others involved are either unwilling or unable to act.
I would not have expected so many swerves to erupt with memes.

>Third Eye Tango
A few parts of the vocals like the beginning remind me of Mili. You've gone through a lot of Stack songs huh?

>Yes, took an opportunity to get in some family time.
Very good. Going to get a bit more family time this week too I presume?
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>>67052555 (big check)
>I would not have expected so many swerves to erupt with memes
Memes and music are really just an abstract and often esoteric form of communication. A message can be understood by it's intended recipient without the need of going into fine detail or needing a direct reply. Magical, aren't they?

>You've gone through a lot of Stack songs huh?
Indeed. Got a few more to go through, then I'll move on to something else.

>Going to get a bit more family time this week too I presume?
Hopefully. Never know these days.
That's a good song! 3rd eye one of my favorite base touhou songs.
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I don't know if they tagged along on some groceries from the weekend or someone left the door open too long but I vacuumed up four flies today.

>Memes and music are really just an abstract and often esoteric form of communication. A message can be understood by it's intended recipient without the need of going into fine detail or needing a direct reply. Magical, aren't they?
What's the music equivalent of Monsoon? Hard mode is not answering with The Stains of Time.

>Got a few more to go through, then I'll move on to something else.
There's no shortage of choice right?

>Hopefully. Never know these days.
I'll hope with you.

At least 30th eye.
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Also, here's an attempt at a NSFW image.
A SFW version will be in Nortubel part 6.
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>Raden just wants to get along with her senpai
Poor Raden. I'm still of the opinion that she needs some cat ears and a tail. Wouldn't be as scary with cat ears and a tail!
>that horror ambience at the start
Reminds me how common of a trope cicada sounds are in scary JP movies.
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>I'm still of the opinion that she needs some cat ears and a tail.
Hmm. I believe you'd say that for everyone that doesn't already have them.
>Reminds me how common of a trope cicada sounds are in scary JP movies.
If you get driven insane by hearing them 24/7, that's horror.
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>I believe you'd say that for everyone that doesn't already have them.
Heh. Am I wrong?
Good morning fren
And now it's sleeping time.
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Good morning and sleep well!
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>>67061800 Checked
>Heh. Am I wrong?
I don't see many points to argue otherwise. G'night fren.
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GM friends
Good night fren
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>What's the music equivalent of Monsoon?
That's subjective, do you enjoy them? Hard to not go back to this when thinking of heavy rain.

>There's no shortage of choice right?

Love it.

Good morning.
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GM frens
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How are you, Eemji? :3
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GM Botan :3
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Doooing okay!
Almost Weds.
Almost Weekend
Almost Vacation

How are you?
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I bet you're looking forward to your vacation, huh? :3
>How are you?
Good now, was very sick the past few days, but I'm back to normal now.
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>Good now, was very sick the past few days, but I'm back to normal now.
Very good!
Its good to take breaks every now and then too

>I bet you're looking forward to your vacation, huh? :3
I just wanna turn of that part of the brain for a while.
So i can Focus on other things thats more important.
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that's reasonable, though might be hard to do
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>>67068933 Checked
Hiyas frens.

>>67067655 Checked
Hmm not what I was going for but it's always lovely to listen to.

>Sophistic (Kon?)Con-! Consultant!
>"I hear the fox is the most trustworthy animal of all"

>>67071255 55
>>67067655 55

>Dog + hot dog
>Joystick in a 2D precision action platformer.
I knew it.


>Evening Star ~ Night Falls

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I don't know who that Vtuber is, but I'm with her, I can't stand coffee. Way too bitter for my tastes!
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I would take a bitter tea over coffee.
But coffee is so yummy though...
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>What about rat king tea?
Yeah definitely hard to turn of brain, but on the vacation time. It should be doable.

GME is crabbing
When are you gonna fix that?
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I'll try in the next few days, sir
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Very good.
Looking forwards to the doubling of gme.
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>>67079899 Checked
Nice. I thought it's weird to just label it as "GOODSMILE RACING THEME SONG."
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Good morning frens
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Good morning frens
We missed out lewdsday
What about Lewd Weds?
Good morning
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GM Botan :3
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There are other goodsmile racing songs, it's a yearly tradition.
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nice tits
>BOJ stepped in again.
Grrrr just let your currency collapse in peace Japan
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)
End of June Friday RRP: 664.570B, 93P = 7.146B per (roughly)
Start of July Monday RRP: 451.783B, 67P = 6.743B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 443.369B, 78P = 5.684B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 425.898B, 70P = 6.084B per (roughly)

Hmm, is Kizuna Ai coming back? She updated her channel after like 4 years of absence.

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I'm sick of spam.



>There are other goodsmile racing songs, it's a yearly tradition.
I was aware that was a fairly regular thing. Good Smile is "that hobby goods company" in my mind so I just find the use in lyrics and the label on the song amusing (like they could have just called it by the song name and left it at that).

That old
>Good Smile Company revealed to be significant investor in 4chan
is still funny to me.

I didn't think that that group had neglected the channel to that capacity.


> __nice_nature
>I didn't think that that group had neglected the channel to that capacity
She purged all her older videos and streams so I can't really tell. Her Hello World performance was in 2022 though, and that was basically her retirement stream.
>> nice nature
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>She purged all her older videos and streams so I can't really tell.
I'm confused.

> >> nice nature
Is she nice natured?
I swear her songs were gone (they still seem missing) from the main channel but somehow some of them are still in the playlists and aren't even unlisted.
>nice nature
>Is she nice natured?
Her personality is kind of ambiguous, self-deprecating but laidback I guess. Special Week and Manhattan Cafe are my favorites.
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fuck the police and fuck people that get a slight sniff of something resembling off-brand power and go insane. mod lives don't matter.
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what happened, fren
Hope you're doing okay fren
Some nipples for you, A-kun.
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Something something something!

Fun cow something of the day!

Something something something something something! Isn't that something???
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I've never actually gone to that channel. I didn't know there was a separate channel. The few things I watched are still there.

>Her personality is kind of ambiguous, self-deprecating but laidback I guess.
Slightly false advertising?
>Special Week and Manhattan Cafe are my favorites.
The naming scheme is very strange.

Is it true they have ties to real racing horses who in turn have ties to mafia that get really upset about how they get depicted?

>>67100755 Checked
A-kun, that foxlady has some kind of weird alien parasite attacking her
>Is it true they have ties to real racing horses who in turn have ties to mafia that get really upset about how they get depicted?
The horsegirls are named based on real horses. I've never heard that the game was tied to yakuza but horse racing in general absolutely is. Probably not the jockeys and horses but the betting houses and race tracks. Gambling, redlight stuff, construction, service jobs, and manual labor jobs in general are where they have a presence.
I let a shitty mod get under my skin. He didn't like my shitposting and got shitty with me even though pretty much everyone else enjoyed it. It was in a fan discord and the creator of the works actually weighed in for some reason and was on my side. It was nice to have someone that can't be refuted chime in and prevent me from getting banned but I was still reminded of all the shitty mods out there. I'm also really upset with myself for letting him get under my skin but my health issues have been cropping up again and so I was really off my game. This particular situation wasn't a big deal but the reminder that so many power hungry people are out there destroying communities and healthy discourse is heavy.
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>A-kun, that foxlady has some kind of weird alien parasite attacking her
lol didn't even notice that
>discord mod
enough said, those people are the biggest fucking losers on earth, man. If they see you having fun, they lose their minds. They're like fascists but without the strict health regiment. Fucking loser fat-asses.
>lol didn't even notice that
I am utterly flabbergasted at the bug fucking meme.
>Fucking loser fat-asses.
kek based and agreed
Cheer up fren
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>Who the fuck names their character "Special Week"?

Oh no, that's considerably worse than I imagined haha. Kind of a crazy story. Sad because I would definitely like to have more umamusume lewds.
>Shikanoko x 2hu
Anime soon!
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>Anime soon!
Did Oshioshio include any Kanata references in the manga?
I've never read the manga, but looking it up the author did a lot of Hololive animations. I've learned something.
Sleepytime. Good night friends.
Give up the fun cow facts.
Embrace the hydration again.
Become what you were destined for.

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Fun fact!

Did you know cows enjoy fireworks? It might seem odd, but they enjoy the various lights and sounds they see in the sky! Some farmers have even seen them stomp their feet in excitement on 4th of July!
gm bump
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gm frens :3
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Good morning!
Happy Fourth of July!
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yes, happy 4th of July to the American frens here :3
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How are things AK?
Hello frens
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>I've never read the manga, but looking it up the author did a lot of Hololive animations. I've learned something.
I don't know about animations but the author created Kanata.

>>67109299 Checked
>>67115166 Checked
Hiyas frens.
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Heya Eemji, things are good, been working and working on my tan lately. Still gotta pump the stock at some point though!! How about you?
Hi frens :3 Hows your 4th of July?

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