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edizione pizzasona

PT v1.1.063 https://mega.nz/file/adASkYRB#kZlG--8MuJvWjQ7r1sqqECzfWczaFvkNH8Ls9pwVtdM
SS P-Rank Build 1.01 https://mega.nz/file/WNQxkKaC#0YqkodmV0cJqciQ2lrQW0K6ge4aiq1cWOnNJIqWUf4s
BYOC Pre 2.0 https://allfearthesentinel.com/zandronum/wads.php?user=5704&order=id_desc
Dynamite Demo https://store.steampowered.com/app/1887400/ANTONBLAST

>Old Builds

Demo 1 Engine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThGUiwttZ63h11UpfrdP8B7KaoqnnjVg/view
GMS 2022 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CW_LN07NEd3ISn8DDNwEEKjso8-0e7g7/view
GMS 2023 https://mega.nz/file/bFhQ0LLa#ga3tVIL1c07uXWmzZD9QbWYFsulLIirjKL_sdINmcxU
Xmas Break https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWaJcetWX8Wp_zS_khrkBjTNZXMgGMzI/view
September 2021 https://archive.org/details/september-build-decomp
Eggplant https://mega.nz/file/14QAXATT#_BkDLYrVIQ6azqX5VTG7UfQRfV0oUuwL57nSsjOqjfc
Western v3 https://archive.org/details/pizza-tower-western-source-code
April 2021 https://archive.org/details/pt-april-2021-hotfix-decomp
Sugary Spire March 2023 https://mega.nz/file/sHVRgRKA#gVHi9RqWy-5Py52a1h6RzQNj0ojP8WujMjFwxfD6QIs

>Other Leaked Content

/pizzatrash/ Resources: https://rentry.org/pizzatrash

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66644400
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Anchor for ripe, fresh and original content posts!
(Remember to reply to this post number before posting OC!)
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first for anthony
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How would Peppino handle a robbery at his pizzeria?
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I had buffalo mozzarella and scamorza pizza for dinner.
Sounds delish~! Did you make it yourself?
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No, I had a terrone make it for me. Closest thing to pizza I can make is ajarski khachapuri.
Cont. from last thread

>munch munch munch
>Light and fluffy, teaming with the freshest of nature's elements. Curated sauces, a medley of lightly placed veggies consolidated in two flat buns. He took a moment, maybe two, to savor those halves of 'wiches, his coarse tongue ever-so glossed with it's creamy, succulent juices.
>Effulging with unbridled gratification, the Slithery Mastodon sighed contently whence the starters glided down his elastic esophagus; cutie-pie now giggling, giddiness boosting not only appetite, but something more...
>Ravishing, she w- wait a moment. Something's off.
>Bacon bits, bacon bits, hmm... under the turkey...? Of all the times he'd had his share of this country club staple, he hadn't dined on such a peculiar spin. Still, they were as crisp as ever; not too hard, nor too soft.
>Ooh- and she hand-whipped the mayo herself, what a peach!
>The triple-stacked burgers, the loaded fries, that 'briefcase;' never had she skimped out, nor had she cut him off. For as long as he'd known her- no, from that very moment when he'd run in to her humble eatery, before that bedside visit...
>Perhaps it was time. Who else could it be? Respectable, Prudent, Meticulous; an artist devoted to her craft, no one but her made him surge with fulfillment, with everlasting love.
>Love? Well, it sure went past fondness. And she proved her faithfulness time and time again.
>So this is what it felt like...
>twitch twitch
>She has to move- SHE HAS TO MOVE! Wh-What if she's a germaphobe? What if she wants to take things slow? I mean, they kissed... a lot, and she'd sneak a sniff or two whenever he leaned over to give her a smooch. But she 'just' brought out the Tower of Clubs, who was he to be so impulsive!? WAIT! His throat was bound to be parched with the rate she's going~.
>"Pass... pass me that bottle of water."
>"Yes dear."
>Dear, DEAR? They're not even-
>That rumble, didn't feel so right...
The trick to good Peppino art is if you can cover either of his eyes with one of your thumbs to get a totally different expression.
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Also if he's not twinkish in the slightest and still has the wall-demolishing-at-Mach-3 bodice.
Basinga confirmed in a public server that BYOC 2.0 will have bob become one pixel wider with each sandwich, what could this mean?
I think you know~
Last for tonight

>Not that it felt so wrong either, but such a twinge was incredibly foreign, especially for a gourmand such as himself. It felt like... no, it couldn't be. Not with... you know...
>drip drip
>Odd, he had a good chunk of clubbos just now. And no beverage to top it off. So why the slobber?
>step step
>"Are you okay?"
>"Fine, I'm fine."
>pat pat
>"Groouugh... thank you kindly."
>There goes another button. Hopefully she wouldn't mind if he de-robed a bit. They're by a big ol' pot after all.
>"Aaaah~... Let me..."
>"Sure, here."
>Scrounging up his top piece, she scuttled away, hastily ensconcing his attire onto a lone coat rat. Despite his massive bodice, his shirt too hath bore buttons of the like, each one rearing to leap into the sudsy palate cleansers.
>"May I?", she tendered, beady eyes peering at his embiggened gut.
>"Why, yes, but go slow."
>rub rub rub
>"Should I-"
>"Haaauugh... I-I'm alright. Just keep at it."
>"Still hungry?"
>"Want me to... slow down?"
>"N-No... need..."
>Many would deem him uncouth, animalistic, downright reprehensible. Some would try (and fail) to dismiss him from the premises. Peppina, on the contrary, scrambled to rid the tower of it's pikes, barely managing to tear off it's sole sticker once the soft smorgasbord reached it's destination.
>wrrrbbll wrrrbbll
>"Hauh! Di me!"
>This 'tower,' cultivated exclusively for him; how measly it was once engulfed. It just wasn't enough. He wanted- no, he needed more. But what?
>Hold on a minute! That "full course;" Perhaps being within it's proximity sent his cravings into overdrive. But could he hold out just a little longer, to resist his primal need to feed? His recent fill did part of the trick, yet he was far from stuffed, barely satisfied!
>When has he ever gotten this ravenous...?

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I wanna slap ittttt!
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Good morning (and past ones) all!
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I see that Peppina’s customer base has expanded.
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god i wish i were rpgpina
There is one plot omitted from that "Pizza Tower Show" document, wherein Peppino creampies his own butthole.
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I just learnt that Meltyman shares a statblock with Cirno (speed 9, weight 9) in this game.
Ain't that neat.
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Would he revert to soldier mode and go hunt down the perps one by one after losing a day’s worth of profits (basically 100 dollars or less)? Or would he take them out right then and there?
Is this Rule 63 Mr. Stick or what his mom may have looked like?
I love how you draw Fakey with so much squish and shine.
Don't we all...

>"Ah-ha! They're ready!"
>tonk tonk tonk
>chop chop chop chop chop
>plop plop
>squersh squersh
>"Counterclockwise, yes, that's it."
>Ahead of his realization, DiGiorno hunched over his share of bubbly, taciturn aura snuffing out the demoiselle's humming.
>"Are you tired?"
>"I could get more wine.", she put forward, in the midst of producing a hash with the vide's soon-to-be toppins.
>"I think... the water's good enough...", he purported.
>plink plink
>She pranced to his side, kneading his vastness the best she could. Retaining her methods, her tactile approach imbued him with great relief despite not professionalizing in the art of the za.
>However, he stood enlivened with that fervent yearning for repletion.
>thrrroobb... thrrrooob...
>A pity, for his trousers' inseam had begun to split. How, HOW could he hide it. She was right there! It was inevitable when she'd peer down!
>"Oh my..."
>"I didn't wait too long, did I?"
>"Play it cool; don't get antsy like that defective sibling of yours.", he internalized.
>"Hnnrgh... what do you mean...?"
>"The sous vide. It needs 15-"
>"Peppina... I don't have 15 minutes..."
>"Do you n-need a doctor!?"
>"Sick, I'd know if I were sick..."
>"Have some more water! M-Maybe another jug will... will..."
>"Where's your restroom?"
>"Down the hall, on the left.", she pointed out.
>"Thank you... kindly..."
>STEP... STEP... STEP...
>"Let me help you there."
>"You don't have..."
>Oh God. Her scent. I-It was... no, NO! Don't do this; keep it together. Keep iiiiiitt...
>drip drip
>plink plink
>"We'll be there... soon."
>"I need you."
H-BYOC when?
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What is Maurice's weight in pounds?
Approximately 250 lbs, and that’s on a good day.
And on a bad day...?
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Neither, it's a redesign of KetDarkDragon's anime Stick.
Neat. What's the original?
wouldn't say it's a redesign specifically, just how I would have done a girly anime styled Stick
One of us can animate PTG's grunchy schlong pistoning in and out of Anthony. That's all that matters, no need for an entire rework.
I love this type of art style so much!
Last for tonight

>"In there?"
>"No... not like that."
>"Then what do you... oh, OH!"
>Uh oh- UH OH!
>She's gonna get scared, tra-traumatized! What if she runs to the pho-
>"Ah-hah~... I see what you mean..."
>"Make a break for it! Tell her you have a last-minute meeting to get to! Pretend that you're overcompensating! YOU CAN STILL GO BACK!", the big head gabbled, yet the lower, leaner head had other plans...
>"Then we're on... equal terms.", he confirmed, wiping his club demolisher with a loose sleeve.
>Perhaps the entree could wait...
>"Just one more thing~..."
>step step
>wwwhhhhrrrrr- oop
>"Now... where do we begin?"
>"Right here."
>"H-Here? How?"
>"It's simple. Just listen carefully...", he expounded, knocking back another jug of water, maiden left with some room to speculate. Then!
>A warm wave; sensuous, humid. "Close your eyes... and think of the ocean.", he purred onto her ears, hints of pimento tickling her nose.
>"Haaah... Ha-Haaahh~..."
>Legs nearly buckling, top simmering in his heavy breathes; the underside of her chef hat drenched in sweat. It hadn't been said. It hasn't the need to. She just knew to stay as still as a statue, respirating at a moderate, then snaillike pace whence the tangible brushes of Mother Nature's Shell Caressers shuffled into her nose.
>It was as if time was at a standstill...
>Gracefully, akin to handling a glass sculpture, he planted his hands on her shoulders-
>"I can, h-hear it~..."
>"Then keep on listening.", he commanded, breaths drawing ever so closer.
>"Just stay still, give in..."
>"She's a good girl. I bet she won't mind your 'personal sauna'..."
>Heels digging into his paunch, hands pushing upon his toned clavicles, DiGiorno was now given a front row seat to his beloved squirming her way inside, hips wriggling like a dog's tail.

Cream on pizza? Yes, no?
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Good morning (and past ones) all!
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For me no.
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Will the Pizza Tower RPG be an atmospheric slow-burn with a realistic depiction of a panic attack?
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He'll hold him in a tense standoff, with his shottie brandished and the safety off to hint that he's not fucking around. They get blasted the instant they try to run off with the register or attempt to retaliate.
Nice digits. How would he handle the aftermath?
Got any requests?
Burton, after having a hearty meal at the local cafe, offering Anthony a container of soup. Then Anthony eats the whole thing in one go.
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Anthony bottoming for Bruno, pl0x
Really need one of these with Mr. Stick.
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Huge if true.
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>"Thhhrrr Uurrsshhnn."
>Her legs! They went on... into... further...
>"That meaty gallimaufry sure wouldn't have done the trick, but you knew already, did you?"
>And there went her shoes...
>"Oooooohh... shit."
>FU- Fiddlesticks! She won't have a chance in there. She has to ge-
>Head jerked back, trousers' front-quarters extensively lacerated, he stumbled to the kitchen's northernmost corner amidst his throe of ecstasy. As a precaution, he rubbed his loaded stomach, hoping that his 'cargo' wasn't roughed up.
>Groaning, pondering on what overtook him, DiGiorno scrutinized his pillowy immenseness until the dim yet familiar prodding of a foot infused him with some relief. Now, to get her out, but with what?
>"I, I got it!"
>Reaching over to the quieted mechanism, his pudgy phalanges mere inches away, Mr. D took a stab at reactivating the Vide-inator, sides of his lips not as saturated as before.
>"I hope you don't... mind me poking around."
>Surely when this was done, she'd be out. Right?
>Well, he couldn't sit around and wait. Heading off to 'powder his nose' was easier said than done; the corners of her ample dwelling being his guide, each waddle stimulating his second head even further. Yet, another splendor throttled his very being.
>Usually when he 'took out' a foe, his gut constricted at the slightest nudge against his 'Tingling Berry.' This time, every passing second to the loo ingrained his core with billows of spellbinding tranquilizations.
>20... 17... 14 feet. Just a few more paces and-
>No time to clean up; keep going!
>5... 2...
>"The shower..."
>STEP... STEP...
>"Gotta... keep my head straight... or she'll-"
>So close, yet so far. Casting the shower curtains to the side, he'd hold on for dear life...
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Not sure if technically correct...
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Laugh now Noise. But do be warned, your dame will succumb to her feminine wiles someday. And when she does, you better hope that your pelvis keeps on trucking on…
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If Mr. Stick tried to start a relationship with Peppino instead of settling for Feppino (i.e. closing him up and tossing out the thermos at first sight) in the Loodles-verse, how would it have gone?
But Fake IS Peppino, anon.
Barely, but enough about that. I meant to say if Stick had the gumption to pursue Peppino and promised to lower his rent so long as he reciprocated his advances.
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Last for tonight

>...banking on his innards to not malfunction.
>Well, not too much.
>"Fuuuuuck~... what was I thinking?"
>Sans a warning, his love squirmed- no, thrashed about in his Cozy Cave, slenderness ping-ponging, wedging ever so acutely onto his Bliss Button. Groaning, britches bedraggled in his buttery sweat, he bore down on the tiled wall with his wide, speckled hands.
>A howl whistled through his quivering lips, for the incessant jerking and twisting from within culminated into a lurching; what may be an imminent ousting of his 'special guest.'
>The world spun around. His head pounded with unrelenting force. At any moment the nuisance that was nausea would bloom into a full-on expulsion.
>And not just from one end...
>"Nnnrrrnnggaaaahh... dooooonn't..."
>Tight... too tight. Oh God was she doing PILATES!?
>"Wrrrtt... pllrrsshh wwrr- ULK!"
>"Come on, bring a hand over. Don't let her kind, charming voice rattle your groove."
>"She's gone. GOOOOONE!"
>Her hair. It tasted so... so...
>"Aaaauuggh~! Uurrrlll~..."
>Awash in his home-made sauce, hips in his indominable grip, Peppina swung face first into a geyser of Mr. D's unrivalled slurry, him punch-drunk in euphoria before the inevitable.
>In his befogged state, he reached for the faucet, desperate to cleanse her of his spunk. Knob still top notch, it could withstand his denseness.
>There she laid, sprinkled by a pale imitation of an ocean. But, had she left the tides, the crisp, cooling waves? Had she thought not of being sog-
>"Diii... DiGiorno..."
>"Are you alright?"
>"I-I... I..."
>"Should I take you to the-"
>"I need you... now!"

He is so cute and vulnerable like this. I want to cuddle him
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Drawing on my junk ass screen, I need to get it fix soon
Which characters out of main PT cast would use that opportunity?
EVERYONE. I would stick my meat wand into everyone of the PT cast, especially Vigi.
Good morning (and past ones) all!
I don't remember any drawings of Pizzahead from you.
Can you make one?
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we're having Italian for breakfast fellas.... God DAMN
Hello McPig, how are your projects coming along?
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300 is how much he weighed before taking a fat shit
250 is how much he weighed after
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both 45 year old men
this honestly looks like garbage lol
Don't be salty, Twitterina.
>immediately think it’s someone from Xitter if they dare don’t like your lazy art
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Anon, you can make a thread on /v/. There's no need to rely on a gay porn general for pizza content.
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Anon, I don't know how to tell you that it's not worth getting upset over art you don't like. Unrelated, but do you happen to know what this is, perchance?
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Let's play tdac1632.wad. Password is cocks, as is tradition.
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To think of it from the bright side...
He has his own army of minions now and he can take over the world.
Immortal. Unstoppable. Cold blooded.
... which is cool.
The more I look at this the more the "Kilroy was here" meme comes to mind. And Stick looking as if he died happy or is at least comatose.
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What? The Pizza Tower is being audited? That's not very Pizz-Pizzerific of you!
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This is wonderful and terrifying. He's just gonna keep popping them out...
Where can I see this at a higher res? For reasons
I just finished posting this to r34 and it was the quickest I’ve seen my post get uploaded. The gods are on my side today.
What segments/skits would be banned on Noise TV? Guests?
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No higher resolution, it's a small Magma drawing.
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I'm so scared!
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Confess your sins, /pizzatrash/.
How many sins?
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>that roster
How old is this image.
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i love him so much
Good night everyone!
I made friends with people on Twitter knowing full well they would turn out to be hilariously toxic. Can I ever recover from this, (pizza)bros?
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>Captcha: KGAAAD
Good morning (and past ones) all!
One must wonder how many hugs Maurice is bound to attain... from Noisette. I bet he'd be a repeat customer at her place considering that her food has a 'kick' to it and her enthusiasm for frying unorthodox food items.
He wouldn't hang with Noise or Noisette. His and Peppino's world barely intersect.
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but is he still coming to BYOC 2.0
Ah, I guess no one will (willingly) feast on her deep-fried corn cobs...
mauridoise here too????
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No. Maurice is a single father.
I can't recall if it was done already or not
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I harbor racist intuitions toward the Gremlins, in particular Noise.
What about Mr. Money?
This is nice
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Beware his melty clutches!
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What exactly can be given to Melty Man?
What happens if I fail the charisma check?
He shoves a newspaper down your throat while pelting you with obscenities. If you rile him up at the start of the month your face will be bashed in with his rent money (indubitably in a sack) .
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PizzeRPG lookin good
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What kind of gal would have a kid with him?
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You need to click the post number before replying to a post.
>You need to click the post number before replying to a post.
Was busy.

>Christ... Cheesus Crust... Crimeny...
>Was he too, hallucinating? No... Yes? He needed a moment to regain his vigor, that's for sure. Best to sit on down.
>It was good that he met her eye to eye, lest she sprung onto his enormous, waxy member.
>"I think I... had you already..."
>"I don't think so!"
>"What do you mean?"
>"Dear... we've only walked on a beach. Don't you remember...?"
>"Why... yes. I remember how..."
>'Recollection' trickling into the steamy bathtub, he stayed where he was until Peppina enclosed herself in her shower curtains.
>As he went on about the cool, earthy grains of sand sodden by the midnight tides, he seized the chance to procure a replacement outfit (shout out to the guards) during the discarding of her mucky attire.
>"Oooooh~... that sounds wonderful. Could you get my clothes, dear?"
>Item retrieved, he'd then hear a ding from her kitchen whence the enwrapped garments met her bathroom sink.
>Did she hear that?
>"Laaaa~... La-di-dah~..."
>He crept to the kitchen, quiet as a mouse, digging out her handiwork. For a minute, he longingly glared at her 'self-portrait,' taking great care in handling the contents within. Some time later, the chef emerged from her lavatory, donned in a vibrant blouse and hem skirt.
>Tailor made, passed down by humble ancestors, she held such fabrics dear to her heart, aspiring to have worn it for the right occasion, the right person. Closer and closer to her domain, she came...
>"Did I take too long?", she queried, for she found Mr. D basting the vide with her hash.
>"You're fine.", he responded with a cheerful grin, and she strolled to his side, adorning her 'self' with a 'hat' and 'apron,' he with the 'bottoms' and 'eyes.'
>Once the 'di me' was completed, she'd sever a 'limb' and bring it to his lips, to which he'd gobble up in one go. It wasn't much of a bite, but nonetheless, the illustrious flavors, the mouth-watering texture, crisp hash; it was divine.

I don't get.
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Lovely art, bob is so cool here
An amazing comic from a talented artist! Now let's see him pregnant.
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good morning, /pizzatrash/!
Good morning (and past ones) all!
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How's summer vacation?
A really hot one.
>How's summer vacation?
I see the artist getting a request like that and pulling a fast one (i.e. drawing Stick with a folded-up pillow or bowling ball under his suit) depending on their knowledge about all sorts of PT fanart.
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>play as mobster matt
>change gender to female
What's getting her panties in a twist?
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How badly will he fail if he tried to mind-read his big bro?
Pizzabro will know his thoughts are being read, and mentally tell Pizzahead exactly how long and how hard he's going to beat his ass
Does Mr. Stick look better with or without any pupils?
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I have an idea for a Pizza Tower fangame. You are Pizzahead and you sit in your room for several days eating corn syrup until Peppino comes and kills you.
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How does one kill a pizza man?
this general actually fucking sucks. why do you guys still post here?
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Thanks for the bump, immigrant.
talk about immigrant, borderline sandnigger
Always warms my heart to see these three getting along so nicely
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Mine too
Caught utterly off-guard - in a very good way - by how well this triad is functioning, actually. (Perhaps Stick knows the feeling...?)
Is this right after >>66972927 happened?
No, the first pic is just a 'what if' broodmare Stick. His mated brain has made him too happy about giving his mate healthy offspring to think about the strain on his body. Or think about anything but breeding, really
Ah, I see.
No anti-Sicilian or Mediterranean slurs disparaging any flatbread/pizza-baking culture, por favor
Does Stick even have a soul to take?
At least part of it, which the demonic Pizzahead would attempt to suck out through his asshole.
Pizzahead also fits the mad scientist character who gets kicked out of the house by his job-having older brother for making homunculi in his room all day.
Does DiGiorno even have the energy to insult him anymore?
The summer heat is a blessing and a curse

>Two ticks of the clock later, a rush of piping hot Roma sauce flew to his jowls, oily ends of his lips nearing his golden eye sockets. A twinkle illuminated from his monotone pupils as one broad hand firmly grasped her velvet-laced table.
>He couldn't help but moan. She couldn't help to flutter her shimmery eyes, to clasp her fine-tuned phalanges adoringly.
>As of then, as of now, she ensured the satiety of her beloved, again with an outlandish creation that was beyond suitable for his ever-so-astronomic palate, their unity beyond certain.
>Giggling with glee, kissing his flushed cheek, she brought another 'limb,' jam packed with the ever-so herby hash. Rather than a full-on wolfing down, the partition manifested into four pieces, each section raised to greet his gaping maw.
>One 'hand' to enshroud a bristly tongue that wormed through it's fine layers, the maker patting away any bits of beef, their eyes locking on longer and longer as she procured another beverage.
>Ulp ulp ulp
>"Want some more?"
>"Mnh... in a bit."
>wipe wipe
>His chops, how they felt so toasty, titillating, kind of like that geyser on their walk. Down to the third limb, Peppina glanced at his plumpness, itching to caress it, but no gurgle came about, so she went on with aiding in his feast, his parched throat.
>Akin to the third, the fourth 'limb' was treated the same, as would the 'torso' and 'head.' He'd begin to motion for another drink, yet a signal from betwixt his nether-regions put an end to attaining his bev.
>"Oh my~!"
>Come on little buddy, give her a breeeaak...
>Intimating in response, she placed a hand on his grand corpulence, cascading it beneath the vide's tomb, no protest to bloom from his speckled self. With that, he cocked his head to the side, beaming with oceanic anticipation.
>Nothing had to be said, nor enunciated, for he took her in his arms, and carried her off to her room.
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>peppino is in hell because he got hurt too many times
>a stupid rat is in hell because it followed peppino
>noise is in hell because of noisette
>doise is in hell because of peddito
>meltyman is in hell because ???
>last one
Satan has shit taste in anime so he dragged Anthony there to try to get him into K-On! even though he likes Sailor Moon a lot. Or Lucky Star I dunno.
Alright dudes I'm heading off to Slumberland. Hope you all beat the heat in your sleep.
Good morning (and past ones) all!
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Wrong, Anthony would love watching cute girls do cute things. Replace K-On! with DBZ.
>The Fallen Angel makes him watch the Cell Saga.
>He’s reluctant until he shows him a pic of Android 18, but bars him from the interwebs so he can’t get his full of 2D funbags.
>He goes apeshit at the fat guy getting absorbed.
>Satan wakes up 3 weeks later in a hospital bed, covered in bruises and an arm brace.
At least Pizzabro can't run fast to catch up to him, well, until Pizzahead loses his breath cause of his shitty diet
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I don't know, Senator Armstrong is pretty fast.
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Nice to see we still have a reputation.

The nanomachines.
>Has NSFW DNI in bio
>Proceeds to go where there's porn
And the other being scared like they don't draw porn too kek
I dunno man, he's too darn greasy for such a top-of-the-line luxury. He'd have to be propelled considering how his gait greatly depletes his locomotion.
Stuffed? Pregante? Both? Love the sweaty rendering.
Looks like he had too many cheeseslimes.
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They're scared because 4chan is the racist dark web pedophile forum CNN warned them about.
>Pizza tower artist draws Pizza Granny in an alternate universe where she's a MILF
>Never fucking draws her again
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Good evening.
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Anime night went south
It literally is though
Oh... Oh no.
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Doesn't matter.
I wish I could fingerbang Peppino irl
Those are some beautiful calves. Human Totino is so lucky...
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As the "previous threads" section in the Rentry grows longer I'm tempted to just replace it with this: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/pizzatrash/
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Which animu/mango characters would Anthony relate to?
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>Human Totino
i laughed
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i need more of these two
Gonna hit the sack everyone. Heat’s making me nauseous for no fucking reason at all! Rest well.
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Why not, it seems to work just fine
I love his facial expression, but too bad his belly is freakishly large
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God, those thighs..
Done. https://rentry.org/pizzatrash
Good morning (and past ones) all!
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Noise’s face really sells this pic.
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You guys think that Pizzahead's brother will make an appearance in an update or sequel? If so, how would McPig work his magic on the current day blue-nosed grumpster?
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What if McPig decides to keeps him just... like this?
(Totino still gets beaten up by his brother for such disrespect)
I can see it happening… in a dream sequence after Totino gets beat up by his big bro.
Ah, for the chance to worship every inch of his heavenly-soft, musky, hairy body...
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wow mama
Weirdly wholesome. Does this tadpole actually need milk?
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Missed that stream. Did he win any races in it?
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He doesn't, but it's a fun bonding activity for the two.
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Gustavo is experienced at riding a larger partner.
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I doubt his pelvis could withstand his pal’s meaty hips, but neither of them are the type to back out of whatever they started.
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Good morning (and past ones) all!
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She's from Humanz vs. Freaks, another mod being worked on by the BYOC fellas. No pizza characters in there, however. http://allfearthesentinel.com/zandronum/wads.php?name=hvf&order=id_desc
Exquisite. all that hair covering those rolls and bulk is almost hypnotizing to look at. I also adore the tender gaze between them.
question of the day: whose fart box would you give the ol' lickaroo
On a scale from 1 to 10, how good is Anthony’s healing process?
I'd say 7.
Not as good and fast as it for Totino (10) or Feppino (8-9?), but thanks to Anthony's melty skin and mysterious trash sandwiches (more likely some special mold on it) he could recover faster than average human.
However higher recovery speed has to be paid off with higher probability of scar tissue formation.
How many busboys could he have eaten amidst his diving into dumpsters’?
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I believe this image turns 5 today.
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why does this gorgeous specimen look so sad?
Got me genuinely wondering who's ass I'd like to eat the most
He used to fit in jeans like those in his college years, and now the tides of time have waved over his tired mind.
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Sick pose and perspective!
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My BYOC request: Give Maurice unique SFX and replace taxihonk.ogg with the Danny Devito "look out, faggot".
>Doise and Noise have pestered Maurice about his mullet so much poor man decided to end it all.
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Goodnight everyone!!!
There we go
Good morning (and past ones) all!
Aww, even as a ghost, Wormfriend prefers the melty shoulders of his best buddy.
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Why does he have a big nigger fro?
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I’m not that person
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Why are you so obsessed with niggers?
It's the 70s and he's going heavy on research chemicals.
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Because the pool's closed.

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