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Gay Hyper Muscle Thread!
Question of the whatever: What's the hardest to work muscle?
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GAY HYPER MUSCLE THREAD! FUCK YES! Glad to see it again after a week!
Hardest muscle? i dunno, but Burpees are hard AF and i loathe them
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>be Koala Kong
>razz your evolved Potoroo friend
>get this reply
What do?
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this time i'm running with a bit more time so remember,
HIT THE GYM! see ya in a couple hours everyone!
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I just know some anon here commissioned this

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If that's true, that's good because this is freaking hot!
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Who is one of your favorite OCs? This big triceratops is one of mine! His name is Knox! I really like the gray hair look his head has.
Also, I'm a big sucker for big men in suits. Especially gangster suits.
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I want to kiss him! And squeeze his pecs! And press my hands into his muscles!
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Saying "My own" would be a bit of a copout, so I guess it'd be Mal_Lock's pink dragon Marduk, Ryuji buff eastern dragon, and the Adventuring Dragon from ViridusGreen. All got a soft spot for me
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a new one so soon? nice
beastars cast is so buffable
May we see your oc?
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Mario can't stomp this turty.
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Morning hyper bros how's everyone today
Also anyone know the sauce for this pic
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Thanks anon cool pic also
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Triceratops are the hottest vegetarian dinos, but I can't choose between Raptors or T-Rexes as the hottest carny dinos.
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>weird littlefoot trace
what the fuck
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I'm sorry but what the fuck is this.
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he's gigantic
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blazing cheeks with another hot banger
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The best revenge is looking at the page of the person who blocked you on an alternate account.
Why does he look familiar?
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He's the cookie crisp mascot.
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love this fit
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did not expect ravioli
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I believe that is what the kids call "rent-free".
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Inside you...
both of them will fuck you
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I wish it's Mr Wolf than Blaidd
hyper muscle to compensate
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heading to bed now, keep this thread alive!
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We shall!
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I love the look of a fat cock wrapped up in a condom. Especially, if it's colored.
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>know exactly who this came from
What's funny is it's not the only Land Before Time simping/muscle stuff they've done. Pic very much related.
Bit of an odd choice but I'm not complaining.
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I think the thread's seen them before, since some anons posted my dragon and croc here even without me doing it. But hey since you asked kindly, here's the croc.
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I wish I had a man ready to obey and serve.
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>remerting finished the beast animation
Finally, now he can go back to drawing more.
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When's the last time you went to the beach?

I haven't been to the beach since 2011, and I've never been to the beach before that. So I've only gone to the beach once in my life.
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Time for me to take out the trash!
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I took out the trash :)
quick water break to say, remember guys, if you hit the gym, always keep hydrated, ok back to hitting the sparring partners! HIT THE GYM!
Rat King, my beloved
well done dude! now celebrate by washing your hands and hiting the gymn!
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this feels lacking without nips
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I love pic especially for the reaction
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love this guy's stuff
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anyway I wanna link his stuff but his gifs are so goddamn big
it has sovl
Man I wish there were more posts with bloat beasts like these. It's the closest thing there is to hypers irl. There is a thread on the handsome men board but it's super dead.
this one >>66949875 is a morph right?
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yeah, but the webm I posted is not
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Nice quads!
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Have you ever quiet quit? It's where you're subtle about quitting on people for any reason.
I'm doing it right now.
Of course, I can't quiet quit the gym! And I'm not loud quitting either.
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His name is literally Daddy Topps. Someone definitely looked inside a crystal ball.
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I swear muscle growth art didn't become sophisticated until a decade ago
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...Somebody pinch me.
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In honor of these quads, let us also honor the muscles of the same name.

ITT: Quadraceps! Let's see some tree trunk legs!
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Sometimes, you gotta be strong! But other times, you gotta be flexible.
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not feelin so well
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I hear you. I felt terrible yesterday night. Couldn't even fap.
Hope you feel better soon
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pic not related, but has anyone read hipflask?
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Actually, I made a mistake, it's called the Elephantmen
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>socks and garters
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Is that the baton Nick gets to use in the sequel?
I sure hope so
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kinda arousing
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Thanks for showing him off! He's very hot and muscular, I wouldn't interrupt his dreams!
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I had a shitty morning. I hope it does not ruin my whole day.
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AI getting better lately
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anyway to make up for that ai post, here
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Pet the hyper dic
Show it some appreciation
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No page 10 on my watch, you get back up there for a few more reps damn it!
okay but i cant promise anything
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This is how meatheads bully their fat friends.
[spoiler]I wish I had a muscle hunk bully me[/spoiler]
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this got me down bad
Hope the last bits get leaked soon
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I had a dream where I got kicked out of a Game Stop in a building and as I was leaving I saw this super muscular hunk down stairs. He seemed to be talking to a receptionist for the clinic.

When I got kicked out of that Game Stop, I was pissed and angry. But when I stepped outside the building, I saw it was a pretty nice day with that soft overcast and a bunch of people running about. I'm glad I got kicked out.
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I recently learned about the so-called infamous moon pose, but this was the closest I could find to it in furry form.
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And this, too.
Actually, this is the closest I've seen the moon pose in art.
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What is your favorite bodybuilder pose?
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double biceps
and for unofficial ones, the archer pose (especially when bending with knees) and the hands behind head
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this pose I mean
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What if we don't make the bump limit by Wednesday? Does the thread simply last until it does? And then we wait until next Wednesday to start up again?
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Solid Snake, solid traps!
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any more of him?
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I adore the dark glans on the eagle. I love all their glans in general. Can't forget the dragon's milky tits.
this was during my "only dragon men lactate" phase. now everyone does!
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Oh! thread is still up during the wednesday! NICE.
on the other side though, it's only like 4 posts away from limit
hmmm, what to do?
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I think we should let this one last as long as possible, then take a bit of a break. Then start the next thread next wednesday. If you're okay with that...
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Am OK with it, sometimes a small break can help. wander makes the heart grow wonder or however the saying goes. meanwhile, HIT THE GYM! FUCK YES!
no prob, I usually just stumble on these threads
that's what we in the biz call "character progression"
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As hot as this is, I seriously feel like he took Daddy Topps face and pasted it over another artist's work.
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limit reached?
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Wait, what is the image limit? I thought it was 250.
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image limit was raised a looooong time ago actually
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You feel like that because that's exactly what happened.
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weird, how come i can still post images
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Hot streams of pre
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This is what I'm really looking forward to this 4th of July!
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recent beastars news got me pumped
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Yeah, same here. Can't wait to see the best Beastar show up, hopefully more people'll fall in love with him.

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