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/gchub/ - cute edition
Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66707029
Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/gchub
>This thread is dedicated to gay chubby furs.
>Blobby and hyperfat characters belong on /fatfur/.
>Avoid super fetishy images.
>IRL images are welcomed and encouraged, but keep them to links so those who don't want to see them do
Cute comic. Is there more?
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lmao i got banned from an irl discord server bc i literally said that mario is slop x50, and the new mad max movie slop x5000.
it was like a tranime server so idgaf.
like literally im sorry youre so defensive of your pig feed, and require it to manage your emotions.
anyway literally paid for fat gainer audios yesterday, gonna jerk it and let the hypnosis take over my mind until im like 300+ pounds.
literally gonna be so fat etc.
literally gonna eat and fart so much so stinky.
literally gonna be 400 pounds and never shower and be like super stinky.
jerking it at a urinal is kind of awful. excepted it to be exciting but I ended up tired and underwhelmed.
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i've been a gay fatty lover for over 10 years and remain one but the moment I started getting my life together recently I've been thinking about getting skinny girls pregnant. What do?
You’re probably just bi
Guys...there may be a mole in /gchub/
I love k-9’s art so much
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Forgot image whoops
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Gloomy ass chub BFs...
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Yes I would love that!

I need to be this bf. Mine can bake and cook and I can... be cute and funny. My guy doesn't make breakfast ever so this is where I come in.
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lol looks like there are at least three of us saving this general. Goodnight, guys!
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Gn anon!
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Why did you even try this?
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um omg im like so silly rn ngl guize.
literally new erotic weight gain hypnosis just dropped or whatever.
literally im gonna be like 300 pounds in like a year.
literally so fat like you dont even know.
the hypnosis was all like "youre gonna be standing on the scale and feel so hungry when you see the numbers rise".
literally gonna be 300 pounds soon.
literally gonna jiggle every time i take a step.
literally gonna become so out of breath from walking even half a mile that i cannot continue.
literally gonna fart and burp all the time bc im like so fat and i just need to do it or whatever.
literally gonna be covered with stretch marks and my belly is gonna stick out from under my shirts.
omg i need this life so badly.
feeling so thankful that im a gay gainer like ngl you dont even know.
literally gaining is my whole life and my identity.
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How long have you been with this general? Have you been here for a long time and I've only just recently noticed?
He's only been acting up a few months now if he was hiding it before.
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Not him, but it reminds me something a boomer would do to try to pick up guys. Maybe it was just the excitement of being in public, idk
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lmao omg boiz so silly like actually!
um basically ive tried being here before but i got "called out" or whatever for saying "tranny," and also for being a gainer.
called a child and mentally ill.
literally ive met so many trannies in my life irl and ik all they do is spend 24/7 thinking about their social identity lmao.
just gave up on you boiz after that.
literally idgaf if im tainting your little silly escape from reality with gainer text walls.
some of you boiz love being fat.
i bet you boiz are also gainers, or at least your so fat for other reasons bc you cant stop stuffing your piggy faces lmao.
then you invert your sexual desire onto yourself; but you probably do this anyway like totally bc youre also gay.
literally being gay is so narcissistic and almost all gay guize invert their sexuality onto themselves.
literally your "sex" is just a like stage play or whatever where youre the star, and youre partner is just there or whatever to make you feel oh so degraded mentally.
im literally like the only person who recognizes this autoerotic narcissistic tune to my sexual fantasies, and actually like introspects on it or whatever.
i literally have no time for most of you boiz so idgaf about what you think about me or like this post.
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I only asked how long have you been here, not all the other stuff.

But thanks for answer.
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I normally dislike nipple piercings but it's pretty hot here.
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get bumped lol
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I always feel kinda selfish for asking for pics and never giving back. So allow me to change that.
P.s. this is the first and last time I’m going to be posting pics of myself
Very cute tummy, I'd ask for a butt but you already seem done.
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If I lived alone and/or complete privacy I’d definitely give more but since that’s not possible atm, I won’t post anymore pics of myself.
Although, when I do have complete privacy (as in no one being in the house) I’ll try to post some more in the future ;)
Perfect belly
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i've noticed that straight men's threshold for what constitutes a "small" penis tends to be rather larger than ours
Luckily I'm not interested in straight men.
It's just insecurity, I guess, since it's the main function of the way theyre supposed to do things. Average in burgerland is 5 and a quarter inches if I remember correctly, but they seem to consider 7 average. Uncultured swine who fail to appreciate cocks of all shapes and sizes
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um hey guize.
like literally ive been listening to the new erotic weight gain hypnosis that just dropped from my favourite hypnotist, and i really do feel like im gaining momentum.
like literally put on 40 pounds this year even though i have such a weak stomach, and im not a fatty in body (yet).
i am only a fatty in mind.
just imagine, that 40 pounds turns into 100, 200, even 300 plus pounds.
id be so fucking fat like you dont even know.
but yeah i am a fatty in mind only, and because of this, i feel disconnected to my body.
its like a separate object to myself, and only represents a shallow part of me.
maybe when i get very fucking fat, id feel connected to my own body a but more.
literally jiggle every single time i take a step, who knows.
but all that i know now is that i am gaining momentum.
feel so blessed like omg!
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>be hairy and beary
>go to bear event
>find a decently hot guy
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post hairy beary belly
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Maybe later
I may have been mislead about this establishment...
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i don't know how I can say this but the artist drew laios like a furry instead of a human
that's not human laios so it makes sense
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Nothing wrong with soft.
Got that existential ennui keeping me up all night.
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Like this artstyle. Artist?
The full name is on the picture, not even a silly unreadable signature.
River SauSage?
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too my future bf:
feed me a whole bunch of burgers, cookies, pizza, fries, cake, bacon, pancakes, while we hate watch the mario movie and i get even fatter
pls someone from here, pls add me on discord!!!!!!!!! D:
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>supposed to be in the high 70s ~ 80s all week
FUCK, why can't it just be nice outside.
>dealing with 100s

Haha, yeah...
That would destroy me
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You’re lucky my area’s been dealing with temperatures in the low 90s for the past week or two
I need warm cuddles, hugs and pawjobs with a big fat gay nerd who can't stop being horny while we're snuggled up under a thick blanket ASAP
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Sounds like the life.
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They cute
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Don't die please.
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Let nature take its course
This is why I'll just avoid my first time.
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hey you boiz!
i hope you had a great weekend!
i dont have to go back to macky dees till thursday which means that i have a lot of time for eating and gaining.
literally nobody can stop me from becoming 400+ pounds at this point.
literally gonna be so fucking fat.
i get so much money from my job now that i can gain.
already jiggling a lot when i move my arms.
how has your weekend been? did you have a lot of fun?
i know i did, i feel so bubbly after my shifts.
i love being treated like a subhuman by sub 90 IQ meth head freak customers.
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hey silly boiz!
i thought i would share something with the world...
if you like chubby guys, then you'll love this video.
i wanted to treat you boiz for aiding in my escape from this world.
literally if i didnt have 4channers to talk to, then where could i possibly be?
Ugh! I literally hate you! Stop posting here NOW! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh damn that guy is sexy, who is he?
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I can't figure out why I find this image so hot.
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No fucking idea, none.
Me too
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Me on the upper right
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when i do psychedelics and look at fatty fat fat debukemo guys, i can almost smell their musk...
they're very stinky.
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Soft :3
Friend wants me to try topping him...
I tried it once before and it didn't really work out, so I'm kinda nervous... but it will be pretty great if I can do it
Congrats on the friend!
Thank you!!!
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WWYD if your boyfriend called you a disgusting fat lardass before smacking your ass?
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what is the efficacy of finding a bf on this threads tag map?
Not recommended
why? i too dont have much going for myself, so i dont get why its so bad to fuck a /trash/ poster.
Honestly it's fine but if nobody is within 100 miles of you, you're probably out of luck.
Although it's still worth it to sign up just in case someone joins or has their location hidden.
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Not sure what to say about this but it's kinda hot
Need a boyfriend who will fat shame me :3
No need anon, the shame was inside you all along!
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Me helping nerds lose their virginity
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Wow, slow day.
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