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It's hot out there.
I want to go into the cool tummy now...

>Do post inside body heavy content of a wide range of nature, doesn't need to even be vore related just be on the inside (fetish anatomy diagrams for instance)
>Internals, that is the name of the game
>Safe vore is in the scope of the thread!
>Any image posted here has the prey automatically given the /endo/ seal of protection

Tag Search Terms
>Internal View
>Full Tour (some risks)

Got banned from eka's portal:

ToTT: Fuck the summer is hot, preds with cooler GI tracts are back in fashion again.
Jeez, how many maws does one birb need?
comfy OP
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i thought endo threads were more active than this honestly
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It ebbs and flows since some endo oriented anons are less regular here. And I haven't been as consistent with making threads as before due to other stuff on the mind.
Ah, the Endo threads are back! Lets get comfy
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Well then, let's have a question to spur on the thread!

Question to all:
What is the coziest aspect of endo to you? What makes the idea of being gulped down and kept inside so comfortable?
I think it's a combination of things for me.

For one, it's close to someone who cares about me. It's the benefits of a hug and a comfortable bed at the same time, being held close and protected.

For another, more important reason, I think it's the fact that I'm trapped/at the mercy of the pred. In my real life, I'm riddled with anxiety, I have a leadership role and I often have a lot of responsibilities on my plate, so I constantly feel that I NEED to be working towards one thing or another. But if I'm eaten? I don't have a choice to stress over things that need to get done, I'm stuck there until the Pred lets me go... so I can finally relax, guilt free.
/vore/ was talking about vore worlds but what are some endo worlds you recommend?
Can't think of many.
Kaz I suppose but only because there's scant few endo settings.
And don't expect one from me, my creative brain and fetish brain don't get along well. And if any setting I make has my fetishes in it I wouldn't call it an endo setting because a fetish setting has the issue it has to be fetish all the time fuck all other themes and motifs and I can't do that despite being an addict. Seems easier to just get away with a setting that has some Endosoma in it than make a setting about it. Not to mention fetish settings never sit well with me, if it's normal in setting I get stuck asking a million world building questions. "It's not normal but can happen" works well enough for me.
Greekceltic's dragon characters comes to mind but they seperate the endo fetishes from their comics
Go read Jagged's comics if you haven't already.
Someone already posted the other one >>66972815, funnily enough.
They seem like comfy worlds to live in.

>"It's not normal but can happen" works well enough for me.
Yeah, it's not exactly easy to write a story that's all vore all the time and have it be engaging. It's much easier to slip in an endo moment that serves the plot, and maybe have a bit of worldbuilding in explain the course of events in a way that implies that it happens more often than you'd think. And perhaps that's something I've done before, I'll admit...
Possessive endo preds are peak. I want to get gobbled up and swallowed down because my pred can't even imagine letting me out for any significant period of time
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Is this OC?
endo goon jail
Swalllowed back in even after touring...
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Does LemonDeer count? It ends sometimes in blood or digestion but it's heavily endo themed.
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How has no one mentioned Flapjack?
>He lives in a motherly whale
>She constantly checks in on him to make sure he is okay
>Often talks to him soothingly, all while fiercely defending against perceived threats
>Flapjack literally sleeps on her tongue/in her mouth.
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Hope they post again soon...
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Scavengers Reign has endo moments
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a real shame this character was literally made for hyper turds
Nonny she’s an anus on stubby bug legs
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And it is on
The species name is literally "Scaterpillar", have a peek in the archives.
Feed em convicts
My problem is too many artists are cowards afraid to make their world building more fetishy and ask less questions. Let the autism flow and you make the endo world hotter.
I'm a harder sci-fi autist primarily
To the point even in fetish stuff I have to think of it.
I will endoscope you.
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Do bio ships like Lexx or other scifi count?
Is it wrong for me to want cock vore endo? I would love to be stuck in a preds balls for a long time. Possibly even permanent. It's humiliating, but there's something about that vore with endo that I especially love.
Depends how tight the guts are.
Something that's just a little more organic looking room/cavity? Not so much. A passage or shaft area which is like the inside of a duodenum? Then it starts looking the part.
It's not wrong at all. Heck, I basically feel the exact same way. CV is great when you're in the particular mood for it, 'cause it's just like regular vore but with the horniness and lack of care for realistic anatomy cranked up to eleven.
Problem is, it's kinda niche, as is endo, so it's doubly hard to find good stuff. But the good stuff is real good. I wanna relax in a pred's big, soft balls really badly...
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Trapped in balls is still soft endo trapped in someone. It's good.
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Only the most degen of degenerates condemned to a life within the spacious anal tract of a dumb pucker bug. Sent headfirst inside the wobbly tire, gliding down the grooves till they’re forced several feet down the funky smelling center of the doorway-destroying donuthole. Extra-strength rope used to bind the enormous insects outhole shut afterwards, dooming the bugs new rectal resident to a long, drawn out journey into the dimly lit, loudly squelching depths that *refuse* to sit still for their newest guest
I like the big bughole, but the association the character has with scat skeeves me out... I really can't enjoy AV unless it's clean.
this guy straight up does realistic anal vore POV videos, it's impressive
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Wrong? No, not any more wrong than the tastes of any of the rest of us, Anon.
Some of us may not use CV as our go-to for comfort, but this is already a niche interest anyway.
Healing guts are underrated.
I wish there was more media with casual hanging out in guts
As do I. Just a scene or two with characters relaxing in a belly or something.
>no comic series or anime or cartoon about a hot springs inside a dragon
stomach walls are comfy
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The contractions smushing you about
Chiitan Pred
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I really think that could work too
>Not _Inherently_ Sexual
>Not even deviant unless you already know what Endo or Vore is
>As long as none of the characters are particularly weird about it, it should pass as just a unique, cool scene.

Heck, think about all the endo and vore in popular media and how that ended up working
>Samurai Jack had at least two episodes mostly within a giant creature, one of which He was helping and was friendly to him.
>Flapjack as mentioned above literally has Flap living in a motherly whale's mouth
>Jabu-Jabu's Belly is a level in one of the most popular N64 games in existance, and the princess within claims she just would hang out in there to relax sometimes
>Rick and Morty had a brief segment where they go to an alien spa and chill in the stomach of a creature that feeds on stress, literally relaxing them
>The ENTIRETY of Dragon Pilot on Netflix. Like all of it.
>Bowser's. Inside. Story. The whole thing is a fun adventure inside Bowser's body, and the toads trapped within even mention getting used to it, even comfortable at times.

It CAN be done.
>a million tf webcomics
>barely any vore ones and almost all are dead
Need an endofag to get struck by the autism beam and make something. Anything. When AI improves that could be possible.
Kinda miffed that Dragon Pilot was just a one season anime. They could have expanded the scope of this universe with how other countries hide their own dragons with their jets. I think a few fan fictions did this already, but it really is a wasted opportunity.
Best I can do is fetishbait when you perceive it with the right lens.
Ignore the strangely fleshy and organic guts in the supposed robot. Nothing unusual about that, move along.
I've always wanted to read Jagged's comics that cost money but I don't wanna spend money on fetish art and no one has reupped them anywhere
"The Normality of Hershel Dweller" is a great Endo setting.
Surprised that one didn't get more infamous for being the vore show. Everyone was too busy gooning for Attack On Titan.
As an autist who loves Endo, Planes, and Dragons, I was shocked how... little the show roped me in.
Like I LOVE the premise, and the endo scenes are great, but something about the dialogue and writing just made it tricky to stay interested in.
Maybe I'll give it another go again soon, but I think it's mostly a case of "Amazing premise, underwhelming story and writing," and that's why it's not as popular.
Endo, Planes, and Dragons sounds like a new Netflix special
That studio seems to just make a premise and roll through a season for all sorts of concepts.
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If you had to live in one giant animal your whole life, fantasy creature or side, what animal?
NTA but Milotic, fastest answer of my life. My pokemon journey is ending when I get eaten up by a Milotic cause I'm never leaving that squishy belly.
I want to explore
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Definitely a giant whale, or some kind of serpent or leviathan
Sea beasts in general seem like the best choice for this sort of thing
>but in space!
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AI does NOT do this sort of thing well... unless horrors beyond your comprehension happen to be what you're going for.
Know a couple who'd get off to that but yeah I get it
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Nice guts.
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I have absolutely no idea why, but a stereotypical, winged, quadripedal, anthropromorphic (in hands and mental capacity) dragon has always been my go-to.

It just feels wrong, bros.
did she egg encapsulated the smaller dragon?
was there ever more to this? I see a page 1 on the bottom corner.
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Terrifying. But I wouldn't be able to resist touching and kissing those lips, gradually working myself up until I was stripping and climbing in.
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Based, especially if they love you.
I want to get my hands on these gut models
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Is it possible to escape the snussy?
A vagina devouring someone is plain fucking hot
[spoiler] thankfully my partner is more than willing to indulge in these fantasies with me. It's even led to very detailed lore for dragons in our D&D settings... not that players need to know how common swallowing/gulping down loved ones are [/spoiler]
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>The gastroenterologist is here
All I'm saying is, micros or tinies would make good doctors
I genuinely think that a show or game could easily get away with either a duo style game with someone chilling in the belly/body of another, or at least using them as a home base, without it being seen as too out there. Just so long as the show has genuinely good writing or a plot /worldbuilding that facilitates this, it should be fine.
The key is not to make it the focus, or rather, to treat it casually.
Feels like a monkeys paw waiting to happen where a show or game has a perfect endo setting but there's one extra fetish attached you aren't into like digestion threats, feet, or really abstract fetishes like the vacuum guy
True. I think it really depends, in pure endo content, that is often the case, however I feel like that comes from the fact that it's centered on the fetish. Meanwhile, if you simply build endo into a story, rather than building a story around endo, you have a better chance of success.
For instance, Bowser's Inside Story is a hit game, critically acclaimed, practically mainstream at the time, yet it features a TON of Endo, micro, and more moments. However, it was an aspect of the plot, a mechanic, a neat way to build the setting and gameplay, while the story of Fawful taking over, Bowser learning to trust "Chippy," and the bros ultimately convincing Bowser to help them Save the Mushroom Kingdom (even if he did not know it was them), was a good story.

FlapJack on Cartoon Network had REGULAR endo scenes with Flapjack hanging out inside Bubby, having casual conversation with her, he and Knuckles interacting within. Heck, plenty of motherly moments where Bubby is comforting and reassuring him while he lays on her tongue. And yet, it was a hit show, and very few episodes used Endo as anything beyond a setting aspect.

It can be done, I think, just... don't use it as the focus.
I'll give another example.

I am an endofag, obviously, I'm in this thread.
So I run a sci-fi tabletop game with some friends, and one of my players INSISTED on having a "Space Whale Session". No idea why she was so insistent on it, but the other players all seemed content or at the very least not opposed to it, and so after mentioning this as something she thought would be fun for over a month, I caved and said I would make one.

...Now, I ran into a problem. I don't like to mix my... interests into games I run for my friends, the term "Magical Realming" is infamous in the TTRPG commuinty for those who shove their fetishes into games. Issue: I had my deepest comfort interest requested repeatedly by players as a whole setting basis. Uh Oh.

But, Solution: I ended up simply running a living dungeon as professionally as possible. I downplayed any aspects that were terribly comfortable to me, made the space whale non-sapient, and ultimately ran it as a neat, unique dungeon crawl where they had to rescue an asset from one of the deeper stomachs of this massive creature. It was a success! The players all remember it fondly, and genuinely seemed to enjoy the whole thing, occasionally bringing it up throughout the years as a great time.

My point is. Even I, an endofag on /trash/, with just a little restraint, was able to make a living dungeon as the CORE of a session premise, and nobody felt weird about it, everyone had a good time, and most of all, I'm fairly certain that my players had absolutely no clue I was an endofag at all.
>my players had absolutely no clue I was an endofag at all
The tragedy is that your players were endofags and wanted to connect
If that was the goal, I never got that impression. Would be Ironic if true lol.

Ultimately though it was a very fun session. Lots of unique traps and dungeon hazards, a fun rest area with a small town made of reassembled, scrapped ship parts and the survivors of a crash, and of course, exploration and careful examination of the "dungeon" itself.
Bio dungeons in general are underrated outside of fetish reasons
That's true, and I often advocate for living dungeons well outside of endo or fetish reasons, and celebrate those found in media.
It's all about presentation, ultimately.
For instance, in the living dungeon I ran in >>67091852

If I had described the rooms as "soft, pillowy walls, slowly rolling in gentle waves and illuminated with faint bioluminescence. It feels as if you could safely rest here, that there are no worries in this place," ...It would have been weird.

Instead, my descriptions were more like:
"This next alien chamber is dimly lit by a strange biolumenescence. Unknown sounds eminate from deeper within the creature, and you must be careful as you step on the unstable floor. There appear to be to branching tunnels on the other side, and nothing immediately seems to occupy this chamber... how do you proceed?"

Both could be used to describe the same room, but the second sounds both less suspicious, and, to my eyes, more inviting to investigate or cautiously double check.
>Digestion threats
Hard to avoid with a biodungeon as it's too easy a hazard to go with. Perhaps it is one where it is more akin to the womb or it is a dungeon gated by having acid damage immunity. But it is a dungeon, traps and dangers are everywhere if not from the gut environment, from whatever other massive parasites or symbionts exist within.
Eh, I think people just don't want to have it obnoxiously imposed. If they have a giant tongue slobbering over their character they'll be pissed and annoyed with your fetish pushing. A lot of things may be 'fetishistic' but not 'fetish' as is. A lot of complaints of fetishist hugo boss goes on but we still do it.
I never got the type of endo where everything has to be safe. A little danger makes it hotter. Now fine if that is someone's preference but you can't reeee and say it has to be the definition of endo
Fair, fair.
>vacuum guy
If concentrated autism is what it takes to get more endo scenarios I guess
Source? I can't seem to find this character
I want to learn more about the slug pred here. They look so cute and snug
Slugs are S tier
Guts are the original goon caves
I much prefer vore as peril so I like endo in the sense that the prey doesn’t actually die, digestion is trying to happen and that’s the time limit, depending on the situation there can be willing but it should never be completely comfy and threat free, but actually killing the character kinda ends the situation so usually that can’t happen narratively
Exactly. I don't care about following a corpse through intestines like Emi seemed to think. I don't care about dead matter inside someone, if they are not consciously experiencing being inside someone and consciously feeling the process exerted on them throughout what is the point? "But the boobs fatter" yeah the ones you don't get to see because you're dead? Come on that's stupid.
Not him but unfortunately that sentiment is super rare in this paraphilia.
Anyone have any pics of vore where it’s perma-endo/permanent endo/permanent entrapment? It could be permanent entrapment inside a stomach, womb, bowels, balls, it doesn’t matter. I just want to see permanent entrapment endo. Stuff like that is super hot. It’s a shame there’s not more of it, or it’s usually but tagged as such, so you can’t really find it all that well.
Unrelated but found this crazy unbirth pov spider animation with some really really nice animation of how the internals squish around the prey. The spider ovary balls are kind of strange though
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I don't care if so. The internet has a degeneracy accelerating effect to the point where objecting to flatout snuff is castigated as "dont yuck other people's yum" and getting you banned from websites. It is worse than tolerated degeneracy, what ive noticed online is enforced degeneracy. Pushing their meltslop snuffer feeder trash even to people not into it, insisting you secretly are when you never were. Projecting constantly, not seeing how lost they actually are.
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tl;dr I think it may be a suppressed sentiment.
I mean, it's probably just a difference in tastes. It's not that deep
At face value it's innocuous, sure. Yet I know well it's a symptom of a greater disease. Complacent thinking isn't good to have even in the face of inner desire and I have watched the social control mechanisms in place. Financial and behavioral, used to enforce a degree of degeneracy even someone with an autistic fetish wouldn't normally sink to.
Was it that artist, or a different one, who had some similar concept idea thing about keeping prey in some kind of “secondary bowels” or something like that?

I wish I could find it again. I think the predator was either a dragon or a dinosaur. Either way, the predator was some kind of big lizard.

Anyone know or remember the piece I’m talking about? Or know of or remember a similar-sounding piece?
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Seems familiar, but I can't find it?

Don’t worry, it’s endo. Tags say so.
They actually followed this one up?!
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Oh yeah I forgot this middle one
>picrel is 2
>late at night
>crawl back up her gullet while she's asleep
>slowly pull yourself halfway out her maw
>she stirs, opens one eye, then slurps you back down like a noodle
>tells you to go back to bed, silly
There are a few vore/endo artists that draw vacuum seal bulges but it does feel more common lately
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Would your endo host let you set off fireworks inside them?
It's part of the show to vomit fireworks.
Someone is in the belly setting them off.
Regurgitating fireworks to launch them with your throat isn't easy so don't try it at home!

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