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Happy Happy Joy Joy Edition

Post any expansion-related material (breast or butt expansion, weight gain, inflation to name a few) containing human or humanoid characters. Cartoon and vidya characters are permitted)
All expansion must be focused on related material (characters from cartoons, games, comics, or anime). Have some fun, above all else.

Any original content is appreciated! Edits, fics, and other pictures are all great.

Previous Threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/cartoon%20expansion/type/op/
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/BGiyCmC2
>person gets morbidly obese
>the feelings inside their heads are fat and have just become different feelings related to gluttony
Tell me /CEG/, how does this make you feel?
Makes me sadistically detirmined to ruin her fit body.
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would the emotions weight gain be directly correlated to the person they're controlling or is it the other way around? what would they even eat?
Just wrote a thing about fat pokegirls, involves corruption/brainwashing, in case anyone’s interested.

the fat cells and fatty acids building up in the body would engorge them up with greasy blubbery fat
Fat shotas
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that's more like osmosis jones since it deals with biology rather than psychology
all the emotions will represent different feelings and consequences of extreme gaining
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Newgainsplus stuff got nuked on Pixiv, someone archived it but says file not found? There a master key or something?
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Since they're just mental constructs, the easiest assumption is that they'd grow in proportion to the person.
>we got not only one, but TWO fat emotions
>Riley starts to get plump and it causes changes to their control room
>Food items appear on various surfaces tempting them to eat them
>Most of the emotions disregard them, or try to steer Riley back to eating better
>But Joy can't resist trying them
>Soon Joy is looking a bit thicker, and her choices in directing Riley show her developing love for food
>Through her Riley is becoming quite the foodie
>Both of them finding a deep sense of happiness in eating... and eating a lot
>As Joy's influence spreads the space around them warps further with Riley's climbing weight
>More food, more lounge recliners, Joy's own control over the console seemingly getting stronger
>She can belly check the other emotions aside and send more directions to Riley to follow her sweet tooth
>As Joy and Riley get fatter the other emotions find resisting her more difficult
>Joy is often pressuring them to try more of the food filling the control room
>Sadness is practically force fed by Joy, an act she doesn't exactly hate...
>Disgust is finding it next to impossible not to snack on all the yummy treats almost non stop
>Now all the emotions are getting blubbery too and their control reflects their new outlook...
>As Riley starts hitting the threshold of obesity her emotions are fully enmeshed with the new lifestyle
>Disgust gaging at the sight of those skinny bitches without a chili dog in their hand
>Sadness quick to press on Riley's depression every time there isn't something to eat immediately available
>And joy... she is firing on all cylinders to make Riley truly love eating
>No other feeling rivals her unbridled love of stuffing herself
>Riley just keeps getting fatter
she would inhabit all the slob elements of the fatasses brain
imagine tricking her into eating a fried broccoli
with enough melted cheese she might eat ti
Today on retard channel: what if LGBT slobs could brap clouds the colors of their pride flag? (like perfectly aligned stripes of pink, purple and blue for a bi, or blue, pink and white for a tranny)
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There are two types of shotas: Fat shotas, and shotas who get buff to carry their fat girlfriends.
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The only thing she's envious of now is the food on other people's plates
Someone like her could easily spiral out of control weight wise. Just an endless cycle of wanting to be as fat as someone who’s fatter than her. On another note it’s nice to finally see some Envy fats. Great job to whoever drew this.
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Envy and gluttony go well together
This single panel upper-body sketch is still the best fat art of Riley herself.
How has it taken people this long to finally realise the emotions were hot and to especially give them fat art
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gold, i wish this guy kept his archive up
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That expression on Riley says
>"W-Why can't I stop eating? What's making me do this??"
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He used to have a dropbox too didn’t he?
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What a few months on Earth (America) does to a girl.
brendas gigantic wobble butt
80% pure fat, barely any muscle
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She actually has Olympian levels of lower body strength underneath her blubbery appearance.
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Is not the land of the free for nothin'
>Just America
Come on buddy, 9 stomachs, 9 countries. She's doing a world tour and causing global hunger to increase even in wealthy nations.
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Speaking of Brenda, Chub Chomp & Chill 1.2 is released today. I'm hoping anyone can extract the character sprites (Kandy, Gretta, Brenda, etc.)
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I’m disgusted
Gluttonous loli who actually has a large belly hidden under her clothes needs to be a trope
I’d be happy to see that with more female characters in general. It’s super underrated.
The slim and fit "my body is a temple, I prefer to eat a healthy diet" thing is already a type. Just need to combine it with the characters that wait until no one is around to indulge in secret vice like junk food.

>Gwen always making a big deal about getting the vegetarian options at eatery and having the low fat milk for her dairy
>But when alone she gleefully pulls out a big greasy fast food meal and licks her lips excitedly for the forbidden desire
>Unbuttons her pants and lets an avalanche of hidden belly spill out as she sighs in contentment
Instead of the Hidden Buxom trope, it's Hidden Belly. Dig it.
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yeah im with you
theres a few things to try to hide the chub with
big dress
to hide the tummy

to hide those thunder thighs

sweater or just a long sleeved shirt to hide those wobble wings (or arm fat if thats what you want to call it)
With a cartoon it doesn't have to be realistic, hell you can have it like
>Whole bunch of characters are gathered around, eating a large dinner
>Everyone leaves besides 1 girl
>She looks around, making sure nobody stayed behind
>"Finally" she says, sounding exhausted
>She undoes her belt
>Suddenly a large belly surges outwards as she can finally breathe
>it's Hidden Belly
The only example I’ve seen of that, with a female character at least, is Blaineley. Be great if more cartoons incorporated this trope. Specifically with it’s female characters.
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Happens in the Beatlejuice cartoon
Marie Antoinette removes her girdle and a much fatter body spreads out.
oh yeah like a nice overflow
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came here to post this
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what is this?
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character from webcomic, she has gotten big and bigger as the webcomic progressed
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A webcomic that is now an officially syndicated strip, no less.
What about the animation? It looks nice.
He's working on getting strips animated, it seems. He even has VAs cast for the sisters.
>tfw just realized we're the only Rosebuds fans on the internet
he's literally catering to us
I see people talking about the comic all the time on twitter
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Lilo has the best sister.
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I tried my hand at doing some DAZ fat editing

I think its going okay so far, heres a comparison between an unedited and edited model
i'll be moving onto posting and making a scene, I'll use this model to begin with

let me know if you like it or not
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and a clothed variant
Looks good, she's not even my kind of girl but she still looks great
if this is true and he lurks, I'd love to see something showing off.just HOW big she's gotten
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Compared to the start of the strip, or just in general?
Yes. Either is good honestly, or like a "If she keeps growing/snacking at this rate...." And it's a 'future' where she's just HUGE
I think that fantasy might be too much to hope for. So far the strip has avoided direct fat jokes, preferring to focus on her appetite in general.
You Just made my day anon thank you!
>made your day
how come anon?
Where to post art nowadays?
Chudlandia, more commonly know as X, formely, Twitter. or DeviantArt, children plaza and bad AI.
both of those sites are filled with kids (hell, even this one) and both of those sites have features to block both AI and horseshoe theory chuds, stop idealizing things
Andrea's already gained a bit of a reputation as a female architect or the 'next cheesecake', but I want to add something funny.

She's in Brighton, either Iowa or Illinois(kind of a hybrid of both). One state over in Wisconsin is where Cheesecake is canonically located after the events of Creamy Beamy.

And in-between on the road? Davenport. The town she's named after.

And also the town where BobotheHobo's stories are usually set(Ok "Daven's Port", but again very very direct inspiration). That's where Buttercombe is, that's where Dakota is.

What is this, the fucking Feeder-Belt. Between Pete McGee and Andrea in the south, Cheesecake in the North, and Davenport in the middle this is a fucking hub zone of fictional feederism that would make Brosnan jealous.
There was a guy a long time ago that we roleplayed about Alolan girls getting fat, are you still lurking here?
I can't even look at more than a few images per day on twitter thanks to elon's rate limiting
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I think you did a great job, for whatever that's worth. You can even see how the extra weight affected her hands and feet.

There's also another element about directly editing an existing 3d model for weight gain that I find intriguing. With drawn weight gain artwork, you're generally getting an artist's specific (and fat) interpretation of a character that's separate from the original work. In editing a model, you're actually altering the real thing, which--to me--makes the results feel more "real" in a sense.
So I watched the South Park Ozempic special tonight, because my family still loves South Park even after all this time. I guess it wasn't as popular as it should have been, because by the end I couldn't help but think: how the heck does Sharon not have more weight gain content spinning out of that special?

She literally gets prescribed a body positivity drug because she can't afford Ozempic, stars in a commercial where she says she's stopped worrying about her weight, and at the end, when she does finally get an Ozempic prescription, Randy convinces her not to take it and they just go do molly instead. You could easily generate a future where Sharon gets fat as fuck in the aftermath of that special.
Jack fats are Incredible rare to come across and 3d ones even more so you making this just made my day and the fact your making something with it just sweetens the pot
yeah, I insalled a few different weight gain morph sliders, one of them had specific areas like the hands and feet

well i'll try and make something later with her
not exactly sure what though so i'll be taking any ideas from people
keep it very simple though, something like "sitting on a chair eating a burger" or something
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Is there anyway to recover images like this because its a shame for it to go to history
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My God, The Future's got crazy snack variations to make anyone bloat up faster than ever. What's next? A Large Pizza in Bar Form? A whole 3-course meal in the form of a single piece of candy (kinda like in Willy Wonka with the blueberry transformation candy.) A high-calorie shake with fattening flavors like burgers, pizza, a whole cake, or even Lard. etc. (just like the drinkable food in Wall E, which is also futuristic.)
Moebius donuts.
Star Trek Replicators but they're personal sized. Think those Walle meals in a cup, but the cup can refill itself on command. Maybe it's built into their hover chairs, a big feeding tube hooked to a food replicator attached to the back of the chair.
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Just need to upgrade those Wall-e chairs in general really
Unga Bunga
Glad she has a body she can be happy with. :)
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>Star Trek Replicators but they're personal sized.
I remembered Drake Fenwick did a minicomic about this eons ago. Then I found out my copies got corrupted at some point, but I found it again on Exhentai.
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Ugh. Is it just me, or is image posting being a pain in the ass right now?
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Well in that case i got about 3 ideas
1.have jack eating from a tray on a messhall bench
2.have her naked on a bed eating cake on all fours
3.have her on a bench with one hand feeding her and one touch her belly or one of her tits
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only just saw this so i'll consider it
in the meantime, have this I was working on as (at the time) nobody suggested any ideas

apologies for the lower image quality, its late and my PC is shit so I wanted to quickly crack out a render
otherwise, just let me know any thoughts on it
No need for apologies bud, this'll do nice, Hell you're doing me a favor by just Considering my ideas instead of going "Ehh those are too much work and gay"

I can't wait for more and i hope your situation gets better
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That's from the official artist? That's amazing
His Patreon, apparently.
as for my thoughts its a decent pic, like the final image to a wg sequences

as for improvements i guess you could give her more seductive eyes , a smirk like she's saying "Now I Know you got a thing for fat chicks perv", maybe a hand on her belly or cupping her love handle.

either way with or without those inputs this pic is still pretty nice

if you don't
>You know I can barely tell you what it was like being skinny, musta been nice
>Shit its been years since i last saw my feet without a mirror or my girl
>It was kinda hella nice being able to go just about anywhere without a worry of breaking a chair or getting kicked out a buffet but then again it would be as hot
>Hell i've been getting weird ass dreams or visions of an old life where things went to shit and max was alone, need to lay off the food comas i guess.
>I mean fuck i just vaguely tell you how i convinced my girlfriend to get into getting fat along side me its been such a haze
>But now here i am, a bed breaking, feast destroying, earth quaking 570 pounds of pure lard and sex!
>And My gf now wife ain't not too far behind, she's cute as hell now and gorgous
>Me? bah well you know, being this huge has its perks, pervs on the net send me money to stuff my face and some even happen to like my music, my girl's a pro photographer for some huge company and we got a bun in the oven
>Whatever the hell my life was before this, it sure as shit couldn't have been better than this
her face will be somewhat generic as i've only just gotten to doing posing so face posing will come later
I have an idea for it, essentially replicating an old fat morph of taylor swift eating a burger

but for now i'll finish off a proper render of the above and most likely move onto that
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wouldn't be the first time we see her stuffing her face in official animation.
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discovered that animation is based on some art from her bio page
thank you anon, I'll be routing you on the whole way.
Apparently the weight gain/weight loss dynamic from San Andreas is officially confirmed to be coming back for GTA 6.

Bros, I'm excited. Lucia is going to be a prime porker.
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Now combine it with the business owning of vice city so I can buy the burger shot franchise and turn every woman into a fat ass
>All female models in game start getting fatter each in-game day
>Voice lines pitch down, burp and fart effects added
>The normal idle banter the random civilians use gets replaced with unique dialog of them all moaning about being hungry or wanting another burger
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>fun sized
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it better be more than one or two models, it better be very detailed, even more than RDR2
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There we go, made a finished higher quality render, with some better lighting
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God I hate balloons
Marcy is a prime ass girl
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There we go, I decided to go with the 3rd option for another fat jack

This is actually the 2nd iteration of this but I accidentally overwrote the savefile of the first with this before i rendered it so oops

let me know your thoughts on it, and enjoy!
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its lovely and nicely done on the lighting.
And Weeeee lad this is Niiiice, face is a little goofy but Damn is it beautiful, thank you anon

[spoiler]also that thing about the savefile overwrite is just.... fucking ouch[/spoiler]
its not too bad, I think this version is better
only difference was that her hand was on her breast instead of her belly and her head was turned the other way, looking down at it
also, i may make something with an extra character for the next one so i'll take any suggestions for character and poses
miranda is the obvious choice but I think one of the different female characters may be more interesting

also for now it'll just be the normandy cabin background, so consider that for any suggestions
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Shoutout the Blaxinkek, the madman inflated every single Pokegirl within the mainline games. Absoultely no one was off limits
Link is for image in much higher quality
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Rose needs more blob art.
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She's strong enough that it would've really affect her that much.
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Stupid hands.
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Well i'll say this is a good step forward on your way with this model
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Not even into inflation and that's fucking impressive.
Well in that case you've got a plenty to work with
Femshep, Liara, Mirand, Tali, Ash, Anderson, Doc Chakwas, Samara, Morinth, Kasumi, You got plenty to work with

if you wanna be kinda unique you could have tali be jack's feeder, a sort of "Alpha bitch gets cute nerd to be her feeder" thing since i have yet to see that happen so it could be nice.
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Kinda wanna do something with them, something nasty. Any ideas?
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They become fat slobs after getting hooked on splicing pig genes?
Futuristic Condiment King forcefeeding them the every sauce til they're gigantic, greasy blobs
What is it that makes brap inflation so fucking hot?
I would guess it's because it's one of the most humiliating and degrading ways to expand someone
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Hey i knew a shit in highschool who was like this
I second this
considering the models that are avaliable to me, I think I will try and recreate pic related

gonna need to find an appropriate set for it though, but shouldnt be too hard
actually that might he getting a bit too ahead of myself

i'll be trying something with just miranda first
That would astronomically BASED!

Like yeah its take some work but itd be a good learning experience tho i get your hesitation>>67088508
And hey have Jack's frenemy fatten her up is nice

also do you wanna dm cause i legit like going back and forth with ya.
nah, i'll just post when needed

I'll probably do the next one them upload them all to DA
Enjoy fattening her up in about 5,000 years
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As a man who's commissioned every girl in a series multiple times (Bushido Blade 2, Jagged Alliance 3, both by PDC), I must kneel to my better.
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>no Poppy
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alright well when you do hit me up asap, Your stuff is promising and i love it.
just uploaded them, im also rendering miranda now so I should have that ready soon
Based, i look forward to it

See you soon lad and good luck
fat mini-giantess needs to be more common
I wish Liara got more weight gain art. Tali gets so much fucking art, which I understand because she's best girl, but I really think Liara is the superior fatty. She's got the personality for it, too; you can just tell that girl's got the capacity to transform into a greedy glutton. By contrast, Tali actually comes off as someone who'd take care to stay in shape.
Real shame about that pastebin crackdown. Anyone saved those stories in OP or are they forever lost to time?
I just checked and they still work fine for me
Must've only been a few then, the poptart one was deleted
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here you go, one fat miranda

its inspired by one of the old pieces by idle-minded
i'll be doing another render in the white suit that i'll be posting later
its not as good as jack but the model was being a bitch to work with with the pose
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Fucking NUKED
Somebody check on the Miss Patty stories.
What's the hottest thing clothing wise?
>Button popping
>Belt breaking
>Clothes ripping
>Old clothes just not fitting
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I'll be honest this pic just looks bad and i'll give my thoughts as to why

Again the face is goofy looking, too exaggerated
The angle along with the pose just makes it look... Off in a way, like its a rough draft make it into the final product

The idea is decent but the over-all on this pic is just not good.

Alls not lost tho, all you got to do is have the tablet close to her and her looking at it with a more neutral look and it could be an improvement

Pic related could ne the new look.
Honest to god, Gun to my head i could not tell you for the life of me. all 4 are fucking nice
Tali is a shy nerd with a fetish for humans and human culture.

If she got even a hint of a joke that shepherd liked on the heavier side she'd be a fatass before the years out or or pic related
would anyone happen to have some of the pics that EdgeOfMind nuked awhile back? direly missing some of that stuff now
It isnt tho with a bit of work it can become a decent model, you still getting into the grove of this.

also you never linked or hinted at your da
Here you can encrpyt it twice and send it to me.
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i saved this image a while ago and i'm having trouble finding the source. could someone help?
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What a natural born butterball
I was trying to go for miranda in pic related, as you can see she's not looking at the tablet but above it
but yeah, a different expression and slightly different pose may work better

ill just link it, note that theres some fucked up shit from the past i've done
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as a bonus, a miranda commission i got from expo a while ago
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I reworked miranda by using a new model and making a new pose

let me know if this is an improvement over the old one and if you like it now
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Need more unhealthy fatties who *know* something morbid must be wrong, but can't figure out the risks of their gluttony. All before stuffing themselves even more up to a grease-fueled heart attack.
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That or gluttonous feedees who *know* just how much damage their unending greedy habits are causing, but can't stop stuffing themselves. Hell, they might even convince themselves it's worth halving their life expectancy, all to double their waistline.
Nice, Fat Chloe is so hot.
Love seeing Panty like this.
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expo is cool he draws the home stucks
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It's a shame that DA mods nuked it, Here's the pixiv link where they give a link for the image in its highest quality. They also started uploading individual parts on their pixiv now
These aren't bad, I'm actually a fan of anthro tf but I'm just going to be blunt and say that by "something nasty" I mean something to do with incest. If anyone has any ideas involving it I'm all ears

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