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Advanced: Monster Hunter! Part #287

Discuss mounting monsters, talk about the games, etc.

Monster Hunter Doujin/Smut Index of Monster Pornography
Previous Threads
Steam Group

>For Rise/MHW, check the thread and see if there's any session IDs for your version (or use the Steam group)
>For other games, make inquiries and simply use /mhg/'s standard room setup if possible

Topic of the thread: What kind of games (video, tabletop or sports) would monsters play?
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Cute monsters being given cute service industry jobs!
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Have you got that legi pic higher res on it's own though?
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I wanna cum on her bowtie
funny animal thoughts
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Look under the tail of you local Malzeno!
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Would you do gay shit with Malzeno? You have five seconds to respond before this quest times out.
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I would let Malzeno do gay shit to me
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I found a baby pukei-pukei today stuck in a tree. A branch had pierced the membrane on one of its wings unfortunately. After enough screaming and squirming I managed to get it unstuck without any more damage done. Thankfully with how young it was the poison barely had any potency to it, but getting sprayed in the face still wasn't fun. After I got it out the thing calmed down and didn't want to leave my arms. I patched up the hole in its wing as best as I could but I'm afraid it might be scarred for life now. Didn't find any signs of its mother around either so I'm not too sure how it wounded up alone in the forest. Should I go looking for its mom and return it or is that a lost cause? I don't know much about pukei-pukeis.
Most of the time, pukeis leave their young to fend for themselves, so no need to find its parents.
Curiously, they do imprint on things around them that they don't deem dangerous, so if it's young enough and you don't spook it, it might consider you its surrogate parent of sort. Give it some mushrooms, pukeis aren't picky eaters.
>they do imprint on things around them that they don't deem dangerous, so if it's young enough and you don't spook it, it might consider you its surrogate parent of sort
Oh no. Guess I better set up a mushroom farm then.
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Time to try getting some games going again, who else's got GU with an emu ready or reading how to get it working?
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I'll try it later, have to drive around today first
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Maybe it's for the best that they can't actually talk...
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Are we sure you can't play together with Switch? I don't have time to play right now but I can host a lobby in the wycademy hub, so the emu anons can test if they can see the lobby.
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Seems only if you're in the same network as the emulating machine. It does make me wonder if a VPN would work.
Sorry can you try again, I hosted it in local mode.
I see one passworded lobby 2/4 with two HR 11s, that you?
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No, seems like I'm out...
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Monster MEN
Can't talk to humans, you mean
>Monsters proudly and shamelessly blab about their latest conquests to any other monster who will listen
>It only takes a few days before an entire locale knows of your deeds while you're none the wiser
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>mizu had enough of people thinking his feminine appearance makes him gay
>surely now there will be no doubt about which side he leans toward
So what % of people play, or want to play GU on 3DS
% who plays or wants to play on switch?

(looks like there's a way to convert a 3DS save to work on switch emu but obviously I haven't tried it)
Ended up joining a random ryujinx lobby and all 3 of the others were fr*nch, done hunting for today.
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I think I'm the only one here that plays on Switch.
Also, as far as I know the 3DS version of GU didn't release outside of japan.

Enjoy your time while they're small. It won't be too long until they outgrow you.
There isn't much reason to play XX unless you're using a physical 3ds. Everyone swapped to GU which also doesn't require a translation patch.
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Letting everyone know we're gay and together
>just a couple months and your monster kid is already as big as you, if not bigger
They grow up so fast!
Damned hybrids, stealing our quests
I want to become the apex power couple with my monsterfu
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I downloaded everything for switch GU, we'll see if I can actually get it running now
Welp GU is probably a non-starter, there are too many steps in this process when each step means a 25% failure chance.
I can't even get EmuSak to its load files from the net successfully.
If we could go underwater (not the smartest idea) to fight monsters on their home field, the next logical evolution in the series is eventually allowing us to take to the skies to fight flying wyverns and the like.
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We already have gunlances and glaives
Me and whk
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>tfw it’s been 5 years and you STILL don’t have a hunter S/O
They need to let us ditch the shield, because that hunk of metal is holding us back from ascending into arguably the most dangerous aerial predators on the planet. Valstrax, eat your heart out.
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Got it, for now. We'll see what errors pop up. god damn that was painful
>that ui
Are you using linux or something? I had minimal trouble getting it to work...even if I did play for an hour and then never again. It's been years though so maybe I forgot about the pains.
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Would smooch
Finding out that monsters have weapon biases too and react differently depending on what you use.
Linux mint, and the recommended ryujinx version in the pastebin crashes outright about 20 seconds into the game. The latest version runs it but seems a bit janky just in its interface. I'll mess with it more tomorrow.
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I'll try my hand at emulated switch multiplayer, but I'm also in the US and it's getting late here, so that's for later. (World pc rooms are also fine tomorrow if anyone wants to throw one up)
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>makes weird roaring and snarling sounds off to the side while you hunt
>think she's just distracting the monster or instinctively trying to intimidate it
>she's actually cheering and rooting for you
The perfect wives.
Full of EGGS
Moving from 1.0 to 1.1 fixed the intro stutter and made the overall game smoother for me. If I recall correctly the pastebin link's for the old one, but the rest of the steps work just fine.
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Oh no no no no
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Gosh, imagine a big monster just walking up and groping your ass like that in the middle of a hunt.
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why do monsters do this?
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Because of our pitiful size and appearance, we Greats are practically small monsters, so we are forced to use their cheap tactics in attempt to attract the attention of hunters.
I wish I was born as an Elder Dragon, so that all the hunters would quickly become mine after just a quick look
The fuck, did they stealth reveal a new monster for Wilds???
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Alright, who's the prankster that put those stupid ears on the Jaggias of the Sandy Plains? They must be frustrated because they keep trying to tackle me as I go by
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Might be a good time to start preparing GU again.
Wow, it's Magnamalo!
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wow I don't care!
Nice quad dubs
I like to headcannon that Malzeno is a closeted sub who just wants to be loved and called a good boy.
You're not alone
I still like the stupid idea where he lives in Velk's basement and only plays video games all day.
If there is a way to get mouse and keyboard controls working, I'd be tempted to try my luck with the emulator.
Mouse? I don't know about that, but you could try binding the keypad to camera movement or something
>binding the keypad to camera movement
Then it's nothing different from using a controller. Worse even, since you lose analog camera control.
God I wanna grab that astalos hips, god he's so sassy standing like that I have to rape him
You'll live, anon, it's not Tri where finer camera control is a bit more useful underwater. A quick search does point to something called Mouse2Joy that might do what you want.
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Hmmm, might be something worth looking into. Just give me a few days, I haven't emulated anything in 15 years.
Wow, imagine needing to pay extra for a flagship! An embarrassing state for one so conceited! Good thing the face of Rise, Magnamalo, can be experienced by everyone!
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Filling your jaggia GF with so many eggs, you feel them clack when you rub her belly!
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Are there 3d shenanigans going on or do jaggia just normally have bedroom eyes like that in game
Any eyes are "do me" eyes if you're easy enough
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No! The monsters are learning that just sitting on hunters is a foolproof plan for surviving hunts!
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I wish that sushi was actually my COCK
Teeth and all?
How would booty calls work in a world without phones? Not like monsters could use them anyway.
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Total monster marriage
it has always existed in the quest board
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Yes I wish his razor sharp teeth were gently biting on my cock
Primordial Malzeno's spread legs and conveniently placed 2nd Anniversary graphic!
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Alright, I read into it and as I expected, I would need to mod my Switch to get the system and game files for the emulator. That alone I'm already hesitant with. Adding to that, seems like Switch is one of the newer ones where the exploit was fixed, so I'd need to hardware crack it which I'm definitely neither willing nor capable to do. Still thanks for the Mouse2Joy tip.

That means if the EU hunters still want to play, I can only offer Switch GU and PC World/Rise.
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Are these not downloadable somewhere? I could always upload the ones I'm using somewhere.
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Alright, PC Rise will do. You host the lobby.
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>Are these not downloadable somewhere?
Like I said earlier, the last time I emulated something was 15 years ago. And I think it even used the actual CDs (I fell for the PS3's missing backwards compatibility). Looking for pirated stuff always felt like sailing unsafe waters to me with dangers and scams lurking underneath the surface everywhere if you don't know where you're going.
Sure, that problem could be solved over time with a bit of effort but honestly speaking, I'm not so convinced anymore...
As far as I saw it, you and the other anon have yet to get a lobby running. Losing all my progress so far is also a thing to keep in mind. Maybe my opinion will change when you can confirm the multiplayer is working for both of you.
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become sponge
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PW in honor of that cute Mizu from last thread: 6498
Don't expect too much from me. My muscle memory is a bit rusty.
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Yeah but that takes time. When they can't call 1-800-COCK-NOW, how are they supposed to get a hunter into their nest in an hour or less?
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We did it, we hunted monsters!
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>stalking Malzeno while he patrols his territory
At work right now but if anyone has a reason to play World/Rise in another 7-8 hours I'm game. The latter would be low rank shit for me since I've barely touched it.
Monster Fuckers sometimes have an open contract... for open fucking on a first-come, first-serve basis! Why, those scaly ladies will be lining up to use you...sometimes, multiple times a day (ow)! Just be sure you have your Guild dues paid in full, in case you need rescue services from any...over enthusiastic ladies. Remember ladies, if you need a mate, make sure you don't just drag your favorite Monster Fucker off into the night (send help)!
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I'm sorry anon, I'd really love to play. Too bad timezones exist...
Even low rank would be no problem. I actually like having a reason to go back because it allows me to try a new weapon without the fear to cart at the slightest mistake.
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Remember to pet and hug your desk monsters!
That's fine, I didn't want to play anyway...
tiny desk tobi will fight against my tiny desk anjanath
Just looking at the lighting here gives me a headache. For the love of gog, I'll never understand how you can make things look so realistic. Super adorable and nice details.
>altered blender logo as wallpaper
>ingame text/wiki entries in the book
Is that a cookbook??? Anon, don't eat the Tobi!
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Hey, I do what I can. I have the next two weeks off, but the latest I can reasonably stay online is 2am (that would be 5 hours from now)
If you can make it home earlier than that I can try to join you. At least if the high ping doesn't ruin everything.
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A-ahah, of course not, who would want to eat a tobi, look at this cute picture instead haha haha ha
It's not that important. Another day, preferably not at 9 in the morning because I'm allergic to waking up at reasonable hours.
I can be online for another 9 hours or so, but it would be world-only
PC? That's fine, I should be home and unwinded in 2 and a half hours or so.
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>sneak into a Rath nest while they're out and set up a trail cam to observe their habits
>it's just constant, nonstop stuff like this
PC World room: j68fMsj$Rhnm

Was ambushed by a nap. Now to hont.
how is egg formed???
Lazy hunters don't want to join rooms
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You guys still up?
Still chugging along
word is that a few monsters around here havent been keeping up with their tax payments, you wouldn't know anyone that fits that description would you?
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very angry smol monsters (you should be scared)
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>your monster child's first training session, moments after you tell them to "not hold anything back"
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Room is still up, btw
>bitch will never find me in here
Everyone's finally done for tonight. Thanks for the honts
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oh wow that room lived a while, how many anons played?
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We filled an entire 16-man hub just to run a train on Safi. Sure 13 of them were NPCs but a body's a body, right?
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I was never a fan of large random lobbies but 3 trash hunters is still nice. Almost a full group.
No I mean 13 were literal NPCs.
>One week after hatch-day

>One month after hatch-day
That requires monsters to have zenny, which also requires them to have jobs. What jobs would different monsters pick up? Hard mode: no obvious answers already discussed like Mizu/Almudron spas.
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Thunder Serpent Narwa as a nanny!
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So which one are we playan today? Other emu GU anon who hasn't given up, that's also an option.
Ps2 mh
I would if I could...
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I can try GU multiplayer in a couple hours
Fuck, couple of hours is night for me.
God that legiana is cute, if she was my wife she'd never feel sad like that. I would always make sure she has everything and is happy and I would spend all the time with her
>He doesn't fuck up his sleep schedule just for honts
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Post your monster wife
If you give me a few minutes I could join you in Rise. Not sure if I have World installed.
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I have Rise too, but I remember the mess of a set I had and I don't want to go back to armor crafting again
I don't even know how to wirebug anymore
PC Rise
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oh hey that's the qurupeco I drew in the op
anyway aknosom is my monster wife
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Steve can't stop lusting after plane monsters.
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How do you even find the time to get the camera out during these hunts?
Must be practice and keybinds, right?
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Quick keybinds and another person to distract the monster. Photos take priority over hunt times.
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Playing on keyboard and mouse, it makes it much easier to pull out and aim
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And despite all these I still haven't installed freecam. I don't know 100% how it works, but online I can get shots of monsters fighting or doing motions together like this.
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Solo play and nobody to share pics with resulted in me not really interacting with most of the social features of MH games.
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Some shots don't require a quick hand.
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>Attracting the local Val's interest through gunlance stunts
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This one might be the closest to a graceful Gaismagorm
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The texture...
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Already had over 200 mizutsune photos and filled the 300 pic camera limit multiple times before playing with anyone. Guess you just don't have a monster you LOVE that much
Look at that piddly explosion. They look like they're about to one-up you.
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In my defense, I only became a true monster appreciator as I was waiting for Rise to release on PC. And that game isn't as visually appealing and it's missing the living world feeling that World had.

The way monsters behave in Rise makes them feel less like living creatures. They aggro as soon as you step one foot into the area or don't interact at all with each other when you're not in the same zone (see picrel)
I can see myself be like a nature documentary guy in Wilds, but Rise just feels too bleak and soulless for me to get into the right mood.
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Yeah it's a shame rise is missing stuff like Tobi walking around. Just having date walks around hoarfrost with viper tobi was so much fun
It happens in world as well actually just less noticeable, if you cart while fighting 2 monsters in same area they'll just be standing there dumbfounded
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bird wyvern
Dumbfounded? They're mocking you.
>Did you see how I wrecked that hunter? I thought they were supposed to be tough!
>Hah, what a loser!
And then they laugh and laugh.
Bird wyverns are for greenhorns and low self-esteem monster fuckers too afraid to "hunt" bigger game. Anyone caught getting with one after their first expedition should have their license revoked. This is irrefutable fact.
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yes. of course. please send all low rank hunters to the upcoming bird wyvern quest.

Don't be late!!
Sure I'm game for a couple of hours.
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>she is about to pick up her surrogate child by the scruff of the neck
>it looks violent each time she does it
>Tobi will just squeak incessantly each time she does it
>mom always pissy in the end, but never fails to get the kids into the nest
>she always drags you in too, as 'dad'
>always falls asleep wrapped around all of you
>tries to at least; it's getting awkward as your adopted Tigrex gets bigger and bigger
I hope everyone here has already seen Angelic Gaismagorm, pic related
Room closed due to bedtime, thanks for playing.
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gn and good hunts!
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I love my wife
I love your wife too.
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God I want to touch legi's _
Legiana belly oooogh need rubs
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Keeping crimson val from going insane by helping them expend their excess dragon energy!
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Hey your daughter broke my sons favorite toy and keeps bullying him, she better apologize
Do not molest the sleeping monsters
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Don't forget, monsters need to wear protection too. They may not like it but it's for your own safety.
Sticking corks on all 500 of Odogaron's claws!
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Accidentally revealing your power level to hunters!
That's a small Rathian
That's what happens when they get domesticated.
Kinship stones were a mistake.
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She's a growing girl
Her mom is way bigger
So what's the toy supposed to be?
Twilight sparkle figurine, he's weird and too shy for a fatalis but a good kid
Listening to your monsterfu explain to your confused daughter (monster) and son (human) why neither of them are adopted.
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>the older one (monster daughter) always picks up your son from school
>it's always embarrassing for him, especially as he got older (monster daughter knows this very well)
>the two generally get mistaken for a rider duo, until your monster daughter starts talking
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>the daughter
If anyone here who has or is considering to play Stories 1, I really recommend to give the accompanying anime "Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On" a chance. This is one of the rare cases where the adaptation is vastly superior to the source material. To the point where I would even say, the game was made following the anime.

Yes, it's for a younger target audience, and yes the whole thing about love and kinship is super corny. I still think it's worth a watch if you're at least somewhat interested in the game's story. Just like the game, things start to get more interesting as you go along.
Just keep in mind, that the anime and game's events don't start to line up until episode 12. Everything before is what I consider extra character development and worldbuilding in form of slice of life stories.

You can find the rest of the episodes on youtube (some have missing parts because of copyright or something) or other websites like wco anime.
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I'm not afraid to admit that I teared up a little at that scene.
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thread's cute sleepiness...
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have a 97% accurate Tobi, shamelessly stolen from the cool anons over at /sdg/
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>Jaggia massage
Do they offer special service to frequent customers?
Gossip Girls
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Stag party with the boys!
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Lagi gaming
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>just slightly above freezing
Whoa, Kulve. Easy on the bosom boost.
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Working part time at the monstie daycare.
post...post clawholding
Does this count?
the forbidden fruit...to think humans caused this...
Pow, right in the kisser.
You just know there are monsters out who want nothing more than for a hunter to whip out the wirebugs and wyvern ride them.
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Kissing your partner on the cheek and getting your clothes slimy when they return the gesture.
I want to experience a big monster kiss at least once. No promises what happens after that.
narwa's cute baby makers...
>So desperate to be dommed that they try to do it to themselves
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The ultimate hunting style!
from this camera angle i throught mizu was using that spear behind them to cast a spell, then i realized i might've been playing too much elden ring.
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How is my husband so beautiful and perfect in everyway from every angle
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>a monster stalking a hunter stalking a monster
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Thanks for making such an amazing animation. I love you anon. I'll suck your dick
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have the png
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Hopefully one day it will be finished, I was testing the rig for that pose.

>I'll suck your dick
Only if you are a Jaggia.
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I finished off to it, that counts right?

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