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Gay musclegut thread. For all strongfat men of various levels of fat and muscle, that don't quite fit /bara/ or /gchub/.
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Old fart blue-collar men. They do nothing but laze it out on their couches and watch sports all day long with a beer to kick along.
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lurking and jerking
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sex with nik
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This anon Niks.
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Was this actually drawn on the back of a receipt???
Specifically sketched off a receipt, then scanned, digitalized in colors and defined lineart. Pretty charming.

Swapping it horizontally, you can read through the words and listed expenses, but I can't make sense what's it about.
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Furries really don't care about their own cybersecurity, do they?
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I don't think you could trace someone off a measly receipt, could you? I didn't had that in mind now that you mention it.

But I agree anyway. Not all, but in average, artist and whatnot furries are loose enough to show their faces and nudes in public, per se experience off blue bird. Rubs me off a bit inside, since I was raised on the teaching of not revealing anything personal to complete strangers...

Cute waddy!

'ippy 'ippo, cutie!
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Why was I born gay?
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With how modern women are, you should consider yourself lucky.
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>I don't think you could trace someone off a measly receipt, could you?
Well, /I/ couldn't, but there are thousands of spergs on the Internet who could weaponize their autism on a whim, so you never know. And from that receipt, I did find out the receipt was from a tourist attraction in Hawaii, but I don't think that's a lot of information.
>Rubs me off a bit inside, since I was raised on the teaching of not revealing anything personal to complete strangers...
I was raised on that teaching too, so I can't help but worry about the younger people who weren't taught any better...
I love JumpyJackal's work so much!
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Bara Zacian will always be funny to me since it's supposed to be the "elder sister" wolf
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Is Suicide Squad Isekai worth watching just for King Shark?
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>condom on dick
Oh, I thought this was just a humanoid with plain human skin and attached tusks, but this is meant to be Tuskarr? Could have been orange'r.
Would heavily still. Would be his good boy, nurtured up and told sweet nicknames and love him back to tickle his fatherly instinct. Good 'ruse.

God meant to make you a girl, but cooties are ewwww, so He figured you'd be better off as cutiepie meant to be ravished by old trunking farts.
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This thread is exactly what I've been looking for, hot as fuck.
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me showing off my sex pest
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Didn't think it would be off Hawaii of all places... interesting. Not that I would disagree anyway. I know a person who's gotten almost doxxed just for a photo that had a reflection mirroring some house, and that's enough to find their home address. Scary.

>so I can't help but worry about the younger people who weren't taught any better...
Yeah, but it's gonna be fine, I think. The number of doxxings taking in place should be enough to scare off other younger peeps and teach them like fairytales.
I would be more concerned with the amount of services, obligating your real name, your identity and documents for verifying, like Paypal which everyone and their daddies use.

But just as long you tighten your op-sec often as you can, with different usernames and e-mails, varying passwords, deleting accounts catching dust for years, never post any pics of yourself publicly, inputting false info wherever possible and cia., you ought be in the chill zone.
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sex with thick yeens
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Did you ever draw any cute walruses? Just to be sure, because I love archiving all and ever good walrus anthro art!

We've just began. If you wanna, you can look up the three or two threads we had, just in case you wanna get anymore neat hidden gem art of your taste. Just search for "musclegut" on OP.
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*lifts u*
*kisses u*
*hugs u like a teddy bear*
Do you want it to be rotor?
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Oh, I was just wondering if you had happen to make any walrus art and you hadn't publish it yet, since I like your artstyle and your usual sense of hyper, but sure, if it's no pressure! You can go for either of his designs, really up to you.
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tighty whiteys <3
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based benposter
he's so cute and handsome i need him
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Sometimes I get the urge to pull my pants down to my knees and do pelvic thrusts making a nice plap noise with my balls hitting my taint. Feels good, man.
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Romantic. I'm submissive but I can relate. When I sleep, I sightly squirm under the blankets and feel the maximum comfort as I can, picturing myself a large daddy assaulting my ass and pinning his whole greater self over my back. I get the most amount of these thoughts just right as I go lay down after showering.
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ben ben ben
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His game is coming out soon and it's a shame they already have a peak character, so there is nothing else to look forward to.
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Maybe he'll have some nice alternate outfits or something. Not sure how hoyo does stuff.
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ben ass
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I hope so but can't really expect it. Gacha games do play favorites and they have to shill the generic women first most likely.
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I love him, Rufus (his name). Definitely my fave' fursona ever made. Ticks nearly all my checkboxes for a perfect kind of man I need. I have a folder dedicated to him only.

Just unfortunate the artist isn't drawing him much. I would love actually to buy him off for a couple bucks, but I doubt the owner would like it.
You want to adopt an oc/sona?
Adopt, yeah! You know when one of your fave' artists tend to put up a announcing board tweet, showing their OCs or sonas to sell/for adoption? That's what I want, adopt Rufus.

I would love to pay a sum good amount of bucks for Rufus, make him mine, but I figure Spectral-bat must be very fond of him (can't blame him), so he would just refuse it wholeheartedly. I rather do this in the future anyway, when I'm more capable producing on my own, then Rufus wouldn't rot away in my own dusting gooning dungeon. I fapped to him so much when younger, so he holds a valuable spot in my heart, hilarious as it sounds.

Cute mascot cereal feets btw.
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Since I didn't get any response, I watched it anyway and can say that King Shark from Harley Quinn 2019 remains the best incarnation of King Shark to this day.
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I love this pic so much! There's much to love about it, but the socks are friggin' orgasmic!
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Old fart lazy men seducing you in the corniest way possible.
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1 day!
Unfortunately it looks like there's no Ben banner until July 25th. You do unlock him in the second chapter of the story though I'm fairly sure (was that way in the 2nd beta, as a part of the story not as a beta test giveaway).
Also there's a code you'll be able to put in when you get far enough in the story to unlock mail etc... 100 free pulls and some other stuff: ZZZFREE100.
oh it's actually tonight
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Hot rat!
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>You do unlock him in the second chapter of the story though I'm fairly sure.
Wtf I love china now.
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I don't consume much of Marvel or DC offerings, so what's with all the heart bumps and salivating tongues on King Shark? Is he that hot, manly...? He usually shows up on my blue bird timeline.

>somber lightning
>somewhat grinning smirk
>superfluous foreskin
>small colored darker tints across body
Can't blame you. Freakin' freaky aaaah hot zesty monster. Could've had some bigger tusks though.
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My ideal daddy bf... could also at the very least shave off all his hair since I love most bald men, ideally shave off his mustache too, and he would be 11/10 man for me.
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Happy freedom day. Have one of the many fresh Ben art coming out.
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