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/HMOMA/: Human Males on Male Anthros #402: eepy Edition

<Recent Stories>
By Drewanon
>Hero's Weakness

By anonymous
>Big Monster Boyfriend
>Space Cooking

By lupine-silence

By HomeTome
>Vermitide: Lone Skaven

By Anonymous
>Rat Mob
>Lord's Son
>Scranton Arm Wrestling
>Dimensional Merge
>Moth To a Flame

By Jaycee777
>The Stables

By marumarun
>DON'T Watch a Video Called...

By HomeTome
>Predator and Prey

>/HMOMA/ shorts

>Stories sorted:
>Stories and Greentext Screencaps:
>Story Prompts & How to Write:
>Edit bin:
>/HMOMA/ medialist

>Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66761830
>Past threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%2FHmoma%2F/type/op/
QoTT: Any trips planned anons?
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So my anthro friend has been trying to talk me into joining him on one of those re-enactment groups that larps out the preindustrial human/anthro tribal raider skirmishes. I've heard elsewhere that those events often descend into guys having a lot of "raider/captive" roleplay sex out in the woods. Any truth to that? My friend is playing coy and downplaying how much that sorta thing goes on...
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I could never be a bottom. Not because I'm insecure or because I hate being penetrated, as neither of those are true. I just have diarrhea so often that any long term bf would get shit on his dick at least once within the first year. I can't always predict it. I can be a top even when my stomach hurts but being penetrated is out of the question.
I like to think the top life chose me, but if I'm being honest with myself I just have digestive problems.
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i need to cum inside donkey boy so bad bros
why cant they be real?
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there's a lot of hot anthros offering you free sex, what are you waiting for?? only danger is that you might get addicted to being the filling in an anthro sandwich...
As someone who’s been to a couple, let me just say it’s absolutely true. It’s just an excuse for humans and anthros to have lots and lots of sex out in the woods.
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Slow night, huh?
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still horny tho
but also sleepy
sleepy but horny and no cute anthro boy for a tender pre sleep fug and cuddle
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Why has the interest in this thread fallen off completely?
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it is pretty late in the US at least
maybe things will pick in the morning
I meant more in general. My best guess is that the already small community keeps getting more and more fragmented as specialist threads keep getting made for each body type. There are three Bara threads right now, two for male shortstacks plus weekly /hmoba/ which has run continuously over the last two weeks until today. We either need more people, or fewer threads. And neither is happening with the way /trash/ is structured and moderated.
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nice gets
and i get it i mean i am in /hmoba/ too (i may make the thread tomorrow if someone dont beat me to it)
plus i am admittedly in the straight threads too
not the bara ones or shortstack ones neither do it for me
and sometimes i browse the AI threads for any goodies
The issue ironically is too many gays. Gay generals always end up crashing and burning because fags try to turn it into a hook up chat room and bring in personal shit which just makes the people start acting like women doing petty smear campaigns and shit.
It seems like the healthiest generals are the ones that are neither too specific, nor too general, ironically. Something like /gfur/ turns into a namefag circlejerk because it's only defined by orientation and genre rather than orientation, genre and interest. There isn't anything focused to talk about except the posters themselves. When you add the years of /b/ culture on top of that, it doesn't work out well. We really do need /fur/, and I think 4chan as a platform needs it too. /v/ is getting thinly veiled furry threads every single day, usually multiple times a day. It's impossible to talk about video games with anthropomorphic animal characters at all anymore because all the posters who would be served by /fur/ come out of the woodwork to satisfy their desire to discuss their interest in a 4chan context while they have the chance. Even financially speaking, it would be a really smart move for 4chan to bite that bullet. Very few ad spaces get filled and they don't sell for very much in any case. Every single ad slot on /fur/ would be filled, maybe even for double the going rate of every other board, on the first day.
I plan on taking a trip to Curtis's prostate, penis first.
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I think what killed the thread (for me personally) was that it got too anthro state this, anthro state that, instead of new and genuine OC.
Good luck trying to get grapeape (the actual person who runs this site) to do that
Who said hmoma porn can't be art. This says a lot about the anthro condition in our society.
Yeah, I don't like the Anthrostate stuff either, it got stale quickly and I pushed back against it a couple times but it didn't make much of a difference. I hate that there's such a serious contingent with no tolerance for content that doesn't even get much oxygen in these threads anyway.

Anyone been in the anthro Fraternities? Is it regular that your pledge ceremony involves you fucking your assigned senior member?
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T b h all I really want is cute and sometimes non-sexual romance stories like we used have. My favorite one was where anon was a secret genius cook who loved to embarrass his Italian st.bernard bf in front of his family.
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Yeah, wholesome stuff is needed every once in a while.

As for the general being dead, this just happens periodically. The generals speed and popularity just waxes and wanes every once in a while. It has always gone back to normal, just give it time. Or help it become as active as before, either one works.
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This desu >>66989317, plus all the bara content turns me off. /hmoba/ feels a lot more my speed nowadays, even though I found it way too fruity when it started. I just want normal anthros having normal relationships with with normal humans.
This "rite of brotherhood" the barbarian has insisted of doing is rather odd.
I, uh, can't reciprocate the gesture. There's no way I'm filling a tankard that size in a reasonable amount of time. What would you do in that situation?
Never show hesitation with anthro barbarians. They will smell the weakness and will try to assert domination by sitting on your face.
I wouldn't say no but he'd have to suck the rest out of me for like a week or something.
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>I just want normal anthros having normal relationships with with normal humans.
i prefer my anthro boys on the twinkish femboyish side but not too exaggerated myself
pic related is the ideal body type imo
The hyper-fragmentation of m/m content just confuses me and irritates me. Frankly. I'm just a human who needs an anthro husband.
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Lack of artists making human/furry porn that isn't just pokemon and lack of new stuff in general. This happens pretty regularly to just about every thread on /trash/. At this point I'm down to just watching two generals, this being one of them. The other gay focused threads are either just porn dumps or drama centrals, or both sometimes.
Also /hmoba/ sucks because it's almost entirely populated by failed straights who want to distance themselves from the "male" part of male anthros as much as possible. Not to mention pretty much all the pictures are just girls with dicks with varying degrees of comical anatomy. It's worse in every way compared to /hmoma/ so there's nowhere else to go.
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Femboys are twinks are both delicious. Regular guys have a lot of their own charms. Though.
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How does this thread feel about anthro sissies?
>Femboys and twinks are both*
They're fine, so long as diapers aren't involved.
not my thing
It's hard for me to imagine a stallion anthro that I wouldn't badly want to top and seed NGL
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Is that usually a problem?
I dislike cages. Let men be free down there. The more orgasms the merrier.
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Not here, just that diapers are involved in a lot of sissy art.
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What were prehistoric anthros like?
Can't let the humans win all the time. Got to reminds them that anthros are still physically powerful beasts when they need to be.
Same as humans probably. Not too bright but still smart enough to keep a society together from years of trial and error.
I've been studying the decline of generals. This general in particular is a type 1 porn dump decline. Posters care more about getting their rocks off than establishing the relationships and chitchat necessary to keep the past and current contributors sated or make it attractive for newcomers. They'd be just as happy if all the art and stories came from Twitter and outside writers, or if it were generated by AI. Their praise is undifferentiated and therefore meaningless. Coomer comments are often shallow anyway.
Type 1 porn dumps may get the occasional crossposter artist but they are all alike in that none of them have any notion of loyalty or appreciation. It is a black box that consumes porn and returns nothing.
I don't think you've been on this board for more than five minutes lol. Is this a bot post?
where is /HMOFA/ though why is it all faggots here?
read the OP and then feel dumb
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Never got the appeal of cock cages. Even when I'm in the mood for /collared/ smut, they're unnecessary. A dude's cock flopping and cumming buckets as he's being pounded by a stronger male is hot.
You have made no counterargument. The death of hmoma remains a problem whether you believe my reasoning or not. That which keeps a porn dump alive is never the porn itself.
Counterargument to what? You didn't say anything. Your entire post was about how apparently people here didn't praise and fellate random OC creators hard enough (not that there were any here in the first place) and then you immediately said that praise is meaningless anyway. You didn't contribute anything at all in the first place. There's nothing to argue about because you offered nothing to talk about.
You're pretending that there have been waves of starving artists coming here and leaving just because they didn't get an arbitrary amount of deep, bone chilling praise and criticism in large enough volume or some shit.
Also lmao at the porn dump comment. Again, you can't have been here for longer than a few minutes. There are dozens of porn dump threads in the catalog right now that just recycle pictures from e6 without any discussion whatsoever, this place is not one of them.
Actually I'm pretty convinced this is just a chatgpt post since you seem to be both extremely specific and vague at the same time. No more replies from me.
NTA but i kinda get it. more hmoma content is being created than ever before since it's strongly correlated to how many gay fur artists there are in the world, and there are more of those than ever. But we're not getting more OC in here, so either creators don't know about this place or they don't see it as attractive enough to post or even cross post here.
>There are dozens of porn dump threads in the catalog right now that just recycle pictures from e6
sounds pretty dead to me
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Fluffy pillows are always nice to have. Even in this horrid summer heat.
They can still be twinks. By normal I just mean I don't want them to look and act like massive faggots. I just want them to act like normal people instead of constantly talking about sucking dicks and chastity cages.
Creators who would be interested in posting here don't know about it because /trash/ is hidden, and even if they get pointed here, it sounds like a joke, because WAS a joke at one point. I guarantee we'd see a huge influx of new posters in these threads with OC if there was an actual board for this stuff. You'd definitely have a few months after launch where oldfag larpers and election tourists would make it hard to use, but it would settle down and probably end up being in the top 5 boards on the website. I think the best way they could do it would be to replicate the /qb/ April Fools event with the legacy of the original /fur/ by sending anyone who posts anything even slightly furry adjacent to /fur/ and have them worry all day that they'll all get banned at the end, then just leave the board up on a permanent basis. I think that would be a better April Fools even than they've done for the past few years.
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>Artist requested removal - 2 months ago
Why do they do this?
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The reason for the removal request was that the artist was “no longer comfortable with my stuff on this site anymore”
>Scrubbed all entries on e6
>Scrubbed his FA gallery
Oh well
That's reasonable, obviously not the best move for staying relevant, but I get it.
there are some things my mind prevents me from lewding. this is one of them.
I know what you mean, I have stuff like that too, even if I'm way less likely to come across it than I used to be.
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>i said I wanted a picture of your "glazed" donut. Got to add the finishing touches~
>Your local werewolf is in big trouble
>Because last week at the gym, he accidentally got an eyeful of your 'full moon'
>Perfect, comely, with just the right amount of muscle and just the right amount of cushioning
>And somehow, it made him transform
>While he managed to slink out undetected the first time, he's not out of the woods yet
>Because every single time he's thought of (you) since then, he keeps transforming right back
>And no matter how many times he tries to banish the unbidden thoughts of your body from his head, and no matter how many times he's tried to rub one out to the memory...
>... he just can't seem to get (you) out of his mind
>He's actually a reverse werewolf
>The curse makes him human when he denies his true feelings
>seeing (you), in particular, was the straw that broke the camel's back
>he doesn't know you're an option
>and worse, he thinks being an anthro is a dealbreaker, even if you are
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that is also true
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>this randomly showed up in my youtube recommended
What is this anyway? And no my youtube is completely normal gaming stuff.
If you use Google Chrome or Firefox, they're keeping track of what you're doing. If you use Twitter, they know which accounts you're engaging with regularly. They know you're in a weird conflicted demographic, and the algorithm doesn't know how to handle it, so occasionally, the weird degenerate shit will be slipped in to see if you respond.
Honestly, I'm grateful for the anthrostate stuff. I'm tired of all the human bottom shit. It's a dime a dozen. The anthrostate made is cool to bully them
The ratio of human bottom to anthro bottom posts in this thread is 5:1 in favor of anthro bottoms. There are only 4 human bottom images in the thread. The anthrostate idea is tired and, frankly, doesn't even make sense to me.
>what is e621
I meant hmoma in general. It's majority bottom fags. Prove me wrong, you can't.
It's almost equal, overall. With 62 pages of results for "human_on_anthro human_penetrated male/male" and 61 pages of results for "human_on_anthro anthro_penetrated male/male"
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Just some independent project. That vid is the first part. And like the other anon said, sometimes enough data is gathered that the bots have a vague idea of your interest and might drop an odd ball vid.
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To be fair I'll admit to watching some cartoon related stuff on youtube like old warner brothers stuff and hana barberra becuase childhood memories. My regular and...other twitter account never overlap either.
So wait. Is it too many human bottoms or too many anthro bottoms?
There's a contingent of posters here who have low tolerance for human characters bottoming. He made the assertion that there's an overwhelming bias in the wider community for human bottoms, when it's easy to prove that the bias is vanishingly small and within the margin of error. This thread in particular has a reasonably strong bias against human bottom content and they still complain as if that was all that gets posted. I don't get it.
>bottoms crying about anthrostate killing thread
>it's the tops who are complaining
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Come now these threads are somehow one of the most calm around. No need to get hung up on pointless nitpiks
You complained first. And, I'm not a big fan of human bottom content myself, to be honest. It just doesn't make sense to complain. You don't have to imagine yourself in everything that gets posted here.
I don't understand exactly how you square up the fact that you're willing to penetrate hypothetical men but have to bitch and moan about even potentially sharing a space with those kinds of men.
Please relax, or wait for /hmoba/ instead of stirring drama here. Either works.
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i like anthro bottoms but i just ignore the human bottom stuff just sayin
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Anthro bottoms look better with a human dick in their ass
>me over here who's fine with whatever
Variety is the spice of life
>dick is longer than human's upper torso
Well at least there's no worry of the wolf trying to make it fit.
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>Well at least there's no worry of the wolf trying to make it fit.
He might be tempted to try just the tip. Just for a second. Just deep enough to breed his human friend. Hopefully he won't be tempted by those urban legends about humans being very stretchy and get carried away.
I know everyone in this thread is already tired of talking about the state of the thread and /trash/ in general, and I’m a little late on the topic, but I think I have a solution: instead of /fur/ (because no mod or janny would go for it) why don’t we just have /trash/ listed as a board?
>tip is wider than his arm
that won't work either. at leat not after like months I'm assuming
I don't think making trash a public board would be the best idea. It being hidden is weirdly one of its biggest strengths. Don't need /v/ tier people invading.
>Don't need /v/ tier people invading
Fair enough
There would still be problems with that. /trash/ still wouldn't serve the purpose it was created to serve. (Which is the biggest problem, in my opinion) And it still wouldn't attract new people or be a worthy source of ad revenue.

First of all, checked.

Second, the example of /lgbt/ shows that just about anything on this site will substantial "local culture" despite its subject matter and apparent incompatibility. /fur/ would be swamped with angry political and agitators for the first couple months, then settle out as another normal board with middling to high traffic and an at least above average ad buy rate because all the low-rent patreon and subscribestar tryhards will be chomping at the bit for that space. Like it or not, weird people and schizos are an intrinsic part of this website and it's not worth it to choose a tiny fragmented community that can't actually sustain itself consistently over a much larger, more dedicated community which sometimes gets grief from outsiders who end up banned anyway.
The pointy part at the very tip looks like it might actually be close to the size of a normal penis. I don't think the anthro would get much out of that, but it might be just about workable.
Hell no that would only make it worse, because then all the tourists would come shit up the board. I think the one thing that is still keeping this board tolerable is the fact that most low-effort posters aren't aware of its existence.
I don't think it would actually get worse, /trash/ isn't a secret. Every single thread on /v/ about Fuga, Star Fox, Sly Cooper, Klonoa Snoot/Wani, Ratchet and Clank and even about half of all Sonic threads have the "keep it on /b/ or /trash/" modpost stonetoss edit posted in them in the first few minutes, even when they're legitimate discussions about the games, and even if it did, it wouldn't last, because they'd find something else to fixate on after bashing their heads against the wall for a few months.
They're based.
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Humans ARE stretchy and can handle very large insertions with enough patience and practice.
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His face looks really conflicted. Like he can't believe this happening while also not hating it.
Don't drink the skinquafina.
I think it's AI targeting Hladilnik blended with a couple other artists I can't place.
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it is ai art i think a guy dropped some threads back, not me some one else
I wasn't into the human characters bottoming but occasionally a story will make it work. I read that prison wolf green where they have clothed sex and something about those changing power dynamics, it got me wanting things.
late night bump
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Look how far mantis boys will go just to disprove that awful stereotype that they eat their human lovers.
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The anthrostate idea is based and even without it the other human top content that gets posted is different than what gets posted elsewhere
>b-b-b-but muh e621 numbers
Filter out all the generic boring pokemon, dime a dozen "femboys" (aka girls with dicks and obese asses), low score MS Paint posts and bifag and intersex shit and you'll be left with maybe around 20 pages of almost two decades worth of human on anthro pictures. That's miserable. /hmoma/ is actually about men fucking men with as little cope as possible.
I don't care about le boiwifes or Lucario/Gardevoir getting fucked for the billionth time, I want something that's interesting to me.
Not to mention that stories specifically outside of here are pretty much always on the theme of "oh no I'm not gay ew gross fags are bleh I wish I had a girlfriend" garbage if the human gets anywhere near topping.
If you don't like it here, feel free to leave.
>Humans have to do cook and use spice on they meat
LOL??? Cringe??? Prey behavior, not real carnivores. An awoo would never. An awoo would NEVER. Couldn't be me.
>Tfw he found the human handussy fleshlight
>Anon did you know the human anus can stretch up to 13.97 centimeters without injury
>I just thought that was interesting
You complain about seasoning in our foods, but the moment we refuse to put peanut butter on our dicks for you to suck on, you throw a hissy fit.
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God I wish that was me
Why do Brazilian anthro’s always have hourglass figures?
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Imagine using those cheeks as pillows…
Because their time has come.
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Where would you go on your first date with (pic related)?
We will see a movie before I take him out for dinner.
He gives off big
>twink who eats like a fatass but metabolizes like a nuclear submarine
kind of vibes so probably some sort of restaurant. Alternatively friendly coop cooking at home but I'm not sure if that counts as a date...
Baseball game, then pay the staff to put us on kiss cam where we have to kiss.
>I'm not sure if that counts as a date...
i think it does
the best kind actually since you. dont have to leave your house
>Where would you go on your first date with (pic related)?
the library (only chads will understand)
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>It finally ended
>And it was cute
The "Convention Photo" image of Janis with Jerma is extremely funny to me.
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Why do discord calls with anthro boys always end like this 'accidentally'?
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>*turns on vpn to google circumference of a hand grenade*
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I kinda wish there were more artists who drew realistically sized penises. I just think it’s funny browsing through e6 and thinking “wow! He should be dying from a heart attack” or “wow! His rectum must be completely ruptured”.
Unfortunately, it's been essentially an arms race that reached an equilibrium just larger than the largest realistic size. Which makes a lot of the art that does have realistic sizes come from the Small Penis Humiliation crowd even though they aren't small.
The aquarium
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Anything to confess anons?
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Not too /hmoma/ related, but I find it remarkable that Sligarthetiger draws characters with thick proportions but when he draws his fursona fucking them he has an average sized dick. At a glance it seems he has a small pecker when in reality everyone else are voluptuous giants.

Pic unrelated
>Certain carnivorous anthros will just straight up eat raw meat
>Imagine the look on your parents' face when your anthro boyfriend orders his steak cooked "hyena blue"
>And as they proceed to get splattered from the blood sprayed from his first bite
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i cant stop fapping to rat boys bros
why cant they be real
>You were really worried about how meeting your boyfriend's parents would go
>After all, they had no idea he was even gay until news broke of your tryst
>Let alone that he was dating a HUMAN
>You were worried that they wouldn't approve of the two of you being together, or that they just wouldn't approve of *you* specifically
>But imagine your surprise when your boyfriend said that they were delighted to hear the news, and furthermore that they wanted to treat their son and his new love to...
>A very expensive dinner? With them tagging along as a third and fourth wheel?
>Well, it's not like you can refuse...
>They've chosen a top of the line, predator anthro fare in downtown, L'Maison D'Abattage
>Everybody's staring at the little human dressed in a six piece with his huge predator boyfriend, but luckily despite your misgivings, his parents seem very cordial
>"I'm so glad you could make it, Ramonymous!"
>"Dear, I believe it's 'Anonymous'..."
>Nice to see that parent stereotypes transcend species boundaries
>"I do hope the menu here is to your liking, Enonymoose, I had heard that humans can eat meat and that some even like it, too..."
>You nervously chuckled that yes, humans like meat
>And then, as if on cue, something changes in your boyfriend's dad's expression
>"Fantastic, i'm so glad to hear it! I hope this doesn't seem presumptuous, then, but i've actually ordered for you, ahead of time!"
>Using his massive paw to lift up the cover on the dinner cloche, he reveals...
>An enormous ribeye steak
>Freshly slaughtered, and completely uncooked
>Marinaded in a pool of blood
>Uh... is it going to be rude if you tell them you shouldn't be eating this?!
>Almost as if picking up on your hesitation, his father breaks the silence
>"Now Mr. Anonymous, dig in! And please, do finish it all!"
>"Come on now, don't be shy.... It's one thing if my son wants to date a human, but dating one who can't even enjoy a fresh kill? Don't go disappointing us..."
>anthros somehow don't know that humans can't, or at least shouldn't, injest most raw meat
why else do you think we went through the trouble of processing foods?
I'll just say that it could cause health problems for my species if I eat it raw and ask if they could cook it medium rare.
do you want realistic or "comfortable" to take? dogs proportionally have way larger dicks than humans; most 100lb dogs beat out the average man. if you scaled them up to 180-250lbs they would be massive, like 12 inch average. then when you see 7ft collasal anthros? forget it, just 14+ inches IS realistic.
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i need him carnally
if he needs a lightener to service then I'll be there.
Pride month is over now. You can stop being gay now.
Unfortunately for both of us, that won't be happening.
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>Pride month is over now.
>you can stop being gay now
ill do what i want when i want
not when jack off july is starting
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>cute librarian mouse didn't join in
Janis and the human are fully and deeply committed to each other and 100% gay.
>anon wants a woman to join in
Now that’s pretty gay
I recently learned that female_supporting_yaoi has an actual tag on e6 so yeah.

I prefer the idea of the girl just spying or watching than being directly involved.
What's she mad about? He finished inside.
For me it's fucking an anthro boy and his sister and teasing them both about
To be fair, you can see that some of it did drip on the floor, which is very clearly going to require more than the mop and bucket she gave them to clean it up with, not to mention the random book Janis beat the shit out of using it to cover his face.
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Fucking rude. How does he expect to keep a human FWB if he treats them like that?
It seems like (you) made your intentions pretty clear the night before, to be honest. Maybe he would have done more if things were different.
God I fucking love MEN
Pecs, abs, balls, DICK, ASS!!!!!
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If you love men so much why don't marry them.
Would you fuck a rabbit even if it meant getting tularemia?
I'd rather not
t.from a rural area where that happens once In a while
Would you fuck a deer even if it meant getting lyme's disease?
No, obviously. I'd imagine they'd be clean, well groomed and all around even more concerned about those things than we are. If they're that dysfunctional as a person that those things are risks of close contact with them, they're probably also a mess in other ways too.
Would you fuck an armadillo, even if it meant a risk of getting leprosy, which would be silent for up to 10 years in the initial state of infection thus rendering you blissfully unaware of the fact that you're carrying a disease they used to banish people for having, until finally you start to notice that your left arm is numb and then all of a sudden it clicks, 10 years ago, 10 years ago you fucked an armadillo in a seedy motel in Oklahoma and now you're a leper, and oh god oh god can you even treat leprosy is this the end for you AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Brushing your anthro boyfriend's hair!
I'd love to brush a lion's mane!
...after a night of steamy lovemaking.
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need male0 in my life
need that my ass
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>anon's POV after getting lost in the Outback
He's going to strangle me to death, isn't he?
not exactly. but you're gonna have to survive on liquid protein for the next couple of days
>if you know what I mean
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You fool! That’s part of his body!

Incineroar has a radioactive bellybutton that I wanna burn my dick on trying to navel fuck him
Those lines on Machoke's biceps and forearms are also not just a pattern on the skin or some kind of decoration, they're the underlying muscle just barely failing to force itself through the skin because of the belt which moderates its strength. Which is to say, his body should be shredding apart under his own uncontained strength and Incineroar should barely be able to stand under his own power wearing Machoke's belt. Generation 1 Pokemon were not fucking around and most Pokemon since are actually power creeped in the opposite direction you'd expect, lore-wise
Would you humor your wolf bf and his 'big bad wolf hunting the little red hooded human in the woods' fantasy?
Let's do little Red Riding wolf and the big meaty woodsman instead.
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I love role reversal
Anthros GLOW IN THE DARK, (((THEY))) cannot be trusted
Will cum suffice?
Bratty glutunous goat demon needs correction
So anyway: Dick.
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Yes, but he may become addicted.
>Pictured: The current record holder for The Older Pages V sleep with a human speedrunning category
>when he gets a glimpse up your shorts as you sit down
This gif makes me sad.
Do you prefer good boys...
... or BAD boys?
So you're pretty much asking if I like dogs in general or border collies.
I opted to put BMB on AO3 with a new title.
torn between wanting to call him a good boy and wanting to be his good boy
Well, not necessarily!
The wonderful thing about canines is the sheer variety of good vs bad boy they can offer!
You've got your old school, non-domesticated wild wolf who would pillage your village and then rape you without a second thought bad boy type...
And then border collies, who represent a more modern, civilized bad boy, who would instead rather steal your financial info and threaten to drain your bank account and then dox you if you don't become his boyfriend, and then cry and threaten to kill himself if you beg him to please stop showing up at your workplace and take their lithium
Ah yes I see.
Honestly it's hard to pick which one is slightly less worse. I suppose with the wolf bad boy you could like pick up a weapon and fight him off, what with the simple societal standards of ye olde days.
Can't really figure out a way to deal with a blackmail schizo dog bf.
Also nice picture
You deal with it basically the same way but quietly.
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This but penis in ass instead of knife through heart.
Vampires or werewolves?
I don't want any magical STDs.
Pale human
Just a human 99% of the time

Neither. I'm not attracted to humans.
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There's not enough anthro vampire art for me to judge the appeal, and the few that I've seen don't look as appealing as non-vampire anthro bats.
Go on...
You're not getting an STD they aren't sexually transmissible conditions. You are, however, getting dicked down
>Pale human
Vampire bats are not pale humans, but some say they do prefer their humans pale
Pretty much always woof, less of a uhhhh blood death complex
>vampire bats are tired of media taking their word and using it for shitty stuff like "Dracula" and "Twilight". Now most humans just think of a pale human with long teeth whenever anyone says vampire.
I could use a hand with it.
It's Australia
So possibly
>driving through...
I used to do the same thing, but only in infamous with the electric rails. I was more curious than anything at the time. It felt good
Imagine throwing a ball in the middle of a canine anti domestication demonstration.
Yeah. but have you considered the concept of the vampire turning you into a vampire too so you can have cool edgy diablerie sex forever?
>So called free thinkers when there's a ball
He definitely bottoms for human men...
>Sign up to work as the sole human overseer on a remote terraforming project being run by 'experimental new synthetic AI constructs'
>You were expecting faceless, brutalist Boston-Scientific-esque machines
>Not fully anthopomorphic robots complete with synthetic skin and unique personality modules
>And you certainly weren't expecting that they'd be this clingy and needy towards you, "the only creator left on our planet now"
>Stand and deliver, human!
>Drop your reins, your coinpurse...
>... and your pants!
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It's 4th of July post ALL AMERICAN ANTHROS
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Why does my wolf bf keep wearing collars???

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