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3rd times the charm edition

QOTT: what assets do you prefer on your new body, ass, boobs, etc

Previous thread: >>66859489
Big everything I want to be large
it does not seem like third times the charm
Giving them the first squeeze!
For the baby crazy anons what species would you be so you can be constantly knocked up for conservation?
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Volunteer for the Army's Supersoldier Project today! I did and my life has been changed for the better... I've been granted some amazing assets from the government!
Makes me want to enlist to be dog trainer in the K9-unit.
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posting anthro girls i wanna be bump
Have a bump for an anthro girl I'd want to breed.
Not the same type of frog wife as Lae'Zel, but that short stack can still get it.
huh...hot frog...
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I want to be Juno!
Did you know one of the best ways we have of getting pandas to mate is showing them panda porn and giving them viagra?
Juno is very cute. Especially in that dress she wore for that event.
showing me porn would get me in the mood, so makes sense it would get a panda
Great, BIG, fuckable panda tits.
Fuckable, squeezable, punchable~
Anything you want to do to 'em-able!
>Cupping each one with a hand anon squeezes them and moves them both in opposite circle-motions.

Mmmm yes, very nice.
I want you to be her!
My aren't you forward!
You're lucky I'm into blokes like that~
You seemed like the type who liked someone who was handsy.
*He stops only so he can slip his hands behind her bra and start groping her tits, flesh to fur.*
Do you like having them played with roughly?~
That pic makes me want to be your dad and grope you everyday...
God I want to bury my face in those tits
>Barracks bunny is a literal rabbit now
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>New body is actually much fitter than your old one
Strong Toriel is best Toriel. She's build like a powerlifter
Yeah I can do a lot of things around the house now
Fuck yes. Def gonna fuck her all the time now.
My it's slow tonight, none of the anthro ladies seem to want to stick around on a Saturday night. Must be out partying.
it's been slow the past couple days honestly, might be time for another break to let anons recover a bit
bumpinh I guess
God something about this sheep is so perfect
How stretchy do you think you'd be?
That would depend on the species and health factors.
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anthro girl pov
That pov needs to be sucking my nuts from the back
Busty pokemon who fuck rather than fight are hot
i drank some weird milk
>anon drinks 686
>indefinetly lactates
>makes others into the same milk dispenser
>breasts and milk output can grow if she doesn't get milked.
>may cause secondary row of breasts or more appear.
>very rarely causes udder growth too.

Silly anthrogirlanon drinking stuffs they shouldn't have! (feel free to ignore, that just the lore of that milk.)
silly skulldoggo
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Fucking a fish!
Don't forget the men of the Support Corp, ready and willing to meet all your needs!
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pov good
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It's a real shame /dft/'s gone to hell. It used to be quite fun to make a profile dedicated to a specific character and milk/tease Anon's while in character. Granted, I still do so, but it's not as easy to find said dorks without some hassle.
God, I wish I could strut around in her body, just for a day at least.
Wish /dft/ didn't turn to shit since people like you doing stuff like that is always a treat for talking with and milking it hard thanks to whatever character you play as.
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Which characters do you like playing as?
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Yeah, it's a real bummer. Maybe I'll post my tag here after I'm free, if people are interested.

My favorite thing to do was take requests and go with whatever caught my eye. That said: Rouge, Toriel, Alphys, Temmie, Neco-Arc, Ruth (Sharkstuff), Busty Bird (Jaeh), Lamb, Shima (Vim), Lilly (Vim, and only the old version), and basically anyone else you could think of at one time or another.
God I want to be a chubby anthro milf so bad. I want to be seduced by a handsome anthro man and bear his children after he completely breaks my resolve to turn human again with his knotted cock! Even better if I don't start out as a chubby milf.
Some good choices of girls to be. You'd definitely find me adding you and stroking it hard to you and your furry body if you posted
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Cute. How about you, or anyone interested, throw me some suggestions for a gal to use and I'll throw together an account when I'm home?
Rouge is always a good choice along with all the other girls you've listed. Maybe even Krystal, Loona or Anhka too since those furry babes are always a treat too
Imagine becoming a monster with a pair of huge dsls.
Lovely choices! Loona and Ankha sound excellent right about now.

Big lips are DELIGHTFUL.
Hermes Trismegistus, greatest of Kings, greatest of Priests, greatest of Philosophers, the creator of our Sacred Art, the founder of the schools of Mathematics and Geometry, the purest of the land of Egypt, the discoverer of ten thousand Doctrines, greatest among all Minds, He who holds the Scepter, writer of the Tablet, most learned of all Men, most powerful of all Magicians, the holder of the First and Last truth, He who taught Man knowledge, He who wears the Crown, He wiser than Solomon, He mightier than Heracles, He who is Divine, He who tamed the Dragon, He whose wisdom We seek, He who finished the Work, He who forged the Stone, He who made the Salt, the Voice of Jupiter, the Messenger of Ra, He who holds the Sun and Moon, He who knows the Elements, He who was Self-Initiated, He who holds the Key, the Teacher, the Prophet, the Discoverer, the Wizard, the Alchemist, the One who Knows.
I would stick my dick in here once and never want to get it out ever again
Especially when you can wrap them around a BIG FAT COCK
Your entire body turned into a semen extracting machine.
I think I could make that work, keheheh.

Exactly! Pirahna plants are just SO perfect for it, too, since you can basically treat the pipes they live in as cock-sucking stations.
They aren't ready Hermesbro, they aren't ready...
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Decided to go with Loona for now, but don't let that stop you from adding me if you want someone else. I'll gladly swap around if it means making more dorks happy.

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Sometime the though does crop into my head:
"What would it be like to be a fresh off the boat Pandaren?"

Naïve, Innocent, oblivious. What messes would she (I) get into? How would I get exploited? How long till I wise up, if ever, and will I care once I realize what's happened?
Those teeth spook me but those lips make me want to try
Silly Anon, don't you know that a piranha plant's diet consists of up to ninety percent semen? They quite literally suck dick to survive! The teeth are simply for self-defense and intimidation against any would-be herbivores. (You) are just another delicious cock to suckle and slurp on until their satiated~
Is that so? Well, those lips look so inviting... Maybe I should look into getting one. I'm hard and want to push past those big soft lips and feed them.
Maybe you should! Do be careful though, they require very 'hands-on' care, which is a nice way of saying that one load a day just won't cut it. You'll have to feed your plant two to three times a day MINIMUM, and even more if you want it to become exceptionally busty. And don't forget, every plant has its own personality and preferences, so you might just end up with one that wants four or five anyway!
Not that anon, but oh boy...I'm gonna need a lot more stamina if I want to own one, aren't I?
Well, you don't really need stamina so long as you've got the 'production'. They'll do all the work if you let them, but they won't stop sucking until they get what they're looking for, so it can be a hassle if you're empty and they're hungry.
ooh I might pop on by
Live damn you!
Hug antho girls
Kiss anthro girls
Make love to anthro girls
Get married to anthro girls
Impregnate anthro girls
Start a family with anthro girls
Grow old with anthro girls
Die happily with anthro girls
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>God, I wish I could strut around in her body, just for a day at least.
Yeah I wish there was a mass anthro world transformation
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Yeah I'd be Specist
sounds like you need some good human dick to fuck that nonsense out of you
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I don't really have a green thumb, but I do have a large cock and a productive sack. I could use some pretty flowers and some relief.
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Sounds like you'd be a good fit, then! I'm just checking out for the night, but you've got my tag if you need someone to hook you up.
The posts you've made have encouraged me to pump and finish to Piranha plants twice today, so thanks for kickstarting the imagination anon, I really appreciate and enjoyed it. Posters like you are why I keep coming back here.
I'm very, very glad to hear it, Anon! I suppose I should stop in here more often, if fresh posts are that appreciated.
no dying yet
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>Yeah I wish there was a mass anthro world transformation
Absolutely, I'd love to have a whole house full of sisters!

I'd love to handle cooking so we can all get the motherly figure that Toriel is known for.
I wonder how the original Toriel would react to her new family?

>Sauce on that pic?
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>>Sauce on that pic?
No clue found it on trash a while back
Thoughts on mom bod Toriel?
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>Thoughts on mom bod Toriel?
Wish I could wear it one day
would be nice staying as the few humans that didn't get transformed, so i could help anons who got turned into anthros.
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Same, I'd love it.
How sweet of you~
>yes, deer.
>Sexy...Wish I could wear it one day
Hell yeah same.
She's definitely built to be a school teacher, chubby moms are the best.

What's better, starting out chubby or slowly but surely morphing into a chubby anthro?
The new appreciation for baking would do a number on your new hips regardless, not that you mind though...
Don't post Toriel. You're making me feel stuff.
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Not that Anon, but I feel like growing into your body is definitely the way to go. Like, imagine the average Anon in this thread getting a younger Tori's body. Maybe they're super excited to explore their new form, maybe they're nervous about how they're going to explain the change in appearance, or maybe they're even bummed out about the loss of their old self. No matter which way you dice it, there's going to be a lot of emotions involved, and to me it just makes sense that you add on the pounds as they mellow out. New curves coming in alongside new urges, new changes in wardrobe, and new hobbies, slowly becoming more and more comfortable with who and what they are as their figure grows more shapely, more motherly. It just hits all the right notes, you know?

Tell us about your feelings, Anon, we're all friends here~
It's hard to explain, but the more I look at her chubby curves, her sagging breasts and her thick belly, the more I want to be her. She makes me want to bounce on a huge cock while my tits, ass and soft body jiggles every time I shove that rod inside me. She makes me want to change my diet so that I intentionally put on even more pounds and make my body even sexier.
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And what's wrong with that? Why hide from it? There's no harm in indulging the fantasy of being such a lovely lady.

Just imagine the weight of your bust, how it sways and bounces beneath the cover of your robe as you walk about; how the soft, sensitive flesh rests so pleasantly against your chest, a constant reminder of their presence and a temptation to do something more. Imagine reaching up, your white-furred hands slowly, firmly pressing down as your pillowy breasts give so easily, squishing pleasantly against your fingers as your thighs reflexively push together and you utter a small, delicate moan. You squeeze gently, your legs quivering as you bite your lip just to stop yourself moaning out in ecstasy. There's a warmth between your legs, a heat that needs and lusts after the very thing that used to reside in its place. You shift your hands, groping at a new angle as you lean forward and moan with much less shame. In your aroused state, one of your hands leaves your chest, taking handfuls of your stomach, your ass, your thighs. It's all so soft. YOU are all so soft. Your hand trails down your thigh, lifting your robe as your breathing grows heavy. Your fingers draw close to the source of the heat, your inner thighs damp and slick with desire. You try to be cautious, you try to take it slow. You drag your middle and index fingers along your slit, but you're just too needy to resist. You plunge your fingers in as your legs shake and you cry out in ecstasy. You manage two, maybe three thrusts as your thumb frantically massages your clit. You cum. It's the best orgasm you've ever had, and any worries you had about experiencing 'the real thing' are already fading from your mind. You have the body of a mother, it's only natural you'd want kids. You lean against the wall, panting as you imagine your life with that special someone. All you need to do now is go out and find him.
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I may have gotten slightly carried away.
Stop it! You're making my fantasies become even more unbearable. It's already hard enough to resist the attraction of being such a fertile, attractive woman. You don't have to add the desire to have my cunt pumped full of anthro semen until my belly swells up.
I really think you should just embrace it, you'll have much more fun that way. Trust me, Toriel, just give it a try and you'll see I'm right~
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Forgot my pic!
Goddamn all this talk of Toriel is making me wish I had her to love on.
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>What's better, starting out chubby or slowly but surely morphing into a chubby anthro?
>The new appreciation for baking would do a number on your new hips regardless, not that you mind though...
Full reality change AR included. Growing into a MILF seems hot
I don't know exactly what you said but I read Toriel and I got all the warm fuzzies 0///0
>Teasing other anons, they don't know I was also a fellow shit poster
I want Toriel. I want to love her. I want to fuck her until either I go unconscious or she does. I want her to have my kids. I. WANT. HER.
>'Goodness, Anon, are you feeling well?'
>'You very anxious...a little sweaty too'
>'Don't tell me you've gotten yourself a cold? Do you need me to 'help you out''

How scandalous!
I wanna date Susie...
Good stuff, I need to update my folder myself.

>Trust me, Toriel, just give it a try and you'll see I'm right~
Careful, if you keep talking like that you might give away how smitten you are with the old goat lady~
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The heels are a good touch.
An offer to help me out while stuck in bed? How could I ever say no?
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In truth I'd rather BE Toriel than sweep her off her feet. I'm the same dork who posted their Discord earlier, along with the Piranha plants, so that's probably not too surprising all around.
>'Of course, my dear."
>'I know a straping young man like you likes to be rough and tumble but you really should take care of yourself!
>'How can MOMMY help you, dear?'

(I gotta go to bed myself so we'll catch up later)
hell yeah, dude
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>Droping the worst most dated memes to piss zoomers off
You can climb into bed, share your warmth and put your body to use pleasing us both.~

(Sounds good)
As a meta comment. This style, that I think is imitating maybe charcoal or water colors, or some physical medium. Is really good for erotica. It helps diffuse it a bit, make it more romantic instead of just BAM a detailed drawing of a butthole.
I really like the artists that attempt this. We need more erotica and less porn.
no dying
soft tummy...
that is in fact her, yes
>'O-oh my...'
>'Well of course I could, if will help ease your burden'
>I move in under the covers, pulling the blanket over my large, shapely form
>I cares your forarm
>'Goodness it feels like you're shivering!'
>I move in just a little closer, my body heat creeping up to you
>'Where shall we go from here, young man?~'

(This is fun)
Nice, you got good taste.
thanks anon
I wanna plap her belly button.
Tori would absolutely slide 2000s memes into casual conversations.

It'd be hard to know if she was being ironic or nor though, she's always so earnest.
It's cold as hell here, I wish I could snuggle up into a bed with a milf right now.
>In truth I'd rather BE Toriel than sweep her off her feet. I'm the same dork who posted their Discord earlier, along with the Piranha plants, so that's probably not too surprising all around.

Oh neat!
I'm glad I'm not the only one with goat related brain rot.
If you don't mind, I want pop into that Discord if you're inclined to chat about more Toriel focused stuff that is.

What is is about BEING Toriel that you like so much?
Is it her motherly personality?
How cute and soft she is?
The fact that she's a chubby milf in need of a good man in her life?

Just curious is all.
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>How cute and soft she is?
NTA but that's my reason. Big soft plush body
>NTA but that's my reason. Big soft plush body
Very true, she's perfect soft mommy material.

I personally like to think that she's taller than the average human, male or female.
It must be fun to tower over people with your heigh as well as the girth of your mom bod.
Looming your pillowy assets over someone else's head, smothering them in your fluffy cleavage...how scandalous~
All this milfy talk is making me wonder if there aren't other cute anthro moms out there that would be fun to live and be as.

Any ideas?
Does the cat lady from Darkstalkers count? Felicia I mean, is she anthro enough?
All of the above.

Her kind, motherly nature matches my disposition exceedingly well, and cuddly, loving mommy dom happens to be one my favorite to treat Anons.

The curves are a huge bonus, being both soft enough to hold and shapely enough to ogle. Of course that last part is purely a figure of speech, because if I'm going to be Tori, I'd prefer to keep modest outside of one on one situations.

I'm not sure how quickly I'd take a husband as Toriel, but I feel it's inevitable given the motherly instincts, so I'm counting it regardless.

And please, be my guest!
I would say she falls into the monster girl category as her face is humanlike and not anthro like.
the cat mom from Gumball as the hot milky mom then?
I mean that could work, though I don't know a lot of people who would trade places with her in life.

She's got a very cute butt though at least.
I can't remember any other notable furry milf, but maybe some regular animal like pony could be reused in anthro form.
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>Every Anon in the thread is instantly transformed into a mid-twenties version of Toriel except one.
>Said Anon is then tasked with knocking up each and every goat to make her a proper mom.
>Motherly instincts instincts slowly begin kick in all the Tori-nons.
>Poor Anon is barely a quarter of the way through before they're all, figuratively, on top of him.
>The whole thing is a sultry, sweaty mess of fur, chub, and moans.
>When the dust settles, Anon is gone.
>In his place is another happy, horny Toriel rubbing her newly pregnant belly.
good lord do i wish to be that anon. I really want to be surrounded by soft girlflesh from all direction while knocking up the current girlanon with the torrent with massive cum unloading as i got everyone's penis energy fueling my balls.
Though i like some variety in my girls, so some could have a lot larger boobs, some could have udders too or different character all together, but still hot
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Cute. I would've been more descriptive, had I had the time, keheheh. Each Tori-non would be unique, though, influenced both by their desires and their previous body type. That's not to mention personality, which would also be unique to each one, since I prefer marrying their original self with Toriel, rather than a complete erasure. Probably a 70/30 split of Anon to Tori.
>All of the above...Her kind, motherly nature matches my disposition exceedingly well, and cuddly, loving mommy dom happens to be one my favorite to treat Anons.
Me too, I love to play that angle myself.
It's fun to smother someone with attention like that and then have them wanting more and more.
I love doting on someone who needs a gentle hand to hold and plump hips to squeeze.

>The curves are a huge bonus, being both soft enough to hold and shapely enough to ogle. Of course that last part is purely a figure of speech, because if I'm going to be Tori, I'd prefer to keep modest outside of one on one situations.
Absolutely, modesty with occasional inuendo and teasing are the trained skills of any sweet milf.
The sweet lady next door hiding a secret is a classics archetype, one I can't get enough of.

>I'm not sure how quickly I'd take a husband as Toriel, but I feel it's inevitable given the motherly instincts, so I'm counting it regardless.
Imagine how fun it would be to woo your new boyfriend into husband material by using your feminine ways, cooking, Rubenesque figure and lustful hunger.

>And please, be my guest!
Awesome, so I'll find your account in the previous chats involving the piranha plants right?
I'd love to see how you write your Toriel more, it'd be a fun exchange.
I decided to give myself a little make over for the occasion. Anyone interested can add me at:

sweaty goat milf >///<
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Soft bod
Soft mom
Who gets to be the home maid Tori-anon?
cute mom!
she is isn't she
Awesome, I'll definitely drop in once I get some time to do so.

Thanks for being so open, Tori~
>Cute. I would've been more descriptive, had I had the time, keheheh.
Don't worry, we'll be waiting for you to have more time.

>Each Tori-non would be unique, though, influenced both by their desires and their previous body type.
That's fun, I like the idea of different flavors of Tori hanging out in the same house/apartment complex (maybe alongside the original Toriel).
Where would they all work? Maybe a coffee shop?

>That's not to mention personality, which would also be unique to each one, since I prefer marrying their original self with Toriel, rather than a complete erasure.
I always prefered that too, it's so much more fun when you have to grappling with a new identity, a new body and bran new urges that slowly morph into someone new and cute.
True milfication.

>Probably a 70/30 split of Anon to Tori.
I don't mind that concept, I think it can lead to some interesting scenarios where one rationalizes or succumbs to their impulses.
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Big fan, eh? Keheheh.

I'd say a restaraunt or some kind of inn/hotel. Really let them tap into those maternal instincts, y'know? Coffee shop falls into the patter category, so I'd say you're right on the money.

Exaaaactly. It's much more fun when you actually get to experience those changes, giving you time to settle in to your mindset and accept your new thoughts and desires as part of yourself. I'll add that the 70/30 is a variable ratio, and I gave it mostly as a way to assuage any nervousness regarding the subject. If you accept and embrace your new body, I don't see why you couldn't end up being MOSTLY Toriel.
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Into the LATTER category. I hate mobile, please excuse any minor errors.
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You are too kind, my child. After all, it is a mother's duty to enrich the lives of those under her care. The only thanks I need is your happiness~
We know, Noelle.
Mmmmmmm thanks mommy.
>I feel a slight chill as you bring the covers up, and immediately feel your warmth against me. The shiver of goosebumps creeps up my arm as you caress it faintly.
Mmmmmmmm closer, Mommy Toriel.
>I turn around as you bump closer to myself so we're face to face as I squeeze my body against yours, feeling your softness and warm fur and the bounce of your body as I snuggle in tight.
>Looking at you, meeting your eyes, my lids lower halfway before I lean in and kiss you deeply, pushing my body against yours hungrily.
Thanks, mom!
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what is it about a well placed mole that elevates art?
>I'd say a restaraunt or some kind of inn/hotel. Really let them tap into those maternal instincts, y'know? Coffee shop falls into the patter category, so I'd say you're right on the money.
You know what?
What about a Bnb + Inn?
Stay for the night and get a hearty breakfast the very next day, stay a while and you'll get the full treatment BUT stay longer than that...then maybe you can consider joining the staff if you like it so much.

Hell yeah.
>It's much more fun when you actually get to experience those changes, giving you time to settle in to your mindset and accept your new thoughts and desires as part of yourself.
Yeah, being coerced into a loving mom figure is so much more appealing when you consider how comforting it can be to be guided into your new life with grace.
Imagine being taught how to bake and feed yourself until your body blossoms into a maternal shape.

>I'll add that the 70/30 is a variable ratio, and I gave it mostly as a way to assuage any nervousness regarding the subject.
Yeah, personality death kinda robs you of your awareness to your situation.

>If you accept and embrace your new body, I don't see why you couldn't end up being MOSTLY Toriel.
There we go, that's the spirit!
Maybe you can even advance into someone who guides and takes care of the other Toriels in your group?
Who better to care for Toriel than Toriel?
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>You know what? What about a Bnb + Inn? Stay for the night and get a hearty breakfast the very next day, stay a while and you'll get the full treatment BUT stay longer than that...then maybe you can consider joining the staff if you like it so much.

Sounds perfect. You've got a variety of maternal roles to cycle between, you've got a place for all of them to stay as well as work, and you've got a natural progression for interested parties to join the fun.

Now imagine a special room service menu where you can order bedtime stories, cuddles, and even a Toriel to spend the night with you. With the broader spectrum of personalities, you'd be able to fit the needs of nearly any client, whether they want a seductive, salacious mommy to spice up the night or a quiet, soft spoken mom they can fall asleep in the arms of.

>Yeah, being coerced into a loving mom figure is so much more appealing when you consider how comforting it can be to be guided into your new life with grace. Imagine being taught how to bake and feed yourself until your body blossoms into a maternal shape.

Starting out slim and conventionally sexy and slowly becoming more shapely and soft as your fellow Toriels teach how you to bake and treat you to meals. Your acceptance of the situation growing alongside the size of your robes as your fellow Toriels compliment you on how well you're filling out.

>There we go, that's the spirit! Maybe you can even advance into someone who guides and takes care of the other Toriels in your group Who better to care for Toriel than Toriel?

That's honestly just too good. Having the kindest, wisest, and most motherly Toriels coaching those under them and helping them blossom into proud goatmoms is just an intoxicating thought. They'd teach all the baking classes, they'd hand out all those extra slices of pie to the slimmer Toriels, and they'd be the absolute embodiment of what it means to be a goat milf. Almost identical to the real one~
>Mmmmmmm thanks mommy.
'Y-you are welcome my dear, an-anything for a sweet fellow like you'
I shiver slightly, clearly pleased with your words.

>Mmmmmmmm closer, Mommy Toriel.
I move in close, a small blush across my muzzle. Breaths slow and warm brushing up against your neck.
'Hmmm...it please me so greatly to h-have you call me that...mommy~'

>...as I squeeze my body against yours, feeling your softness and warm fur and the bounce of your body as I snuggle in tight.
I can feel you sink into slightly, pressed up against my torso, I can feel you pressed up against my plush belly.

>Looking at you, meeting your eyes, my lids lower halfway before I lean in and kiss you deeply, pushing my body against yours hungrily.
'What are you-hm!'
I yelp only a moment before I begin to melt into your kiss.
I wrap my soft arms around in a powerful hug, never wanting to let you go.
I can feel one of your hands slowly slide down my back...
That makes me so happy to hear it, 'mom'.
I can't help but wonder that I should do something to enrich your life, Toriel.
How's about tea and cake-no tea and pie!
You should really eat something, I don't want you fainting or anything like that.

After that, me and you can unwind a bit more, I took care of all of my and your chores today.
There's a stress relief technique I'm sure you'll enjoy~
Makes it seem more natural in a weird way.
I wanna squish that belly.
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You're always welcome, my child. It's the least I can do.

There's really no need to worry about me, my child, so long as you're happy it's all more than worth it... though, a slice of pie and a cup of tea wouldn't hurt anything...

Ah, anyhow, stress relief, you say? Something like a massage? A bubble bath with candles? Ah, I seem to be getting ahead of myself, child, I apologize. I'll be grateful for any kind of gift you might have for me.

Oh, you flatter me, child! There's no need to feign interest to make this old lady feel better.
Stay weird, stay horny /AGYWB/.

Goodnight, see ya.
>There's no need to feign interest to make this old lady feel better
I mean it goat lady, I just wanna bury my face in your gut and pepper it with kissing and pinching.
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Can I get a big hug?
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The OG Toriel must be so proud to how so many new sisters.

Was this her dream all along?
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W-Well, I suppose there's no harm in allowing you to... 'appreciate' my figure at some point. You'll need to be on your best behavior, though!

Of course, my child! Come here, let momma take care of everything...
>Toriels arms encircle you with the utmost care, her embrace drawing you into the soft warmth of her robed form as her plush body embraces you even further, her slightly pudgy figure squishing pleasantly against you as she strokes your back and whispers kind, reassuring words in your ear.

With how much love she and her sisters have managed to spread, I can only imagine so.

Oh, and one moment, I may have an old piece of writing that might be relevant to all the Toriel appreciators.
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"You're still up, dear?"
>A warm, familiar voice calls out from the doorway of your room as your cheeks fill with warmth.
>You reply meekly, hunching in your chair just a tad as the owner of the voice gives a soft, knowing sigh.
"Dear we've talked about this,"
>She begins, the sound of gentle footfalls trailing over to your chair as she continues.
"I know it's hard to keep track of time while you're having fun, but your sleep schedule is important."
"I was, um, having trouble sleeping."
>You sheepishly reply, keeping your eyes on your keyboard as a pair of loving hands find themselves gently grasping your shoulders, your Mommy leaning down to give you a kiss on the cheek before she replies.
"Oh sweetie, why didn't you tell me sooner? You know I don't mind helping you get to bed on time."
>The blush on your face is renewed by her question, and you find yourself unable to give her a reply, though she doesn't seem to mind.
"It's ok, sweetheart, just let momma help you." >She coos as she leans down further, slipping one hand behind your back and the other beneath your thighs as she effortlessly lifts you into a bridal carry. It was a bit embarrassing, but the feeling of her warmth, the softness of her body, and the unparalleled sense of love for you ensured there was no temptation to worm your way out of her arms. Huffing softly, you lean up against her, your head nestling against the top of her bosom as you get comfortable in her embrace. Despite the fact that she was wearing nothing, there was very little 'excitement' in the situation, only a sense of comfort as nudged the door to her bedroom open with your feet. Stepping over to the right side of the bed, she gently lays your upper half onto a pillow before lifting the covers up and laying your lower half down, tucking you into bed a moment later.
>The pillow was cool, the mattress was warm, and the covers were heavy but quite comforting. Slipping into bed beside you, your Mommy pulls you close as she gives you a final hug and goodnight kiss, leaving her arm wrapped lightly around your torso as she whispers.
"I love you, dear. Goodnight."
Imagine being a sultry GILF who, despite her advanced age, is still more than capable of sedusing young men and showing them a good time.
I don't know who this lizard is, but I love an older lady who still flaunts her stuff
The character is just called "Lizard Queen".

This lady right here is called "Platinum Dragoness" and both of them are owned by the same guy.
nice granny
They both are.
indeed they are
>Feeling you embrace me back, melting against my kiss I slip some tongue to you, kissing you more greedily. My hands tracing it's way down your back finds your soft, bouncy derriere which I waste no time in pawing and squeezing.
>The other hands busies itself with grabbing one of your tits and rolling it around roughly, just as rough as the passionate kiss we're sharing right now.
I feel like dragon my tongue across her crotch, if you get what I mean.
>W-Well, I suppose there's no harm in allowing you to... 'appreciate' my figure at some point. You'll need to be on your best behavior, though!
I get to work slowly.
Kneeling down I press my face up against your belly, I can feel the heat radiating off of your body.
Your shivers send ripples throughout your shapely body.
I place tiny kisses along your belly as my hands slowly rise up from your ankles to yours knees.
I bury my face into your belly button as my hands in one quick motion clamp around your hips.
I use my hands to slowly massage and grope your hips and thighs, kneading your soft flesh.
Good stuff, thank you for sharing!
>Of course, my child! Come here, let momma take care of everything...
'Thank you, thank you, mommy...'

>Toriels arms encircle you with the utmost care, her embrace drawing you into the soft warmth of her robed form as her plush body embraces you even further,
So so warm, so soft and so plump.
I wanna squeeze tight and never let go!

>her slightly pudgy figure squishing pleasantly against you as she strokes your back and whispers kind, reassuring words in your ear.
I wrap my arms around, trying to greedily scoop up all the fuzzy softness for myself.
'Th-thank you, Toriel. You don't know how much I needed this.'
I can feel your belly pressing against my lower chest, taut but jiggly all the same.
My cheeks burn red.
Gilfs are underrated as hell, they are hard to find too.

It's part of the reason I like drawing and writing them, there's a vacuum that needs filling somehow.
>Feeling you embrace me back, melting against my kiss I slip some tongue to you, kissing you more greedily.
Tiny whimpers escape my muzzle as our tongues dance about.

>My hands tracing it's way down your back finds your soft, bouncy derriere which I waste no time in pawing and squeezing.
I yelp into your mouth as I feel your icy cold hand grip around my rear.
I moan shudderingly as your fingers grope, probe and squeeze my hind quarters causing my cheeks to bounce and jiggle against one another.
Have I really gotten that filled out down there?

>The other hands busies itself with grabbing one of your tits and rolling it around roughly, just as rough as the passionate kiss we're sharing right now.
The sensitivity is too much for me as I continue to moan and gasp at the stimulation.
A low whine is all I can give in response to your touch.

How could you possibly be so passionate about an old lady like me?
Such an odd...sweet young man.

(I like your style a lot)
Who's the chick on the right side?
What do you like about them so much?
I would definitely fill a GILF.
With love, affection and sugar cookies?
>sugar cookies?
Well, maybe more pie most likely...
Lamb, she's one part of Kindred. The other is Wolf. They're from League.
With passion, warmth and romance.
And my cock.
Are specific Gilfs on your mind at the moment?

Wish there were more anthro grannies in need of attention.
I guess if Gilf are rare so are anthro Gilfs.
Nothing specific, if I'm being honest. Although like you said, there aren't many examples around.
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Gilf tf
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There is this kitsune, now that I think about it.
>'Hello there, handsome~'
>'You willing to show an old lady a good time?'
Not as anthro as I would like but I'm glad we got the ball rolling right now.
She's cute, I like her eyes, what's her name?

What about that short cat granny from monster hunter?
Does she have any good material on her?
No name unfortunately, she's just from a one-shot.
Who's the lady next to Toriel here?
A fan character or something? Are Oc's allowed here?

Damn that sucks, a damn cutie to be sure.
I prefer my Gilfs more pump but she's very shapely in the right ways though.

Sauce on that art?
Why are you so damn cute goat lady?
that's some crazy static cling
She looks a little too similar to Toriel for anyone to spot a real difference.

I do like that she's even taller than her somehow.
the saggy bits are yummy
sounds HAWT
How do you think you'd enjoy this?
Am I the anthro or the doll in this scenario?
I enjoy the idea of overfilling someone with my cum.
>What about that short cat granny from monster hunter? Does she have any good material on her?

Oh, she has plenty of material.
And now I'm gonna dump a bunch more GILF images to complement the earlier discussion about them.
Cool, glad the older girls are getting some appreciation.

What's her personality like?
Typical granny archetype?
Last image of the dump.

There's this one GILF image I've been trying to find but I'm not having any luck: It's a pale purple/gray cat with white accents (Purugly from Pokemon, perhaps?) holding a cigarette saying "You know I'm older than your mother, right?" with a second panel below of a nondescript gray character saying "That's what makes it better!"

If someone can post it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I've never played any of the Monster Hunter games, so I have no idea, but I'm gonna assume typical granny.
gushing grannies...
You've been waiting on this haven't you?
Not really waiting, but I figured I'd go ahead since that discussion happened. I was surprised the discussion even happened in the first place.
I personally wish we had some more Gilfs stuff in general, I feel like there's a lot of missed potential for smut material.
tiny cat nun gilf my beloved
She's been eating her own baked cookies.

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