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official pony thread
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Goob mornyan!
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I'd rather make fun of grown adults who apparently identify as a baby cow.
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Hello everypone!
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I kinda fancy a tasty burger with cheese and salad. Pinkie sure is busy getting all those burgers ready for her customers!
Would be a filling treat on my long journey to work.

How're you today mate?
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What's the good word?
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hey there

pinkieburgers are the best. raw like god intended.

the worst is traveling to get to work. fun fact: i actually live where i do now because at one point it was mere miles away from my job. then that company folded and i ended up commuting 250 miles per week for a while.
You do know we can't digest hay unless it's been fermented, right?
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Hola! not much just having a bit of fun in pony town after workingout.
Hola Smokey!
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who is "we"?
you got a mouse in your pocket that can't digest hay?

how's it going?
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Not bad. first week that I work out 3 days in 3 months. winding down relaxing a bit before going to sleep. how are you doing?
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well enough. what a long week. i'm glad it's over.
a heavy work week?
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yeah, probably because a lot of people are taking next week off.
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I thought that it was because of windows updating their fucking garbage software.
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yes, that too. but that's every week.
>drink one small drink
>dizzy as fuck and can barely walk
>work buddy drinks 3 full beers
>perfectly fine
What the fuck is wrong with me?
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I knew it! windows is keeping you busy.
Just one small drink? huh that's incredibly low tolerance to alcohol. but you're not alone, with 3 beers I start to babble a lot of nonsense.
Humans can't digest hay.

It's the way you metabolize alcohol. You really shouldn't be drinking the stuff anyway. It's a known carcinogen that is clearly linked to several cancers including mouth, throat, esophageal, breast, liver, and colorectal cancers. There is also increasing evidence of alcohol increasing the risk of melanoma, prostate, and pancreatic cancers. That shit is deleterious to every cell in the body.
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When was the last time you drank alcohol?
Too long ago to remember but when I did it was only 2 ounces of wine, any more and I would start to get vertigo. I suspect that either I rapidly convert ethanol to acetaldehyde or I don't convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid quickly enough. In any event this likely raises my cancer risk from alcohol higher than the general population.
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Acetic acid in the blood stream is really scary yeah it's better to stay away from alcohol too bad is really fun to drink with friends.
on the risk of cancer. even micro plastics raise the risk of cancer so heh we are surrounded by factors that increase the risk of developing cancer and I wish no illness upon you, quite the contrary but heh everything gives you cancer now a days.
The acetic acid isn't the problem. It's the ethanol itself and it's toxic metabolite acetaldehyde. I see no reason to increase my cancer risk with the variables that I can easily control.
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>It's the ethanol itself and it's toxic metabolite acetaldehyde.
No wonder why the hang overs feel so fucking awful.
>I see no reason to increase my cancer risk with the variables that I can easily control.
That's wise. I even tell people now a days that all that our body needs to stay hydrated is water. because you told me that.
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Eat your oatmeal.
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i would, if it tasted good.
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>Just one small drink?
It was rum and coke IIRC

>It's a known carcinogen that is clearly linked to several cancers including mouth, throat, esophageal, breast, liver, and colorectal cancers.
It's okay. I'm going to get throat cancer from my 24/7 acid reflux anyhow.
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>Pinkie baking in a bathrobe
Not out of the realm of possibility.
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i think it's supposed to be an apron.

TL;DW: more fiber, less fat.
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250 miles is a bit of a drag to be frank
I commute at least 160 miles a week
Sometimes a bit more

Hopefully your current working situation isn't as hectic right now
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i had two competing job offers but took the one that paid less because it was work from home. the savings on gas and car stuff more than makes up the difference. now i drive maybe 20 miles a week. i would have been driving a full 250 miles every week, and not on the highway. a full 50 miles of stop and go surface road travel every day. i said no to that.
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also at the higher paying job's site, the security guard gave me a hard time about not wearing a mask (pandemic era). and i could see how that would be a source of consternation for both of us.
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last night while food shopping, i noticed too late that the cart i had grabbed contained a previous customer's leftover bones from their fried chicken. this is a very common occurrence for my area. i didn't want to go all the way back to the cart stall to get another cart, so i just used a bag off rice off the shelf to grab the bone and pluck it from the cart. then i just put everything back on the shelf and went about my business. i may have unintentionally created a new ghetto recipe.
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i can't wait to see if the bone is there next week.
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Bloodmouths confirmed for being unhygienic slobs.
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finally, confirmation that niggers are unhygienic.
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Chicken bone rice? Interesting.
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toss it in a pot and you got a stew going.
gives the rice all the flavor of the chicken plus whatever extra flavor is imparted by the decade old shopping cart that has never once been sanitized in its entire operational life. mmm, tangy.
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cute pone
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Adorable Victorian style mare.
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I loved vodka and orange juice, but. yea rum and cola we call them cubas.
with 4 of those you got me naked.
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That was directed at yourself as well since what you did was also unhygienic.
now discord doesn't work great...
And nothing of value was lost.
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i suppose you would have grabbed it with a kale leaf or something. by all means let me know what your contingency plan is in that situation.
I'm not lazy so I would have gotten another cart. Additionally, I would have never taken that cart in the first place because I always check for things left behind.
Also there are plastic bags all around the produce department and the morgue.
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oh, puh-leeze. you would still be standing there trying to figure out what to do. i knew what i needed to happen and used whatever was within arm's length to accomplish it. that's why i survive.

every action you're describing requires more work for the same result. are you getting some kind of medal for cart inspection?
I'm just not an unhygienic lazy slob.
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you would have gotten arrested for stealing that chicken when you tried to wheel your cart past the security cordon.

"aw sheet, dis huwhite boy be stealin our chikems!"

and yes, like every other white man in this hell, i do a multi point inspection of each cart i grab to make sure there's no chicken bones in it. the bone was perfectly sight aligned with part of the cart. camouflaged from view.
every time I get into reg edit I sweat a bit
You could have left the cart in the aisle. Also that is totally not how it works. They can't so much as lay a hand on you unless they have 100% irrefutable proof that you either stole something or were concealing merchandise. A non productive detainment will result in the firing of the LP officer and open the store to civil liability.
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you're a worldstar hiphop video waiting to happen.

so what were they going to say, when they saw me walk by one minute earlier with a cart?
I make changes by editing the appropriate configuration file.
>you're a worldstar hiphop video waiting to happen.
I have no idea what this means.

>so what were they going to say
Probably nothing. If they were to actually say something it would be something like "Uhhhh what's with the chicken bone?" To which you will reply; "I just found it inside my cart. I'm going to get a different one." To which they would reply; "Carry on then." The LP officer knows they can review footage and if they see you eating unpaid chicken they can nab you when you come back. If it's a major chain there is a good chance they have facial recognition too.
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your statement would evoke ape noises and a blast of pepper spray.
Unless you were violent toward the LP officer the use of pepper spray would constitute assault. Also, it is highly doubtful that the store would allow them to have pepper spray in the first place.
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if you say so.
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Switch to Lunix, peasant.
is it too obvious?
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<3 i love you all
from tothbrush
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Love me enough to kiss me TB?
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thanks, it's good to see you.
How should I get in to MLP, I've wanted to join the fandom for a while but idk where to start?
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watch a few episodes! look at fanart, read something on fimfiction. anything really works
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you don't need to like or even watch mlp to join in here. just something to keep in mind.
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on youtube, there are multiple how-to vids for removing the crash bars from the doors of my car. these are heavy pieces of steel that help maintain structural rigidity of the doors during a collision. some people take them out for weight reduction. now keep in mind, when i say heavy, i mean maybe one pound of metal per door. so you greatly increase the risk of dying in a crash to achieve the same weight reduction you'd get from taking a large dump.
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street racing protip: remove your brakes for weight reduction. they're just slowing you down.
There are plenty of brakes on the road.
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my tax dollars paid for those guardrails. i should be able to crash through them whenever i want.
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I think my pc is breaking the keyboards. the keyboard rgb stays on after I turn off the pc, if I press a key it lights on, stays on with the pc off.
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is it on a usb3.0 port?
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the back ports of the board.
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let me check specs of the board.
all of the back ports are USB 3.2
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maybe a bios setting is keeping the ports hot.
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i miss them
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should I reset bios back to default again?
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delet sys32 and it'll fix everything
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yeah, and make sure hibernate is turned off.
one last test before I declare victory.
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YAY! low profile corsair keyboard works again!
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There's a whole board
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wow, is that new?
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a whole board just for ponies.
truly we live in an era.
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I can't even
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i'm sure it's chock full of friendly, reasonable people.
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sometimes i like these pastel ones
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Hello everypone.
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hey there
Hello Smokey! how are you?
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just working. how's it going with you?
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Not too bad not well either. but hey my keyboard is still working so that's good. some unexpected pain in my right shoulder. I'm really upset about it because I want to get back to training regularly. oh well...
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i've injured both my shoulders to the point where i have to sleep on my back.
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>inb4 obligatory URDF "i never had a shoulder injury in my life"
Holy crap you should get that checked.
I can't sleep on my back, I always get the most terrible nightmares like that.
I never had a shoulder injury in my life.
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i'll be fine. there's nothing the quack doctors can do for it that doesn't involve expensive drugs and surgery. i'd rather sleep on my back in that case.
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As long as it doesn't interfere with your everyday life I guess it's ok.
Really? you've got to be lying not even a broken bone?
Never a broken bone.
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yeah, it doesn't bother me until i lay on my side for about 10 minutes.
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not even an accidental head bump on stairs or something?
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I wake up early I want to have a good day, my arm is fucked up again. I want to put my head in the toilet and pull the chain.
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>not even an accidental head bump on stairs or something?
Are you a klutz or something?

Give it time to heal and don't overdo it when it starts to feel better.
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I didn't even said thank you for helping me fix my keyboard. thank you.
does that mean clumsy? if so yes I'm really clumsy.
>time to heal
I know. but I don't know why lifting weights makes me feel a lot better and I feel on the fucking edge when I don't train.
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no prob. i'm glad i could help.
Run or something.
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My fucking knee hurts when I run more then 6km and I haven't trained legs since February lol.
Bike within reasonable limits.
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URDF has never had a knee injury, btw.
This is correct.
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you've led quite the eventful life.
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I'm just more robust.
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we've both had the same number of broken bones and knee injuries in our lives. and i'm older than you so i think that counts as being more robust.
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Hello everypone.
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Hey Smokey! how are you doing?
Sudden power outages while the PC was on can cause the bios to act funky?
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i'm alright. just working. and yes, there's potential for the BIOS config to be corrupted in a power outage. how are you?
>i'm alright.
I'm glad to hear that.
>and yes, there's potential for the BIOS config to be corrupted in a power outage.
oh well, that sucks. I bet those power outages we had corrupted my bios and that's why my webcam and keyboard weren't working.
>how are you?
Not good not too bad. at least my shoulder doesn't hurt anywhere as much as it did yesterday so that's good.
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consider getting a UPS.
Yeah. I will have to start researching for a good one and put it up in my to get list.
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you can find them cheap or even free with non working batteries. then just replace the batteries. most use the same battery as a scooter or motorcycle. mine has a car battery hooked up to it. i can run a PC for 6 hours with this one.
not so long ago some offices near here were giving them away, they only needed a new battery. I'm such an idiot. I should have brought one but I was walking and didn't want to carry it all the way to home.
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places get rid of them all the time, you'll see some more eventually. they're so heavy that many companies don't want to ship them anywhere for disposal.
Yeah. I will be keeping my eyes on them again.
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i call mine "old sparky"
>"old sparky"
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one time my test leads accidentally touched, and instantly evaporated in a flash of sparks.
huh. well deserved then.
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i still use those leads, i just changed their wires.
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very cute Pikie but she must be baking cakes! not burgers.
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maybe it's a burger shaped cake.
Yeah that must be it.
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delicious burger shaped cakes, made of meat and grilled to perfection.
This message is dedicated to all PC users on Earth, toward a better tomorrow and a better place to live in.

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hey there.
Oh hai.
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nice to see you. hopefully you've been doing well.
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You have a shoulder injury while I don't.
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that's bound to heal any year now.
That's not how it works.
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How long should I wait for my shoulder to heal? I'm already bored to death, I need to get back to train.
Let the unmedicated pain be your guide. If you think it is better then try some light exercises. If it hurts then stop immediately. If it feels fine then continue but remember to keep the load light and don't over do it. You want to gradually get back into it so you don't reinjure yourself.
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I guess I will train extra light if I feel better hopefully next week. it's the only place where I can take off all the frustration and anger from my shoulders.
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