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>"Defying Tradition" Edition

Previous thread:

Thread prompt:
>A music act pulls you up on stage to ROCK! But when their tones take a turn for the lewd, you realise that it won't be long until you're invited backstage for COCK!

Question for discussion (FOR EVERYONE!!):
>How long have you been a part of /cap/, lurking or posting or making content or otherwise? What keeps bringing you back? Is there a unique aspect of this thread that you like? Post women with big tits and sunglasses.

>Newest Version of Capper (Free Caption Making Software)

>Discord Servers
The Stash: https://discord.gg/u982wqf246
The Swirlin Swarm: https://discord.gg/XuxrDJjkaS


>Directory for caption tutorials

Doggo: https://mega.nz/folder/UkIVWIgR#5Ot4eKv-kyccHXZyJ1KM-g
Erelzen: https://mega.nz/folder/kd8FnbAR#csYhhRmcL0Ec59n9MqDwmg
Fireheart: https://mega.nz/folder/05dDmYzb#spJLu_yx2W95I_XtPbb8Jg
Hoss: https://mega.nz/folder/h2A0RC6a#v1YvnF0D856K_drUEXzuHg
Majiikappu: https://mega.nz/folder/7o4xDb6Q#ZQVIaCiu1ms9KK44ltDPrg
Mouchi: https://mega.nz/folder/eIsikSbJ#MLxbeiDD7uFCrzaiz1VPcw
Swirlin: https://mega.nz/folder/gf0yURKJ#dlR_h8RLuwmLbbjRc0fULg
Yfi: catbox.moe/c/udsofs

Furry JOI/JOE Caption thread: >>66785506
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New requests.
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Old requests.
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Typesets and greentexts.
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The juice.
Reposting this because I can. I'll think of some new requests to bulk up the thread shortly.
ALSO! I uploaded an extended version of this Kagerou thing on AO3. Go check it out if you like bitches falling to cock.
Thanks for the sympathy. It's still hard to think about so I try not to, but everything's mostly passed on our end (will be watching the funeral on video call later today) and I'm doing my best to look to the future.
In regards to Capper, the pain was a part of the fun in hindsight. Even though I used that "1 = _, 2 = *" shortcut, getting the text to look exactly how I wanted was a slog and an adventure in figuring out "why the fuck won't this text go italic, I fucking hate this shit, fuck michaelsoft". I should get around to checking out the GUI anon posted too. Sorry about not changing the Capper link; I'm only just reading this post now.
No worries, you're welcome, and thanks for the Sina.
Humanity have now become the servants of the metal, their only purpose to act as eternal batteries for their masters through the heat and friction of their mammalian wants. Kind of like The Matrix, but with lots of sex instead of thinking.
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In line with the request for "studification" last thread.
A slut paints her lips to help find the weak spots of her learner bull, intending to use that information to torture him, make him more resiliant, and perhaps make the afflicted areas more rigged and bumpy from developing a resistance to her lucious lips.
In which way? Racist towards humans or racist towards elves?
Unless you are doing it yourself or got a captioner ready to do it i dont see the point of reposting a request nobody took interest in fulfilling
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Taking a day off from jewel shard hunting, Kagome goes on a date with Hojo and she wasn't expecting the big dick in his pants, she might as well reward him for showing a girl a good time.
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Mary Dahl was just trying to walk on the beach to clear her mind but the sight of a young man taking some not subtle glances and trying his best to hide the third leg growing in his trunks puts her in cougar mode.
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Alt image
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>Thread prompt
Maybe female pov?
I've been writing caps for at least three years I think. I just haven't been interested in writing anything longer than a few paragraphs. Porn is just a comfy hobby to share.
Also, pic GROTESQUELY unrelated.
As promised:
While on assignment, anon once again runs into his arch-rival, the finest operative in service to the Elvish nation. Equally matched in combat ability, and constantly getting in each other's ways, the sexual tension has become so thick around the two of you that if you ever had an audience they would scream at you to kiss already.
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Jeanne alter gushes on how much she is going to CORRUPT your hellspawn of a kid to become an illiterate arsonist just like her mother
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You will get nice elf girls, and you will be happy.

Racist toward orcs, obviously. Elves and humans naturally compliment each other, and anyone who says otherwise is just jealous of the superior pairing.
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this is the only elf cap i have unfortunately
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Requesting sorceress working on her long term corruption plan to seduce the hero, such as influencing his dreams or subtle doses of love potions on his meals, just no apparent charming magic lest she be found by the other group members
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Finally ready to give you a shot at being her boyfriend suzuka surprises you at night, but to her shock and your horror she catches you masturbating, and your cock is small and quick firing, and to make matters worse you were masturbating to her in the first place with a mix of your own fantasies and some of the pictures she posted on her social media.
requesting Musashi tetas cap

Secret here. Doing a drive by posting of OC to keep the thread bumped while i visit. Fucking hate searching for images that work.

... and the pic i randomly snagged is apparently a femboy. Welp.

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>Question for discussion (FOR EVERYONE!!):
5 years, give or take.
>making content
Two years just gone by, if the booru date on my first Makoto cap is to be believed.
>What keeps bringing you back? Is there a unique aspect of this thread that you like?
Nope. It's just home.
Aye-aye, past me.
>>Thread prompt
Worded it so that it'd be unisex. I don't have any images in mind but I may go hunting.
Requesting motivational ANIME caption to make bumpers BUMP HARDER

>Post women with big tits and sunglasses.
reposting this,with veiny boobs to boot
God the things I would do this woman-

I'm so happy my caption made the OP. Thank you all so much.
>God the things I would do this woman-
Like what? she is dangerous!
She's from DFO right? Very beautiful.
Probably one of the most popular classes yes,she just looks so cool!
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need brainrot flip gf
Female POV cap where she just mumbles happily while getting choked by her muscular girlfriend

characters:neon and deadlock from valorant
I'll take that as a compliment.
Oh no! The breeding police have discovered you're behind on your quota, and have come to take you in for "hard labor," unless you're willing to pay a "fee" and they'll let you go free.
You should. I couldn't come up with anything constructive or particularly creative to say, so I gave image instead.
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I like this image but I don't have a solid idea for a cap. But no NTR or cuckoldry please.
Oh! Odd's art. Yeah I should remind it: so- more parts of the gyaru series are coming up. Just need to typeset them. Odd draws great woman in horrid situations, so I just appropriate them and use them for other things.
core memory revived, what the fuck
Anytime, anon.
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"This is all YOUR fault"
After an incident be it an accidental magic spell, wish upon a star, cursed sex toy, whatever the reason, your girlfriend who had previousley been rather thin and waifish with mosquito bites for tits has suddenly gained quite a bit in all the right places.
She's pissed as her sleek form has been ruined and none of her wardrobe fits anymore leading to her current predicament where she has underestimated just how big her new assets are.
Unrelated to the caption i hate how much Andavaverse related stuff focused on this character as much for goth look stuff instead of Evanne.
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small penis encouragement caption
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God damn illiterate froggy Frenchwoman... I want to make so many Quebecian's with her.
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That first paragraph is so stilted, rest of it is cash though
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Bump for 29-year-old hags.
Some regular service androids were illegally reprogrammed to be sex bots, but they're too horny and dangerous, the culprit is hospitalized with his pelvis completely crushed, it's your job as a technician to fix or get rid of them, but they will try everything to convince you to keep them instead.
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Get bumped get bumped
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After spending some time with your low self-esteem goth gf, she finally introduces you to her family who turn out to be just like her. She is self concious of her small chest, the sister thinks she herself is ugly because of how buff she is and no one asks her out, the clingy aunt is still a virgin, and the widowed mother can't seem to find love again. In the same way you improved your gf's confidence, you set out to make these girls happy and yours.
After spending all day at a con, you have been getting along with a girl dressed as Peach. But everything stopped when you find out that she is actually a he, and he didn't know when to tell you the truth as you both have been having a good time together assuming that she was a guy. But that doesn't matter as nothing will stop you from breeding that femboy princess. At the end, you walk away a couple.
Have you guys seen my wife or my wolfdog anywhere?
*Doghouse shaking rhythmically in my backyard*
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No, but do any of you know where my husband and his emotional support wolfgirls went?
>*doghouse shaking VIOLENTLY AND ERRATICALLY in my backyard
Luv me hags, luv me 2hus

simple as

Bad dogs get the leash
Anon being seduced by his girlfriend's sister/best friend.
alternative image
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Already captioned.
>One summer afternoon, your inner gyaru manifests herself upon you mid-coitus, egging you on to get serious about your feelings for your childhood friend. As you climax inside her, she insists sex with your true love will be as good as (if not better than) this. You wake up from your vision to find things as they were before. Except now you've spent inside your underwear.
>Be an adventurer
>Go into some rinky dungeon for some easy coin
>Everything there is an undead and next to all loot is rotten
>Not much worth taking beyond some loose coin
>After getting a ring of Control Undead there is one thing worth taking though, an extra thick undead knight
>Her armor is thick, but her ass is thicker
TLDR: Thick undead anal plapping
The hostage/prisoner interrogator meets her biggest case to crack yet, literally.
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Assassin Elf is torn between her stabbity stab urges or the temptation to enjoy her target dick first BEFORE going stabbity stab
Newly converted/transformed cowgirl experiences her first milking/lactation and is loving every second of it
"Anon, it's not gay if I suck your dick"
Long story short your gf is now a bf (dealer's choice as to why) and out intrepid reader is a bit hesitant to be intimate with them now
meant to anchor
OC demotion caption. After you defeat Cynthia and take her place as the Sinnoh League Champion, she falls in love with your overwhelming strength. Rather than try to regain her title, she humbly accepts her inferiority to you and decides to follow you as your cheerleader fangirl!

This caption was inspired by Gary's harem in the anime, and also by my desire to write a fun, upbeat demotion caption. I have a massive demotion kink, but a lot of the time when I read demotion stories I get depressed by the horrors the victim/protagonist goes through. This is my attempt to make something happier that still scratches the same itch.
Your mommy and big sis notice your tiny bulge as you watch them swim in the pool so they decide to tease their little peeping tom (SPH maybe going into SPE) (Mommy/Sisdom) (maybe some Premature Ejaculation and/or incest play)
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Character is Anonymous Asexual, for those unfamiliar.
>big titty asexual friend disinterestedly gets you off in various ways
>if you ask too much they'll be annoyed but still do it every time
>from a personal standpoint they can't even tell if you're addicted or if this is just how horny people are normally
>your most recent request is for her to hold your leash while you're in a latex pet suit
>she thinks it's ridiculous at first, but after seeing you helpless and under her command, you see something awaken inside of her
Details are up to you, nothing too niche or gross though. Inspiration: >>66405547 >>66406954
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NEED more orcess enslaver captions
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A random citizen shows his thanks to Sailor Moon from saving him from a youma by blasting his nuts all in and over her, leaving something to remember him by.
Least obvious shotashit request in a while.
It's so ugly I just blocked it out of my conscience
You would not believe your eyes
If Asahi Super Dry
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You know the caption.
Yes but another one would be perfect
I would do it if I werent so busy
I finally found a new caption my Level Drain brain parasite likes.
This should keep me sane for at least a week and a half.
You're a good man for making something like this. Thanks, anon.
Level drain is amazing, very underrated
Good stuff. Kinda reminds me of the Rocket Girl transformation stuff, but more happy in tone.
What if I don't?
What's the difference between a hag and a cougar?
Cougars are aggressive towards younger men
No such implication for a hag
What he said.>>67056914
In the cyberpunk future, life is cheap and ethics are rare, as we understand them. For those too lazy or awkward to form relationships, there are ways to purchase companionship. The (relatively) cheaper option is a gynoid. The so-called sexbots are perfectly obedient and good for more than the colloquialism would imply. Their biggest drawbacks are distinctly robotic mannerisms, and synthetic flesh's inability to perfectly replicate the feeling of skin-on-skin contact. The rarer, and significantly more expensive alternative, is to purchase a specially conditioned human. All the obedience of a bot, but with the personality, and the feel, of a real human. They also come in various shades of obedient, from strong-willed specimens left with the ability to backtalk you even though they can't resist, to ones so subservient they couldn't speak ill of you even if ordered to, these humans are typically custom-made to suit the degenerate tastes of individual customers.

You had gone out to buy a gynoid for yourself, only to be accosted by saleswoman. The product, though, is her. The new-age sex slave does her best to convince you that she's absolutely worth the extra cash.
And because I know someone's gonna want to explore the idea of people being stripped of their freewill and turned into pets, playthings, or commodities more deeply I have this.

Same universe, but with a girl that's already been purchased. If you wanna make her a Darkness-tier masochist who into this, fine. If you'd rather tap into the psychological horror of being a prisoner in your body, aware of everything done to you but unable to resist, fine. Or if you'd prefer an interaction with a girl who only has faint, fragmented recollections of who she was before and who may think they're just dreams, do that too.
The slightly dimwitted, but eager and well meaning futa Amitie gets to have sex for the first time after wondering how it works first-hand since learning about it via dirty magazines, but you have different plans, as you start by putting a condom on her and giving her dick a milking to rile her up, filling that rubber up before you fuck her ass and she, because of how nice she is, gets to fuck yours in return, leading to a fun, lengthy and messy session for the 2 of you.

>Tags: Teasing, Edging, Ball Massaging, Orgasm Control, Condom Filling, Versatile Futanari, Creampies, Anal Sex, Friends with Benefits, Virgin Futa, Defloration.

>Title: Friendly Fill-Up
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Sequel to >>67058151 which the request was
>Anon wakes up to find the world has become a modern fantasy version of itself, and only he finds it strange. Being a lonely guy into femdom, he makes an awkward attempt to hit on the first Orc lady he sees, who thinks he's trying to scam her, or that he's a prostitute or similar.
The capper took it into a different direction which was cool. I was thinking something along the lines of this being the second orc he sees so he tries to actually talk to this one before pledging himself to her forever and see if she's taken, is interested etc. Riffing off the first caption she's a swimmer at the park's lake.
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I have no context for this pic, but femdom cuckquean is the shit.
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Feel free to regard this as a shitpost.
An idea I got while bored and was inspired enough to actually write it. Not sure if i'm satisfied with the final result. Any criticism is appreciated because I didn't check shit to do this or even use any of the 'proper' tools, so whatever.
And yes, I want to bone a Sentai Suit.
Need more "barefoot and pregnant" type of caps
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I am filled with hate and futa cum
This, except Fem POV. There are entirely too few good Fem POV captions
Female perspective and she's a mastermind yandere who orchestrated her current situation through years of planning
The casserole she's baking will through a series of pre-planned events lead to the family growing even larger
Some poor unfortunate soul is the only survivor after a storm has destroyed his ship. But instead of dying, he wakes up in the lair of a woman who calles herself the Sea Witch Ursula. While he is greatful for being saved, she says that her merciful act was not for free and must be paid back. Fortunatly for him, human seman is an impossibly rare ingredient in the sea for potions and magic. So the deal is the more semen he gives, the faster he can leave plus some treasure to boot.
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farewell little Rapunzel. Have fun with your new boytoy while I have fun with mine.

After going through the trouble of tracking down and bringing back Rapunzel, Mother Gothel decided to let her go. Why? Because there was no need for her anymore. In her search, Mother Gothel came across a 'young' wizard who wanted some companionship in exchange for eternal youth. Since the wizard is the only one who knows the secret, this has resulted in a mutual relationship. Now, they spend their days out domming each other.

can be modifed into what fits better
Does anyone have this one old long ass caption that's just Gwyndolin from Dark Souls being roommates with the POV reader and getting mad that he can't beat his own boss fight
Well it's a good thing they aren't mutually exclusive then
I can't into pregnancy after hearing my mom tell me a hundred times about she was vomiting 6+ times a day for most of her time carrying me.
Plus, is it just me or is most pregnancy art terrible? A creampie is much more satisfying to look at and says pretty much the same thing.
Har dee har har
It's just you. That's a question open to a million subjective answers, and it all depends on how under or overstated one likes the pregnancy to be. Some like little budding bumps, others like round bellies. Others like bloated stomaches that can fit three horse calves. We call these people "reasonable".
What the fuck does barefoot and pregnant even mean?
"Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" I assume. That whole subserviant, stay at home thing.

Which as someone with two kids makes no god damn sense. Like fuck can we afford to care for the gremlins with just one source of income.
Stop looking at anime titties and get a second job so your kids can grow up with plenty of opportunities but also come to resent you for being absent which makes you think they're ungrateful driving you to drink and ultimately kill yourself and your family all has to start working but they say they don't hate you because they "can't understand what you were going through" when really it's them it's all them and you're happier being dead in hell lookng at anime titties
My favorite is when the girl is submissive to the guy but dominant towards the other girl(s)
>Stop looking at anime titties
>just work yourself to the bone imao
>no reading comprehension
I seriously believe you guys only look at the pictures
I'll leave my kids 14TB of ecchi and porn and they'll be grateful for it. My wife gets the pass to my tripcode.
I know you were joking with your initial post, don't worry. I just tried to shoot from the hip for a joke in return and missed.
Ha ha
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>14TB of ecchi and porn
You downloaded the samples to save space, right?
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I only really have an eye for the basics, but with that in mind I see no issues with this cap. You've got the fundamentals, and you'd have to ask an experienced capper for the finer points of formatting.
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Requesting breast worship cap! the pink haired girl (Seraphine) gushing nonstop on how much she appreciates Sona (Blue haired girl,mute, so she has no option but to take the praises) carrying their team to victory thanks to her buffs,heals and morale boost

And to have an excuse to get to feel the mute muse large titties of course, just girls doing cute girl stuff
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Anon, you're speaking my language.
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Also, doesn't necessary needed to be league of legends related, alt pic for a breast envy option
Bump with unrelated picture
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Modded Chun-Li mirror match got weird.
Saw a cap long ago that was something like a pool party where a woman brings over one of her son's friends and starts playing with his ass, later taunting him by saying she should call over a girl he's interested in. I cannot seem to find it, anyone know the cap and it have it?
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man that has to the most uncreative use of a dullahan, no difference if she was a normal girl here from the way her head is being used
Requesting caption ideas with this office lady
alternate picture with no context
Melony and Wicke would never admit that at one point in thier youth, they had a thing going on, and distanced themselves so no one would find out. But after you found thier old photos and after some time, you and Melony brought Wicke into your relationship. Now you are rewarded with a sight you would have never though before. Your youth being the only thing keeping you from being completely devoured.

My favorite is still the body betrayal one where the head's begging the body to stop because her brain's breaking from all the cumming.
>While Anon's tough upbringing on the streets taught him that snitches were the lowest of the low, his coworker is testing the strength of that conviction
Once more Inque has ran into the issue of being stuck as her more amorphous and blobby form. Seeking help she's broken into your home to enlist your aid as you work for a company who produces the chemicals she needs. Of course she's making an offer you won't refuse. Very sloppy slime sex.
Will this guys ever come back? Also is that second cap not on the booru.
Get bumped get bumped
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Snitch to who? The papacy?
Cocky marine thinks he is hot shit after grabbing a berserk pack and gibbing some imps, too bad he didnt quite got the same result on a baron of hell as she teaches him the true meaning of ultra violence

Baron of hell reverse rapes cannon fodder marine after he got overconfident thanks to a power up, basically
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+1 for HDoom
Human Resources, obviously. That outfit is begging for a Title VII action.
I support this idea.
It's begging for some action, you bet.
Hungry Room
She exchanged it for the Skirt of Holding and Thigh-highs of Distraction. Thigh-highs repel most attacks, as assailants don't want to mar those pristine thighs, and the skirt eats anything that gets past.
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same energy
Original capper here, I'll have a go at this one too.
May as well use a higher resolution image.
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Odd,the original res one i found was bigger than 4mb and i got too lazy to resize a pic for a shitpost
>In a world of magic these harlots still use needles to cure you
>viera with a hat
Fake picture
Here you go, Anon. Looks like you found a more understanding orc this time!
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PREAMBLE: So, things with your best friend (now girlfriend) Hina have kind of escalated. She's slutting it up really hard and you've basically become a gigolo all while Japanese society doesn't know how the fuck to deal with you. Then, one day, you and your friend are sitting down at her house and she lets you in on a little secret. It turns out that she happened to get it from somewhere; her mother was the biggest gyaru of them all. But she's repressed even harder due to being a prosecutor. Hina's always been a bit debauched, but now it's taking it to the next level. How will Fukua react? And will you find yourself in a triple arrangement? Time to find out again...

TITLE: My Childhood Girlfriend Turned Psychologist Gyaru's Mom Was Secretly A Gyaru (Gyaru x Childhood Friend - Part 2)

>TAGS: Osanajimi, Corruption (Kind of?), Childhood Love, Love Confessions, Extremely Dirtly Talk, Female Pervert, Gyaru, Oyakodon, Implied Sex, Implied Breeding, Implied Harem, Series, 2800 Words, Written And Typeset by: Mouchi, Artist: Odd (おっど)
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And in classic Mouchi fashion, I accidentally made both sides the same. Here's the REAL delivery.
I hate fireworks, cheap beers, and going outside.
What's a good, general multipurpose font to use for cap-making?
Haughty but mostly good natured Drow office lady who sexually harasses all the men of the office gets serious when the new intern says yes to a "joke" about slavery
Arial, Nunito, Ubuntu, and of course, Comic Sans
God bless America
Reread the cap and found some typos and stuff. I think i fixed them all.
>local sexual anarchist corrupts a reformed gyaru
This world you're building is amusing, Mouchi.
Looks good to me, anon.
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Don't worry, I already had an "overpaid, oversexed, and over here" setup in the works with one of my favorite Azur Lane girls.
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Bump for american ships
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