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Emblem sex edition

Discuss, RP as, or fuck your favorite Fire Emblem Women(or men)!

Mila's Turnwheel: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66862836/

Image Downloading Tools For Aspiring Sluts:

AI Art Generators if real artists have failed you:
(Popular but paid)https://novelai.net/

AI Chatbots if you've given up on real women:
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I went 3 pulls in a row without any blue orbs. I'll take that as a sign to save for the summer banner and pull for Celica when she isn't color-sharing with two units I already have.
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We need more of that scenario! I wanna stretch that ring as her magical vagina get's destroyed!
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>We need more of that scenario!
True, there's not enough sexual ring related Emblem art.
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Urge to hatefuck the archbishop
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Wanna fuck her fat ass
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Manipulative bitches are for dicking down!
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Lyndis is best girl
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Poor forgotten goddess
Lyndis is MEAT. She is built to be SPANKED. She deserves to get SLAMMED. PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP
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Best bandit wife too
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I wouldn't say best, but she's very cute. I'd definitely fuck her.
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Emblems don't work this way
Wish my semen tank was full so I can cum to her as well...
Who did you nut to? Or was it all to Seidr?
You really want to have sex with Seidr that much huh! Well she is very hot. Anytime I see her I just want to pump...
I wanna lick Micaiah's armpits
Laegjarn and Fjorm practicing a new ninja technique out on me. Getting pinned down 2 on 1 as they try and drain my balls as dry as possible
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>Emblem sex
Oh man do NOT get me started
who cares
Yes. I need to fuck her divine holes. I need to cum inside her.
This image is so fucking good, god I love full nelson.
Can you try to gen her corrupted?
Purple flames, red shining eyes darker skin idk
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Show me your best Luci or else you will have bad pulls on your next 5 rolls.
Well somebody stop me!
Do you have more of these?
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Too late for that, and I doubt you don't have it already but sure.
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Very nice! I love her Cipher swimsuit, and the idea of playing with her nipples.
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It's the porn thread, anon.
Reminder that in the Japanese version of Engage, the emblems react to the ring polishing as if they're being tickled or stimulated.
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Ameno is great, I wish he still drew porn. He's been cutting it close lately too.
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Really close
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Yeah, I'm saving this one
This genning algorithm decided Lucina can just float on water
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corrin definitely has a tail when she gets horny right? i think it's hot if she can't control her dragon transformation and her tail, hands, or other extremeties transform at random when she's really horny
Brainwashing isn't my thing, but god this pose is hot.
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Yes. She sees her big sister’s enormous tits and she goes wag-wag-wag uncontrollably. Her cute tail-boner can’t hide when she’s in the mood. Kiss her while it’s out and she’ll moan.
Ive never wanted to stroke her tail more. Fuck that sounds hot
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FEH got me to actually find large-breasted women attractive.
Wasted 40 orbs on that Luna banner because Lapis was on it and got nothing...

And yet I will continue to pull on that banner later when I have more orbs and I guess I'm skipping out on the Celica banner then, haha whoops. Lapis love is too strong. <3
I got Caeda on my first pull from that banner. Currently, I'm putting my orbs into Summer Seiðr, but if I pull her, I'm going after Celica to give her ring to Gullveig.
Congrats on the Caeda! Hope you enjoy using her and giving that echo skill another new home. I'd pull for Summer Seiðr, but ehhh... Again, ran out of orbs again so I'll try to get her on the Double Special Heroes Banner she will eventually appear in. It happened with New Year Seiðr in that AHR banner that ended a few days ago actually and I'm so happy to use her!
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Can't relate. I like big tits but FE keeps giving big tits almost exclusively to characters I don't find hot. Especially in FEH.
I got +1 NY Seiðr on release. Glad you finally got her! She's really fun.
Currently my other units with echoes are base Catria (Death Blow Echo), base Azura (Atk Oath Echo), Patty (Atk Oath Echo), and base Larcei (Mercy Wing Echo).
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I bet you're happy to use New Year Seidr in another way too~
Caeda is so beautiful...
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Indeed. Maybe someday.
God! I love that Vero design! Wished she had more!
I find this really cute for some reason
He knows how to skirt the line
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licking Charlotte's midriff
Sexiest slut in town
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like what you see~?
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If we ever get summer valentian whitewings I would cum so hard.
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>ywn turn Palla into your mindless cocksleeve in real life
It's over
I wanna plap Firene women!
I need Framme to sit on my face!
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Same, preferably with my head between her thighs.
With her grinding against my tongue, using my mouth to masturbate~
ngl i kinda want the opposite. Palla turning me into a mindless pet for her, but she still cares and gives me pats to my forehead but also dominates me if she wants, or just have nice, cute passionate sex with her idk Palla is just nice..
Why does Nowi make me so horny?
Exposed midriff, minimal clothing in general, wants kids, plenty of porn(for a non lord in fire emblem anyway), she's designed to expose your inner lolicon.
Fair enough. Is that all though? She makes me hornier than any other FE character.
Probably not. There's probably something about her that hits you just right, but I can't know what is it.
That's fair. I don't know if I want to talk more about what I want to do with Nowi, or about the other FE girls I like to see if I can figure out if there are any patterns.
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I know that for me it's the exposed midriff and that one doujin where she and Robin get hit by an aphrodisiac she accidentally made.
That was a good doujin, but I was hooked on Nowi right away. To be fair, the first FE girl I was into (and my first fap ever) was Myrrh.
What about other Fire Emblem girls? You like the dragon lolis? Dragons in general? Lolis in general?
I like some, but not all, of the lolis, dragons, and dragon lolis.
Can you spot some pattern there? There are probably a bunch of traits you like, with Nowi having the most among those characters.
Well, here's my three favorite girls from each game
>Shadow/Mystery: Catria, Linde, Tiki
>Gaiden: Genny, Silque, Delthea
>Genealogy: Tailtiu, Patty, Larcei
>Thracia: Lara, Nanna, Mareeta
>Binding: Sophia, Idunn, Dorothy
>Blazing: Nino, Florina, Priscilla
>Sacred: Myrrh, L'arachel, Amelia
>Radiance: Yune, Ilyana, Ena
>Awakening: Nowi, Say'ri, Nah
>Fates: Sakura, Felicia, Hana
>Houses: Annette, Mercedes, Flayn
>Engage: Framme, Céline, Hortensia
>Heroes: Seiðr/Kvasir/Gullveig (fuck you, they're one person), Peony, Plumeria
Any patterns here?
Really hard to spot anything, lots of lolis and otherwise petite girls, but then you have the like of Gullveig and Mercedes
Best I can come up with is small girls, dragons and clerics, but that doesn't quite fit all of them.
I like Gullveig specifically as an extension of Kvasir and Seiðr. If she were separate from them, I wouldn't like her nearly as much.
Mercie definitely feels like an outlier, but something about her just feels right. My own analysis is that most of the girls I like I can describe as "bratty", "comfy", or some combination.
I suppose the comfy part can explain the clerics, you like to imagine them tending to you?
Not only that, but I also have a fetish for sexual/sexualized religious ceremonies and the like.
Considering that and your love for lolis I'm a bit surprised that Sothis isn't in there. If I had to guess would be your favorite based on those traits I'd guess her, not Nowi.
Nah, Sothis' personality just didn't click for me for some reason. Not quite sure why.
So you like the followers but not the godess herself? That's interesting. Maybe the fantasies just don't work together.
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Maybe. It's hard to tell. Maybe I see Sothis as being too dominant.
I like that about her, but that's fair.
I'm not into purely dominant girls. Either subs or switches work for me. I don't want a girl who will demand a sex act, I want one who will either beg for it, ask permission, or try tease me into doing it.
I love the idea of being teased into it. Maybe that's why you like Nowi so much? I can easily imagine her doing it.
That's definitely a big part of it, I think.
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Now I wonder how do you imagine it
That all depends on what she's trying to tease me into doing, and if in the fantasy she and I are already a couple or not.
Mind sharing an example?
>Nowi and I are together
>Nowi wants to try anal
>Begins wearing thongs around me more often
>Asks me how I feel about her butt
>Sits on my lap and grinds her butt against me when sitting down
>Whispers to me about how she's recently started playing with her ass
>"Falls asleep" on our bed, nopan, ass up, conspicuous lube nearby, waving her hips in her "sleep"
>Eventually gets super excited and eager when I finally use her ass
Exploring with Nowi
Exploring different fetishes with Nowi sounds amazing.
I'm with you on that.
And if we're mixing settings, Nowi and Sakura would be my absolute favorite bigamy scenario.
Nowi isn't in my top 2, but she would be an interesting addition.
Based. Summoners deserve to be the boytoy of their Order
F-Fjorm... My wife... mmgh
Sex with tactical pussy!
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cute embarrassed Palla
How did she end up wearing that, anyway~?
Do I gently tell her that she shouldn't be embarrassed about being dressed so scantily? She's a beautiful woman, after all. It would be such a shame if she was never admired properly~
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Thank you <3
Sadly I don't have a whole lot more of her, but the one I posted is my favorite pic. Absolutely love that outfit.
That's quite alright, any and all Fjorm artwork is welcomed in my eyes! And that truly is a lovely pic that you enjoy. Her summer outfit continues to make me so happy.
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Is there a story behind this pic? Was it a commission, or did someone just randomly decide to draw Celica/Ninian for some reason?
I looked it up, it was a Skeb request.
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Celica sexo!
That's Erinys, not Palla
nice ass
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I wondered about that when I posted, but I was too lazy to use saucenao. Thanks.
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Both are cute
They truly are. I remember when Erinys first came out in FEH, I only pulled her just because her artwork was so immaculate. Those thighs are like heaven and damn I need to be smothered between them. And now I'm hoping she'll get an alt someday even though it will probably never happened, though... Tailtiu got an alt and I never thought she would get one so maybe it's still possible..
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It'll certainly happen if a genealogy remake comes out.
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Fuck, I was just about to look at that pic because uuuuuugh, it's so good.
And yeah, maybe it will happen through that... If that remake comes to existence.
There's not enough sexual ring art that isn't cuckshit or adjacent faggotry in general.
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This one is pretty good. You should gen more like this one
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Believe me I am. I'll make a catbox album soon.
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oh damn these hips
Could I get this but with Patty?
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I wish, unfortunately Patty doesn't have nearly enough images on danbooru for the AI to recognize her.
Such a shame. What about Linde?
Did her already
Excellent! How about Priscilla?
Nvm she had more than I thought
Fuck yeah! Thanks so much, anon!
This is what happens to bratty thieves if they get caught!
I wonder if her pussy or ass would feel better~
Thief correction!
Also, how do you do these AI gens? I need to satisfy my addiction to cute girls masturbating!
Head too big. Boobs too small
How well can the AI imitate the style of Mibry, Midori no Rupe, or Kenkou Cross?
Not familiar with those artists, but here's some gens with their artist tags
The Mibry one was spot on!

This one's a little off.

It's missing certain distinctive qualities of KC's art, but still has some of the aesthetic. Also, Céline is amazing.
>This one's a little off.
Not surprising, the artist only has 29 entries on danbooru.
>Also, Céline is amazing.
Hell yeah she is. Hopefully she gets a summer alt in FEH this week.
Yeah, MnR mostly does doujins.
And I hope they wait until next year for summer Céline! My orbs are already spread too thin right now!
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Can you do Céline anal and/or on a dildo?
Fuck, I love the little pussy-throb mark.
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Fuck... I'm so not ready for her... Since I'm not gonna have much orbs for the banner... But I'm so gonna be ready to fap to her...
Divine pussy
I'm usually pretty neutral on Lyn in general, but there's something about her expression in that one that just does it for me.
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Go on...
So... is it going to be Petra or Timerra?
Either way I hope it's a white swimsuit because those go hard on choco skin.
My dick is a paizuri toy for Fire Emblem women, just like my seat is a face for Fire Emblem women
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All my dick
You got any Ayra or Mareeta?
MILFS acquired, now to pray Lysithea isn't in the summer banner so my dick doesn't explodes.
I wanna fuck Sexlica's thighs!
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If its Engage + 3H then Lysithea, Annette, Celine, FAlear, Goldmary and Citrinne are all realistically possible characters that I would 100% have to pull for. So I heavily doubt I can skip this one.
Mareeta isn't possible sadly
Having a Celica wife sounds dangerous here. You all want to rape her.
It's not out fault Celica's route made her into complete rapebait. The rape scenarios write themselves.
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Not true.
I want her to rape me
So after 2-3 weeks without cumming, I fapped to Eirika today.
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Good choice
Celica group sex
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God I wished she had one picture where all her men gangbang the shit out of her!
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Maybe my blacklist is just working like it should but I don't think I've ever seen that with the emblem rings.
Marrying Celica
I don't know which one of them I want to fuck more
>Summer Goldmary
We can't stop winning bros
>Bernadetta as the harmonic with her

Ehh... I'd rather Goldmary be alone but I guess it's alright.
At least she's the backpack so you can just disable her.
Zephia is so sexy
I wanna fuck Zephia to the sound of the Four Hounds dubstep theme
Wanna frot inside her...
It's easily Rosado for me
looking at so many Alear drawings now thanks to her new Summer Alt...
Alear anal
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Summer Alear is really cute
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