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Memoriam edition
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lard time
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Pure foodgasm
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>*incomprehensible english voices*
>*wet fart*
millions must be turned into disgusting junk food addict shapeless blob pile
Bellies so big and heavy they must use the pants to hold it steady is the sexiest thing ever.
She might actually look like this one day
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Cute smile
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>Moooom! There's nothing in the fridge! I'm starving! I haven't eaten anything in 30 minutes!
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>sit down
>the whole house shakes
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Fat-assed girlfriend never hurt anyone
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It's a shame there is no more of her
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Who's this?
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>My feet? Yeah, haha, I haven't seen them in a while
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>Ready for KFC feast today! #KFC #USSBBW #BlackUSSBBW #Immobile #700lbsgang #Scooterlife
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Wife material
imagine how much grease circulates in that hog body
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Wonder if she found these shorts in her size, or had to place a special order for them.
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Love the contrast between a classy fatty and the pig inside.
Post some extreme size difference
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>Bodyfat: 95%
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>1 marriage and 400 pounds later
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You could literally jump on her ass and ride on her.
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Don't know about you guys, but for me, flabby, sagging tits are amazing
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Mindless, wild stuffing is the way
>has to take a break AGAIN
>Starts wearing a nose ring as they fatten up

mid size and growing fatties with belly button rings and panty lines over the belly are GOATED
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We ale love immobile lardballs here, but promising, plumpies need love too!
Good thing Addy is absolutely losing with each update - you're getting your wish.

Mochii needs to retire, this is just getting sad.
she's been at this.. what 3-4 years? (Her year of gluttony started in 2021) would seem early to retire but that must be what stuffin yer guts makes you do.
definitely worthy of an "I beat anorexia" t-shirt worn in the smallest size possible
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i NEED to fuck her navel inbetween those folds
I hate Hooters, but god damn I'd go to one every week if it meant I could see fatasses like her squeezed into their uniforms
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>if you doesn't <wheeze> go through the door frame sideways <wheeze>, lower your tone when talking to me. <belch>
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>Favourite sex position? Blob.
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Lil Mama Kay is one of the best.
who is this?
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Hnnng when the backfat-biased fatty at work bends over, her virtually nonexistent buttcheeks look like a sad pair of beef tips from the chinese restaurant
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saving bump
god why does this have to make me so fucking horny im white and healthy. what does this MEAN?
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Goddamn. Look at this bottom.
Who's this?
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You can clearly see she could eat a second.
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Very rarely do you see videos of a huge fat bitch actually wolfing down a huge meal.
It's always some little meal and, "Ohhh, I'm so full..."
Fuck off. Need more huge fat bitches scarfing down a cake like it's nothing. Like Adeline.
My Mommy
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The day she stopped posting was the worst day of my life
Viva La Valerie
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More absolutely massive women please
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More please
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>This? This is just my breakfast
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The "Yeah, I'm 700 lbs, and?" look
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Imagine the smell
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hot backfat. I know a chick the back of it just hangs down, it's so big it almost sags out the back of her leggings, hot as fuck
Is there anyone you fantasize about fattening up?
I have constant fantasies about my first ex and most girls I was into in HS. I can't even help but draw them getting fatter and everything, the things I've missed out on sexually feel deeply engrained into my mind even though logically and emotionally I don't really care much.
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I love her facial expression
Mindless stare. The body demands more grease, sugar and bigger pair of jeans for ever-growing gut.
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she's soaking wet under there
My fiance definitely.
There were also some bigger women that were the moms of childhood friends I wish I could find. If they haven't blown up more, I desperately wish I could make them
More pls
Contribute yourself faggot
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mm get so big
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the belly should be biggest
I will feed her
big greedy belly stealing all the calories and demanding the biggest panties
but will you stuff her
A huge gut stretching out a pair of panties is the hottest shit ever
What >>67098024 said, who is she?
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tummy thread
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unfortunate fat distribution
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acquired taste, ride a few
nope, could be a man
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think you might be gay
Why does it look like she has a cut in her belly
I want side pics of fatties who are standing up, preferably with the least amount of clothes on
you aren't making sense, you can literally see the male fat distribution in the ones i quoted
nothing wrong with this one
most of those you quoted look fine
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Dumplin has one of the best bodies in the game (second only to Hailey/Gingerbunny)

Face wise, she kind of reminds me of Pat's wife (formerly of Two Best Friends Play)
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Happy 4th day
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Is she posting anything more? I heard she stopped after her marriage.
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definitely nothing wrong with this one either
so are you lying to yourself or are you blind? i don't get it
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God bless America
Fuck yeah
Skinniest Japanese woman in 2030
I heard she was dead, from bbw-chan dot link
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lardy lifeguard

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