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>Digital Faggots Edition
>This is a general dedicated to masculine human male tops on bottom femboy anthros. Keep stories, images and discussions on-topic and follow the dynamic of the general. Let's keep it relatively vanilla.

>(no name)

>Devilish Deals
>Devilish Desires

>Caltrop & Cannelure
Full Story: https://rentry.org/calandcan

>Currently untitled dark souls story/Chosen Fundead/Fag Souls

Blammer (Trip:TNPGooidohp)
>Compiled Stories & Miscellanea [UPDATED! As usual, this guy's the thread's MVP]

>A Lopunny's Surprise

>Vermintide: Lone Skaven

>Just Bros Being Bros

>DON'T Watch a video called... (NEW!)

>--Games & Media--
>Fox Den Remake

Current /HMOBA/ Aggie: https://aggie.io/jt36tpesko
Previous Aggies
>#2 https://aggie.io/pbe8xkj0wz
>#1 https://aggie.io/kmrrseqey6

Masterbin: https://rentry.org/hmoba
>(Bunker and meta thread inside Masterbin)

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66832914/#66832914
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/hmoba/type/op/

>TQ: Pokemon or Digimon?
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>Pokemon or Digimon?
pokemon, i just never saw digimon as a kid really
So how are people liking Dawntrail? I particularly like the Jazztec city
i caught a lucky lovander im my save
i cant say no to an 11 foot tall femboy
SMTV and ER DLC are better games that came out like a week ago, don't have time to waste on that stagnant skinnerbox.
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Hey Blammer, have you ever been interested in doing a Lopunny story, and if so, what might the general idea behind it have been?
Would he have been a shy and loving bnuuy like pic related, or a turbo sexual hypercane pointed squarely at (you)r dick?
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I intend to do a Pokémon story in the style of a battle shonen thing with an anon an a harem. It's been on the backburner for a while. Lopunny is one of the party because, come on its obligatory. Plus the mega form is like the perfect chance at the obligatory super saiyan moment

Also, I hope dragon butler anon is here because here the start of a thing

I'm annoyed I had the perfect opportunity to get some writing out ahead of a thread and still crashed. But after this week I kind of accepted it
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>when you fuck your fembro so hard he forgets what clothes are
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Men only want one thing and it's disgusting
>femboy calls you daddy
Wat do
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give him correction since this is clearly what he is after
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>Also, I hope dragon butler anon is here because here the start of a thing
Not him but I am very interested. Is "Majordomo" actually ever used in English? Because I have never heard it in English. This sounds more like a spanish word for butler.
So, you either sleep with your dick out, or the ass exposed?
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Majordomo is essentially the top butler. Butlers on their own are in charge of the servants but majordomo is a sort of nebulous rank above that. Usually the estate has to be huge to warrant such a thing because most just settle on one butler. Plus I liked the ring of it
Then why not just call him the head butler? I thought that would be more common.
Majordomo just sounds cooler and more distinguished than just head butler. The only thing higher on the totem pole is the less fanciful title of "estate manager". Majordomo feels like a very old money family's much more storied tradition with the European ties.
parappa from ohio
Wolfished pt 21
>the whole “I'm going to prance around as a cute sheep in whiteface” thing
>that “sheep thing”
>”did you say cute?”
>he picked the wrong word out of that
>or laser focused on the one he wanted
>hard to tell
>he was smart enough to work a scam on you
>but seemed to be a bimbo elsewhere
>or was that an act to catch you wrong footed
>that was entirely possible
>he was clever
>it was hard to trust him to be up front
>when you first met him face to face you were taken aback, yes
>but under kinder circumstances you might have let him shoot his shot
>now, that had passed
>one slip of the tongue didn't mean anything…
>”I got you to admit it!”
>he was suddenly full of energy as he pointed to you
>the earlier yelling might as well have not happened as he pointed towards you with a beaming toothy smile
>he really did get the wrong goddamn message out of all that
>you slapped your forehead
>did he grasp a single thing you'd said?
>”that I shouldn't have harassed you and you think I'm cute”
>he was so quick with that reply
>you were honest
>you couldn't be sure he could be trusted
>he didn't so much as burn the bridge as he burned both sides of the river crossing too
>there would be no second chance after all this
>best he could hope for was you didn't press charges
>after all the did he should never expect forgiveness
>you killed his buzz by telling him respect was earned and he didn't have yours
>the sullen look returned to the wolf's face
>he wasn't getting pity
>so he finally spoke up again with a question
>he looked down at the asphalt and spoke much more quietly than the outburst about cute
>”how do fix it? I've never done that before.”
Be free from the femboy influence! Leave this place, and you might find a gf like any normal person. Unless you’re really gay, then go find a bf instead. Not this imaginary shit
Nobody feed it
Very quiet tonight
so does the hat watch during or?
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looks like it
Nice try female anthro
well, hopefully he's also into it, otherwise it would be very awkward to make accidental eye contact mid way into fucking its wearer.
You are middle of adding new thing for the leader of the cult to worship and then suddenly become aware that it's watching you it's master.
if I knew how I would, but I've spent so much time associating with homosexual furries at this point that I don't know how to romantically associate with women (even if I want to) and something about me trips people's gaydars without fail
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>Meowscarada loves doing cat puns
>far and away passed the point of annoyance, in fact
>so when he pulls one too many "cat got your tongue"s, you hit him back with a "human got your balls?"
>he wasn't expecting that one, that's for sure
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Just home from work for the day, and that's an adorable start to come back to, thank you again for taking this on!
The hat is powered by dark influences, so as long as you're explicitly NOT doing it for the sake of love, he would be more than happy to see it happening.
Obligatory Bugs post
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last bump from me for the night, I gotta sleep.
Some anthros get really creative in their quest to get a human partner. Some just get more desperate.
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Having played the game and watched the first few seasons of the show when it aired, I'd say porkymans. All I know of digimons is Renamon is a qt that, had we be partnered, would tailor her/his/itself (do computer programs qualify for having a biological sex?) to my needs, wants and desires, as recorded in the holy book of my vast internet browsing history. Do digimon only adapt in physical appearance or are things like character and temper also tailored to their trainer/caretaker/partner/whatever their relationship with their human is? Do they even have a sense of self or subjective experience? [spoilers]I wonder what my dark and twisted desires would end up generating.[/don'tworkhere]
There really need to be a follow up to this.
You will not pay me enough to be someone else's Biscord Lion
For a world I'd want to live in? Pokémon, probably. My Digimon knowledge is somewhat limited, but I know the series is much more focused on the fight between good and evil, so there's not so much space for just living a comfy life with my selected partner(s). In the eorld of pokemon I can just go and chill, not even get involved in training and battling beyond healthy exercise.
Then again, unless there's some changes to a ton of pikemon, it'd be difficult to find a suitable partner. Only so many humanoid pokemon around that are aesthetically appealing to me, and even fewer that can communicate clearly. Plus, maybe fucking your pokemon is a big taboo...

But yeah, I want to buttfuck a Blaziken.
>Something something his aura-balls told him his soulmate was right next to him, what's why he flashed (you)
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Huh, didn't know Shoutingisfun did gay stuff
Cool, hopefully we'll get more
Not much aside from this Lopunny named Ralph having quite the photogenic side.
Also some ambiguous_gender ones that can be read as gay.
Cockhungry pokemon bois are kino
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I'm on the pokemon boat as well
Wolfished pt 22
>well, that last part wasn't a shocker
>he needed to be genuine for one
>but you had a hard time believing someone who flashed that sadistic smile in your townhouse could be genuinely kind
>you said as much to his face
>normal people, you emphasized, get upset but also don't push to destroy a man's life
>that is heinous
>you asked if his parents were even aware of all the shit he pulled
>he said no weakly
>so he had enough sense to be ashamed around them
>not enough to think maybe it was a bad idea to carry on like that
>you couldn't chalk credit card fraud up to silly young dumb stuff
>he had made a conscious effort to make your life miserable
>you stopped yourself before you retread old ground
>another lecture wouldn't get you anywhere
>he'd give you that damn hurt puppy look and you'd just put your blood pressure through the roof

Thank you
This one was always the perfect combo of adorable and sensible chuckleworthy
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Lmao gay college boys
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Birbs. I really like birbs. Feathers are interesting, they're really light, and sing beautifully. Makes for great boyfriend material, especially if you find one in your favorite color.
... And of course I forgot to add a picture.
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Those are all good reasons to like birbs, I approve.
Birbs, of all colors, dedicated to their own appearance, lightweight because of their hollow bones and need of flight, can sing wonderful songs and dance, and their feathers can be so soft and fluffy. They're the perfect boywives.
Wolfished pt 23
>so you stopped yourself
>you'd run yourself in circles
>you couldn't tell if Clancy was dumb or just playing dumb
>but either way you'd be spinning your wheels
>you didn't know what he could do but you did know he needed to never do that sort of shit again
>the damage had been done and there was no rewinding that
>like a tape
>christ he was out of touch
>you had gotten the rage out of your system though
>thoughts had turned to more constructive endeavors
>all of this was a bit much
>you'd already needed time to think about that house offer
>”I hate that he did that”
>well, maybe Clancy needed to take more responsibility in his life
>if he does care about his parents he should be more of a man
>he did seem to take that part to heart
>he needed to keep his nose clean
>you had no idea if he actually socialized
>might have been homeschooled
>but even that couldn't account for the initial reaction
>but you wouldn't dwell on that part at the moment
>he did seem to finally grasp the need for self improvement
>bringing up his parents seemed to help focus him
>he nodded softly and you hoped finally you something through his thick skull
>his ears were folded back as his look grew serious
>he'd already done damage between you two, he didn't need to do it between his parents and him
>you'd long lost your edge talking to him
>less like angry ranting
>more like advice at this point
>you felt like you were babysitting at this point
>he was probably only one or two years younger than you
>given how college had come up
>so he was old enough to be a man
>er, wolf
>”wolf,” he echoed back but with a slight melancholy
>OK that was another thing
>you had to clear the air there
>he ran around in white and curled his coat
>but now he was dressed up like well… not a sheep
>what was up with that?
>”I don't like being a wolf. I want to be a sheep like them...”
>do they know about that?
>”now they do after the arrest.”
>you wondered how the Woolworths reacted to their son doing that
>probably chalked it up to him being a deviant
>Mr. Woolsworth seemed to accept his son being a homosexual so maybe they were cool with the crossdressing and species roleplay
>not like you'd ask them
>besides, you had a more important question for Clancy
>but why didn't he want to be a wolf?
>”you want to really know?”
>it was just you two out here
>”I like feeling cute.”
This is adorable
They can be nice
That weak girly toss. Should be making the cheek reverberate

When you think about it chimeras are just an orgy but there's no hurt feelings
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To the guy who wanted some slit play from Fig las thread
>hot boys on a cold night
i can dig it
the comfy option
NTA but very nice to see. Lizzer boys just have more options for having fun.

A Blaziken boyfriend would certainly make the cold months more pkeasant. A cuddly space heater covered in soft feathers...
Nice, I know i'd be looking up what Biscord is. Though now i'm wondering if someone actually has that ID and if they got messages because of this.
Getting a face full of thick bird cheeks to keep warm during the winter
a warm blaziken boy on a cool autumn day who has very lickable talons? And on the sofa? sign me up
Where's the femboy mod for PeudoRegalia?
What an odd pairing lol
I guess but i'm not gonna ask KinkyKong about it.
Fuck yeah! That was fast.
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I am nothing if not a slave to the whims of others.
Another one? Damn this is good. Thank you for indulging this lowly anon.
That second one is an older one that I just forgot about, but I figured it counted as close enough.
Very cool. He looks like a fun-loving boy.

One question just came to my mind. Is it more gay to fuck his slit or his ass?
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I'd say slit personally, more penis-to-penis contact.
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Furred foreskin?
Wolfished pt 24
>he looked embarrassed
>that was a level of humility you didn't expect
>well, that was his business
>you would have considered dating him if he was up front
>he once more perked up, before you dismissed the idea
>he had a chance once
>and you weren't inclined to give him another
>the ship had passed
>you refused to let change that
>how could you trust him
>you stopped yourself
>got back to the topic at hand
>it wasn't that he was a guy that bothered you
>it was the deception
>you'd been with guys before
>he was so comfortable deceiving people that was the turn off
>how could you date someone that behaves like that?
>”I could do better…”
>you'd believe it when you saw it
>he gave that last sentence some thought
>”so the ‘sheep thing’ wouldn't have bothered you if I was honest?”
>I was out there but yeah it would have been fine
>he even used a completely different photo of a dolled up sheep girl for the profile
>he mumbled something
>no no
>none of that hiding shit
>you wanted to know what he said
>”that was an old picture of dad's.”
That settles it then, you thought you were going on a date with the dad given the information given, therefore you are owed a date with the dad.
New ride
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Oh hey wait the artist just put out another image of him
In spanish flavor too no less
He has a point. The piercings are more glaring against regulation though
probably not very comfortable in action
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cute bird
Nice quads.
And thank ya, he's a lesser roadrunner, because I wanted A : A birb OC without wings and, following that, B : A character with Zygotactyl feet.
And a nice cock too. Is that some kind of sheath? Our just a slit?
Internal testes, so more of a slit really
Very cool
>it would be very awkward to make accidental eye contact mid way into fucking its wearer.
my boner would be killed.....for a few moments, then lamberts prostate liquification would continue
Wolfished pt 25
>God this family was weird
>but wait, that was a crisp picture
>nope nope nope
>you weren't playing therapist for this family
>though that certainly explained where he picked up his habit
>you glossed over that and got back to topic at hand
>he needed to grow up and only then would he find someone genuine
>he probably had experience with gold diggers and yes men
>those were not good relationships
>those were enablers
>if he acted like a nutty stalker he'd either get in trouble he couldn't get out of or never have anyone honest in his life
>or both
>”is there a chance we could do it over?”
>he looked earnest
>you sighed
>this dude was going to follow you like a puppy
>you weren't keen toss out forgiveness easily
>after the hell he'd put you through you
>you narrowed your eyes looking into his
>you scrutinized him
>it was a long while before you spoke, he shrunk back a little at the judgment
>you thought carefully in silence
>after you offered a noncommittal “you'd think about it”
>you flinched when he took that as a yes and tackled you into a hug
>he was a head shorter so he didn't bowl you off your feet but the shock almost did
>you didn't return the hug
>he rubbed his face into your chest
>you allowed him this display before wiggling out
>once more, you told him you would think about it
>he needed to acknowledge what he did was wrong and if you gave into him immediately he'd learn nothing here
>you didn't want to basically fucking reward him after all this
>you wanted him to understand that
>if this had the most remote possibility of happening it would have to be right
>you wouldn't even entertain the idea if he pulled some shit
>in short, he needed to behave himself

That's creative. Definitely don't see many roadrunners
Wolfished pt 26
>no bribes or fancy words would repair the guy's reputation
>Clancy had to earn respect through actions
>you emphasized that
>hopefully you had had some effect
>you offered to drop off him back at his house, putting a cap on the conversation
>he agreed and one lighter drive later he was dropped off at his gate
>you were shocked to see him jump the gate in one good leap
>he probably had experience with that
>why he floundered with your wood fence you didn't know
>maybe that was panic
>well whatever
>you got home, grabbed a beer and passed out on your couch
>your days were a lot more quiet following all that
>you did drop the charges after all that
>you weren't optimistic about Clancy but you also had him out of your life worst case scenario
>another letter from the Woolworths estate
>thanking you for your action
>the letter provided you with another address to meet
>sure enough it looked like some house further in the city
>was this the property they'd be offering?
>it was a 5 minute walking commute to the office
>holy shit
>you didn't want to seek too eager to accept but why not check it out
>it offered a contact number which you assumed was Mr. Woolsworth's phone
>you shot out a text and arranged a time
>>you were shocked to see him jump the gate in one good leap
>>he probably had experience with that
>>why he floundered with your wood fence you didn't know

Holy shit is the dad the one who broke into Anon's house? The anon who kept saying he should fuck the dad for retribution is on to something
are you saying that clancy's dad was the one who broke into his house AND tased him multiple times?
You are onto something alright, probably a hole or precipice.
Wolfished pt 27
>you met at a house that street view didn't do justice
>it was at least twice the size of your apartment townhouse
>a black car pulled up, tinted windows almost matching the paint, and the driver got out
>he opened the back seat doors of the sedan to allow Mr. Woolsworth and… Clancy out
>very old money evidently
>you were confused about the wolf being here
>even more confused when he got bags out of the trunk on his own insistence
>Mr. Woolsworth regained your attention with a flourish towards the house
>he presented it as yours
>you figured that this would happen
>but you did point out your lease was up in a couple months
>”I can pay the remainder if you wish. I also have a suggestion with a trusted moving company for your belongings
>coming on strong
>well you figured that's what this was about
>to just hand you the house though
>he offered a tour
>you accepted and the three of you went inside
>the foyer was bigger than your current bedroom
>Clancy went to go set his bags in a room and you had to ask
>what was that about?
>”Clancy had this idea that we weren't square.”
>where was this going?
>the older man could see your curiosity
>”so part of this proposal comes with him living here and taking care of the home for you.”
>you hesitated before he continued
>”he can explain in his own words.”
>when the wolf returned his father requested just that
>Clancy fumbled with his pockets trying come up with the explanation in his terms
>but the long and short of it was he said he took to heart what you said about actions
>he could say plenty but that wouldn't undo the damage
>so he wanted to work off the debt he felt he owed you
>it partially just sounded like he wanted to live here
>he did emphasize you were free to say no
>you'd have to lock your door at night but if he was genuine, fine
>it would be nice not to have to live like a bachelor
>the time before you moved in would still give you plenty time to work out if this was a good idea
>but honestly, the house was winning you over
>you could see work from your porch
>the place was massive
>you had a separate dining and living room
>the catch was your silence
>Mr. Woolsworth was successful in buying you off
>it was shocking that that was the first idea he went with
>but you couldn't argue with a stand in shower as long as you were tall
>you even had a guest bathroom
>you never had guests
>you made decent money in your own right but this would be a solid couple decades of saving in this economy
>and it was yours no questions asked
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What if you were a notorious outlaw from the wild west and the sheriff that's going to stop you was this guy?
He'd have to overcome his crippling physical deformities before he'd be able to do anything to me.
Clancy is really going the full housewife route eh? The whole family is coming on strong.
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>heil frootler!
Big butt bird friend who's too distracted by his music to notice your staring
>for some reason the tape he holds in his claws is always some hip-hop song all about sex, or at least named as such, and its always oriented so you can read the label
Wolfished pt 28
>this family was sort of… pushy
>one hands you a house the other is eager to be your chore boy
>you had to be careful
>Clancy was clever
>you might have just handed him exactly what he wanted
>that made you think
>you did eventually take the offer
>it was too good not to take
>the wolf hadn't stayed at the house until you did
>his bags were off in the room
>he'd been patient enough to wait a month for your decision but the bags told you he had faith you'd come around
>you were locking the bedroom door though
>and keeping your wallet on you
>he didn't look offended
>at least he understood why and didn't argue the point
>that gave you some hope
>the company Mr. Woolsworth had given you was indeed good
>in a few days everything was over at the new house
>you were impressed
>you decided perhaps this was a good test for Clancy
>he was to unpack your things
>he was to ask if he was confused
>and he you'd know if something was out of place
>you decided to busy yourself with connecting the TV up so you could relax after work
>you'd let Clancy handle the rooms
>that was one chore off your back
>you probably would regret it but this was a test

He doesn't have room for a big iron on that hip
I bet he always sways it side to side when he's in that position.
How many BHCs could they take?
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Love Digby butt
Once I draw my gun I'll prove him the quickest shot in the west. Hogtie and go balls deep and when he's lost count on how often he's emptied his magazine I'll whisper in his ear "Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya?"
Like, 0.7 total. Just because they are fat of ass doesn't mean they're deep of bussy.
Wolfished pt 29
>if he was actually earnest in what he meant, you'd have someone doing your shit at home
>he'd have to earn your respect
>and you meant that part
>you weren't instantly forgiving him because he did your laundry
>once you got the TV connected you got yourself a beer and sat down
>this was the easiest move you've ever done
>Clancy was partially done the kitchen
>he had decided since you didn't have polite company over he would stick to a shirt and skirt
>well it was hot out
>let him air out you guess
>you didn't even do a second take after the first few times
>TV was sort of bland but you kept it on for noise
>after nursing the beer for a little bit you laid down on the couch
>you didn't mean to fall asleep but work had been rough
>probably not the wisest idea
>you woke up a few hours later with a blanket thrown on you
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Gallade Bois are just as deserving of dickings as gardebois
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Ngl I'd cum on his paws too
cant get enough of this faggot, love him.
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I don't have too much of him just yet though, and I should probably stop re-posting the same stuff every thread.
I really appreciate and resonate with the de-alienation of disability angle some of your stuff has. It feels good to see on a moral level in a way that doesn't happen very often in art in general, let alone furry porn. I'll also reiterate that it would probably help that purpose to have at least one NSFW piece where he's actually wearing the prosthesis instead of giving the impression that it's always at the front of his mind and he's always concerned that it'll be a problem. Maybe sometimes things are just going too well to interrupt for that?
I mean, there is this piece.
I don't think you've ever posted that one here. At least, I didn't know about it, and I've been in most of these threads since the split.
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I've only posted that one once or twice, because of the fur tufts on the shadowdong.
I didn't even notice, and even if I did, I would have just assumed it was stylized pubic hair, to be honest.
not far into msq but any time zoraal ja is not on screen i sleep. love that edgy lizard
He's still a cute design
Wolfished pt 30
>it would take more than that to win you over but it was a start
>the blanket did feel nice at least
>you sat there for a moment before you were gripped by curiosity
>your phone and wallet were still in your pockets
>time said 8:37 PM
>so you'd been out for a couple hours
>you smelled… food?
>well something was cooking
>wait, no
>you smelled something burning
>you shot up from the couch expecting the worst
>the smell was coming from the kitchen
>Clancy flinched when you barged in
>he was making spaghetti
>that didn't explain the smell though
>after he got over being spooked he was more pliable to questions
>you asked what happened?
>he pointed to the trash and his previous two attempts to make pasta that somehow ended in burned noodles
>you weren't going to ask any more questions
>at least 3rd time seemed like a charm
>well you were hungry
>burned noodles
terrible smell to mark a new house with
Wolfished pt 31
>you did poke at the meal a little bit
>the idea he could have put windex or something in the pasta had occurred to you
>your fears faded when he started eating from his plate
>he'd found a generic jar of meat sauce in the pantry and that was about the only option
>suited you fine
>despite living fairly well off you very much had a sad bachelor diet
>not quite cold beefaroni from the can level sad
>but you'd been fairly nonchalant about what you ate
>you hadn't had anyone cook for you since your parents
>women tended not to see it as a trait
>it wasn't the biggest deal but you appreciated effort, no matter how small
>Clancy was at least trying to sway your opinion of him now
>he no doubt never learned to cook on his own
>3 times to boil pasta was new but at least he got it
>you'd still hesitate if he served you chicken though
>but at least this was a small step
>you didn't detect the aftertaste of pinesol and you didn't collapse into the plate because he fed you tranquilizers
>it was a low bar but he'd hurdled over it
>he hadn't attempted to poison you
>the kitchen had been packed away, cleaned and all the boxes were neatly folded
>you tried to suppress showing any sort of sign you were impressed
>you'd been having doubts about this arrangement but seeing how he did this, you had to concede a little
>you noticed he was a little more chipper than the last dinner you'd had
>maybe his parents had disciplined him more than you thought
>maybe he was genuinely wracked with guilt then
>perhaps he was happy he was working to make things right
>you entertained the possibility that he was maybe genuine
>still locking the bedroom door
>but you had to admit this was progress
>a good boy chore chart wouldn't undo the trust he had broken though
>but this was a start
>you'd get a shower in your new master bathroom and turn in after dinner
>you told Clancy he was free to do whatever but you had work in the morning
>”do you want help?”
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Wolfished pt 32
>you were fine bathing yourself and you didn't need to possibly recreate Psycho
>begrudgingly admitting he might be attempting to change for the better did not equal get near me while I'm nude levels of trust
>Clancy had a mountain to scale before you'd even consider him to be around your bed, much less sleep in it
>you were shocked he didn't persist
>he'd have to understand boundaries
>you bet Clancy being here was one of the hidden catches to keeping this house
>it was still in the Woolsworth name
>this whole thing was a big risk but the way you saw it, after all the trouble you'd been through you weren't going to turn down this bribe
>you locked the bedroom behind you and went for a shower
>it was hard to be comfortable, even in your new bedroom but the wear and tear of the day helped
>even after your nap you found yourself exhausted
>you couldn't shake that feeling of paranoia though
>as nice as the wolf was being
>you couldn't prove anything but doubts dwelled deep in the back of your mind about this still
>you hoped they would go away after some time
>you hoped for the best
Mewtwos are LITERALLY made for human men
Wolfished pt 33
>falling asleep in your bed at least made things easier
>it was a whole new home but all the furniture was your own
>made the place look positively spartan compared to something like the Woolsworth mansion
>you were still on the fence about this arrangement so you weren't doing something drastic like putting a pool table in the basement or getting a bedroom TV
>you almost wish for that background noise because of the discovery you woke up to at 2 AM
>you realized through a haze of sleep you were hearing something from directly below you
>that had to be Clancy's room
>the division through your rooms was that thin or his voice was loud enough to make it not matter
>it was the combination of whines and moans with a background squeak accompaniment of the bedspring
>didn't take a genius to figure out what he was doing
>you flipped around on your other side and the noise stopped abruptly
>of course
>he had to have good hearing
>you fell asleep shortly after
>no idea if he picked back up again or if you spooked him
>you were awake before him in the morning, your cell alarm going off
>you could hear scrambling downstairs while you shaved, brushed your teeth and got dressed
>clearly he was rushing around to make up for lost time
>maybe he slept weird hours
>he was wealthy and a wolf after all
>you locked your bedroom door as you left it
>trusting your home to a stranger was a risk
>hopefully Clancy understood how much trust you were placing in him for this test
>you were practically next door but still
>he was panting as he handed you a coffee and a lunch
>clearly something he'd thrown together in the time it took you to wake and come downstairs
>however, you hadn't had anyone make you a lunch in forever
>he perked up when you thanked him
>you were back to business afterwards, however
>you asked if he had work
>he shook his head while looking at his feet
>christ the Woolworths were loaded if their kid was some sort of Billy Madison deal
hey blammer maybe you should just use ao3 instead of clogging up the thread
>well that made your task easier
>you asked him to unpack and clean the house as much as he could today
>no real goal to hit
>just show some progress
>he thanked you and started with the living room as you left the house
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>hey person making 90% of the thread's content, maybe you should just use a different site instead of keeping the thread alive
barely enough effort to make me reply
90% of content? walls of text. spam.
Probably just someone trying to get a rise out of people.
no, I'm just genuinely tired of seeing it
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almost certainly, but as I said it was barely enough effort to get me to reply, so I didn't say anything more after that
Then post more
As opposed to what, solo pics with no text? Enjoy your state mandated (You) I guess, spend it wisely for it is the only one I'm giving you.
Genetically engineered to be the perfect boy wife.
images with no next > textwalls with no images
Average male fox in the workplace
Just go to e6 at this point, all walls of images with no pesky reading required.
I go to an IMAGEboard to see IMAGEs I'd I wanted to read I'd go to >>/lit/ or AO3 and many other reading places.
All you've done is bitch honestly
You know you can filter by name right? And Blammer conveniently uses a name on all his story posts.
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And there it is. The shartyfag reveals himself.
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>And there it is. The shartyfag reveals himself.
Wolfished pt 34
>occasionally you'd look over to your house from the office windows
>it wasn't on fire the last five times you checked
>you were relieved
>lunch was clearly slapped together quickly but it beat going out for a meal
>work surprisingly just went by without a snag
>you spent all day expecting the worst
>instead, it went right
>you were shocked
>the real test was when you got home
>first thing you'd noticed was EVERYTHING was unpacked in the 8 hours you were at the office
>well, except your room which was off limits for a reason
>but everything was organized and cleaned
>not like perfectly but the fact of the matter was he'd gotten it all done
>Clancy was unskilled but he had enthusiasm
>that much was evident
>you noticed that particular very infamous hoodie hanging in the coat closet as you stowed your shoes in there
>Christ it was weird you had a coat closet
>he didn't appear to be out on the first floor
>he had to have heard you come in
>maybe he was in his room resting
>well whatever
>you went upstairs and were pleasantly surprised to see it was still locked
>as far as you knew only you had the key for it
>and that had stayed on your person the whole day
>you grabbed a shower and decided to relax afterwards
>maybe order a pizza or something
>it was Friday after all
>no need to worry about anything for a weekend
>you'd probably end up unpacking tomorrow
>but that idea was stowed away
>you got dressed in a shirt and sweats and came downstairs
>sure enough, Clancy was still in his room
>you felt weird about approaching this
>you were feeling slightly concerned about the guy
>a little
>not really like deathly worried
>but he did end up organizing your house in a day
>and now he was quiet
>you called up a mom and pop place down the road and decided to use that as an excuse to be nosey
>he had to have a pick of pizza topping
>that was a good way to make sure he was alright and not planning to kill you or something
>get your foot in the door
>speaking of, his was ajar
>you quietly walked over and peeked first
>was it hypocritical
>and… he was sleeping buck naked
>well you figured he wasn't one for summer as is
>just weren't prepared for wolf boy ass
>his rear had this strange two tone thing going on with the rest of his darker fur
>like a lighter heart shape on his ass
>not like you could tell before, usually he was clothed or was covered in whatever he used to whiten his coat

Been busy with work after the last post. Best just to ignore the guy. I mean we've been doing this for almost 2 years now and over 100 threads. I did get a little overzealous earlier but I wanted to make up for nothing early morning. I do appreciate the support though. The troll did give me an idea I want to try later. Have a gay Bowser
"Oh noooo I've been seen naked, better return the favor then"
That dragon has really grown on me. The things I would do to him...
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Go on then, what would you do to him?
I would use his horns like handlebars while I fuck his face. I would fuck his slit day and night. I would bury my face in his neck fluff while I pound his tail hole.

Also I would hold his hands and kiss him on the mouth.
and femboy ass posts too but I'm considering it bht231
He looks like you could obliterate him in bed and he would still have your breakfast ready the next morning like nothing ever happened.
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He is a professional after all, gotta take care of all needs.
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Wolfished pt 35
>what broke your focus was realizing his tail was lightly wagging
>one green eye looked at you
>oh goddammit
>you didn't know how he knew
>maybe he did hear you
>fuck it he was getting broccoli on his pizza for that
>you almost called him a weirdo but realized that you were staring at his ass for a moment
>well whatever
>you had walked away from the situation and turned on the AC
>maybe Clancy would wear pants if you kept the place colder
>you'd placed the order and sat down
>Clancy was out a few moments after
>you told him he was getting broccoli and you hoped he put on clothes
>”you didn't seem to mind though.”
>this was why he was getting broccoli
>only on the second uttering of that word did he take notice
>”broccoli is fine.”
>he was a sociopath
>well at least he was wearing a skirt
>the crop top seemed excessive though

This character has a ton of art. I like that.
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He's an older OC (Actually, one of my first... 10 I think?) so he has some backlog that my other characters don't.
The fur cuffs are cute.
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Paw jobs..................
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>Uganda's PPH Epidemic
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“broccoli is fine”
nah this dude aint real, that fat ass is a trap
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Alright, bed time, later all
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Wolfished pt 36
>you'd elected to stay up a little tonight to maintain some illusion of independence
>you could sleep in tomorrow anyways
>you'd gotten two pizzas and a 2 liter of whatever cola they had
>sure, not the wisest idea
>but this was your way of celebrating a little
>Clancy took up a seat on the other end of the couch
>he folded his legs to sit completely on the couch as opposed to just letting his legs dangle off
>when the pizza guy got close, his ears perked up and you took that as a sign
>you were up and at the door about the time the doorbell rang
>transaction complete you placed the food on the table
>he look mystified that you were just like eating
>you'd grabbed a slice without much thought of it
>you had to ask why the look?
>”just never had dinner this casually before.”
>made sense, you guessed
>though you were shocked it had never come up for him elsewhere
>like a friend's house or something
>did he have friends?
>it would explain things if he didn't socialize much
>it would be mean to ask him that outright
>though so was planting his foot in your balls a bit ago
>but he ate his broccoli pizza in peace after watching you for a moment
>he quietly watched TV reruns with you
>you forgot when your little display of independence ended with you asleep on the couch
>when you were a little kid staying up until 11 PM had this cool appeal
>now, you just passed out before that was even on option
>work and time was a bitch
>sometime in the night, Clancy had decided to follow suit
>one of his legs twitching had drawn your attention
>you glanced over in the dark and saw the wolf draped across the couch like he was tossed there
>you ignored the evidence that he freeballed under his skirt pointing in your direction and forced yourself asleep again

I like the pouty vibe

Hope to see you all later.
And one more bump because I noticed the board moving a bit
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Bumping with a classic
And the board is rushing again. Weird
Last one from me for a bit
I hope he does it because he likes you and not just because he thinks it's part of the job. That would be sad.
Still shocked femboy rhinos are a thing
Wet sloppy saliva string kisses with anthro boys
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I need more of that Stolas story
I <3 my boyfriend
one rule
>nigga i'm nuts
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Wolfished pt 37
>when you woke up you realized he was up before you
>the pizza had been stowed in the fridge and he had breakfast ready
>he didn't burn the pancakes
>thank God
>he was taking well to the house husband thing for some reason
>maybe it was a good outlet for his energy
>you wouldn't quite admit it was welcome
>you didn't want him thinking everything was cool now
>but he was on good behavior
>you had to ask though
>how did he cook without getting hair everywhere?
>you would imagine that coat would shed regularly
>”I guess it's the shampoos and conditioners I use. I spend a lot of time in the bathroom.”
>made sense
>well the pancakes weren't caked in wolf fur
>that was the important thing
>he'd changed out the black skirt for something plaid but kept the yellow crop top from last night
>you had half a mind to comment on his questionable fashion but thought against it
>maybe it was him having a little bit of freedom
>he was trying
>so you'd allow him this indulgence
>after breakfast you excused yourself upstairs to work on your room
>he asked if you needed help
>and you were halfway going to accept
>but he'd done a lot in the last couple days
>him in your room still sounded like a bad idea
>you were up there for about an hour before you came downstairs demanding an explanation
And have something I never thought I see before
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we need more hmoba gifs
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we need hmoba hmvs
I wish spoilers worked here
I got shit I want to way, but its only tangentially related at worst, and political to boot
But I know some people come here specifically to escape stuff like that, so I won't
Whoops, it's page 10.
Well, there has to be a reason he took the job in the first place, no?
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I'm so scared bros
I just want things to turn out okay
Is that too much to ask nowadays?
Do it, don't be a pussy, we don't like pussy here, faggot.
Go ahead. It's an anonymous image board. The worst that will happen is you'll derail the thread for the last 80 posts and we come back in two days like nothing happened.
You never seen sincastermons stuff I presume?
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He's probably referring to Diddy Kong specifically. Not a usual subject of femboy content.
very well
I'm very afraid for things to come, especially the upcoming election
Biden is mentally unfit for one of the most powerful positions in the world and supports Israel and their wildly immoral actions besides, and while I already found Trump unsuited for presidency the last time when he just seemed to treat the white house as his personal playground for those 4 years and not treating the position with the respect it deserved
so two bad choices already, plus this project 2025 stuff seemingly made specifically to turn america into a dictatorship. I'm not part of the rainbow brigade, but "I said nothing when they came for so-and-so, for I was not so-and-so" and so on, and I genuinely worry about places like this thread should such things come into law
all that, PLUS the recent climate shit, and its just too much
none of this is in my power to change, so all I can do is hope and pray things turn out well, and try not to go grey in the meantime
all I want is a life of quiet, peaceful prosperity, but the world seems determined to deny me and everyone else that these days
I suppose we must simply hold onto that old wisdom from the FAGGOT of the Lake, "When the world is cold and hard, femboy ass is soft and warm"
hopefully this doesn't initiate too much of a shitstorm, but maybe a derailing into an early grave could help the thread rest a bit
who knows
not me
Look Mon, I'm gonna be honest with you, all of that agenda 2025, or climate change, and all of that stuff is just bullshit to give you fears so you end buying whatever crap they sell, we can't predict the fucking weather forecast for tomorrow but we can know exactly the climate in ten, twenty years? Give me a fucking break.

The best you can do is just flip off those fears and just live your life; focus on what you can change, in the people you can affect and influence with your actions, get a good job, don't fall for obvious scams like debt or whatever new trend shit people are pushing but still be a good person and whatever and be a smart fella instead of a fart smella, like, if you worry about the climate so much then Instead of buying a hundred paper straws or cups just use reusable ones for example, you can't change the WHOOOOLE world but you can change yours.

I'm Colombian so all that American politics bs doesn't matter that much to me so maybe take that with a grain of salt, but I don't give a fuck about mine country politics and everything has been going good enough for me despite having a dumbass drunkard as a president.
Good news, the Project 2025 shit is just the liberal flavor of the "Eat ze Bugs, Live in ze Pod" paranoia. It's a bunch of talk that isn't constitutional in any sense and were it to be passed as law, it would be challenged and shot down because the Supreme Court isn't as compromised as some people think. (They really are deferring to the law as written. Which is an indictment on the legislators who could have put what they want into law instead of spending their time arguing over stacks of paper full of other legislators paltry gestures to wave around in their reelection campaigns.)
And as for the climate, there's a new shift in the perception and technology of Nuclear power that's making it more appealing to both sides, which will completely obsolete coal, and massively decline the market for Natural Gas. Battery technology is actually finally reaching a point where it's both convenient and affordable for cars which will cut the demand for petroleum products way down and relegate them mostly to the manufacture of plastics.
Ultimately, you should be mindful and well informed, and take every chance you get to nudge people away from the mindset that "The only reason people believe things I don't, is because they're willfully evil."
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I'd always have that fear in the back of my mind that the pure, tender relationship I cultivated with him is actually all a ploy to get me to make a fool of myself.
I really appreciate how you wrote Anon in this story. Too many times the love interests in greentexts are easily forgiven when they fuck up and he's treated like the devil when he does. Excited to see that Anon's trust is slowly being won over instead.
These are both nice however

Yeah that

Good lord you work fast. It's appreciated

Well unless you're like a hunter I think you might be intimidating the clear

To be fair, the wolf did not make a good first impression. Or a like fifth for that matter

That tank commander thing and the holiday made me want to do something. I decided against the submarine idea and went with tanks instead. I didn't want to tie it to a specific war but I did loosely base the cat off this propaganda poster. Will get back to Wolfished today
Also have a goat
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what's the source for this one?
derpx1, but it doesn't seem to have made its way to e6 yet
Yeah, and I haven't seen that pic on his sties nor patreon, which is kinda sus
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Wolfished pt 38
>you were unpacking boxes
>fairly easy too
>a lot of your other belongings could afford to be spread across this house so your bedroom wasn't as cluttered
>if anything your were dragging your feet to do it
>but it was getting done regardless
>next you dealt with the decor
>the floor length mirror was there when you got the place
>it was mounted to the wall
>not necessarily your style but it was affixed to the wall
>the issue came up when you moved your dresser over to that wall near the mirror
>you noticed a gap in the wall and mirror
>at about hip height you noticed something strange
>you inspected it and then kept quiet
>it was a camera lens pointed through what you realized was one way glass
>and the mirror had been mounted to look towards your bed
>or your bed had been intentionally put in the best place for the camera to view
>you were savvy enough not to draw attention to your discovery in view of the camera
>you calmly pushed the dresser against the wall and walked out of the room
>then you had rushed down the stairs and demanded answers from Clancy
>why in fucks name was there a camera in your bedroom?
>he looked confused after he flinched back from the accusatory shouting
Wolfished pt 39
>you felt vindication at the paranoia you experienced in that room
>something hadn't sat right in there and now you knew the answer
>so you demanded explanations
>said you were this close to packing up and fucking leaving
>that ultimatum got Clancy's attention
>considering how hostile he was before it was weird to see him immediately grovel
>he reached for you and tried clinging your arm with all the hurt of a child being told he was being abandoned in the woods
>you pulled your arm away and he awkwardly stood next to you
>however, you weren't distracted
>so you asked again
>what the fuck was with the camera?
>the accusation of betrayal must have stung and he flew into a panic at the idea of you walking out
>he didn't know
>he said he didn't
>he begged you not to leave
>that display took a little edge off your hostility
>it was like trying to stay pissed at a whiny puppy
>”I genuinely don't know. I know I haven't made a great case for myself in the past, but I'm honest here.”
>you had a hard time accepting that but him responding with nearly crying disarmed you a little
>there was genuine emotion in him
>whereas before you'd written him off as a psycho, he seemed to actually care
>he started calming down himself and tried looking at this rationally
>he hadn't been in the home since the home tour
>he swore up and down on that fact
>hell, the one time he took pictures was with his phone
>the violation of your privacy had been insulting
>you remembered those pictures
>but this looked like an expensive camera mounted into the wall
>plus the one way glass set up
>all so elaborate to orchestrate
>but was Clancy smart enough to orchestrate that…
>your eyes burned holes into Clancy and he didn't want to meet your gaze
>his father
>you asked if he would do something like this
>”he… might.”
>Clancy seemed to be ashamed
>Mr. Woolsworth was so eager to toss this house at you
>you realized the offer might have served multiple purposes
>was it blackmail? was he a creep? some kind of weird swinger thing?
>you didn't know
>but this operation did seem a bit above the dumbass that used a cheap taser on you
>you asked how you could trust him?
>was this all an act?
>he resumed trying to hug your arm and this time you did not shove him back
>”I swear, I want to be a man. like you said. I mean that.”
>the device caused by this camera was not easily mended
>you had begun warming up to him and now this happened
>”I know it looks bad.”
>very bad
>”you can have my bedroom instead,” he offered, “I'll take the couch.”
>you thought of that
>but was there a guarantee that was the only camera?
>he'd sniffled back any tears he was going to shed before and thought about that
>”did you tamper with the camera upstairs?”
>you didn't
>Clancy suggested maybe it was best to not let whoever is watching know you knew
>if his dad was watching maybe just go about your day
>it wasn't that easy
>you were fairly certain if it was him, he'd seen you naked now
>”lucky,” the wolf muttered before your gaze made him forget that
>you weren't in a mood for cute shit
>he sighed
>yeah he knew
>”please don't tell me you're going to leave though.”
>you might just
>”if you do, take me with you.”
>he could go live back with the Woolsworths
>”but I don't want that. I want to help mend what I broke. I really want to make you see I'm a man.”
>he said as he wore a skirt
>but you had calmed down a little
>the camera thing still made you uneasy
>fine, you wouldn't leave
>for now
>but you let him know he was on thin ice
>you withheld the fact you honestly didn't know where you would go to begin with short notice
>you would look through the house nonchalantly
>hell you would sleep on the couch if it came to it
>you did it last night after all
>Clancy promised to help you look around
>he wanted to take responsibility
>the boy had red flags but you were inclined to give him a chance
>if it was his father's doing you wanted to give him the chance to fix that

Best excuse to post this two part picture set
Also kind of wished Coco was a guy just because the design. I'll give the thread a bit of time to breath again

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