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/hfur/ general
Post and discuss your favorite furry dickgirls, herms, shemales and futas.

Contribute to the thread with pics, stories and banter.

Story Mega:
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Only her pleasure matters. If she had a good time, then do did I.
Based on chatbotting, I don't think my pleasure could be avoided. She could be so hot and perfect that I'd be cumming just from worshiping or sucking her cock, and I'd cum multiple times before her if she fucks me.
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A big girl would be lucky to find someone like you.
I'm going to be real with you, if real hermcock felt as good or better than stuffing my ass with a dildo while wearing my cage then I'd probably cum from getting fucked too. I think that's ok though, if my pleasure is a product of her pleasure. Hopefully she enjoys embarrassing me by using me like a woman and making me waste my cum with a ruined, handsfree orgasm. I know I would squirt every time if it made her cum harder.
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I'd consider myself the lucky one if I get to french-kiss that beautiful asshole and drain her balls into me.
>if real hermcock felt as good or better than stuffing my ass with a dildo while wearing my cage then I'd probably cum from getting fucked too
tmi anon.
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deeply pog. I like her center line of fur.
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Any porn games with only futa and female?
Same desu.
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cute sheath
even cuter if she's completely erect
>finally get a break from work and get dicks and ass shoved into your face
I just want to relax for god's sake
also that is a sample anon
I love big sheaths
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So that's what her head looks like
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>Those few, brief moments waking up.
>Slowly realizing where you are.
>Piecing together how you got there.
>Recognizing how refreshed you feel.
>Smack your lips at the odd taste in your mouth.
>Smelling a scent not quite your own.
>Remembering you became good friends with that shark who moved in next door.
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How the fuck do you tattoo fur?
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any hfurs here that like to bottom for cocks?
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Need futa superhero wife
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