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We're so back

Post pictures, stories, and discussion of the boys and men of Deltarune and Undertale.

QotT: would you still love your fave if they were human?


>>Drawfags MEGA


>>Voiceanon's collection/Voicebins
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>QotT: would you still love your fave if they were human?
maybe. actually no. i mean YES, yes, i was just kidding. yes i would. no but really i guess i should ask this in the opposite way, "would i still love chara if he WASN'T human" which obviously the answer is still yes. it'd be weird if he was some freaky looking thing and not like a cute goat like most people draw chara as speciesswapped though. maybe some freaky looking things would be cool though. but others would be ugly. either way, same answer. plus i imagine chara would be pretty happy about it no matter what he looked like.
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I didn't know you guys were dead for months so congrats on going through an entire thread.

>would you still love your fave if they were human?
Of course I would.
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what do we think of susies dad?
so what brought you guys back? ig was the lack of males in this board? or curiosity
curiosity mostly
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>non-character OCs
>in an UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE males thread
guys what the fuck
Those are AU versions of canon characters, newfag.
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still would cheer for him why not.
I know those are AU versions, AU versions of characters who had little to no personality to work onto and have nothing in common with their original counterpart, these are bad taste non characters, not my UT/DR males
Go back
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Can't see the haters
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that's a huge dick, who could be the hairy bastard packing all of that
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I like him.
a whole new world of yaoi possibilities has just been unlocked
Terrible beard
>QotT: would you still love your fave if they were human?
prolly yeah. not preferred but acceptable
He look submissive
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Good to see you all still going. Have a bump and picture
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last image before i go to bed
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he's a cute guy
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for you
good god this fucking sucks
sorry but this has to be the worst drawn porn ive ever seen (that isnt gross fetiah shit)
please never post anything by this artist again
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would you get a pillow of fave anon
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the real question is would fave get a pillow of me
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there's a parallel universe where they do, you just gotta believe.
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how'd your pride month go /dum/mies?
still better than those non characters you guys keep posting, like that tall spamton and big fat jevil
yes and i did evidently because i took that picture
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shit taste and shit opinions. get the fuck out of my thread.
just look at that, poorly redrawn of a lame meme, poorly colored, poorly shaded, you don't even know this is a deltarune meme
also who would like that hairy fat bastard
I still prefer brothercon krisriel over two hairy terribly drawn non deltarune nobodies
you get the fuck out of my thread, now.
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gentlemen, gentlemen, lets not fight! the general is barely alive, we don't need this, we can't afford this right now
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give me more krisriel and less shitty human spamton & obese jevil and we can talk
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it was a normal month for me overall, still gay and all.
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more of the guys he says.
also have a gay while I'm like 70% of a long thing cooking for you fellas, just hang in there
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who else remembers male!catti from that one utg thread ages ago
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squeeze your goat
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spamton... boxers... sock garters...
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hello bitches, you did eat good today, right?
>breakfast: 2 toast, 1 vegemite 1 peanut butter + banana
>lunch: leftover pizza from last night (it was a frozen pizza)
>dinner: homemade burger, white-castled patty on a raft with a shimmy and a squeeze, made it cry
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Two bacon strips for breakfast
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I haven't been to /utg/ since chapter 2 came out so this is new to me.
Love me some male catti.
>Your name sounds like some of the guys I fought thirty years ago with these guys
he pulls up a picture of the other three ninja turtles
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Good morning
More like no posters
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last image before i go to bed
Amen brother
Wait, is this canon?>>67007492
Not that we know of
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Not at all. It's just someone's take on Susie's Dad.

And someone liked the design enough to draw it.
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Damn, he kinda hot tho
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Yes he is.
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top quality stuff, anon, thanks for bringing some OC to this limping thread
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susie's pa has got it going on.
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Gay faggot flower
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pump a rump
I'd gladly pump Ralsei's rump
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based and same
Kisses and hugs
Ear nips and fugs
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>Deltarune/Undertale males thread
>opens thread
>eugh spamton
>eugh catti
>eugh offtopic non characters
>not enough asriel
>not enough kris
>not enough brother's love
>not enough shote
terrible thread, better fix it before it dies again.
If you actually cared, you wouldn't put down other characters to promote your own faves.
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also last image for today, going to bed now
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should I repost random stuff from my puppetswap folder to help keep the thread alive

would that be welcome or unwelcome behavior

I used to lurk in these threads a lot
please do, I'm tired of that goteguy complaining yet not helping
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Official dinny cock when?
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pick up and gently hold birb
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Bully birb
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good evening! been quite a while - how is everyone?
all gucci all prada my man, how's your life been?
im glad!

mixed, but im finally back online after nearly two months of being offline - feels good! also really happy that my deltarune video has been doing super well.
we've got mister celebrity in here, but for real nice to hear your creative endeavours are going well
gosh, im not that big lol

but honestly, glad you and the thread are still kickin! its places like these that helped be inspired to make that video in the first place.
What video?
"deltarune and the beauty of imagination" - honestly, mostly just made it as a way to get how i felt about the game across, after so many years
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best snowgrave spamton theme
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Hey buddy, think you got the wrong door. The homo club is two blocks down.
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penis bazinga
penis bizarre
serendipitous penis
and penis afar
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me da don
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fuck you how about I bring in MORE "offtopic non characters"
say hi to human flowey, or just h!flowey
highly smoochable guy.
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good night /dum/mies
what's your sleep schedule like?
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its 12am rn so awful but consistent thanks for asking
I've been basically nocturnal for the past few weeks.
That's hot
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That's a cool Flowey, I like this Flowey too
Ooh. Love it
Too much sleep. Get about 9 hours of sleep each night.
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its now 6am
its so fucking cold where i live right now i genuinely cannot sleep
i am not gonna be able to make it through work today
3 blackets, electric blanket, onsie tucked into socks, and all that still isnt enough
fuck my stupid gaycel life
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anxiety has been keeping me awake a lot recently but the past few days have been getting better
before that though it was weird like i was just so on edge that every time i was about to fall asleep i would basically get these mini panic attacks where my heart races and i lose breath and go back to being wide awake, usually took an hour or so each night to get to a point where i could actually fall asleep
honestly just started getting annoying more than anything, sleeping fine the past couple nights though
I wish I could have your cold weather right now
I have the opposite problem. It's too hot!
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update: my mom came over to my flat unannounced since she was busy with other stuff in the area, and because of my lack of sleep i was gonna call up my volunteer job and tell them i couldn't come, but my mother told me "no you cant blow off work just suck it up and be nice" so i did even though my car was an icebox and my fingers were freezing off
fast forward to now where im back at home because my manager caught me trying to nap standing up and told me to go home because i came in late and obviously was in no fit state to work
also he asked me about my black eye and i plead the fifth because it was from an episode of self-harm i dont want to have to explain, especially if a future PAYING employer catches wind of it
my life is really blowing dick out of ass at the moment
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Jesus anon, wish you the best man, God woke up on the wrong foot this morning and took it out on you.
I hope life gets better for you soon
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Jfc dude, hope things get better
shit, that image is ancient and still the only good human burgerpants
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kek, saved
post youtubers who sound like or remind you of fave in some way
this guy kinda sounds like how i imagine ralsei sounds and he makes the kinda content i imagine ralsei would make
gonna be honest i feel like theres at most 5 posters here and im doing a majority of the bumping throughout the day just so can get like 6 posts in the hours im asleep
gonna try get a good sleep tonight take good care of my thread while im asleep bros
my day did get a bit better i just hung back and did nothing the rest of the day
nights are still cold, gonna need to layer up some more and keep my electric blanket on all night
its times like this i wish i DID have a big soft furry man to share a bed with and keep me warm
This looks like a human asgore.
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It's fucked. I sleep somewhere between 4AM and 6AM but here I am up at 7 AM!
I'm going to sleep.
>this guy kinda sounds like how i imagine ralsei sounds and he makes the kinda content i imagine ralsei would make
You know what? I could totally see that.
I imagine this is how Lancer, King, and Queen sound
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Ralsei is better when he's more of a weird wizard goat thing and less of a fag enabler
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he can do both
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Got a full?
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It's not finished yet

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