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Toon Thread: Foxy Lady edition

Welcome to the thread for posting rule 34 of the zaniest cartoon characters. Disney, Warner Bros, MGM, Fleischer, stuff from them and that ballpark.
why is being mooned so hot
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Is he fucking crazy or fucking Daisy?
It’s a shared humiliation between the mooner and who they’re mooning.
The colors are off-model, but it’s that tho(ugh)t that counts.
I wish western characters got a lot more earnest love then being relegated to "lol I'm so cringy" kinks
If she's showing you her ass, she must like you at least a little.
I see from the filename that this is meant to look like Rocko’s Modern Life. This actually isn’t much more risque than the show.
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I sincerely do not know what you meant by this
I like western characters, would love to see them get loved on trash more, seeing them being mostly relegated to a cringe-goon type kinks sucks
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Remember this from last thread but the animation was incomplete. Looks great in what is assumed to be the final piece.
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They’re so cute together.
Minnie is coming to peg you and she's not taking no for an answer
What do you do?
I'll sub this one time
Awesome! Thanks for posting.
interesting hypothesis, there might be something to that

a completely inverse opinion that i lean slightly more towards.
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No wonder they call her “mini”.
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OOPS! you didn't see your toon gf there.
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that's gotta hurt
how would (you) help her out?
>good idea
Blow her thumb, making her pop back to normal.
>bad idea
Blow into her mouth, turning her into a balloon- then let go of it.
One of the animators.
Just kidding
Thanks. It's a pretty good piece.
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Heh. Well done.

Will you do more, or is this enoguh for tonight?
I'm pretty tired and im thinking of picking back up tomorrow. if i do more, what would you want to see?
Drip with excitement
Just asking. I'm pretty tired myself.

Goodnight. Thanks for that bit of fun.
God I want her to sit on my face
I don’t. I can hear her lower digestive system through the screen.
This duck has been getting some shit recently
What could possibly go wrong as Minnie Mouse?
Who is watching MeTV Toons
I totally forgot that was starting.
Huh and here I thought that no one else was attracted to Rubberhose girls
good luck these threads are warnery disney spam
It just looks better than the old style.
kill yourself
You should watch it is based
Not too many waifus however
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back to the 90s days
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Do you know what that's from?
Are those chicken breasts?
>dickin' the chicken
Can't remember how many times I spilt my seed to Lola when I was a youngin'
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>bugs in drag
My first boner
Is there an age where you're supposed to stop?
Mmmm, not really. I just moved on, I guess. Shortstacks are my thing now
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looks like daffs got some splainin to do
>pose specifically for the foot
What is this? JCThornton?
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If you roll 0-49, you get goodnight dreams of Looniversity Shirley tomorrow
If you roll 50-99, you dream of TTA Shirley
If you roll 100, both
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So you're saying you graduated to Babs?


What was he even doing with her there
Not him, but ignoring >jailbait, Babs wouldn’t count as a shortstack. She’s short but not stacked.
I fear the leg locking abilities of a stretchy toon
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Idk i kinda see Babs as a 20-something. It's weird, all the tiny toons characters are supposed to be the same age and attending university, yet there are moments in the show where they act like middle schoolers sometimes... Fifi appears to be living alone and constantly in the dating scene, and she's supposed to be the same age/height as Babs
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I know no one watched Looniversity since it sucked but Babs actually is a full college student in the 18-19 year old range in that adaption. They treat it as an actual university, the med school episode where the other students are human adults makes it clearer and Buster saying he graduated high school confirms it
Might be slightly altered designs especially for the girls but at the very least the core six characters people care about (Babs, Buster, Plucky, Hamton, Fifi, Shirley) are legal adults in that show
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Look at her. What a little cunt.
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Full moon already?
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Ain't they
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*Kennedy kick dances seductively*
The double edged sword of some Disney girls is stuff like this. If you cover the ears and nose, there’s no way you’d know this is a mouse.
ah cool roxy porn
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The tail gives it away tho.
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I choose to interpret that she isn’t pleasuring herself. She’s too pure to do that.
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This what Looniversity would actually be
Looking at her hand position, I'm not sure if her fingers are long enough to play with the little man in the boat.
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why are the fangs even hotter than the tits?
They aren't.
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Vixens and fangs visible even when their mouths are closed. It's a riddle for the ages.
This is real good
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>page 10
All the Yanks were sleeping
Even the Looniversity gang doesn’t stay up past 3
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That’s a pretty reasonable reaction
What toon characters make you the most horny that are not Warner Bros (specifically the Looney Tunes family tree) or Disney?
Are there any others?
Plenty. Anything from Hanna-Barbera, Universal/Lantz, Fleischer, Nick, and so on
So...there aren't any others.
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I believe video game characters and My Little Pony do not count either?
To be fair, most I can think about are feral characters on four legs, eeven when not counting MLP.

I like Calypso from Bluey.
There aren’t as good of ones is what you mean
WB covers basically all the characters people need for whatever they wanted in smut, and if it doesn’t then the remaining Disney ones surely will

Bluth would be proud

I should rewatch that show.
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I haven't seen it yet, but she makes me want to.
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If you’re saying all the LT characters are sexy to you…are you saying even Tweety Bird?
>all the LT characters are sexy to you
No I didn't say that
There's someone's fetish covered with Tweety somewhere however
More Julie jugs!
any real human x toon?
Big bouncy bear boobies!
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>Random sparkledog furry OCs
I sleep
>Authentic rubberhose/fleisher furry OCs (no mascot horror allowed)
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Can't get enough of 'em.
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Please stand for our national anthems.
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I thought Fifi was French and/or Canadian
The French did give us some help in the revolution.
She's the type that intentionally keeps busting smug jokes until you break and fuck her hard into submission

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