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Sunday Bunday - Anime Rabbit edition.

Feel free to post any kind of bun you like.
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textless/hires version
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>Peace was never an option.
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Grabbed this from >>67011645, hope they don't mind.
You will be punished
I tremble.
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For whoever was around last thread when we were discussing Max & Ruby, I actually have been rewatching it. I don't think I can ever watch season 3 though, when Ruby got a new VA. It messes my nostalgia up :(

It's also weird trying to draw them in a different style, since they're just generic white rabbits, with the uniqueness coming from the art style, so doing it in my style makes them less recognizable, man...
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>they're just generic white rabbits, with the uniqueness coming from the art style
The shape of their ears is rare enough to be distinctive. Many artists also color their noses black, to compensate for the lack of texture. And when all else fails, their clothes usually do the trick- specially Ruby's.
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Meant for >>67021483. I accidentally deleted the line with the reply, didn't mean to look like an ass.
Aw heck. Well, you got the point.
You're fine anon, lol. I also have a very picky thing where I want to strike the fine line between on-model and in-my-style; as I always say, if you don't immediately recognize the character, then I failed my job in depicting them. But it does make it hard if I want to do Ruby without her iconic clothing since that is a huge identifier. I'll probably have to think about preserving that head/ear shape/silhouette when adapting things...
Pfft, she looks like a midget!
>get bnuyed!
I approve.
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Well, she kinda is.
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Oh Lola, my first bunny crush~
Never stick your dick in crazy. I know it's tempting, but you really shouldn't.
>Verification not required.
It's okay, I grew up with less crazy Space Jam Lola
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Well, the original is also a bit crazy...
This one is pretty solid
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punb :3
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Live. Liiiiive.
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Everything in that picture looks wonky. It makes me uneasy.
It looks like an attempt to imitate Meesh's style, which is already uncanny.
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I prefer this one.
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The works of this artist make me feel uneasy.
It's as if they aim to make you feel discomfort.
We're in the middle of Summer... but has anyone else been in the mood for "spooky" stuff lately?
It's almost like my body can't wait for Halloween to come.
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Heh heh, that one feels more "Fran" than the others.
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>/b/ AI threads have been genning a bunch of quality 2d pics of Elinor's mom
what about elinor herself?
There's been a few here and there but the mom got a string of them.
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That is a child.
Last one.
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saving this bunday with 1 post
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The situation is hot.

But that anatomy...
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Those nipples look out of place.
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Going for the shiny variant I see.
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Ha ha, yes.
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Lopunny retaliates with toxic.
Is there a non-toxic version?
Don't know because I can't find the source.
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>ai bros pointing out mistakes in real art
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The future... is wild.
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c( uu)

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