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The home of Doerot.

Back From The Dead Edition

>Relive The Doerot:

>The Doebrary Mega :

>Alternatively The Doebrary GDrive :

>The Doe Gallery:


>Last Doerot:
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The Magma. First time this has happened in a long while. A streak of years, undone by a bunch of sleepyheads.
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Where are all the anons?
Gone, reduced to atomes
I forgor
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Adoems you say?
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I was at work.
This job has taken a lot of energy from em.
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About an hour ago I come in for my bi-weekly skimming and image hoarding off of /doe/ and find nary a thread in the catalog, I was so worried... hooray for more doeposting !
What that green rat?
sonic character
new art! :p

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I ate those food
Draw cbt with small penis humiliation next time
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What’s she gonna do with that book?
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got bored and did a shitty little color job, gonna do some other expression later
Good stuff anon.
Bloody good job
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Lads. It might be over.
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How so?
Adeptus Doecanicus
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full of fawns
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Make his world that much better
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>what Toriel sees on her ring camera every day
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Cuddle that doe.
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much appreciated anons
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What songs do you think Kris can play on the piano?
Kris once traumatized Noelle by playing Cynthia's Etude after she spent a month trying to beat Cynthia in Pearl.
I welcome the inevitable purge of /trash/ Holy shit does every single fetish need its own thread?
bait used to be believable
Try scrolling through the catalog with filters turned off.
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cutie deere
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Very nice. Love 'em at the beach.
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It's so fucking over bros...
Just realized I deleted my whole stash of doe and undyne pics and fanfics and I had already overwritten the files so I can't recover them. Also included a bunch of other shit from 4chan so all I have is this shit reaction gif. I don't think I have the mental strength right now to start again after almost 2 years and I might just call it quits.
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Fresh very nice doe art
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She looks cool in a tshirt
just reload a save state on your computer, i dont remember the technical term but you can rollback your computer
Somebody needs to give her a hug and tell her that it's going to be all right.
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It becomes harder to remember each year
human noelle would look like this i think
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This is Veth but blonde.
superior veth
Now imagine her in a nu metal band, blonde dreadlocks and baggy Christmas themed cargo shorts
>"The first thing you forget is how they talked, the words they would use, their phrases."
>"Then you start to forget the stuff they liked, like their favorite food or band, the little things like their hobbies..."
>"Someone could remind you about that, 'Oh, Dess liked this song!' someone would say and you'd be inclined to agree. Maybe Dess did like that one song..."
>"...or maybe she didn't and you're just assuming she did. Because you can't remember if she really did."
>"After that, you don't do so much as forget... but rather, you lose focus on those memories."
>"You can picture them in your head but the details get fuzzy. 'Did she have a mole there? Were her eyes brown or green? I could swear that her hair wasn't that short' It's never clear, no matter how much you try to remember."
>"The photos help, they let you relive that memory without the mental blurriness. But eventually those photos clash with the person you have in your mind, the made up person that your mind has created in the form of your loved one. So you stop looking at those photos, it hurts to see their face. The real one...
>"The one thing that never quite goes away is their voice, their ring, their tone, the treble and the bass. It's there when you miss them, when you feel alone and when you need them."
>"...I can still hear her, in my dreams, in my mind..."
>"...I'm scared that maybe, m-maybe one day I won't."
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couple of sillies
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Goodnight /doe/. Hope we fare well tonight.
Rape? Rape.
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Just the two of them
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They can make it if they try
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"Every instance of yourself believed in the idea of "December Holiday" and that in turn "December Holiday" would believe in herself."
And this would fuel you, because you are December Holiday.
A mobius strip of Ego.
i don't get what this is supposed to be but it looks cool
Infinite Dess
This is real btw, I’ve started to experience this with my mom.
Sorry for your loss, it's the same for me with my dad.
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lovey doe
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Your name is NOLE HOLIDAY.
As someone who's lost someone, I've heard about this happening (and two anons even agree it has to them) and it terrifies me but I also remember a hell of a lot of that stuff plain as day and have proof of it, not just my own memories which can lie and make shit up regularly. I sure as hell wouldn't forget a close loved one's eye color, at least. Maybe it's a kind of autism or just a result of living in the digital age of photos, recordings and journals, or maybe I've spent an unhealthy (to some) amount of time harping on those things that I CAN'T forget.
>"The one thing that never quite goes away is their voice, their ring, their tone, the treble and the bass. It's there when you miss them, when you feel alone and when you need them."
>>"...I can still hear her, in my dreams, in my mind..."
>>"...I'm scared that maybe, m-maybe one day I won't."
and here's the waterworks
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imagine the bed breaking sex
That's a pretty ring on her finger
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Lock these two up
>not a single thought behind those eyes
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>Does in the shell
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Bad news, couldn't recover jack shit.
Tried doing what this anon said >>67034683
but the save point was after I had deleted the files.
Most of it was corrupted except a couple images like
the one attached. I think I will start again but for now...
its doever.
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Just hit up the doe gallery and go from there.
Good stuff sand. Always a pleasure to see more of your art.
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I'm not sand, I'm afraid. That's an older work of his.
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Doe mom
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Goodnight /doe/.
Reindeer impregnation.
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Doe have boingboing
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Ur-wa-wa-wa-wa by skrillix
Look at this photograph
Kris canonically composed both rude buster and lost girl. Although both are suspiciously close to different dragons blazers songs
Man id wish december strider would beat the shit out of me and call my dick lame
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Deer are some of the most polite animals.
new art! :p

Turbo manlet lmao, good shit
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I would watch Noelle stream shitty itch.io horror games.
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Boingboing too big, but she still has some.
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Yet another day I return to the doerot. When will it ever end
That's the neat part
It doesn't
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There are two potential outcomes
Either it ends once Deltarune if finally complete
Or it truly never ends even after all is said and done
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so it'll never end
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One does not simply leave the deer.
So is Noelle not going to question the fact that Kris ripping their own heart out? She saw it happen then two seconds later completely forgot about it?
Maybe she's seen him do it before at this point, like right as he opens a fountain.
There are things in life you just do not question.
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literally me
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squeeshy cuties
So do yall think Dess is dead dead or do you think she's just missing?
We wouldn't get so many teasers of her during the ARG were it otherwise. I don't think Toby would play it that cheap, dangling her over us only to reveal "lol she's dead the whole time lmao."
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tasty deer
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In game? She's probably just missing. But I think about the idea of her being dead and haunting the neighborhood. Fridge probably wasn't thinking of her as a ghost when they made that pic of her waist-high in the lake but it's one of my favorites for that idea
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I want to cuddle that deer!
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And who can blame you? She's adoerable.
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What a pretty deer!
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The sore throat is by far the absolute worst part of being sick.
how dare you make that six
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who is he reaching out to
is noelle a midsommar kinda gal or more of a hereditary fan
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The latter.
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I keep seeing women talk about these two particular movies. Is there something special about them?
More peak art?
Just very good and memorable modern horror movies, not sure why women specifically talk about them.
I really like the harmony on a bunch of these sections. Id probably cut a bunch of it though like the opa toby style section. Think more about the song being a story and try to make the song tell that story. Rather than mashing as many sections together into polka as possible. Less can be more
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He's so weird
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as is she
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Goodnight /doe/.
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we are fading....
I want dess to be a nerd too.
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Kris owes Noelle sex.
Yandere imminent?
Thinking of making a Dess theme motif tier list/ranking...
For an exemple you'd have stuff that's pretty duh like lost girl and find her then some Don't Forget and Fountain (unused) then absolute KINO would be firefire and Beatdown.
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need doe
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Well, here she is.
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Lost girl is dess’ song its in the name. Noelle stole it.
Beatdown was already taken by spamton.
I want dess’ fat furry nuts in my mouth
Noelle’s will suffice as well even if she was canonically trans (the nutte sac would have shrunken quite considerably in that case)
you ok?
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mmm meelk
Fridge don't miss.
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No. Just wholesomely possessive.
man i haven't thought about undertale in a while. i miss papyrus, he's a real one.
The realest.
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is that weed?
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ermmm.... overworld sprites are inaccurate to the characters designs so you can't use them for height comparisons
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Help the boye get better.
asgore is 5'2 got it
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the ol switcharoo
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Goodnight /doe/.
Discuss obscure videogame easter eggs for an hour and you'll be fine.
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Duly noted.
Doe? Deer?
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Shapely cutie
death ray
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stunningly beautiful
By just saying the words "Dragon Blazers Secret Door" she'll carry the whole conversation for the rest of the date
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I hate that this can apply to me (but more so with video games in general)
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Pleasantly thicc.

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