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/BLEACHED/ General #1790

>"Who's Counting?" Edition

>Previous Thread

>BLEACHED Manga Recommendations
https://pastebin.com/LydHEEKx (embed)

>Writefags Pastebin(s)
https://pastebin.com/pAETrFPKa (embed)

>BLEACHED BDSMLR (Run by Booru Admin)



/BLEACHED/ is a raceplay thread with a focus on White male supremacy. The symbol and brand for BLEACHED is the Queen of Hearts, a tattoo and symbol seen in thousands of our edits and original content. The QoH means exclusivity to White men. The Jack of Hearts (JoH), is the gay equivalent of this.
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When making a request, please give
- Source on another booru site, in the case of a skin edit (if male is non-white)
And if not
- Artist
- Character(s)
- Series

For skin edits use LINKS only (use catbox.moe if you cannot find a good link). Do not post it straight into the thread. If you do, they will not be done.
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Captions and requests go here.

Make the big guy white

>still no cute brown tomboy gf for the summer
One day
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>richesss for one, death for the other
>young whiteskin friendsss, mussst choose now!
>Zalissa, scaly lady of the woods will know, how deep isss your loyalty?
>will you argue and fight?
>or will you
>h-hey, ssstop it!
>no hugging, need to make choice now!
>I mean it, thisss isss an important tessst of character!
>feelsss nice
>warming me up now
>guesss you passsed the tessst in your own way
>whitessskinned boysss choose love
>you two wanna meet my daughtersss?
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>Forgot to include the booru again.
I know booru can be a shit but there's no reason to remove it from the op.

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A cat is fine too.
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I'll take two
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>yes, this is the CEO of the Based Department
>of course I hire hapa girls, too
>this organization doesn't discriminate
>white girls, black girls, Tahitian girls, quarter-blood Navajo girls
>even overweight girls
>I find that hapa girls in particular put in extra effort
>maybe they're a little self-conscious about living up to the white half of their heritage
>no problem, thanks for calling
>always like giving advice to a young entrepreneur
>good luck with your racist coffee shop
>word to the wise, Mexican tomboys make the best baristas
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> That is not just editing, she just teleports to a bedroom naked with a random white ready to fuck.

> It's crazy man.
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Love seeing little Asian women with tall White men.
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> Fuck you snow savages, let us go!

> grrrrrr!

> We are proud and honorable warriors who would not stand for this degeneracy. I will kill you all!

> Get that disgusting pulsating man meat out of our sight!

> Haaaaaaaaaa!

> pull it out!

> grrrrrrr!

> You are not worthy of breeding with us you snow mutts!

> Oh fuck no! Stop! Please I beg of you!

> Kill me instead, I do not want to live like this!

> aaaaaaa!

> Animals! I am warrior not a trophy!

> Aaaaaa! Sorry..... masters.
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AHHHHH! I'm so horny. I want to impregnate one woman of every ethnicity! I need my dick drained NOW!
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Cute wife
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Juri is so hot
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literally designed by Bison to go psycho on BWC
Wtf was last thread it was barely even long like what the hell lads
I want to rub lotion, and my dick, all over her body
Btw can someone post the gif of the small Asian wrestler going up towards a white wrestler twice the size of her?
I want to make a caption out of it
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a soaking wet Juri sounds fun to play with
>soaking wet Juri
That sounds like it’d involve a lot of soap and trying not to slip in the shower
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with her dexterity she can probably keep balance for her and her white lover at the same time, honestly
Imagine the crazy positions she can put herself in just to make her lover even happier
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korean tricks on white dicks
Tricky Korean chicks and their love for white dicks
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as it should be














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Makes me wish I was taller.
Just posting random anime girls is not bleached, holy fucking shit just stop it.
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I love redheads, they're the best kind of White women.
Fantastic links and hot image, Dora was built for it.
Having a language barrier must make it so much more hotter.
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Breeding redheads should be every White man's duty.
> Your state-mandated white himbo bf is here, ma'am.

> Should I bring him in?

Yes, just put him on the couch.

> Ok, you have a nice ma'am.

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This thick Dora got me acting up and shit, it is why I chose it.

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Thanks to whoever took my request!
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reminder to please fuck our women!
latinos have so much hot cuck bleached material
i envy them for that lol
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I need a hijabu fuckbuddy so bad bros.
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would you let me watch if you get one
If you help me get one definitely. Also that's a nice webm.
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i would definitely try to if you were that based..
Well in that case I'd give you a front row seat to watch me stretch that dunepoon out.
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hot af
i wanna help you get one so bad now
Would you rather me cum in her pussy or on her face? I'm partial the latter myself, hijabs makes her pretty face such a good cum target.
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both are hot
but for me i love when they glaze their fat butts
Well I could do that then. I'll make sure I'm nice and backed before I fuck the little slut. That'll just make me pound her even harder too.
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can i lick it off her cheeks?
Any one have a long left to right image like this im making a 3ds theme
Sure anon.
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Need to get my tight sissy hole bred hard by a hung Spaniard or Brit while he forces my head into the pillow and whispers in my ear how much of an inferior shitskin I am and how im built for superior, meaty, veiny, fat white cock...
Too bad I'm neither of those.
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I'm not picky, have a BWC and I'll spread wide for you, papi...
Well everyone I've showed it to says they like it at least.
Made my dick stand up.
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I dont want to see your BWC, I want to use it, to milk it with my brown holes until you have are completely spent...
Then force another load out of you to make sure...
You really are a good brown boi then, anon. I'd love to fuck your brains out and make you swallow all of my cum.
Please do...
I fucking need a BWC to rearrange my insides, to feel it throb deep in me, and to fill it pumping out one load after another of white seed, marking me as papi's personal BWC milker...
Such a good boy. Doesn't it feel amazing giving in to fat white dick?
>Tfw hapa wife enjoyed a threesome with a white guy too much and now wants more
I might have fucked up
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>don't move, nigger!
>one more step toward the white man and I'll put a disruptor bolt right through your belly!
>I have hyperspectral vision, dumbass!
>I see the brass knuckles in your pocket and my facial scan indicates that you're a violent felon!
>I don't care if you dindu nuffin, use a different ATM!
>good thing you have me around, sir!
>I know you have a gun, but you were too busy typing in your PIN to pay close attention to approaching niggers
>wanna get a burger on the way home or do you want me to make you something?
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>new shift manager is white
>at least half a foot taller and twice my body mass
>always looks me dead in the eyes when giving me tasks
Hnnngh, every workday makes me flustered as hell now. I don't know if I want him to fuck me or my girlfriend.
tattoo Luan up, leave nothing bare
throw some tattoos on both


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Will be done.
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oh it's the bwc duck's birthday, I will post her







Damn this is hot
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Hot pic…
Need a white Fox daddy…
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Adorable. She deserves her hunky BWC
Delicious. We’re on fire…
this is what all hijabis want btw
semi based
Sounds like you did good
He should fuck you both. I’m sure you two would love it
made for big lincoln cock
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Hope she celebrates with her favorite meal…
How big is hung?
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it's spain's fault i fap to WMLF
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this is what every black girl wants anon, why won't you make them happy?
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Requesting body tattoo edits. Please do not make them bright. Let it blend in to look more natural. Thank you.
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Pure seeeeeex
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I dunno about you guys, but I think White women are pretty hot.
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Fat North Korean......
There's something off about that aryan queen...

Could be a Finnish girl who just came back from a trip to San Diego or something.
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I dunno what you mean.
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that ancient yokai has a very cute and suckable penis. that's not to imply that i would, though
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The guy invited us to a private sex pool party on the island on Wednesday.
We had been discussing opening our relationship and cutting loose this summer, but this went a little too well for her.
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Would (You) fuck a cookie /bleached/?
No. Go back into the oven.
Do you like beef bleached?
My first waifu was and still is Samus Aran. So yes I do love me some buff women.
She was never really consistently depicted as being athletically built though. But yes, space amazon waifu would make strong and beautiful children :)
Definitely would. And break a lot of bedframes in the process.
Good, she does not like weak lovers ;) do not even bother replacing the bedframes, it just means less time spent with her.
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Who's dis?
Pharah, obviously.
extremely based actually
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This is the most subtle way Japanese schoolgirls hit on their cute white English teachers.
Is she a refugee from North Korea or something?
It's white human summer
Who would you say is the Queen of BLEACHED?
>I'll never experience this sort of passion
It hurts...
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Gotta be Tifa. Has the canonicity, actual porn content, and makes subhumans the most mad.
Chel, logically speaking.
Also, Pharah and Kamal given their catalogue.
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did catbox website shit itself or is it only down for me toady?
Just you.
Shut up
Well? Does it work?
At this point there’s too many competitors for the title. I don’t think it’s possible to choose just one…
She does seem pretty happy…
She’s pretty too…
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Heaven. This, but with asian chicks for me.
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Cute Asian girl (male)
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make the guy white, and maybe some tattoos on her

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is that really a boy? looks like (s)he has titty
Stupid, sexy, latina, lowrider, bimbo tat slut. >:)

Trying to corrupt our white bois, what a whore.
Don't know.
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When the booru started Korra was practically the cover girl
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It would on me.
Hot. Wouldn't mind letting that bunny ride me for a little while!

(New to this fetish. What's the correct term for such a girl?)
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Sometimes, I find myself wondering; if Whites are the golden standard for humans, then what does that make me?
>geesh your father can be a bit over exaggerating, what does he think I do all day, deal drugs?
>the only thing he should care about that involves me is if I am abusive or a bad influence on you, which I ain’t from what I recall
>but eh fathers is fathers so I shouldn’t mind but I just wish he could get of our backs and just let us be a couple in peace
>anyways dear remember to take it slow and easy I know you want to take it all in at once but you will just choke alright, and I care about your safety so please instead of usually you take it roughly and quickly, let’s just be slow and less painful okay dear? :) <3
What you mean the arms? Heh get it right to bear arms
What race are you, and what country are you from?
Ummm is this just taken out of a living room where a couple is having sex? Like wtf? This doesn’t look like a porn movie so is this footage real?
Is it just me or is it a bit weird that bleached booru has actual child porn and I don’t mean persona porn no I mean actual looking child porn like I can stand persona porn but this wtf?
Bleach bunny
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tattoo my oc
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Haachama should be posted here more, a literal queen of hearts and overseas study bleached holo
Is there any link for tattoos and such? I want to try to edit stuff
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Evil yokai in dire need of some correction
Huh, she doesn't look particularly ominous here.
Dude I think she's literally inside a shrine, that's kind of ominous.
> Sir, here is a selection of bachelorettes we found from our territories in native America.

I want that one.

> Ah! funny sir, I would not recommend that one though, perhaps we should look at-

I do not care, I want that one.
But her body language, her expression, even the look in her eyes is less menacing than usual.
> Caucasian Appreciation Tuesday
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Dark, US
>>67071757 This is great. Did you make it?
It was being posted around gif. We do need an AI guy though.
asian college girls have it too good... bwc comes right to them...
>white boys seemed to bring out a sadistic streak in her
>after years of fantasizing, this was her first time acting on it
>she seduced him easily
>maybe the slut was used to Japanese housewives throwing themselves at him
>before he knew it, he was tied up and helpless with her strongest vibrator buzzing away against his cock
>she meant to bend him to her will
>leave him drained and broken and enslaved
>a big sexy white toy to play with whenever she wanted
>but he turned out to be strong
>she kissed his neck and played with his hair and scratched him with her fingernails for forty-five minutes and he still held out
>an asian boy would've snapped like a twig by now
>if she just let him throw her a good honest fuck, she'd be in heaven by now
>body purring from multiple orgasms, womb filled with his cum and falling asleep to his heart beating under her cheek
>fuck it
>she pulled the ropes off, tossed the vibrator across the room and yanked his shorts down
>he didn't even take a minute to get himself together
>he kissed her like he was in charge the whole time and slid inside
>the room filled with loud plaps and happy moans as he banged away at his former dom
>he might be new at being a delivery driver, but he's still a white man
Wanna clap fat asian hag checks.
Native gf has heels.....
I would assume so, yes? Which still qualifies as porn, even if home made
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You should thank them
Fuggin hot
Need more like it
Seems like the kind of dorky goofy nerd who wants to watch anime after getting creampied
>comes to fish
>randomly gets naked
just white man things
B is way better
Fubuki is one of the clearest cases of white owned
Rare good biggy pic
Hope he got her pregnant
chink pussy… <3
Latina? She knows how to ride >>67070245
We need more standing sex/guiding cock into pussy
European colonists in the 1800s be like
Appreciate the effort.
Jewish shark cunny
indian girls in 1700s be like
The reason the example is set. Make sure to follow it and please your betters
Can I get the sauce/name of the artist? That signature is straight unreadable.
priya? top tier indian
Who is this
made for big white spiders
The hiding face thing is kinda cute
nice pic
more like she's made for one spiderverse character
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Tomo The Rock will get this cock.

Thank you!
A roll.
I guess I'd be re-rolling anyway...
Anon is best girl with based taste.
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I'll take the slut, brainwash(romance) her till she's domesticated and keep knocking her up till she belongs in my arms and doesn't want to be anywhere else.
Damnit. The chub girl is well fine, but becoming fat too sounds depressing as hell. Time to hit the gym and become a chef - if this weight isn't leaving then I'm turning it into muscle.
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She should be corrupted back. To make things even.
Maybe being knocked up with a few white bastards would fix her. >:)

Maybe even that is not enough. >>:)
Also, thanks for the edit.
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Link's dead and there are no archives.
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Miguel? Peter?
Let’s roll!
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Brown boys were made to serve (my) BWC
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White guys need to be rougher with us...
First one is Panam, from Cyberpunk 2077, she's the main heterosexual romance.
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Why are muslim teen girls like this
She's so built for it...
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I like being rough.
There's no bigger forbidden fruit than a neo-nazi skinhead.
Him manhandling you like an animal...
Having no regard for your comfort, pushing your head against the wall while he mercilessly rails your caramel slit....
Then getting on top of him, putting your hands on his pale chest, one of your hands covering the swastika he has tattoo'd on one of his muscular pecs...
And then just bouncing HARD on his BWC, just going up and down his fat, veiny cock so hard the bed creaks like it could break any second now...
Then caking his white shaft with your squirt while you scream and moan like a bitch in heat....
And after you are done draining him he slaps you, calls you a shitskin whore and holds you tightly while you both pass out...
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What's with these insanely high brightness pics?
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Good taste! I like to imagine Peni has a taste for him too…
accurate kek
nice mulatta to be bleached (i forget her name)

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