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Average Delicious and Religious Discussion

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66703274

>Request, write, or share stories and provide feedback/critique when appropriate. All writers are welcome, SFW and NSFW.

>Instead of asking for interest or worrying about a fetish, just post your damn writing/request and see what happens. You might get lucky.

>Complaining about fetishes is dumb and stupid in /trash/. Use that negative energy for requesting, reading and writing instead.

>Please tag stories so readers know what they're getting into. Nobody can force you to tag stories you share or make. However, people are MUCH likelier to skip a work if there are no tags present.

>Try to bump the thread if it gets to page 9, but feedback is always appreciated for posted stories, for author or reader! Those are the best kind of bumps.

/d/'s Master List: contains old stories, writing guides, and more

Lewd Thesaurus shamelessly stolen from /flg/

Request Dump: Find/Post requests here too

General grammar tutorials and key notes

Tips on Improving Prose:

Sites to post stories/WIPS at:
HentaiFoundry, SoFurry
Rentry (if the system flags your post as spam, replace “.co” with “.org”)
FF-net (fan works only)
Pastebin (not recommended due to NSFW takedowns and filters)
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Last thread news

>Futa/f, nipple play, kissing, missionary, first time sex, creampie

Circus Baby's Pizzeria Simulator
>Fnaf, Anon x Circus Baby, Robosexual, Gone wrong, Slow burn, No Elizabeth Involvement

Risky Business
>Fnaf, Anon X Ballora, Robosexual, Gone Wrong, Gone Sexual, Not Clickbait, Slow Burn, BDSM stuff, Incomplete

Intelligence Vampire
>Vampires, Ninja's, comedy, CYOA

Short Night Stand
>Shadowrun, Dwarf Women, Elf, Drinking, One Night Stands, Size Difference, Teasing, Strip Tease, Vaginal Fingering, Mutual Masturbation, Groping, Cowgirl Position, Nipple Play, Missionary Position, Creampie

Memories of Bunny Game
>M/F, video games, HMOFA, anthro rabbit, virtual groping, masturbation, glitch exploitation

Last Origin: Calling To A New Dawn
>Last Origin, Commander X Cerberus, Irrumatio, Brat Taming, Doggystyle, Full-Nelson, Sitting Full-Nelson, Creampies, Petplay (Sort of?), Teasing, Confessions, Reassurances

Lusty Roommates on a Friday Night
>Strangers to Lovers, Dog, Ferret, M/F, Blowjobs, Barefoot, Animalistic, Pheromones, Hung Penis, Crotch Sniffing, Lotta Sex,

Link any stories I missed
I love fat girls
>Get into hot new tumblrsexyman
>Take a few hours to write a simple SFW shortfic entirely focused around him; not even getting the rest of the cast in or shipping him with anyone
>50 kudos in two weeks
So this is the power of autism...
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Big Sister’s Cum Fetish: Chapter 13

>Relevant Tags: Incest, Onee-Shota, Consensual Underage Sex, Sex as Reward, Vaginal Sex, Cum on Clothes
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What does that mean?
Fortune's Favor Chapter 5: Shadows
>Tags: SFW, OC, first person POV, fantasy, adventure, interspecies adoption, graphic violence
>Just like he promised, our protagonist sets out to investigate and hunt down the mythical boar that is allegedly terrorizing the village of Ulm. No big deal for such a seasoned adventurer, however there's the teensy issue of the hatchling getting in his way. But not everything is as it seems, secret plots are revealed, and blood gets spilled.
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I don't recall this story being posted here before. What is the original story about?
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What is this from?
I posted chapter 4 here back in February. The basic premise is that a lone adventurer finds an abandoned dragon hatchling and, finding himself unable to kill it, instead decides to find it a new home.
What video game streamer should I watch to help me procastinate writing?
It's from a CIA document on torture
Put on vaporwave
>a row of large fields that lied between the road
>the burned down mill
>its razor sharp teeth
>“Well, that still does not mean anything—“
>“You son of a—“
>“Why would he come tell us—“
>“What? That wasn't—“
>“Hey, I can work just fine—“
Word-processor-failure opening quotes after the em-dashes.
>Its crimson red fur
"crimson-red" (or just "crimson")
>prone on my back
"supine" ("prone" is on your front)
>its small insane eyes
"small, insane"
>it plows straight into a panicking crowd
"cuts straight" maintains the imagery without the distracting repetition.
>He raises the weapon over his head
"raises the weapon high" avoids the repetition.
>a furred mountain with hairs hard and sharp, almost like the bristles of a brush.
Boar hair is used to make hair brushes IRL, so I found the "almost" distracting. How about "with hairs hard and sharp enough for the bristles of a brush"?
>creature of night
"creature of the night" is standard (although this has a potentially distracting idiomatic meaning of "prostitute")
>As strong as she may come on
And here's another potentially distracting idiom, as "come on strong" can mean overdoing flirting.
>laid atop my satchel
I assume it went there of its own accord, so "lying".
>I may have to contact the again

Another excellent chapter from one of the best fics I've seen on /wfg/. We start with a tense stealth scene (but isn't the MC too harsh on the dragon? I thought it warned him.), and then an exciting action scene. The immediate mystery is resolved but it only raises more questions. I recommend this fic, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
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requesting a pokemon fucking human girl story with some TF twists
>perverted girl uses her ditto on herself like a living body suit
>like a transforming costume/fursuit to take on the appearances of different pokemon
>uses it to get closer to wild pokemon and have sex with them since that's her kink
>what she doesn't know is ditto is getting better at transforming and bonding with her as her suit
>instead of just being a form fitting costume at first the ditto is changing her too
>now when changing it also alters her pussy to become the same look and feel as the species of pokemon she's disguised as
>i.e. puffy canine vagina for canine-like pokemon, horse pussy for equine pokemon, etc
>which results in her getting pregnant from her pokemon fucking adventures
>since it's a ditto that she's wearing/bonded to she takes on the ditto's universal compatibility trait
>meaning she can breed with any and every pokemon as long as she's wearing ditto during the mating
Side note I don't want her to fully transform, but stay similar to like the ref image while wearing the ditto and can still take the ditto off to be back at normal human form. Of course she'll want to wear the ditto more and more for ease of access to fuck wild pokemon. Maybe even using the ditto to always be naked and have it mimic clothes too.
Broken Sanctuary

>Tribal, Sci-Fi, Relationships, Romance, Mild Erotica, (Maybe Femdom), Role Reversal, Size Difference, Violence
>Following the saga of Venka, a huntress from the Hollow Reed Tribe, as she races to reunite with her people who flee a merciless, genocidal force. Along the way, she encounters an improbable ally—the lone survivor of a lost, advanced civilization. Venka grapples with her growing feelings for him and the cultural divide between their two peoples. Exploring themes of survival, cultural collision, forbidden love, and the delicate balance between duty and personal happiness in a world where primitive societies endure the remnants of the Sky People.

My first post in this thread, I never got around to it when I was writing An Unlikely Bride.
>BE AWARE that this is uhhh not edited and I am not going to edit it while I write it so if you don't like that then maybe you shouldn't read this because it would be a waste of your time
Well, that's one way to deter feedback.
Are these lizard people by chance, what with the talking of scales?
I see you are laying something down, but to me it hasn't really clicked over what's going on. From what I see, is that a tribe that is in danger of being wiped out is on the move despite the forewarning that there is no escape for their eventual demise. The Elder Shaman lady is still trying to maintain hope for who's left, even if it means lying to her people.
>Well, that's one way to deter feedback.
I'm just being perfectly honest. No sense in wasting anyone's time.
>Are these lizard people by chance, what with the talking of scales?
>The Elder Shaman lady
You're reading just the prologue. Three other chapters are in the same folder.
Thank you, anon, once again for your feedback and your kind words. I've done my best to address the issues you pointed out.

>but isn't the MC too harsh on the dragon? I thought it warned him.
It did and he is. It's intentional and I'm pleased that you caught that. The MC is frustrated at having to deal with the hatchling's antics and letting that frustration cloud his judgment at that moment.
Oh I also wanted to add that I appreciate you taking a look. I was in the middle of something else while I made that reply and forgot to say that, sorry.
>You're reading just the prologue. Three other chapters are in the same folder.
Not him but I can only see the Prologue in the folder.
SoFurry SoFuckinSucks so I've changed back to a big master file because I am not dicking around with this godawful site.

So no, it's Prologue through Chapter 3 now.
Oh now the other chapters show up
I genuinely do not know what's happening. I'm sorry this has been such a mess, but at least the thread's getting bumped.
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I masturbated instead of wrote again :(
Bad anon. Please report to the penis explosion chamber to receive your just punishment.
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Still alive and working on Lizardman threesome, splitting time between two jobs right now. Did a lot of clean up in editing. Thanks again for your patience, life's still hectic.
Glad to see you. Good luck with the jobs man. I hope things get easier for you.


And of course...

Broken Sanctuary, Chapter 4

>Tribal, Sci-Fi, Relationships, Romance, Mild Erotica, (Maybe Femdom), Role Reversal, Size Difference, Violence
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Mozzarella Cookie is a character from Cookie Run Kingdom that is a high-tech command of the Virtual Golden City of the Golden Cheese Kingdom. As a virtual world where souls of the citizens are stored, she runs the systems involved and combs through as much bugs and glitches the other Cookies deal with before it affects the world and ruins their immersion of the virtual kingdom. Despite this, she has a big love for games and likes gambling with odds that may or may not be calculated.

My idea is of a programmer/bug tester guy being hired by a rather shady VR tech company to try out their new software before it goes into market. It looks weird, but hey, free VR is nice. He puts it on to be whisked away into the Golden City, and Mozzarella Cookie, amused at a non-cookie (or foreign one if you want to make him a cookie) coming in by outside means, entertains herself with him with a variety of games that require intentional game-breaking bugs to solve. Loose references to and/or including
>Half-Life collision physics for height boosts
>Mario 64's Backwards long jump
>No clipping
If you know of any more fun bugs, go for it. As he does his job, Mozzarella Cookie tries to fix them with his aid. Of course, it doesn't take long for some bugs to end up with him being in compromising positions with her, which eventually leads to intimacy
Preferred kinks
>Shortstack, scent, Princess Carry, Breast play, fondling, motorboating, playful biting, Belly kissing and licking, ass massage, Cunnilingus rough sex, creampie
Optional kink
>accidental anal due to glitchy insertion

If you want a look at her personality, she has a mini-series dedicated to her work here:
Her dialogue: https://cookierunkingdom.fandom.com/wiki/Mozzarella_Cookie/Quotes
>Lusty Roommates on a Friday Night

Comments continued:
>grunted out a sensual "Oook"
No capital when the quotation is integrated into the sentence like this.
>uttering a quiet "Ur... urrr".
And same again here. And the period goes inside the quotation in standard American English, despite this being illogical. (This comment uses logical quotations for clarity but I wouldn't use them in an actual fic.)
>It's scent was strong and musky.
>sliding into the pockets of his foreskin
Is the plural intentional?
>She took handle of his belt
"took hold"
>The wide long meat
"wide, long"
>She pressed her tongue on Jagannath's dorsal
"Dorsal" is usually an adjective. I don't feel like researching dog penis, so I'll assume this makes sense to the intended audience.
>He had his dick sucked before
"He had had", or better "He'd had" to avoid the repetition.
>Starla looked up, smiled, and said "Ook!".
Comma after "said", and no period (the exclamation point already functions as one).
>and accidentally calls the woman "mom",
Comma inside the quote.
>faint underbellies of music
"Underbellies" has negative connotations here. Intended?
>She got up and laid over the couch.
>The dog walked over to the carpet and laid down
>Starla turned herself onto the bed and laid down
>the rumble of its engine saying hi as it passed
Quotation marks around "hi".
>"Did you guys have sex here?" said Dy, "Do I need to get you
Period, not comma.

And we reach the sex scene. It's wacky slapstick cartoon sex, complete with bizarre food metaphors and an absurd number of exclamation points. I'm not the target audience, but I assume some people like this.
On second thought, a singular pocket on a foreskin would do.
Dorsal refers to the crease on the bottom of penises. My characters have humanoid genitals.
Underbellies wasn't a good word in hindsight. I'm not sure which one would be the most evocative but I changed it to "tremors of music".

thanks for reading my story even if it was not your thing. I use food metaphors because they are easy and they represents the primal, carnal craving that my characters have. It goes good with the primal intensity they have.
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>I don't feel like researching dog penis, so I'll assume this makes sense to the intended audience.

Broken Sanctuary, Chapter 4

>Tribal, Sci-Fi, Relationships, Romance, Mild Erotica, (Maybe Femdom), Role Reversal, Size Difference, Violence
I began writing again.
good job anon
How do I get over chronic restartitis? It plagues everything I do and is making me delete hours worth of work because, instead of cramming a new passage in somewhere else with some slight rewrites, I may as well just do everything all over again. It burns me out of most games because I have to restart if anything goes awry or I notice I've missed something.
There's no easy answer, it just comes down to discipline. You need to accept the fact that you will never write a perfect story, and sooner or later you will think of ways you should have written this or that, instead. You need to force yourself to finish a story. I find that with every work I complete makes it easier to stick through the writing process and avoid scrapping my work.
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Do you mean Chapter 5
What are your thoughts of power tool metaphors to describe sex?
In what sense? I can't imagine why they would be a bad thing unless they're overused. I will say that they make me think that it's more rough or violent than gentle or loving, but I'm sure that's your intent.
well, shit
maybe one day sanding will enter popular smut lexicon
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Thanks, and all things considered things are the best they've ever been, so no need to worry. I'll keep plugging away at it until the story's done.
Plowing. Piledriving. Jackhammering.
Requesting OSHA compliant porn.
>honey I'm begging you I'm on my hands and knees here please stop asking me to hydraulic press your cement mixer until I concrete pump your dump truck
>Do you mean Chapter 5
I do, sorry, I'm tragically stupid and make really silly mistakes sometimes.
My favorite move is the industrial lathe. It's when you're having a threesome and you spitroast the girl, but then you and your buddy pick her up in the air and starting spinning her around.
Don't mind me, I'm just over here accidentally adding a thousand words to my second draft instead of cutting things out.
Do we need a delivery anchor?
Not really. I remember someone trying to push for request and delivery anchors in the past, but it never really caught on here. While some aspects of the thread are similar to a drawthread, it's not the same culture. Most are content to just sharing what they made for feedback and the like, rather than focus on request and delivery. Chances aren't zero, but it's something to think about.

The thread recap post works in place of one though >>67020268 since it captures what was made the thread before.
>sky is falling
IS this based on a franchise or is it your original setting, out of curiosity? This feels tribal, but the explosions in the sky give me the impression that it's a modern society going to war against each other, tossing bombs and the like back and forth, and the wildlife/tribes are just watching the show from above. I say it leaves a good impression in that regard.
>A strange barrier, clear as fresh water, separated her from the room inside
Damn glass windows has taken another victim
Out of curiosity, was the man's response understandable or incoherent? The story mentions he responded, but there's no dialogue from him. Maybe he was just too weak to reply properly? Or was he just nodding his head?
The language becomes a bit more clear in Chapter 4, and I found the attempt to work around the language barrier somewhat clever, as he adjusts how they speak so that his dialogue can be understood clearly by her and vice versa. It probably won't be long before they start talking pretty smoothly.
I also like the little implication of what an actual 'soft male' means in the lizard culture.

I think you made an interesting story with a curious scenario and language barrier to work with. It was interesting enough for me to read from start to end, although I didn't see much to correct myself. I will admit that the first 2 chapters are a bit tough to navigate with how she views the world and modern things, but I think in a subsequent read it will be much easier to decipher. I'm still unsure of what "Low people" are though. But this is a decent read.
>IS this based on a franchise or is it your original setting
This is takes place on a planet in a larger universe of my own making, I'm not really going to tell the reader when it is or what's going on, but it's at the tail end of the 24th Century about 240 years after The Collapse, basically a galactic apocalypse. I won't spell out David's origins, but there's a reason why he figures out her language in basically four days.
>wildlife/tribes are just watching the show
Basically, yeah. There's legends of terrible golems, Sky People, that took the Upright People long ago. We'll get to that, but basically the legend is that warriors of stone came down and stole entire tribes away to their evil moon and burned the forests and boiled the rivers dry. Obviously the recent events have upset people and reminded them of that old legend.
>I say it leaves a good impression in that regard.
Thanks! Glad you like it.
>Damn glass windows has taken another victim
I was really debating this because I wanted to just say "it's glass man :D" but then I remembered, shit, they haven't invented glass yet. This comes up later.
>Maybe he was just too weak to reply properly?
She just acknowledged that he responded. I didn't want to go into it on purpose.
>I found the attempt to work around the language barrier somewhat clever
Yeah, I'm still not entirely happy with it but I don't think there's a better way to do it and still move the story forward. I had to pick a lane.
>probably won't be long before they start talking pretty smoothly
Very, very soon. I was going to do some conlang shit, but uhhh no. No, because I just did that already and I hated it lmao
>I also like the little implication of what an actual 'soft male' means in the lizard culture.
See, the best part about that is that Dave's actually kinda jacked lmao
Their males look like twunks, evolved to endure the amorous advances of the fairer sex. To her he's like almost comically erotic.

I'll break this into another part.
>I think you made an interesting story with a curious scenario
Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to read.
>I will admit that the first 2 chapters are a bit tough to navigate with how she views the world and modern things
Yeah, I'm intending on going through and maybe expanding stuff to really drive it home because I think I relied too much on her headspace and how she saw stuff when I was writing without really thinking too hard about it. I don't want it to be hard to read, I want it to be fun to read, but also getting the point across that you're looking through the eyes of a neolithic hunter.
>I'm still unsure of what "Low people" are though.
I couldn't really explain this in the story, but they're... basically raccoons if she were a wolf. They share a distant ancestor, but they compete for resources and territory and they're both struggling to become the dominant species. Aside from her personal reasons she has an instinctual dislike and distrust toward them, but obviously now she just hates them which is why she does what she does in Chapter 3. I don't out-right say it, but killing males is taboo in her culture entirely now, and among others it's only allowed during ritual sacrifice. Males effectively are their culture, all of the things that makes the village run are handled by males, females simply fight, fuck, and provide when they aren't pregnant. If you destroy the stock of males you wipe out the tribe's identity by destroying its history, art, society, but you also destroy its ability to reproduce. It's reprehensible, but the animosity between the Upright and Low Peoples is that intense. (they also do it for fun and they also started it so fuck them)

Working on Chapter 6 right now.
It's never really been necessary since there aren't many deliveries, and they aren't typically made in the same thread they were requested.
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>perky vagina with a brush of fuzz above
how can she have a "brush of fuzz" when she is covered in fur?
Different length.
This. A comparison would be the brush of a literal bush amongst grasses

What actually is a "delivery anchor" anyways?
When you post a finished work, you or another anon can quote the anchor and the finished piece so people don't have to scroll through the whole thread if you want to see completed pictures.
Oh boy, here I go starting another fanfic series despite having three unfinished right now
You seem to like getting distracted, anon.
I just have a lot of ideas.
Thanks for the explanation.
I need ideas on how to successfully mindbreak/torture one of my characters, who is a very honorable sort, has more or less lost everything and is fully willing to die after being captured by the enemy. My first thought was having people fuck with his mind directly, but there's gotta be more
Put his honor to the test. Surely there is something he firmly believes in, so stress test that belief in a way that it's rigged so that he either ultimately fails or he's forced to contradict himself, willing or otherwise. Shaking someone's belief like that to the very core can lead to some great exploitation of the mind, without having to have some outside force to scramble it and make it boring and out of character.
pretty sure I have six unfinished stories right now
That's a good idea. Do you think being forced to take a really rigged, sadistic choice would get the point across?
Different anon here but that depends on what the end goal is. If you're trying to flip him in an espionage sort of situation, present the grim reality of his worldview is wrong, and give him an out.
That is fairly close to what I'm doing. I suppose I've sort of written myself into a corner to begin with, but I think that endgame sounds like a good start
Glad to help! Hope it works out.
So hey, how should one write an orgy?

I'm working on the intelligence vampire story and I have things wrapping up to an orgy as a point of climax (double entendre). However I'm unfamiliar with sex scenes in general and haven't gotten a lot of feedback on the subject from what little I've written. Just one comment saying they liked that there was a mission corresponding with one sex-scene so there was some actual plot relevance going on.

To set the scene, one of the teachers is under a vampire-like curse that is draining her intelligence but fueling a sense of megalomania, and has hypnotic vampire powers that's convinced everyone to go along with her whims. She settled on the idea that a blood-ritual/orgy is going to increase her powers, and is gonnna use the announcement system to call a bunch of female students to the gym for said orgy. Meanwhile the two protagonists are going in to try to feed her a cure, but by then things'll be too late.

Here we have her turning the popular cheerleader into a thrall that'll complete her own transformation, and then the orgy is meant to kick off after. But like- how does one just transition into something like that? And how long should I keep the scene going and what should I put in the scene?

I mean in terms of narrative importance, it just matters that the main characters have failed to stop it before they even show up, and later a third character will show up as a distraction to allow one of them to escape. Narratively that's kinda short, and I feel since there's been very little sex in the story thus far I should make sure to hit the landing here. I just don't know where to begin in fleshing out a sex-scene. I know what I find sexy and hot and all, I just don't know how I translate that into actual writing.

Anyone have any advice on this?

I genuinely have no idea how to answer this. I think you should maybe map out how you want things to go like any other scene and then fill in the more minor details and then start writing around those.
See issue is I don't have much on that front.

Starting from where I'm at-
>My main two characters pop into the gymnasium to stop the vampire teacher's plan.
>Unfortunately she's already drained the Cheerleader of her essence and has become what I deem a 4.0 Vampire (basically just more slutty than she was before)
>Haven't quite decided what the cheerleaders dynamic as a thrall should be yet
>Anyway the teacher has much more advanced hypnosis abilities and uses them to command all the women in the room to start the orgy
>One aspect would be the VP who is a thrall taking advantage of this to have sex with the principal who she has a giant crush on
>Now, the female lead (tsubara, anti-magic ninja) is sucked into this because she's not immune to mind-control, just aware of it unlike everyone else. The male lead just by happenstance wasn't caught up in the hypnosis (merely down to the teacher probably only ordering the women present for the orgy), but can't do all that much. I think given he's meant to be trying to reverse all this, to have him willingly participate would make him a bit of a scumbag (though that doesn't mean he can't still want to of course).
>Oh- one element I forgot that I need to include is the vampire teacher trying to micro-manage everything. Her becoming a bit of a control freak is kind of important to her villain arc.
>Anyway the scene ends once the original vampire who infected everyone (who is also an alt-right incel) interrupts, and now the male lead is forced to pair up with him to take down the vampire femnocracy that now controls the school

So I mean I have plot beats. Just you know, not sex beats.

Oh also if it's of any importance, all the nameless students are represented by faceless character models for ease of animation.
>Haven't written sex scenes much at all
>wants to write a big fuck all orgy to send the message
get fucked lol.
Jokes aside, you kinda put yourself in a very awkward situation. With your admitted small experience and how big orgies can get, there are a LOT of moving parts and it'll basically be impossible to map it all out while the main characters are out and about. Are they also participants in the orgy? If not it could make it easier to write.

If you want to set a scenario, I'd definitely focus on the scent first and foremost. Orgies are infamous for smelling like a lot of sweaty bodies, sex, and sounds that could either make you hard or limp depending on how used you are to sex. If they're trying to just pass through, they would definitely end up gawking at some key poses during the orgy, like a familiar face getting ravaged by a group, or someone that seemed straight suddenly going for the same sex. A gangbang here, some dubious consent sex there, someone taking in in both ass and pussy, someone dominating all the dicks or pussy around them. Setup a scene for how the orgy takes place. I think this method could be handy if you wanna do the build it as you explore the room approach.
Admittedly I only have a bit of knowledge about weird big group stuff, except replace the sex orgies with people fighting in the streets. I think the same rules applies, just replace the body fluids involved.

Of course, this assumes you are writing about someone else trying to navigate through all the sex and not to become the sex themselves. If you want to do the latter, maybe the things they witness can suddenly start seeming inticing to them to try. Ultimately someone from the orgy could try to loop them in if they notice someone not fucking around?
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>gooned to my lobotomized chatbots again in the hopes that they'd give me something good
>had to cum while I was soft because of the retarded answers taking me out of it and a lack of new pornographic stimulus, leading me closer to ED
>could've spent all that effort compiling them into proper stories, but they'd be too embarrassing to post on my main, and because I have nothing there, I don't want to post anonymously
A delivery anchor
A pool of ichor
A door of rancor
really makes you think
First mistake was depending on someone and not yourself first.
>comically erotic
Something about this phrase just paints the best picture in my mind. I will look forward to seeing how that aspect plays out.
I've tried to do this a few times, but the chatbots are always just so excessively agreeable that they never really give me ideas. I still have to come up with the shit in the first place. I get more ideas looking at the personality that other people have given the bots in the description or initial setup than I've ever gotten from actual conversations. Just browse Spicychat's bot descriptions next time.
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Some of them are.

I imagine the Vice-Principal pairs off with the Principal, the blonde vampire thrall just gets swarmed by some of the anonymous students, and the female lead gets dragged into things in some manner as well.
So AO3 doesn't allow links to subscribestar or patreon whatsoever, right? And it doesn't have a 'journal' section either, does it? What's the best way to keep people updated that I didn't go MIA and something is just taking longer than normal for whatever? Or what's a good way to let interested people know what the fetish/subject matter is of an upcoming story, especially if I don't decide early enough that I can post it as the outro to a previous story?
>So AO3 doesn't allow links to subscribestar or patreon whatsoever, right? And it doesn't have a 'journal' section either, does it?
No and no.

>What's the best way to keep people updated that I didn't go MIA and something is just taking longer than normal for whatever?
Chapter notes or comments when someone asks.

>Or what's a good way to let interested people know what the fetish/subject matter is of an upcoming story, especially if I don't decide early enough that I can post it as the outro to a previous story?
Chapter notes or comments, again.
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>>67036100 (You)
>>67052313 (You)
>>67058736 (You)

Broken Sanctuary, Chapter 6
>Tribal, Sci-Fi, Original Work, Relationships, Romance, Human, Scalie, Mild Erotica, (Maybe Femdom), Role Reversal, Size Difference, Violence
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>those extra (You)s that got copied over.
I am not editing this again you guys get the point.
Are (You) sure there IS a point to start with, (You)?
Stop it guys! Now I won't be able to ctrl+f for (you) to find people replying to my comments without getting a bunch of false positives!
I have destroyed this thread and I apologize sincerely for my tragic, but probably expected, blithe stupidity.
They'll expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
Sincere question, anon, do you have ADHD? You seem to have a strong aversion to proofreading.
Ha ha.
>do you have ADHD
Yes, but
>You seem to have a strong aversion to proofreading
That's possibly due to my poor eyesight as well. It's hard for me to notice everything with the magnifier.

Is there something I missed in the story? Or are you referring to my constant fuckups here?
>detailed feet and drooly maws
>possibly due to my poor eyesight
Although it won't help with punctuation errors, I strongly recommend using text-to-speech while proofreading. I use espeak-ng because I find robotic voices easier to understand at high speeds.
I will say I've managed to recover a decent portion of my writing abilities by abstaining from chatbots, but sometimes that fleeting urge for porn so specific it can't possibly be made by someone else, and you're too horny to even type, is just too damn strong.
Only 5000 more words to edit :)
Only 4900 more words to edit :)
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>writing first person stream-of-conscience after being a life long 3rd person bordering-on-satire descriptive writer
>the perspective character is a lazy jackass
A-am I doing it right?
Seems fine. Phrasing feels a bit stiff, but the POV style is okay. It's probably a style issue more than anything else.

First person POV is nice in that in some aspects it's a lot more permissive than a traditional third person narrative. Since your story is told by one of the characters, not an unrelated disembodied voice, you can insert a whole lot more personality into your narration. Not only can (and should) the POV character's voice, opinions and quirks seep into the exposition, but you can use the things they say and talk about for further characterization. In some ways, it is a lot harder to do something objectively wrong in this type of narration.
Only 4950 more words to edit :)
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those sequels weren't good because they didn't have a strong concept like this
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Unrelated, but I've been thinking of getting into gamedev and most indie devs I've spoken to are like this too. So many people just want to make "a game."
Yeah I kinda like the dynamic the two have here. The Flare Gun being a tool not meant for killing, like her claws, is a humor I was surprised she caught on with.
Now that I think about it, the Pyro from TF2 and Caleb's Flare Gun are pretty dangerous 'tools' all things considered
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sneks snex
considering coming back to write more of Two Become One. would anybody be interested in more chapters?


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