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/mmog/ - Warhammer painting party edition

This is a general for furry content based in Warcraft/WoW, EQ, GW2, FFXlV, Dofus/Wakfu, TESO and any other mumorpegger whose porn belongs in the /trash/. We know you play them all. Unless you don't. Please refrain from posting AI generated imagery.

Old: >>66862732
She isn't old enough to drink! Undead years don't count.
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I saw, I came, I conquered.
flesh it out some more
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Lili is such a ginormous buttslut, so hot.
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She sure is.
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where's the Draenei?
Maybe the artist forgot her?
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She isn't there cause I mainly wanted the main four (Axel, Lili, Hilda and Everlyn) so i could recreate the cover of this comic.
When I squashed the faces together I didn't realize until later that the Charr boi was kinda big, and MSpaint destroys the doodle when I shrink it, ended up adding Sierra to balance it out, keeping charr brat ontop without it feeling too akward and avoiding empty space.
I see. That makes sense.
dracthyr studs....
Thanks for the explanation. It's a great pic in any case.
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He saw, he came.
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That's what you do to druidussy.
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charr cub but she' s loli and the only thing charr brat fears
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Takes a Charr brat to match a Charr brat, huh?
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>Charr Brat but with COOTIES EWW
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Need to be cucked by a big, smelly tauren druidess who's a little too productive and ditzy for her own good.
>not fucked
Wasted opportunity.
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>big, smelly tauren druidess
I actually have one of those, but I haven't roleplayed her in half a decade.
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This but she knows what she's doing, makes you do cleanup duty and occasionally emasculates you in druid form.
Does anyone have the gif where Li Li gets tentacled?
Thank you, anon. This is exactly what I was looking for.
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All big and bad until JC gets a hold of him
That's Dunbar though, lil priest boi.
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She is gonna catch em all!
What is it with Gilnean men and Forsaken women?
Lots of forsaken used to be Gilnean, only comes natural that you want to rekindle old flames.
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all the fleas maybe
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She is going to be rekindling a lot of flames.
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She just wants to feel warm and alive again. Is it really that much to be asked for?
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>She just wants to feel warm and alive again.
Don't we all, Jointcrack? Don't we all?
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She is being pretty direct here. I can appreciate that.
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Here is a fine selection for JC to choose.
Dozens of Worgs needing someone to comfort them, She would be in paradise.
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Gotta stretch well beforehand. It's going to get physical, kek.
>it's not the meme mangled pose
missed chance
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The light is so back guys!
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Knotting knelf
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Get moonkined
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Wish I had a knot so I could knot Axel's fat ass
Wish I had an Axel
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I guess Axel has to knot himself then, kek.
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wish we'd get more of the elf girl getting knotted
How I wish this had been completed...
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I can animate it, or I can finish it.
everyone scatter, he's here
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Finish it.
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Feel it's better to finish it with a rough background.
Can animate the line art when it's not looming over your head.
Finish it.
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That glorious bastard needs to knot some knife-ears.
Lowkey really wanna see Hilda being a bad influence on her
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Her voice would be ear grating if its anything like Tauren woman in the games.
WoW did female Taurens dirty.
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This but with Axel and the Draenei.
That would be nice.
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It definitely would be nice.
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I will put charr brat in his place
Words spoken moments before disaster.
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Cute pantsu.
artist finally confirmed it'll never be finished
well, I'm sure people can finish to it anyway
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I have received permission from my artist to post this piece. He's called Mako. He's a White Scarf with the Shado-Pan. That means he's not a full-fledged Watcher on the Wall yet, but he has passed the Trial of the Red Blossoms with just a little bit of nepotistic help.
how much?
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60 bucks and 3 years of waiting because I kept forgetting about it
he's just refunding it at this point lel
>clearly no knot stuck anywhere
c'est un imbecile
Some more Oh-cee is gud!

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