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/holy/ - Christian Themed Media General #130
>"Francis' Day Job" Edition


>Angel Hare playlist
>Start Here
>Review of the tie-in game
>EP's Website



>DooM Franchise

>Faith: The Unholy Trinity

>Binding of Isaac



>/holy/ OC Lore

>/Holy/ Story Archive

>Art Dropbox

>Art Collabs

>Gabby AI Voice

>Watch party strawpolls:
None for now!

Previous Thread: >>66915664

>Missed a thread or two?
first for francis balls
badger balls, if you will
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>hooters Francis
heck yeah
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Francis needs to be shrunk down and put in that jar as punishment
>putting a limited edition Gabby figure in a jar of mysterious white substance
>Francois looks like he says slurs
Lord forgive me for what I want to do to this badger
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Francois I like to imagine was a particularly fanatic and violent French knight who participated in the Great Crusades
He needs punishment
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When I'm done with Francis he won't be able to stand for a week
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Look at him there
please stop tempting me
random thought
what if ShoutingIsFun did AH art?
look him up
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Bro I was just looking at his stuff
And I bet it'd be both hot AND hilarious
I don't think I want to
No do it, he makes great stuff
Okay, I looked them up. Kinda funny
The badger gives me unholy thoughts.

Goddam that’s a very tall gabs
love that guy but i can never keep track of his shit
i want to suck zag wylde's dick under his desk while he's working on a case
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Go nuts
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He single handled lands angel hare in R rating with what he says
He brings out slurs for nationalities and races that don't even exist anymore.
almost looks like a shota Francis...
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>Captcha: J0YNJ
... No
Between Francesca and Francis seems Francois/wolf’s name is the odd one out
By not being a “dumb deuteragonist“ I mean
Francine? Anyway she wasn't dumb or anything, just a little nosy and sarcastic. Neither is Francis for that matter, he's just innocent and a little anxious. You shouldn't say people are dumb anon, we all have wonderful qualities, it just takes a little kindness to see them.
francois is a nigger
Ah sorry Francesca was Mikey’s helper like Francis and while Francine definitely isn’t as “dumb” she’s still a bit more light hearted.
And I put dumb in quotes as I figured it was the sort of character type they fit I don’t think there actually dumb
If Francine is a more serious then Francis then maybe Francois evens them out? Francis and Francesca being goofy and Francois and Francine being more serious, good lord we have a lot of Fr names I do hope they show up a lot more It’s always nice to see them
He's not a nigger, he's old French
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Yeah, Francois and Marty are near equal in their stoic adherence to The Lords word.
Marty of course has begun to, dip a little what with being in Edenville.
Also have this
Just thought up and alternate scenario that amused me for a moment
> People meet Marty's helper Francois for the first time
> He proudly tells them that his assistant is an olde timey French knight and aristocrat who was spared damnation to serve
> No southern bumpkin badger for one of his high station
> They look at him funny
> "Are you sure he's French?" They ask
> "Sounds kinda... German..."
> He looks at Francois
> "Let me assure you, Herr Marty, that I am most certainly... Fraunch."
> Marty looks back at the others
> "See? French."
> God actually stuck him with the soul of a Nazi war criminal as that was the only one who would agree to the post working for him
> Serves faithfully, but is forever snarking and making dry little comments about things, but Marty seems completely oblivious to all of it
That, is actually very funny.
>"Mister Francois are you a nazi?"
>"Vell ve had a few beerz and suddenly ve voke up in Czechoslovakia."
> "Francois? Come here, I need your assistance with something."
> "Yes, Herr Marty?"
> "I seem to be having trouble with this final solution, and-"
> Francois perks up considerably
> "Ah, at long last!" He cries excitedly
> "This has been a long time coming, Herr Marty!"
> "Ve vill need to find a suitable sized oven, some gas, and a tattoo artist vith a penchant for numbers..."
> Marty waves a hand dismissively without looking up
> "Numbers?" He asks absently
> "Not the sudoku numbskull, the final solution to this crossword."
> He taps his puzzle book with his pen
> "Eight across, starts with an I, another word for a fool or an incompetent..."
> "Imbecile..." Mutters Francois bitterly
> "That's the one!" Shouts Marty, scribbling it down
> "Very good, very good..."
> "Vell done, sir." The wolf grumbles, before stomping off to get in with his other duties sullenly
i adore this thread, I leave for like an hour and you guys are already spitballing better ideas for this character than what I coulda came up with
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>that bulge
Fuckin kek
Thank you anon
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i've had ideas for Riley's Francis-analogue for a while now desu
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do tell!
all i got's a name and a general personality
Pete the Porcupine(name based off of St. Peter)
if any of you've watched MLP g4, imagine Spike but shyer
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i love these two so much it's insane
They ended up washing their eyes after that
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I need to kiss him
get in line
Okay, but I'm kissing him first
I might try giving em a design
Honestly my first idea was a mouse, I thought it would be funny if Riley's little assistant is super small
>"Francois have you seen Riley's assistant?"
>"Mm-mm." He said with a full mouth
jesus christ kek
Friendly reminder:
Riley doesn't deserve an assistant.
He is an annoying little twink that deserves only to be mercilessly bullied until his behaviour is corrected.
See him nerding out over a book that isn't the bible? Bully him. Bully him hard until he returns to the God approved reading list.
See him gayly skipping through the fields and picking flowers? Bully him. Bully him round the clock until he stops prancing and gets back to his Angel duties.
See him doing pretty much anything at all that can be even mildly construed as off mission or even vaguely described as flouncy? Bully him into the ground. Bully him until he begs for release, then bully him some more.
The best part? You won't get in trouble for this, as God himself is tired of the little twink not taking his duties seriously, so feel free to bully him long and hard, knowing you are doing the Lord's work.
That is all.
t. Marty
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shut up, Marty
i was going for alliteration
ngl the mouse idea would be cuter
and a neat counterpoint to Francis'... mass
Autism magic
Sounds like someone wants to kiss Riley but is too much of a coward to admit his feelings
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Sleepy time in /holy/
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Anyone received their Kickstarter rewards yet? I know it'll take some time because of the sheer amount of rewards and such, but I was just curious if anyone got theirs because I'm always interested in seeing pics of what they got.
Please, someone draw Marty and Riley kissing
any request?
This >>67046750
Gabby and Jonah standing together in the garden of Eden wearing nothing but fig leaves, while holding hands, like God intended.
Francois wearing a nazi uniform but instead of a swastika it's a cross on the armband
Francine being caught by Zaggy acting like a fox.
Why must I simp for this gay holy badger so much
Marty hugging Joy
Francis looks so afraid and traumatized.
Because he saw Jonah out his hand up Gabby's butt and use her like a muppet
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What's happened since April? I haven't been here since that creepy noelleposter started showing up
>Jonah got eaten by the bowels of a bun
A lot of shit.
Francis at Pride
Requesting this also out of the interest that’s not based in lustful thoughts what so ever.
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Some of the plushes have been delivered on the discord, so it's definitely happening. I'm still waiting on a tracking number.
Gabby trying to talk to someone while lamb Jonah is obviously underneath her robe, humping away

If that's too nsfw, Gabby and Mikey having a sibling fight
>Gabby trying to talk to someone while lamb Jonah is obviously underneath her robe, humping away
second this but only if it's the adult Lamb Jonah design with a beard (partially because that would be funnier)
Yes. Yes yes 100% yes
So cool
Erm, we /ss/ lambs here sir...
Why not both?
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I just get so frustrated.
I want to spend my life with someone, adore them, and share my moments with them, but I'm almost 40 and I have found not a soul. People would rather bail on you for the slightest thing than stick with it or just bailing without even trying to know you at all. People have told me
>The right person will come along. The right person exists.
Who's to say that the right person won't even be born until I'm already dead? I mean, they were the right person, but it was never said that I would even have the chance to meet them. Even still other people say
>Maybe it's God's Will that you be alone.
I have an insatiable desire to be with someone, spend my life with them, share my hopes and dream with them nd it's God's Will that I never fulfill that? Is it selfish? Or is it because I have to suffer for some unknown reason?
Stay strong and good despite evil and injustice, Anon.
I just turned 30 recently and I've sorta stopped looking. Would love to have someone but I don't even know what sort of person that would be. Doesn't help that I'm a weird autist, but I guess everyone on this hellsite is
Have you ever seen the meme pic of Donald duck laying back in his chair while a cloud of poison drifts out of a radio, and he says "Thank you Jesus"?
If you have, I request that but with Zag in the place of Donald, and the poison radio being operated by Foxy Francine.
which one? Cause iirc there were two
Samson dressed as this guy (weapons included)
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ay welcome back!
Im sure you can tell it's slowed down a ton, as for those avatar posters, just about all of them left.
Even Ancestoranon left... It's so over
He's never left, he only watches from afar
>as for those avatar posters, just about all of them left.
and the place feels deader for it ngl
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Why is Zaggy always chasin after girls "In need" while Franny has to keep the den from fallin apart.
So much for using your head.
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And so as Jonah was cast into the water he found himself swallowed by a fish, but by his grace he was "saved" by his holy angel...and dinner was prepared.

if anyone has some bible quotes or story they want autistic lambified respond and I'll try to do it.
Bible Vore
Sodom & Gomorrah
Daniel & The Lions Den
The Crucifixion of Jesus(or in this case Lamb Jesus tied onto a scarecrow)
Jacob and Esau
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deader, sure, a thread will feel more deceased when it has less people blogposting and stirring drama
also fucking kek, Zag using Jonah as bait
He's using a different head
Thats fine by me though, means Franny isn't taken
We didn’t know how good we had it
alright add them to the list
it's so much worse when you type it out
good lord, does he have to lube up before hand or is she just that... easy access?
I always liked it when Jesus was dipicted a literal anthropomorphic lamb for some reason.
>stirring drama
only shit-stirrer was Noelle tho
Ancestorbro was just makin funny lil posts
Benny was lorecrafting
Is Zag a bottom, switch or top?
There are always exception to those rules
what do we think of this
doesn't help when all the artbros disappear for reasons unknown

captcha: SN4P
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His ass is not hiding
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this goes hard
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you better say yeehaw
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Why have you interrupted his morning newspaper time?
>a thread will feel more deceased when it has less people blogposting and stirring drama
this. the dayposter/nightposter shit was forced and gay
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There's something so funny about him not realizing how wide he is.
If you want the genuine answer, the main absolutely critical thing to comprehend is what your relationship with God is if you walk through the Holy Spirit in Christ. How much of those ideations and fantasies are misplaced characteristics that should be placed correctly into a relationship with God? Perfection? Never betrays? Always has the perfect intent and insight into what is best for you and interest in seeing your life completed in the most optimal way?
Piecemeal your expectations or desires for a mundane human relationship and see how many of the parts are really just inferior, wasted elements on a mortal relationship when those instinctual desires are meant for an eternal relationship
By the time you reach the things that are exclusive to the flesh, even if you are denied that, you are denied less than what some fantastical misappropriation started you in lacking

But before that, repent.
consummate your marriage you coward
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It's getting warm in the holy forest
Why is he so bitter about it though? Cute work!
Oh fuck, this a collection of gabby obsession kek.
I'm back /holy/, begun programming a new enemy and have enemies set up so their functions are based on scripts. This essentially means that chasing, teleporting, shooting projectiles are all enemy actions that I can execute with a single call instead of copy and pasting the code for each enemy.

It's still a bit rough, but this will give me the opportunity to get creative with enemies.

Anyways, I linked a video of me testing out a teleporting enemy, they don't shoot projectiles yet, but will soon.

I think once a few more enemies are done, I will program in some items. That way a small demo of an early "endless mode" will be playable and I can finally start getting some feedback.

Also, I think I will take the plunge and see if I can give this game P2P multiplayer. I think the popularity of a game hinges heavily on how accessible it is, and forcing players to use parsec or steam coop will really discourage people from playing the coop feature.
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Swimsuit Gabby is patrician. Tastefully erotic hare.
Biblical fetish
now draw Francis' warm weather attire
Maybe I wanted to show him a cool rock, or toad that I have found.
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presented without comment
holy shit you draw Sam and Max perfectly my goodness
I think faithanon is still around somewhere, but he's not been namefagging or sperging out anymore which is a good sign
I'm not gonna say anything more, but can a drawfag doodle a kitten with Angel wings? Thanks if you can
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>"Anon. This better be important."
>Anon reveals the toad he found outside, which blinks one eye after the other. Kinda like how Jonah does
>"That's... That's real nice Anon, now put it back where you found it."
lamb!anon reminds me of Kris
draw them eating moss
Max touches her wing and gets fried with holy light
Oh wow
I will echo the sentiment of >>67068262
>lamb!anon seems hesitant to return it
>"Anon. Put it back. Would you like it if someone plucked you from your home out of the blue?"
>He shook his head
>"So go ahead and put it back where you found it."
>lamb!anon scuttled away on his hooves, back outside and out of Zag's hair
> Lamb!anon returns a few minutes later soaking wet and covered in pond scum
> Gabby comes in
> "What happened to him!?!" She demands
> "You were supposed to be watching him!"
> Zag tries to explain
> "It's not my fault... I mean, he had a damned toad, and-"
> Gabby ushers the shivering lamb away to get dried off and into a fresh robe
> "You are in so much trouble when Mikey finds out about this..." She calls over her shoulder
> Zag slumps back into his chair
> "I just told him to put the thing back where he found it." Grumbled Zag
> "Not jump in the freaking pond and go for a swim."
Man I wish I could draw good
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>He didn't sacrifice his soul to Azzy for better drawing skills
What soul?
>Gabby windows popup
>Antivirus start freaking out, doesn't know this "gabby" application and why it can change so much in the system
>"Hey JonAAAA!"
>Antivirus starts squaring up and trying to remove the gabby "malware"
How effective would your Antivirus be in this situation /holy/?
>implying i wouldn't just turn off my firewall for her
>implying any virus could get past her
Gabby would be a ring 0 rootkit, don't even kid yourself.
She'd nae nae on your antivirus and install TempleOS on your main drive.
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Francis! Such language!
He's not just German, he's Bavarian
>Requesting someone draw Francois wearing lederhosen and playing an accordion
That's why he's afraid of Mikey. She was there during The Crusades and never heard of nor seen him there.
Marty Learns Humility has been saved and put to a Rentry
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Hey /holy/nons, hope you all behaved yourself. I'm finally done with one hurdle, now got several others to go through in life, a pity we were put on this earth to party but we can't.
>May you be strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.
Colossians 1:11
Endurance is our greatest strength, humans have shown it time and time again, even when things seem at their worst, we will once again do it, like we always will.
stay strong anon
>Francois looked around, making sure no one saw him, and attempted to walk across the street
>Only to bump into the one angel hare he dreaded meeting...
>Angel Mikey
>"Oh... Good afternoon Angel Mikey. How has you day been?"
>"Good, just getting things for Samson before he goes off to school... What are you doing here?"
>"Oh you know me, got assistant duties to attend to."
>"Really now? I thought Marty wasn't that big a fan of mortal items."
>"Vell... That v-w-would be the case, but he's uh... Got plans for somezhing."
>"Oh really now? Mind telling me? 'Francois'."
>"I-i vould much love to but oh vould you look at zhe time I better get zhe move on!" Francois attempted to run off, only to find himself stuck in place due to Mikey holding onto his tail
>"I know you're lying. You've been lying to everyone, does Marty know who you really are?"
>"Who do you think put me into zhis position dummkopf? Riley? Marty chose me because of my superior skills."
>"Orrr, he chose you because the only type of person who could reliably deal with his ignorant dogma is a Na-"
>"SHHHHH!" Francois shushed the angel before looking to make sure they were alone
>"Look, I vas a member of zhe Nazi party, are you happy now? But zhose days are behind me now. Bezides, I vas never a true believer in zhat whole 'oh zhe Juden are sho evil and corrupt. Von't somevun zhink of zhe poor untermensch.' scheiße."
>"Oh really? Then why do you avoid being around Francine?"
>"Guilt. Zhat and I think she knows about my past."
That reminds me; is the person that runs the story bin still around? I wanted to read that one long rentry about SK Jonah but I found the bin to be woefully outdated.
Sk Jonah?
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Next comic page will feature several images to gawk at

The neon colored furries aren't those colors naturally, they dye both their hair and fur as part of a subculture that's super into neon and bright colors, as they see it as a form of rebellion against "the system"

Also Set got a quick shave for some reason (and a rat is now playing in his beard hair)
Looks good
Ah sorry, the Town of Salem part of my brain is leaking
Serial Killer Jonah
Ohhh! False Jonah, yeah I get it now.
wtf jonah is nk again? bullshit man all I ever get is guardian angel
commit sudoku under the moonlight
>"Gee Whiz Angel Zaggy-"
>"Don't call me that."
>"-Ah sure am glad Francine, Mikey, and Gabby are out there havin' fun on that girl's trip of theirs. Do ya... get the feelin' we forgot somethin'?"
>Zag rustled his newspaper, smugly reading the 'caught criminal' section.
>"If it was actually important we wouldn't have forgotten."
>Thunder boomed overhead as Lamb Jonah and Lamb/Armadillo Pup Anon took shelter inside of the concessions stand, wind whipping at their 'Lil Cherubs' junior soccer team uniforms.
>"It's because we lost the game." Anon solemnly states.
>Jonah nods, sadly.
I'll try n update it rq
There was an origin one for sk Jonah that I know of, but I don't know where any others might be. Was that the one you wanted?
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Okay I updated it!
If I missed one, post it and I'll add it.
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Cut to them kissing
(Hope someone redraws this so it looks better, it's not my best work)
If he doesn't get those boys home safe and sound before the girls return, then I suspect that his newspaper may find itself stuffed up where the sun don't shine.
Also gave the art dropbox a update
still so much art to archive, but hopefully this is a start
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Someone has redrawn it
...that's good
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>"It's because we lost the game." Anon solemnly states.
I dont know if I should laugh or cry
The one that was in the update was the one that I was thinking of.
Thank you.
I miss him...
Laugh, because they now know what happens to failures.
Little harsh don't you think?
The world is harsher.
Damn these lambs gay as hell. Good for them
Fair enough
porn of sheep jonah and sheep anon having sex and Gabby/Mikey walking in on them
The question is... who tops?
Jonah, out of sure autism
I imagine them kissing and frotting
I've been on this thread long enough to tell that Anon is a fucking bottom who attempts to top
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Oouuuugh, bnnuy
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I find it actually funny to do this with my old gabby cap drawing
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>"It's because we lost the game." Anon solemnly states.
>Jonah nods, sadly.
>A minivan came nearby where the two were taking shelter, and the driver side window rolled down to show that it was Benny behind the wheel
>"Wha-! J-! What are you boys doing out during this weather?!"
>"Zaggy and Francis didn't pick us up after our soccer match because we lost."
>Benny shook his head as the side door opened, "Get inside and put on your seatbelts."
>The two autistic little kids ran over and into the seats before buckling up
>Benny closed the open door and drove towards where Francis & Zag were, which just so happened to be Gabby's house
>"Kids, when we get there. I'd like you two to take a shower, brush your teeth and go to bed. I'm gonna have a grown-up talk with Francis and Zaggy."
>Jonah nodded mindlessly but Anon seemed intrigued
>"What kind of talk Uncle Benny?"
>"A very serious one. So don't be scared if you hear some yelling."
>Anon nodded, he knew when Uncle Benny was upset, he got UPSET
>Very quickly Gabby's doorbell rang
>"Ah'll get it." Francis announced before waddling to the door and opening it
>"How can I help y-" he looked up to see a scowling Saint Benedict and the two kids Francis and Zag left behind
>"O-oh dear."
based benny
unca benny
Super odd that Jonah's babysitter sounded just like that cartoon character and was also named Gabriel

Crazy coincidence really
Is that how Gabby got Jonah's dad? Did she lure him somewhere private with the promise of some naughty babysitter shenanigans and then quietly slit his throat where no one could see?
Sneaky angel hare...
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>"Kids. Do as I told you on the way here. Me and the adults are gonna have a very loud conversation."
>The kids ran off to do as they were told, meanwhile Uncle Benny shut the door behind him and glared at Francis
>With every step forward Francis took a step back
>Benny grabbed Francis by the ears and dragged him over to where Zaggy was reading the paper
>"Zagzagel you should be ashamed of yourself! You are Francis left those poor kids out in the rain when you were supposed to pick them up from their soccer match!"
Old candy kills the badger
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Huh, I found something.

Poorly described, it’s /holy/ Earthbound Animal Crossing?
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/uh/s been on that project for a while now, the religious Earthbound Animal Crossing is just one aspect of it.
Huh okay. What does /uh/ stand for, and where can I find it? I must be woefully out of the loop.
Nvm, it’s unfiction horror, here on /trash/
We were all woefully out of the loop, /uh/ was the ones that were discussing angel hare when it was first running.
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Every time I come back to this board there's more and more OC's. Love it :)
Every time I come back to this board there's more and more OC's. Hate it >:(
Soon everyone will have badger husband..
Sounds like Heaven
Ohhhh, boy it's so HHHOT!
Ah, I remember seeing that
not from /uh/ though
Has there been any updates?
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Are Demon hares...Digimon?
>Are Demon hares...Digimon?
what make you say that?
Yeah, back when I first saw it, there was only one part, and now it looks like there's three
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>Demon Hare boxes
What wicked debauchery have those naughty hares been broadcasting?
Seems they are more technologically aware than the angels, given Gabbys traditional ways and Zaggys computer illeteracy. .
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What about my fiveskin?
>Exodus 4:25
>Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and threw it at Moses’ feet, and she said, “You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me.”
Gabby would weep at how often people cut off foreskins back in the day.
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>Page 10
Absolutely not.
She's got 10 tons of ass underneath that cutoff
Nice, wholesome, angel bnnuy...
I have a lewd idea for a green again. I will have a think, and will post later should anything come of it.
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bunny at the beach!
Hello I am in need of Zag Wylde art. The more official looking, the better. And if you can post something actually official, even better.
Too hot imo
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Update Time
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Hear me out.
I hear ya
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I'm curious, but
You have my attention
What's in the box?! What's in the fuckin' box!?
> A couple of large oranges suddenly fall out from under her robe, revealing her ruse
> "Dangit..." Curses Gabby, her cunning plan to simulate a juicy bust like that of her sister thwarted once again...
> "Oh sweet, oranges!" Gushes Jonah, completely oblivious as usual
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Supspace Emissary with unfiction characters.
Subspace? Yeah I enter that a lot
Sounds good to me
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Wow I do not remember drawing that, wacky.
That's because it's a picture that actually happened in real life
Oh okay my bad
zag is my spirit animal
I'd say Riley is mine
I flip between Marty & Riley
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Gabby swooning over Jonah is adorable. I like to think each angel does the same to there humans
Is the magma dead?
wha why remove
what was removed
Here we see a jealous Zag rant about Jonah, in song form!

>"Ohhhh God I hate Jonah!"
>"That's right I said it!"
>"I do! I hate Jonah!"
>"I just don't get it how a mediocre mortal from some godforsaken town! Is suddenly the man Gabby wants her arms around! Ohh God I hate Jonah! His brain is muddy but oh no the great Jonah. That little fuddy has sense of danger he's always in a bind! The fact he's her favorite just boggles my damn mind!"
Mikey doesn't seem like a swooner to me
Perhaps not, but she's not above a bit of bragging about how well her Anon's muscles are coming along...
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>turn on TV
>want to watch my favorite shows
>it's just jackalope pussy
Curse these demon hares
(Yeah Nevermind this was kinda dumb)
>it's just jackalope pussy
I have demon dicks on mine, which is strange but welcomed
Ha! Gaaayyyy!
> Turn on TV to watch the game
> It's just Beezy twerking in front of the screen, all day, everyday
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Exquisite taste
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The bun most holy. This is adorable anon very good job
Binding of Isaac mod when
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But until then
Playable character or item?
they're both easy mode, but they're each a different kind of easy mode
Gabby's Blessed Tears are like Hollywood Acid to enemies, dealing no direct damage, but having MASSIVE DoT; she also takes no damage from anything and can fly
Zag, conversely, just whips out his gun and shoots enemies, instakilling them and dealing hefty damage to bosses; he can also fly and has immunity to damage
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Playable character I believe
Items are being made
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Isaac thinks Gabriel hates him
Why's the lil Francis dead!?!
He's just sleepy
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He's not dead, but in a deathlike slumber.
Which can only be cured by love's first kiss.
Well, that's just fine then.
Nah >>67119637 lies to you
Francis is dead

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