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/gmad/ - Gay Monsters, Aliens and Demons Thread #555
"TRIPS" Edition

A /gayy/ & /doom/ Company tm et. all of xenophilia and teratophilia on trash for degenerates who like weird dicks and other overlooked assortments.
Things we like
>Monsters, aliens, and demons. (Copyrighted or otherwise)
>Fantasy/mythical creatures. (Dragons, werewolves, etc.)
>Unconventional furry species.
Things we don’t like
>Sparkledogs (MLP)
>Conventional furry species (Lions, tigers, and bears (oh my))
>Humans by themselves
General consensus is to just post what you like; if less than two people complain about it, it should be okay. We’re all chill here, so let’s keep it that way.

Previous thread:

Steam Group:

/gmad/ Radio:

/gmad/ Tagmap:

[Updated 10-08-2023]

Recent as of 17-07-2023
Dragon Marine & Xenomorphs Story (Gory/Bad Ending)

Recent as of 10-08-2023
Dragon slit play story
Skyrim Modding Rentry (see below in resources)

Monstrous Resources:
Gmad artists, and where to find them (Open Suggestions):
Gmad artist list only (Open Suggestions):
Moth-Bitch's basic coloring tutorial (Paint Tool SAI):
Master List of Lewd Warhammer Mods:
Skyrim Modding Rentry:
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I'm rather looking forward to the new DOOM game
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>tfw no slowly petrifying dragon bf
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oh i like the stone colors on that one
>tfw no slowly petrifying dragon bf who knows his condition can't easily be cured so he asks you to have some fun with him before the inevitable happens and you have to go on an adventure to save him
Hopefully we'll get art of all the new hunks
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>girl i know is sending me gmads
how did she know? she doesn't know anything about my sexuality
What game is this?
Maybe she's a databroker, who knows.
Good to have you back! I hope all is well!
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dragon's dogma online

>drawn by another guy who paywalls alts
monkey paw'd
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CURSE YOU BAAAAAYLE [nospoiler]for being so hot[/nospoiler]
>knowing girls
very cringe
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A friend's gf has a calendar with pinups of milfy cryptids on it. How I wish they were cryptid himbos instead.
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Drawfrens are the bestest <3
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I'm not sure if this is gmad enough
Almost missed this post.
Very handsome lion skull boy, rare to see high quality OC these days.
I'm not sure either, but I am hard if that makes a difference.
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Dragons dogma online? Is there a way to play in english? How is it?
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i just got the images from last thread
i didn't actually play it
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Work bump
ye, dat was the Tar Lion oc of a friend he commissioned. High detail like this gies fr 85$ this days hehe)
Man that was a poorly written word salad, sorry everyone ahah
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My beloved...
Omg he's such a QT!
Based drawfriend back at it again
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i need squid dick

Really like how that uncut cock looks in this piece
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Uncut when drawn right is pure diamonds terirotry, there was one anon here who got commissions with the best foreskins with that skin droop.. Unf pure bliss
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Volcanic gmad doodle
What would be the best elemental gmad
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how kisse?
yes yes yes yes i love mutated bat daddy
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worth EVERY burn
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He's hot
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big monster x female is popular and yaoi is monstly for women
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>Oh neat, wonder if there's more
>check e621
How in the fuck is that the only apparently male porn art of those things, while there's like 16 female artwork?
I'm starting to think genuine gay monster artists are a dying breed, and not "monster" artists
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what do you think fluffy bondrewd smells like? sunshine and baked potatoes?
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Probably smells like my cat's chest fluff, so a bit earthy mixed with whatever she's been sleeping in
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After seeing so many drawn with droopy openings or partial coverage I've come to appreciate when artists drawn foreskins that fully cover with a tight opening. I like seeing the diversity I'd see in life.
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Another demon doodle, this one is meh
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Ask and ye shall recieve, here's a doodle of uncut dragon husband bending over you at the nudist beach to reach for the water.
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We need more art of cell in his first form
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I love breeding monsters bros...
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so based
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how am i supposed to focus on the MSQ with all these hunks walking around not to mention all the lizardmen
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I don't really get the hype around this game, but at least these big fucks are hot.
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I want to kiss him...
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teach me how to kiss a skull head
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very carefully
tongue first, from the tip of their boney nose alll the way up their foreskull
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I feel like skull heads would be the perfect monster for me because of my debilitating autism that makes kissing weird and gross and I don't like it
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That is not proper kissing. You could let your skullhead daddy dominate your mouth with that strong tongue. Or you could worship those huge fangs by using your lips and tongue to kiss und suck them
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press your lips against his hole, duh.
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Still like the cock tho, looks nice & meaty
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would you a demon who can only cum if you use him as a coat rack while also having sex with him
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>fang sucking
too lewd!
I think this is really good art, but I kiiiiinda hate how the artist (@OnePotatoATime on Twitter) made this with an artstyle really similar to the AI art that's been posted here recently (Especially the cock)
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Would it be wrong to sell out some instant portable shelf space? Would he get turned on by that?
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Wake up!
But I want to snooze (and wake up in a gmad's arms)
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Then dream, dream away
hmmmm...... rock heart dragonman.....
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>papa titan on /v/ as the OP of an 'eck thread
You have no idea how much I want to be able to use just the head of it like you can in Dark Souls
same i actually wanted to make the buriedbornes dragoon this time
I was having the big think about sexy caprine demons n such, One hand i think anthro goats, rams n such are sexy on the other hand im christian and it puts me off so i was doing some research. demons that have the brimstone symbol on them technically would be spirits of gods wrath given the fact what angels actually look like, it wouldn’t be too far off that they would look scary and animal like to scare off evil people and evil spirits.
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his stuff is so goooo-d
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Bit of a late reply, but I like delving more into the nuance of religious beings/beliefs. And how things ain’t really as black and white, that others may state. I’m mainly catholic by birth, but pagan otherwise in belief. And although the household isn’t religiously active since 2013; I’ve been put off with how people (parents) act in regards to their beliefs, towards other. It’s wild how being friends with similar pagan peeps, along with wendigoons sunday studies/bible related videos, made me want to learn more of abrahamic faiths. Honestly wants me to delve the aspect into writings.

Still been cooking up the Hazbin/helluva boss project. Especially fleshing out what I want to say with the story/project. I still want to keep it silly fun in some arcs/moments, and not act like I’m above the source material, like remake writers. Same flip note, I want to include the religious, and moral aspects more. Especially with the original shows concepts about redemption and what not. —
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-- Got a brief synopsis so far here. Along with summary write ups like the ones I posted a few threads ago. But been writing down more ideas to implement, along with plot progression. Not gonna be posting much updates. Just gonna keep on working on it. And hoping to deliver some visuals as well.

Also side note; but I will be adding more gmad aspect/gay relations with the new characters. And while I respect the design of the original HB&HH characters, I will change up the body type variations. Or at least recontextualize them, with the style I want to bring.
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